javascript dom

1 Javascript DOM Peter Atkinson

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Javascript DOM. Peter Atkinson. Objectives. Understand the nature and structure of the DOM Add and remove content from the page Access and change element attributes – including source and class Insert markup into a page using innerHTML Change style attribute using Javascript. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Javascript DOM


Javascript DOM

Peter Atkinson

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• Understand the nature and structure of the DOM

• Add and remove content from the page

• Access and change element attributes – including source and class

• Insert markup into a page using innerHTML

• Change style attribute using Javascript

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What is the DOM?

• Browser Wars 1997

• W3C standardised DOM 1998

• End of ‘browser sniffing’

• Document Object Model – an API that can be used by any language. A knowledge of the DOM will help with PHP or XML

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Nodes Organise the Page

<html><head> <title>My page</title></head><body> <p>This is text on my



head body



“my page”



“This is text on my page”

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What is a Node?

• Element Node – contains an HTML tag

• Text Node – contains text

• Text Nodes are contained in Element Nodes

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Adding Some Text To A Page

There are five steps:

1. Create a new Element

2. Create new Text

3. Append the new Text to the new Element

4. Find an existing Element

5. Append the new Element to the existing Element

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1. Create New Element Node

Let us, say create a new <p> tag (element) so that we can attach some text to it

For convenience, we can put the new object into a variable

var newNode;

newNode = document.createElement(“p”)

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2. Create a Text Node

Next, create a text node

Again, for convenience, we can put the new text node into a variable

var newText;

newText = document.createTextNode(“Some text.”)

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3. Attach the New Text Node to the New Element

To put the text into the page, we have to attach the text node to the new HTML element:


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4.Find an Existing Element

The new element with our text node attached to it is still floating around in a Javascript world. We need to find an existing element so that we can attach it

For convenience, we shall put this existing element into a variable

var docElement;

docElement = document.getElementById(“thisLocation”);

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5. Append the New Element to the Existing Element

To insert our text into the page, we now have to append the new element to the existing element


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Putting the 5 Steps TogetherHands On: Try out this code

<head><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">var myText;myText = "This is new text to be added to the page dynamically.";function addText(location) {

var newNode;var newText;var docElement;newNode = document.createElement("p");newText = document.createTextNode(myText);newNode.appendChild(newText);docElement = document.getElementById(location);docElement.appendChild(newNode);

}</script></head><body><p><a href="#" onclick="addText('thisLocation');">Click to add new text to the page</a></p><p id="thisLocation">New text will appear below here</p><p>Some further text in the page</p></body>

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Remove a Node

• To remove a node, we use the element method removeChild(name of node to be removed)

• For example:function remText(location) {

var docElement; docElement = document.getElementById(location); docElement.removeChild(docElement.lastChild);

}Hands OnModify your HTML page so that the user can click on some

text to remove the text that was inserted

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• getElementById() allows you to work with elements by their individual id but often you will want to work with a group of elements

• getElementsByTagName() allows you to work with groups of elements. This method returns an array

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Using getElementsByTagName()

• Hands On• Open the file JavascriptDOM1.html• Insert this code at the bottom of the document

body:<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">theseElements = new Array;theseElements = document.getElementsByTagName("li");alert(theseElements.length);</script>

• Now try substituting the tag name li with the wild card *. Try the code in both IE and Firefox.

• Are you surprised by the number of nodes?

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Stepping Through an Array of Nodes

• We can step through the array of nodes and check what kind of node it is:for (i = 0; i < theseItems.length; i++) {

alert(typeof theseItems[i]);


Hands On

Add this code to JavascriptDOM1.html

Execute the code

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Where on the Node Tree?

• childNodes– nodeList = node.childNodes

• firstChild– reference = node.firstChild

• lastChild

• nextSibling

• parentNode

• previousSibling

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Attribute Nodes

• We can get at the attributes of an element through attribute nodes

• Attribute nodes, like text nodes are always contained in element nodes

• We shall look at methods:– getAttribute()– setAttribute()

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Getting Attribute Nodes• Hands On• Open the file JavascriptDOM2.html• Add this code to alert the attribute of an element:

function dispAttribs() {var messg;attribs = new Array;attribs = document.getElementsByTagName("p");for (i = 0; i < attribs.length; i++) {

messg = attribs[i].getAttribute("className");alert(messg);}

}• Add this to the bottom of the body:

<p onclick="dispAttribs();">Click here to see class attributes</p>• Try this in Firefox• Point to consider: why is this attribute called ‘className’?

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Setting Attribute Nodes

• Hands On• Open the file JavascriptDOM2.html• Add this code to change the attribute of an element:

function chngAttribs() {var messg;

attribs = new Array;attribs = document.getElementsByTagName("p");for (i = 0; i < attribs.length; i++) {


}• Add this to the bottom of the body:

<p onclick="chngAttribs();">Click here to change class attributes</p>

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User inserts and removes text

• Hands On

• Use file JavascriptDOM3.html

• Place code in this page so that:– When the user mouseovers on an image, the

relevant text appears– When the user mouseouts on an image, the

text disappears

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Accessing Images

• Hands On• Open JavascriptDOM4.html• Examine the layout of the page• We are going to modify the behaviour of the

page so that instead of the images displaying in a new window, they display on the same page

• Write a function that will alter the source of the placeholder image on the page to another image

• Call this function from the onclick event of each link

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Suggested Solution

• Hint:

• Get the value of the attribute href from the link

• Find the placeholder node

• Set the src attribute of the placeholder to be the same value as the href attribute of the link

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function showPic(whichpic) {var source = whichpic.getAttribute("href");var placeholder = document.getElementById("placeholder");placeholder.setAttribute("src",source);

}In each link, we need an onclick event: onclick="showPic(this);return false;"

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Web Page Architecture

• Graceful Degradation = your site is navigable by users who do not have Javascript

• Progressive Enhancement = page built in layers:

HTML for Markup

CSS for Presentation

Javascript for Functionality



l Deg






e E




The page should be constructed using 3 different files – one for each layer

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Graceful Degradation

• Does this degrade gracefully?<a href=“#” onclick=“popUp(‘’); return

false;”)>Link to Example</a>

This does degrade gracefully:<a href=“”

onclick=“popUp(‘’); return false;”)>Link to Example</a>

But it is a little clumsy. There is a shortcut:<a href=“” onclick=“popUp(this.href);

return false;”)>Link to Example</a>

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Progressive Enhancement

• Graceful Degradation follows from Progressive Enhancement

• We need to separate the Javascript from the markup by removing the event handlers from the HTML completely

• We can attach events to HTML tags in the Javascript using the attributes class and id

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Unobtrusive Javascript

• Examine this code:window.onload = prepareLinks;function prepareLinks() {

var links = document.getElementsByTagName(‘a’);for (var i=0; i<links.length; i++) {

if (links[i].className == “popup”) {links[i].onclick = function() {

popUp(this.getAttribute(“href”));return false;}



Attaches code to the onclick event of tags which have been identified by their class name

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Using Unobtrusive Javascript• Hands On• Open JavascriptDOM4.html• Remove the onclick event handlers• In each a tag put the attribute class=“popup”• Enter the code from the example given so that it

is unobtrusively called from the onclick event

• Also enter this code to open a popup window:function popUp(winURL) {,”popup”,”width=320,height=480”);


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Backwards Compatibility

• Although most browsers fully support the DOM, some do not support it completely.

• Browser sniffing is too convoluted, so best to check for specific features

• Put this line of code at the beginning of a function if (!document.getElementsByTagName) return false;

• So, if the browser does not support this method the function will stop

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Tidying Up

• Hands On• To follow through the principle of completely separating

the three layers, we need to put all our Javascript in a separate file

• Open JavascriptDOM4.html• Put the Javascript code into a new file called

javascriptdom4.js• Put a link into the head:• <script type=“text/javascript” language=“javascript”

src=“javascriptdom4.js” />• Put checks into the code to ensure that your page

gracefully degrades if the user’s browser does not have sufficient level of support for Javascript

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• Hands On• In the body of a blank HTML page insert a div

tag:<div id=“test”>This will be replaced</div>

• In the head of the page place this code:window.onload = function() {var testdiv = document.getElementBy Id(“testdiv”);testdiv.innerHTML = “<p>Now we have inserted

<em>this</em> instead!</p>”;}

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Using innerHTML

• All the HTML in the tag is replaced when the innerHTML method is used

• innerHTML is not part of the DOM – so it may one day disappear – though it is universally recognised by browsers

• Tags within the innerHTML are not part of the DOM tree so they cannot be manipulated

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Recap• Hands On• Now let us use the DOM to insert the same HTML into the div

tag1. Create an element node “p” assigned to the variable para2. Create a text node assigned to the variable txt1 (‘Now we

have inserted’)3. Append txt1 to para4. Create an element node em assigned to the variable

emphasis5. Append emphasis to para6. Create a text node assigned to the variable txt2 (‘this’)7. Append txt2 to emaphasis8. Append emphasis to para9. Create a text node assigned to the variable txt3 (‘instead!’)10.Append txt3 to para11.Append para to the element testdiv in the document

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Javascript and CSS

• Hands On• Open file JavascriptDOM6.html and

examine the code• Now try out each of the 3 user events• What do you notice about the difference

between appendChild and insertBefore?Syntax of insertBefore:

parentElement.insertBefore(newElement, targetElement)

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Points about CSS

• If style is set inline, it can be manipulated using Javascript

• If style is set by CSS, Javascript cannot directly manipulate it

• However, Javascript can set the style of the element and override the CSS

• Also, Javascript can indirectly manipulate style using the class tag

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Changing the Class Attribute

• A useful way of manipulating style through Javascript is to add a second class to an element eg:thiselement.className += “ newclass”;– adds the class ‘newclass’ to the class attribute

• Hands On• Open file JavascriptDOM7.html• Create a style for the tags with the class plain• Create a further style with more emphasis called

‘emphatic’• Write Javascript code that adds the emphatic class to an

element as the user mouseovers and removes it when the user mouseouts

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• Understand the nature and structure of the DOM

• Add and remove content from the page

• Access and change element attributes – including source and class

• Insert markup into a page using innerHTML

• Change style attribute using Javascript