jci quatre bornes newsletter 1 2015

e-Newsletter Issue 1 | April 2015

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JCI Quatre Bornes e-Newsletter Issue 1 - 2015


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Message from 2015 Na onal President

Message from 2015 Local President

Savinia 2015

JCI Mauri us Induc on Course 2015

2015 JCI Mauri us The Young Outstanding Person (TOYP) - 29th Edi on

Visit of 2015 JCI VP, Dinamalala Rajaobelison to Mauri us

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Placing your trust in JCI and marching on with your own contribu on towards a be er community, JCI along with your help will hold on steadfastly to its convic on, never missing to serve its ci zen.

It is a great honour to be the editor of JCI Quatre-Bornes this year and I convey my profound thanks to all those who have contributed in delivering this newsle er.

We are looking forward to see greater impact and achievement from all of our members and aspiring members in order to contribute in our society.

Wish you a pleasant reading.

Thaleena Jogeedoo

2015 JCI Newsle er Chief- Editor

Dear Readers,

Welcome to the first issue of newsle er 2015 of JCI Quatre-Bornes.

This newsle er brings to you readers an update on its recent ac vi es, developments and new ini a ves of JCI Quatre-Bornes. e-N


Editorial Team -Local President Jhateen Ramnarain -Local Vice President Dana Sunassee

-Member Vrinda Bhujun -Member Hanisha Seebhoo -Member Ismael Essackjee

Special thanks to all those who contributed to the making of our first

issue of 2015 newsle er

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Message from 2015 Na onal President e-N


Dear Members, Senators and Aspiring members,

It is an honour for me to share with you these few words for this first issue of the newsle er of JCI Quatre Bornes.

First, I wish to seize this opportunity to congratulate JCI Quatre Bornes for kick star ng this year with enthusiasm and passion by a strengthening of JCI brotherhood at Saviniah event, and a successful hos ng of the first induc on for 2015.

This year is a unique one for our organisa on, as we are celebra ng the 100th anniversary of the JCI movement. A year of excitement and also a year of opportunity to connect or reconnect our members, senators, aspiring members and past members, with the JCI history, philosophy and values. Your local organisa on has a rich history and fantas c opportuni es for connec on.

Last year rebuilding process, through the Power of We, has shaped founda ons to set the achievements of 2015 in a year of con nuity. You, members, senators and aspiring members of JCI Quatre Bornes, have commi ed yourself to shine, to unite and achieve.

This brainwave reminds me of the words of the American poet, Ma e Stepanek, who said that “Unity is strength... when there is teamwork and collabora on, wonderful things can be achieved.”

We have faith that unity will be your strength this year, as we do promote it at na onal level with our mo o Unite to Impact. As ac ve ci zens we know that we have to take advantage of every opportunity offered to us for wonderful things to happen.

To end, I would like to share with you that one of the perks of being Na onal President is to be in contact with passionate members and senators almost every day. Their passion are contagious and make you feel like you can embrace every challenge that come forth.

We remain realis c and genuine in our belief that our organisa on can only Be Be er. We have started a few demanding building sites since the start of this year, with the implementa on of the Good Governance no on, the principles of Good treasury and transparency, the promo on of Interna onalism and the 100th celebra ons. All these required the involvement of each one of you. 2015 is the year that we call for ac ons, as for us a good example is the best sermon.

Yours to Impact,

Nousrina Peerbux 2015 JCI Mauri us Na onal President

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Message from 2015 Local President

Dear Members, Senators, Aspiring Members,

It gives me immense pleasure to address you a few words in the first edi on of JCI Quatre Bornes newsle er.

Last year we started a profound restructuring of the chapter and it is with a sense of con nuity that we started the year 2015. The first quarter was mainly focused at ge ng all our records and accounts properly set in order to ensure a serene future of the chapter. This endeavour will go on throughout the year.

Nevertheless, during the past three months, JCI Quatre Bornes has also organised a successful team bonding ac vity namely Savinia. This event was able to gather current and past members as well as friends of JCI under one roof. Furthermore, JCI Quatre Bornes hosted the first Induc on Course of JCI Mauri us, which was a huge success as well. We have been also lately entrusted the responsibility to host the visit of JCI Vice President, Dinamalala Rajaobelison to whom Mauri us is assigned.

JCI Quatre Bornes soon intends to launch its first Ac ve Ci zenship Framework (ACF) project as well as to host the JCI Mauri us Public Speaking Compe on.

I seize this opportunity to congratulate member Thaleena and her team for the effort put in producing this newsle er. I also wish to thank all the 2015 board members, members, senators and aspiring members for their dedica on and commitment towards JCI Quatre Bornes.

When the path is charming, commitment is effortless. So, let us in unity; focus on the bigger picture; on the mission and vision of the organisa on and con nue to make the JCI journey a charming one.

Jhateen Ramnarain

2015 JCI Quatre Bornes Local President



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Local President 2015

Local Vice President 2015 Simi Gopaul

Jhateen Ramnarain

Local Board of JCI Quatre-Bornes 2015 e-N


Local Vice President 2015 Dana Sunassee

Local Secretary Andy Chan Soon Sen

Local Treasurer Rajneesh Khedan

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Savinia Re-awakening

Located in the south part of Mauri us in a peaceful, green, breezy and sea facing place, Savinia reawakens the essence of joy, fun, bonding and amusement in each and every member of the JCI family. Savinia is a place associated with unforge able memories in the mind of JCI members.

As a team building event, Savinia has been one of the oldest tradi ons of JCI Quatre- Bornes. It is the kick start event of the year and it is foremost the moment where new members and aspiring members get to meet other members of all local chapters.

Celebrated on the 7th of March 2015, Savinia has known the highest par cipa on rate with nearly 71 JCI members & aspiring members on board. Despite the gloomy weather, everybody enjoyed themselves dancing in the rain adding which was an add-on to the foam party bash.

Drenched in the rain, colors added more fun to Savinia 2015. Members of the Na onal Board brought more excitement with the celebra on of Holi. Besides, the tradi onal “fusi dilo” brought us back to our childhood memories. A tombola draw was organized where three winners were proclaimed. To celebrate the 100 years’ of JCI, the 100th name on the tombola was recompensed. Addi onally, to celebrate Interna onal Woman’s Day, JCI Quatre- Bornes recompensed the first lady who booked for Savinia 2015. Gi Vouchers from Queen’s of Nail Spa and bo les of wine were gi ed to our lucky winners. As a whole, all can say that Savinia 2015 was very successful: happiness was shared, plenty of good food, good music rocked the dance floor.

As the Project Director, much was learned in terms of Public Rela ons and Networking. I had the opportunity to interact with various people of the Food & Beverages industry thereby promo ng the ac vi es of JCI. I seize the opportunity to express my hear elt gra tude to our sponsors; Oxenham E.C&CY. LTD, Phoenix Beverages, Panagora Marke ng, Interna onal Dis llers Mauri us, Queens of Nail & Spa amongst others. I also wish to thank my team members Bhavna Nobaub, Aneesha Seesurrun, Ismael Essackjee, Mi sh Durbarry, Yash Seesurrun, Local President Jhateen Ramnarain and Local Secretary Andy Chan for their con nuous support and for having a great team spirit, and Local Vice Presidents Dana Sunassee and Simi Gopaul for their valuable advices and help throughout the project.

JCI Quatre- Bornes would like to say a huge thanks to everyone who par cipated in Savinia 2015. Thank you for suppor ng our event.

Hanisha Seeboo Project Director, Savinia 2015



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Organized this year by the JCI Quatre-Bornes, JCI Mauri us Induc on Course 2015 held on was successfully held at the JCI Secretariat, Quatre-Bornes on Sunday 15th March. A full house of a endees, mostly aspiring members from different local chapters, were given a whole day of lessons, shared knowledge, skills and tools. It was an enriching experience for the aspiring members, Local Chapters and Na onal Board to share and promote the Power of We, the Brotherhood Spirit and Belief. The induc on covered mainly three main parts, respec vely introducing the following topics: the JCI Achieve presented by Na onal Vice President Ashveena Mewa, the Parliamentary Procedure presented by Na onal Treasurer David Commarmond. This course helps to understand one’s values and that of JCI, consists of crea ng the ac vi es and ‘etat d’esprit’ needed to develop JCI members into ac ve ci zen. During the same day, JCI Impact was presented by Senate Secretary Ryad Subra y. It aimed for JCI members and aspiring members who want to apply the Ac ve Ci zen Framework to implement projects. It covers the needs of the communi es, the roots of the problem and the changes that can be brought forward.

The aim of this induc on was to repurpose the JCI organiza ons, by help-ing the poten al/aspiring members present to understand some important aspects of JCI in general. It was a reassuring sight to see that youngsters are showing enthusiasm towards joining JCI. JCI Quatre-Bornes would like to thank all of those who a ended and contributed to the course held.

JCI Mauri us Induc on Course 2015



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sletter JCI Mauri us Induc on Course 2015 in pictures

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Visit of 2015 JCI Vice President- Dinamalala Rajaobelison


sletter JCI Quatre-Bornes will be hos ng this year the visit of 2015 JCI Vice President, Dinamalala

Rajaobelison in Mauri us from 17th to 21st April 2015. The la er has been elected Vice President

at the last Interna onal Congress that took place at Leipzig (Germany) last year.

Being a member of JCI since 20 years and adap ng her mo o: “Never Give up, Focus and

Progess”, Dinamalala Rajaobelison’s main aim is to strengthen es with JCI Mauri us.

In view of the above men oned, JCI Quatre-Bornes has the immense pleasure to invite you to a

special members’ forum, followed by a dinner which is being hosted to honour the visit of 2015

JCI Vice President Dinamalala RAJAOBELISON assigned to Mauri us on Sunday 19 April 2015 as

from 17:30 at Great Delight Restaurant, Rose Hill.

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TOYP (The Young Outstanding Person) 2015

My experience as team member of the 2015 JCI Mauri us TOYP Project…

The TOYP (The Young Outstanding Person) is a flagship project of JCI which recognizes young people (between 18 to 40 years) who contribute to the society in a remarkable way; thereby encouraging them to keep up with their good work.

The idea of being a simple member on this project was scary at first, but now, I’m happy that I took up the challenge. I believe that doing things out of one’s comfort zone will definitely help the person to learn and grow in various ways – and this aligns with the reason I joined JCI.

I would like to thank the 2015 Local Board of JCI Quatre Bornes, who encouraged me a lot to join this project and who is constantly available for any assistance or advice needed.

Now ge ng into more serious things :)

2015 JCI Mauri us 29th Edi on of TOYP, being this year hosted by JCI Mauri us, has been officially launched today (15.04.2015) under the a new theme ’PERLE NOU PEI’, at IBL House, Port Louis, also introducing its Pla num Sponsor namely the IBL Group.

Those reading and knowing poten al candidates, please get in touch with the team. Cheers, Vrinda Bhujun 2015 JCI Mauri us TOYP Project Secretary



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JuniorChamberInternationalQuatre-Bornes P.O.Box77,Quatre-Bornes,Mauritius—http://www.jci.cc/quatrebornes

Tojoinus,[email protected] orcontactusthroughourFacebookpage:https://www.facebook.com/jciquatrebornes.mauritius