je booked on corruption charges rewxens clash at...

Srinagar freezes at -4.2, Jammu records season’s lowest temp Excelsior Correspondent SRINAGAR/ JAMMU, Dec 15: The cold wave intensified in Kashmir today with the minimum temperatures dropping several notches below the freezing point and Srinagar recorded the coldest night of the season at minus 4.2 degrees Celsius, whereas, Jammu recorded the lowest night temper- ature of the season. A Meteorological Department official said that the minimum temperature is likely to drop fur- ther across the region in the next four to five days as dry weather with clear night sky is expected during this period. Srinagar recorded the coldest night of the season at minus 4.2 degrees Celsius and at minus 19.0 degrees, Drass town in Kargil dis- trict was the coldest place in the State. The minimum temperature in Leh, Kargil, Gulmarg and Pahalgam on Saturday remained minus 13.6 degrees Celsius, minus 10.2 degrees Celsius, minus 11.5 degrees Celsius and minus 9.5 degrees Celsius, respectively. The maximum temperature in Srinagar, Leh, Kargil and Pahalgam was recorded at 10.1 degrees Celsius, 1.9 degrees Celsius, 1.2 degrees Celsius and 7. 0 degrees Celsius, respectively. Jammu recorded season's minimum night temperature of 5.5 degree Celsius. The night temperature across Jammu region is on downward trend over the past one week after the high alti- tude areas experienced snowfall. The night temperature fell by almost two degrees compared to the previous night to settle at 5.5 deg C, 3.7 notches below the nor- mal, during this part of season. However, a bright sun shone in the morning, providing some relief to the people from the chilly night. The night temperature in Jammu is further expected to fall in next couple of days, Met spokesman said. The holy township of Katra recorded a minimum temperature of 5.8 deg C, Batote 0.6 degree C and Bhaderwah minus 2.0 degrees Celsius. The maximum temperatures at Jammu remained 22.5 degrees Celsius, Katra 19.2 degrees Celsius, Batote 11.2 degrees Celsius and Bhaderwah 9.0 degrees Celsius. Villagers lit fire to have some relief from chilling cold on out- skirts of Jammu on Saturday morning. -Excelsior/Rakesh NC threatens State wide agitation if killings are not stopped Excelsior Correspondent SRINAGAR, Dec 15: National Conference General Secretary Ali Muhammad Sagar today said that Governor administration seeming- ly has given free hand to the secu- rity forces to aim at civilians like sitting ducks and has threatened State wide agitation if the killings are not stopped. Addressing a press conference at party headquarters, Sagar said: "The incumbent Governor admin- istration has no respect for human rights and basic fundamental rights. Our party in unison con- demns the killings in strongest terms as such acts reveal the dis- dain of incumbent Governor administration for human rights," he said. The NC General Secretary said that such unabated killing of civil- ians if not stopped will further deteriorate the already fragile situ- ation of our State. "Our party core group has time and again implored on incumbent Governor adminis- tration to put a thaw on civilian killings. But our pleas fell on deaf ears. We in fact took out a protest rally against these unabated killings but that too fell on deaf ears," he said. Sagar threatened State wide agitation if the killings are not stopped. "If the administration doesn't stop such unabated civil- ians killings we shall be obligated to carry out State wide protests against the disdain with which civilians are being devoured." NC General Secretary said people of Kashmir are being used as fodder by the central BJP led dispensation to increase their elec- toral prospects in other parts of the country. "Governor's vacillating statements on Kashmir add more confusion to the already grim situ- ation in our State. Governor, who is busy politicking, has miserably failed to implement his assur- ances," he said. Sagar said that Jammu and Kashmir is not a military colony. "We too have rights and privileges to live a dignified life. The dracon- ian law AFSPA which we want to be done away with has belittled the very dignity of human life. Even the recent assertions of former Home Minister P Chidambaram are reflective of how inhumane the law is. What aggravates the situa- tion is the laidback and sadistic atti- tude of central Government towards such civilian killings," he said. Party Provincial President Nasir Aslam Wani while address- ing a press conference said that SoP'S are not being adhered to dur- ing such operations. "The civilian killings are not acceptable to us or for that matter to any sane voice throughout the country. We demand a time bound inquiry on the incident. Civilians and militants are being treated in the same man- ner," he said, adding, "There ought to be some checks and balances to ensure that civilians aren't being killed. Had proper SoPs been adhered to such civilian killings might have been avoided." Senior NC leader, Ali Mohammad Sagar, addressing a press conference in Srinagar on Saturday. -Excelsior/Shakeel Mayor Chander Mohan Gupta addressing maiden General House meeting of JMC on Saturday. -Excelsior/Rakesh Corporators list suggestions as JMC General House meeting held Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Dec 15: In the maiden General House meeting of the newly constituted Jammu Municipal Corporation, all the Corporators cutting across party lines pressed hard for a suitable honorarium of around Rs 40 thousand to them besides high- lighting issues of public interest. In the marathon meeting, which lasted for more than seven hours, all the Corporators drew attention towards general issues of their respective wards and also listed suggestions for improvement in the functioning of JMC to keep Jammu city clean and green. They also stressed for extending 74th Amendment of the Panchayti Raj to J&K for more empowerment of the Local Bodies. A number of Corporators from different political parties and independ- ents also highlighted the issue of honorarium to them. They stressed said that a minimum of Rs 40-50 thousand honorarium should be given to each Corporator for carrying out their duties. The Corporators also stressed that small works of emergency nature should be car- ried out without inviting tenders as the exercise involved in invit- ing bids delays emergency nature works. In the presence of Mayor Chander Mohan Gupta, Deputy Mayor Purnima Sharma, JMC Commissioner Pankaj Magotra and Secretary Sunaina Mehta, each Corporator was given around five minutes to speak and list suggestions for better functioning of the JMC. The meeting began with cir- culation of agenda, comprising 11 items, which included open- ing of school for children of the Municipal employees, opening of dispensary for the Municipal employees, speed up recruit- ment of SKCs, issuance of pro- motion orders of official cleared in earlier DPC, beautification of JMC walls, development of `No Parking Zone' in JMC premises, ensure plantation in and around JMC, procurement of sufficient street lights, outsourcing of autos, deployment of SKCs for night sanitation and animal birth control programme. All the agenda items were unanimously passed by the House even as a few Corporators registered their reservations over not circulating the agenda prior to the meeting. The General House also agreed to the suggestion for at least one meeting in a month. First Monday of each month was selected for holding General House meeting. Earlier, after introductory remarks by Secretary Sunaina Mehta, Mayor Chander Mohan Gupta addressed the House and appealed all the Corporators to list suggestions for improving the functioning of JMC. He stressed that clean and green Jammu should be the objective of everyone and he was confi- dent that each Corporator would leave no stone unturned for achieving the target. He said that people of Jammu have great expectation from their Corporators as JMC elections have been held after a long gap of 13 years. DAILY EXCELSIOR, JAMMU SUNDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2018 (PAGE 3) DCC Leh recalls achievements of P Namgyal Excelsior Correspondent LEH, Dec 15: An executive meeting of District Congress Party Leh was held here today under the chairmanship of DCC president T Namgyal to celebrate the achievements of former Union Minister and three time Member Parliament. P Namgyal on the occasion of his 85th birthday. The meeting was attended by sitting Councilors, ex-MLA Deldan Namgyal, ex MLC Nurbu Gyaltsen, ex CEC Rigzin Spalbar, MCL president Dr Namgyal Gangjor, MCL Ward members, ex ECs Mohd Shafi Lasu, Ghulam Abbas Abidi, Sonam Dorjey Sercho, DCC senior members, BCC Nubra president Stobdan Goba, Youth Congress Executive members, Sewa Dal Chairman Vir Chakra Capt Tsepel and Women Wing members. Speakers on the occasion described P Namgyal as one of the pillars of Congress Party in Ladakh ever since he became a members of INC in 1969 and played a very pivotal role in strengthening Congress Party in Ladakh. While being Union Minister and MP from Ladakh, P Namgyal worked tirelessly for the welfare of the people of Ladakh and carried out some major developmental activities for the region. In grant of ST sta- tus for Ladakh region, P. Namgyal played role of a pro- peller and it was due to his con- stant personal persuasion in ful- filling the nitty gritty of formali- ties at different Ministerial level and the Registrar General of Census India. Again P Namgyal was a key person to convince then Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi to talk to agitating LBA in 1989 and agree for Hill Council Dispensation. The Union decision in 1989 to exempt Ladakh from any kind of Taxes on income was another very important milestone achieved for which Namgyal struggled very hard. People of Nubra Valley also got a major gift when he was successful in creation of a separate MLA con- stituency for Nubra region. The establishment of bulk Indian Oil Depot in Leh, LPG Gas bottling plant and opening of first Petrol Pump in Leh were other major achievements of Namgyal. The installation of first Satellite com- munication in Leh District was a great feat which was amongst the first in the country. Namgyal was also instrumen- tal in introducing Indian Airlines flights to Leh from Delhi, open- ing of the All Indía Radio station at Leh and compelled the Govt to do away with the permit system for the movement of the locals within Leh. Members of DCC highlighting achievements of P Namgyal. -Excelsior/Morup Stanzin Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Dec 15: All J&K Employees Joint Action Committee (EJAC), today dis- cussed the pending issues of the State Government employees. In a meeting of the JAC held under the leadership of Babu Hussain Malik, the members held threadbare discussion on their pending issues. They alleged that despite repeated representations to the higher authorities, holding protests, the State Government has failed to address the issues of the employees. They strongly demanded removal of pay anomalies in the pay grades of clerical cadre, reg- ularisation of Local Fund casual employees of Higher Education Department in different col- leges, regularization of daily wagers/ casual and contractual workers, enhancement of Medical allowance from Rs 300 to Rs 3000 per month, revoca- tion of Medical Insurance Policy, DPC and Career Progression of employees out- side the Civil Secretariat, revival and allocation of funds for func- tioning of Stores Procurement Department. The speakers in the meeting urged upon the Governor's Administration to take cog- nizance of the matter and settle the pending issues of the employees. Prominent among those who attended the meeting included , Sewa Ram Rathore, Hilal Ahmed Khan, Showkat Nowshari, Jaswant Singh, Vijay Kumar, Manjeet Singh, Mohd Ashraf, Dharamveer Singh and others. EJAC projects burning issues of employees West Pakistani refugees protesting at Kathua on Saturday. -Excelsior/Pardeep West Pakistani refugees protest, demand release of compensation Excelsior Correspondent KATHUA, Dec 15: West Pakistani refugee held a protest dharna here, today which was led by its president, Labha Ram Gandhi in support of their gen- uine demand for release of the compensation announced by Central Government some time back. The protestors raised slogans in favour of their demand. While addressing the protestors' presi- dent of West Pak refugees, Labha Ram Gandhi criticized the attitude of State Government and Revenue Department which he alleged was creating hurdles in disbursement of compensa- tion on one pretext or another. He said that the decision of Central Government to some extent could have given a relief to the hapless refugees but the attitude of State Government to delay the whole process of dis- bursement of compensation despite the Central Government has fixed the deadline till ending March is unfortunate. He alleged that the Revenue Department is demanding the document of 1951. He said on the one side, the State Government is claiming to identify the West Pakistani fam- ilies but on the other side they were demanding unwanted doc- uments. He said that “I think State Government is not inter- ested to disburse the compensa- tion in favour of refugee.” As Revenue Department is creating undue hurdles in the process and even a dozen files were not settled so far. In such circumstances Government will take 60 year to disburse the compensation, he added. He appealed the Governor, Satya Paul Malik to take neces- sary steps otherwise they will approach to Ministry of Home to get their genuine demands ful- filled. Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Dec 15: A scene was created just before the commencement of review meeting of the Rural Development Department (RDD), Jammu division, at Panchayat Bhawan, Railwaly Road, this morning, when two Executive Engineers (XEns) of REW resorted to verbal clash and counter allegations of cor- ruption and embezzlements on each other. Official sources said that Director Rural Development Department, Jammu, was about to take review meeting in the conference hall of the Panchayat Bhawan at 11 am. All the ACDs, SE REW, all Executive Engineers and District Panchayat Officers (DPOs) from Jammu division had been asked to attend the meeting. When some officers were just standing in the sun and waiting for the director in the compound, Executive Engineer, REW, Udhampur Bashir Ahmed Sheikh allegedly started abusing another Executive Engineer, REW Samba, Ashok Kumar Pargotra. Sheikh alleged that Pargotra was getting false and fabricated news items pub- lished in various news papers against him. This led to verbal clash between the two. Even both came to near blows and were controlled and dragged away by other officers standing there. They raised allegations and counter allegations against each other for some time. They stopped only after the director arrived there at the gate. Later, after the meeting Pargotra lodged an FIR against BA Sheikh at Trikuta Nagar Police Station alleging that Sheikh has threatened to kill him and also get his family members kidnapped. He also alleged he had written about the corruption and embezzlement related scandals in RDD Samba during 2015-16 and 16-17 to the Governor and Chief Secretary to expose the nexus of some people and that is why this officer was scared and try- ing to eliminate him and waged direct confrontation. He demanded that security should be provided to him. SHO, concerned Parvez Sajjad when contacted said that police has taken cognizance of the matter under sections 504/506 RPC and investigation has been started. He said that a counter FIR has also been lodged by the other party. REW XEns clash at RDD review meet, FIR lodged GCPFJ urges Modi Govt to remove caste-based discrimination Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Dec 15: General Category People's Forum Jammu (GCPFJ) urged the Modi Government to shun the policy of discrimination and focus on removing existing caste-based discrimination against so called upper castes. Addressing a meeting of the Forum which was held under the chairmanship of Raj Kumar Banathia, chairman of the Forum, Yash Paul Sharma, President of the Forum, said that the election results of Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Chhattisgarh went against BJP because it took its tra- ditional vote-bank for a ride and ignored Swarn castes in every sphere. “The attitude of Modi Government and its behavior of promoting casteism and commu- nalism ignoring the fundamental principles of equality, justice and liberty for the lust for power proved fatal”, Sharma said. He added that the pampering and appeasement of the some castes and ethnic groups for political gains and nullifying the legal and genuine verdict of Supreme Court of India on SC/ST Atrocity Act caused anger and discontentment against Modi Government. “The upper castes (Swarn Castes in the elections voted against BJP and used NOTA to teach a lesson to MP,’ Sharma said, adding that Swarn Castes are no more ready to tolerate caste-based discrimination against them. Som Nath Sharma, general secretary of the Forum, demand- ed ending of caste-based reserva- tions, special privileges, quotas and other concessions. He demanded, equal rights and equal laws for all to make India a secu- lar nation in real sense. He stated that birth in a particular caste should not be a qualification or a disqualification. Raj Kumar Banathia, in his address, said that BJP failed to win states elections because of anger expressed by Swarn Castes against the promotion of casteism, cynical minorityism, communalism and appeasement policies. He alleged that Modi Government distanced itself from Swarn castes - its core constituen- cy which harmed the party. Vijay Kumar Sharma, Bhushan Pargal, Deepak Khajuria, Capt Tulsi Dass and Jagdish Dora also spoke on the occasion. DC reviews functioning of Revenue Deptt Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Dec 15: To review the functioning of Revenue Department, Deputy Commissioner Ramesh Kumar today chaired a meeting of the senior officers of the depart- ment. The meeting was attended by ADC Jammu, Rishpal Singh, ACR Jammu, Sanjay Kumar Badyal, SDM South Jammu, Shrikant Suse, SDM North Jammu, Satish Sharma, SDM Khour, Devinder Paul, SDM R.S.Pura, Jagdish Singh, SDM Marh, Tarik Naik, SDM Akhnoor, Gopal Singh, SDM Chowki-Chowra, Ravinder Sharma and all Tehsildars of dis- trict Jammu. A threadbare discussion was held to finalize revised stamp duty rates. Tehsildar concerned apprised the meeting about the area wise hike in stamp duty rates. The DC asked the Tehsildars to submit the final stamp duty rates within a week. Meanwhile, the DC also dis- cussed the land acquisition and requisition cases of army. Tehsildar concerned apprised the DC about the progress of cases. The Deputy Commissioner directed the Tehsildars to resolve all the land acquisition and requisition issues. The meeting also discussed compensation cases for the land acquired for Ring Road and Jammu Akhnoor Road projects. He directed the tehsildars for immediately disbursement of the compensation amount to the owners where the final awards have been issued. The DC instructed the offi- cers for early completion of land acquisition cases, preparation of Jamabandi, attestation of muta- tions. Tehsildars were impressed to direct the Girdawars and Patwaris of their jurisdictions to prepare Jamabandi and other revenue records. The DC also reviewed the progress of community and indi- vidual bunkers in border tehsils of district jammu. The DC asked the Tehsildars for monitoring and expedites the construction of bunkers. Deputy Commissioner also reviewed progress made on grievance redressal especially of public grievances routed through Governor grievances & advisor grievances forums. He also stressed upon officers for early redressal of these griev- ances through special camps by dedicating special days for pub- lic hearing. DC directed all Tehsildars to frame an action plan for remov- ing the encroachments from State and Kacharai Land in their respective areas in time bound manner. He gave strict instruc- tions for timely disposal of rev- enue cases and public griev- ances. Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Dec 15: Anti- Corruption Bureau booked a Junior Engineer, posted at Sub Division Sunderbani on corrup- tion charges and raided his resi- dential premises as well the office from where cash and incriminating documents per- taining to various immovable properties acquired by accused public servant were seized. A case FIR 40/2018, under section 5(1) (e) r/w 5 (2) of J&K P C Act Samvat 2006 has been registered against the accused JE, namely Ramesh Chander son of Patti Ram of Jawahar Nagar, Rajouri. The instant case was regis- tered on the basis of a written complaint lodged in Vigilance Organization, upon which a secret verification was conduct- ed into the allegations that said JE has acquired huge assets dis- proportionate to his known source of income by resorting to corrupt and illegal practices and by abuse of his official position. During the course of secret verification, it was found that the suspect had acquired various moveable and immoveable properties i.e. three storey fully furnished house with modern facilities and costly articles at Rajouri, other immoveable properties in the form of land, plot, shops, Brick Kiln etc at Rajouri and also moveable prop- erties like Tipper, cars, JCB etc. It also came to fore that he has invested money in various accounts, insurance policies etc. It was also found that most of these properties/assets have been raised by the suspect offi- cial out of the ill gotten money obtained by him by abuse and misuse of his official position as public servant. On the prima-facie establish- ment of allegations, Anti- Corruption Bureau Jammu reg- istered a formal case and also conducted simultaneous raids with the help of local police / Magistrates at the residential premises and office of accused person in District Rajouri in presence of independent wit- nesses. During the process, incriminating documents includ- ing cash and documents pertain- ing to various immovable prop- erties acquired by accused pub- lic servant, other documents regarding purchase of Tipper, JCB, Brick Kiln, large number of bank accounts, Insurance Policies, other official records/bills etc have been recovered from the residential house in Rajouri. Detailed and in-depth scruti- ny of the seized record will be carried out during further course of investigation by sleuths of Anti-Corruption Bureau, Jammu. JE booked on corruption charges * Watch video on * Watch video on * Watch video on

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Page 1: JE booked on corruption charges REWXEns clash at … for carrying out their duties. The Corporators also stressed

Srinagar freezes at -4.2, Jammurecords season’s lowest temp

Excelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR/ JAMMU, Dec15: The cold wave intensified inKashmir today with the minimumtemperatures dropping severalnotches below the freezing pointand Srinagar recorded the coldestnight of the season at minus 4.2degrees Celsius, whereas, Jammurecorded the lowest night temper-ature of the season.

A Meteorological Departmentofficial said that the minimumtemperature is likely to drop fur-ther across the region in the nextfour to five days as dry weatherwith clear night sky is expectedduring this period.

Srinagar recorded the coldestnight of the season at minus 4.2degrees Celsius and at minus 19.0degrees, Drass town in Kargil dis-trict was the coldest place in theState.

The minimum temperature inLeh, Kargil, Gulmarg andPahalgam on Saturday remainedminus 13.6 degrees Celsius,minus 10.2 degrees Celsius,minus 11.5 degrees Celsius andminus 9.5 degrees Celsius,respectively.

The maximum temperature inSrinagar, Leh, Kargil andPahalgam was recorded at 10.1degrees Celsius, 1.9 degreesCelsius, 1.2 degrees Celsius and7. 0 degrees Celsius, respectively.

Jammu recorded season'sminimum night temperature of5.5 degree Celsius. The nighttemperature across Jammu regionis on downward trend over thepast one week after the high alti-tude areas experienced snowfall.The night temperature fell byalmost two degrees compared to

the previous night to settle at 5.5deg C, 3.7 notches below the nor-mal, during this part of season.

However, a bright sun shonein the morning, providing somerelief to the people from the chillynight. The night temperature inJammu is further expected to fallin next couple of days, Metspokesman said.

The holy township of Katrarecorded a minimum temperatureof 5.8 deg C, Batote 0.6 degreeC and Bhaderwah minus 2.0degrees Celsius. The maximumtemperatures at Jammu remained22.5 degrees Celsius, Katra 19.2degrees Celsius, Batote 11.2degrees Celsius and Bhaderwah9.0 degrees Celsius.

Villagers lit fire to have some relief from chilling cold on out-skirts of Jammu on Saturday morning. -Excelsior/Rakesh

NC threatens State wide agitationif killings are not stopped

Excelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR, Dec 15: NationalConference General Secretary AliMuhammad Sagar today said thatGovernor administration seeming-ly has given free hand to the secu-rity forces to aim at civilians likesitting ducks and has threatenedState wide agitation if the killingsare not stopped.

Addressing a press conferenceat party headquarters, Sagar said:"The incumbent Governor admin-istration has no respect for human

rights and basic fundamentalrights. Our party in unison con-demns the killings in strongestterms as such acts reveal the dis-dain of incumbent Governoradministration for human rights,"he said.

The NC General Secretary said

that such unabated killing of civil-ians if not stopped will furtherdeteriorate the already fragile situ-ation of our State. "Our party coregroup has time and again imploredon incumbent Governor adminis-tration to put a thaw on civiliankillings. But our pleas fell on deafears. We in fact took out a protestrally against these unabatedkillings but that too fell on deafears," he said.

Sagar threatened State wideagitation if the killings are notstopped. "If the administrationdoesn't stop such unabated civil-ians killings we shall be obligatedto carry out State wide protestsagainst the disdain with whichcivilians are being devoured."

NC General Secretary saidpeople of Kashmir are being usedas fodder by the central BJP leddispensation to increase their elec-toral prospects in other parts of thecountry. "Governor's vacillatingstatements on Kashmir add moreconfusion to the already grim situ-ation in our State. Governor, who isbusy politicking, has miserablyfailed to implement his assur-

ances," he said.Sagar said that Jammu and

Kashmir is not a military colony."We too have rights and privilegesto live a dignified life. The dracon-ian law AFSPA which we want tobe done away with has belittled thevery dignity of human life. Eventhe recent assertions of formerHome Minister P Chidambaramare reflective of how inhumane thelaw is. What aggravates the situa-tion is the laidback and sadistic atti-tude of central Governmenttowards such civilian killings," he

said.Party Provincial President

Nasir Aslam Wani while address-ing a press conference said thatSoP'S are not being adhered to dur-ing such operations. "The civiliankillings are not acceptable to us orfor that matter to any sane voicethroughout the country. Wedemand a time bound inquiry onthe incident. Civilians and militantsare being treated in the same man-ner," he said, adding, "There oughtto be some checks and balances toensure that civilians aren't beingkilled. Had proper SoPs beenadhered to such civilian killingsmight have been avoided."

Senior NC leader, Ali Mohammad Sagar, addressing a pressconference in Srinagar on Saturday. -Excelsior/Shakeel

Mayor Chander Mohan Gupta addressing maiden General House meeting of JMC onSaturday. -Excelsior/Rakesh

Corporators list suggestions asJMC General House meeting held

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Dec 15: In themaiden General House meetingof the newly constituted JammuMunicipal Corporation, all theCorporators cutting across partylines pressed hard for a suitablehonorarium of around Rs 40thousand to them besides high-lighting issues of public interest.

In the marathon meeting,which lasted for more thanseven hours, all the Corporators

drew attention towards generalissues of their respective wardsand also listed suggestions forimprovement in the functioningof JMC to keep Jammu cityclean and green.

They also stressed forextending 74th Amendment ofthe Panchayti Raj to J&K formore empowerment of theLocal Bodies. A number ofCorporators from differentpolitical parties and independ-ents also highlighted the issue ofhonorarium to them. They

stressed said that a minimum ofRs 40-50 thousand honorariumshould be given to eachCorporator for carrying out theirduties.

The Corporators alsostressed that small works ofemergency nature should be car-ried out without inviting tendersas the exercise involved in invit-ing bids delays emergencynature works.

In the presence of MayorChander Mohan Gupta, DeputyMayor Purnima Sharma, JMCCommissioner Pankaj Magotraand Secretary Sunaina Mehta,each Corporator was givenaround five minutes to speakand list suggestions for betterfunctioning of the JMC.

The meeting began with cir-culation of agenda, comprising11 items, which included open-ing of school for children of theMunicipal employees, openingof dispensary for the Municipalemployees, speed up recruit-ment of SKCs, issuance of pro-motion orders of official clearedin earlier DPC, beautification ofJMC walls, development of `No

Parking Zone' in JMC premises,ensure plantation in and aroundJMC, procurement of sufficientstreet lights, outsourcing ofautos, deployment of SKCs fornight sanitation and animalbirth control programme.

All the agenda items wereunanimously passed by theHouse even as a fewCorporators registered theirreservations over not circulating

the agenda prior to the meeting. The General House also

agreed to the suggestion for atleast one meeting in a month.First Monday of each month wasselected for holding GeneralHouse meeting.

Earlier, after introductoryremarks by Secretary SunainaMehta, Mayor Chander MohanGupta addressed the House andappealed all the Corporators tolist suggestions for improvingthe functioning of JMC. Hestressed that clean and greenJammu should be the objectiveof everyone and he was confi-dent that each Corporator wouldleave no stone unturned forachieving the target.

He said that people ofJammu have great expectationfrom their Corporators as JMCelections have been held after along gap of 13 years.


DCC Leh recalls achievements of P Namgyal

Excelsior Correspondent

LEH, Dec 15: An executivemeeting of District CongressParty Leh was held here todayunder the chairmanship of DCCpresident T Namgyal to celebratethe achievements of formerUnion Minister and three timeMember Parliament. P Namgyalon the occasion of

his 85th birthday.The meeting was attended by

sitting Councilors, ex-MLADeldan Namgyal, ex MLC NurbuGyaltsen, ex CEC Rigzin Spalbar,MCL president Dr NamgyalGangjor, MCL Ward members, exECs Mohd Shafi Lasu, GhulamAbbas Abidi, Sonam DorjeySercho, DCC senior members,BCC Nubra president StobdanGoba, Youth Congress Executivemembers, Sewa Dal Chairman VirChakra Capt Tsepel and WomenWing members.

Speakers on the occasiondescribed P Namgyal as one of thepillars of Congress Party in Ladakhever since he became a members ofINC in 1969 and played a verypivotal role in strengtheningCongress Party in Ladakh.

While being Union Ministerand MP from Ladakh, PNamgyal worked tirelessly forthe welfare of the people ofLadakh and carried out somemajor developmental activitiesfor the region. In grant of ST sta-

tus for Ladakh region, P.Namgyal played role of a pro-peller and it was due to his con-stant personal persuasion in ful-filling the nitty gritty of formali-ties at different Ministerial leveland the Registrar General ofCensus India.

Again P Namgyal was a keyperson to convince then PrimeMinister Rajiv Gandhi to talk toagitating LBA in 1989 and agreefor Hill Council Dispensation.The Union decision in 1989 toexempt Ladakh from any kind ofTaxes on income was anothervery important milestoneachieved for which Namgyalstruggled very hard. People ofNubra Valley also got a majorgift when he was successful increation of a separate MLA con-stituency for Nubra region. Theestablishment of bulk Indian OilDepot in Leh, LPG Gas bottlingplant and opening of first PetrolPump in Leh were other majorachievements of Namgyal. Theinstallation of first Satellite com-munication in Leh District was agreat feat which was amongst thefirst in the country.

Namgyal was also instrumen-tal in introducing Indian Airlinesflights to Leh from Delhi, open-ing of the All Indía Radio stationat Leh and compelled the Govt todo away with the permit systemfor the movement of the localswithin Leh.

Members of DCC highlighting achievements of P Namgyal.-Excelsior/Morup Stanzin

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Dec 15: All J&KEmployees Joint ActionCommittee (EJAC), today dis-cussed the pending issues of theState Government employees.

In a meeting of the JAC heldunder the leadership of BabuHussain Malik, the membersheld threadbare discussion ontheir pending issues. Theyalleged that despite repeatedrepresentations to the higherauthorities, holding protests, theState Government has failed toaddress the issues of theemployees.

They strongly demandedremoval of pay anomalies in thepay grades of clerical cadre, reg-ularisation of Local Fund casualemployees of Higher EducationDepartment in different col-leges, regularization of daily

wagers/ casual and contractualworkers, enhancement ofMedical allowance from Rs 300to Rs 3000 per month, revoca-tion of Medical InsurancePolicy, DPC and CareerProgression of employees out-side the Civil Secretariat, revivaland allocation of funds for func-tioning of Stores ProcurementDepartment.

The speakers in the meetingurged upon the Governor'sAdministration to take cog-nizance of the matter and settlethe pending issues of theemployees.

Prominent among those whoattended the meeting included ,Sewa Ram Rathore, HilalAhmed Khan, ShowkatNowshari, Jaswant Singh, VijayKumar, Manjeet Singh, MohdAshraf, Dharamveer Singh andothers.

EJAC projects burningissues of employees

West Pakistani refugees protesting at Kathua on Saturday.-Excelsior/Pardeep

West Pakistani refugees protest,demand release of compensation

Excelsior Correspondent

KATHUA, Dec 15: WestPakistani refugee held a protestdharna here, today which wasled by its president, Labha RamGandhi in support of their gen-uine demand for release of thecompensation announced byCentral Government some timeback.

The protestors raised slogans

in favour of their demand. Whileaddressing the protestors' presi-dent of West Pak refugees,Labha Ram Gandhi criticizedthe attitude of State Governmentand Revenue Department whichhe alleged was creating hurdlesin disbursement of compensa-tion on one pretext or another.

He said that the decision ofCentral Government to someextent could have given a reliefto the hapless refugees but theattitude of State Government todelay the whole process of dis-bursement of compensation

despite the Central Governmenthas fixed the deadline till endingMarch is unfortunate. Healleged that the RevenueDepartment is demanding thedocument of 1951.

He said on the one side, theState Government is claiming toidentify the West Pakistani fam-ilies but on the other side theywere demanding unwanted doc-uments. He said that “I thinkState Government is not inter-ested to disburse the compensa-tion in favour of refugee.”

As Revenue Department iscreating undue hurdles in theprocess and even a dozen fileswere not settled so far. In suchcircumstances Government willtake 60 year to disburse thecompensation, he added.

He appealed the Governor,Satya Paul Malik to take neces-sary steps otherwise they willapproach to Ministry of Home toget their genuine demands ful-filled.

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Dec 15: A scenewas created just before thecommencement of reviewmeeting of the RuralDevelopment Department(RDD), Jammu division, atPanchayat Bhawan, RailwalyRoad, this morning, when twoExecutive Engineers (XEns) ofREW resorted to verbal clashand counter allegations of cor-ruption and embezzlements oneach other.

Official sources said thatDirector Rural DevelopmentDepartment, Jammu, was aboutto take review meeting in theconference hall of thePanchayat Bhawan at 11 am.All the ACDs, SE REW, allExecutive Engineers andDistrict Panchayat Officers(DPOs) from Jammu divisionhad been asked to attend themeeting.

When some officers werejust standing in the sun andwaiting for the director in thecompound, Executive Engineer,REW, Udhampur BashirAhmed Sheikh allegedly startedabusing another ExecutiveEngineer, REW Samba, AshokKumar Pargotra. Sheikh allegedthat Pargotra was getting falseand fabricated news items pub-

lished in various news papersagainst him. This led to verbalclash between the two. Evenboth came to near blows andwere controlled and draggedaway by other officers standingthere. They raised allegationsand counter allegations againsteach other for some time. Theystopped only after the directorarrived there at the gate.

Later, after the meetingPargotra lodged an FIR againstBA Sheikh at Trikuta NagarPolice Station alleging thatSheikh has threatened to killhim and also get his familymembers kidnapped. He alsoalleged he had written about thecorruption and embezzlementrelated scandals in RDD Sambaduring 2015-16 and 16-17 tothe Governor and ChiefSecretary to expose the nexusof some people and that is whythis officer was scared and try-ing to eliminate him and wageddirect confrontation. Hedemanded that security shouldbe provided to him.

SHO, concerned ParvezSajjad when contacted said thatpolice has taken cognizance ofthe matter under sections504/506 RPC and investigationhas been started. He said that acounter FIR has also beenlodged by the other party.

REW XEns clash at RDDreview meet, FIR lodged

GCPFJ urges Modi Govt to removecaste-based discrimination

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Dec 15: GeneralCategory People's Forum Jammu(GCPFJ) urged the ModiGovernment to shun the policy ofdiscrimination and focus onremoving existing caste-baseddiscrimination against so calledupper castes.

Addressing a meeting of theForum which was held under thechairmanship of Raj KumarBanathia, chairman of the Forum,Yash Paul Sharma, President ofthe Forum, said that the electionresults of Madhya Pradesh,Rajasthan and Chhattisgarh wentagainst BJP because it took its tra-ditional vote-bank for a ride andignored Swarn castes in everysphere.

“The attitude of ModiGovernment and its behavior ofpromoting casteism and commu-nalism ignoring the fundamentalprinciples of equality, justice andliberty for the lust for powerproved fatal”, Sharma said. Headded that the pampering andappeasement of the some castesand ethnic groups for politicalgains and nullifying the legal andgenuine verdict of Supreme Courtof India on SC/ST Atrocity Actcaused anger and discontentment

against Modi Government. “The upper castes (Swarn

Castes in the elections votedagainst BJP and used NOTA toteach a lesson to MP,’ Sharmasaid, adding that Swarn Castesare no more ready to toleratecaste-based discriminationagainst them.

Som Nath Sharma, generalsecretary of the Forum, demand-ed ending of caste-based reserva-tions, special privileges, quotasand other concessions. Hedemanded, equal rights and equallaws for all to make India a secu-lar nation in real sense. He statedthat birth in a particular casteshould not be a qualification or adisqualification.

Raj Kumar Banathia, in hisaddress, said that BJP failed towin states elections because ofanger expressed by Swarn Castesagainst the promotion ofcasteism, cynical minorityism,communalism and appeasementpolicies. He alleged that ModiGovernment distanced itself fromSwarn castes - its core constituen-cy which harmed the party.

Vijay Kumar Sharma,Bhushan Pargal, DeepakKhajuria, Capt Tulsi Dass andJagdish Dora also spoke on theoccasion.

DC reviews functioning of Revenue Deptt

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Dec 15: To reviewthe functioning of RevenueDepartment, DeputyCommissioner Ramesh Kumartoday chaired a meeting of thesenior officers of the depart-ment.

The meeting was attended byADC Jammu, Rishpal Singh,ACR Jammu, Sanjay KumarBadyal, SDM South Jammu,Shrikant Suse, SDM NorthJammu, Satish Sharma, SDMKhour, Devinder Paul, SDMR.S.Pura, Jagdish Singh, SDMMarh, Tarik Naik, SDMAkhnoor, Gopal Singh, SDMChowki-Chowra, RavinderSharma and all Tehsildars of dis-trict Jammu.

A threadbare discussion washeld to finalize revised stampduty rates. Tehsildar concernedapprised the meeting about thearea wise hike in stamp dutyrates. The DC asked theTehsildars to submit the finalstamp duty rates within a week.

Meanwhile, the DC also dis-cussed the land acquisition andrequisition cases of army.Tehsildar concerned apprisedthe DC about the progress ofcases. The DeputyCommissioner directed theTehsildars to resolve all the landacquisition and requisitionissues.

The meeting also discussedcompensation cases for the landacquired for Ring Road andJammu Akhnoor Road projects.He directed the tehsildars forimmediately disbursement of thecompensation amount to theowners where the final awardshave been issued.

The DC instructed the offi-cers for early completion of landacquisition cases, preparation ofJamabandi, attestation of muta-tions. Tehsildars were impressedto direct the Girdawars andPatwaris of their jurisdictions toprepare Jamabandi and otherrevenue records.

The DC also reviewed theprogress of community and indi-vidual bunkers in border tehsilsof district jammu. The DC askedthe Tehsildars for monitoringand expedites the constructionof bunkers.

Deputy Commissioner alsoreviewed progress made ongrievance redressal especially ofpublic grievances routedthrough Governor grievances &advisor grievances forums. He

also stressed upon officers forearly redressal of these griev-ances through special camps bydedicating special days for pub-lic hearing.

DC directed all Tehsildars toframe an action plan for remov-ing the encroachments fromState and Kacharai Land in theirrespective areas in time boundmanner. He gave strict instruc-tions for timely disposal of rev-enue cases and public griev-ances.

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Dec 15: Anti-Corruption Bureau booked aJunior Engineer, posted at SubDivision Sunderbani on corrup-tion charges and raided his resi-dential premises as well theoffice from where cash andincriminating documents per-taining to various immovableproperties acquired by accusedpublic servant were seized.

A case FIR 40/2018, undersection 5(1) (e) r/w 5 (2) of J&KP C Act Samvat 2006 has beenregistered against the accusedJE, namely Ramesh Chanderson of Patti Ram of JawaharNagar, Rajouri.

The instant case was regis-tered on the basis of a writtencomplaint lodged in VigilanceOrganization, upon which asecret verification was conduct-ed into the allegations that saidJE has acquired huge assets dis-proportionate to his knownsource of income by resorting tocorrupt and illegal practices andby abuse of his official position.

During the course of secretverification, it was found thatthe suspect had acquired variousmoveable and immoveableproperties i.e. three storey fullyfurnished house with modernfacilities and costly articles atRajouri, other immoveableproperties in the form of land,plot, shops, Brick Kiln etc atRajouri and also moveable prop-erties like Tipper, cars, JCB etc.It also came to fore that he hasinvested money in variousaccounts, insurance policies etc.It was also found that most ofthese properties/assets havebeen raised by the suspect offi-cial out of the ill gotten moneyobtained by him by abuse andmisuse of his official position as

public servant. On the prima-facie establish-

ment of allegations, Anti-Corruption Bureau Jammu reg-istered a formal case and alsoconducted simultaneous raidswith the help of local police /Magistrates at the residentialpremises and office of accusedperson in District Rajouri inpresence of independent wit-nesses. During the process,incriminating documents includ-ing cash and documents pertain-ing to various immovable prop-erties acquired by accused pub-lic servant, other documentsregarding purchase of Tipper,JCB, Brick Kiln, large numberof bank accounts, InsurancePolicies, other officialrecords/bills etc have beenrecovered from the residentialhouse in Rajouri.

Detailed and in-depth scruti-ny of the seized record will becarried out during further courseof investigation by sleuths ofAnti-Corruption Bureau,Jammu.

JE booked on corruption charges

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