jealousjealous by albert her influence to luro...

r ffSFJ < v 1 T i IiT The Merry Widow 0 By ALBERT PAYSON TERHUNEI I COPYRIGHT 190B BY With the most dangerous suitor Who is he Well replied Popoff confidentially Ive had my eye on her and It seems to me that De Jolldon De Jolldon exclaimed Daullo ImpossibleWhy pray I think I have ns good eyes as any man I think sir I can detect love whon I see It And from the way De Jolidon looks at the widow why man I dont know a single thing that doesnt point toward his being in love with her If If I may say so your excellency put In Nlsh shuttling nervously I think I could tell roil of a single thing if or rather lie added chuckling when I say single I mean married Mr Nlsh interrupted Popoff if you can stop wriggling around like nu Inobrlated centlncd long enough to talk plainly will you do UHJ the honor to put your blithcrlugs into plain words Well your excellency stammered GUESTS NATIVE NIsh I happen to know M de Joll ¬ don is already head over heels In love with a lady who has a husband He Mr Nlsh thundered Popoff you are demeaning to the con ¬ temptible act of talking scandal Are t you aware of that Mr Nish If so go on talking It and tell me who she la You fool whispered Danllo In Nlshs ear Everybody but the am ¬ bassador himself knows it Is Mme Popoff whom De Jolldon loves De careful I Well Mr Nlsh repeated Popoff majestically as he eyed tho squirming clerk with lofty Im wait ing to hear the name of the lady that De Jolldon Is In Jove with lieho neglected to tell me your excellency sputtered Nish Then decided the ambassador I shall discover her by diplomatic means and when I find who sho is sho shall use her Influence to luro De Jolidon away from tho widow Prince will you help me in this Leave it all to me suggested Da ¬ nllo with startling willingness Dont try to learn hor Identity yourself Let mo attend to the whole matter All right Popoff It will be a good lesson in diplomacy for you Perhaps I can put you on the right track The ambassador drew an Ivory fan from his pocket Last night at the embassy ball said he Nova Kovltch who used to be one of my attaches brought me this He was crazy with jealousy Hed just picked up the fan said it f hadf sticks Ho was going homo to beat his wife and make her confess who the villain was when I persuaded my wife to gave poor Mme Nova Kovltch by pretending Ute fan was her own t1t J go but my AXT76 Is a boTIfQipToGfdOst Nova Kovltch wns convinced and I pocketed the fan for future reference Danilo took the trinket from Popoffs hands nud road the penciled Inscrip ¬ tion I Why he said on impulse this is DC Jolidons handwriting How does It happen that ho Then squealed Popoff In triumph It Is Mme Nova Kovltch he loves Tho whole thing Is absurdly simple whon n brain llko mine is brought to bQar on Itr i Delighted with his own astuteness the ambassador puttered off to join the other guests leaving Danllo fan In hand blankly facing tho astounded lit ¬ tie clerk i Nlsh observed tho prince do you suppose Its possible Do Jolldon can be in love with Mme Nova Kovltch as well as with Mme Popoff IdId Hk6 to think so murmured Nish as he started faithfully off In the wake of his chief Id like to think so It lL wjojiUi uvkff It less exclusive WORE yourself I less or a monopoly And fo think his excellency never recognized his own wifes fun Where ignorance is bliss why rend up on divorce laws Laying tho fan on n nearby table Danllo was turnhfg away when a voice behind him called mockingly Still in retreat So you are afraid of me Whirling about the faced Son In She was bowltchlnily pretty IL the black anti gold Mnraovlan dross that snowed to fullest advantage every willowy line of her ilguro Im not retreating he contradicted only skirmishing lu light cavalry fashionAnd you are going away like that Oh you stupid maul I cant tell what you mean he nn swered purged And I shant tell what I mean she rejoined By time way she added how do you happen to be here You declined my Invitation Im here he replied bluntly be- cause Im making it my business to got rid of every Frenchman who shows signs of proposing to you But why she asked in wonder I For my owu amusement thats all You you dont happen to bo In love with mo yourself she asked a tinge withsuspicious Qther Youre very very rude sho re- proved ¬ ijutslnC9 you dont love me i I you ought to bo able to gIve me good advice about accepting a man I really want to marry 1Oh I growled Danllo chagrined Then there is some one you want to marry She nodded Whoever the man is hos after your money link sueered fiNo she contradicted He la not not tills oue You said all men wero alike This man is different He loves mo Then marry him What is it to me Marry any one you want to I dont care And Ill dance at your wedding Ill dance till I wear holes through both my shoes You silly boy she scoffed Youre JealousJealous he raged Jealous I jealous Thats a good onel Words failed him and ho stalked away to a nearby summer houso where he paused 1 lost In seeming con ¬ templation of the little buildings archi ¬ tectureThe neglected fan lying on the table caught Sonlas eye She picked It up Idly and opened it The words I love you met her gaze Quickly she glanced at Daullo I understand she murmured to herself lie vowed hed never say 1 It to me so hes written It Noting that Danilos back was to- ward ¬ her she furtively lifted tho fan t 16 her lips and kissed tho written words Then as she restored It to the table she whispered I Just the same Ill make him say It He slialll Site crossed to where he stood Have you nothing to say to me prince she asked thinggoodbylGoodbwr Youre youre not going I leave Paris tomorrow morning by the first train forever Then you wont be here after all to dance at my wedding > No But you promised And now I sup- pose ¬ I shall never see you again for vJ12t1 T l ittryletlLsU llllbe JnPalls UALL HER MARSOVIAN THEIR PICTURESQUE COSTUMESp I majesty consented prince toneCertainly I thought you sore iuoro patriotic he sighed It seems hard that you should turn your back on your native land marry a Frenchman and settle here Yet it is what I have decided she I answered This is probably the last time I shall wear our native costume or dance our wild national dances To ¬ days fete Is a sort of farowell to old timesNo our dances and costumes would not appeal to a Frenchman Who I Is It you are going to marry The engagement Isnt announced yet she evaded Then he returned with n shrug I suppose I shrill never know for I leave early tomorrow And you wont dance at my wed ¬ dingIve told you I would not If you wont she cried a sudden inspiration flashing through her mind and lighting her pale face to dazzling beauty dance with me now Sho stretched out her slender white arms with an allurement that no mor ¬ tal man could resist CHAPTER IV The Waltz ANOE with mot repeated Soi nlaTho faroff orchestra had struck up a dashing gayI Warsovlan air Impelled by the tousle bad her glance of daring Danllo sprang n u V V I forwarfl In an Instant the two ware whirling madly amkl the vtiMcacles of a wild Uusslnn dance such MS hits for count ¬ loss centuries been performed from Si ¬ berias icj plain to Tartar steppes n dance of youth agility utter aban ¬ donYet as they came panting to a halt at the Inst crashing note of music the face of ucithor reflected tho exhllara tlon thb swift motion and stirring measures usually evoked In fact Da nibs brow wore a very perceptible scowl Sonia too was downcast Had her rash experiment failed You didnt enjoy that said she Not especially he confessed Dill youNo You dont dance as well as you aid Youve probably grown to prefer French partners he replied piqued it the reflection on his dancing From nil I hear she retorted you t liavo little right to reproach me on that score Yon dance a good deal at Maxims dont you Now and thpn ho admitted And with what sort of partners I wonder she scoffed n touch of scorn In her sweet voice With polito onus said Danllo icily 4 She winced over so little at the roe proof and went on I suppose you dance better with them than with me Possibly he agreed You see I too may prefer French partners She raised her great dark eyes to his a world of meaning In them Do you she asked almost in a whisper The distant orchestra had been play Ing again this time not a native all buta dreamy infinitely sweet Vien ¬ nese waltz The opening notes of the haunting melody though softened by distance wore wafted none the less distinctly to the listening couple Again their eyes met With a mutual impulse they drew toward each other Then began a dance ns different froth the stiffly conventional ballroom waltz as moonlight differs from a gasoline flare With more than a hint of th free marvelously graceful poses I c Slavonic dancers Danllo and Sonia be- gan their wondrous waltz Throwing herself back Into tho strength of his circling embrace the girls outstretched arms swayed llko wind blown lilies In rhythm with th music her light step scarcely touchln earth as tho prince guided her through the mazes of the danceI It was a oast and west of lissom oriental pos- turing ¬ and of gliding modern walt- zstepsthe very poetry of motion Nor from the first note until the last strain of music died away did either dancers eyes leave the others Love > eager and eternal was in the gaze of each Eye said openly to eye A lady went into the summer house with a gentleman what sullen pride forced back from the lipsThen a last dreamy chord and the music was hushed Danllo and Sonla started amazed as though from some vision of paradise Tile widow fearful lest by impulsive word she might wreck her plan of bringing Dnullo to her feet darted breathlessly away to welcome a new group of guests The prince left alone stared after her open mouthed A clapping of applauding hands aroused him Bravo bravo my dear prince wheezed the ambassador toddling for ¬ ward What a delightful little danccl But is it customary to catch ones purl ¬ nor In a jlu Jltsu grip like that or js it a fashion that has como In since my waltzing days Tho old bores feeble Jest brought Dnullo quickly back to earth and to a sense of everyday surroundings Were you looking for me he asked none too civilly Only to see If you had succeeded yet In finding who the lady is with whom Do Jolldon is In love She must bo made to win him away from any Ideas of marrying tho widow To blazes with that and all the rest of your silly plans shouted Danllo Dont worry any more about the widow Its no use I tell you She Is itolnir to innrnr a Frenchman la snlto J or us srrr And ire Tent on bitterly goaded by time chagrin and abjdct dis- appointment ¬ in Popoffs face Im go- Ing ¬ to dance at her wedding Going to marry a Frenchman is she yelled the distracted ambassa dor Preposterous Ill thud a way of stopping it tad It is Do Jolldou she thinks of marrying Whats tmt to me I dont know who shes engaged to and But Popoff waited to hear no more Catching sight of Nlsh he rushed upon that unhappy clerk Find M de Jolldou he command ed Keep your eye on him all the rest of the evening See if he makes Jove to the widow and report to nH I have already told Mme Popoff tllI sound him on the subject Among all we ought to learn something were done befoltII Youll learn something If you kcop on spying muttered Danilo under his breath as he moved away But Ill bet a years Income itll be something that will give you more surprise than pleasureDusk was falling Above the myriad colored lights that dotted the garden the moon was rising Along one of the t dged paths leading to the sum- merhouse man Illtl a woman were 8troliuglmo Natalie Popoff and M sJ2lliI And so your worthy husband sot you the task of finding out whom I am in love with De Jolldon was saying Yes tho ambassadors young wife answered He Is afraid you will marry the widow Why shouldnt I queried De Jolt don jokingly You told me to B tbut you wont will you she plea id Why dont you look at me Whni are you looking at De JolldonM eye had fallen on the fan where it lay forgotten on the table l The fan you lost and that your husband pocketed he said handing It to her Thank goodness Natalie exclaim ¬ ed seizing it then Lend me a pencil She wrote a sentence on1 the fan di ¬ rectly beneath the three words he had scribbled the night before at the ball There she sighed handing it to him keep that as a reminder I Me held the fan up to the light and read 1ainadutifulwife Remember that always she ad ¬ juredNatalie he cried passionately- It Is trutl am a duttrl wife If I have beet foolish enough to listen to your lovemaking at least I have never encouraged It I have always rebuffed you for consciences sake 1 am a duti- ful Why remind me of the hopl > ssness of my love murmured De Jolldon You may refuse to reciprocate It but you cannot prevent my telling you But I can After this evening we must not meet again My husband trusts me This must be our farewell interview Dont try to alter my par pose I hove made up my mind Aft ¬ er this evening 1 shall never Natalie you cant mean I do this is the last talk we two shall ever have together Then Implored De Jolldon if It uf really to be our farewell Interview why must we talk here In the garden where at any moment others may come to claim nl r aWfiUJJou Grunt me a I SUFFERED WITH ECZEMA 2 25 YEARS Limb Peeled and Foot Was Like Raw FleshHad to Use Crutches AmputationNecessary Writes of Cure Seven Years Ago BELIEVES LIFE SAVED BY CUTICURA REMEDIES I have been treated by doctors for tvrentyflve years for a bad case of enema on my leI rbey did their I host but failed to euro it My doctor had ad ¬ vl I ed mo to have my leg cut off but I said I would Cutlcura Remedies first Ho said Try them if you like but theywIIl goodAt Yleg was liko a piece of raw flesh and I had to walk on crutches I bought a cako of Cuticura Soap a box of Cuticura Ointment and a bottle of Cuticura Pills After the first two treatments the swelling wont down and in two months my leg was cured and the new skin came on The doctor could not believe his own oyos when ho saw that Cuticura had cured me and said that ho would uso it for his own patients I used two cakes of Cuticura Soap three boxes of Ointment and five bott- les of Resolvent and I have now been eared over seven years and but for tho Cutioura Remedies I might have lost my life I havo lots of grand ¬ children and they arc frequem users of Cuticura and I always recommend it to tho many people whom my heal ¬ ness brings to my house ovary day Mrs JeanBaptisto Ronaud clairvoy ant 277 Montana St Montreal Quo Feb 20 100- 7SLEEP FOR BABIES Rest for Mothers Instant relief and refreshing stoop for skintortured babies and rest for tired fretted mothers in warm baths with Cuticura Soap and gentle anointin with Cuticura Ointment tho great skin euro and purest of emollients IlOo2and CorpSole Wtdaned Free Cutlcun tfoekou Skis DIMMM < FOUR GIRLS Restored to Health by Lydia E Pinklmms Vegetable Compound Read What They Say Ml89LlllinnRoMB3Q East 84th Street Now York writes Lydia E rinklmms Vegeta ble Compound over eamelrrtfUlartthllporlod nervous headaches after everything Gist lied l failed to help me and I loci it a duty to let oilers know of It tlg9d55Lafayette Cil writes Thanks to Lydia BIMnkhama Vf iuble Compound I am well after Itdrorlng for months from ne > v His prostration t Miss Claris Stoltz ni tin of LftOre la writes I wMiDa run 1wneondit ion andsuf fared from suppression poorf Vegetabloloinpollnd wall ujd Jtrone1 t Miss 1 Ellen JLOlson of 417 X East St Ko Lydia ti table i Com domed llli Of JMCI c9 sdQ aihc and i bllshed my x rixli after tho doitoiibailtolld I FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN For thirty years Lydia E Pink mndefrom standard remedy for female ills and has positively cured thousands ol women who have been troubled with displacements inflammation ulcera- tion ¬ fibroid tumors irregularities periodic pains backache that bear ¬ lIatulenCyindigestiondizzinessornervou Why dont you try it lIrs IMnkhnm invites all sick women to write her for advice Site Inns led thousands to health A dress Lynn pass nual halt hour of your society all to myself Let the talk be uninterrupted Let us sit in the little summer house over there SeeIt I is rmpty They entered the little Julio ed ar bar It was lighted by a string Qt Japanese lanterns and two rustic chairs were at opposite sides of Its round center table There was a door at each end of the tiny room an Meal spot for a teteatete chat now that the moonlight had wooed most of the guests out of doors The light wicker door swung alittt be- hind the couple Natalie quite ern Joyed the prospect of listening to her adorers melodramatic words of tkrf well and of posing heroclally as a self sacrificing dutiful wife In half as hour at most she would rejoin her has band with time righteous consclotunMW In her heart of having dismissed tot ever the one man besides Popoff who bad ever made love to her So Interested was Natalie In De Jell dons parting speech that she did Mb hear the ambassador just outside flf clae excitedly t Nlsh Im sure I saw that nmuMK house door close behind a ladys afclrtt Lets see who I Is In there To be Continued f Not Wanting a Job When Gladstone was chancellor of the exchequer one day be was la ttt shipping department of the government oilier getting RODIP Information and figures for the coming budget Vbfe thus engaged a Sunderland shipowner called to see Mr Lludsey time hen member for Sunderlnud While waiting for Mr Llndsey to come In the shipowner got his eye on Mr Gladstone and was watching elm close ly After doing so n lIttle while ho thus addressed him Thou seumst a good writer and clover at figures Ill give you f too a year and thats an offer tluult not get every day Mr Gladstone thanked him antI said he would seo Mr LIndscy Just then Mr LIndscy entered Then Mr Gladstone told Mr Lindsay of the other his friend had made him Mr Llndsoy said it was a very good offer but he did not I know if Mr Glad- stone ¬ could be spared Anyway ho hail better Introduce them Turning to his friend the shipowner he said Allow mo to Introduce you to W E Glad ¬ stone chancellor of tho exchequer Mr Soandso Sunderland The amaze ¬ ment of the shipowner cannot be de ¬ scribed The Grand Old Man laughed Immoderately London Answers Just Exactly Right I have used Dr Kings New Life Pills for several yearsand find them just exactly right says Mr AA Felton of Harrisville N Y New Life Pills re- lieve h without the least discomfort Best remedy constipation billiousness and malaria 25o at Severs drug store Inconsistent Dear me said tho poetess I dont see why those horrid editors insist on saving manuscripts written on only ono side of the sheet whon they go quid print their paper on both sldosPnth finder t l Best The World Affords It gives me unbounded pleasure to recommend Bucklens Arnica Salve says J W Jenkins of Chapel Hill fy C < I nm convinced its the best salve the world affords It cureda fellon on < my thumb and It never fails to heal evi cry sore burn or wound to which tit applied 25ctat Severs Prug Store

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r ffSFJ < v

1T i IiT

The Merry Widow0




With the most dangerous suitorWho is he

Well replied Popoff confidentiallyIve had my eye on her and It seems

to me that De JolldonDe Jolldon exclaimed Daullo

ImpossibleWhy pray I think I

have ns good eyes as any man I

think sir I can detect love whon Isee It And from the way De Jolidonlooks at the widow why man I dontknow a single thing that doesnt pointtoward his being in love with herIf

If I may say so your excellencyput In Nlsh shuttling nervously I

think I could tell roil of a single thingif or rather lie added chuckling when

I say single I mean marriedMr Nlsh interrupted Popoff if

you can stop wriggling around like nuInobrlated centlncd long enough totalk plainly will you do UHJ the honorto put your blithcrlugs into plainwords

Well your excellency stammered


NIsh I happen to know M de Joll ¬

don is already head over heels In lovewith a lady who has a husband He

Mr Nlsh thundered Popoff youare demeaning to the con ¬

temptible act of talking scandal Aret you aware of that Mr Nish If sogo on talking It and tell me who shela

You fool whispered Danllo InNlshs ear Everybody but the am ¬

bassador himself knows it Is MmePopoff whom De Jolldon loves DecarefulI

Well Mr Nlsh repeated Popoffmajestically as he eyed tho squirmingclerk with lofty Im waiting to hear the name of the lady thatDe Jolldon Is In Jove with

lieho neglected to tell me yourexcellency sputtered Nish

Then decided the ambassador I

shall discover her by diplomatic meansand when I find who sho is sho shalluse her Influence to luro De Jolidonaway from tho widow Prince willyou help me in this

Leave it all to me suggested Da ¬

nllo with startling willingness Donttry to learn hor Identity yourself Letmo attend to the whole matter

All right Popoff Itwill be a good lesson in diplomacy foryou Perhaps I can put you on theright track

The ambassador drew an Ivory fanfrom his pocket

Last night at the embassy ballsaid he Nova Kovltch who used tobe one of my attaches brought methis He was crazy with jealousyHed just picked up the fan said it

fhadfsticks Ho was going homo to beat hiswife and make her confess who thevillain was when I persuaded my wifeto gave poor Mme Nova Kovltch bypretending Ute fan was her own t1t



but my AXT76 Is a boTIfQipToGfdOstNova Kovltch wns convinced and I

pocketed the fan for future referenceDanilo took the trinket from Popoffs

hands nud road the penciled Inscrip ¬

tionI Why he said on impulse this is

DC Jolidons handwriting How does Ithappen that ho

Then squealed Popoff In triumph

It Is Mme Nova Kovltch he lovesTho whole thing Is absurdly simplewhon n brain llko mine is brought tobQar on Itr

i Delighted with his own astutenessthe ambassador puttered off to join theother guests leaving Danllo fan Inhand blankly facing tho astounded lit¬

tie clerki

Nlsh observed tho prince do yousuppose Its possible Do Jolldon can bein love with Mme Nova Kovltch aswell as with Mme Popoff

IdId Hk6 to think so murmuredNish as he started faithfully off In thewake of his chief Id like to think soIt lL wjojiUi uvkff It less exclusive




less or a monopoly And fo think hisexcellency never recognized his ownwifes fun Where ignorance is blisswhy rend up on divorce laws

Laying tho fan on n nearby tableDanllo was turnhfg away when a voicebehind him called mockingly

Still in retreat So you are afraidof me

Whirling about the facedSon In She was bowltchlnily pretty IL

the black anti gold Mnraovlan drossthat snowed to fullest advantage everywillowy line of her ilguro

Im not retreating he contradictedonly skirmishing lu light cavalry

fashionAndyou are going away like that

Oh you stupid maul

I cant tell what you mean he nnswered purged

And I shant tell what I mean sherejoined By time way she addedhow do you happen to be here You

declined my InvitationIm here he replied bluntly be-

cause Im making it my business togot rid of every Frenchman who showssigns of proposing to you

But why she asked in wonder I

For my owu amusement thats allYou you dont happen to bo In love

with mo yourself she asked a tinge

withsuspiciousQtherYoure very very rude sho re-


ijutslnC9 you dont love me iI

you ought to bo able to gIve me goodadvice about accepting a man I reallywant to marry

1Oh I growled Danllo chagrinedThen there is some one you want to

marryShe noddedWhoever the man is hos after

your money link sueeredfiNo she contradicted He la not

not tills oueYou said all men wero alikeThis man is different He loves moThen marry him What is it to me

Marry any one you want to I dontcare And Ill dance at your weddingIll dance till I wear holes throughboth my shoes

You silly boy she scoffed YoureJealousJealous

he raged Jealous Ijealous Thats a good onel

Words failed him and ho stalkedaway to a nearby summer housowhere he paused1 lost In seeming con ¬

templation of the little buildings archi ¬

tectureTheneglected fan lying on the tablecaught Sonlas eye She picked It upIdly and opened it The words I loveyou met her gaze Quickly she glancedat Daullo

I understand she murmured toherself lie vowed hed never say 1Itto me so hes written It

Noting that Danilos back was to-


her she furtively lifted tho fant16 her lips and kissed tho writtenwords Then as she restored It to thetable she whisperedI

Just the same Ill make him sayIt He slialll

Site crossed to where he stoodHave you nothing to say to me

prince she asked

thinggoodbylGoodbwr Youreyoure not going

I leave Paris tomorrow morningby the first train forever

Then you wont be here after all todance at my wedding >

NoBut you promised And now I sup-


I shall never see you again forvJ12t1 T l ittryletlLsU llllbe JnPalls






I thought you sore iuoro patriotiche sighed It seems hard that youshould turn your back on your nativeland marry a Frenchman and settlehere

Yet it is what I have decided sheI

answered This is probably the lasttime I shall wear our native costumeor dance our wild national dances To ¬

days fete Is a sort of farowell to old

timesNoour dances and costumes would

not appeal to a Frenchman Who IIsIt you are going to marry

The engagement Isnt announcedyet she evaded

Then he returned with n shrugI suppose I shrill never know for I

leave early tomorrowAnd you wont dance at my wed ¬

dingIvetold you I would not

If you wont she cried a suddeninspiration flashing through her mindand lighting her pale face to dazzlingbeauty dance with me now

Sho stretched out her slender whitearms with an allurement that no mor¬

tal man could resist


ANOE with mot repeated SoinlaTho

faroff orchestra hadstruck up a dashing gayI

Warsovlan air Impelled by the touslebad her glance of daring Danllo sprang

n u



forwarflIn an Instant the two ware whirling

madly amkl the vtiMcacles of a wildUusslnn dance such MS hits for count ¬

loss centuries been performed from Si ¬

berias icj plain to Tartar steppes ndance of youth agility utter aban ¬

donYet as they came panting to a haltat the Inst crashing note of music theface of ucithor reflected tho exhllaratlon thb swift motion and stirringmeasures usually evoked In fact Danibs brow wore a very perceptiblescowl Sonia too was downcast Hadher rash experiment failed

You didnt enjoy that said sheNot especially he confessed Dill

youNoYou dont dance as well as you

aidYouve probably grown to prefer

French partners he replied piquedit the reflection on his dancing

From nil I hear she retorted youtliavo little right to reproach me on

that score Yon dance a good deal atMaxims dont you

Now and thpn ho admittedAnd with what sort of partners I

wonder she scoffed n touch of scornIn her sweet voice

With polito onus said Danlloicily


She winced over so little at the roeproof and went on

I suppose you dance better withthem than with me

Possibly he agreed You see Itoo may prefer French partners

She raised her great dark eyes tohis a world of meaning In them

Do you she asked almost in awhisper

The distant orchestra had been playIng again this time not a native allbuta dreamy infinitely sweet Vien ¬

nese waltz The opening notes of thehaunting melody though softened bydistance wore wafted none the lessdistinctly to the listening couple

Again their eyes met With a mutualimpulse they drew toward each otherThen began a dance ns different froththe stiffly conventional ballroom waltzas moonlight differs from a gasolineflare With more than a hint of thfree marvelously graceful posesI cSlavonic dancers Danllo and Sonia be-

gan their wondrous waltzThrowing herself back Into tho

strength of his circling embrace thegirls outstretched arms swayed llkowind blown lilies In rhythm with thmusic her light step scarcely touchlnearth as tho prince guided her throughthe mazes of the danceIIt was aoast and west of lissom oriental pos-


and of gliding modern walt-zstepsthe very poetry of motion Norfrom the first note until the last strainof music died away did either dancerseyes leave the others

Love > eager and eternal was in thegaze of each Eye said openly to eye

A lady went into the summer house witha gentleman

what sullen pride forced back from thelipsThen

a last dreamy chord and themusic was hushed Danllo and Sonlastarted amazed as though from somevision of paradise Tile widow fearfullest by impulsive word she mightwreck her plan of bringing Dnullo toher feet darted breathlessly away towelcome a new group of guests Theprince left alone stared after her openmouthed A clapping of applaudinghands aroused him

Bravo bravo my dear princewheezed the ambassador toddling for¬

ward What a delightful little dancclBut is it customary to catch ones purl ¬

nor In a jlu Jltsu grip like that or jsit a fashion that has como In since mywaltzing days

Tho old bores feeble Jest broughtDnullo quickly back to earth and to asense of everyday surroundings

Were you looking for me he askednone too civilly

Only to see If you had succeededyet In finding who the lady is withwhom Do Jolldon is In love She mustbo made to win him away from anyIdeas of marrying tho widow

To blazes with that and all the restof your silly plans shouted DanlloDont worry any more about thewidow Its no use I tell you She Isitolnir to innrnr a Frenchman la snlto


or us srrr And ire Tent on bitterlygoaded by time chagrin and abjdct dis-appointment


in Popoffs face Im go-


to dance at her weddingGoing to marry a Frenchman is

she yelled the distracted ambassador Preposterous Ill thud a wayof stopping it tad It is Do Jolldoushe thinks of marrying

Whats tmt to me I dont knowwho shes engaged to and

But Popoff waited to hear no moreCatching sight of Nlsh he rushed uponthat unhappy clerk

Find M de Jolldou he commanded Keep your eye on him all the restof the evening See if he makes Joveto the widow and report to nH Ihave already told Mme Popoff tllIsound him on the subject Amongall we ought to learn somethingwere done befoltII

Youll learn something If you kcopon spying muttered Danilo under hisbreath as he moved away But Illbet a years Income itll be something

that will give you more surprise thanpleasureDusk

was falling Above the myriadcolored lights that dotted the gardenthe moon was rising Along one ofthe t dged paths leading to the sum-merhouse man Illtl a woman were8troliuglmo Natalie Popoff and M

sJ2lliIAnd so your worthy husband sot

you the task of finding out whom I

am in love with De Jolldon wassaying

Yes tho ambassadors young wifeanswered He Is afraid you willmarry the widow

Why shouldnt I queried De Joltdon jokingly You told me to

B tbut you wont will you sheplea id Why dont you look at meWhni are you looking at

De JolldonM eye had fallen on thefan where it lay forgotten on the tablel

The fan you lost and that yourhusband pocketed he said handingIt to her

Thank goodness Natalie exclaim ¬

ed seizing it thenLend me a pencil

She wrote a sentence on1 the fan di ¬

rectly beneath the three words he hadscribbled the night before at the ball

There she sighed handing it tohim keep that as a reminder

IMe held the fan up to the light andread

1ainadutifulwifeRemember that always she ad ¬

juredNataliehe cried passionately-

It Is trutl am a duttrl wife IfI have beet foolish enough to listen toyour lovemaking at least I have neverencouraged It I have always rebuffedyou for consciences sake 1 am a duti-ful

Why remind me of the hopl >ssnessof my love murmured De Jolldon

You may refuse to reciprocate It butyou cannot prevent my telling you

But I can After this evening wemust not meet again My husbandtrusts me This must be our farewellinterview Dont try to alter my parpose I hove made up my mind Aft ¬

er this evening 1 shall neverNatalie you cant mean

I do this is the last talk we twoshall ever have together

Then Implored De Jolldon if It uf

really to be our farewell Interviewwhy must we talk here In the gardenwhere at any moment others may cometo claim nl r aWfiUJJou Grunt me a



Limb Peeled and Foot Was Like

Raw FleshHad to Use Crutches

AmputationNecessaryWrites of Cure Seven Years Ago


I have been treated by doctors fortvrentyflve years for a bad case ofenema on my leI rbey did their Ihost

but failed to euro itMy doctor had ad ¬

vlI ed mo to have myleg cut off but Isaid I wouldCutlcura Remediesfirst Ho said Trythem if you like buttheywIIlgoodAtYlegwas liko a piece of raw flesh and I had

to walk on crutches I bought a cakoof Cuticura Soap a box of CuticuraOintment and a bottle of CuticuraPills After the first two treatmentsthe swelling wont down and in twomonths my leg was cured and the newskin came on The doctor could notbelieve his own oyos when ho saw thatCuticura had cured me and said thatho would uso it for his own patientsI used two cakes of Cuticura Soapthree boxes of Ointment and five bott-les of Resolvent and I have now beeneared over seven years and but fortho Cutioura Remedies I might havelost my life I havo lots of grand ¬

children and they arc frequem usersof Cuticura and I always recommendit to tho many people whom my heal ¬

ness brings to my house ovary dayMrs JeanBaptisto Ronaud clairvoyant 277 Montana St Montreal QuoFeb 20 100-

7SLEEP FOR BABIESRest for Mothers

Instant relief and refreshing stoop forskintortured babies and rest for tiredfretted mothers in warm baths withCuticura Soap and gentle anointinwith Cuticura Ointment tho great skineuro and purest of emollients

IlOo2andCorpSoleWtdaned Free Cutlcun tfoekou Skis DIMMM


FOUR GIRLSRestored to Health by Lydia EPinklmms Vegetable Compound

Read What They SayMl89LlllinnRoMB3Q

East 84th Street NowYork writes LydiaE rinklmms Vegetable Compound overeamelrrtfUlartthllporlod

nervous headachesafter everything Gistliedl failed to help meand I loci it a duty tolet oilers know of Ittlg9d55LafayetteCil writes Thanksto Lydia BIMnkhamaVf iuble Compound Iam well after Itdrorlngfor months from ne >

v His prostration tMiss Claris Stoltz

ni tin of LftOre lawrites I wMiDa run1wneondit ion andsuffared from suppressionpoorfVegetabloloinpollndwall ujd Jtrone1 tMiss1 Ellen JLOlsonof 417 X East St KoLydia ti

tablei Com domedllli Of JMCI c9 sdQaihc and i bllshedmy x rixli after tho


FACTS FOR SICK WOMENFor thirty years Lydia E Pink

mndefromstandard remedy for female illsand has positively cured thousands olwomen who have been troubled withdisplacements inflammation ulcera-tion


fibroid tumors irregularitiesperiodic pains backache that bear¬


Why dont you try itlIrs IMnkhnm invites all sick

women to write her for adviceSite Inns led thousands tohealth A dress Lynn pass

nual halt hour of your society all tomyself Let the talk be uninterruptedLet us sit in the little summer houseover there SeeIt Iis rmpty

They entered the little Julio ed arbar It was lighted by a string QtJapanese lanterns and two rusticchairs were at opposite sides of Itsround center table There was a doorat each end of the tiny room an Mealspot for a teteatete chat now that themoonlight had wooed most of theguests out of doors

The light wicker door swung alittt be-hind the couple Natalie quite ernJoyed the prospect of listening to heradorers melodramatic words of tkrfwell and of posing heroclally as a selfsacrificing dutiful wife In half ashour at most she would rejoin her hasband with time righteous consclotunMWIn her heart of having dismissed totever the one man besides Popoff whobad ever made love to her

So Interested was Natalie In De Jelldons parting speech that she did Mbhear the ambassador just outside flfclae excitedlytNlsh Im sure I saw that nmuMK

house door close behind a ladys afclrttLets see who IIs In there

To be Continuedf

Not Wanting a JobWhen Gladstone was chancellor of

the exchequer one day be was la tttshipping department of the governmentoilier getting RODIP Information andfigures for the coming budget Vbfethus engaged a Sunderland shipownercalled to see Mr Lludsey time henmember for Sunderlnud

While waiting for Mr Llndsey to comeIn the shipowner got his eye on MrGladstone and was watching elm closely After doing so n lIttle while hothus addressed him

Thou seumst a good writer andclover at figures Ill give you f too ayear and thats an offer tluult not getevery day

Mr Gladstone thanked him antI saidhe would seo Mr LIndscy

Just then Mr LIndscy entered ThenMr Gladstone told Mr Lindsay of theother his friend had made him

Mr Llndsoy said it was a very goodoffer but he did not Iknow if Mr Glad-stone


could be spared Anyway ho hailbetter Introduce them Turning to hisfriend the shipowner he said Allowmo to Introduce you to W E Glad¬

stone chancellor of tho exchequer MrSoandso Sunderland The amaze¬

ment of the shipowner cannot be de¬

scribed The Grand Old Man laughedImmoderately London Answers

Just Exactly RightI have used Dr Kings New Life

Pills for several yearsand find them justexactly right says Mr AA Felton ofHarrisville N Y New Life Pills re-

lieveh without the least discomfort Bestremedy constipation billiousness andmalaria 25o at Severs drug store

InconsistentDear me said tho poetess I dont

see why those horrid editors insist onsaving manuscripts written on only onoside of the sheet whon they go quidprint their paper on both sldosPnthfinder

t l

Best The World AffordsIt gives me unbounded pleasure to

recommend Bucklens Arnica Salvesays J W Jenkins of Chapel Hill fyC < I nm convinced its the best salvethe world affords It cureda fellon on<

my thumb and It never fails to heal evicry sore burn or wound to which titapplied 25ctat Severs Prug Store