jean-philippe dedieu, aïssatou mbodj-pouye, "the first collective protest of black african...

1 THE FIRST COLLECTIVE PROTEST OF BLACK AFRICAN MIGRANTS IN POST- COLONIAL FRANCE (1960-1975). A STRUGGLE FOR HOUSING AND RIGHTS Jean-Philippe DEDIEU (CIRHUS/NYU) & Aïssatou MBODJ-POUYE (IMAF/CNRS) The study of the political activism of Black African diasporas in France after the independence era remains a neglected area of research. This paper fills a gap in the literature by exploring the first notable post-colonial protests in the country by sub-Saharan migrants. The struggle of Black African workers against their dire housing conditions opened up a “cycle of collective action” that led to the better-known Sonacotra migrant hostels (foyers) rent strike of 1975-1980. Even before the Sonacotra strike however, Black African workers had been able to call on the authorities from both their origin and residence countries and to mobilize transnational networks in order to support their demands. This article provides the first comprehensive historical study of this decisive period. It highlights how ethnic ties are intertwined with political and social ones, focusing on the solidarities that these migrants developed in political networks and in their neighbourhoods. Keywords: France, West Africa, migrants, protest, race, housing

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Page 1: Jean-Philippe Dedieu, Aïssatou Mbodj-Pouye, "The First Collective Protest of Black African Migrants in Post-colonial France (1960-1975). A Struggle for Housing and Rights." Ethnic



COLONIAL FRANCE (1960-1975).



The study of the political activism of Black African diasporas in France after the independence era remains a neglected area of research. This paper fills a gap in the literature by exploring the first notable post-colonial protests in the country by sub-Saharan migrants. The struggle of Black African workers against their dire housing conditions opened up a “cycle of collective action” that led to the better-known Sonacotra migrant hostels (foyers) rent strike of 1975-1980. Even before the Sonacotra strike however, Black African workers had been able to call on the authorities from both their origin and residence countries and to mobilize transnational networks in order to support their demands. This article provides the first comprehensive historical study of this decisive period. It highlights how ethnic ties are intertwined with political and social ones, focusing on the solidarities that these migrants developed in political networks and in their neighbourhoods.

Keywords: France, West Africa, migrants, protest, race, housing

Page 2: Jean-Philippe Dedieu, Aïssatou Mbodj-Pouye, "The First Collective Protest of Black African Migrants in Post-colonial France (1960-1975). A Struggle for Housing and Rights." Ethnic



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