jeanne godfrey power point slides

Helping students use words precisely and powerfully Jeanne Godfrey IATEFL Conference 2013, Liverpool, UK. Jeanne Godfrey 9/3/2013 1

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Jeanne Godfrey Power Point Slides - Author of 'The Student Phrase Book' and 'How to Use Your Reading in Your Essays' as well as two Palgrave Pocket Study Skills titles: 'Writing for University' and 'Reading and Making Notes'.


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Helping students use words precisely and


Jeanne Godfrey

IATEFL Conference 2013, Liverpool, UK.

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Problems students have

Lack of /only partial familiarity with core academic vocabulary.Inability to control and clearly communicate their ideas.Lack of confidence in developing their own written voice.Tutors giving help with technical language but expecting the students to be familiar with sub-technical lexis. Core vocabulary is therefore less marked and given less attention by students also.Dictionaries – students need to know which word they want to look up and dictionaries don’t give adequate contextualisation within real academic writing.Thesauruses – again, students need to know which word you want to look up, compounded by the fact that synonyms are grouped and that there is no indication of differences in meaning and context, nuance, connotation or register. ‘Confusable words’ and ‘key words’ books - again, they need to know which word you want to look up and that they have got a word wrong.EAP Vocabulary course books – excellent but only one or two are ordered via function and by definition they are (large) course books.

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Key points on mental lexicon and vocabulary acquisition

How many words do L2 students need to know? NNSs: Rundell - about 7,500 words above basic 2 -3,000 threshold level to understand 92 – 93% of a serious text. Nation - 8,000 words = 97 - 98% coverage of serious newspapers. 9,000 are needed for 98% coverage.

Size of lexicon needed for native-speaker performance – about 17,000 -20,000 word families. (Nation and Newton. Goulden, Nation and Read.)

Do students learn vocabulary through incidental reading, focussed teaching, reading strategies and guessing?

Incidental reading is good but focussed teaching is also needed. Teaching vocabulary is more useful than focussing on reading strategies (Dalton et al., Haynes and Baker, Laufer).Trying to guess words definitely doesn’t work (Bensoussan and Laufer 1984, Laufer 1997). 

Importance of learning phrases rather than isolated words? High. (Nattinger and De Carrico, Kilgarrif, Moon, Howarth, Osbourne, Nesselhauf and others.) Core academic vocabulary versus discipline-specific? Both are important.(Durrant et al., Corson, Coxhead, Hyland and Guinda 2012.)

Need for practice and precision? Definitely. Established pedagogy.

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The Student Phrase Book: Vocabulary for Writing at University Godfrey, 2013 Palgrave Macmillan

Key aims and messages Aims:to be an accessible self-reference and learning tool that can be used alongside a piece of work or separately;to give students a ‘way in’ to core academic vocabulary via writing functions;to help students use words and phrases precisely in their writing;to raise awareness of common errors and provide practice in error correction;to raise awareness of the rhetorical, ‘critical thinking’, and other key writing functions and to become familiar with academic writing and its conventions generally.Messages:academic writing should be uncomplicated, clear and precise and controlled by the student to communicate ideas effectively;the ability to write well is not achieved merely by using ‘good’ words and phrases, but by understanding their purpose and using them purposefully;successful and powerful writing is mainly a product of sound research, thinking and ideas combined with the ability to communicate these to the reader.

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Limitations of The Student Phrase Book

Covers core academic vocabulary rather than subject-specific lexis.

Can’t cover all the words every student will need.

Presents synforms together. Uses only the standard essay and report formats and to a lesser extent original research and experiment, rather than the different genres and sub-genres that exist.

Does not talk to students explicitly about how to learn and develop their

vocabulary. Does not cover in detail the complexities of how to use language to control the development of their ideas - such aspects need to be contextualised within their specific subject areas, using longer sections of authentic disciplinary texts.

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Research that informed The Student Phrase Book

Word selection criteria: core academic lexis used across disciplines in main writing functions ; mid to advanced level for both native and non-native English speakers ; rare words that are more common in academic texts and therefore

unfamiliar to students; evidenced in my ‘error corpus’ and published material as often used

imprecisely/ incorrectly.

My selection was checked against: West General Service List, Xue and Nation University Word List,

Coxhead Academic Word List and the Simpson-Vlach and Ellis Academic Formulas List;

my written error corpus; top two tiers of high-frequency written words in the Longman

Dictionary of Contemporary English 2009 and Macmillan Dictionary for Advanced Learners;

all other relevant and major publications, e.g. Fowler 2004, Pythian 1990, Cobuild Key Words for IELTS Book 2 Improvers and Book 3 Advanced , Swales and Feak;

Concordancers - BNC , Wordsmith Tools 5.0, Lextutor 6.5 and Google.

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Extract from my academic writing error corpus (raw data)

V about/generally. The UK population is generally 60,000,000.V About/o.f Personal writing is more of your own feelings..V above/earlier. ..with the restriction mentioned earlier on.. (cf above)V Abundant side-effects ( too positive cf common)V academic. The target audience can be white collar, business people or academical.V Accompanies. The deforestation of the Amazon Basin escorts the concerns in various continents in the world.V According. Lupton (1998) the public is extremely interested in medical stories.V according to. … According to Inoue Yukiko he is concerned that…V According to me…V According to. Mites and Hermes it confirms that...V accordingly. According to this vs. accordinglyV Across. (over) the years there has beenV adapt/apply. Academic writing is a form of writing that students adapt to their work.V addicted. Being Internet addicted isn’t so badV addiction. An addiction for the InternetV addictive. Cannabis is habitual (addictive)…V addictive/addiction. The effect it might have if its addicted.V adequate collocation. - My language skills are somewhat (-) adequate. (cf quite)V Adopt/adapt. Academic writing is a form of writing that students adapt to their work.V advance. Advances vs advancementsV Advances vs advancementsV advantage/disadvantage. Disadvantages for species to have more than one blood group is that….V advantage. There are many advantages for students to embark (of embarking) on a course of studyV Affect/influence. Testing on animals has numerous consequences; it influences animals in several aspects.V affect/reflect. In the long term, deforestation does not reflect on only one part of the world.

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The Student Phrase Book word coverage

University word list - Level 1 90% coverage - Level 11 8% coverage.Academic Word List – 51% coverage. This may seem low but AWL has a slightly higher proportion of words from commerce than from other subjects1. I also excluded words that are not directly associated with key writing functions and also vocabulary that is fairly basic and/or unproblematic for advanced NNSs and NS students. Examples of words not included in The Phrase Book: aid /adult /administrative/ attachment /automatic /area /civil /colleague/commodity/commission/consent/corporate/couple/contracted/culture/domestic/draft/drama/ export /federal/ file/funding.

The Phrase Book mainly covers words that are in the 3,000 – 7,000th frequency range, e.g. analogy, analyse, arbitrary, comparable (Macmillan Dictionary project and Rundell) and also some extra words outside the 7,000th frequency range that are problematic for students in academic writing, e.g. infer.

Examples of rare words and words outside the 7,000th frequency range not included in TSPB: heuristic/inimical/prudent/nomenclature/perspicuity/promulgate/redact/reify.1. NB This does not imply bias in Coxhead’s AWL data.

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The Student Phrase Book: Vocabulary for Writing at University

Godfrey, 2013 Palgrave Macmillan

Basic statistics

28 writing function groups.

1, 200 words or phrases highlighted in sentences.About 900 complete sentences from correct academic writing. These are nearly all adapted sentences from good/excellent student work and all contain accurate reference details.Just over 500 of the 1,200 words are then defined and have key information, including other main forms of the word, colligations and collocations, common confusions with synonyms and synforms, and key grammatical points. 280 incorrect adapted student sentences from my error corpus with corrected sentences given.Has both a function/section headings index and alphabetical word/ phrase index.

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Extract from The Student Phrase Book 2013. © J. Godfrey 2013.

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Extract from The Student Phrase Book 2013. © J. Godfrey 2013.

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Extract from The Student Phrase Book 2013. © J. Godfrey 2013.

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Extract from The Student Phrase Book 2013. © J. Godfrey 2013. 13

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Extract from The Student Phrase Book 2013. © J. Godfrey 2013.


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Extract from The Student Phrase Book 2013. © J. Godfrey 2013.

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Extract from The Student Phrase Book 2013. © J. Godfrey 2013.

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Extract from The Student Phrase Book 2013. © J. Godfrey. 2013.


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Extract from The Student Phrase Book 2013. © J. Godfrey 2013.

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Extract from The Student Phrase Book 2013. © J. Godfrey 2013.

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Extract from The Student Phrase Book 2013. © J. Godfrey 2013.

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Extract from The Student Phrase Book 2013. © J. Godfrey 2013.

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