jeff lariscy for guyton mayor sept. 2015

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Lariscy to Run for Mayor of Guyton By Jeff Lariscy August 22, 2015 Guyton, GA — Jeff Lariscy is officially announcing his intention to run for Mayor of Guyton in the November elections. Lariscy has served on Council in the past, as well as the Planning and Zoning Committee. He has also represented Guyton on the Hospital Authority and has most recently worked with both city employees and officials in his capacity as IT support. As Information Technology (IT) and Media Services Coordinator for the Effingham County School District, Lariscy has years of experience in working with multimillion dollar budgets, managing systems and projects, and leading personnel in support of the largest IT infrastructure in the county. He began his career as a high school math teacher at ECHS, teaching algebra and geometry, and started the District IT Department in 1994. Lariscy is currently commander of the local Civil Air Patrol (CAP) squadron, where he has had many opportunities to learn skills related to Public Relations (PR), as the squadrons Public Affairs Officer (PAO). Additionally, CAP has provided him with training in Emergency Services (ES) that afford Lariscy a better understanding of Public Safety operations and concerns. “CAP has provided me many opportunities to work with youth, volunteer in the community, learn about aerospace, and provide a better understanding of dealing with crisis situations.”

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Announcement by Jeff Lariscy that he's running for mayor of Guyton, Ga., on Nov. 3, 2015.


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  Lariscy to Run for Mayor of Guyton  By Jeff Lariscy August 22, 2015  Guyton, GA — Jeff Lariscy is officially announcing his intention to run for Mayor of Guyton in the November elections. Lariscy has served on Council in the past, as well as the Planning and Zoning Committee. He has also represented Guyton on the Hospital Authority and has most recently worked with both city employees and officials in his capacity as IT support.  As Information Technology (IT) and Media Services Coordinator for the Effingham County School District, Lariscy has years of experience in working with multi­million dollar budgets, managing systems and projects, and leading personnel in support of the largest IT infrastructure in the county. He began his career as a high school math teacher at ECHS, teaching algebra and geometry, and started the District IT Department in 1994.  Lariscy is currently commander of the local Civil Air Patrol (CAP) squadron, where he has had many opportunities to learn skills related to Public Relations (PR), as the squadrons Public Affairs Officer (PAO). Additionally, CAP has provided him with training in Emergency Services (ES) that afford Lariscy a better understanding of Public Safety operations and concerns. “CAP has provided me many opportunities to work with youth, volunteer in the community, learn about aerospace, and provide a better understanding of dealing with crisis situations.”