jeffrey d. saut, chief investment strategist, (727) 567 › media ›...

Investment Strategy Published by Raymond James & Associates Please read domestic and foreign disclosure/risk information beginning on page 4 and Analyst Certification on page 4. © 2016 Raymond James & Associates, Inc., member New York Stock Exchange/SIPC. All rights reserved. International Headquarters: The Raymond James Financial Center | 880 Carillon Parkway | St. Petersburg, Florida 33716 | 800-248-8863 Jeffrey D. Saut, Chief Investment Strategist, (727) 567-2644, [email protected] July 18, 2016:Revised Investment Strategy ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Investment Strategy: “I Love . . . NYC!” For me, last week began on Sunday night at Michael Jordon’s restaurant in Grand Central Station with some portfolio managers (PMs). The conversation was informative as were the investment ideas exchanged (more on those ideas after I have had time to study them). It was more of the same at breakfast the next day with another PM. Around 11:00 a.m., my colleague (Andrew Adams) arrived to accompany me to Jersey City for a three-hour stint with PMs at the venerable firm of Lord Abbett. The first hour was spent with Justin Maurer and Tom Maher, co-PMs of the Lord Abbett Value Opportunities Fund (LVOAX/$19.15), which invests 65% of the fund’s assets in small/mid-capitalization companies believed to be undervalued with the rest of the money able to “go anywhere.” They like to find ways in the portfolio to play the themes they like. A few of the themes discussed were: 1) a shrinking of airline capacity, 2) that fiscal spending is coming, 3) that government spending is going to be a growth industry in 2017, and 4) backdoor plays in the cyber security space. Hereto we swapped investment ideas that I will be sharing in the days ahead. I really liked these guys; I liked the way they think, the way they use a thematic approach, and the way they invest. The next hour was with Walter Prahl, who along with Joe Graham, manages the Lord Abbett Calibrated Dividend Growth Fund (LAMAX/$14.90). I would classify this fund as an equity income fund that likely will not unpleasantly surprise investors. The final hour was spent with my friend Tom O’Halloran, whose fund I own (Growth Leaders Fund/LGLAX/$22.41). Tom looks for companies that: 1) have attractive business models, 2) are organic entities (management), 3) are benefitting from healthy industry conditions, and 4) have a competitive advantage. Tom told us the tech revolution began with the integrated circuit in the 1960s (my first transistor radio) and has morphed into a race to overcome time, distance, and space. He offered up Grub Hub (GRUB/$29.80/Outperform) as an example. Subsequently, Tom took Andrew and me via water taxi to the NYC’s Union Club, which I had not been in for some 30 years, and we were joined by another friend, namely Eric Kaufman captain of VE Capital and founding member of Friends of Fermentation (a tip of the hat to another friend of Arthur Cashin). Next was dinner with my long-time friend and brilliant small-cap stock picker, Mary Lisanti, manager of the Leventhal/Lisanti Small Cap Growth Fund (ASCGX/$17.08), which I also own. This year has been tough for that asset class, but I think its (and her) time has come again. BTW, I only invest with PMs I know, not just professionally, but personally, like Mary, Tom O’Halloran, Eric, etc. As always, ideas exchanged in these meetings will be featured later in subsequent missives. Comes Tuesday, the day arrives with another breakfast with PMs, and yet another meeting with PMs, and then it was off to Goldman Sachs’ (GS) world headquarters. I actually love GS and own the Goldman Sach’s Rising Dividend Fund (GSRAX/$21.14), which is managed by another friend of mine, Troy Shaver. That afternoon, Andrew and I met with Goldman PMs, two of which I had never seen before, and I was really impressed with their investment style. They manage the GS U.S. Equity Dividend and Premium Fund (GSPAX/$12.16). They buy dividend payers, the fund is sector neutral, it has a Beta of ~1, they sell away 20/30% of the upside using various strategies that serve somewhat as a downside hedge, the fund has an average annual distribution of ~6%, it has very little “line item” risk, and they are thoughtful about the tax ramifications of their distributions. We also met with Osman Ali, a PM I have met with a few times before. It was intriguing to hear him talk about “crowd sourcing”, “machine learning”, and “informational advantages.” Goldman Sachs has taken, for lack of a better definition, Artificial Intelligence (AI) to an art form. Their computers read 26 million reports/articles/10-Ks a year looking for key words to gain an informational investment advantage. For example, in April of 2015, their AI gleaned that web traffic had exploded for Home Depot and Lowes right before those companies’ share price leaped. Wednesday started with a “hit” on Fox Business TV with Maria, who I have known for 25 years, followed by lunch with friends and then an interview with the good folks at the Wall Street Journal and Barron’s. That night, we met with some Wall Street types and had dinner at the fabulous Italian restaurant Scalinatella. The next day, it was an early meeting at Deutsche Bank Asset Management with about a dozen folks in attendance. At noon, it was a presentation for high net worth clients at our RJA Rockefeller Center offices, a stint at Bloomberg (great to see you Pimm Fox), and a “hit” for CNBC from the floor of the NYSE. Of course, each night was also accompanied with a confab at Bobby Van’s NYSE bar for libations with other members of Friends of Fermentation (FoF). Arthur Cashin was in rare form regaling his famous stories to my colleague Andrew.

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  • Investment Strategy Published by Raymond James & Associates

    Please read domestic and foreign disclosure/risk information beginning on page 4 and Analyst Certification on page 4.

    © 2016 Raymond James & Associates, Inc., member New York Stock Exchange/SIPC. All rights reserved.

    International Headquarters: The Raymond James Financial Center | 880 Carillon Parkway | St. Petersburg, Florida 33716 | 800-248-8863

    Jeffrey D. Saut, Chief Investment Strategist, (727) 567-2644, [email protected] July 18, 2016:Revised Investment Strategy ____________________________________________________________________________________________

    Investment Strategy: “I Love . . . NYC!”

    For me, last week began on Sunday night at Michael Jordon’s restaurant in Grand Central Station with some portfolio managers (PMs). The conversation was informative as were the investment ideas exchanged (more on those ideas after I have had time to study them). It was more of the same at breakfast the next day with another PM. Around 11:00 a.m., my colleague (Andrew Adams) arrived to accompany me to Jersey City for a three-hour stint with PMs at the venerable firm of Lord Abbett. The first hour was spent with Justin Maurer and Tom Maher, co-PMs of the Lord Abbett Value Opportunities Fund (LVOAX/$19.15), which invests 65% of the fund’s assets in small/mid-capitalization companies believed to be undervalued with the rest of the money able to “go anywhere.” They like to find ways in the portfolio to play the themes they like. A few of the themes discussed were: 1) a shrinking of airline capacity, 2) that fiscal spending is coming, 3) that government spending is going to be a growth industry in 2017, and 4) backdoor plays in the cyber security space. Hereto we swapped investment ideas that I will be sharing in the days ahead. I really liked these guys; I liked the way they think, the way they use a thematic approach, and the way they invest.

    The next hour was with Walter Prahl, who along with Joe Graham, manages the Lord Abbett Calibrated Dividend Growth Fund (LAMAX/$14.90). I would classify this fund as an equity income fund that likely will not unpleasantly surprise investors. The final hour was spent with my friend Tom O’Halloran, whose fund I own (Growth Leaders Fund/LGLAX/$22.41). Tom looks for companies that: 1) have attractive business models, 2) are organic entities (management), 3) are benefitting from healthy industry conditions, and 4) have a competitive advantage. Tom told us the tech revolution began with the integrated circuit in the 1960s (my first transistor radio) and has morphed into a race to overcome time, distance, and space. He offered up Grub Hub (GRUB/$29.80/Outperform) as an example. Subsequently, Tom took Andrew and me via water taxi to the NYC’s Union Club, which I had not been in for some 30 years, and we were joined by another friend, namely Eric Kaufman captain of VE Capital and founding member of Friends of Fermentation (a tip of the hat to another friend of Arthur Cashin). Next was dinner with my long-time friend and brilliant small-cap stock picker, Mary Lisanti, manager of the Leventhal/Lisanti Small Cap Growth Fund (ASCGX/$17.08), which I also own. This year has been tough for that asset class, but I think its (and her) time has come again. BTW, I only invest with PMs I know, not just professionally, but personally, like Mary, Tom O’Halloran, Eric, etc. As always, ideas exchanged in these meetings will be featured later in subsequent missives.

    Comes Tuesday, the day arrives with another breakfast with PMs, and yet another meeting with PMs, and then it was off to Goldman Sachs’ (GS) world headquarters. I actually love GS and own the Goldman Sach’s Rising Dividend Fund (GSRAX/$21.14), which is managed by another friend of mine, Troy Shaver. That afternoon, Andrew and I met with Goldman PMs, two of which I had never seen before, and I was really impressed with their investment style. They manage the GS U.S. Equity Dividend and Premium Fund (GSPAX/$12.16). They buy dividend payers, the fund is sector neutral, it has a Beta of ~1, they sell away 20/30% of the upside using various strategies that serve somewhat as a downside hedge, the fund has an average annual distribution of ~6%, it has very little “line item” risk, and they are thoughtful about the tax ramifications of their distributions. We also met with Osman Ali, a PM I have met with a few times before. It was intriguing to hear him talk about “crowd sourcing”, “machine learning”, and “informational advantages.” Goldman Sachs has taken, for lack of a better definition, Artificial Intelligence (AI) to an art form. Their computers read 26 million reports/articles/10-Ks a year looking for key words to gain an informational investment advantage. For example, in April of 2015, their AI gleaned that web traffic had exploded for Home Depot and Lowes right before those companies’ share price leaped.

    Wednesday started with a “hit” on Fox Business TV with Maria, who I have known for 25 years, followed by lunch with friends and then an interview with the good folks at the Wall Street Journal and Barron’s. That night, we met with some Wall Street types and had dinner at the fabulous Italian restaurant Scalinatella. The next day, it was an early meeting at Deutsche Bank Asset Management with about a dozen folks in attendance. At noon, it was a presentation for high net worth clients at our RJA Rockefeller Center offices, a stint at Bloomberg (great to see you Pimm Fox), and a “hit” for CNBC from the floor of the NYSE. Of course, each night was also accompanied with a confab at Bobby Van’s NYSE bar for libations with other members of Friends of Fermentation (FoF). Arthur Cashin was in rare form regaling his famous stories to my colleague Andrew.

    mailto:[email protected]

  • Raymond James Investment Strategy

    © 2016 Raymond James & Associates, Inc., member New York Stock Exchange/SIPC. All rights reserved.

    International Headquarters: The Raymond James Financial Center | 880 Carillon Parkway | St. Petersburg, Florida 33716 | 800-248-8863 2

    However, the most amazing meeting of the week was with my dear friend Craig Drill (Drill Capital), who typically arranges a lunch for my NYC visits.

    At previous lunches icons like David Einhorn (Greenlight Capital), John Hathaway (Tocqueville), Ken Langone, Joe Perella (Perella Weinberg), Mike Price (MFP Investors) – well, you get the idea – were in attendance. Last Friday’s lunch did not disappoint. While I am not going to name the names, I will tell you the ex-director of the CIA was there, the foremost Alzheimer’s doctor in the world was there, folks from Lee Cooperman’s Omega Advisors attended, a Singapore-based PM was there, my friend Eric Kaufman (the best MLP portfolio manager in the biz) sat in, and there was a cast of others present. The CIA guy said that ISIS was “past its high-water mark and that the Muslim community will eventually confront them.” He also suggested, since ISIS is in decline, it makes them more desperate. The gentleman from Omega began, after I spoke, saying, “I didn’t think there was anybody more bullish than me, but I was wrong!” (that would me). He then listed his bear market check list with five key points: 1) accelerating inflation, or problematic inflation (not here); 2) hostile Fed (not here); 3) prospects for a recession (not here); 4) investor exuberance (not here); and 5) expensive valuations (not here given the interest rate environment). His conclusion, “The only way this secular bull ends in the near term is if there is a ‘black Swan’ event” and, I agree. He also spoke about the concept of “molehill to mountains” falsely trumpeted by the media, citing the Greece Gotcha’, the Italian Job, the Crimea Crisis, the Brexit Bashing (we were buyers of stocks on the belief that new all-time highs were in the offing), and the remaining list is legion. The Singapore PM stated the Japanese election assured more monetary stimulus, that Chinese steel companies are trading at two times earnings, and the commodity cycle has bottomed, and hereto a number of long stock ideas were mentioned that I will vet in the days ahead. The Alzheimer doctor was amazing stating that Alzheimer’s is one of the leading causes of death and that it is the greatest unanswered medical need. To make this point, he posited that if five million folks are affected, and it takes $50,000 a month to attempt to treat it, that foots to $250 billion with the government’s total Medicaid spending (excluding admin costs, accounting adjustments, or data for the U.S. territories) of ~500 billion. Given the aging baby boomers, that is a HUGE problem. While he suggested there are new drugs on the way, exercise and the Mediterranean Diet are a step in the right direction for prevention.

    The call for this week: Bespoke points out that, “All ten sectors are overbought for the first time since [last] March” (chart 1). Plainly, we agree given our comments last week about the McClellan Oscillator. However, Bespoke also notes (as paraphrased), “In all the previous times when the S&P 500 has made a new all-time high, following at least 52 weeks below the old high water mark, the average return over the next 12 months has been 12.28% (median +12.30%) with an average pullback of 5.48% (median 2.73%).” Hence, folks waiting for the fabled 20% pullback are likely going to be disappointed. That said, it would not surprise me to see a sell off attempt this week that should not get very far. Meanwhile, while everyone is focused on the major indices at new all-time highs, few are watching the much maligned D-J Transportation Average (TRAN/7985.17) that is breaking out of a downtrend line that has been in effect since March of last year (chart 2). If successful, a new Dow Theory “buy signal” should be enforce. And don’t look now, but last week we experienced the third 90% Upside session in just as many weeks.

  • Raymond James Investment Strategy

    © 2016 Raymond James & Associates, Inc., member New York Stock Exchange/SIPC. All rights reserved.

    International Headquarters: The Raymond James Financial Center | 880 Carillon Parkway | St. Petersburg, Florida 33716 | 800-248-8863 3

    Source: Bespoke Investment Group

    Source: Thomson

  • Raymond James Investment Strategy

    © 2016 Raymond James & Associates, Inc., member New York Stock Exchange/SIPC. All rights reserved.

    International Headquarters: The Raymond James Financial Center | 880 Carillon Parkway | St. Petersburg, Florida 33716 | 800-248-8863 4

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  • Raymond James Investment Strategy

    © 2016 Raymond James & Associates, Inc., member New York Stock Exchange/SIPC. All rights reserved.

    International Headquarters: The Raymond James Financial Center | 880 Carillon Parkway | St. Petersburg, Florida 33716 | 800-248-8863 5

    Ratings and Definitions

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    Rating Distributions

    Coverage Universe Rating Distribution* Investment Banking Distribution


    Strong Buy and Outperform (Buy) 55% 68% 53% 51% 19% 40% 0% 0%

    Market Perform (Hold) 40% 30% 47% 35% 6% 17% 0% 0%

    Underperform (Sell) 5% 2% 0% 14% 2% 0% 0% 0%

    * Columns may not add to 100% due to rounding.

  • Raymond James Investment Strategy

    © 2016 Raymond James & Associates, Inc., member New York Stock Exchange/SIPC. All rights reserved.

    International Headquarters: The Raymond James Financial Center | 880 Carillon Parkway | St. Petersburg, Florida 33716 | 800-248-8863 6

    Suitability Ratings (SR)

    Medium Risk/Income (M/INC) Lower to average risk equities of companies with sound financials, consistent earnings, and dividend yields above that of the S&P 500. Many securities in this category are structured with a focus on providing a consistent dividend or return of capital.

    Medium Risk/Growth (M/GRW) Lower to average risk equities of companies with sound financials, consistent earnings growth, the potential for long-term price appreciation, a potential dividend yield, and/or share repurchase program.

    High Risk/Income (H/INC) Medium to higher risk equities of companies that are structured with a focus on providing a meaningful dividend but may face less predictable earnings (or losses), more leveraged balance sheets, rapidly changing market dynamics, financial and competitive issues, higher price volatility (beta), and potential risk of principal. Securities of companies in this category may have a less predictable income stream from dividends or distributions of capital.

    High Risk/Growth (H/GRW) Medium to higher risk equities of companies in fast growing and competitive industries, with less predictable earnings (or losses), more leveraged balance sheets, rapidly changing market dynamics, financial or legal issues, higher price volatility (beta), and potential risk of principal.

    High Risk/Speculation (H/SPEC) High risk equities of companies with a short or unprofitable operating history, limited or less predictable revenues, very high risk associated with success, significant financial or legal issues, or a substantial risk/loss of principal.

    Raymond James Relationship Disclosures

    Raymond James expects to receive or intends to seek compensation for investment banking services from the subject companies in the next three months.

    Stock Charts, Target Prices, and Valuation Methodologies

    Valuation Methodology: The Raymond James methodology for assigning ratings and target prices includes a number of qualitative and quantitative factors including an assessment of industry size, structure, business trends and overall attractiveness; management effectiveness; competition; visibility; financial condition, and expected total return, among other factors. These factors are subject to change depending on overall economic conditions or industry- or company-specific occurrences. Only stocks rated Strong Buy (SB1) or Outperform (MO2) have target prices and thus valuation methodologies.

    Target Prices: The information below indicates target price and rating changes for the subject companies included in this research.

    Valuation Methodology: Our valuation methodology for GrubHub is based on EV/EBITDA and EV/EBIDTA/growth ratios relative to the most relevant peer group.

  • Raymond James Investment Strategy

    © 2016 Raymond James & Associates, Inc., member New York Stock Exchange/SIPC. All rights reserved.

    International Headquarters: The Raymond James Financial Center | 880 Carillon Parkway | St. Petersburg, Florida 33716 | 800-248-8863 7

    Risk Factors

    General Risk Factors: Following are some general risk factors that pertain to the businesses of the subject companies and the projected target prices and recommendations included on Raymond James research: (1) Industry fundamentals with respect to customer demand or product / service pricing could change and adversely impact expected revenues and earnings; (2) Issues relating to major competitors or market shares or new product expectations could change investor attitudes toward the sector or this stock; (3) Unforeseen developments with respect to the management, financial condition or accounting policies or practices could alter the prospective valuation; or (4) External factors that affect the U.S. economy, interest rates, the U.S. dollar or major segments of the economy could alter investor confidence and investment prospects. International investments involve additional risks such as currency fluctuations, differing financial accounting standards, and possible political and economic instability.

    Specific Investment Risks Related to the Industry or Issuer

    Company-Specific Risks for GrubHub Inc. Competition GrubHub primarily competes with traditional offline ordering, which consists of paper menus and local advertisements. In addition, GrubHub’s online competition includes local service providers, point-of-sale vendors that partner with independent restaurants, and online platforms of larger chain restaurants that offer takeout.

    Limited Operating History GrubHub has a limited operating history in a rapidly changing market. With the exception of the New York and Chicago markets, GrubHub has 1-2% market share in most of its geographic markets, indicating its market share remains small in most areas. While we expect GrubHub to be able to meaningfully increase its market share in other cities, GrubHub’s success in penetrating other markets remains less certain given the early stage of the model.

    Seasonality GrubHub’s business is impacted by seasonality, which causes increased volatility from quarter to quarter. GrubHub generally experiences a relative increase in diner activity from September to April and a relative decrease in diner activity from May to August.

    Restaurant Dependency GrubHub Seamless relies on the restaurants on its platform to provide satisfactory food in a timely manner. Should these restaurants experience difficulty in servicing diner demand, producing quality food, or providing timely delivery and good service, this could impact GrubHub’s reputation and diners' willingness to use the GrubHub platform. In addition, the restaurant industry is known for having a very high turnover rate, which could impact GrubHub's business.

    Economic Conditions Adverse economic conditions, including diminished consumer spending, could lead to reduced diner spending on the GrubHub platform. Factors including unemployment, consumer debt, reductions in net worth, tax increases, energy prices, interest rates, and consumer confidence may all contribute to a decline in spending.

    Additional Risk and Disclosure information, as well as more information on the Raymond James rating system and suitability categories, is available at Copies of research or Raymond James’ summary policies relating to research analyst independence can be obtained by contacting any Raymond James & Associates or Raymond James Financial Services office (please see for office locations) or by calling 727-567-1000, toll free 800-237-5643 or sending a written request to the Equity Research Library, Raymond James & Associates, Inc., Tower 3, 6

    th Floor, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL


    Simple Moving Average (SMA) - A simple, or arithmetic, moving average is calculated by adding the closing price of the security for a number of time periods and then dividing this total by the number of time periods. Exponential Moving Average (EMA) - A type of moving average that is similar to a simple moving average, except that more weight is given to the latest data. Relative Strength Index (RSI) - The Relative Strength Index is a technical momentum indicator that compares the magnitude of recent gains to recent losses in an attempt to determine overbought and oversold conditions of an asset.

    International securities involve additional risks such as currency fluctuations, differing financial accounting standards, and possible political and economic instability. These risks are greater in emerging markets.

    Small-cap stocks generally involve greater risks. Dividends are not guaranteed and will fluctuate. Past performance may not be indicative of future results.

  • Raymond James Investment Strategy

    © 2016 Raymond James & Associates, Inc., member New York Stock Exchange/SIPC. All rights reserved.

    International Headquarters: The Raymond James Financial Center | 880 Carillon Parkway | St. Petersburg, Florida 33716 | 800-248-8863 8

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