jenah 5/28/15. inferiority alfred adler inferiority feeling - being normal and beneficial ...

Uncovering your Inferiority-The Linguistic Expressions of Inferiority Jenah 5/28/15

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Uncovering your Inferiority-The Linguistic Expressions of Inferiority




Inferiority Alfred Adler

Inferiority feeling - Being normal and beneficial Inferiority complex - A personality disorder

Inferiority feeling Inferiority complex

Motivation & Goal

Inferiority Being unconscious → detecting the inferiority: - Slavik & Carlson (2006) current measurements of inferiority:

• being based on participants’ behaviors• Involving participants’ being aware of doing self-esteem • lacking for systematic linguistic studies of inferiority

→ collecting the linguistic expressions of inferiority and building a corpus as the base to detect inferiority


Materials Texts with the term “自卑”

PTT Corpus- 1st person

Texts without the term “自卑” The sources?

Over-compensation (Adler) The distinction between the over-compensation from inferiority and real show-off


Classification Adler

- The comparative nature of inferiority Derikurs (1967)

- Being inferior physically- Being inferior socially- Being inferior in comparison to one’s own goals and standards

Mosak (1977)- Self-concept and ideal self-image- Self-concept and individual’s environmental evaluation- Self-concept and individual’s moral code


Classification Adler

- The comparative nature of inferiority Self-concept and ideal self-image Self-concept and individual’s environmental evaluation Self-concept and individual’s goals and standards


Analysis Gottschalk and Gleser (1969)

- Content analysis method of verbal messages of emotional state- e.g. The shame markers of low-visibility shame

Ridicule Inadequacy Overexposure of private details



實習真的好難找,我知道是我自己能力不足,不知道今年暑假 會飄流到哪去。 看著你,迅速的就找到了,讓我越來越自卑,超自卑。

Text with the term “自卑” Self-concept and individual’s environmental evaluation Inadequacy, uncertainty, comparison…

Expected Results

Types of Inferiority Inferiority Mark

Self-concept and ideal self-image

Self-concept and individual’s environmental evaluation

Inadequacy, uncertainty, comparison…

Self-concept and individual’s goals and standards

(1) Texts with the term “自卑”

Expected Results

Types of Inferiority Inferiority Mark

Self-concept and ideal self-image obstacle

Self-concept and individual’s environmental evaluation

Self-concept and individual’s goals and standards

(2) Texts without the term “自卑”

Expected Results

Types of Inferiority Inferiority Mark

Self-concept and ideal self-image

Self-concept and individual’s environmental evaluation

Self-concept and individual’s goals and standards

(3) Over-compensation

→Using the inferiority marks to detect the inferiority

Thank you