jeopardy $100 intro to parties history of two-party system minor parties party organization...

Jeopardy $100 Intro to Parties History of Two-Party System Minor Parties Party Organization Important People $200 $300 $400 $500 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 Final Jeopardy

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Intro to PartiesHistory of Two-Party

SystemMinor Parties







$500 $500




















Final Jeopardy

1 - $100

The party out of power criticizes the policies and behaviors of the party in power. What type of party function is this called?

Watchdog Function

1 - $200

What is the primary purpose of a political party?

To control government by winning elections

1 - $300

Party leaders ask a member of their own party not to run for office. They do not think he is qualified. How are the party leaders acting in this example (what type of party function is this)?

Nominating Role

1 - $400

How do elected officials in a multiparty system get anything done when no single party has a majority?

By forming coalitions

1 - $500

What one function most clearly sets parties apart from other groups in the political process?

Nominating candidates

2 - $100

Which party has dominated the federal government in recent decades?


2 - $200

The Democratic Party barely survived as a national party after…?

The issue of slavery split the party

2 - $300

The era of Republicans began when?

At the time of the Civil War

2 - $400

What important political change did Andrew Jackson’s administration bring?

Voting rights for white males

2 - $500

What was William Jennings Bryan’s major contribution to American party politics?

He helped to push party politics back toward the economic arena and away from divisions of sectionalism

3 - $100

What is likely to happen when minor parties are successful?

Their ideas are adopted by one of the major parties

3 - $200

Historically, minor American political parties have been most important in what way?

In their roles as critic and innovator

3 - $300

The Free Soil Party was primarily concerned about the spread of slavery. What kind of party was the Free Soil Party?

A single-issue party

3 - $400

Theodore Roosevelt was once a Republican but broke away to start his own minor party for the presidential election of 1912. His party was called the Bull Moose, or Progressive, Party. The Bull Moose Party is considered to be what kind of party?

A splinter party

3 - $500

A new party is formed whose main concern is the environment. What kind of party would this be?

Single-issue party

4 - $100

Who is the leader of a party’s national committee?

The National Chairperson

4 - $200

What is the main purpose of a major party’s national convention?

To select the party’s presidential and vice-presidential candidates

4 - $300

Which is the major contributor to the decentralized nature of the two major political parties?


4 - $400

At the State and local levels, party structure is largely determined by what?

State law

4 - $500

What is the main job of congressional campaign committees?

To re-elect party incumbents and capture new seats

5 - $100

Resigned from Washington’s Cabinet to organize his own political party?

Thomas Jefferson

5 - $200

As a third party candidate, Theodore Roosevelt influenced greatly the presidential election of 1912 by playing the role of a spoiler. Who won this election?

Woodrow Wilson

5 - $300

Who is the current chairperson of the Democratic National Committee?

Debbie Wasserman Schultz

5 - $400

He ran as a presidential candidate for the Socialist Party of America in 1912?

Eugene Debs

5 - $500

Long serving Senator from South Carolina who ran as a presidential candidate for the States Rights Democratic Party (Dixiecrats) in the 1948 election?

Strom Thurmond

Final Jeopardy

What party was led by Henry Clay and Daniel Webster?

Whig Party