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Post on 11-Feb-2016




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This. IS. Jeopardy. Bonjour. Technology. Battles. To End Wars. Who am I?. V words. Bonjour. Technology. Battles. To End Wars. Who am I?. V Words. $200. $200. $200. $200. $ 2 00. $200. $400. $400. $400. $400. $400. $400. $600. $600. $600. $600. $600. $600. $800. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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This weapon was created initially to allow the United States military to put landing zones in the middle of dense jungle quickly. It later became a psychological weapon as well that we used until 2008.This defoliant was used extensively in Vietnam.This program was a way to determine who were VC by combining everyone else into central locations.The US plan to locate the VC in the Jungles and then use artillery to destroy them.Bombing program to weaken the NVA ability to wage war, it lasted the entire war.This helicopter was the workhorse of the Vietnam War.This type of trap was a favorite of the NVA and VC because it was cheap to construct and the material to build it was plentiful.This Battle marked the turning point of the Vietnam war for the US when we were surprised by a daring NVA surprise attack.This battle marked the end of the French presence in Indo-China.This battle appeared to be the perfect example of the pointless battles fought during this war when the objective was taken not once but three times.The fighting at this US airbase lasted for nearly two months and when the NVA left the US simply abandoned the facility.This naval battle led to the open outbreak of hostilities between the US and NV.This treaty ended the French War in Indo-China and split Vietnam at the 16th parallel. These are the four countries that were created as a result of France leaving Indo-China. The US officially ended our participation in the Vietnam War in this year. The US evacuation of our embassy in this city is one of the most compelling images of the end of the war. The name of the capital city of South Vietnam today. I was the leader of the Vietminh against the Japanese in WWII, the French during the Indo-China War, and the US during the Vietnam War.I was the leader of the US who will bring us out of the Vietnam War, also involved in a small campaign scandal.I was assassinated after a coup okayed by President Kennedy took place.DailyDouble!!

What is the Bell UH-1 Huey?The revolutionary group led by Ho Chi Minh to throw off the yoke of French oppression.South Vietnamese Communist Guerrilla forces who sought to overthrow the government sponsored by the US.US war policy under Nixon which sought to turn over the fighting of the war to the citizens of the countries involved, it was a way to extract US forces from the country.The four countries that were created from what was previously known as Indo-China.Charlie.Double Jeopardy

What is Hamburger Hill?What is Khe Sanh?What is the Gulf of Tonkin Incident?What is the Geneva Accords?What is North Vietnam, South Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia?What is 1973?What is Saigon?

What is trick question, there is no SV so no capital but the city was renamed from Saigon to Ho Chi Minh City?Who is Ho Chi Minh?Who is President Richard Nixon? Who is Ngo Dinh Diem the leader of SV?Who is Lyndon Johnson?Who is Lt. John Kerry?Who are the Vietminh?Who are the Vietcong?What is Vietnamization?What is North Vietnam, South Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia?What is the nickname given to the Vietcong by US servicemen?Protest

SolutionsProblemsJFK as President and pre US Vietnam WarWatergateMiscellaniousWhat is to protest Diems treatment of the Buddhist population of SV?What is the Daisy Cutter?What is a dove, the symbol of the anti-war movement?What is a Hawk the symbol of supporters of the war effort?

What is the Kent State Massacre?What is Agent Orange?What is Napalm?What is Strategic Hamlet Program?What is a Search and Destroy Mission?What is Operation Rolling Thunder?A one year term in combat that was one of the reasons that the US suffered many casualtiesWhat is a tour?What is short?What is the length of time that regular soldiers spent in combat v. officers?What is 1/4?What is the Ho Chi Minh Trail?What are mud and mortars?What are some of the reasons that Nixon loses to JFK?JFK and Nixon nearly same age, same anti-communist credentials, Nixon more experienced, JFK was a war hero(PT 109)What is the Bay of Pigs incident?What is the Cuban Missile Crisis and Nukes in Cuba and Turkey, standoff and blockade?Who is Gerald Ford?Who is Taped Oval Office conversations?What is the location of the attempted bugging of the Democratic Party National Headquarters?What is the Saturday Night Massacres? Who are Andrew Johnson and William Clinton?What is a free fire zone?What is Mai Lai?What is dug extensive tunnels to protect their men?What is 1975?What is possible essays for the test?FinalJeopardy

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