jeopardy reproductive system

Human Human Reproductive Reproductive System System Jeopardy Jeopardy

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Page 1: Jeopardy reproductive system

Human Human

Reproductive Reproductive



Page 2: Jeopardy reproductive system

M2,1 M3,1

M2,2 M4,2

M1,4 M2,4



Males 1 Males 2 Males 3 Males 4

M1,3 M2,3 M3,3





M1,5 M2,5 M3,5 M4,5


Page 3: Jeopardy reproductive system

Testicles (testes) and spermatozoon/-zoa

What are the male gonads and gametes called?

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Vas deferens (sing) or vasa deferentia (pl)

/væs ˈdef ə renz/

Both tubes transport sperm from the epididymis into the urethra

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Cowper's glands

A pair of pea-sized organs located just inferior to the prostate. They secrete mucus to

lubricate the urethra during the intercourse

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A vesicle at the tip of a sperm cell that helps the sperm penetrate the egg by breaking down the corona radiata that sourrounds the ovum. Male sterility can be due to the fact that its digestive enzymes don't work properly

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Seminiferous tubules

What are the highly coiled tubes in the testis in which sperm are produced? Their

whole length is around 500 m

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Male reproductive ducts

Seminiferous tubules > epididymis > vasa deferentia > urethra all together are called...

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Duct thet serves the dual purpose of conveying urine from the bladder and carrying the

reproductive cells with their accompanying secretions to the outside

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Located between spermatozoon tail and head, this area contains mitochonddria to provide

the flagellum with the energy requiered

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Scrotum/ˈskrəʊt əm/

The testicles make sperm best at a few degrees cooler than normal body temperature.

The testicles hang outside the body in this fold of skin to keep the sperm cool

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Secretions by seminal vesicles,

prostate and Cowper's glands

Semen is made of 10% sperm and the rest consists of...

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Two corpora cavernosa-dorsal side-

and a corpus spongiosum-ventral side around the urethra-

Spongy tissues containing many blood spaces that are relatively empty when the penis is flaccid but fill with blood when the organ is

erect /ɪ ˈrekt/

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Scientific word for the sperm tail

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Epididymis/ˌep ɪ ˈdɪd əm ɪs /

A coiled tubule located adjacent to the testes where sperm finish maturing and are stored. It connects the seminiferous tubules with the

vas deferens

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Prostate/ˈprɒst eɪt/

Gland that lies under the urinary bladder and surrounds the first part of the urethra. It

secretes into the urethra a fluid that helps neutralize the acidity of the vaginal tract

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Foreskin (prepuce)

/ˈpriːp juːs/

A fold of skin that covers the penis glans*. It is removed in a circumcision, a surgery frequently performed on male babies for religious or cultural reasons. Experts disagree because it improves cleanliness and disease


*glans (glande) /ɡlænz/

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Meiosis/maɪ ˈəʊs ɪs/

The most important event in gemetogenesis because this is the stage when the number of

chromosomes is halved

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The process by which spermatozoa (sperm) is produced inside the

seminiferous tubules

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Seminal vesicles/ˈsem ɪn əl …/

Two 7.5 cm long glands, behind the urinary bladder, that produces a secretion containing

large quantities of fructose and other substances that provide nourishment for the


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Ejaculation/i ˌdʒæk ju ˈleɪʃ ən/

The forceful expulsion of semen through the urethra to the outside

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5 days

How long are spermatozoa alive after ejeculation and inside the female body?

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F2,1 F3,1

F2,2 F4,2

F1,4 F2,4



Females 1 Females 2 Females 3 Females 4

F1,3 F2,3 F3,3





F1,5 F2,5 F3,5 F4,5


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Ovaries and ova (sing. ovum)

What are the female gonads and gametes called?

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Ovarian follicle

A small fluid-filled chamber of cells. An ovum matures inside each of them. The ovaries of a

newborn female contain a large number of these chambers

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Fallopian tubeor oviducts

/fə ˈləʊp iən //ˈəʊv i dʌkt/

A tube where fertilisation takes place and through which the zygote/embryo

makes its way to the uterus.

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Uterus or womb/wuːm/

An organ about 7.5 cm long and 5 cm wide in which a foetus can develop. Its muscular wall is called myometrium and the lining known as


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Endometrium/ˌend əʊ ˈmiːtr iəm/

The lining of the uterus. This inner layer changes during the menstrual cycle, first preparing to

nourish a fertilized egg, then breaking down if no fertilization occurs to be released as the menstrual


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Vagina/və ˈdʒaɪn/

It's muscular tube about 7.5 cm long connecting the uterine cavity with the outside.

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Vulva/ˈvʌlv ə/

The external parts of the female reproductive system, which includes two pairs of lips or

labia and the clitoris, which is a small erectile organ of great sensitivity

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Bartolin's glands

The vaginal opening is surrounded by these two mucus-producing glands. Like the Cowper

glands in males, these glands provide lubrication during intercourse.

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Oestrogen/ˈiːs trədʒ ən/

Hormone secreted by the ovarian follicle. The effect of that hormone is rebuilding the

uterine endometrium (making its cells divide)

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Graafian follicle

This is the stage of the follicle at its biggest size and containing a mature ovum about to

be released

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Ovulation/ˌɒv ju ˈleɪʃ ən/

This is the process by which a ripened ovum is discharged from its ovarian follicle to the

ovary’s surface and collected by the oviduct

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Corona radiata/kə ,rəʊn ə .../

This is the layer of cells surrounding the ovum and supplying it with food to be stored

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Corpus luteum /,kɔːp əs ˈluːt iəm/

After the ovum has been expelled, the remaining follicle is transformed into this glandular mass. This structure secretes

progesterone. If pregnancy doesn't occur, it shrinks and is replaced by scar tissue.

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Progesterone/prəʊ ˈdʒest ə rəʊn/

Hormone released by the ovary's corpus luteum. Because of this hormone, the uterine

lining thickens and also produces great number of blood vessels

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Approximately 14 days after ovulation, the corpus luteum shrinks and gives up producing progesterone -it pregnancy has not occurred. The highly vascularised endometrium is shed and expelled from the body via vagina. The

process lasts around 4 days

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Proliferative phase

The phase in the uterine cycle in which the lining of the uterus is rebuilt thanks to the

oestrogens secreted by the maturing ovarian follicle

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Luteal phase/,luːt i əl feɪz/

The phase in the uterine cycle in which the lining of the uterus reaches its maximun

thickness and vascularisation and gets ready to receive and feed the embryo

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Placenta/plə ˈsent ə/

A disc on the uterine wall made of the mother's uterine blood vessels and embryo blood

vessels. This organ provides nurishment and oxygen to the embryo and takes away its

cellular waste products.

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Umbilical cord/ʌm ˈbɪl ɪk əl .../

Rope-like structure which contains the foetus' blood vessels going to the placenta. The scar

that it leaves after birth is called navel or belly button

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Tubal ligation AND vasectomy

/və ˈsekt əm i/

Surgical methods of contraception for females and males