jeopardy! standard vii c: the student will understand wwii

Jeopardy! Jeopardy! Standard VII C: Standard VII C: The student will The student will understand WWII. understand WWII.

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Jeopardy!Jeopardy!Standard VII C:Standard VII C:

The student will understand WWII.The student will understand WWII.

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The student will understand WWII.The student will understand WWII.


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Battles in the


Battles in Europe

Groups and Individuals

The Home Front Germany Post-War

Answer 1-100Answer 1-100• On what Pacific Ocean island did Japan

try to destroy the Pacific Fleet for a second time: American forces lead a successful surprise attack because they had broken the Japanese military code in 1942?

•Battle of Midway

Answer 1-200Answer 1-200• This was the first US offensive in the



Answer 1-300Answer 1-300• This is the name given to the event that

occurred in the Philippines when the American and Filipino soldiers were forced to surrender to the Japanese and march through the jungle to their prison camp.

•Bataan Death March

Answer 1-400Answer 1-400• At this battle, the Americans stopped the

Japanese advance on Australia.

•Battle of the Coral Sea

Answer 1-500Answer 1-500• The number of casualties on these two

Japanese islands were part of the reason that convinced President Truman to drop the atomic bombs on Japan

•Iwo Jima and Okinawa

Answer 2-100Answer 2-100This was the title of the year long operation

that resulted in the D-Day invasion at Normandy

Operation Overlord

Answer 2-200Answer 2-200• This was the air battle between the

Luftwaffe and the RAF that caused Hitler to begin a two front war.

•Battle of Britain

Answer 2-300Answer 2-300• The German invasion of the Soviet Union.

•Operation Barbarossa

Answer 2-400Answer 2-400• The Battle of the Atlantic turned in the

Allies’ favor in 1943 with the development of what?


Answer 2-500Answer 2-500• This was Hitler’s last ditch attempt to force

the Allies out of Germany.

•Battle of the Bulge

Answer 3-100Answer 3-100• List the 5 nations that were the major

Allied Powers during WWII.

• United States

• England

• France

• Soviet Union (Russia)

• China

Answer 3-200Answer 3-200• List the 3 Axis Powers of WWII.

• Italy

• Germany

• Japan

Answer 3-300Answer 3-300• These men were vital to the Allied war

strategy because they were responsible for sending and receiving coded Allied messages; they were never broken by the Japanese

• Navajo Code Talkers

Answer 3-400Answer 3-400• This race riot occurred in California

between American sailors and Mexican men

•Zoot-Suit Riots

Answer 3-500Answer 3-500• This court case occurred in 1944, in which the Supreme

Court ruled that the U.S. government was justified in forcing Japanese onto internment camps because during times of war it is constitutional to limit people’s civil liberties.

•Korematsu vs. United States

Daily Double!!!

Answer 4-100Answer 4-100• This was the main way the United States

financed the war.

•War Bonds

Answer 4-200Answer 4-200• Before the U.S. entered WWII, President

Roosevelt tried to stay out of the war and help the Allies by shipping weapons and other supplies to Britain. The Allies would pay for the supplies “later”. What act allowed President Roosevelt to do this?

• The Lend-Lease Act

Daily Double!!!

Answer 4-300Answer 4-300• The Selective Training and Service Act of

1940 was the first one of these.

•Peacetime draft

Answer 4-400Answer 4-400• This is the executive order signed by FDR

that forced Japanese Americans onto internment camps.

•Executive Order 9066

Answer 4-500Answer 4-500• What are the Four Freedoms?

•Speech, Religion, Fear, Want

Answer 5-100Answer 5-100• World War II broke out when Hitler

invaded this country.


Answer 5-200Answer 5-200• Hitler gave up his plan of carrying out

Operation Sea Lion because

•He lost the Battle of Britain

Answer 5-300Answer 5-300• This treaty gave Hitler an insurance policy

against having to fight a two-front war

•The German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact

Answer 5-400Answer 5-400• Why did Hitler decide to invade the Soviet

Union after he lost the Battle of Britain?

•He needed the wheat and oil

Answer 5-500Answer 5-500• The theory of setting aside one’s beliefs to

pacify an aggressor was known as


Answer 6-100Answer 6-100• This was signed between FDR and

Churchill in Newfoundland and became the backbone of the United Nations.

•Atlantic Charter

Answer 6-200Answer 6-200• This event set the precedent that national

leaders can be held responsible for crimes against humanity

•Nuremburg Trials

Answer 6-300Answer 6-300• This conference is also known as the

Crimea Conference.


Answer 6-400Answer 6-400• This is the conference where Stalin agreed

to declare war on Japan two months after Germany surrendered.

•Teheran Conference

Answer 6-500Answer 6-500• This was the last wartime conference held

in Germany in 1945.

• Potsdam