jesus christ' s holy mother mary

SAINT MARY, MOTHER OF JESUS AND THE MOST VIRTIOUS WOMAN ON THE EARTH AND IN HEAVEN Then, baby (Jesus) started speaking, I am a servant of God and HE revealed the book and sent me as a messenger” Wherever I was God blessed me and made me saint and ordered me to pray and give Alms for (the poor)." “And obedient to my mother, and He has not made me insolent, unblessed” “Peace upon me on the day I was born and the day I died and the day I will be resurrected.” (From the verse of Mary) Prelude Holy Hanna, mother of Saint Mary, And Saint Mary When I decided to prepare a presentation about Saint Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, I know that I am into a very difficult task to do because Saint Mary is one of the controversial topics in divine religions; Catholics, Protestans, Christians, Muslims have different points of views on Saint Mary; but they all have a common ground on Saint Mary; She is the most purest, loyal, brave, submissive and pious woman on the earth. She had many good personal and divine traits which she gained them during her life as a servant at the temple of Pharisee, Mescid-i Aksa! She was also blessded to heal sick people. Thus I would like to focus her personality traits rathher than her controversial judgements about her identity through different sources. I looked into every source of all relogions to prepare my presentation at best to make the readers understand Saint Mary, rightly.

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Saint Mary is the mother of Jesus Christ.


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“Then, baby (Jesus) started speaking, I am a servant of God and HE revealed the book and sent me as a messenger” “Wherever I was God blessed me and made me saint and ordered me to pray and give Alms for (the poor)." “And obedient to my mother, and He has not made me insolent, unblessed” “Peace upon me on the day I was born and the day I died and the day I will be resurrected.” (From the verse of Mary)


Holy Hanna, mother of Saint Mary, And Saint Mary

When I decided to prepare a presentation about Saint Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, I know that I am into a very difficult task to do because Saint Mary is one of the controversial topics in divine religions; Catholics, Protestans, Christians, Muslims have different points of views on Saint Mary; but they all have a common ground on Saint Mary; She is the most purest, loyal, brave, submissive and pious woman on the earth. She had many good personal and divine traits which she gained them during her life as a servant at the temple of Pharisee, Mescid-i Aksa! She was also blessded to heal sick people. Thus I would like to focus her personality traits rathher than her controversial judgements about her identity through different sources. I looked into every source of all relogions to prepare my presentation at best to make the readers understand Saint Mary, rightly.

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A brief look into the Life of Saint Mary Mary, or Meryem in another langage means pious in religion and Mary was described as the most obdient and submissive and righteous in one of the holy books, Qur’an! She was pointed as an exemplary woman to other women by God! Mary’s father was Imran who was related to the prophet David and her mother was Hanna (Saint Anne) Hanna could not have babies and she was so sad about it. One day Hanna saw a bird with baby bird and she was touched by that view! Then she prayed and begged to God “ “Dear Lord, Please allow me to have a child; if you accept my prayer I will sacrifice him to the Bey’tul Makdis – The Mescid-i Aksa, as a servant.” (3:33-36)

But there was a problem. Only the male children were allowed to be sacrifiecied to the Beyt-I Makdis as a servant. Women were not entitled to enter at temple. Hanna was so sincerely prayed that she would never expected to have a baby girl. But as a test and act of FATE, she bore a baby girl. God accepted her prayer not literally though but in the light of “Man proposes something God disposes another” phrase and gave her a very amazing child who would change the codes of Christianinty. Hanna was determined to sacrifiece her daughter to the Mescid-i Aksa and was ready to face the pressure from Jewish priests. She Called her daighter as Mary, Meryem meaning very pious and devoted.

Before Mary was born, Mary’s father, Imran passed away. Hanna prayed to God as follows:

“Dear Lord, I beg you to protect my daughter, Mary, and her race from the Devil expelled from Heaven” (3:33-3

God accepted Hanna’s prayer and devil became unable to touch Mary and Jesus Christ when they were born. Jesus Christ and his mother started getting blessed at their birth by God’s Grace.

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The Dream of Byzantine King Herod The Herod family was the ruling dynasty in Israel at the time of Christ. His area covered from Gaza to Masada in southern Israel, north beyond Nazareth, and then a section east beyond the Golan Heights into what is today Syria. If Herod had not died while Jesus was still an infant, he certainly would have been a problem later because this is the very area that Christ lived and conducted His entire recorded ministry. King Herod is the one who tried to have the infant of Hanna killed: " somebody said in his dream that one child, a son, from Isratleties will be boorn and outhrow him and his kingdom.” Later Herod had ordered his soldiers to look for any new born-baby sons or the pregnant women Nazareth. The soldiers, after their search iformed that a woman, wife of Imran was about bear a child; However, after the birth of Mary, soldiers informed Herod that the baby was a girl not a boy, Herod was releived and stopped worrying! Indeed, Jesus would be coming very soon.

Pharisees, Zachariah and the conflict about who would be the guardian of Holy Mary


The Pharisees, the Jewish priests of Mescid-i Aksa, wanted to be guardian of Mary; However, the prophet Zachariah wished the same! Then, after long quarrels, they decided to go for a divine draw, praying to God; the one whose straw keeps still in the water will be the one who will be the guradian of Holy Mary. The prophet Zacharias won the draw and was entitled to be the guardian of Holy Mary after all the straws were left in the water. This was a divine arrange of God who entrusted Saint Mary, to a prophet to be raised righteously! Saint Mary needed to be taught by a prophet to get herself ready to be a mother of Jesus Christ! And Holy Mary was related to Zachariah, that is, he will be more caring than anyone. Then, for Holy Mary, the Prophet Zechariah built a small small room out of wood at one of the corners of the Temple. This small room became not only a place to sleep but also a praying corner for Mary who was known as the most modest, pious and the virtuous among people.

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Mary was praying there after she finished the temple’s chores. The prophet Zecharia raised Holy Mary with all his religious knowledge and old testament! Whenever the prophet Zecharia visited Mary, he was seing some food in front of her, he was asking about food; who was bringing them? Holy Mary Mas replied that angels were bring them down for her; they were from Heaven. Mary gew up and became a young woman. The Pharisees got used to her existence and they were watching her closely though to catch her red-handed if she did somethimg wrong One day an angel appread in front of her and gave her the good news; “God is gospeling good news about somebody who is the word of God; His names Is Jesus Mesiah, the son of Mary; He is also well-respected and pious here on the earth and Hereafter.”

After a while, the angel Gabriel appeared in front of Saint Mary and said, “I am a messenger of God and Mary asked Gabriel how possibly that she will get pregnant while no religion-bounded-man, having no husband, did not touch her!”

Gabriel replied, “ This birth is so easy with the divine strenght of God and it is predestined in eternity.” And God said. “Mention Mary who prtected her chastity so strongly and we blew into her from our divine spirit and we made her and her son as a miracle/lesson for the whole world.” (From the verse of Mary)

That Holy Mary was conceived, which was predestined in the Fate of Book came true. Mary was pregnant for Jesus and the Joseph who was working with Mary on at the Temple noticed that she was pregnant. Saint Mary told him everything that happened. Joseph did not believe in her in the beginning and asked her,

“ Is it possible that crops can happen without seeds or trees grow without rain and without a man a baby can happen?”

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Mary replied,

“God created the first day crop without seeds. The seed you call it is in the crop and it is created in the first place without any ssedds. God first created the trees without rain and later with HIS MIGHT made the rains as a way to water the trees.”

Then Joseph believed in Mary and added, “ Now I believe that God is almighty one who can create anything with HIS MIGHTY order, by HIS command “come into existence”

Saint Mary added, “Don’t you know that God created Adam and Eve without any father and mother!”

The birth of Jesus Christ was approaching, thus, Holy Mary stayed away from people not to get noticed and so she left the city. The pains of pregnancy became more often and all alone she took a rest under a barren date tree. She begged to God in tears,

“I wish I died and I could be forgotten” at that moment, a voice addressed her,

“Do not be sad!”

Suddenly a water fountain appeared on her left side flowing and the voice continued,

“Shake the date tree so that dates can fall down.” (From the verse of Mary)

God of all Heavens gave life to the date tree for Mary so she could feed her newborn baby.

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Then Mary hugged her baby and believed that she and her baby are totally under God’s protection. God ordered Holy Mary to return to the Temple and told her to have fast of Silence for three days and if anyone pushed her to talk, she could point at her baby!

Holy Mary with her complete trust in God, she returned to the city and was approaching to the temple. The phasaries were angry and frustrated when they heard that Virgin Mary was coming to temple with a baby in her hands; she was not married! How was it possible?

Look at Pharisees on

Everybody was looking at Holy Mary when she was approaching Temple; All people were in shock! They couldnot believe in her eyes.

Then Pharisees surrounded her along with people; they started blaming and insulting her. Then Head Priest of Pharisees asked Holy Mary how she bore a baby while she was not married.

Holy Mary who was fasting of silence pointed at the baby! The priest, this time, started mocking Holy Mary claiming that how a new-born baby could talk!

Howewer the priest wanted to have fun expecting that a new-born baby could not talk and he asked the question;

“ Who are you? Tell us who you are; I am asking on behalf of all priests and people around you!”

But something unexpected happened! The baby Jesus started talking as a miracle of God:

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“ I am a servant of God and HE revealed the book and sent me as a messenger” “Wherever I was God blessed me and made me saint and ordered me to pray and give Alms for (the poor)." “And obedient to my mother, and He has not made me insolent, unblessed”

“Peace upon me on the day I was born and the day I died and the day I will be resurrected.” (From the verse of Mary)

The young Saint Mary while praying to God During the miracle of Baby Jesus Christ’s Talking most of Pharisees feared to death; They could not bear such a miracle since they would not expect it to happen.

Upon the declaration of baby Jesus. Most of the priets feared to death and the ones who loved Mary was kneeled down in front of her to show their frespect and happiness!

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Sources Sources along with Bible as follows:

The Muslims’ holy book Qur’an and Mary The only woman whose name is mentioned in Qur’an Is Mary! The verses that mentioned Holy Mary in Qur’an are more than six verses in 34 times;

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You may watch the whole movie of Saint Mary at The blue highlighted verses above are from Qur’an. The story of Mary was told in the verse of MARY 19: 16-34, as follows:

Mary 16: “You mention Mary in the book. She had gone away her family withdrawn to a temple facing the east. Mary 17: She had secluded from other people with a curtain. Then we sent upon her holy spirit, Gabriel, who appeared to her as a perfect human being. Mary 18: Mary was scared and said” I seek refuge in God from you.

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Mary 19: Angel said,” I am only a messenger of my God, that I came to bestow you a pure son. Mary 20: She said, “ How come I can have a baby son when no man touched me and I am not an immoral woman.

Mary 21: Angel said,” You are right but God said, “This task is very easy for me because I will bring him (Jesus) into this world as a sign of my might and we shall bless him. This is destined already and it is done already. Mary 22: Then Mary was conceived (pregnant) of Jesus. And she had gone to a remote place.

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Mary 23: Premature labor’s pain forced her to lie down under a date tree. And Mary said, “ I wish I had died before such a thing happened to me and be the one who is forgotten forever.“ Mary 24: Then the angel said, “ Don’t worry. God created a water passage next to you. “ Mary 25: “Go for the branches of date and shake them so that fresh dates can fall down.” Mary 26: “Now you eat. Good news to you. If you come across any people, just say that “ Today I dedicated myself to God by fasting. I don’t speak with people.“ Mary 27: Mary held the baby and brought him to her relatives. Her relatives said, “O, Mary what a strange thing you had done!” Mary 28: “O, sister of Aaron, Your father was not a bad person. And your mother was not an immoral woman.

PHARISEES WERE VERY FRUSTRATED WHEN THEY SAW SAINT MARY WITH A BABY Mary 29: Mary said, “Don’t ask me. Ask the baby pointing to the baby.They said, “How come we speak with a baby in the cradle?” Mary 30: Then, baby started speaking, “ I am a servant of God and HE revealed the book to me. And God sent me as a prophet. “ Mary 31: Wherever I was God blessed me and made me saint. Mary 33: “Peace upon me on the day I was born and the day I died and the day I will be resurrected.”

Mary 34: God said, ”This is the true word of God about the son of Mary, Jesus, whom they doubt and discuss.

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Holy Mary’s Tomb It is believed that the tomb of Saint Mary was laid upon on the skirts of Mountain of Olives in Jerusalem. However it is not certain though where the real Tomb was laid upon.

Most of western Christians don't realize that Mary and Jesus are spoken of with reverence in the Qur'an.The verses in the photo above are inscribed on the minaret at Jam. As explained at Dark Roasted Blend...The minaret displays an incredibly intricate baked-brick work, stucco and glazed tile ornamentation (containing Kufic and Naskhi calligraphy and verses from the Qur'an, relating to Mary, the mother of Jesus).

Final word Saint Mary, as you would see in different sources of Holy religions, are very important and valuable divine person. There is also HOUSE of Mary In Turkey; it is believed that Saint Mary stayed there for quite a while. She was the statue of chaste and virtue. Twelve pages are not enough to tell about Saint Mary because her real divine personality will be revealed Hereafter.

I would like to finish my presentation with two quotations of the prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him and all other prophets)

He said, “Mary is the most holy of men became the most pious but among the women there are only two women became the most pious; They are ASiye who is the wife of Pharaoh at the the time of the prophet Moses and Saint Mary!”

And he said, “The masteress of Women in paradise is my daughter Fatima if we don’t consider superiority of Mary.”