jewish fables: titus 1:14 the feast of dedication · the feast of dedication the history &...

The Feast of Dedication The History & truth behind Hanukkah The feast of Dedicaon is called Ha- nukkah in the Hebrew Language. This is such an important High Holy day, even Jesus Christ Himself kept this feast: John 10:22 And it was at Jerusalem the feast of the dedica- on, and it was winter. 23 And Jesus walked in the temple in Solomon's porch. JESUS WAS IN THE TEMPLE DURING THE FEAST OF THE DEDICATION: SOLOMONS PORCH IS IN THE TEMPLE, AND IT WAS WINTER TIME! 1 Maccabees 4:59 Moreover Judas and his brethren with the whole congregaon of Israel ordained, that the days of the dedicaon of the altar should be kept in their season from year to year by the space of eight days, from the five and tweneth day of the month Casleu, with mirth and gladness. Casleu is between November and December In the winter me! Jewish Fables: Titus 1:14 There is no menon of Israel having no oil to light the SEVEN branch Menorah. Also, the nine branch menorah was a man made tradion, which Goes against Gods original design. The scriptures clearly state, in Exodus, the way to construct Gods Candle- sck, the Menorah: The Menorah Design According to God! Exodus 25:31 And thou shalt make a candlesck of pure gold: of beaten work shall the candlesck be made: his shaſt, and his branches, his bowls, his knops, and his flowers, shall be of the same. 32 And six branches shall come out of the sides of it; three branches of the candle- sck out of the one side, and three branches of the candlesck out of the other side: 33 Three bowls made like unto almonds, with a knop and a flower in one branch; and three bowls made like almonds in the other branch, with a knop and a flower: so in the six branches that come out of the candlesck. 37 And thou shalt make the seven lamps thereof: and they shall light the lamps thereof, that they may give light over against it. - Israel United in Christ - For more information or to send donations, write to: P.O. Box 2695 Newburgh, N.Y. 12550 (866) 231-5114 1. Judah (Negroes) 2. Benjamin (West Indians) 3. Levi (Haitians) 4. Ephraim (Puerto Ricans) 5. Mannasseh (Cubans) 6. Simeon (Dominicans) 7. Reuben (Seminole Indians) 8. Gad (N. American Indians) 9. Naphtali (Argentina and Chile) 10.Zebulon (Guatemala to Panama) 11. Asher (Colombia to Uruguay) 12. Issachar (Mexican Indians) The 12 Tribes of Israel today: 1 Maccabees 10:6 And they kept the eight days with gladness, as in the feast of the tabernacles, remember- ing that not long afore they had held the feast of the tabernacles, when as they wandered in the mountains and dens like beasts. 7 Therefore they bare branches, and fair boughs, and palms also, and sang psalms unto him that had given them good success in cleansing his place. 8 They ordained also by a common statute and decree, That every year those days should be kept of the whole naon of the Jews. We are commanded to keep The Feast Of Dedicaon EIGHT DAYS JUST LIKE THE FEAST OF TABERNACLES! To Find a Location Nearest You to Fellowship

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Page 1: Jewish Fables: Titus 1:14 The Feast of Dedication · The Feast of Dedication The History & truth behind Hanukkah The feast of Dedication is called Ha-nukkah in the Hebrew Language

The Feast of Dedication

The History & truth behind Hanukkah

The feast of Dedication is called Ha-

nukkah in the Hebrew Language.

This is such an important High Holy

day, even Jesus Christ Himself kept

this feast: John 10:22 And it was at

Jerusalem the feast of the dedica-

tion, and it was winter.

23 And Jesus walked in the temple

in Solomon's porch.



1 Maccabees 4:59 Moreover Judas and his brethren with the whole congregation

of Israel ordained, that the days of the dedication of the altar should be kept in their

season from year to year by the space of eight days, from the five and twentieth day

of the month Casleu, with mirth and gladness.

Casleu is between November and December

In the winter time!

Jewish Fables: Titus 1:14

There is no mention of Israel having no oil to light

the SEVEN branch Menorah. Also, the nine branch

menorah was a man made tradition, which Goes

against God’s original design. The scriptures clearly

state, in Exodus, the way to construct God’s Candle-

stick, the Menorah:

The Menorah Design According to God!

Exodus 25:31 And thou shalt make a candlestick of pure gold: of beaten work shall

the candlestick be made: his shaft, and his branches, his bowls, his knops, and his

flowers, shall be of the same.

32 And six branches shall come out of the sides of it; three branches of the candle-

stick out of the one side, and three branches of the candlestick out of the other side:

33 Three bowls made like unto almonds, with a knop and a flower in one branch;

and three bowls made like almonds in the other branch, with a knop and a flower:

so in the six branches that come out of the candlestick.

37 And thou shalt make the seven lamps thereof: and they shall light the lamps

thereof, that they may give light over against it.

- Israel United in Christ -

For more information or to send donations,

write to: P.O. Box 2695 Newburgh, N.Y. 12550 (866) 231-5114

1. Judah (Negroes)

2. Benjamin (West Indians)

3. Levi (Haitians)

4. Ephraim (Puerto Ricans)

5. Mannasseh (Cubans)

6. Simeon (Dominicans)

7. Reuben (Seminole Indians)

8. Gad (N. American Indians)

9. Naphtali (Argentina and Chile)

10.Zebulon (Guatemala to Panama)

11. Asher (Colombia to Uruguay)

12. Issachar (Mexican Indians)

The 12 Tribes of Israel today:

1 Maccabees 10:6 And they kept the eight days with

gladness, as in the feast of the tabernacles, remember-

ing that not long afore they had held the feast of the

tabernacles, when as they wandered in the mountains

and dens like beasts.

7 Therefore they bare branches, and fair boughs, and

palms also, and sang psalms unto him that had given

them good success in cleansing his place.

8 They ordained also by a common statute and decree,

That every year those days should be kept of the whole

nation of the Jews.

We are commanded to keep The Feast Of Dedication

EIGHT DAYS JUST LIKE THE FEAST OF TABERNACLES! To Find a Location Nearest You to Fellowship

Page 2: Jewish Fables: Titus 1:14 The Feast of Dedication · The Feast of Dedication The History & truth behind Hanukkah The feast of Dedication is called Ha-nukkah in the Hebrew Language

The Profaning of The Temple at Jerusalem The Origins of the root of Evil

& The Little Horn Antiochus rose to power and became far

worse than his predecessors: 1 Maccabees

1:41 Enforced democracy and killed Israel-

ites who did not follow. 1Maccabees1:20-

24 Antiochus marched boldly into our tem-

ple at Jerusalem with a great army and des-

ecrated our temple, spoiled our holy arti-

facts, our golden menorah, our golden alter,

etc. 1Maccabees1:42-50 explains that Isra-

elites would be forced to forget our laws or be put to death. 1Maccabees 1:54-57

Antiochus commanded to burn our Books of the Law and killed us if we were found

reading or going against the King’s law to keep God’s Law. 1Maccabees1:60-64 Anti-

ochus prevented our male children from being circumcised, and if they were, they

were hung by their necks. We were also forced to eat unclean meats like pork, etc.

Alexander The Greek Cassander Lysimachus Ptolemy Seleucus

1Maccabees1:1 And it happened, after that Alexander son of Philip, the Macedonian, who

came out of the land of Chettiim, had smitten Darius king of the Persians and Medes, that he

reigned in his stead, the first over Greece,

2 And made many wars, and won many strong holds, and slew the kings of the earth,

3 And went through to the ends of the earth, and took spoils of many nations, insomuch that

the earth was quiet before him; whereupon he was exalted and his heart was lifted up.

4 And he gathered a mighty strong host and ruled over countries, and nations, and kings, who

became tributaries unto him.

5 And after these things he fell sick, and perceived that he should die.

6 Wherefore he called his servants, (4 Generals) such as were honourable, and had been

brought up with him from his youth, and parted his kingdom among them, while he was yet


7 So Alexander reigned twelves years, and then died.

8 And his servants bare rule every one in his place.

9 And after his death they all put crowns upon themselves; so did their sons after them many

years: and evils were multiplied in the earth.

10 And there came out of them a wicked root Antiochus surnamed Epiphanes, son of Antiochus

the king, who had been an hostage at Rome, and he reigned in the hundred and thirty and

seventh year of the kingdom of the Greeks. (Antiochus came from the line of Seleucus)

Antiochus Epiphanes—Definition: God Manifest on Earth

The Little Horn—According to Daniel 8:8-12

The Maccabean Revolt

1Maccabees 2:1-5 Mattathias the son of John, Joannan, called Caddis, Simon;

called Thassi, Judas, who was called Maccabeus, Eleazar, called Avaran: and Jona-

than, whose surname was Apphus. 1 Maccabees 2:50 Now therefore, my sons, be

ye zealous for the law, and give your lives for the covenant of your fathers.

51 Call to remembrance what acts our fathers did in their time; so shall ye receive

great honour and an everlasting name. In time, Mattathias died, and he commis-

sioned his sons to continue to restore the nation of Israel! Gorgias and thousands

of men came against The Maccabees, who had three thousand men fought and

won against them! Lysias also lost the war with The Maccabees and they Took the

Temple from the Greeks, According to the chapter of 1Maccabees4.