ji3 and what dealers have to say - library of congress · , antaka 00. of chicago, and it claims to...

Wednesday, Feb. 14,1917. THE TAOOMA TIMES. PAG-B TTVm. AITTAC AND WHAT TACOMA / \_P_PI7CC_ffcDII7,C /iUI \Ji3 DEALERS HAVE TO SAY _T^V/\^lLi3i3vll_l_lLi3 FORD MAKES 222,750 MILES When a Ford owner In the Ford Times two months ago mado the statement that his car had made the longeet travel record. It brought to light still a better rec- ord made by B'ord No. 41,014. Ford car 41,014 Is owned by the , Antaka 00. of Chicago, and it claims to have run its car 222,750 miles. In addition to the mileage, H. J, Wagner of that company states that the car has carried from 250 to 600 pounds of paint every day on trips along with three persons. Manly-Thompson Co. Is the lo- *fcal aigent for the Ford cars. PROFIT MAKE YOUR AUTO PAY 1250-1800 Pounds j (\u25a0n parity | 81—Models—II j Farm to City Pleasure to Profit GLF.NDALE AITO BROKE RAGE CO. Main 37«0. WIS (ill. Aye. TACOMA AVENUE AUTO EXCHANGE Buick Experts 1 Repair Specialists. WK DKFY ANY KIND OF A RK- PAIR JOB. JIMMY CROSTON and GEO. W. Mill | it 1147-49 Tacoma Aye. Main 1501. Night Plume—Proctor 1088. TURN OLD THEATER INTO FACTORY TO REBUILD MACHINES A complete automobile rebuild- ing plant, to be situated in the old I Savoy theater building, which will '. be known as the Tacoma Motor Co., has been announced by M. W. Morris Mr. Morris is a well I known automobile man of the Northwest, having been In Taco- ma the last three years. Previous to that time he was In the auto- mobile game at Olympla. Fred W. Foulkes, the Oakland' pleasure cur and Denby truck el aler, bus leased the north half of the main floor of the building and expects to be in his new place of business Feb. 15. The show rooms will be among the niftiest on Broadway. The rest of the space on the firßt floor will be used by Conners & McFarland. They are at present In the automobile laundry on A street. Machine Shop, Too The second floor will be occu- pied chiefly by L. P. Harmon and C. R. Wilson in an up-to-date ma- chine shop. Wilson was formerly proprietor of the Tacoma Avenue Auto Repair shop, which handled exclusively the repair work on au- tomobiles operating Into the Na- tional park. Mr. Harmon was for- merly proprietor of one of the Announcing Opening TACOMA MOTOR CO. Rebuilders of Motor Cars Largest and Best HH Equipped Garage ffff In Pacific N. W. a MOTOR BUILDING 708-12 Broadway. Phone Main 368. Seattle repair shops. The Tacoma Radiator and Fend- er works will occupy part of the second floor. Mr. Morris an- nounces that two Tacoma men now in this business will operate this plant. Top Plant Coming Little & Kennedy, with an over- flow of their used cars, will oc- cupy part of the third floor. O. J. ("Jack") Kit gen will run a second-hand car department, Agents WESTERN TRUCK ATTACH MKNT Also THE "GENERAL" TIRE SERVICE, SAFETY, STYLE 5,000-Mile Guarantee. Main 1478. 750 Broadway -————————— "i— —— a^___________. Authorised Ford Ag-enta MANLEY- THOMPSON BROS. 002-4-8-8 TAtXIMA AVENUE Main 1515 IHE SPECIAL Firestone Tires PLAIN TRKADB While they last—Boxß, $8; Tubes $1.75 BURD High Compression RINGS MORELS tESSST Pacific Sales Co. Ageiita Pierce County Mate ioit. 706 Broadway. WAIT !!! The New OVERLAND Cars Will be Here this Week .... On Display at The Pacific Car Co. North Second and O Sts. Truck a Wrecker For Fire Department Ono of the most novel recent trucks lias Just been piireliaMed by the Boston fire department, says ! George Sahourin, Tacoma distributor for the Mack. Tho truck is equlpim-d with a power winch, and 850 feet of '-, t lc--in> b cable, a removable derrick, a drawbar for towing purposes, jacks, skids and all sorts nf wrecking purposes. The truck Is a vuliiuble iissei to the Boston fire department in answering fires, especially in tearing down wulls in firo ruins, moving freight curs in tho event of a yard lire, replacing derailed cars, pushing' Mailed cars on highways und removing debris. Sal..mi in announces tbe delivery of a one-ton Muck truck to the Jensen Transfer Co. of South Tacoma, and a i.e.- truck i<> tho West Side Garden Co. specializing in rebuilt cars. A g'larantee will be given, says Mr. Fngen, that every (*ar sells. Only first-class machines will be mar- keted. Mr. Morris announces that an automobile top plant will be in- stalled within \u25a0 few days, as soon as arrangements can be made. "When all the shops are moved in. 1 am confident that we will have one of the most complete garages in the Northwest. There is ample space to operate com- plete plants, and as we have in- clines, no difficulty will be expe- rienced in driving cars from one floor to anolber," says Mr. Mor- ris. The center of the top floor will be ocoupled by one of Tacoma's leading body builders. A paint shop will also be a feature of this floor, announces Mr. Morris. G. C. Mat.:, and his brother, O. H. Mack, have leased two floors of the new Thomas Gourley building at 945 Market St., where the home of the Argo car will be located. Messrs. Mack recently obtained the state agency of the Argo. It Is equipped with a 22-horsepower motor and electric lighted and started. The selling price In Ta- coma will be $•! I.e. O. H. Mack declares that the Argo will run 30 miles on a gal- lon of gasoline and 1000 miles on a gallon of oil. The cost of up- keep he says Is extremely low, and the tire expense small, as 30x3 cas- ings are used. A telegram was received yester- day by G. C Mack, announcing the fact that eight cars had been shipped to Tacoma last Thursday. They are expected to arrive with- in 15 days. Sixteen more will be shipped within the next month. CYLINDER SPECIALISTS Our latest type Cylinder Grinder will handle any size or kind of a job, WE MAKE PISTONS AND RINGS IN ANY SIZE If yon need new gears, axels or [tarts we can make tlien- or get them quickly for yon. OHAS. DANARD AUTO MACHINE WORKS 2880 So. E St. Phone Main 1180. DOINTS* DON'T forget that your auto springs need oiling.—D. C. Mod- rail, Pacific Sales/Co. DON'T wait until the finish of your car is all shot to pieces, may- be a coat of varnish right now will make it look as good as new. —H. C. Anderson, The Auto Painter. DON'T throw away your old tlree; half-solo them. —-J. C. McKay. Double Tread Tire Co. DON'T take a chance on get- ting your auto bumped when you curb or park it —you can store It for 10 cents—H. B, McEldowney, McEldowney'i Garage. DON'T send your cylinders away to be ground. We've the latest type cylinder-grinder right here in Tacoma.- '.'buries Danard, | Auto Machine Works. DON'T neglect your generator; ' that's where they all make a mistake. —"Jimmy" Croston, Ta- coma Aye. Auto Exchange. DON'T forget that an auto will pull three times what it can' carry -let us show you what Tnailmoliiles will do. —Goodrick & Blssall, (llentlale Auto Co. DON'T forget the 1,000-mile guarantee on Ceneral Tires. —F. O. Wever, Wcver Motor Car Co. DON'T forget that we sell Allen and Lexington Cars as well as Re- public Tracks. —W. L. Klrby, Standard Motor Co. DON'T forget that the Grant Six made three round trip non- niotor-stop runs from Seattle to Portland —let us tell you all about jt.—l_, o. Richards, Tacoma Gas & Klec. Garage. PLEASED WITH QUARTERS Messrs. Harmon and Wilson, of , the Auto Machine Works, in the , Motor building, are greatly pleas-; , ed with their new quarters. They occupy the second floor with en- trance on Court C at the rear of , the building, which affordtn excel- , lent facilities for handling repair work. Harmon, formerly of Seattle, Is , enthusiastic over their new enter- prise. Wilson is well known in Taco- ma auto circles, and is an expert mechanic. Mack's Open Argo Agency PAIGE The Most Beautiful Cur In America. LOU SCHABEL 1201 A ST. Connors & McFarland Auto Washing and Polishing Experts W ill Establish a Motor Auto Laundry In the New Motor Building at 708-12 Broadway. At your service in a few days. VMmmmmMMmmmmmwmMMMmm WEVER MOTOR CO. Agent Western Truck Attachment funeral 5,000-MUe Tires All Makes Cms Repaired Expert Mechanics All Work Guaranteed 760 BROADWAY Phone Main 1478. SHIPMENTS TO WEST CUT OFF BY RAILROAD (United Prese Leaaed Wire.) NEW YORK. Feb. 14. The critical freight situation caused by the tie-up of shipping on the At- lantic seaboard was emphasized today when the Delaware & acka- wanna railroad announced an em- bargo on all shipments west of Buffalo, N. Y. At the railroad offices It was said the Lackawanna was believ- ed to bo practically the only line open to the west before the em- bargo was Issued. Stoppage of shipments routed west was necessary owing to em- bargoes that have been declared by connecting lines in that terri- tory, it was said. Equip Shops to Rebuild Motors M. W. MORRIS. M. W. Morris has leased the building at 708-12 Broadway, establishing the Tacoma Motor Co. Morris, formerly of the firm of Allen & Morris, for seven years one of Southwest Washington's! largest auto firms, located at Olympla, is a mechanic of 16 years' experience on almost every known make of motor car. He Is well known in Tacoma, formerly having the Michelin Tire agency on Broadway. Since last November Mr. Mor- ris has been working out plans for the organization of the Taco- ma Motor Co. We Strive 9, *• for Vuallly j^>^_ Ommm, and M Ar* ?\ Watch Results, B^V VI Export ! Not m _*riM__f Cheapness xt_V"/S_fc7 i>ixc' Half Sole Your Old Tire It Costs V4 the New Tire We Retread, Doubletread, Sec- tion und Vulcanize. We Viilcanl/.e Bicycle Tires, Tubes, Hot Water Hot tie*., Ruli- lieru, ctr. Buy and Sell Old Tires and Tubes. All Work Ouarnntoed. Double Tread Tire Co., 77!t Conimerec St., Tacoma. .1. C. McKAY, M«r. GRANT SIX The car that made the record- breaking Three Round Trip Non- Motor-Stop Runs fro«n Seattle to Portland over next to impassable roads. L. a. RICHARDS, Agt. Mllll North I St. _Baaa_--_a«t^ H __aa_aa__-a_aaa__aai McEldowney's Garage AUTO 1 {) STORAGE IV>C Agents for the Hendricks One-Ton Truck Attachment Expert Automobile Reixiiring, Washing and Simonlzing. 14th and A Sts. Phone Main 1782. For a Good Job of Painting H. C. ANDERSON The Automobile Painter Successor to Lou. Scliabel AUTOS VARNISHED $15 AND UP All Work Guaranteed 15 .ears' Experience Give Us a Trial Main 8277. 1802-4 So. E St. mmMMMBMMMtmBMMMMMMMMMMM Overland Man Goes South Overland touring car in use I n India by .... Luglish historian. and was invited to the convention because of the wide expunslon of the Overland business in Tacoma. lie \ ill speak before the con- vention some day this week. Mr. Itoss will tell of the Overland ser- i vice given in Pierce county, I which has received considerable favorable comment from other I cities. C. L. Ross, vice president and manager of the Pacific: Car Co., local Overland, Hudson and Packard distributor, left last week for San Francisco to attend the Overland branch managers' convention. .Mr. Ross Is the largest Over- land dealer on the Pacific coast, Wat a\ r*s. —*——\u25a0* i'its i"i hi:. viiiOHoi s m.oon iv- M_X Al Bm4o S\n ST I I" MM VKl\«e HI HI A \M > Uenl- _T\AT~m g\. ff i:\. This wonderful i.i.'.l.eino wh eh MM. TRADS MARK A*\ i" ''IIS 111. t'l|l.nl. |mrlfl fle'S tilt. Syste-111. ' nieiieatfH dlioaav eauas und circa Rheumatism, Kidney, I.lvor. Bladder, Stomach anil other trouble.*. Send for new booklet containing marvelous tt-Hiiiuunluls. Ktr-Ku Cora- I'.'.ny, Tacoma, Wash, Sold by leading imukklsii.. Inten^Gear Rc p„ bj j c Trucks More Republics being solil on clean business in Tacoma than all other makes put togedier. This line represents amount of clean business being done on Republic trucks in (his territory: 'litis Hue represents nun.nut of clean business being done by all the other Id ii.nl.es of trucks put together: This conclusively shows that the interiial-^eiir drive prin- ciple anil the Republic policy of highest quulity and a low price arc right. STANDARD MOi OR CO. 740 Commerce St. Main 4527. TRICKS OH DISPLAY. CATAI-OG ON R1.(.l KST. Sl/t*— K4SBJ to .Vton. HARMON & WILSON AUTOMACHINE WORKS I Announce the Opening of Their New Modern Shop in the MOTOR BUILDING 708-12 Broadway. Phone 369 EXPERIENCED MECHANICS ONLY A TRUCK TO FIT YOUR BUSINESS! MACK TRUCKS Worm or Chain Drive FROM 1 TO iy_ TONS. VIM "SET 114-16 So. 9th St. Geo. A. Sabourin Pierce County Distributor.

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  • Wednesday, Feb. 14,1917. THE TAOOMA TIMES. PAG-B TTVm.


    222,750 MILESWhen a Ford owner In the Ford

    Times two months ago mado thestatement that his car had madethe longeet travel record. Itbrought to light still a better rec-ord made by B'ord No. 41,014.

    Ford car 41,014 Is owned by the, Antaka 00. of Chicago, and itclaims to have run its car 222,750miles.

    In addition to the mileage, H.J, Wagner of that company statesthat the car has carried from 250to 600 pounds of paint every dayon trips along with three persons.

    Manly-Thompson Co. Is the lo-*fcal aigent for the Ford cars.


    1250-1800 Pounds j(\u25a0n parity

    | 81—Models—II jFarm to City

    Pleasure to ProfitGLF.NDALE AITOBROKE RAGE CO.

    Main 37«0. WIS (ill. Aye.


    Buick Experts 1Repair Specialists.



    GEO. W. Mill| it

    1147-49 Tacoma Aye.Main 1501.

    Night Plume—Proctor 1088.


    A complete automobile rebuild-ing plant, to be situated in the old

    ISavoy theater building, which will'. be known as the Tacoma MotorCo., has been announced by M. W.Morris Mr. Morris is a well

    Iknown automobile man of theNorthwest, having been In Taco-ma the last three years. Previousto that time he was In the auto-mobile game at Olympla.

    Fred W. Foulkes, the Oakland'pleasure cur and Denby truckel aler, bus leased the north halfof the main floor of the buildingand expects to be in his new placeof business Feb. 15.

    The show rooms will be amongthe niftiest on Broadway.

    The rest of the space on the firßtfloor will be used by Conners &McFarland. They are at presentIn the automobile laundry on Astreet.

    Machine Shop, TooThe second floor will be occu-

    pied chiefly by L. P. Harmon andC. R. Wilson in an up-to-date ma-chine shop. Wilson was formerlyproprietor of the Tacoma AvenueAuto Repair shop, which handledexclusively the repair work on au-tomobiles operating Into the Na-tional park. Mr. Harmon was for-merly proprietor of one of the

    Announcing Opening

    TACOMA MOTOR CO.Rebuilders of Motor Cars

    Largest and BestHH Equipped Garageffff In Pacific N. W.


    MOTOR BUILDING708-12 Broadway. Phone Main 368.

    Seattle repair shops.The Tacoma Radiator and Fend-

    er works will occupy part of thesecond floor. Mr. Morris an-nounces that two Tacoma men nowin this business will operate thisplant.

    Top Plant ComingLittle & Kennedy, with an over-

    flow of their used cars, will oc-cupy part of the third floor.

    O. J. ("Jack") Kit gen will runa second-hand car department,




    5,000-Mile Guarantee.Main 1478. 750 Broadway-—————————"i———a^___________.

    Authorised Ford Ag-enta


    BROS.002-4-8-8 TAtXIMA AVENUE

    Main 1515

    IHE SPECIALFirestone Tires

    PLAIN TRKADBWhile they last—Boxß, $8;

    Tubes $1.75

    BURDHigh Compression


    Pacific Sales Co.Ageiita Pierce County

    Mate ioit. 706 Broadway.

    WAIT !!!

    The New OVERLANDCars Will be Here thisWeek ....

    On Display at The

    Pacific Car Co.North Second and O Sts.

    Truck a Wrecker For Fire Department

    Ono of the most novel recent trucks lias Just been piireliaMed by the Boston fire department, says! George Sahourin, Tacoma distributor for the Mack. Tho truck is equlpim-d with a power winch, and850 feet of '-, t lc--in> b cable, a removable derrick, a drawbar for towing purposes, jacks, skids and allsorts nf wrecking purposes.

    The truck Is a vuliiuble iissei to the Boston fire department in answering fires, especially intearing down wulls in firo ruins, moving freight curs in tho event of a yard lire, replacing derailedcars, pushing' Mailed cars on highways und removing debris.

    Sal..mi in announces tbe delivery of a one-ton Muck truck to the Jensen Transfer Co. of SouthTacoma, and a i.e.- truck i tho West Side Garden Co.

    specializing in rebuilt cars. Ag'larantee will be given, says Mr.Fngen, that every (*ar sells. Onlyfirst-class machines will be mar-keted.

    Mr. Morris announces that anautomobile top plant will be in-stalled within \u25a0 few days, as soonas arrangements can be made.

    "When all the shops are movedin. 1 am confident that we willhave one of the most completegarages in the Northwest. Thereis ample space to operate com-plete plants, and as we have in-clines, no difficulty will be expe-rienced in driving cars from onefloor to anolber," says Mr. Mor-ris.

    The center of the top floor willbe ocoupled by one of Tacoma'sleading body builders. A paintshop will also be a feature of thisfloor, announces Mr. Morris.

    G. C. Mat.:, and his brother, O.H. Mack, have leased two floors ofthe new Thomas Gourley buildingat 945 Market St., where the homeof the Argo car will be located.

    Messrs. Mack recently obtainedthe state agency of the Argo. ItIs equipped with a 22-horsepowermotor and electric lighted andstarted. The selling price In Ta-coma will be $•! I.e.

    O. H. Mack declares that theArgo will run 30 miles on a gal-lon of gasoline and 1000 miles ona gallon of oil. The cost of up-keep he says Is extremely low, andthe tire expense small, as 30x3 cas-ings are used.

    A telegram was received yester-day by G. C Mack, announcingthe fact that eight cars had beenshipped to Tacoma last Thursday.They are expected to arrive with-in 15 days. Sixteen more will beshipped within the next month.


    Our latest type CylinderGrinder will handle any sizeor kind of a job,


    If yon need new gears, axelsor [tarts we can make tlien-or get them quickly for yon.


    2880 So. E St.Phone Main 1180.

    DOINTS*DON'T forget that your auto

    springs need oiling.—D. C. Mod-rail, Pacific Sales/Co.

    DON'T wait until the finish ofyour car is all shot to pieces, may-be a coat of varnish right nowwill make it look as good as new.—H. C. Anderson, The AutoPainter.

    DON'T throw away your oldtlree; half-solo them. —-J. C.McKay. Double Tread Tire Co.

    DON'T take a chance on get-ting your auto bumped when youcurb or park it—you can store Itfor 10 cents—H. B, McEldowney,McEldowney'i Garage.

    DON'T send your cylindersaway to be ground. We've thelatest type cylinder-grinder righthere in Tacoma.- '.'buries Danard, |Auto Machine Works.

    DON'T neglect your generator; 'that's where they all make amistake. —"Jimmy" Croston, Ta-coma Aye. Auto Exchange.

    DON'T forget that an auto willpull three times what it can'carry -let us show you whatTnailmoliiles will do.—Goodrick& Blssall, (llentlale Auto Co.

    DON'T forget the 1,000-mileguarantee on Ceneral Tires. —F.O. Wever, Wcver Motor Car Co.

    DON'T forget that we sell Allenand Lexington Cars as well as Re-public Tracks. —W. L. Klrby,Standard Motor Co.

    DON'T forget that the GrantSix made three round trip non-niotor-stop runs from Seattle toPortland —let us tell you all aboutjt.—l_, o. Richards, Tacoma Gas& Klec. Garage.


    Messrs. Harmon and Wilson, of, the Auto Machine Works, in the, Motor building, are greatly pleas-;, ed with their new quarters. They

    occupy the second floor with en-trance on Court C at the rear of

    , the building, which affordtn excel-, lent facilities for handling repair

    work.Harmon, formerly of Seattle, Is

    , enthusiastic over their new enter-prise.

    Wilson is well known in Taco-ma auto circles, and is an expertmechanic.

    Mack's Open Argo Agency

    PAIGEThe Most Beautiful Cur

    In America.


    1201 A ST.

    Connors &McFarlandAuto Washing and Polishing


    W ill Establish a

    Motor Auto LaundryIn the New Motor Building

    at 708-12 Broadway.

    At your service in a fewdays.



    Agent Western TruckAttachment

    funeral 5,000-MUe TiresAll Makes Cms Repaired

    Expert MechanicsAll Work Guaranteed

    760 BROADWAYPhone Main 1478.


    (United Prese Leaaed Wire.)NEW YORK. Feb. 14. — Thecritical freight situation caused by

    the tie-up of shipping on the At-lantic seaboard was emphasizedtoday when the Delaware & acka-wanna railroad announced an em-bargo on all shipments west ofBuffalo, N. Y.

    At the railroad offices It wassaid the Lackawanna was believ-ed to bo practically the only lineopen to the west before the em-bargo was Issued.

    Stoppage of shipments routedwest was necessary owing to em-bargoes that have been declaredby connecting lines in that terri-tory, it was said.

    Equip Shops toRebuild Motors

    M. W. MORRIS.M. W. Morris has leased the

    building at 708-12 Broadway,establishing the Tacoma MotorCo.

    Morris, formerly of the firm ofAllen & Morris, for seven yearsone of Southwest Washington's!largest auto firms, located atOlympla, is a mechanic of 16years' experience on almost everyknown make of motor car.

    He Is well known in Tacoma,formerly having the MichelinTire agency on Broadway.

    Since last November Mr. Mor-ris has been working out plansfor the organization of the Taco-ma Motor Co.

    We Strive 9, *•for Vuallly j^>^_ Ommm,and M Ar* ?\ WatchResults, B^V VIExport !

    Not u£ m_*riM__fCheapness xt_V"/S_fc7 i>ixc'

    Half Sole Your Old TireIt Costs V4the New TireWe Retread, Doubletread, Sec-tion und Vulcanize.We Viilcanl/.e Bicycle Tires,Tubes, Hot Water Hot tie*., Ruli-lieru, ctr.Buy and Sell Old Tires andTubes.

    All Work Ouarnntoed.

    Double Tread Tire Co.,77!t Conimerec St., Tacoma.

    .1. C. McKAY, M«r.

    GRANT SIXThe car that made the record-


    Three Round Trip Non-Motor-Stop Runs

    fro«n Seattle to Portland overnext to impassable roads.

    L. a. RICHARDS, Agt.MllllNorth I St.

    _Baaa_--_a«t^ H__aa_aa__-a_aaa__aai

    McEldowney's Garage

    AUTO 1 {)STORAGE IV>CAgents for the

    Hendricks One-TonTruck Attachment

    Expert Automobile Reixiiring,Washing and Simonlzing.

    14th and A Sts.Phone Main 1782.

    For a Good Job of Painting

    H. C. ANDERSONThe Automobile Painter

    Successor to Lou. Scliabel


    All Work Guaranteed15 .ears' Experience

    Give Us a TrialMain 8277. 1802-4 So. E St.


    Overland Man Goes South

    Overland touring car in use I n India by .... Luglish historian.and was invited to the conventionbecause of the wide expunslon ofthe Overland business in Tacoma.

    lie \ ill speak before the con-vention some day this week. Mr.Itoss will tell of the Overland ser-

    i vice given in Pierce county,I which has received considerablefavorable comment from other

    I cities.

    C. L. Ross, vice president andmanager of the Pacific: Car Co.,local Overland, Hudson andPackard distributor, left lastweek for San Francisco to attendthe Overland branch managers'convention.

    .Mr. Ross Is the largest Over-land dealer on the Pacific coast,

    Wat a\ r*s. —*——\u25a0* i'its i"i hi:. viiiOHoi s m.oon iv-M_X Al Bm4o — S\n ST I I" MM VKl\«e HI HI A \M> Uenl-_T\AT~m g\. ff i:\. This wonderful i.i.'.l.eino wh ehMM. TRADS MARK A*\i" ''IIS 111. t'l|l.nl. |mrlfl fle'S tilt. Syste-111.' nieiieatfH dlioaav eauas und circaRheumatism, Kidney, I.lvor. Bladder, Stomach anil other trouble.*. Send

    for new booklet containing marvelous tt-Hiiiuunluls. Ktr-Ku Cora-I'.'.ny, Tacoma, Wash, Sold by leading imukklsii..

    Inten^Gear Rcp„bj jc TrucksMore Republics being solil on clean business in Tacoma

    than all other makes put togedier.This line represents amount of clean business being done

    on Republic trucks in (his territory:'litis Hue represents nun.nut of clean business being done

    by all the other Id ii.nl.es of trucks put together:

    This conclusively shows that the interiial-^eiir drive prin-ciple anil the Republic policy of highest quulity and a lowprice arc right.

    STANDARD MOi OR CO.740 Commerce St. Main 4527.TRICKS OH DISPLAY. CATAI-OG ON R1.(.l KST.

    Sl/t*—K4SBJ to .Vton.



    IAnnounce theOpening ofTheir NewModern Shopin the

    MOTOR BUILDING708-12 Broadway. Phone 369



    MACK TRUCKSWorm or Chain Drive

    FROM 1 TO iy_ TONS.

    VIM "SET114-16 So. 9th St.

    Geo. A. SabourinPierce County Distributor.