jica · incidence of tetanus and tetanus neo-natorum, 1955-2000 250 200 14 12 150 > 100 50...


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Page 1: JICA · incidence of tetanus and tetanus neo-natorum, 1955-2000 250 200 14 12 150 > 100 50 -.-tetanus year -.-tetanus neo-natorum jan distribution of tetanus by months, 2000 apr jun
Page 2: JICA · incidence of tetanus and tetanus neo-natorum, 1955-2000 250 200 14 12 150 > 100 50 -.-tetanus year -.-tetanus neo-natorum jan distribution of tetanus by months, 2000 apr jun
Page 3: JICA · incidence of tetanus and tetanus neo-natorum, 1955-2000 250 200 14 12 150 > 100 50 -.-tetanus year -.-tetanus neo-natorum jan distribution of tetanus by months, 2000 apr jun
Page 4: JICA · incidence of tetanus and tetanus neo-natorum, 1955-2000 250 200 14 12 150 > 100 50 -.-tetanus year -.-tetanus neo-natorum jan distribution of tetanus by months, 2000 apr jun