jifcs uott? · machinery of every description made to order. funicular attention paid to...

,p. jifcS T VOL. IV. NO. 518. HONOLULU, II. L, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER !), 18J)2. PRICE o CENTS. A- - ( ' A V 5,'-- - ' . 1 A, - A.,? '3 J THE DAILY BULLETIN HUNTED AND PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON KXl'Kl'T SUNDAY IIV Till'. Dally Bulletin Publishing Co., L'd., AT TUT. OKFICE, Merchant St., Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. THE WEEKLY BULLETIN -I- S 1'UDLISHE- D- At Four Doi.i.uh Yt.aii to Domestic, niul Ftvi'. Dot.i.uis to Foreign Subscribers. SlinsOUlITlUX Six Doi.i.mw a Yi:n. Delivered In lloiKilulu nt Fn-r- Uknth a Month, in advance. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING Done in Superior Stylo. Address letters for tho paper " Editor lim.i.irriN," niul business letters " Manager Itiilletin i'ublishing Company." Using a personal address may cause delay in atten- tion, llotli Telephones 'Joti. DANIEL LOGAN, - Editor and Manag or. Business Cards. J. ALFRED MAGOON, Attoiiskv-at-Lv- w and Xotaiiv I'uiilic. 12 Merchant Street, Honolulu. LEWERS & OOOICby Iiiii'oiiTr.us and I)i:Ai.Eiis:;jijUMPifii and AM. KINDS OF ItutLIItKII A?KItIAl.R. Foil Street, Honolulu. WILDER & CO., Dkm.kiis in Lumiier, Paints, Oils, Xails, Salt, and Huii.niKn Materials of kvi:iey kind. Corner Foit and Queen Streets, Honolulu. H. W. SCHMIDT & SONS, Importers and Commission Merchants. Fort Stieet, Honolulu. H. HACKFELD & CO., Gi:ni:iii. Commission Aoents. Corner Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu. G. W. MACFARLANE & CO., Importers and Commission Merchants. Kaahumauu Street, Honolulu. JOHN T. WATERHOUSE, , Importer and Dkai.hr in General Mer- chandise. Queen Street, Honolulu. JNO. S. SMITHIES, Aijct oneurandOenkiivl Husinkss Aciknt. Mahukona, Kohala, Hawaii. WENNER & CO., MANIIKACIimiNO AND iMPOiniNO JcWKM'.RH. 0.2 Fort Street, Honolulu. THOS. LINDSAY, Manutacturino .Ieiveler ani Watch- maker. Kiikui Jewelry a specialty. Particular attention paid to all kinds of lupalrs. King Street, Honolulu. ATLAS ASSURANCE CO. 01' LONDON, H. W. Schmidt & Sons, AlllSSTH KOR THE HAWAIIAN ISLNDS. HONOLULU IRON WORKS, Steam Enuinks, Siioah Mills, Hoilerx, Coolers, Iron, lliuss, and Lead Oastjnoh, Machinery of Every Description Made to Order. Funicular attention paid to Ships' Muck-smithin- Job Work exeeuted at Short Xotice. VETERINARY INFIRMARY, Excellent AfcoMMoiHTioN for 1'atients. King Stieet, Honolulu, Dr, A. R. Rowat, V. S. nmui: notiiti : 7:.'i0tol(iA.M.i 12:0to2i-.M,- ; liliOtofl ' HelllW. TELEI'HOXF.S Mutual 1S.X i'. 0. Ho- - IlJil. 0. B. RIPLEY, A. K, O HI T "El O T . Complete' plans mid Hiiecillciitloiis for every description of building. Contracts drawn and careful superintendence of con- struction k ven when required. Cull and "xainiiiu plans. Xw designs. Modern buildings. Olllco, Itoom S, Siireckels' llloek. Mutual Tel. 'Jus. E. J. MORGAN, CARPENTER AND BUILDER. JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. 84 Berotanla St. Bell Tele. 280 451 3iu WMer's Steamship Co. TIME TABLE. W. O. Wimikij, 1'res't S. 1. Hosis, Seo'y Oai'T. J. A. Kino, Foil Supt. Stmr. KINATJ, , CLARKE, Commander, Will leave Honolulu at 'J i i., touching nt l.ahalna, Jlualaea Hay niul Makena the saiuu day; Mahukona, Knwnihao and tho follow ing day, arriving at Hllo at midnight. Returning leaves Hilo, touching at same day; Kawaihao . m.; 10 a. m.; Makena I r. m.; Mnalaen Hay t) m.; l.ahalna S r. m. the following day; arriving at Honolulu (1 a. m. Wednes- days and Saturdays. gM Xo Freight will he lccoivod after l'J noon on day of sailing. Stmr. CLAUDINE, DAVIES, Commander, Will leave Honolulu every Tuesday nt 5 r. M., touching at Kaliului, Huelo, liana, Haiuoa and Kipahulu, Maui; and l'uau-hat- i, Hawaii. Returning will arrive at Honolulu every Sunday nioiuing. tXf Xo Freight will he received after 1 1". M. on nay of sailing. Consignees must he at the landings to receive their Freight, us we will not hold ourselves responsible after such Freight has heen landed. While tho Company will use due dili- gence in handling Live Stock, we decline to assume any responsihility in case of the loss of same. The Company will not he losponsible for Money or Jewelry unless placed in the care of Pursers. Baldwin Locomotives. The undersigned having heen appointed Sole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands FOR THE CEI.EI1RATED Baldwin Locomotives FKOM THE WOKKS OF Burham, Williams &f Co., Pliiladolpliia, Penn., Are now prepaied to give Estimates and receive Orders for these Kngines, of any size and stvle. The Baldwin Locomotive Works AUK XOW MANUFAOTUltlNO A STYLE OF LOCOMOTIVE 1'AUTIOULAItLY Adapted for Plantation Purposes Aniiinher of which lmvn receutlv heen received at tliOMi Islands, anil we wifl have pleasure in furnishing plantation agents and managers with paiticulars of same. The Superiority of these Locomotives overall other makes is known not onlv here hut is acknowledged tluoiighout tho United States. WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Ltd., Solo Afjouts (or tho Hawaiian Islands. DO YOU FOLLOW ME? The "Toi'nisr r" Is made of Genuine Virginia and Tuikish Tobac- co Filler with Ha- vana Wrapper of superior grade, and without paper; by connois- seurs to bo tho tliicst smoke extant. 1111 I ii d (sponsible where a short smoke Isdeslied. Health- ier and better t liiui H cigarette for a "between course" whill'. ttf Ask your dealer for them ! so: made nv Tho Kul;ey & Co. Branch of the Auiorican Cigarette Co., Honolulu. COS-Sl- ii L. KONG- - PEE, Merchant Tailor, Fort street, next to Club rjtables, IV Lately Cutter and Manager of floo Kim it Co. Guarantees Good Fit and lo l'rices. l'litronage solicited, rill-l- m For MauUUniis, Frames, Pastels, Arto-type- s, Photogravures, lUvhimjs, and everythiny in the line of l'ietures, ijo to Kimj Bros., Hold street. croazisr uott? IMPORTER AND dealer IX Steel & Iron Ranges SiilHH& IIHwif Stoves cSc Fix:tTJLres, IIOUSEKEETMNCJ (K)ODS & KITCHEN UTBS'SILS Agate Ware in Large Variety, WHITE, GKAY and SILVER-PLATE- LAMPS & CHANDELIERS, Crockery, RulDlDer Hose, Lift and Force Pumps, "Water Closets, Water and Soil Pipes. PLUMBING, TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WORK. DIAMOND BLOCK, Nos. ir, & i)7 KING STREET. This Space is Reserved FOP?. THE Equitable Life Assurance Society OF TJ 1 112 UNITED STATES. BRUCE & A. J. CARTWRIG-HT- , Guiioral Admits for Hawaiian IMamls. CHAS. HU8TA0I IMl'OKTElt AX1) DEALER IX GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FLOUR AND FEED. Fresh California Roll Butter and Island Butter &&- - ALWAYS ON HAND &3 New Goods Received by Every Steamer from San Francisco. 1ST All Orders faithfully attended solicited ami packed with care. LINCOLN BLOCK, King Street TKLEIMIOJJE Mil. WEST CORNER NUUAND & KING STREETS. P. 0. Box 480. Mutual Tolepltone 90, IF YOU WAXT TO SAVE TIME AND MOSEY 1IIJY YOUK FUKNI-TlTlt- E AT THE 1XL. COliNElt Nl'U.VNU A- - KINO HTItEETH. o. Satisfaction guaranteed. Island Orders Bet. Fort and Alakea Streets. p. o. BOX J172. L. cic, aiiiaoiiou guaraiueeii. FOUXD The iilace to Iluv Now HHBBi DCjmB and Hocoiid-han- d Furniture of all kinds nt Lowest I'riccss The' I XL, L JF comer Niuianu and King streets. Ilcdoom Sets, Watdrobes, lee &W lloxes, Stoves, (Jhairs, Hanging Lamps, lugs,Iluieaus,('hellonlers, 2p$L. etc, Solil Cheap for Cash nt the I X L, corner Niiiianu and King r. streets. hteainer and Veranda Chairs, Jr . Sofas, lied Lounges, Unity Ciibs, l lot lies liiiskuts, Jlaclilnos. mwtm niitnots, .Moat Miles, iriuiKs, etc, Kohl nt the Lowest Cash I'lieesattho I X L New and Seeonil-han- d 1 ie House, corner Nuuanii anil King streets. S. W. LEDERER, Proprietor. STORE OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS TILL 9 O'CLOCK. LEWIS &c CO., TELEI'HONE JI0 111 PORT STREET. l'.O.Uox2a7. IMI'oltTEIth, WHOLESALE AND ItETAlL DF.AI.EItK i. ft Groceries and Provisions. ON ICE lly each steamer ol the O. K. S. Co. fioui California 1'Vesh Callfonila lioll llutter, Froon Oysters and Krosh California Fruits, h'ish, (iaino, Vegetables, etc. A complete lino of Crosse ,v. llhickwell's and J. T. Morton's Canned and llotlled Goods always on hand. .hist received a Fresh Lino of (Ionium Fates and l'otted Meats and Uottlcd 1'iesoived Fruits, Lewis A. Co.'s Maltese llrand Kugar Cuied Hauls and Union, New ltreakfast Cereals, Cream Oat Flakes and Cream Wheat Flakes, Sicily Lemons. California Itivor- - slilo mangos, niegou liurnauK I'oiaioos, TELEI'HONE t)J- .- - -- 1. 0. IIOX 1 15. H. E. McINTYRE So BRO., I.MI'OltTEUH AND DEALEItH IN Groceries, Fro-vision- s a.nci Feed. Now Goods Itccelved by Every J'ackot from the Eastern States and Kuiimkj. F1SES1I CAL1FOUN1A 1'ltODUCE IIV EVEHV STEAMEIt. All Orders faithfull attended to and Goods delivered to any part of the City free. island Orders solicited. Satisfaction guuranteod. B3o.Bt Corner Iox't 8a King Stxeeta, Oceanic Steamship Co. Australian Mail Service, For San Francisco : The new mid lino Al Steel Steamship "ALAMEDA" Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will hediieat Honolulu from Sidney and Auck- land on or about September 22d, And will leave for tho iilmvu port with Mails and Passengers on oruluml tli.it date. For Sydney anil Auckland : The new anil line Al Steel Steamship " " MONOWAI Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will he due at Honolulu, fioin Han Fiancisco, on or ahout September 23d, And will have prompt despatch with Mails and l'assengeis for the altovo"poitM. The undersigned are now prepaied to issue THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS IN THE UNITED STATES. ISF For further particular regarding Freight or Fas-ag- e apph to WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Ltd., General Agents. Pacific Mail S.S. Co. AN' I) THE Occidental and Oriental S.S. Co, For YOKOHAMA and HONGKONG. Steamers of the above Companies will call at Honolulu on their way to the above ports on or about the following dates: Stmr. "China" Oct. :i, 1W)2 Stmr. "Oceanic" Xov. I, Ib'M Stmr. "China" Dec. 1U, lfailJ Stmr. "Oceanic" . .Ian. 11, lb():i Stmr. "China" .Feb. 'JO, ma Stmr. "Oaelio" .. .. April 11, lfcD.l For SAN FRANCISCO. Steameis of the above Companies will call at Honolulu on their way from Hong- kong and Yokohama to the above port on or ahout the following dates: Stmr. "China" ,. . .Sept. I), 1WU Ktmr. "Ciaeliu" . . . Oct. Ill, KS'.U. Stmr. "City of ltio do Janeiro" Dec. HO, lfc!K! Stmr. 1'Ilelgie" Feb. H, I MM Stmr. "City of Peking" .March 111. lhil'I Stmr. "Oceanic" . . May 7, INC! Round Trip Tickets TO YOKOHAMA AND RETURN $350. I1f For Fielght and I'nsiig apply to H. HACKFELD & CO.; jiiitf Atjonts. Oceanic Steamship Co. Tixxie Talole. LOCAL LINE. S. S. AUSTRALIA. Arrive Honolulu Leave Honolulu fioin S. F. for.S. J .Sopt.? Sopt. II. Out. 5 Oct. 12 Nnv. 2 Xov.it THROUGH LINE. Fioin San Fianoii-o- From Sjdney for for Sydney. San Francisco. Arrite Honolulu. .(iic Honolulu. MONOWAI, Sept.it A LAM EDA, Sept. SJJ ALAMEDA, Oct. til MAltll'OSA, Oct. SI MAItll'OSA.Nov.lh MONOWAI, Xov. I" MONOWAI, Dee. Hi ALAMEDA, Doc. I,". CHAS. T. GULICK, Notary Public for the Island of Oahu, Agent to take Acknowledgements to La- bor Coutiacts. Agent to grant Marriage Lieensus, Hono- lulu, Oahu. Agent for the Hawaiian Islands of l'ltt A Scott's Fielght ami I'aicol Express. Agent for the llurlitigtoii Itoute. UEAL ESTATE llltOKEI! ami GENEItAL AGENT. Uru.3l- t- TELEI'HONE -- Mi'tcai. Hi!) 1'. O. Hon tin- - umiT. as Mereliut st. - Jloiiojulu, il, I. BY AUTHORITY. AN ACT To Fuimir.n Sucuur. Postal Savixcis Baxk Biu-osnoit- He it I'hnwled In the Queen anil the Lej!tlalurc of the lluicuiimi Khiyiloiii: .- - Section' 1. For the purpose of further securing depositors in tho irixwiiiinn Postnl Suvings J3nnk, tho Minister of Finance with tho consent of the Ciilunet, is hereby authorized to sell at not less than par, from lime to time, Treasury Notes of tho Hawaiian Government, not exceeding the amounts of tho de- posits in tho Postal Savings Bunk at the time of issue. Such notes shall be sold only nfter advertisement in one or more papers published in Honolulu in the English and Hawaiian languages for ten dsvys, asking for tenders for the same. Such advertisements shall state tho amount of such notes to bo sold, and tho last date upon which tenders therefor will bo received. Such tenders shall state tho amount desired, and tho minimum rsite of interest which will bo taken by tho per- son making tho tender. Section" 2. Such notes shall each be of tho denomination of not loss than five hundred nor more than five thousand dol- lars ; shall bo psiyablo in not less than threo mouths nor move than eighteen months after date of issue ; shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per cent, per annum payable semi- annually, and shall be payable, principal and interest, in gold coin of tho United States of America or its equivalent, and shall be oxompt from any taxes whatsoever. Seotiox J. Such notes shsill bo sold only for tho purpose of obtaining moneys with which to pay demands which may be mside upon the Postal Savings Bank, which the Treasury is unable to moot from other sources, and shall be held as a special deposit for such purpose, and used for no other pur- pose. Provided, however, that moneys heretofore paid but of tho Treasury to depositors may bo repaid to the Treasury out of the receipts from such notes. Section' 1 This Act shall take ofl'oct and become law from and after tho day of its approval. Approved this MUi. day of August, A. J). 1892. By the Queen : C. N. Sl'ENCEIt, Minister of lic SALE OF GOVERNMENT LOT Corner of Punchbowl Stroot mid Printer's Lano, Honolulu, Onhu. On THUHSDAY, Oct. Ii, Ls!U, at l'J o'clock noon, at tho front entrance of Alli-ola- ui Hale will he at l'ubllc Auction the Government Lot on thu south corner of Punchbowl street anil Printer's Lane, Honolulu, Oahu, containing an area of U,;ill square feet, together with the Ituildlng thereon. Thu Government es the right at any lime to cut through tho upper part of this Lot a road fiO feet wide for the purpose ofevlending a street from 1'alace Walk to Ahipai street without liability to claim for damages from the owner or occupier of said Ut, either for laud taken or for tho removal of buildings or fences. A map of thu Lot showing tho strip re- served for roail can be seen at the Land Olllce, Interior Department. Up-o- t prico f7M). O. X. SI'ENOEIt, Minister of the Inteilor. Interior Olllce, Sept. 7, 1MIJ. .M7-:- it SALE OF LEASE Of Govornmont Lot on Quoon Stroot now occupiod by tho Hono- lulu Iron Works Co, On THUHSDAY, Oct. (I, 1 !).', at -' o'clock noon, at tho front entrance of Alii-ola- ni Halo will bo sold the Lease of all that Lot on the niaukti side of (jiiecn street, opposite tho Old Custom House, having a frontage of 112$ feet, and n depth on thu Lwa side of MJ feel, and on the Wnikiki side of !IJi feet, now occupied by tho Honolulu Iron Works Co. Term Lease, for Ten Yearn. Upet price ym per annum, payable y in advance. C. N.hl'ENCEll, . Minister of tho Interior. Intel ior Olllce, Sept. 7, IW)J. fi!7-:- it SALE OF TWO LOTS Of Govornmont Land at Puaa, N. Kona, Hawaii. On THUHSDAY, Oct. (1, lsuj, at Ii! o'clock noon, at the front entrance of A Hale will be solitMt I'ublie Auction Two Lots of Government Land at i'uaii, in N. Kona, Hawaii, as follows: Uu 1 Containing an Area of 17 o .Seres. Upset price $f,0. Lot 'J Containing an Arcsi of Hi (UK) Acres. Upmt price ,VI. O. X. Sl'ENCEIt, Minister of the Interior i Intel lor Olllce, Sept. 7, lb!J. iMlUilt llVieii ioii imiif ii Portrait Kiiliinjed en on Kinji Pros., yet their Price hist, and see .Vcwnjiw, They can't be beat! LILTUOKALANI Ii. Interior. Tenders for- - tho Purchase of Ha- waiian Govornmont Trea- sury Notos. I)i:i'AitTMi'..sr ok Vis iM'i:, i Honolulu, H. 1., Sojit. 1, lfellJ. i Under authority of (he Act approved August .'tO, ls'.u, the Minister of Finance oilers at par Treasury Xotes of tho Ha- waiian Government for $:), i), in denomi- nations of not less than J.V) or more than $5,000, payable ono-ha- lf in four mouths and the other half in eleven months from the lirst day of September, lf!U. These Xotes wil bear Interest not exceeding II puieont por annum, payable semi-annual- in U, S. Gold Coin, and are exempt from tllM's. Tenders for the above will be received at tho Treasury up to tliu'JUtli day of Septem- ber, InfiJ, which tender-- , shall state tho amount desired, and the interest which will bo accepted by tile person applying" for miiiic. II. A. W1DEMAXX, olll-ll- lt Minister of Finance. SALE OF GOVERNMENT LAND At Lanihau 2d, Kailua, N. Kona, Hnwaii. On THUHSDAY, Oct. il, ItflJ, at 1J o'clock noon, at tho front entrance of Alii-ola- nl Halo will he hold at l'ubllc Auction a piece of Government Ivilla Ijiiid, by sea shore in the village of Kailua, ut Kona, Hawaii, s.iitable for house site or small pature lot, containing an area of I iitumj Aries, Upset prico $ I H), C. N. SI'ENOEH, Minister of the Interior, Interior Olllce, Sept. 7, 1MIJ. ftI7-:- it SALE OF A PIECE Of Government Liinil, on Nuimnu Struct, Honolulu, Oahu. On WEDNESDAY, September H, lW, at PJ o'clock noon, at the front entrance of Alllolaui Halo, will bo sold at public auc- tion, a I'ieco of Government Lund, situate on the southeast side of Niuianu Street, above Second Hrldgo, and below J odd Street, containing an nica of of an Acre, n little more or loss. Upset price film. O. X. Sl'ENCEIt, Minister id the interior. interior Olllce, Aug. 10, IfclU'. i!W-- NOTICE. 0ing to tho drought and scarcity of water, thu residents niaiika of J mid street me imuctcd to collect what water they may riMiuire for household purposes before 8 o'clock A. M. JOHN' C. WHITE, Supt. Honolulu Vntur Works. Honolulu, Kept, u, l&yj, 015--tt

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Page 1: jifcS uott? · Machinery of Every Description Made to Order. Funicular attention paid to Ships' Muck-smithin-Job Work exeeuted at Short Xotice. VETERINARY INFIRMARY, Excellent AfcoMMoiHTioN

,p. jifcS


A- -

( '



5,'-- - '. 1 A,








Dally Bulletin Publishing Co., L'd.,


Merchant St., Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands.



At Four Doi.i.uh Yt.aii to Domestic,niul Ftvi'. Dot.i.uis to Foreign Subscribers.

SlinsOUlITlUX Six Doi.i.mw a Yi:n.Delivered In lloiKilulu nt Fn-r- Uknth aMonth, in advance.

BOOK AND JOB PRINTINGDone in Superior Stylo.

Address letters for tho paper " Editorlim.i.irriN," niul business letters " ManagerItiilletin i'ublishing Company." Using apersonal address may cause delay in atten-tion, llotli Telephones 'Joti.

DANIEL LOGAN, - Editor and Manag or.

Business Cards.

J. ALFRED MAGOON,Attoiiskv-at-Lv- w and Xotaiiv I'uiilic.

12 Merchant Street, Honolulu.


Iiiii'oiiTr.us and I)i:Ai.Eiis:;jijUMPifii andAM. KINDS OF ItutLIItKII A?KItIAl.R.

Foil Street, Honolulu.


Dkm.kiis in Lumiier, Paints, Oils, Xails,Salt, and Huii.niKn Materials

of kvi:iey kind.Corner Foit and Queen Streets, Honolulu.


Importers and Commission Merchants.

Fort Stieet, Honolulu.


Gi:ni:iii. Commission Aoents.

Corner Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu.


Importers and Commission Merchants.

Kaahumauu Street, Honolulu.


, Importer and Dkai.hr in General Mer-chandise.

Queen Street, Honolulu.


Aijct oneurandOenkiivl Husinkss Aciknt.

Mahukona, Kohala, Hawaii.



0.2 Fort Street, Honolulu.

THOS. LINDSAY,Manutacturino .Ieiveler ani Watch-

maker.Kiikui Jewelry a specialty. Particular

attention paid to all kinds of lupalrs.

King Street, Honolulu.




HONOLULU IRON WORKS,Steam Enuinks, Siioah Mills, Hoilerx,

Coolers, Iron, lliuss, and LeadOastjnoh,

Machinery of Every Description Made toOrder. Funicular attention paid to Ships'Muck-smithin- Job Work exeeuted atShort Xotice.

VETERINARY INFIRMARY,Excellent AfcoMMoiHTioN for 1'atients.

King Stieet, Honolulu,Dr, A. R. Rowat, V. S.

nmui: notiiti :

7:.'i0tol(iA.M.i 12:0to2i-.M,- ; liliOtofl' HelllW. TELEI'HOXF.S Mutual 1S.X

i'. 0. Ho- - IlJil.

0. B. RIPLEY,A. K, O H I T "El O T .

Complete' plans mid Hiiecillciitloiis forevery description of building. Contractsdrawn and careful superintendence of con-struction k ven when required. Cull and"xainiiiu plans. Xw designs. Modernbuildings. Olllco, Itoom S, Siireckels' llloek.

Mutual Tel. 'Jus.



84 Berotanla St. Bell Tele. 280451 3iu

WMer's Steamship Co.


W. O. Wimikij, 1'res't S. 1. Hosis, Seo'yOai'T. J. A. Kino, Foil Supt.

Stmr. KINATJ,, CLARKE, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu at 'J i i., touching ntl.ahalna, Jlualaea Hay niul Makena thesaiuu day; Mahukona, Knwnihao and

tho follow ing day, arriving atHllo at midnight.

Returning leaves Hilo, touching atsame day; Kawaihao . m.;

10 a. m.; Makena I r. m.; MnalaenHay t) m.; l.ahalna S r. m. the followingday; arriving at Honolulu (1 a. m. Wednes-days and Saturdays.

gM Xo Freight will he lccoivod afterl'J noon on day of sailing.

Stmr. CLAUDINE,DAVIES, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu every Tuesday nt 5r. M., touching at Kaliului, Huelo, liana,Haiuoa and Kipahulu, Maui; and l'uau-hat- i,

Hawaii.Returning will arrive at Honolulu every

Sunday nioiuing.

tXf Xo Freight will he received after1 1". M. on nay of sailing.

Consignees must he at the landings toreceive their Freight, us we will not holdourselves responsible after such Freighthas heen landed.

While tho Company will use due dili-gence in handling Live Stock, we declineto assume any responsihility in case of theloss of same.

The Company will not he losponsible forMoney or Jewelry unless placed in the careof Pursers.

Baldwin Locomotives.

The undersigned having heen appointed

Sole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands


Baldwin Locomotives


Burham, Williams &f Co.,

Pliiladolpliia, Penn.,

Are now prepaied to give Estimates andreceive Orders for these Kngines,

of any size and stvle.

The Baldwin Locomotive Works



Adapted for Plantation Purposes

Aniiinher of which lmvn receutlv heenreceived at tliOMi Islands, anil we wifl havepleasure in furnishing plantation agentsand managers with paiticulars of same.

The Superiority of these Locomotivesoverall other makes is known not onlvhere hut is acknowledged tluoiighout thoUnited States.

WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Ltd.,Solo Afjouts (or tho Hawaiian Islands.


The "Toi'nisr r"

Is made ofGenuine Virginiaand Tuikish Tobac-co Filler with Ha-vana Wrapper ofsuperior grade, andwithout paper;

by connois-seurs to bo tho tliicstsmoke extant.1111 I ii d (sponsiblewhere a short smokeIsdeslied. Health-ier and better t liiuiH cigarette for a"between course"whill'.

ttf Ask yourdealer for them !


made nv

Tho Kul;ey & Co. Branch of the AuioricanCigarette Co., Honolulu.

COS-Sl- ii


Merchant Tailor,Fort street, next to Club rjtables,

IV Lately Cutter and Manager of flooKim it Co. Guarantees Good Fit and lo

l'rices. l'litronage solicited,rill-l- m

For MauUUniis, Frames, Pastels, Arto-type- s,

Photogravures, lUvhimjs, andeverythiny in the line of l'ietures, ijo toKimj Bros., Hold street.

croazisr uott?IMPORTER AND dealer IX

Steel & Iron Ranges



Agate Ware in Large Variety,WHITE, GKAY and SILVER-PLATE-

LAMPS & CHANDELIERS,Crockery, RulDlDer Hose, Lift and Force Pumps,

"Water Closets, Water and Soil Pipes.



This Space is Reserved

FOP?. THEEquitable Life Assurance Society



Guiioral Admits for Hawaiian IMamls.



Fresh California Roll Butter and Island Butter


New Goods Received by Every Steamer from San Francisco.

1ST All Orders faithfully attendedsolicited ami packed with care.



WEST CORNER NUUAND & KING STREETS.P. 0. Box 480. Mutual Tolepltone 90,



o. Satisfaction guaranteed. Island Orders

Bet. Fort and Alakea Streets.p. o. BOX J172.


cic, aiiiaoiiou guaraiueeii.

FOUXD The iilace to Iluv Now HHBBi DCjmB and Hocoiid-han- d Furniture of allkinds nt Lowest I'riccss The' I XL, L JF comer Niuianu and King streets.

Ilcdoom Sets, Watdrobes, lee &W lloxes, Stoves, (Jhairs, HangingLamps, lugs,Iluieaus,('hellonlers, 2p$L. etc, Solil Cheap for Cash nt theI X L, corner Niiiianu and King r. streets.

hteainer and Veranda Chairs, Jr . Sofas, lied Lounges, Unity Ciibs,l lot lies liiiskuts, Jlaclilnos. mwtm niitnots, .Moat Miles, iriuiKs, etc,Kohl nt the Lowest Cash I'lieesattho I X L New and Seeonil-han- d 1 ie

House, corner Nuuanii anil King streets.




Groceries and Provisions.ON ICE lly each steamer ol the O. K. S. Co. fioui California 1'Vesh Callfonila lioll

llutter, Froon Oysters and Krosh California Fruits, h'ish, (iaino, Vegetables, etc.A complete lino of Crosse ,v. llhickwell's and J. T. Morton's Canned and llotlled Goods

always on hand.

.hist received a Fresh Lino of (Ionium Fates and l'otted Meats and Uottlcd 1'iesoivedFruits, Lewis A. Co.'s Maltese llrand Kugar Cuied Hauls and Union, New ltreakfastCereals, Cream Oat Flakes and Cream Wheat Flakes, Sicily Lemons. California Itivor- -

slilo mangos, niegou liurnauK I'oiaioos,

TELEI'HONE t)J- .- - -- 1. 0. IIOX 1 15.


Groceries, Fro-vision- s a.nci Feed.Now Goods Itccelved by Every J'ackot from the Eastern States and Kuiimkj.


All Orders faithfull attended to and Goods delivered to any part of the City free.

island Orders solicited. Satisfaction guuranteod.

B3o.Bt Corner Iox't 8a King Stxeeta,

Oceanic Steamship Co.

Australian Mail Service,

For San Francisco :

The new mid lino Al Steel Steamship

"ALAMEDA"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will

hediieat Honolulu from Sidney and Auck-land on or about

September 22d,And will leave for tho iilmvu port with

Mails and Passengers on oruluml tli.it date.

For Sydney anil Auckland :

The new anil line Al Steel Steamship

" "MONOWAIOf the Oceanic Steamship Company will

he due at Honolulu, fioin Han Fiancisco,on or ahout

September 23d,And will have prompt despatch with

Mails and l'assengeis for the altovo"poitM.

The undersigned are now prepaied to issue



ISF For further particular regardingFreight or Fas-ag- e apph to

WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Ltd.,

General Agents.

Pacific Mail S.S. Co.


Occidental and Oriental S.S. Co,


Steamers of the above Companies willcall at Honolulu on their way to the aboveports on or about the following dates:

Stmr. "China" Oct. :i, 1W)2

Stmr. "Oceanic" Xov. I, Ib'MStmr. "China" Dec. 1U, lfailJ

Stmr. "Oceanic" . .Ian. 11, lb():i

Stmr. "China" .Feb. 'JO, maStmr. "Oaelio" .. .. April 11, lfcD.l


Steameis of the above Companies willcall at Honolulu on their way from Hong-kong and Yokohama to the above port onor ahout the following dates:

Stmr. "China" ,. . .Sept. I), 1WU

Ktmr. "Ciaeliu" . . . Oct. Ill, KS'.U.

Stmr. "City of ltio do Janeiro"Dec. HO, lfc!K!

Stmr. 1'Ilelgie" Feb. H, I MM

Stmr. "City of Peking" .March 111. lhil'IStmr. "Oceanic" . . May 7, INC!

Round Trip TicketsTO YOKOHAMA AND RETURN $350.

I1f For Fielght and I'nsiig apply to


jiiitf Atjonts.

Oceanic Steamship Co.

Tixxie Talole.LOCAL LINE.


Arrive Honolulu Leave Honolulufioin S. F. for.S. J

.Sopt.? Sopt. II.Out. 5 Oct. 12

Nnv. 2 Xov.it

THROUGH LINE.Fioin San Fianoii-o- From Sjdney for

for Sydney. San Francisco.Arrite Honolulu. .(iic Honolulu.


ALAMEDA, Oct. til MAltll'OSA, Oct. SIMAItll'OSA.Nov.lh MONOWAI, Xov. I"MONOWAI, Dee. Hi ALAMEDA, Doc. I,".


Notary Public for the Island of Oahu,

Agent to take Acknowledgements to La-

bor Coutiacts.Agent to grant Marriage Lieensus, Hono-

lulu, Oahu.Agent for the Hawaiian Islands of l'ltt A

Scott's Fielght ami I'aicol Express.Agent for the llurlitigtoii Itoute.


Uru.3l- t- TELEI'HONE --Mi'tcai. Hi!)

1'. O. Hon tin- -

umiT.as Mereliut st. - Jloiiojulu, il, I.



To Fuimir.n Sucuur. Postal Savixcis Baxk Biu-osnoit-

He it I'hnwled In the Queen anil the Lej!tlalurc of the lluicuiimiKhiyiloiii: .- -

Section' 1. For the purpose of further securing depositorsin tho irixwiiiinn Postnl Suvings J3nnk, tho Minister of Financewith tho consent of the Ciilunet, is hereby authorized to sellat not less than par, from lime to time, Treasury Notes of thoHawaiian Government, not exceeding the amounts of tho de-

posits in tho Postal Savings Bunk at the time of issue. Suchnotes shall be sold only nfter advertisement in one or morepapers published in Honolulu in the English and Hawaiianlanguages for ten dsvys, asking for tenders for the same. Suchadvertisements shall state tho amount of such notes to bosold, and tho last date upon which tenders therefor will bo

received. Such tenders shall state tho amount desired, andtho minimum rsite of interest which will bo taken by tho per-

son making tho tender.

Section" 2. Such notes shall each be of tho denomination ofnot loss than five hundred nor more than five thousand dol-

lars ; shall bo psiyablo in not less than threo mouths nor move

than eighteen months after date of issue ; shall bear interestat a rate not exceeding six per cent, per annum payable semi-

annually, and shall be payable, principal and interest, in goldcoin of tho United States of America or its equivalent, andshall be oxompt from any taxes whatsoever.

Seotiox J. Such notes shsill bo sold only for tho purposeof obtaining moneys with which to pay demands which maybe mside upon the Postal Savings Bank, which the Treasuryis unable to moot from other sources, and shall be held as aspecial deposit for such purpose, and used for no other pur-

pose. Provided, however, that moneys heretofore paid butof tho Treasury to depositors may bo repaid to the Treasuryout of the receipts from such notes.

Section' 1 This Act shall take ofl'oct and become law fromand after tho day of its approval.

Approved this MUi. day of August, A. J). 1892.

By the Queen :

C. N. Sl'ENCEIt,

Minister of lic


Corner of Punchbowl Stroot midPrinter's Lano, Honolulu, Onhu.

On THUHSDAY, Oct. Ii, Ls!U, at l'Jo'clock noon, at tho front entrance of Alli-ola- ui

Hale will he at l'ubllc Auctionthe Government Lot on thu south cornerof Punchbowl street anil Printer's Lane,Honolulu, Oahu, containing an area ofU,;ill square feet, together with theItuildlng thereon.

Thu Government es the right atany lime to cut through tho upper part ofthis Lot a road fiO feet wide for the purposeofevlending a street from 1'alace Walk toAhipai street without liability to claim fordamages from the owner or occupier ofsaid Ut, either for laud taken or for thoremoval of buildings or fences.

A map of thu Lot showing tho strip re-

served for roail can be seen at the LandOlllce, Interior Department.

Up-o- t prico f7M).

O. X. SI'ENOEIt,Minister of the Inteilor.

Interior Olllce, Sept. 7, 1MIJ. .M7-:- it

SALE OF LEASEOf Govornmont Lot on Quoon Stroot

now occupiod by tho Hono-lulu Iron Works Co,

On THUHSDAY, Oct. (I, 1 !).', at -'

o'clock noon, at tho front entrance of Alii-ola- ni

Halo will bo sold the Lease of allthat Lot on the niaukti side of (jiiecn street,opposite tho Old Custom House, having afrontage of 112$ feet, and n depth on thuLwa side of MJ feel, and on the Wnikikiside of !IJi feet, now occupied by thoHonolulu Iron Works Co.

Term Lease, for Ten Yearn.Upet price ym per annum, payable

y in advance.C. N.hl'ENCEll,

. Minister of tho Interior.Intel ior Olllce, Sept. 7, IW)J. fi!7-:- it


Of Govornmont Land at Puaa, N.Kona, Hawaii.

On THUHSDAY, Oct. (1, lsuj, at Ii!o'clock noon, at the front entrance of A

Hale will be solitMt I'ublie AuctionTwo Lots of Government Land at i'uaii, inN. Kona, Hawaii, as follows:

Uu 1 Containing an Area of 17 o

.Seres. Upset price $f,0.Lot 'J Containing an Arcsi of Hi (UK)

Acres. Upmt price ,VI.

O. X. Sl'ENCEIt,Minister of the InterioriIntel lor Olllce, Sept. 7, lb!J. iMlUilt

llVieii ioii imiif ii Portrait Kiiliinjeden on Kinji Pros., yet their Price hist,and see .Vcwnjiw, They can't be beat!



Tenders for-- tho Purchase of Ha-waiian Govornmont Trea-

sury Notos.

I)i:i'AitTMi'..sr ok Vis iM'i:, i

Honolulu, H. 1., Sojit. 1, lfellJ. i

Under authority of (he Act approvedAugust .'tO, ls'.u, the Minister of Financeoilers at par Treasury Xotes of tho Ha-

waiian Government for $:), i), in denomi-nations of not less than J.V) or more than$5,000, payable ono-ha- lf in four mouthsand the other half in eleven months fromthe lirst day of September, lf!U. TheseXotes wil bear Interest not exceeding II

puieont por annum, payable semi-annual-

in U, S. Gold Coin, and are exempt fromtllM's.

Tenders for the above will be received attho Treasury up to tliu'JUtli day of Septem-ber, InfiJ, which tender-- , shall state thoamount desired, and the interest whichwill bo accepted by tile person applying"for miiiic.

II. A. W1DEMAXX,olll-ll- lt Minister of Finance.


At Lanihau 2d, Kailua, N. Kona,Hnwaii.

On THUHSDAY, Oct. il, ItflJ, at 1Jo'clock noon, at tho front entrance of Alii-ola- nl

Halo will he hold at l'ubllc Auctiona piece of Government Ivilla Ijiiid, by seashore in the village of Kailua, ut Kona,Hawaii, s.iitable for house site or smallpature lot, containing an area of I iitumjAries,

Upset prico $ I H),

C. N. SI'ENOEH,Minister of the Interior,

Interior Olllce, Sept. 7, 1MIJ. ftI7-:- it

SALE OF A PIECEOf Government Liinil, on Nuimnu

Struct, Honolulu, Oahu.

On WEDNESDAY, September H, lW,at PJ o'clock noon, at the front entrance ofAlllolaui Halo, will bo sold at public auc-tion, a I'ieco of Government Lund, situateon the southeast side of Niuianu Street,above Second Hrldgo, and below J oddStreet, containing an nica of of anAcre, n little more or loss.

Upset price film.O. X. Sl'ENCEIt,

Minister id the interior.interior Olllce, Aug. 10, IfclU'. i!W--


0ing to tho drought and scarcity ofwater, thu residents niaiika of J mid streetme imuctcd to collect what water theymay riMiuire for household purposes before8 o'clock A. M.

JOHN' C. WHITE,Supt. Honolulu Vntur Works.

Honolulu, Kept, u, l&yj, 015--tt

Page 2: jifcS uott? · Machinery of Every Description Made to Order. Funicular attention paid to Ships' Muck-smithin-Job Work exeeuted at Short Xotice. VETERINARY INFIRMARY, Excellent AfcoMMoiHTioN





During tho process of Deepening tlioChannel At tho entranee to Honolulu har-bor tho Droilgor will lip in operation nightiiml day.

At night there will ho n Danger Signalplaced on the forward derrick of Dredger,about 30 feet nbovc sea level, which can beseen by nil vessols approaching the harbor.The Signal consist))of 3 Hctl lights and aWhite light-- as Intho diagram tho redlights being about "l

feet apart, with tho wntn:white light lit thocenter.

AH steamersthe Bar will stop

at a safe distanco from the Dredger andgive one blast of their whistle, which willbo answered by a single blast from theDredger, to be followed by three blastsfrom the Dredger when the passage is clearand they can proceed.

Tho Tug will bo on hand when not other-wise engaged to assist sailing craft in pass-ing the Dredger when necessary.

C. K. Sl'ENCEU,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Olllee, March!), Ls'.J.300-- tf


Holders of Water Privileges, or thosepaying AVater Uutes, are hereby not Hied

that, owing to the drouth and the scarcityof water in the Government Reservoirs,the Hours for using water for Irriga-tion purposes are from 7 to 8 o'clock . i.,and 5 to (i o'clock i. m., until further notice.

.101IN C. WHITE,Sunt. Honolulu Water Works.

Approved :

(!. N. Sprnukr,Minister of the Interior.

Honolulu, H. I., Aug. r, 1S!L.lbH-- tf


Owing to tho scarcity of water the Arte-sian Well at Waikiki will be turnc in fora few days.' JOHN C. WHITK,

Supt. Honolulu Water ork.Honolulu, Sept. 11, 1S'J. Mft-t- f


Pledged to neither Sect nor Piirly,But Established for the ISem'fit of All.

FRIDAY, SEPT. .), 1S02.

Tho Advertiser lies deliberatelywhon it states that tho Queen is re-

sponsible for tho present situation.It is tho pig-head- obstinacy of cer-

tain offico:seekors amongst the poli-

ticians of tho almost moribund An-

nexation Party, in persisting in re-

fusing to support anj- - ono but them-selves in office, whether tho countrysinks or swims by such a course.

As cholera is hy tho latest advicesadvancing with rapid stops, ourBoard of Health should take meas-

ures to hold an investigation intothe chances that it has for makinga lodgment here if it should knockat our doors. It is not enough toenforce quarantine regulations. Thesanitary conditions of tho houses andstreets of tho city should bo seen to.Forewarned is forearmed.

Cabinet making seems to bo ra-

ther a difficult trade to show anypractical work in just now thoughthere aro many amateurs who seemwilling to try their 'prentice handsat it. Tho number of men in Hono-

lulu who earn more than .$5000 perannum, and who can't afford to sacri-

fice it to take a Cabinet position is

astonishingly largo at present, andso is the number of those who aroonlv waiting to ho asked in orderto, like Barkis, express thoir willing-

ness to take what hasn't been offer-

ed. With our limited population itmust bo something like tho twomajorities in tho Legislature, largelycomposed of tho same people.

A San Francisco Call editorial ofAug. 25, on tho Hawaiian tariff, con-

tains tho following: "Tho sugar in-

dustry of tho islands was built upby Amoricau legislation, and its pro-

fits have mainly gone into Americanpockets. This is tho first time thatany Govomment in Hawaii has madetho interests of tho island? them-

selves its chief noncorn." "Jotild

any moro telling praise of '.lie lateMinistry havo been given? Thofirst time that any Government inHawaii has made the interests oftho islands themselves its chief con-cor- n.

And that is tho kind of Min-

istry tho majority of members of thoLegislature had no confidence in!

This morning's Advorlibor con-

tains ono of its snouially writ tonarticles on our prosont politicalcrisis. It is not only to bo deploredbut to bo hold up to reprobationthat tho editor of that paper, whena steamer is about to loavo for thoCoast, invariably brings forth thousual article compounded skilfullyof a mixture of truth and falsehood,detrimental to tho business interestsof tho country. It is of course

for foreign readers only andno doubt is oxpected to bo quotedby thoso San Francisco papers,V'hiclj aro over on tho lookout for


somo H.'iwniian sonsntion which willsorvo ns a basis to show a fresh in-

stances of thoir hostility to llio isl-

ands. Tho business community, how-ove- r,

sees what a faithful friend totheir interests the1 have in theAtlvm t iser.

Tho following extract from Thier'sHistory of Franco is taken from anarticle in tho Century Magazine fortho current month on tho VrowliAssignats and Jlandats, which everyadvocate of tho Horner BankingBill, or any other scheme for tho is-

sue of paper money secured on thovalue of the land, should road andcarefully digo-- t. Its applicability totho present condition of business inthis country will be readily recog-nized by every thoughtful man:

Specie is apparent by tho circula-tion, Wheu confidence prevails, thoactivity of exchange is extreme;money moves about rapidly, is seeneverywhere, and is believed to bomore considerable becauso it is moreserviceable: but when political com-motions create alarm, capital lan-guishes, specie moves slowly; it isfrequently hAarded, and complaintsaro unjustly made of its absonce."


"Tho one who is responsible fortho further continuance of this situ-ation is Her Majesty. Her plainduty is to send for a member of thoOpposition and place upon him thoresponsibility ol selecting his col-leagues. This can bo dono any timeat an hour's notice. Tho Queen hasin writing agreed to this mothod ofprocedure; will sho live up to it, orwill she continue to ignore the prin-ciple involved?" Extract from thismorning's Advertiser.

"Sincoroly desiring to moot thowishes of tho representatives of hersubjects, it has pleased Hor Majestyto summon tho Hon. A. P. Petersonto assist, in tho formation of a Cabi-net. Hor Majesty trusts that thoacceptance of the suggestion to calla member of tho Cabinet, will bringabout tho result sought for." Ex-tract from Hor Majesty's Chamber-lain's letter in answer to tho com-mittee appointed by tho caucus ofmembers who had voted against thoMinistry as published in yesterdaymorning's Advertiser.

Tho above extracts sot sidoby sideshow palpably tho untruthful anddishonest way in which tho Adver-

tiser tries to iniltionco public opinionboth horo and abroad, and ereato adistinctly inimical feeling againsttho Sovereign by alleging that whichis absolutely untrue.


Tho Advertiser as usual displaysits want of knowledge of tho Consti-tution or its lack of ability to under-stand English .in its remarks thismorning under tho head of "ThoCaso of tho Queen Against tho Con-

stitution." Wo reprint below Arti-

cle 11 of tho Constitution, italicisingono portion, in order that our con-

temporary ma- - comprehend thattho Sovoreign has rights under (hoConstitution which aro at leastequal to llioo arrogated to them-

selves b' certain fossilized third-rat- e

intellects whom accident orfamily connection has pitchforkedinto tho position of temporary law-

makers. Tho Supromo Court, as thoAdvertiser and its backers wollknow, has already given its opinionthat tho right allotted to tho Sovor-oig- n

in tho following section of thoConstitution is undoubtedly a per-

sonal prerogative and not ono to boexorcised at tho behest of eitherCabinet or Legislature:

Article 11. Tho Cabinet shall con-

sist of tho Minister of Foreign Af-

fairs, tho Minister of tho Interior,tho Minister of Finance, and tho Attor-

ney-General, and I hoy shall boHis Majesty's special advisors in theexecutive affairs of tho Kingdom;and t hoy shall be ex; officio membersof His Majesty's Privy Council ofState. They nhull he appointed andcommissioned by the Kinij and shall beremoved by him only upon a vote ofwant of confidence passed by a maj-

ority of all tho elective members ofthe Legislature or upon convictionof felony, and shall bo subject to im-

peachment. No act of the Kingshall havo any effect unless it bocountersigned by a member of thoCabinet, who by that signaturemakes himself responsible.

A San Francisco Decision.

'Che San Francisco Call of August25 contains tho following:

"yesterday tho action brought byD. .1. Jones against Chief Crowleyand Judge JJix to recover certainbooks and papers raided by thepolice in tho belief that (hoy consti-tuted a lottory outfit was dismissedby Judge Hunt on a motion byplaiutitr,

Tho prosecution wished to use thobooks and papers in demand toprove that the business of the piain-til- f

was illegal, and a test caso wasmade in tho admittance of a letterbolioved to bo especially damaging.

The court ruled that while incriminal cases tho admission of evi-

dence obtained by what was claimedto bo illegal means might bo ques-tionable, in civil cases this did notapply. In a caso such as this thodefendant could make plaintiff hisown witness and uso any document-ary evidence in plaintiil h possessionto establish a defense,

Thereupon tho plaintiff's attorney"throw up the sponge" by the mo-

tion to dismiss reforrod to, Thoplaintiff will pay all costs and thoresult of tho caso is a victory forCfiief Crowley and public deconcy,tho presumption being that if thepapors had not contained evidenceof tho lottory Choir admission wotddnpt havo boon opposed."

' v "S


JESffirao&liH9R!iHwPrewffiurawT'7 ""'ffwSIBI-- ' .I!Bk W- - tlWwwP,'1P'WWPw,fwwf'f .

Qivo Us Something Elso.

Editor Bulletin:Tho present condition of tho lot-

tery discussion reminds one of noth-

ing so much as tho situation of tholittle-bo- whom the bad boy of theneighborhood is tempting to pinytruant with him by tho contingentoffer of cako and marbles, while hissister is fronziedly screaming at him,"O you bad boy, if you go yourmother will whip you and the teacherwill point yon out as a real bad boynot fit for tho others to play with."

If tho Dio-lotter- v people desiretheir project to become law theymust eonio out with some betterargument in its favor than the con-

ditional bribe of a possible half mil-

lion a year in revenue, and on thoother hand the anti-lotter- y people-mus-

do more than appeal to tho re-

ligion and moral sense of tho com-

munity as tho factors for tho overthrow of tho scheme. "With" a de-

ficiency in tho rovonuo staring thocountry in tho face they must bopropared to oiror somo alternativesehoine to supply that deficiency, orthey will not got tho support of thosewho have- boon attracted to tho aid oftho lottery by tho idea that it willhelp tho country out of its difficul-

ties. It is not enough at this junc-ture to cry, "To your touts, OIsraeli" Lot us have somo commonsense and sound argument as woll.


It is Reported

That tho Advertiser printed num-borlo- ss

ballots in its lato fleecinglottory deal in native papers.

That its roportorial acquisitionmade a vilo and cowardly report ofMr. Aschoim's mental misfortunowhich was reprobated by the entirecommunity.

That tho Advertiser's remedy forhard times is "bananas."

That tho half-hearte- d religiousopinions of its editor havo rousedtho ire of tho church people.

That ho seeks to olovato tho moraltone of tho paper by quoting thooaths of millionaire Vandorbilt.

That ho gives prominence to viloslurs against a woman who, thougha Queen, is still a woman.

That tho Wilcox-Hu- nt sman' Liber-al bantling is suckled with Adver-

tiser milk.That Huntsman sold whatovor

sOul ho ever possessed to tho xUlvor-tiso-r

gang.That the spectacle of tho spirits

of his departed ancostors witnessingtho degradation of thoir illustriousson is sufficient to mako angels weep.

That tho Advertiser is sore be-

cause an alleged American did notpatronize its lato gambling deal, butpublicly exposed it.

Ralph Turner.

Advertiser Twaddle.

Editor. Bulletin :

For puro unadulterated servilechattorings, for vaporings of a minddiseased; for tho illiterate, ungram-matic- al

utterances of a school boy,commend mo to tho supposed inter-views in tho fish market on tho lot-tory. And yot tho Advertiser stafflay tho ilattoring unction to thoirsouls (?) that such brainless effusionsaro devoured with avidity by thoHonolulu public. Tho public canstomach a good deal but do not caroto bo driven to tho vorgo of lunacyby such "hash."

Anti-Twaddl- i:.

The Hawaiian Cable.

Tho official report of tho sound-ings for tho proposed Hawaiiancable shows that a good lino hasboon found between Monterey Bayand Honolulu. It. follows a greatcircle of tho earth, being tho short-est distanco between tho two points.Tho cost of laying tho cable is esti-

mated at $1,200 a mile, or $2,520,000.Of course there is no hope of getting any Government aid for such acommercial facility from the presentDemocratic House. Tho membershavo spent too much money in trad-ing bills with each other to havo anyloft for tho larger and moro gonoralpublic interest. It ought not to bodiilicult to raise the amount private-ly. Tho Hawaiian Government willno doubt lend its aid. Tho BritishGovernment is picking up a lot ofsmall islands lying along tho routebetween Hawaii and its Australiancolonies. Undoubtedly they aro

for telegraph stations, as thoywere good for nothing elso. Unlessour people mako somo move shortlyto put in tho first link of tho chainbetween horo and Honolulu therewill bo a British cable landed titVictoria A'. F, llulletin, July 28.

"When You Hit It."Regarding tho accident to II. 13.

AI. S. Wnrupito tho oilicors of tho U.S. S. Baltimore, on arrival at SanFrancisco from tho North lately,Hpoko vor3' emphatically regardingtho necessity of moro exact survey-ing along the northorn coast. Ontho vessel's trip up to Whatcom thocaptain found it "very pad navigat-ing," and, as an ollicor put it, "nowand again you aro apt to find a rookwheu you hit it." Tho "Wnrapito isnow iu Esqnimault undergoing ro- -

!- -, n.


SSf-f-- - T , " . . &', ' ' ( W, ' ' ' , .,-,--) , j iy , f - s. ,i



D. Crowningburg Struck on tho Headby a Falling Stono.

A serious accident happened at 8

o'clock this morning on the Robin-son road, Xuu.inu Valley, above t hocomotory, to a prison luna namedDavid Crowninubunr. Workmenwore blasting rock, and after a blastOrowningburg saw two stones fall-

ing on him. Ho dodged one, butwas uuablo to got out of the way oftho other. The stone struck him ontho head, crushing in a helmet howore, and causing a depressed frac-

ture, the bones being driven in. Dr.Petersen was summoned and thoman was removed to the Oahu Jailhospital. Dr. Peterson called in Dr.Wood in consultation and the boneswore removed and the wound care-

fully bandaged up.Dr. Peterson was seen by a Bulle-

tin reporter this afternoon nudstated that Orowningburg was rest-

ing easy, although not out of danger.As the Uulletin goes to press a

messago is received that DavidOrowningburg will not live. Ho isan uncle of Dav,id Crowuingburg,police officer.

Sir Edwin Arnold left Japan intho Empress of Japan on the Sthinst. Wo understand that Sir Ed-

win has been unexpectedly summon-ed to take charge of the Daily Tele-

graph, and his intention of going onto India from hero has consequentlyboon abandoned. Japan Gazette.


This is the query per-Wh- at

Is petually on your littleboy's lips. And he ia

It For? no worse than the big-ger, older, balder-heade- d

boys. Life is an interrogationpoint. " What is it for?" we con-tinually cry from the cradle to thegrave. So with this little introduc-tory sermon we turn and ask: "Whatis August Flower for ?' ' As easilyanswered as asked : It is for Dys-pepsia. It is a special remedy foithe Stomach and Liver. Nothingmore than this ; but this brimful.We believe August Flower curesDyspepsia. We know it will. Wehave reasons for knowing it. Twentyyears ago it started in a small countrytown. To-da- y it has an honoredplace in every city and country store,possesses one of the largest manu-facturing plants in the couutry andsells every where. Why is this? Thereason is as simple .as a child'sthought. It is honest, does onething, and does it right along itcures Dyspepsia.G. G. GREEN. Sole Man'fr.Woodbury.NJ.

By Lewis J. Levey.

Hawailaa & nnn Curios


On TUESDAY, Sept. 13th,

AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M.,

I will .'ell nt I'ulilie Auction, at my Sules-looni-

a quantity of

Hawaiian Samoau Ancient Curios

CoiiKisting of

Calabashes, Tapas, Mats,Cocoa Nuts, Walrus Tusk, Shells,

Battle Axes, Walking Canes, Etc.

gXf The attention of jmn.'li.'t-.er.- s israiled to tliis uiro lot of Curios to be wildwithout leicrve.

or-- thumb cash i

Lewis J. Levey,ois-:-u AHOTIONKUH.

Hku, 111. TELEPHONES Mutual 19.


$9.75 Per Corn I Keel Lengths$12.60 Per Cord Sawed$1 1,00 Per Cord Sawed and Split

OHIA.$l!i.0.r Por Cord. . . I Feet Lengthsiin.no Per Cord ., SawedilT.OO Per Cord . Sawed and Split

T" Delivered to any part of Honolulurni::.

HUSTAOE & CO.N, U. Wo guarantee our Wood to ho

sound anil freo from worms. MS-l- w

Honolulu Cycling

Armory Building, - Beretanla St.

Bicycle Hiding Sclioo


TDecy &c Evening.Ladies' & Gents' Bicycles For Hire


K.'epa,iriiig Solicited.51b-- tf

By Jas. F. Morgan.


Household -:- - Furniture

On TUESDAY, Sept. 13th,

AT 10 O'OI.OOlv A. M.,

At the KcstuVueo of M It. II. IIEMIAIID.I'llliehbowl xtreet, I will M'll at

I'ulilie Auction

EEovisela'ci "F'T.irnitxareComprising

Larfe Upholstered Parlor Set,

Chandelier-"- , Hanging LampsCenter ,t Sofa Hugs.Curtains A Poles, Pictures,

CARVEDB.W. Marbletop Bedroom Set

Spring t llnlr MntliesMw,Painted liedrootn Srtft Lounges,Single Hcclstoads, ('limn),

B. W. Extension Dining Table,15. W. SlDEHOAUl), MKATSAKE,

1 Redwood Stove & Utensils,K I !'., Klc. Klc, l'to.



ja.s. :f Morgan,M7-- U AUCTION KICK.


Of Salo of Goods Distrainod for Kont.

mthe floods anil Chattels of Thomas Onokea,for rent in arrears of preiui.-e-s at the cor-ner of Punchbowl anil Kinnii streets, no-ti-

is herehv given that on SATURDAY,the 21th of "Sept., 1M)- -, at 1'J o'clock noon,at the Auction ltoom of J k I Mouoan.Honolulu, will ho sold for ofrent ami costs of distraint and removalthe following articles:

1 Sewing Machine, 'J Small Tallies, 1

Small I'ouml Table, 3 Chairs, 1 liedstoad,1 Spring Mattrexs, '2 Sea Shells,.

AUbl'ST Vl'MVA It A GONSALVKS,517-l- ISv his uttoinov A. fl. Corron.


Fire Department I


OP COMPANIESMKMHKUS mentioned uie requested toatemlile on the Kxplannile, foot of Foitstreet,

Saturday, Afternoonj


For the imrno-- o of taking part in a

Department Line Drill!far-- The following Companies aro to

participate in the Drill: Co. Xo. 1, No. '2,

No. 1, No. r, 1'ire. Polico and VolunteerHoys No. '2.

l&-- Five Taps of tho JScll at the CentralStation is the Mgiinl for members to leavetheir stations, from whonce they shall pro-ree- d

with their Apparatus to tho Espla-nade.

Per order of the Chief Engineer.fil8-- lt

To Let or X.oaso.



nislied Itooms, cen-trally lorated. Inquire atBiii.i,i:tin Oillre. 353-t- f IKtj i TTlffiBiCr


Dl PItEMlSKS, IIIllerulania street, op

posite 1'ort stieet church.Annlvtu It. I. LILL1K.

!is2-t- f' At Then. 11. Davics .t Co.


riWl) COTTAOES TOJ. Let one on Merchantstreet and one on Portutreet next lo miIiooI 1ioiiApply to W. Mi OANULKSH.


'house to let.AND VERY

Convenient Cotta(?eto let on KIiicui street, allIinnrovoiuentH. For narti- -cularn iiimlv to N. 8. SACHS.

SlS-l- 101 stieet.


TVJEW 1 IOUSE OK PTYEJ rooi rr-- r I'. Jll3btieet, with llathrooin, pat-ent

f'jiey.jLi'i&UL.. (!.. ele. Commands

one of tliu'liiioxt views In Honolulu.- Applyto (177-t- f) J. M, VIVAS.


rpllE COMMODIOUS '.'- - lo,iT ;: ;.,.. i ..;..... v.". .: ikjtualleretania and Kinii, ori-u- - aipled by the undersigned to whom ainilvfj.r ii'lrrtflllflf. W. S. I.ITI'I.



rpili: HOUSE LATKLY1 oeeupied by H. V.

Hehbard on I'uiirhbowlutreet. Citli Laruo Yard,Good Stabler, etu, Eor further particularsapply to 1)11. JNO. S. Mc (1 HEW,

rfltf-l- w Hotel htreet.


NICE (X)TTA(IE ONA lleiutaula Htreet, near ajrvjRksfaLI'iikoi htreet,l'ailor. '2 Hedrooma. liatli- -room, Diningroom, I'antry and Kltehen,Survant't loom, Can-lan- Houhj, Stable, ete.Trauieure pa every -- u minutes. Apply ntollleu of t liia paper. 153-- tf

5 " i

PACIFIC HARDWARE CO., Ltd.Cummins1 Bloolt, Ifori Street.

M.&D . Wrought


Have Opened

on St.,


Large of New



China, Glass and FurnitureSalesroom Kaalmmaini Ground Floor,




Goods, Benmore,



and Oblier Fine Ware.

3Sre"w Rugs SLncl Carpets,Enslisti "urnitvLre,

Rattan Ware.Fine Show of Glassware, Ivoryware, Bohemian Vases, Yine Glasses,

Tumblers, Cut Salads, Etc.

IPrices ZELodixoed.- -



oOo 2

C2 ICEinBl



CD Automatic

& Cylinder

,s. i:iiiilicii.

Steel !



Jrti. .A wvex




GHEISTSMountain, Gem


Ice Cream Freezers I

& Barrel Churns.



"Wo Jvist Received3Sr-- w IDress Goods,LsLclies' Beclforcl Caps, ,

Belts, Latest Style.Also a Large Line of Traveling Trunks and Valises.


ISTe-- w Goodsj USTe-- Goods!- -



Ladies', Childrens' and Infants' WearIN OIIM.VT YAII1ETY AT LOW 1'IUOES.

A Fine Line in Zephyrs, Cretonnes, Etc.' Batlaing Suits in. Oottoxi axid Wool


CA.X.Ii A-lKro SEE OTJIR. JTE"W" GOODS,j Dressmaking under the Management of Miss Clark.

B. F. EHLERS & CO., 99 Fort St.



J MtttSfWl' v jvwk mml .i 4?? &-u:- . 'mmm . "?L&7 5tffej. I W"Jli-Mn- feSs-- t f&M.- -

Page 3: jifcS uott? · Machinery of Every Description Made to Order. Funicular attention paid to Ships' Muck-smithin-Job Work exeeuted at Short Xotice. VETERINARY INFIRMARY, Excellent AfcoMMoiHTioN


! "i"4


Time Table.


mammIjV. HllNOI.lM.U, ll'.lfi 8: to 1:1ft l:35tAlt. HoNOPl.ltlM, "'.20 !)!r7 12:57 OtMtl.V. HnNOUMUI.l, 7::;o 10:43 3:13 fi:l2tAll. llo.NOI.UI.U, 8:35 lltfifj 1:5.-- 1 0:501

I'r.Aiii. City Loi'ai..

JjV. Honolulu fiiL'OS

Ait. 1'kaiu. City fitMSJ.v, Pkaih. City (1:00

An. Honolulu 0:10

Sundays excepted, t Saturdays only.Saturdays oxeoptcd.

Tidos, Sun and Moon.


'si a a H fl en.

HAY,15 f r1 a s-- a

.la a&aa H 3 tn

S p r . S-- . r

li.ni fl .111 a.m. 'ii.iu.Mini. n :i i; ;i mi h :t7 Ii ik) A 41 It 12 ft f.0Tnes. o 4 us a 45 !l 15 11 10 5 41 I) 11Weil. 4 40 4 20 10 (Mill JO t 4.1 111, 7 11

11.111. 'II.IU.Tim B 17 ; no ll '21 11 00 B 451 fi 0!) 7 02

i I. o so; n so 11 47,11 an fl 45i (1 1H, 8it. in. ii.iu 11.111. 11,111.

Mlt. 11) u 4 ii ii ;w .... o r.o B 4(1 0 07 11 15Hllll. v r im: :w n no' :i (hi n 40' (i on lo oi

Full liimin nn Sept. mil, at loh. r.Om. n.iii.


FRIDAY, SEPT. 9, 1892.

3.K.I3STE 2SrE"WS.

Arrivals.TiiuiwiUY, Sept. 8.

S S China, Scalmry, from Hongkong andYokohama

Fkiiiay, Sept. !).

Stmr Ivaala from Waianae ami WnialuaSchr Alillu Morris from Koolau

Departures.Fuiiiay, Sept. 9.

8 S China, Sealmry, for San Francisco at8 ii m

Stmr Kinau for Maui ami Hawaii at '2 p m

Passengers.For Maui and Hawaii per stmr Kinan,

Septll For the Volcano: H S Williams,Mrs Williams, Mrs Mnltinan. For wayports: J 11 Atherton, Alex Kahoalii, AlexJlihia, Mis Harnard, Miss Turner, K CIlonil, B I'atcanof, H V ltaldwin, MissWoignt, K Olding, W Weight, C Kaiser.l)r Grossman. A St C 1'iianaia and wife. Kft Wnlhridge, Miss K Wight, Miss Atkinsit vegc, .Mrs J TiMKcr, liev tj ij Desna,.Miss .Maria nose, Miss Annie Hose, MissItitehio. -

Shipping Notes.

The steamer Kinau loft this afternoon at2 o'clock for Maui and Hawaii.

Tho Uritish bark Kooringa has finisheddischarging coal anil is taking in atoneballast.

Tho S. S. China received a supply of coallast evening and y. She will leavo at8 o'clock this evening.

Married.DEMINO-FOSTl'- Il In Oakland, Cal., on

Saturday, August 127, Byron 1). Demingand Harriet N. Foster, "daughter of thelate Dan'l Foster, of Kau, and 1353Castro street, Oakland.

TAYLOlt-SANKOK- I) At Trinity Church,San Francisco, on Thursday ovoning,August 15, Edward S. Taylor andFrankie Janet Sanford.


A Young Society Man is Arrestedon a Charge of Theft.

Jamos W. McGuiro was arrostodat & o clocic this altornoou on a war-rant which charges him with tholarceny of articles of clothing, also apurse containing money, tho pro-perty of Mr, Schwabach, a tourist ofmeans. Tho residence of Mr. Mc-

Guiro was searched and sovoral arti-cles of silk clothing wore found andidentified by Mr. Schwabach. Twocoins which had been in tho miss-ing purse wore also found, but,tho purso did not materialize.Mr. Schwabach intended leavingon tho P. M. S. S. China this ovon-

ing, but ho has altored his mind onaccount of this little sidoshow. Thoparties concorned have boon friendssinco tho arrival of Mr. Schwabacha fow wooks ago, Mr. McGuiro ac-

companying him on nearby all his' visits to points of interest. There

is some talk that Mr. Schwabach isa Gorman Count, and that ho in-

tended taking his newfound youngfriond for notour of Europe.

A Gigantic Jaw.Tho sizo and probable power of

tho sharks which infest tho coast ofMaui aro cloarly demonstrated )jytho jaw of ono of those ravenousmonsters of tho deep, which is in thoprosont possession of Mr. II. W.Peck, having boon sent hither by tholast inter-islan- d steamer. Tho jawshows four cloarly defined rows ofteeth, each row presenting a morointeresting yet more fearful appear-ance than a barliod wire fonco, Thojaw in diameter measures nearly 19inches and is 52 inches in circumfer-ence. A youth couldbo easily "lost to sight, to memorydear" by an untoward introductionto a similar representative in activolife. Tho jaw was sont by Mr. Ray-mond of Kaanapali, Maui, to, asabove said, Mr. II. W. Peck, GeneralSocrotary of tho Y. M. 0, Associationof this city. Tho jaw will probablybo placed on exhibition.

rpjIK UM(KTIN8,THK LEADINGX Dully l'aper of the Kingdom, Fiftycents per month.


The band will play at QitocnEmma hall' this ovoning.

Ono caso of drunkonnoss was dis-

posed of in tho Police Court thismorning.

Through passongors by the Chinatook in Iho sights in and around theciiy to-da-

Tho mail for San Francisco by tlioS. S. China will close at 7 o'clockthis evening.

Mechanics' Benefit Union will meetthis ovoning in annual (session andelect officers.

Diamond Head, 8 p. in. "Weatherhazy; wind light northeast; schoonerMillo Morris off tho head.

Tho Tahitian mail of tho TropicBird will bo despatched by tho S. S.

China for San Francisco this ovon-


Lieutenant - Commander B. F.Richards, U. S. N., is a through passenger for San Francisco on tho S. S.

China.Protection Hook Si Ladder Com-

pany, H. F. D., will celebrate its Hot Ii

anniversary by a social at its hall to-

morrow ovoning.

Tho Portuguese Benevolent So-

ciety has received a spar eighty feetlong for a now flagpole at the clubhouse on Alapai street.

Tho Y.wTaT.U."ctffco roomsat Queen Emma hall will bo in fullblast .this ovoning, aftora suspensionof two week$. Tr tho young ladies'beverages.

A Chinese waslnnan stated thoother day that about eight thousandpieces wore destroyed by tho iiro attho Government wasli house onTuesday morning.

Tho Misses Adeline and BeatriceWillis, nieces of Rov. Bishop "Willis,will leave on tho stoamor W. G. Hallon Friday next for Kona, Hawaii, toaccept positions as teaehors in thoSouth Kona Boarding School.

Tho publishers of Husted's Dire-ctor have sont a specially boundcopy as a gift to tho Queen. It is inwhite volluni with leather corners,bearing in gilt tho inscription,

Queen of tho HawaiianIslands."

Tho Liberal party held a massmooting at tho Old Armory, Queen'street, last ovoning, and appointed a

committee to nominate a Noble tofill tho vacancy caused by tho resig-nation of Hon. P. Neumann, and re-

port noxt Thursday. An inharmo-nious discussion of tho situationtook plaeo

A largo and brilliant party wasgiven by Hon. and Mrs. W. G. Irwinatthoir Waikiki rosidonco last night.It was in tho naturo of a receptionto recently returned friends fromabroad. Steward James of thosteamship Australia catered for thoevent, surpassing oven his great suc-

cesses of former occasions.

Tho promoters of tho lottery billhave agreed to have tho objection-able word "policy" stricken out oftho bill, by request of ninny whoconsidered this tho most objection-able part of tho bill, and it is alsostated that it was never tho inten-tion of tho originators to embraceanything of tho kind' in tho bill.

Tho P. M. S. S. China, which ar-

rived last ovoning, brought ono hun-dro- d

and threo Chinese passengersfrom Yokohama and Japan, and twohundred and thirty tons of freightfor this port. She had forty-liv- e

cabin passongors in transit for SanFrancisco. Tho China will continuehor voyage at 8 o'clock this ovoning.

Tho Myrtle Boat Chili have ac-

cepted tho challenge of' tho Ilea- -

lanis on condition that tho race boon Sopt. 21th and for a cup valuedat .?.r)0. Tho Healanis have grantedtho request and the cup is thoonly hitch. A Hoalaui when askedto-da- y if tho race was coming olf"sure pop," answered "3'os, unlessthoywnnt a head start."

At tho meeting of tho Fire De-

partment last night afuneral billof ,?lij for. John Sullivan, a deceasedmomber of Engine Company No. 1,

was passed. A report from the exe-

cutive committee on tho accident toNo. 1'k engine stated that tho ChiefEngineer at tho investigation cen-

sured the driver for his want of care.Tho Department voted down a mo-

tion lo consider tho report and ad-


An Elegant Table.In Hie window of the Pacific

Ilardv.aio Company is an elegantcard table composed of iinmuiiora-bl- o

pijuu.1 of Hawaiian wood, highlypolishecV and evincing in every waytho hand of a master mechanic inits construction. It is beautiful indecorative patterns of inlaid work,and the joining of the main panelsis effected ho as to make the grainon both sides harmonize. Thotublois strongly made, so as to be a mostdurable article. It is tho handiworkof Mr. Win. Monzel, a cabinet makerof this city, and is valued at ,?200.Au influential gent Ionian is interest-ing himself to ensure tho table'shaving a place in Hawaii's exhibit attho World's Fair.



Fiiiiuy, Sept. 0, 1892.

Morning Session.

The Houso was convuned at 10

o'clock by President Walker forprayer, after which the minutes ofthe previous mooting were read andapproved.

Rep. Ashford asked tho Presidentif ho was in possession of any infor-

mation of tho appointment of aCabinet.

President said that he was not.Hop. Ashford said that ho had

taken tho ground on several occa-

sions that tho House should proceedwith tho transaction of its businesseven without a Cabinet; but ho hadalways boon voted down by thoHouse. Ho would now move (andeveryone expected something out oftho commonplace) that the Housoadjourn until Monday.

Motion put and carried and, at10:01, tho Assembly adjourned untilMonday.

Tho Californianlllustratod Magazine

The September Californiau is astriking issue. It contains a sensa-

tional oxposo of spirit, photograph,from the pen of tho well-know- n

scientist, Dr. Elliot Coues of thoSmithsonian Institute. Dr. Conesslashes tho bogus spirit photograph-ers without, mercy, and makes mostentertaining reading having traceddown all tho fraudulent pictures.Tho illustrations to this paper arostriking and will create consterna-tion in tho army of frauds who proupon unsuspecting people. A timelyand beautifully illustrated article isoii yachting about San Francisco, byMr. Yale, editor of tho Mining Ho-vio-

a well-know- n yachtsman, andauthority in such matters. Tho illus-

trations aro racy and Humorous, be-

ing instantaneous views of every .famous yacht on th bay. A remark-able oxposo of a secret society inHonolulu, in which superstition ranmad, is found in tho illustrated arti- -'

clo entitled "Black Art in Hawaii,"b the Rov. Dr. Fisher, a Methodistmissionary to the Japancso who lofthero last year. Higher education inCalifornia is well illustrated in awell-writte- n article on Throop Uni-

versity. Augusto Woy, a brilliantwriter, continues tho series on whatCalifornia can do at tho "World'sFair, and a plea for the missions ismade in behalf of the Society for thoPreservation of tho Missions by Mrs.Powers, tho illustrations being byFenn, showing Pain, San Luis Royand tho old mission of San Diego.Among tho articles on foreign sub-

jects is an entertaining ono on India,by tho well-know- n author and scien-

tist, Dr. Simms.y Richard II. Mc-

Donald, Jr., tlfo well-know- n SanFrancisco banker, and politicaleconomist, makes au earnest plea forreform in a scholarly paper on "Howto Secure Good Municipal Govern-ment." No question is of moro im-

portance to California than that ofthe Nicaragua Canal, and the thirdin tho of papers by W. L.Morry is given, treating the financialside of tho quest ion with ability.Stories by Airs. Bugeia and Doro-thea Lumiuis, poems, book reviewsand discussions of questions of thoday b v. Lionel A. Sheldon,make up a number of especial inter-est.

Published in San Francisco. $3.00a year.


Through Passengers.

Tho through cabin passengers onthe P. M. S. S. China from Yoko-hama and Hongkong for San Francisco, consist of tho following: C. S.Uiaggs, C. F. Biaggs, R. W. Brown,H. Beale, R. Blunt, Capl. B. C. Crul-hihi- i,

.11. Y. Dean, T. R. Ellis, MissFurbor, Lieut. C. A. Foster, U. S. N.,Mrs. Godfrey-Bolt- , Miss Godfrey,J. A. Gossor, Mrs. E. ,J, Grant, Dr.llopondyl, Otto Hamburg, Mr. andMrs. F. .1. Hunt, Hermann Jobson,Mrs. M. A. Kellogg, M. Kuril, ItoKunao, Mr. and Mrs. L. von Kali",Mrs. S. Montgomery, Mrs. Marsh, II.S. Miller, Lieut. -- Commander, U. S.N., Mr. mid Mrs. W. Simpson, EarlScott, James Stewart, S. Gondhoin,J. C. Siegfried, W. 11. Seabury, A. A.Thomas, J. Lucas, S. Wheeler, Rev.Dr. Woodhull, .Miss Wilcox, Mrs. M.Wheeler, J. Wood, T. Nobida, Y.Yainho.

Tho Annexation Party.Town talk 1ms it I hat tho only

combination which will satisfy thoUalilwin-Thiiihton-Sini- th party istho following: Minislor of ForuiguAffairs, A, S. Ilartwollj Ministor ofFinance, L. A. Thurston; Minister ofInterior, Dr. .1. S. .MeGrow; Attor-noy-Gonor-

W. O. Smith; and W.R. Castle, Marshal.- - Com.

Mr. Lander's Rocommondation.

Mr. ,1. A. Lander, a prominentcitizen of Clarkslmif,', Mo., andwidely known in that State, says ofChamberlain's Colic, Cholera andDiiirrho'ii Remedy: "1 have scon itsjjood results and can recommendit." For sale by all dealers, lionson,Smith k Co., Agents.


Root Boor on draught at Benson,Smith ic Co.'s.

C. J. McCarthy has lots on Lilihastreet for sale.

Hawaiian Council, A. L. of II.,will meet this ovoning.

Firewood is offered for sale, withprices quoted, by Hustaco it Co.

After shaving uso Cucumber SkinTonic. Benson, Smith & Co., Agents.

While 1 K. scarfs !i lor 25 cts.during the clearance sale at Sachs'store.

Sunburn relioved at onco by Cu-

cumber Tonic. Benson, Smith & Co.,Agents.

Notico to firemen about tho linedrill afternoon is given inthis paper.

Men's fine silk shirts for $1.75 re-

duced from 6.00 during the clear-

ance sale at Sachs' stoic.

"Honolulu Cycling" in anotherplace should be noted by all whowant to bo expert wheelmen.

Dr. John S. McGrew ofl'nrs to lettho houso lately occupied by H. F.Hebbard on Punchbowl street.

Gentlemen's hemmed stitch whitesilk handkerchiefs for 50 cts. duringtho clearance sale at Sachs' store.

Mrs. Good has a notice regardingtho of her well and favor-

ably known milliner establishment.

Mechanics' Home, 59 and (51 Hotelstreet. Lodging by day, week ormouth 25c. and 50c. a night; SIand 1.25 a week.

A fine chance to get Hawaiian andSamoan curios will bo afforded atan auction sale to bo hold by L. J.Lovoy at 10 o'clock Tuesday.

Dr. McLennan has removed to Ala-ko- a

street, opposite tho Y. M. C. A.

hall, premises lately occupied by Dr.Lutz. Ollico hours, 9 to 12,2 to 1,

and evenings (5 to 7 ; Sundays 10 to 1.

Boll telephone 197 ijfutttal CS2.

Tho Tramways Cdmpany intendintroducing a through service, every20 minutes, between Nuiianu Valleyand Punahou, by way of Queen, Fortand Berotania streets. Tho timetablo for Borotania street will not bechanged. Tho now time schedulefor Nuuanu street is advertised inanotlvor column. Tho now arrange-ments aro to take otrect on and afterMonday, Sopt. 12th.

Saved a Woman's Life.

Mr. J. E. Thoroughgood, writingfrom Georgetown, Delaware, says:"Two teaspoonfuls of Chamberlain'sColic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem-edy saved tho lifo of Mrs. JaneThomas, of this place." He alsostates that sovoral other very badcases of bowel complaint there haveboon cured by this remedy. Forsale by all dealors. Benson, Smith& Co., Agents.

rpHK WEKKLy"iUj,I.KT1N-'.'- .s COI.-- ilimns of Interesting pleading Matter.

Islands, $1; mailed to foreign countries, $5.


TTHOM AND AFTKH THISJIATK THEJL .Millinery l'.stalili.sliment on Fort.treot will he under Iho charm- - of Mits,(loon. MNs McOowan will return onMonday, Sept. V2th.

All accounts due are to lie paid imme-diately to Mrs. Good, ortlmy will be placedin the hands of a collector. ""

ttf-- Trimmed Oniids will lie old at costtill Nov. 1st. f.lS-l- w

Mooting NoticoB.

Oiiliu Railway & Land Co.


MIKKR WILL UK A SIM'.CIAL MF.KT--T ni! of the Stock ho i ers of the OahuHallway V Land Company held at theChamber of Coniiuerce, in Honolulu,

On MONDAY, Sept. 12, 1892,


For the liiirposu of authorizing the issue ofa new form of Terminal Division Honds tntake the place of such terminal DivisionIlouds as liuve already been Issued.

W. (i ArJllLKY,Secretary.

Honolulu, Sopt. 8, W)l fil7-.'- !t



Legion of Honor, meets THIS(Friday) I'VKNlNd at 7::t0 o'clock, atHarmony Hall, King street.

.IDS, M. OAT,filS-l- t Secretary.


Jll.UUIiail .II..144IJII ...J.,..- -L'ilJ. of Mechanics' Ileneiit Union willu held at the hall of Kuuiue Co. No, --'.

THIS (Friday) KVKNINO, at 7:.!0 o'clock.Special business: Klectiou of Otllcers.

T1IOS. It. LUCAS,MS-- lt I'reslilent.


MKl'TINO. OF THK ST.ASI'KCIAL Chinch Association willbu held in the Cathedral Schoolroom at7::i0 o'clock, on MONDAY KVKNINd,the L'th lust,, to consider llesolutious incondemnation of the propou'd LotteryScheme, All members oi the AKsociatlouare requested to attend and to bring (heirfriends. fdf'-b- t


MLI'TINO OF-JM- STOCKHOLM-ur- sof tho Hawaiian Sugar Co. will

io held m..t tijwiimi, win. llUli. at11 o'clock a. i., ut the ollico of 1), W. M ae- -fiirlauu it Co.

W.L. HQITKIt,015-a-t Secretary,

Pacific Hardwaro Co.

White Mountain Ice Cream Freez-er- s.

From ono quart to 12 quarts.

Tho larger sizes with fly wheel.

All attempts to supor.-ed-o this

pattern have failed.

Call and get a Whitman Patent

Riding Bit, nickel plated.

Paciiio H.viunvAiu: Co., Ld.

Fort Street.



Sprains, Bruises,

Cuts, Bums,

Lame Joints and

Cold on the Lungs.

A Remedy Endorsed by the Medical Profession

Mr. .1. I', (iimdman, uf Amator, Cal.,Miy.s: "I have had lopritli'il opportunityofi.Wrving and testing the relieving amihealing quality of Yitv On. when appliedto painful, ore ami inflamed parts, a No inlame joints, sprains .and hrui-e- s. I amconfident that to the extent its safe, activeand poweiful healing merits aietried.itwill be considered the indispensable familyremedy."

8" For the asking you will receivcj.ilf0 Testimonial Letter. Itead one and doyour own thinking.

Hoton, Newman & Co.

Wholesale --A.eiits.COItNKK FORT AN'I) KING STIil'r.TS.

Hawaiian Tramways Co., L'd.

On and Alter Monday, Sopt. 12th, the


Will LKAVK l'Al'OA (1:10 . m., (i:::0,(l:.10, and KVKItY L'O MIXUTl'Suntil l()::;0 i'. i.

g.& The-- n Cars will run thiough tovia (ueen and Iterelania streets

except the 10:111 and ll):.'!0 l M., which willgoto I'alama. On Saturdays the 111:10 i. i.will go to Puliation.

LILWK WIIAliF (I: . M., (1:.V1, 7:i:S,and 1'VKItY a MIXUTl'S until111:1.'! p. m.


Will run tl igh to the Valley, via Queenstreet. Times as at pic-en- t.


LKAVK l'AUOA (via School, Foil andAIHkea stici'ls) 7::ii A. M., hl'Vi, (onSundays !:.ri), ll::s.ri, : i., :X,l:.'l."i, fi

--, lli.Vi, (for l'alania 7 :t" r. m.)

FUOM W1IAIU' (via I'lirl and Schoolhtrccts) s::s . m., l)::i, 111:;), 11 s:i, li::sp. i., I :."!, --'::!, fi::t, il::i and 7:.l i m.

All Kurt-strct- ii Cars will connectWilli lleretanla-stice- t Cars at ('mitralUnion Church.

19 Detailed Time Tables may betained gratis from the fromIlolirou, Newman ,t Co, , corner Wing andFort directs. fil




For S. S. Australia.

At the Beaver Saloon,H. J. Nolto, Proprietor.

Mll-'- lt


Steamship Co.For SAN FRANCISCO.




tun mi. iui I. roi:r on

Wednesday, September 14th.A.T NOON,

The undersigned ale now jireiiared toissue Through Ticket, from this city to allpoints lit the United Statis.

For further particulars regarding I'ruightor Passage apply to

Wm. G. Irwin & Co., Ltd.,I Ol'i-- yeiwrul AggiU.

ii you don 'i kiioyIIosi: Ki:i:l and sec how much longer will live.

ofSr-- r ' I lone deferred innlcelh the heartsick." and un- -

less you have credit it has :iAY e offer a discount for cash.

-- o-

niobcr nose

JSZIS3' When poverty abolished some one will have loset up an Asylum for Homeless Dogs. Our stock of Col-lars and Chains fpi the pets is unlimited.

it riiiLucres no nieiunno-- a nroKen record. ' us nice


charactersticks over.

the clothes you've outgrown good only for .smaller men.Our record for good values prompt delivery has not beennidnkeved with.

jj5" Considering how awfully good the timesgrandfathers were in Honolulu, it's a pity some of thegrowlers were not young enough to them. Our.pricesconform with the times cheaper than ever.

fiSf3 "True seldom appears the surface1 he slatlernlv hole in the heelcovered by well-polish-

ed leatherCloth Wimn'okks, however,


.stocKing usuallyour





HAWAIIAN HARDWARE CO.,Fort Slroot, Honolulu, : : : : Onpo. Sprockets' Bank.



104 Port Straet, Hoio.olu.lvi.

To Commence Monday, August 29, 1892,


Two !


iGREATAll will be Marked Plain Figures and

Sold fox Ootsli OnlyBona-fid- e Sale! cH!a' Positive Bargains !


TWOThe Popular Millinery House.




Weeks Only





Vo carry in stock the following Well-know- n Brands:

Liebicj's Extract of Meat,

Armour's Extract of Beef,

Parke Davis & Co.'s Beef Jelly,

Wyeth & Bros' Beef Juice,Valentine's Meat Juice,

Johnston's Fluid Beef,

Mosquera Beef Meal,

Mosquera Beef-Caca- o.


109 Fort Street, Honolialti, EL I.



P theTHK


a IKMMMjiPCalf ii or 7 mouths old,which tho owner canhave moving propertyanil paying expenses,

L. UYTOKLHST,M7-:i- t" No. Kl Louis College.


rpilLClTYSlior.INd SHOP HAS It I'.1 opened and is prepared to ll! II rot- -

umk us lortucrlvA It. UOWAT.

rroprielor..1, McDiinw.ii, Manager,

Honolulu, Sept. 7, I --', fill!-l-

1'ictnrt! Frame whhV la oeder fromhtkst Stylix of MimUUwj. Ittmom-lio- n

of Old I'iclurfit a specialty KinyJiron., Jlytel trcs(

uic va I no c-e-t ait



had effect on

t i i f-- i ii

oi one s isThe of Nkw










- - -








H. Hackfeld & Co.

-- Ol'Tl'li roll BAL- K-

IBest Refined Alcohol!For Mechanical & Modlcal Purposes.

In 1 and 5 Gallon DemijohnsAT Till! 11VTK OI--

SILT'S Per Gallon10J lNCLUDlNdCONTAlNLIt. 1 tit

The bvtl lltiiiji la send to yiiurfriemhabroad in Kiny Jlroa, "Illustrated SouUpnirofJliiieuii," which isyotten up forIhpurpose, uHjf. it not an udvcrthoMont,

u-- ViJi.3, '. iittttHI f, , , - -

."ii. ,- "- -. --J' 76k

i?fiMsstifeiflfe. i.Y,1L Wm, in 111 ml 1 111 ill Vw


Page 4: jifcS uott? · Machinery of Every Description Made to Order. Funicular attention paid to Ships' Muck-smithin-Job Work exeeuted at Short Xotice. VETERINARY INFIRMARY, Excellent AfcoMMoiHTioN


Tho Hawaiian Cablo.

(.Now York Observer, August U.l

Tho project ot coimci-tin- tho ""Ik-- managers in this pity mo stillCnlifornin const with Japan andChina by n telegraphic cablo, dis-

cussed over siiu'o tho successful link-

ing of tho eastern and westernhemispheres, may recoive a now im-

petus from tho results of tho soundings mado by tho government steam-o- r

Albatross between California andtho Sandwich islands. Tho Senatevoted last year in favor of subsidiz-ing a cablo to Hawaii, but tho Houserejected tho moasuro, though bothbodies subsequently pioVidod a smallappropriation for apuparatory sur- -

xoy of tho route, which lias now beencompleted by tho Albatross. Thoreport shows that while no extendedplateau, like that ousting in theAtlantic son-floo- r, ovists in the "Paci-

fic, and that tho changes of level areoften abrupt and considerable, yetit is practicable to select a route fora submarine cable, presenting no in-

superable difficulties. Tho condi-tions along the inshore portions oftho route, especially on the southerncoast ot California, are reported tobo favorable, and as that portion oftho coast lies nearest to Honolulu,it is probable that any cablo laidwould start from that quaitor. In-

deed, in the matter of distance totho Hawaiian group an Americancablo would havo a decided ad an-tag- o

over tho proposed British lineto run from Victoria, in BritishColumbia, though tho latter coulddoubtless depend upon a subsidy,with a viow to ultimate OKtension toAustralia or Now Zealand.

Prior to tho investigations madeby tho United States steamer Tnvcarora and tho British ship Challen-ger, in 187-- and 187i, comparativelylittlo was known of tho bed of thoPacific, though it was generally be-

lieved to bo much less iinovei thanthat of the Atlantic, and its -- watersmuch shallower. But tho soundingsmade proved that throughout a greatarea it was deopor, for while in theNorth Atlantic tho depth betweenNewfoundland and Fiance nowhereexceeded twenty-fou- r hundred fa-

thoms, tho average depth of theNorth Pacific, in tho latitude of Ho-nolulu, was three thousand fathoms.These figurosSaro apparently con-firmed by tho soundings taken bytho Albatross, tho average depthover an extended area ranging f 10111

twonty-sove- n hundred to three thousand fathoms, with a maximum depth,in longitude 137 degrees, of thirty-tw- o

hundred fathoms. On tho re-

turn voyage from Honolulu, the A-lbatross mado a second series ofsoundings, though, so far as known,without material change of results,but it is not improbablo that shouldany commercial company decide tolay a cable, other surveys might re-

sult in finding a still more practica-ble route.

Tho chief obstaclo in tho way ofsuch an enterprise will bo that theAtlantic cables alrencty supply tele-graphic communication between thiscountry, Australia, China and Japan,with the lattor two of which thoproposed cablo would, of course, boexpected ultimately to connect.Moreover, the gain in point of timewould bo of little importance, whilein so long and costly a cablo as thatcrossing the Pacific, the rates for atime at least would necessarily havoto bo high. A serious dilliculty intho completion of an American cabloto Japan would also bo encounteredin tho deou depression oxtondiniralong tho eastern shores of Asia andJapan, a difficulty which in the caseof tho British lino would bo avoidedbjT proceeding from Hawaii south oftho equator to Now Zealand. Doubt-less, however, this obstaclo could lieovercome, as it would hao to bo iftho lino proved remunerative, for thotrade with Hawaii alone would hard-ly warrant tho laying of a cablo tostop at that point; and if a companycan bo found willing to risk its capi-tal iu tho enterprise, there seems tobo no insuperable dilliculty in theway of construction.

Eastern and Western Churchos.

Rome, Aug. 11). Tho Popo hns ap-

pointed Mgr. Cszacka Pro fee', of theArchives in tho Vatican anc1 Coad-jutor to Mgr. Porsico, secretary totho Propaganda.

His Holiness has oidored re-

searches made in all the documentsbearing upon tho reunion of thoEastern and "Western chinches, Hois preparing an important documentwhich will announce tho initiativeprogramino for this reconciliation.The Vatican has boon pained to findthe Triplo Alliance powers opposedto reunion.

Tho negotiations between thoKing of tho Bolgians and tho Vati-

can on tho ecclesiastic administra-tion of Congo havo boon concluded.Tho Sooioty of Jesus has beencharged with tho important missionof introducing civilization into Cen-

tral Africa.

Old Rags Wanted.

Glean white rags, suit ablo fof band-ages, uro wanted lor use at tho 13ishopJfoino and tho Hoys' Homo, LeperSettlement, Molokai. King up 281

Mutual tolophono, and they will bobout for; or leave tho bamo at thoofllco of tho J3onrd of Health, or alJ, T. Watorhouso'a, Quoon street,

Cleveland and Hill.Washington, Aur. 10. ThoDcino- -

uninformed as to Mr. Hill's intentions concerning his support ofCleveland, but they havo thoir sus-

picions. There is no olTort at con-

cealment of tho impression that howill not do anything for tho partybeyond merely casting his vote fortho straight Democratic ticket, un-

less Mr. Cleveland humbles himselfand makes terms. It is said herothat the suggestion that Senator Hillwould like an offer of the position ofSecretary of Stato in case of Clove- -

land's election does not quite hit thomark.

What he wants, it is said, is to boin a position to either take it him-

self or bestow the Secretaryship oftho Treasury. It is really doubtfulwhether ho would caie to hold officeunder Cleveland; but ho wantsCleveland to acknowledge his powerin New York and to give him suchrecognition during tho campaignand afterward as would enable himto dictate for New York during thoadministration and hao control oftho machine at its close.

It is said that ho will not take oft"

his coat and go into the campaignunless he gets satisfactory promises,and the chances of his getting suchpromises aie very slim, sinco thofoundation of tho support of Clove-lan- d

by tho most devoted of his fol-

lowers is tho antagonism betweenhim-e- lf and Hill. For Cleveland tomake 0113-

- advance to Hill, it is

claimed, would bo for him to sacri-

fice tho support of a multitude ofmugwumps. However anxious homay uo to placate 11111 it is noitithat ho cannot afford to surrenderto him.

Outrage on American Missionaries.

"Washington, Aug. 19. Tho Secre-

tary of Stato lo-da- y received a cable-

gram from tho United States Chargod'Aflairosat Constantinople inform-ing him that tho house of Dr. Bart-let- t,

tho Amoiicnii liii&sioiiar at"Bom dour, in tho Province, of Konia,Abia Elinor, had been destroyed andtho lives of tho missionaries therowoio in danger. Ho believes that ifprompt action is not taken tho mis-

sionary cause and tho lives of thomissionaries will bo in serious dangerin other places. Tho building ofDr. Bartlotl's residonco was origin-all- y

stopped 13T tho local authoritiesand permission to complete tho samewas refused unless Dr. Bartlett wouldfurnish a bond or guarantee neitherto hold religious worship nor in-str-

children on tho premises. Tholegation applied to tho, SublimePoi to for such permission, claimingthat tho treat' rights of tho Ameri-

cans extended not only to tho pur-chas- o

of land, but to tho enjoymentof tho .same. A permit was finallygranted by tho Sultan, and it ap-

pears that immediately after tho re-

ceipt of tho permit by tho localauthorities the houso was burned.Secret ary Foster promptly cabledtho Chaigo d'AfFairestomako urgentdemand for effective protection, in-

demnity, punishment of guilt' par-

ties and to reprimand tho authori-ties if found remiss. The UnitedStates cruisers Nowark and Benning-ton, now on the way to Genoa, willbo ordeied to tho vicinity of thooutrago to support this demand.

Perhaps She's for Hawaii.

Tort Tow n bond, Wash., Aug. 21.Tho ruinous Muuggling schoonorHalcyon sailed from Victoria lastnight with 2.190 pounds of opiumand (50 Chineso on board. An agentof (ho Tioasury Department whohad tho vessel under surveillanco forhoveral days reported tho facts totho authoiities at Washington, D. C,and orders havo been issued by thoTreasury Department notifying allrevenue ollii'ors on tlio Pacific Coastto lie on the alert to intercept thovessel. Tlio crow is supplied withliiearins and ammunition and tliosupposed destination of tho vessel istlio Oregon or California coast. Thoopium caigo is valued at $30,000,and if tho cruiso is successful a pro-li- t

of SIO.OOO will bo realized. ThoHalcyon is tho fleetest yacht on thoPacific Coast, and the customs olli-ce- rs

legaid tlio task of overhaulinghor as very dangerous and prophesybloodshed if it bo attempted.

Take Good Care of tho Children.

If you havo childion you will bointerested in tho oxporionco of Mr.John Cook, of Pilot, Vermillion Co.,J 11, Ho says: "Two years ago twoof my family, a young man and agirl, had very severe and dangerousattacks of bloody ilux. The doctorhero was unable, after a week's time,to check or relieve either case, 1

throw the doctor overboard and be-gan using Chamberlain's Colic, Cho-lera and Diarrhoea Uemody. Im-provement was seen very soon andmy children arose in a fow daysfrom what 1 feared would bo thoirdeathbed, It is a grand, good medi-cine." Por sale by all dealers. Bon-so- n,

Smith & Co., Agents.

The Powor of the Pross.

"How did you know so quicklythat ho is a reporter?"

"Because ho is acting in such apatronizing way towaid all tho groatmen who aro here." Pack,

w.. .

Rnyal llawwian Opersi llonse


Grand. DProdviction(11 A

Sorios of Interesting Incidents inHawaiian History!

Dramatized mid adapted for the Ptnge by1). SI. Chowi.vv, to he presented In HugU-d- i

by a company of Native Hiiwnllnns

On SATURDAY EYENING, October 16th,

Will bo produced a Molo-drnn- InTwo Acts, untitled:

"The "Wooing of Kuala!"

ICatnoliaiiRiha I.KeemimokuKcaulumokuKnalalllMillionPapuluaupuuuiJohn YoungKalaiuaKaahiKulimll.npuaII 'aNelelklKaahumauu



Tliu Conqueror

Tho .SeerChief of Kohala

A of LanaiA Priest

Father of KnnlnA t'oroigncr

A Chief ofTho Flower of Lanai

Her MotherA Child

Friend of KnnlnDaughter of Knlninn

Queen of Kamchntiieha

Soldiorsj Kahili Boarers, Attendants, Etc.Sceno: Lanal and Oalni; Period 1795.

A Musical Interlude by the Company.

i'itr ii."A Night at tho Great Volcano of Kilauca I "

Showing 15 Views of L.irthN Infeino.To conclude with u Drainntie Or.itorio in

One Act, entitled:" Kapiolanl Defying the Goddess Pele ! "

Characten by the Goinpiny.

C A of Kealistle Scenen bus beenspecially designed mid painted by Piiuf.l'ui'i'Hi'tiir for these, repiescnt.ition".

Usual Prices of Admission.

8f-'li- o l'lnn will be open at lcvej'son Mondav, Oct. loth, at !l o'clock A. i.

Election of Officers.


AT THL AD.TOUKNK1) ANNUALMeeting of the Stockholders of the

Olowalu Company held Aug. - 18!) J, atthe olllee of V. 0. .t Co., (L'd), thfollowM1ILM Ulllceis were to servo

theduring ensuing year:W. n. Irwin .

F. MacfarlaneW. II. Oillurd


Ills Counsellor



riensuier,(Secret1 lt

Audi tor.no mid ok liuti.cToits:

AV. G". Iiwin, K. W. Mncfarlane andAug. llanneberg.

W. M. G1FFARD,ClO-l- w Secretary pro tem.


A t Tin: adjourned annualXV. Meeti



ne of tho Stockholders of theWaiohinu Agricultual A: (iialng Co. heldthis day, the following Olhcers were electedfor the ensuing year:

President .. linn. W. 0. it win,.Mr. .1. M. Monsarr.it,

Secretary )

it . .Hon. 0. P. Inukcn,Treasurer )

Auuitot .. Hon. AW M.Oillnrd.mm ctohs:

"W. fl. Irwin, J. M. Monsarrnt, 0. P.Inukcn, J. Kauhane, J. 1). P.uis.

C. P. IAUKLA,Secretary V. A. & (!. Co.

Honolulu, Aug. 21, lb'U ftOO-l-


THI1 ANNUAL JILP.TINO OKTHLAT Honolulu Chamber of Commerceheld the .'list ult.. the following iientlenienwere elected tooilico for the ensuing jear,to wit:

Hon, Chas. 11. ISishop.. President,F. A. Schaefer .

( SecretaryJ. 11. Atherton . J. & '

Treasurer.I10A11I) OK A!!MTItTI0N':

T. IS. Walkei, H. F. Glade, J. 0. Carter,C. M. Cooko, F. A. Schaefer.

J. 15. ATHKHTON,51S-l- w Secretnry.


A T THi: ANNUAL MLKTING OF THKxl Stockholders of the ononui SuirarCompany hold this day, the followingOtlicers were elected for the ensuing jear:

President . . Tom May,Treasurer . .Geo. 11. Hobertson,Secretary . A. 0. Lovekin,Auditor . . F. Wiindcnberg,

I .1. O. Cartel-Director- s.... J it(Win. 0. llrash.

A. (!. I.OVLICIN,Secietary Honoinu Sugar Co.

Honolulu, Aug. 10, IK'L'. l!U-l-m


THK ANNUAL MKKTINC. OFAT the Stockholders of tho HANALKISUGAR MILL COMPANY, held this day.thu following Ollieurs weio elected for theensuing ciu :

President Ohas. L. Carter, Ksq.t,. . Hon. .1. N. S. AVIlllams

Secretary . . .1. 0. CarterTreasurer.. Geo. II. ItobortsonAuditor . J. O. Carter

Who are also Directors of thu Company..1. 0. 0A1STKH,

Secretary II, S. M. Co.Honolulu, July IS, W)l. 471--



8KALF1) PROPOSALSwill bo received at thoolllcoofC.il,

Ripley, Architect, RooiiiSSpreckclsHloek,until a o'clock i m., on tho 10th dav ofSeptember, 1NU, and opened Iiiimedliiielythereafter, for all the labor and materialrequired for the Foundation, Mason Work,Carpenter Work, Plumbing, Plastering,Painting and Klcctrio Work, on tho NowMasonic lliiildiug to lio erected ut tho cor-ner of Alakea and Hotel streets, In accoid-nnc- o

with the draw lugs ami hpeeilleatlonsnow on HIo at tho Aiohitett's ollico, coniesof which may he had on application. TheHiiilding Committee ic-urv- tho right toreject any or all bids.

0. li, RIPLKY,.ril3-- lt Architect.


Hkii. Tri.. 101, -MitruAi.Tiii.. 81.

CV Hi MimiAOK Jtri i, Tit. yiiy, --i&i

( tHAHLLS LKOXAUD IJLOS TO IN--Jform his friendu and the puhllo that

ho hiu opened the Carriago Stand, loinurof Xnuaiiitand King Btrcelu, to he called the


where .Special ltates will ho made for Tou-rist and Pienio Parties to all places of

also Careful Driven provided for La-dies calling or shopping. The undersignedhopes hy strict attention to husiuess togain custom and favor hy all.

tW Carriage furnished ntall hours, dayr night, also llagguge Kxpress.oVJ-l- LKONAHD.

Mta Rule hair, ANHEUSER-BUSC- H



Paper Patterns!- FULL 1.1 ND OP -

TOILET SOAPSAt prices which we established on

commencing CASH ltusincss.

Turkish Bath Soap, 4 Cakes 25 cts.Farina Bouquet, 4 Cakes 25 cts.

Oatmeal Soap, 4 Cakes 25 cts.Curly Maple, 4 Cakes 25 cts.

And Other Soaps at 3 Tor 25 Cents.

ttf See onr Fine Line of



DUAWixn i'Ai'i;i:,

Blank Books of all Descriptions.

Base Balls, Tennis Balls, Tennis Rackets.

gj&- - fan iirbig eKewheie.mc inn floods befoic biij-Lu- st

but not lostA I. Mini. VAItll.TY oi -

Novels & Popular Bound Books.

Beware of Imitations!

fen-j- L


I CAUTION the Public against the oller-ing- sof "Xoiinal .snnil.irj .lacgei

Underwent" advertised b unsciupuluiishouses to mislead the public. The

Genuine Normal Santa

UNDE WEAt& Cannot he purchased there, but

only at my Stoic.


For the Hawaiian Islands of Dr. iiied. G..Ineger's S.mitaiy Underwear.




Elite Ice Cream Parlors,Wish toinformthe Public of Hono-

lulu and all residents of the otherIslands that they have seemed thesei vices of Mr. Chailes Ludwigscn,an expert Candy Maker of long ex-

perience, and who is paiticul.ulyfamiliar with tho tastes of all loveisof .sweets.

Having recently made gic.itadded new machin-

ery to ourextonsive Candy Facloiy,wo aro now better able than ecibefore to silpplj the public withHigh Grade Confections of Unsui-passc- d

Quality and Stiktly Pinoand Wholesiimu .Material. Ourmotto will alwajs lie

"Mir now cin:i', mi r nun noon"can we make the Caudles,

Youis, anxious to please,HART ,v CO.

Kl.ITK Il'K Cm M Paiii oitsAN1 CNlll Fl l(l,



Life, Fire and Marino



New England Mutual Life Insurance Co.,


Etna Fire Insurance Co.,


Union Insurance Co.,


Retiring from BusinessOUIt UXTIltN STOCK.

Must be Sold by January i, 1893.

Wo will Commence, Selling Out

Next Saturday, Sept, 3, 1

And will continue until the WholeKtock is disponed of.




J. FISHBLi,Tho Leading Millinery House, cor. Koi

KWJ and Hotel stieuts. lw

Brewing Association.


Manufactured from Pure Malt and Highest Grade Hops I

aG?No Corn or Com Piep'iiations used in plnee of Malt, as Is done bj other Last-c- m

Hiewerlc, in older to cheapen the cost ot thi'ir Uei", and to rtimpetewlth.Jnirwoild-ienowne- d and instb famed in tlele.u - h t . .,.- - - - - "

With the Completion of the New Brewhouse,the Brewing Capacity is the Largest

of any Brewery in the World.Brewing Capacity : C kettles every 24 hours, G,000 Barrels, r 1,800,00(1

Barrels per year.Consumption of Material: Malt, 12,000 bushels per day 8,600,000

bushels per year. Hops: 7,500 lbs. per day 2,250,000 lbs. per year.No Corn oi Corn Preparations are used in the manufacture

of the Anheuser-Busc- h Beer. It is, therefore, the highest priced but thenost irJiolesome and really the least expensive for its superior quality.

' 'XnnualShuu'inc Capaptv : 100,000,000 Bottles and 5,000,000 Kegs.

The Ariiirusi ii Co. have carried oir the Highest Honois and thej.HightstClass Gold Medals whciovei they have competed. At all of tho International Inhibit-

ions tlnoiigliont the woild theii Beer Kxcelkd All Othoisl

This Com) my have pi eparcd a Special llrand of their Highest Gi.ulo Ilccr foi theHawaiian Islands, known as ".SPI'.CIAL ItllLW," with a handsome label and in Whitebottles, wliiili, witli tlieir best "LXPOltT AXULUSLR" in Daik P.ottles, heietofoieinipoited, we will now supply to the Tiado in Quantities to Suit.


Aconts for tlio Hawaiian Islands.

o. J". 3vt:oC!-Ajr,t:b:"-2


REAL ESTATE BROKERFire Insurance Placed. Collections Attended To.



G. IRWIN & CO. fire,(Iiim.iteci)

Ol'I'T.lt kou sali:


Celebrated High Grade Cane Manures.

We me also prep.ued to tsiko oiders for

Messrs, KT. Olilcuadt 8c Co.'sFertilizers,

Insuilng prompt deliyeiy.

BOILED' LUCOL!ltf This is it superior Paint Oil. con-

suming less pigment than Lliisccd Oil, andgiving a lasting lnilllaucy lo colon.Usui with diluis it gives a splendid llooisui face.

Lime, Cement,ItLKIXr.DhUC.AltS,


Fail-ban- k Canning Co.'s Corned Beof

I'MIAI 1IM5 1'1NT (0,'S

Compounds, Roofing & Papers,

Reed's Patent Steam Pipe Covering.

Jarboes' Diamond, Enamol & Ever-

lasting PaintI'speelully designed foi Yaeiium Pans,




Hartford Fire Insurance Co.,

As3Bts, 86,219,458.93.

London & Lancashiro Fire Ins. Co.,

Assets, 84,317,052.

Thames and Mersey Marine In3. Co.,(Limited)

Assets, 86,124,057.

New York Life Ins. Co.,

Assets, 3125,947,290.31.


General Ay out for Hawaiian Islands.HONOLULU.

Messrs. Kimj Hrag.ntv shoivhiy uflneline of lUtmboo uiul otlur style ParlorliuHfh, Wull HruoMs, and Window

Cornices, at Pi ices to meet (he limes,







Pierced WorkWow so Popular




II. F. WICHMANT. 1'. ST.V1 m.V. A. W. 110I.ST1 li.

Aloha Gallery,Foit st.. oyer F. Gertz's Shoe Store.



Such as Natives Making Poi Grass HousesHawaiian Stylo Hiding HulubulaDancera Coeoanut Groves Palm

and Date Groves Street Viewsand Buildings "War Vessels

Shipping and MarinoViews, i:tc, Ktc.

Also n Largo Collection of all Prominentand Interesting Views of tho HawaiianIslands, either Mounted or Unmounted.

Books of Hawaiian ViewsMade up to Order at the most Reasonable

ISates in Honolulu.

Cabinets SG and 85 a Dozed.IGlil P. O. llox 19S tf

Wm. 6. Irwin & Co.(LIMITED)

Vin. G. Iiwin, - President and ManagerClans Bpreekels, - - - -W. M. Gillard, - Secretary and Treasui orTlico. C. I'oitcr Auditor

Siagetr FactorsAND

Commission Agents.AOLNTS OP THE

Oceanic Steamship Company,OK SAX FUAXOISCO, CAL.


General Mercantile

Commission Agents.T.O.Carter President and ManagerG. II. ItobcrUon ,. ... TreasurerL. K. Bishop SecretaryW.K.Allen .. .AuditorHon. O. It. liislioi)S.C.Allen .. V DirectorsH.Watei house.. .




The Best Lunch Town.

and OofTeeAT ALL I10U11S.


Cigars and Tobacco

h. j.OX



Wholesale and Retail Butchers

- AXI)


G-- . J. "Waller, Manager.


Bell 414




-A- LSO-

White and Black Sand.Which


wo will bell at the Very Lowv'atMaiiict ltates for Dash.


For Sale,


A KULLBP.T OKIV nlture as it


The Lease ofthe Piemibcs No. ILi Koit street, is alsoollered for dibjioiul, Kurtlier particularsoil application lo

MItS. I'L'DLKU,I'IS-- tf On the iiremlses.


Q 1IOJI8K l'OWUK UPKIOHT DAXTKH"& Lngiiiu and lioiler, in good workingorder. For particulars or terms nimly.to the


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