jil jvovvc i ich lust edith1 athome! etna 3hh€¦ · i istory of the news. yllsm'ilpsc f w...

I I Story of the News . YllsM'ilPSc f W excugivguv l'M H (Metropolis Edition). ft, cY3rXLlJ Jil II K iWAlVjh lfliY iRfrluNvlll Will II?W lllll' O ll 11 Ul ' flvft StPv AiV'?4t' IxV- - JvOvVc fl otropo ss on. , jRJJllJ I RICE ONE CENT. NEW YORK, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1800. PRICE ONE CENT, fjM . " " icH LUST EDITH1 ATHOME! - m The Pulitzer Building For- mally Opened. ;' , The Greatest Newspaper ; Building in the World. A People's Palace Without a Cent of Debt or Mortgage. Dedioated to Its Purposes by a Splendid Assemblage. Twelve Governors, Gover- - nors-Ele- ot and ExGover-nor- s Present. Many Notable Speeches in Honor I of the Event ' The Pulitzer Building, ths greatest news. I paper building in the world, wan formally , opened last night In'.the presenoe of out of ' the most notable assemblages over gathered io for such an event, and dedicated to the par-- poses for which it mil erocted, to be a home ,0 for Tnr. Would, a model for a long time to '" come for buildings for similar useii. a con- - 5, etant llluatratlon of the possibilities of Wi Amerfean oitlxenshlp and American jour- - nalism, and a porpetnal monument to the .4 power of the people and the majesty of pub lic opln Inn-Ju- fourteen month! before, in the pres- ence of an audience only less In dignity and ;U distinction than that of last night. Joenh Pulltxer, jr.. the young eon of the proprie- tor of the building and of The World, tap- ping with a silver trowel upon the rough surface of the newly laid Corner-ston- had uttered the sentenoe, "It is well done." Lastnight thousand! of people, represent- ing tho political, professional, commercial I and social life of the wholeoountry. viewing "J I tho massive magnificence and perfected de- al! I tj" ' tno comnletert "fk repeatedand nt I indorsed the conillemt verdlot of the boy, 4t! B " It is well done." nU I PONG. VET NOT DOME. ate Done, however, not in the sense of abso- - ' Into completion. The popular verdict upon at H the nnlxhediullding ii no more eignlficaut nfiM of a concluded work than was the boy's sen- - ":' H ttnee pronounced over the corner-ston- H The Pohtier Building Is more a beginning ate I than an end. The work of Independent H journalism which Tnr. Would has led, and 'M of the success or whloh the Pulitzer Build- - ' iugisbnt a symbol, is done but when hu-- man progress Is ended. Last night's event, H like that of fourteen months before, marked I but the attainment of another step in ad- - I vance. The Pulitzer Building is a mile- - Q stone, not a goal in the progress of The cu I onLt. As befits a strnotnre built by the people, the Pulitzer Building has been opened free u H and clear of any encumbrance wliateer. H No mortgage was necessary to its erection, " B no permanent financial obligation has had JJ H to be assumed In Its completion, not a dol-- jJJ ' lsr of debt rests upon It. There Is no Hen oM H upon it, except the lien of the public, whose ess I money built it. whoio favor must maintain cu H Itand whose condemnation will bo more ou disastrous to Its value thau any mortgage iH that ever could be foreclosed.- - Hj Last night's assemblaeo was a most signal evidence of the extent to which The Would J? I is recognized as a publlo institution. Gov-- lU ernors and Senators and Ilepieseutatives, and distinguished men in overy piofeseiou U flj and business came to the Pulitzer Building I last night, travelling in many cases Iron-- H dreds of miles, to assist at the ceremony. HIE C1UESTB liEcmrn. fls There was a crush in the main hallnay 6 of the great building long before the hour 0 I fixed for tho celebration to formally begin. 9t I Hepresentatives of Tur. Would escorted tho guests sb rapidly as possible to reception H rooms In the upper floors, whrro their coats U, I 6nd wraps were cared for. 'ihe arrange- - M H tntnts were the same as those used at tho lie I Metropolitan Opera-Hous- e for balls and M ,1 similar events, tho facilities of that houso IM and the services of its attendants having M been loaned to The Would by Manager E. I htanion. I A course through the building finm the I prtas.room to the observatory bad been I i B carefully laid out, and was Indicated bo far 13 I " possible on printed programmes and by irus and roped-of- f passage-nay- s. A large 4 Bj detail of members of the city staff fuither is. H a.tiitod the guests in finding their nay J about as comfortably and expeditiously ae as HJ posbible. to that crowding and confusion a were to a great extent avoided. " HJ As fast as the tour through the building ' Hi as completed the guests were cscoited to HJ be supper-roo- on the tenth floor, where " H 81'rry had provided a lunoheon for 4,000, M Zappa's orchestra here rendered during tliu " 'H tuning choice selections, beginning with HJ ,ll " Would March, "composed by Cappa i "rccially for the occasion. M I'lSTIOUI'illED MEN CAUVD (OB. mm Iho guests from distant cities and States OS's DJ fiom Washington, as they arrived from ,ort H !J; trins and hotels, were esoortbd to Tin ju H Would'h private suite of reception-room- s on ih 's 'leventh floor, and after being cared for HJ uere were taken through thefbuilding In J 'Wcial parties and entertained at tuueheon , HJ u rooms ou tho first floor. HJ '' "as there, in the presence cf as large au m audience as the rooms would hold, that the H Pecli.iuakttij took placo. It began at 11 31 c ock au, ,,4S ll0, yet completed at 1 L, o clock. Tjf u"of tl'e most noticed thlnes in the city Hi aParttuent was a reproduction In solid ail- - H ero1nh'I'nll"-Uulidliig- . Itwastwonty-- ) lDch" high and every detail was '''" HI " Hja worked out with tho most scrupulous caro and in the most artistic fashion. Bntno nf the most skilled workmen in silur in tho country have been engaged for a long time in executing tbia piece, which is a gift to Mr. Pulitzer from his employees. All the silver In it originally came over the coun- ters of Tiie WonLD ofllco in tho shape of small coin. Of the minor features of the celebration the releasing from the dome at noou of a thousand carrier-pigeon- s, bearing mes- sages from The Would to cities and towns hundreds of miles away, and the illumina- tion of the roof and dome In the evening were those which attracted most attention. Crowds stood in City Hall Tark all the af- ternoon and evening watching the grcit building aud looking for new sensations. WASHINGTON VISITORS. Home Nennlors nnd Cabinet Offlecia Who M'ersi Uonble to Come. The special train bearing TnE Wobld's distinguished guests from Washington left the capital at 1.65 yesterday afternoon, ar- riving at Jersey City at V.4S. Carriages met the party on the New York side, and the guests were at ouce driven :o the Pulit- zer Building. Among those who came over fiom Washington were: representatives Mills, of Texas; Crisp, of Georgia; 1 lower, of Now York; Wilson, of West Virginia; Turner, of Georgia; Martin, of Texas; Outhwaite, of Ohio; Caruth, of Kentucky; Kerr, of l'cnuylvania: MoMIUln, of Ten- nessee; Springer, of Illinois; Blount, of Georgia; Jason Brown, of Indiana; Wash- ington, or Tennessee; Herbert, of Alabama; Stewart, of Vermont; Bynum. of Indiana; Tucker, of Virginia; Tareney, of Missouri; McCarthy. Cummings.Duuphy and Turner, of New York; Cooper, of Indiana; Mansur, of Missouri; Allen, of Mississippi, andltep- - reseutatlve-elec- t Campbell. Bovcral members of the Cabinet who had accepted The WonLD's invitation to be pres- ent on the occasion of the formal opening of the Pulitzer Building were unable to 'eao Washington. Secretary Tracy had confidently expected to be of the party that came over ou the special train, but was taken Ul yetterday morning and was obliged to leate his desk iu the Navy Department before noon. Secretary Busk was also pre- vented from coming by Illness, and sent his regrets at the last moment. Secretary Win dom and Postmaster-Gener- Wanamaker, both of whom accepted invitations, were detained by Important official business. A large number of Senators accepted The World's invitation, among them Senators Ingalls, Allison. Hawley, taePhersou, Vance, Voorhees, Butler, Gray, Eustit, Kenua and Faulkner. At an early hour yesterday morning, however, it was an. nouueei that party caucuses bad been called by the whips of both Bepubllesns and Democrats in the Senate. As tho hour set for both caucuses was 8 o'clook 1'. M. and the mattsjr to be dlsonssed was that vital Issue, the Forco bill, all the Senators on both sides broke their engagements no matter of what character, and a score of regretB that were very genuine were sent to The Would. Senator Ingalls deolared that be voiced the sentiments of tho Senators, cm his side of the chamber at least, when he said to a World representative yesterday afternoon: "It is with sincere resret that I find my- self unable to go to New York with The World this afternoon. I did not know that a caucus would be called until noon I had packed my valise aud anticipated en- joying the trip immensely. From the de- scriptions I hare read of Tue World's new home I know it must be a phenomenon. I shall oertainly visit It the first time I go to New York. I have a great admiration for Mr. Pulitzer, and I had looked forward to meeting him with a great deal of pleasure. I know I apeak for all my colleagues when I say that nothing but the most important official business could prevent us from ac- cepting Tub World's invitation for to- night." NOTABLE SPEAKERS. What "The World's" Visitors IId to Hay Last Evening. When the supper had been served The Wobld's guests began to wend their way out to the elevators. In place of the conven- tional wine and walnuts which men dally over after a feast, there was to be an hour or two of speech-makin- and the main room on the first floor of the building had been rererved for the purpose. At 1 1 o'clock the reception staff stood In Hue at the doors of the suite, where the Go ernors. State and city officers and other dignitaries had been breaking bread, and began to eecort them out into the hall. Arm in arm and side by stdn they filed out. and by 1 1 .1 5 they were all in the big room mi the ground floor. Then when the last wan was iu aud quiet had eettled down. The opening address was made by Mr. George W. Turner, the publisher or Toe Worlp. Mr. Turner said; "I wish to express on behalf of the New York World a feeling of sincere apprecia- tion of your attendance hero at the formal opening of this magnificent monument to the genius and ability of the creator of this newspaper. "Napoleons of the sword have gone be- fore, but a mightier Napoleon of the Piess eh es evidence here of the laurels gained ou a nobler field. Sickness alone- prevents the presence of the man who has achieved this msnelloussuccess, but in Mr. Pulitzer's namo I bid OU all kind welcome. "I have tbo honor to introduce to you Mr. William U. Merrill, of the editorial staff, who will speak for The Would." William II. Merrill said: ori'NiNo address bv wm. n. ufubill. Ladies and Glntleuln: In its habitation, since this magnificent building was com- pleted, as in circuUtioii, iu fame and in menue. Tut World stands at the bead of tho newspaper press. No other tewepapertbet ever existed could, in the woids of Mr. Depew, "fiom its surplus earnings" during the brief period lenuiml for its erection, have "reared this sp.eudld pile. " 2o other jour-na- l. we lenture to think, has ever per. formed within so short a time so msny and such great public services. And surely no other journal In the world has ever been honored by so distinguished an assemblage as has gathered to.nlght to participate in the formal opening of this building. A success like tbie Is not an accident.nnless genius be an accident, and it it were I fancy jou will agree with me that It would happen eftencr. This snecers did not merely happen. It was iniagiucd, organized, worked out, com. Continued on cond Pagt.) SHINS KNIT SLOWLY. Johnnie Gethlos and His Spaniel Yip Reported to Be Doing Finely. Evidence That tho Plaster Ca&t Is Yet Unbroken. Increasing Interest of tho Publlo iu This Wonderful Bone-Gra- ft. It was reported at tbe Charity Hospital an Blickwell's Islam) this morntug that there wero no uew lesturea In the case ot Joonule Uetblos and his spaniel Yip, who are still be- lieved to be firmly Joined together by tho at- tempted graftlnzof their s over three weeks ago. WHIIe no ouo Is now admitted to tbe secret chamber occupied by Johunle and Yip, except the chief operating surgeun. House Surgeon Newman aud a trusted nurse, and these personages will not talK of the case turttier thau to mate a dally report ol the health of the patients, there Is abundance ot Authority tor the statement that no further steps have been taken In the case since the Initial operation was performed thrco weews ago. Despite the refusal of the attending physi- cians to speak la detail ot tbe case, It Is a stringent rule of the Cbarlty Hospital that every operation nerfornied in the Institution must be reported at once to the Warden, on a blank prepared for the purpose, and In all eases where practicable twelve bours before the operation is to be pcrroimod. It Is easy to see that an attempt to keep secret any operation upon the boy or dog would be a direct violation of tbe rules aud highly Inconsistent with the recognized character of tbe chief operating surgeou, who Is hlmsslf a member of tbe Hospital's Medical Board and would ot all others feel bound to rtepect its rules and regulations, Ao EvE.MMi World reporter was Informed by Warden ltoberis this morning that no re- port ot any operation on either doj or dog had been made to blm since tbe Initial operation. "You know every tnlug that I do,"said;tbe Warden. Tbo Interest !n tbls celebrated cue still coutluues to grow, and during tbe confinement of Johnnie and Yip In their plaster cast many medlosl men from Phila- delphia, Boston and other cltlea have called at tbe Hospital to see tbe graft. Their mission was fruitless, however, s tbe attending phyUclaus politely but firmly re- fused to discuss the case with them. OBSEBYINGTUELWU'SWOBK Thirteen Patients Have Been ted in New Tork Hospitals. Now that Inoculations with Dr. Koch's famous tuberoulous ijciph have been fairly s'arted In th.s city, the medical profession Is watching tbe reult ot tbe treatment upon patlenta wlitt the moat Intense Interest. Already there ate tblrteen persons under treatment four at tbe Hoepltul for tbe Itup-ture- d and Cilppled, looiulated yesterday and tbe da? teiorebyDr. Allen McLsue Hamilton; one at Bt. Luke's Hospital, where the opera- tions are under tbe cbarge ot Dr. Klnnieuit.and the elgnt persons wbo were Inoculated yester- day by Dr. Jacobl at Mount Sioal Hospital. Belore It Is probable that a dozen or so more patients will be Inoculated by Dr. Ktnnlcutt and Dr. Jacobl, and observation! will be taten and reported In tbe form of bul- letins sa to the condition ol all tbe patlenta now under treatment. It was a mystery where Dr. Hamilton got bis lymph, for It was not known that tbere was any of tbe precious dulo In tbe town until Dr. jacobi's vial airlvcd. Dr. Hamilton, however, told an Evenino Would reporter some math more Interesting news about his Ijuiph this morning. "A gentleman ot this city," be said, "re- ceived a small quantity of lymph dlreotly from Dr. Koch about two weeks ago, and Immeal-aiel- y bevan experimenting with It upon several ol his private patients. Tbe public tus known nothing of these cases, which hate been ktpt protoundly seoret, and I am not now st liberty to give bis name. Tbe lymph whloh I used I obtained from him, out tbe supply waa so small that I bad oiilr enough for a lew In- oculations. Of the four patients Inoculated by Dr. Ham-llto- u one was a member of the medical stsff ot tbe uospltst, w bo simply underwent the opera- tion so that tbe effect ol tbe lymph upon a healthy person could be observed. It 1. claimed bj Dr. Kocu that In such cases Inoculation pro-rim- nu leactton. At tiouul Slnsl and Bt. Luke's Hospitals tbls morulng all Information rrgardlug tne cundlilou of tbe patients was reiu.eu. Dr. Jscni had given peusl orders tti. nothing siiould be said atom tils patients, aud Dr. was not on hand to speak lor tbose under treatment at B'. Luke'. It was said a: 10th i !., however, that nouid be lerlormed this alternoou and several new uses experimented n, on, aud ihat tne uemoiisiratioua woul.l be wit- nessed by a lime number of prominent physi- cians. SUICIDE OF FRANK B. ARNOLD. Ex-Sta- Bonator, Defeated Candidate for Consreee. irSCIlL TO THE IVCN1XO WOM I). ONtONTi, lite. 11. Krunk Ii. Arnold, aud Senator, wno waa defeated fur Couurtss la the last i lection la the 'lwenty-fourt- n District by George Van Home, committed tultlde this morning at bis homo In UnadilU, Otsego County. Ho was found In his office dead about lu o'clock-- . It Is supposed that depression over bis defeat turned his mind. lie was chairman of the lamoos Senate Com- mittee on Trusts In 1853. Yourtir Acquitted of Wile Murder. nrii to Tr rBNlt.o wom.n. Mat's Lasdixo, N. J., Dec. 11. The Jury In the case ot Joseph toung, charged with raur-dcrl- bis wife la tbe Mlaequa Houso, Atlantic CUT, Sept. 4 Ian, brought in a verdict of not at tl.60 o'clock ibu morolnit. Tbey bad guilty oat since 4 o'llocx yesterday afternoon. .... . . . t.fjlJLL MPT. KIILILEI ON TRIAL. -- -. Continuing tho Investigation of Olark Bell's Oharges. A tdvoly Scene Before the Police Hoard This aiomlnc;. Tbe trial ot CspL Rlllllea ot tbo West h street police stst.ou on the charge ot reporting the Sixth Avenue Hotel as a place, alter be bad been Informed ot Its bad character by reputable citizens was re- sumed at Police Hcadquartere this morning. Ihe Caplalu, well groomed and smiling cheerfully, wss on band early with his lawyer, Col. Bliss, and a number ot gcntlc-me- who wero ready to testify in the Cap- tain's behalf. The case was set down to go on at 10 a. m. , but It was nearly II beloro Coromlssloacts MacLesn, Mcl'lavo, Mart.n and Voorbls ap- peared, ami then Clark Bell, the atouner au i urlnclpal witness against tbe Captain, was mltslug. Tne Commissioners decided nut to wait for blm. He urrlved out ol breath Bhottly afier 11 a. u., and explained that business had de- tained blm. Dr. Joseph Klnch, of 106 West Fortj-fourt- h strett, wss thu first witness. He Is a member of tbe Vorty-toutt- hircot Society ol l'utlty. He testified that he had been in tne Sixth Avr-uu- e Hotel, at Fourt)-four- street and Ulxtli avenue, mice, onco to see a setter dog and agiln as tbo bearer of a letter f rum Clark Bell rcu.uei.ttng Lieut. Orlfflths, the proprietor, to olose bis side door, which waa so objectionable to tbe pure mluded people in the neighborhood. Commissioner SlacLeau aexed: "Wnat, II anything, wasesldby you to Mr. Orlffltbs re- garding a letter sent by Mr. Bell to Capt. trillllna f "I object," shot In Cnl. Bliss. "Any con- versation between third lartica when the Captain was not present Is irrelevant," no ex- plained. This rather nonplusssd the Commissioner. President alecLcin took another tack aud In- quired: What Is tbe reputation of that hotel!" ' Bid, very bad. I bave never seen a alncle person going through tbe r. It wns always a man and a woman, a man and a wo- man, a man and a woman, end tbo later the hoar at night the mora couples would smter the lleturtnngto bis second visit to tbo hotel, Dr. Finch said that as he waa going Into tbe hotel be saw Capt. Kllllloa talking to Mr. Qrlmths la front ol the door. Capt. Ktllllea arose, somewhat exoltcd, and declared: " l solemnly swear that Is not true. He never saw me tbere, talking lo Orlfflths In trout ot tbe hotel" I solemnly swear I dtd, " the doctor retorted. Leon Deuten, or IBS west rony-ioun- n street, was IB seoond witness. lie Is a sales- man at Ul Franklin street. fie had lived on Forty-fourt- h street for twenty-si- x years he ssld. Tnr cafe and were entirely rauutabie, but the hotel proper, before Mr. Griffiths got held of It, was run on disreputable lines. Altnougn Mr. OrtOUns had endeavored lo remedy tne evil, he said, his efforts bad not beeu successful sad the evil waa not completely er dlcated. He was In tbe bote! himself about six years ago and knew that lewd women aud notorious characters Irrqaented it. Capt. Klllalsa baa'aome twenty wltneases to support him. Among tbem are Dr. Winner, of 110 West Forty-fourt- h street ; Mrs. Uunton, of 103 West Forty-lourt- n street ; Dr. O'Sneo, who lives at the Hlxth avenue Hotel, and Peter Miller, Buntrlntendem of the Mxth Auue Surface ltallroad. m m POLICE JUSTICES' SLATES. - Ho Appointments by tne Mayor y Politicians' Expectations. Mayor Grant waa early at his desk tbls morn- ing, and announced to a reporter of Tni Evkn-is- q Woki.d that be would make no appoint- ments ot Police Justices It bad been tbe general Ideaot the politicians that tbe Mayor would delay the appointments nntil tbe latter part of tbe month, when Klcb-ar- d Croker waa expected back from Europe. As Mr. Croker Is not coming till Spring, tbe only reason for delay which they now find Is la tbe possibility that tbe Mayor la walling foi Bourns coclcran to reach Mr. Croker and ad- vise him of the condition of affairs. br. Cockrn wus to have sailed on tbe 'leu-tonl- o yesterday, but It ta uuderstoou that ue iieterre! his leave-takin- g until Satutda; of this week. The alate, or tbat portion ol It which tvery-bod- r considers uncnangeabie. remains tntaci. Edward P. Uagan seems susolntetv sate of appointment to one of tee vscauoiea an 1 Justice Smith of reappointment. Some of the more sanguine even think that Major Grant will be re.dr to make announce- ment of aocn action on his pan Wbo will get Judge Murray's place la still uncertain. 'ID at gentleman would really like to be re- appointed as s compliment for his service to Tammany Hail In nut Quill witn Judge Power and his secession from ihe County Democracy. If be were x appointed be sari that be would decline the honor, lor hi bnnness Interests would prevent his accepting nnoiber term. Whether this comp.iiiieui will be tendered Judge Murray or not la not known. HERE'S A BUSY HANGMAN- - Blrchall's Exocutlonnr Has a Heavy Week Ahoad. (srrciiL to the avzxixo world.) EazuBKOOXK, Qcr--, Dec. 11. HsUcliffe, the executioner ol BlrcBall, has arrived here lo attend to the hanging tomorrow of Blancbard, the American wbo killed a friend In a drunken quarrel. Next Thursday be goes to Well ana to hang Day, tbe Niagara Kalis murderer, and the morning lie Is again due here to execute Item! Lamoatague. THE INDIANS SUBSIDING. Indications that the Threatened Up- rising Is Not to Bo. (srxcuL to XHR svuuxo woaLD.I Cnici.no, Dec. 11. Oen. Miles leaves for tbe Tine KtCgo Agency Coh Corblu, ot his staff, saya tbe despatches from tbe disturbed Indian oountry state that numbers ot tbe buoka are leaving the hostile ramp in tbe Bad Lands and coming to the Aieucy, and tbat tbe Indications are tbat tbe bottom is dropping out ol tbe threatened up- rising. m Important, Fine and rich old clarets skould always bo poured out carefully or dseanteo biforo serv- ing. Try the superior clsreU of J. Calvet & Co., for wbioa P. de Bar? A Co., S Werreu strett, us agents. V ANGRY PARNELL. s He Recaptures "United Ireland" from His Enemies. But Can't Print tho Paper To-D- ay for Lack of Type. Duplicates of the Antl-rrne- ll ICdltton to lio Published. (OUNLAr'S CAULE nxws sricuL.l Didli. Deo. 11 U r. si. 'Ihe raid of tbe last night, while tbe Irish leader waa addreislug his friends at the Man- sion llou-e- , on tbe disputed ofnots and plant ot fiillfd relaniJ, greatly annnyed Mr. Par-nel- l, who at ouce decided that, seeing that he owns 474 out ot tbe 600 shares into which the cat Itul stock ot the paper Is divided, bo could not allow bis property to be used as an engine of political warfare aualnst himself. He therefore this morning proceeded to tbe oftlces, sccouipanltd by a large crowd ol bis admirers, aud male a lorclblc entry by break-lu- g lu ihe doors, amid great cheering and enthusiasm. The Itlsb leader and his friends now bol possession of tte premises, and Mr. Psrnell bss Just made a stirring uddrees from one ol the windows. Tne poltco have made no attempts to ttopthe proceedings. As the teslous smashed tbe type during their midnight raid, no papsr can be Issued to day, wmob Is the regular publi- cation daj, nor will any probably be issued thl. wi Ml. It l rumored that tne pro. pose to bring out a reprint of tbe suppressed edition of U ultra Ireland from other offices. Publlo sentiment hers Is altogether oqthe side ol Mr. Parnell, who has only sougnt to prevent scurrilous attacks ou blm being primed in a alicet virtually owued by aim, the other owners being Messrs. Kenny, bis supporter, and Justin McCarthy. Mr. O'Brien wss simply a salaried editor. UK. fAHNKLL GOES TO CORK, Mr. Parnell. after the forcible release ol his paper from tbe hands of the left lor Cork. At the Kingtbrldge station a large crowd bad assembled. Mr. Parnell, responding to their cheers, expressed his gratitude tor the recep- tion, and cald that what Dublin felt y, Ireland would leal MR. 1ISKHEP8SV AMD BIS CLO. London, Dec. 1L Tne conservatives of us Canton Club are now engaged la oonstdar)ng tbe case ot Sir John Pope Hennessey, wbo has reaigned as ParucUlte candidate fto Morth Kilkenny. Ue will probably be asked to realgn from the Club. DAV1TT 01VES rARKILL TBE LIE. Michael LUvItt was iound y busily en- gaged In preparing a reply to tbe Interview with Mr. Parnell, published on Wednesday In New York and cabled here. On the general subject he said: Mr. Parnell I as stated what Is distinctly ami deliberately false. Immediately alter my Interview wltb him at the Ainndel Hoist, Lon- don, during which he twice repeated the words, ' I sball come out of tbls case without tue slightest stain upon my name orreputa-iim- i 1 want to Mr. Motley and told bini what had taken place. 1 ben I crossed to Ireland where I Informed Archbishop Walsb, of Dublin, as well as several of Mr. Parnell's oldsst friends, Includ- - iir. Davitt was then remlndel tbat Mr. Par- nell aaid that he never euthorued blm (Davitt) to aay anything ot tne kind. He told me distinctly," waa Mr. Darttt's reply, "to go to Ireland and tell hu friends tbat he would come out ol court without a ttalu upon hli name or reputation." All the Irish delegates except Mr. narrlng-to- were In aectet conference at the Hoffman House this morning, and retused to see re- porters. Mr. Harrington told Tbe Etetwo World reporter tbat tbe contemplated depart- ure ol U'Btlen and GUI next Baturdaybaa been postponed till next ween. Mr. Harrington sails on tne Auranla Saturday. 010 HE STEAL THE S5.000? Police Think They Have One of tbe Brooklyn Bank Bobbers. Brooklyn Police are confident this alternoou that they bave succeeded In capturing one of the aneak thieves who robbed the.Ttsynty-slxt- b Ward Bank ol Is, 000. 'lbree men are under arrest, and a few min- utes past noon one ol tbem waa positively Iden- tified by blmeon Bookman, one of tbe bank's employees, as one of the men be saw talking to Cashier Spelluian un tne day ol the robbery. Ihe pnauuers are William II. Link, wbo claims to be a lumber residing In Pateraon, X. J. ; Jotiu Ileillf, ot Slount Vernon, and Henry Cunningham, ol SOOTUIrn avenne. New York, llellly and cunuingbam claim to be stovefitters. Link Is tbe prisoner who Is Identified by Bookman. IHlecilve fleynolds, of tbe Tenth Precinct arnslid the men, whom he taw acting sus- piciously yesterday afternoon. Ihis morning the prisoners were taken to the Adams Stteet Police Coutt aud arraigned belore Justli c Walsn and remaude I, Bookman waa suit lor and came down to court, The detectives stood the three prison- ers in a line with several otnera. Bookuuu had not been Informed of what was wanted ot hi in. Have you ever seen any of these men be- fore ;" asked one of the detectives. I have seen tbe man standing In tbe middle" he finally answered. "I tblnk he is tbe man whom I saw standlug at tne iront window talking lo Uaanler bpellmau on Ihe day of tbe robbery, at the time I was called ont on the sidewalk." At noon the prisoners were taken before Chief Campbell. Bookman then told Camp- bell tbat he waa sura that Link waa the man be saw talking to Hpemuam As far as known. Link baa no criminal record. Ills fellow pr.soners, however, are well known to the police, A formal romp'aiat chardag IJnk with tha bank rubbery will probably be made lu caart this afternoon. WAITING FOR TIIE WHEEL TO TURN. 8UGGI IS A LIVING SKELETON. . Looks aB Though Ho Had Been Bun Tlirough Boilers. It Is no reflection on Siarver succi o ssy that when hp emergeu from beneath the bed- clothes which fairly buried blm In bis couch at Eoster Bal's tbls morulng he had tbe ap- pearance of a man who bad passed through the rollers of a powerful steam mangle. He is so "poor," In tbe pstols ot the back counties, thst tbers aren't pickings enough on ble bonea to iitye a thoroughly armored Jersey moaomto any aort ot a meal. It was tbe Ibirty-alxt- h morning that Boccl awoke to fsoe another twenty-fou- r hours' vigil ol abstinence and emaciation, another twenty-fou- r h,ours of gaunt, bollow-eys- d hanger. The truth should be known thst Snccl was In very bed shape this morning, and at a careful trainer would put It, as " un- fit, seedy and stale aa an overtrained chicken-weight- U Hlsb and Mlahty Emptiness swoke shortly after The ETtNiNd World reporter celled. "Beda night," as murmured. Bilil wltb conuesdatle cbetrluluaas he arose aa waa well lied. Cine hundred and tan nonnds said the scales and hack to bis ouucu te rse'ed, s poor, weary, fragile bundle or bona, but as full of grit as a heavily spurred bantam. HIS total loss la weight up lo date Is S7.V pounds, and other leators ot bis condition are shown la the ofOctal medlosl bulletin for this, the tlilrty.slxtb dsy of fast: Weight, 110 pounds. At commencement. 147. 'temperature, G8.8. false, 1. Itespirstlan, S3. Dynamometer, s kilogrammes, bpitometer, l.epu cubic centimetres. Water dtnnk during the pssl 4 boars Crotou, Ooauoes; Kaiser, 4 ounces; Vlcny, A ounces; Ice eaten, H ounces. Total, 47 ounces. Oeneral condition Very fair; tongue clear, moist and stead). It wss signed by Dra. II. V. Wildnun. Frank II. Ingram, llaims Oulteras, W. L. Bauer, E. U. Mason and ft. W. Lynde. I CBOKED, GLOBE TBOTTER. PlanB of the Wigwam Chief's Prolonged European Tour. y Chamberlain Richard Croker has changed his plana. It had been hit Intention to return from Europe so as to be able to apeud Christmas at his borne. The present stormy condition of tie Atlaatlc, however, and the relnetasee of Mrs, Croker to cross It while the storm sesssn Is on, have led blm to remain In the Old Land until early lie will remain In Germany until after Cbtlst-ms- s tbat be may aee and snjoy tbe hearty Ger- man style of celebrating that anniversary, aud slierwards be expects to mats tbe grand tour. Joan J. 6cannelL Tammany leader In the Eleventh, who was Mr. C'roker'a sa Meg com- panion on hla last trip, will aooompaoy him on all his traiels. Tber even expect to do the Holy Land to- - ether, or bom Holy Lands, Mr. Croker says, ? or be considers th,- - ground on wcica stands Bt. I'etcr'a and tbe Val.oan quite ss boly as the arid plains of Palestine. MORE THAN 100 WEAVERS STRIKE Prospect of a Hard Winter for Pat-om- Bill: Workers. SriCIAt. TO TBI avatfixo would.) Patxkso.n, K. J., D-- c. 11. Fifty-si- x ribbon weavers, employed by tne firm ol Frsnk 1 Dugsn, went on a strike y In consequence of areductlouol 15 er cent. In their wages. Tbe firm ssy that the reduction was compul- sory. It was necessitated by tne hard times. Ihe weavers ssy thst the reduction iu their nay waa equivalent lo 21 per cent, loss In Ibelr Income Filir weavers la Medmgs also struck for a slui'Ur cause. It Is rumored tbat other win be made by tue ot'ier mills, ami this will piotMiily lead to more atrlkrs. A bard and bitter Winter elates the silk operators lu the face. MAY BE SAVED FROM SUICIDE. Charles Johnson Und lint Foleon, but Didn't Take It. Patrolman Iteppar, ot Ibe East Ihlrty-llft- h street station, shortly afier midnight this morula- - found Lturlvs Jonntou, a driver, twcnts-ii- x yeara old, acting auspiciously In Tblid aveuue end arrested hi in. At the station-hous- e be was searched and a nackaue of rat poi.cn wta found In bis pocket. Dr. Hoghea, of Beilevue Hospital, wf call'd and examined Johnson, but coald find oo evidence that he bad taken any of tne poliou. He waa locked up ss a suspicious person. OUR DEM0CRATIG LEGISLATURE. isrrcuL to vara stckino woaLc.i ALBANY, Dec. IL Cletk Cblckerlug's om-el- list ot membera of tbe next Legislature of New York gives tbe Senate 19 Itepubllcans and IS Democrats, end tbe Assembly 00 Republicans and U Democrats, the lismocrsts thus baring a majority of two oa Joint ballot. -- x'i.' -- - r- . HEALTH B01BD VS. BE.TTIE s J Tho Commissioner Says the Streets Aro Glean, and Ho Won't Bosign. g Commissioner Seattle de- clared this morning thst he will not resign, deeptte tbt rumor prevalent to the effsot tst te will. " I am not tbe man to retire under fire or oonteaa Judgment, "said he. Mr. Beaitle followed np this declaration with lbs" remsrtable statement that never In ihe history of New York's Htreet tissuing Depart- ment have the strssta been in s fairer condi- tion. Did Mr. Uest'ln make snob a putemeat ss thatl" was the astonished Inquiry of President WUsos, of tbs Board of Health, wbsrt his waa oalled to lb Delng informed tbst Mr, Beaitle had had the boldntas to make sueh remark, Mr, Wilson proceeded to refute it. " Acoompanlsd by Dr. Xdsoa, of tbs Bureau of Oontatloat Diseases, I have personally in- spected esvera! treats In tbt sssl sMt district, "said he, landws feind them In a horrtble condition. 'Many el the ptown streets are altsy enough, but they are clean compared with tbs streets we saw. " Ihe streets whloh President Wilson ssd Dr. Bdsan visited to-d- were Hiving ton, Essex, Norfolk, Saffolk, Clinton, Attorney, Bidgt, Pitt, Wlllelt sad Ludlow, and may deolared taet tbey fonod tbelr condition positively us lo tbe hoslta of tbs peopls In tbls densely populated neighborhood, throsgb tbs BtgU-gen- of tbe Blreet-Cleanl- Department. Tbs Health Board is not doing tbls to worry Commissioner Bestile," said President Wilson, but wfln a view to proteotlng the heiltu of tbe city's Inhabitants. Tbe streets can be cleaned, and I tblnk Mr. Seattle will dolL" President Wilson and Dr. Bdsoa had a long consultation with Mayor Grant this afternoon, and presented tbe icsultof their morning in- spection ol dirty streets. Tbla activity of tbe Health Board against Mr. Beaitle Is believed lo mean that he will be removed If he persist In his refusal to resign. Geo. W. Plunsltt hu been spoken or as hla successor, but ss Mr. Pluukrtt owns too many scows employed la carrying away ashes and garbage for ths department, It la not believed that the Mayor wonld con- sider his nam In connection with tbs office. MIDNIBHT FIRE ON BROADWAY. A Stubborn Blaze that Long Baf- fled tho Firemen's Efforts. Smoke aud flame pouring ont of s window on the top floor of the big donble building, S07 and sou Broadway, ebortly after 1 o'clock tbls morning, caused an alarm to bs sent In by tbs policeman on Ibat post, hut Ihe flames had with snob fierceness tbat when Bat- talion Chief Campbell arrived he fonnd tbat tbe building stood little chanoe of being aaved wltboui ad Htlonal help, lbree alarms were finally sent out, and by tbe aid of fonrteen engines and a water tower, alter three hours' bard work, tbe flames were gotten under con- trol. Tbe building, which ts five stories blgh. Is built cf Iron and atsnds ou tbe alte formerly by tbe old tit, Ntotiolas Hotel. The cround floor It occupied by William manafsciurer of smokers' articles! tbe first and third by llellenberg & Lowensteln, deslers In men's neckwear, while Julius Stein .V Co. , manufacturers of cloaks and suits, ten-s- the second aud top floors, the latter being uie'l as t.ie factor). The entire culldlng was drenched wltb water, which si pears to bnve caused the principal damage. All three tenants of the building suffer by t is fire, cut fortunately all are protected by Insurance. '1 ne total damage Is catiuiuted to bu J 10, IXO to building and tO(k. Ul tb a Julius Stein A Co. lose about pi, 000, ilelleuberz A Lowensteln $10,WW and MI,Um He ruutn f l.non, the two latter, los-o- s solely from water. It is situ Itut It will require tv.OO'J lo repair tne building, which Is owned b tne u Is.y eitstc. 'Ihe istise ul tbo tire la unknown. Warmer Wonther. UisniNaro.v, Dec. 11. HViWier Iridt. (S$krA nllcrcJ - ite'wJ Vt I'o '" irir Titer W5rVic 1 ttvuA r vtviSri&y toutlnrett VHnls, "V sjv T(,e following reo- - ' ord shows the Mf P'-'.'or'ne'p'a.- XTrl" ' ' Iwentj-fou- r hours, in comparison with tbe corresponding date of last yesr, aa indicated by the thermometer at Perry's pharmacy : 1B89, 1890-- 1889. 1890, 6a. M.. ,M 111 M, M U. Ai.ru; tenpsratun let cerSBsndndsels r ..-.- - u i i i' i " i UST MTMM MONEY IS Etna 3HH Confidence Imparted by tbe PMH Impio.cd Situation. gH Wall Street Unusually Q"fVfjH with No New Failure-.- . 1 'fH Bears Could Not Keep the) MsvaiM'H Povrn nnd price; q0 ntjfesM; H Ths Wall street markets were nnaaMy:K;v5PPB quiet tbls morning. 1 he bears renewed fjrttt.if.B sttsck on Laekswanna, and depress H stock in to lW)a-- . on rumors tbst tbeCompsny SflM Is abutting down Its mines end ta,t ths eoel fjH trsde generally Is In poor shape. ' ,i 'jjjiH Tbs geperal Hat yielded In sympathy wKk-- Lackawanna, but th bear could not kos'th flkkW market down, end before nooneverytklnf vrs HJH higher than last night. v eiHH Tbs fact tbst ths Bank of England did not JflH advancs tbs discount rate oversttadowsd sJi - jH other considerations. MttssH Tbs proportion of ths bank's reterts to. Usv '.PH billtiesis.aa.E0 per cent, which is unusually :aiH strong, snd this naturally induces ths hops .tOH tbat London will send us mors gold In ths near itH future. ' sH At it is, ths monetary timsuon Is greatly Im-- tmmW proved, end this (mperuiconlld.aoee. Call loans ;tjH were down sa. low aa tMf per cent, before noosi .iaH snd tne demand wss limited, st tbst MH Tbers being no nejw faUoresth bsjlst&ongs flH t good opportunity ta go gunning for the) TJjSH shorts, and they pqt Hoot Island np trass. 'vtH 63 to TO, Lata bhore front Usjf-aP- to 106, New Tork 'central froratT to J . Paul trots tSM ts sbd union PhMo ' H from M to 49. Lackawanna got back ts ISW... yimmm Foreign sxebsngs IsPrmer, snd there syas r t I'SmM much bitter mar kit Idf bills. rTbe directors ot thS qslaksUver Mining MssWgfH pany bave declared a dividend of AH per tuviimmmm on the preferred stock. ,'jnssssH Ko ciesring-Houi- e certificates wets tsqijH lor tj IM bsnU y. " SH Ths Quotations. Lsssssl AnarUea Oc4. Ottsraf., Mj., U gu 9&J?mmm iV '&$& "- - ?? W n&sassai 8SltJpiklstSij'.'..";,'::r!;;:'.' IsS iA rjM-'T- ykieMaOMjTiisS.w ,.... t&H Hlf SSvssssssI ISiS Wi Ma ' iJsssssfl ilMifertiii'::::::: 'r .utuE.".v.v.V.u p K PLB ou,oi..Cuu.t.L."-"t- ' W EM ly'A'Saasanl Ul.T., Oie.. Chlf. Hi ssSBsl vet", a4- - h tv 'ITS' in m! !ssssssl lUasSsUsaUat. "..- - ,tt ,'fsassal LsXisiue...u ifJK 'rr., 'ffS itsssssl Lake atMs Wa.ur. .....'. II 1IM ''H Lake stn Wastsra pW tTKSHsssI CeevlluiaiNa.hvUM.. HC fit lstH MsakMUaOosMcd Sid MM H StwQ.nUalOoal... ,..,, S 8 MSJasjss ii. t., itNi, swi.piit... m7 117. r :nsssl NoTthsra Pa 1VM $K HX SH Nartbaln rsnlspisl.. 60M SUM SSX L5sSSSSsl Nsrth Aamcu JIM list ''M'tSSSsl Orssran lnirotMn.Q.. liM li ISM ijMmmM iiiHossunUH is., ifM SIK !H VsTaSJJfJJJJ pffiidsiiKi'flw.'....:.. mk .fix psdlBaa PalsM Oaar Oo tTlU ITiU flmM BU Vaol A Unaha. H tH tiS rlsassssl BU P.. MUM. Manitoba. SS V 6ft ftumtincaue 1U4M l'W li ftMM BoothainPaclllo.'.... i W i'Jasssl ItiululBsrUsT.tac Sj Rffi:::::::ur.::r. & gLfr-- B trSarlter..:::: 5fu -- M St3B.mfiS::r.r::.: 1M m p :S WUmUss Laka at. pld SS SM tH A lull seoount ol Wall stnst sflalrsvrUlbs iLH fosad in U BporUng Extra. i'Mmm STARE HUNGER IN THE FACE. H ThrM TboBsami dark Tbreid Mill t IH plojees iDdeflnitely Locked Oat. IB srrciii. to Tsui xvxxnra wobjjj.J TJsjnwJ NBWARi, Dec. IL -- Officials ot tbs CUraT. iYM Thread Mills st Newark snd Kearny. cpRJ N. J., retnaed tbls morning to ssy any- - H thing whatever regarding tne lookout tH or tblrt,000 employees. The smnloyees who JpJJ were seen by sn EvxNtHO Woxtp reporter JNJJ place little reliance upon th statement In ths RHfl notice to tbem that tbe milts wero closed till tipfl Jan. t for cleaning upand repairs. Tbeywers '.IRNJ ouupoken In their belief tbat the suspension ot '.Jl work would continue tUl the dlffleultles srttn Supt Walmaley were adjusted, snd no ons .& could guess when tbst would be, rtVj According to tbe workmen's statement, th 3$l trouble originated a week sgp, when Walnulej $M summarily discharged forty union spinners. ;M Tbespmnew who sro tbe only orgsuised n ; ployeea, struck on tala account, and the look- - Mw out ot all bands haa followed. -- t.fJSJ There are now Idle ISO 850 cop. Af winders, so twisters, more than too spoolers. !m beside printers, boxmakers, carpenters. jdjMM painters, maohlnlsta and other meohanlca. In YtM all there are a trifle over 8, "00, luoludlng tbs JB 10 striking spinners and tbelr SOI asslsunts. kVBJJ Tbere are over 1,800 girls in the number. jM FIREWORKS FACTORY BURNED. Quick: Work Prevents e, Disaster la 3M Jersey City. B An explosion occurred In the firewotkt fa S"M tory ot Uettwiller A Stroete, at West Side sve- - Jl nue and Pialnvllie, Jersey City, sboul uooi There was much excitement among 9 the employees at tlrat, aud It waa supposed "m that several were Ullod. VJ lire irame'llstely broke out sg the buUdleg. , bet by the quick and well directs I work of tbt A emjloreesand the Plre Depariineut, the cqru. , busilbles were nesrly all removed from tht ' y building and the flsraes extinguished. JV The loss by lite will not exceed 11,000. N J one was Injured. ,J Local News In Brief. Tbs old dock ol ths City llall wss put In opsre, J lion m.Iq Jo..ph Mils wss s.ataiiCMl hj Juds Baa Z llil lu lour jtaars id ins rtnliutur; ler saasin eounieil.il atlf qusit.rs. v Ton e .mpUiioo Imsrovtd by aae ef OAkTUft Isttus Utai rtLU. V U

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Page 1: Jil JvOvVc I icH LUST EDITH1 ATHOME! Etna 3HH€¦ · I IStory of the News. YllsM'ilPSc f W excugivguv l'M H (Metropolis Edition). ft, cY3rXLlJ Jil II K iWAlVjh lfliY iRfrluNvlll

I I Story of the News . YllsM'ilPSc f W excugivguv l'MH (Metropolis Edition). ft, cY3rXLlJ Jil II K iWAlVjh lfliY iRfrluNvlll Will II?W lllll' O ll 11 Ul ' flvft StPv AiV'?4t' IxV-- JvOvVc fl

otropo ss on. , jRJJllJ



The Pulitzer Building For-

mally Opened.

;' , The Greatest Newspaper; Building in the World.

A People's Palace Without a Cent of

Debt or Mortgage.

Dedioated to Its Purposes by a

Splendid Assemblage.

Twelve Governors, Gover- -nors-Ele- ot and ExGover-nor- s


Many Notable Speeches in HonorI of the Event

' The Pulitzer Building, ths greatest news.I paper building in the world, wan formally

, opened last night In'.the presenoe of out of' the most notable assemblages over gathered

io for such an event, and dedicated to the par--

poses for which it mil erocted, to be a home,0 for Tnr. Would, a model for a long time to'" come for buildings for similar useii. a con- -

5, etant llluatratlon of the possibilities of

Wi Amerfean oitlxenshlp and American jour- -

nalism, and a porpetnal monument to the.4 power of the people and the majesty of pub

lic opln Inn-Ju-

fourteen month! before, in the pres-

ence of an audience only less In dignity and;U distinction than that of last night. Joenh

Pulltxer, jr.. the young eon of the proprie-tor of the building and of The World, tap-

ping with a silver trowel upon the roughsurface of the newly laid Corner-ston- haduttered the sentenoe, "It is well done."

Lastnight thousand! of people, represent-ing tho political, professional, commercialI and social life of the wholeoountry. viewing

"J I tho massive magnificence and perfected de-

al! I tj" ' tno comnletert "fk repeatedandnt I indorsed the conillemt verdlot of the boy,

4t! B " It is well done."nU I PONG. VET NOT DOME.ate Done, however, not in the sense of abso- -

' Into completion. The popular verdict uponat H the nnlxhediullding ii no more eignlficautnfiM of a concluded work than was the boy's sen--":' H ttnee pronounced over the corner-ston-

H The Pohtier Building Is more a beginningate I than an end. The work of Independent

H journalism which Tnr. Would has led, and'M of the success or whloh the Pulitzer Build- -

' iugisbnt a symbol, is done but when hu--man progress Is ended. Last night's event,

H like that of fourteen months before, markedI but the attainment of another step in ad- -I vance. The Pulitzer Building is a mile- -

Q stone, not a goal in the progress of Thecu I onLt.

As befits a strnotnre built by the people,the Pulitzer Building has been opened free

u H and clear of any encumbrance wliateer.H No mortgage was necessary to its erection,

" B no permanent financial obligation has hadJJ H to be assumed In Its completion, not a dol--

jJJ ' lsr of debt rests upon It. There Is no Hen

oM H upon it, except the lien of the public, whoseess I money built it. whoio favor must maintaincu H Itand whose condemnation will bo moreou disastrous to Its value thau any mortgage

iH that ever could be foreclosed.- -

Hj Last night's assemblaeo was a most signalevidence of the extent to which The Would

J? I is recognized as a publlo institution. Gov--

lU ernors and Senators and Ilepieseutatives,and distinguished men in overy piofeseiou

U flj and business came to the Pulitzer BuildingI last night, travelling in many cases Iron--

H dreds of miles, to assist at the ceremony.HIE C1UESTB liEcmrn.

fls There was a crush in the main hallnay6 of the great building long before the hour0 I fixed for tho celebration to formally begin.9t I Hepresentatives of Tur. Would escorted tho

guests sb rapidly as possible to receptionH rooms In the upper floors, whrro their coats

U, I 6nd wraps were cared for. 'ihe arrange- -

M H tntnts were the same as those used at tholie I Metropolitan Opera-Hous- e for balls andM ,1 similar events, tho facilities of that housoIM and the services of its attendants having

M been loaned to The Would by Manager E.I htanion.I A course through the building finm theI prtas.room to the observatory bad been

I i B carefully laid out, and was Indicated bo far13 I " possible on printed programmes and by

irus and roped-of- f passage-nay- s. A large4 Bj detail of members of the city staff fuitheris. H a.tiitod the guests in finding their nay

J about as comfortably and expeditiously aeas HJ posbible. to that crowding and confusiona were to a great extent avoided." HJ As fast as the tour through the building' Hi as completed the guests were cscoited to

HJ be supper-roo- on the tenth floor, where" H 81'rry had provided a lunoheon for 4,000,

M Zappa's orchestra here rendered during tliu" 'H tuning choice selections, beginning with

HJ ,ll " Would March, "composed by Cappai "rccially for the occasion.

M I'lSTIOUI'illED MEN CAUVD (OB.mm Iho guests from distant cities and States

OS's DJ fiom Washington, as they arrived from,ort H !J; trins and hotels, were esoortbd to Tinju H Would'h private suite of reception-room- s onih 's 'leventh floor, and after being cared for

HJ uere were taken through thefbuilding InJ 'Wcial parties and entertained at tuueheon

, HJ u rooms ou tho first floor.HJ '' "as there, in the presence cf as large aum audience as the rooms would hold, that theH Pecli.iuakttij took placo. It began at 1 1

31 c ock au, ,,4S ll0, yet completed at 1

L, o clock.

Tjf u"of tl'e most noticed thlnes in the cityHi aParttuent was a reproduction In solid ail- -

H ero1nh'I'nll"-Uulidliig- . Itwastwonty-- )lDch" high and every detail was

'''" HI" Hja

worked out with tho most scrupulous caroand in the most artistic fashion. Bntno nfthe most skilled workmen in silur in thocountry have been engaged for a long timein executing tbia piece, which is a gift toMr. Pulitzer from his employees. All thesilver In it originally came over the coun-ters of Tiie WonLD ofllco in tho shape ofsmall coin.

Of the minor features of the celebrationthe releasing from the dome at noou of athousand carrier-pigeon- s, bearing mes-sages from The Would to cities and townshundreds of miles away, and the illumina-tion of the roof and dome In the eveningwere those which attracted most attention.Crowds stood in City Hall Tark all the af-

ternoon and evening watching the grcitbuilding aud looking for new sensations.


Home Nennlors nnd Cabinet OffleciaWho M'ersi Uonble to Come.

The special train bearing TnE Wobld'sdistinguished guests from Washington leftthe capital at 1.65 yesterday afternoon, ar-

riving at Jersey City at V.4S. Carriagesmet the party on the New York side, andthe guests were at ouce driven :o the Pulit-zer Building. Among those who came overfiom Washington were: representativesMills, of Texas; Crisp, of Georgia; 1 lower,of Now York; Wilson, of West Virginia;Turner, of Georgia; Martin, of Texas;Outhwaite, of Ohio; Caruth, of Kentucky;Kerr, of l'cnuylvania: MoMIUln, of Ten-nessee; Springer, of Illinois; Blount, ofGeorgia; Jason Brown, of Indiana; Wash-ington, or Tennessee; Herbert, of Alabama;Stewart, of Vermont; Bynum. of Indiana;Tucker, of Virginia; Tareney, of Missouri;McCarthy. Cummings.Duuphy and Turner,of New York; Cooper, of Indiana; Mansur,of Missouri; Allen, of Mississippi, andltep--reseutatlve-elec- t Campbell.

Bovcral members of the Cabinet who hadaccepted The WonLD's invitation to be pres-ent on the occasion of the formal openingof the Pulitzer Building were unable to'eao Washington. Secretary Tracy hadconfidently expected to be of the party thatcame over ou the special train, but wastaken Ul yetterday morning and was obligedto leate his desk iu the Navy Departmentbefore noon. Secretary Busk was also pre-vented from coming by Illness, and sent hisregrets at the last moment. Secretary Windom and Postmaster-Gener- Wanamaker,both of whom accepted invitations, weredetained by Important official business.

A large number of Senators accepted TheWorld's invitation, among them SenatorsIngalls, Allison. Hawley, taePhersou,Vance, Voorhees, Butler, Gray, Eustit,Kenua and Faulkner. At an early houryesterday morning, however, it was an.nouueei that party caucuses bad been calledby the whips of both Bepubllesns andDemocrats in the Senate. As tho hour setfor both caucuses was 8 o'clook 1'. M. andthe mattsjr to be dlsonssed was that vitalIssue, the Forco bill, all the Senators onboth sides broke their engagements nomatter of what character, and a score ofregretB that were very genuine were sent toThe Would.

Senator Ingalls deolared that be voicedthe sentiments of tho Senators, cm his side ofthe chamber at least, when he said to aWorld representative yesterday afternoon:

"It is with sincere resret that I find my-self unable to go to New York with TheWorld this afternoon. I did not know thata caucus would be called until noonI had packed my valise aud anticipated en-

joying the trip immensely. From the de-

scriptions I hare read of Tue World's newhome I know it must be a phenomenon. Ishall oertainly visit It the first time I go toNew York. I have a great admiration forMr. Pulitzer, and I had looked forward tomeeting him with a great deal of pleasure.I know I apeak for all my colleagues when Isay that nothing but the most importantofficial business could prevent us from ac-

cepting Tub World's invitation for to-



What "The World's" Visitors IId toHay Last Evening.

When the supper had been served TheWobld's guests began to wend their way outto the elevators. In place of the conven-tional wine and walnuts which men dallyover after a feast, there was to be an houror two of speech-makin- and the mainroom on the first floor of the building hadbeen rererved for the purpose.

At 1 1 o'clock the reception staff stood InHue at the doors of the suite, where theGo ernors. State and city officers and otherdignitaries had been breaking bread, andbegan to eecort them out into the hall.Arm in arm and side by stdn they filed out.and by 1 1 . 1 5 they were all in the big roommi the ground floor. Then when the lastwan was iu aud quiet had eettled down.The opening address was made by Mr.George W. Turner, the publisher or ToeWorlp. Mr. Turner said;

"I wish to express on behalf of the NewYork World a feeling of sincere apprecia-tion of your attendance hero at the formalopening of this magnificent monument tothe genius and ability of the creator of thisnewspaper.

"Napoleons of the sword have gone be-

fore, but a mightier Napoleon of the Piesseh es evidence here of the laurels gained oua nobler field. Sickness alone- preventsthe presence of the man who has achievedthis msnelloussuccess, but in Mr. Pulitzer'snamo I bid OU all kind welcome.

"I have tbo honor to introduce to youMr. William U. Merrill, of the editorialstaff, who will speak for The Would."

William II. Merrill said:ori'NiNo address bv wm. n. ufubill.

Ladies and Glntleuln: In its habitation,since this magnificent building was com-

pleted, as in circuUtioii, iu fame and inmenue. Tut World stands at the bead oftho newspaper press.

No other tewepapertbet ever existedcould, in the woids of Mr. Depew, "fiomits surplus earnings" during the briefperiod lenuiml for its erection, have"reared this sp.eudld pile. " 2o other jour-na- l.

we lenture to think, has ever per.formed within so short a time so msny andsuch great public services. And surely noother journal In the world has ever been

honored by so distinguished an assemblage

as has gathered to.nlght to participate in

the formal opening of this building.A success like tbie Is not an accident.nnless

genius be an accident, and it it were I fancy

jou will agree with me that It would happeneftencr.

This snecers did not merely happen. Itwas iniagiucd, organized, worked out, com.

Continued on cond Pagt.)


Johnnie Gethlos and His Spaniel Yip

Reported to Be Doing Finely.

Evidence That tho Plaster Ca&t

Is Yet Unbroken.

Increasing Interest of tho Publlo iuThis Wonderful Bone-Gra- ft.

It was reported at tbe Charity Hospital anBlickwell's Islam) this morntug that therewero no uew lesturea In the case ot JoonuleUetblos and his spaniel Yip, who are still be-

lieved to be firmly Joined together by tho at-

tempted graftlnzof their s over threeweeks ago.

WHIIe no ouo Is now admitted to tbe secretchamber occupied by Johunle and Yip, exceptthe chief operating surgeun. House SurgeonNewman aud a trusted nurse, and thesepersonages will not talK of the caseturttier thau to mate a dally report ol thehealth of the patients, there Is abundance otAuthority tor the statement that no furthersteps have been taken In the case since theInitial operation was performed thrco weewsago.

Despite the refusal of the attending physi-cians to speak la detail ot tbe case, It Is astringent rule of the Cbarlty Hospital thatevery operation nerfornied in the Institutionmust be reported at once to the Warden, on ablank prepared for the purpose, and In alleases where practicable twelve bours beforethe operation is to be pcrroimod.

It Is easy to see that an attempt to keepsecret any operation upon the boy or dogwould be a direct violation of tbe rules audhighly Inconsistent with the recognizedcharacter of tbe chief operating surgeou, whoIs hlmsslf a member of tbe Hospital's MedicalBoard and would ot all others feel bound tortepect its rules and regulations,

Ao EvE.MMi World reporter was Informedby Warden ltoberis this morning that no re-

port ot any operation on either doj or dog hadbeen made to blm since tbe Initial operation.

"You know every tnlug that I do,"said;tbeWarden.

Tbo Interest !n tbls celebrated cuestill coutluues to grow, and duringtbe confinement of Johnnie and Yip In theirplaster cast many medlosl men from Phila-delphia, Boston and other cltlea have called attbe Hospital to see tbe graft.

Their mission was fruitless, however, s tbeattending phyUclaus politely but firmly re-

fused to discuss the case with them.


Thirteen Patients Have Been ted

in New Tork Hospitals.

Now that Inoculations with Dr. Koch'sfamous tuberoulous ijciph have been fairlys'arted In th.s city, the medical profession Iswatching tbe reult ot tbe treatment uponpatlenta wlitt the moat Intense Interest.

Already there ate tblrteen persons undertreatment four at tbe Hoepltul for tbe Itup-ture- d

and Cilppled, looiulated yesterday andtbe da? teiorebyDr. Allen McLsue Hamilton;one at Bt. Luke's Hospital, where the opera-

tions are under tbe cbarge ot Dr. Klnnieuit.andthe elgnt persons wbo were Inoculated yester-

day by Dr. Jacobl at Mount Sioal Hospital.Belore It Is probable that a dozen or

so more patients will be Inoculated by Dr.Ktnnlcutt and Dr. Jacobl, and observation!will be taten and reported In tbe form of bul-

letins sa to the condition ol all tbe patlentanow under treatment.

It was a mystery where Dr. Hamilton gotbis lymph, for It was not known that tbere wasany of tbe precious dulo In tbe town until Dr.jacobi's vial airlvcd.

Dr. Hamilton, however, told an EveninoWould reporter some math more Interestingnews about his Ijuiph this morning.

"A gentleman ot this city," be said, "re-ceived a small quantity of lymph dlreotly fromDr. Koch about two weeks ago, and Immeal-aiel- y

bevan experimenting with It uponseveral ol his private patients. Tbe public tusknown nothing of these cases, which hatebeen ktpt protoundly seoret, and I am not nowst liberty to give bis name. Tbe lymph whlohI used I obtained from him, out tbe supply waaso small that I bad oiilr enough for a lew In-

oculations.Of the four patients Inoculated by Dr. Ham-llto- u

one was a member of the medical stsff ottbe uospltst, w bo simply underwent the opera-

tion so that tbe effect ol tbe lymph upon ahealthy person could be observed. It 1. claimedbj Dr. Kocu that In such cases Inoculation pro-rim-

nu leactton.At tiouul Slnsl and Bt. Luke's Hospitals

tbls morulng all Information rrgardlug tnecundlilou of tbe patients was reiu.eu. Dr.Jscni had given peusl orders tti. nothingsiiould be said atom tils patients, aud Dr.

was not on hand to speak lor tboseunder treatment at B'. Luke'.

It was said a: 10th i !., however, thatnouid be lerlormed this alternoou

and several new uses experimented n, on,aud ihat tne uemoiisiratioua woul.l be wit-nessed by a lime number of prominent physi-cians.


Ex-Sta- Bonator,Defeated Candidate for Consreee.


ONtONTi, lite. 11. Krunk Ii. Arnold,aud Senator, wno waa

defeated fur Couurtss la the last i lection lathe 'lwenty-fourt- n District by George VanHome, committed tultlde this morning at bishomo In UnadilU, Otsego County.

Ho was found In his office dead about luo'clock-- .

It Is supposed that depression over bis defeatturned his mind.

lie was chairman of the lamoos Senate Com-

mittee on Trusts In 1853.

Yourtir Acquitted of Wile Murder.nrii to Tr rBNlt.o wom.n.

Mat's Lasdixo, N. J., Dec. 11. The Jury In

the case ot Joseph toung, charged with raur-dcrl-

bis wife la tbe Mlaequa Houso, AtlanticCUT, Sept. 4 Ian, brought in a verdict of not

at tl.60 o'clock ibu morolnit. Tbey badguiltyoat since 4 o'llocx yesterday afternoon.

.... . . . t.fjlJLL


-- -.

Continuing tho Investigation of

Olark Bell's Oharges.

A tdvoly Scene Before the PoliceHoard This aiomlnc;.

Tbe trial ot CspL Rlllllea ot tbo West h

street police stst.ou on the charge otreporting the Sixth Avenue Hotel as a

place, alter be bad been Informed otIts bad character by reputable citizens was re-

sumed at Police Hcadquartere this morning.

Ihe Caplalu, well groomed and smilingcheerfully, wss on band early with his lawyer,Col. Bliss, and a number ot gcntlc-me-

who wero ready to testify in the Cap-

tain's behalf.The case was set down to go on at 10 a. m. ,

but It was nearly II beloro CoromlssloactsMacLesn, Mcl'lavo, Mart.n and Voorbls ap-

peared, ami then Clark Bell, the atouner au i

urlnclpal witness against tbe Captain, wasmltslug.

Tne Commissioners decided nut to wait forblm. He urrlved out ol breath Bhottly afier11 a. u., and explained that business had de-

tained blm.Dr. Joseph Klnch, of 106 West Fortj-fourt- h

strett, wss thu first witness. He Is a memberof tbe Vorty-toutt- hircot Society ol l'utlty.He testified that he had been in tne Sixth Avr-uu- e

Hotel, at Fourt)-four- street and Ulxtli

avenue, mice, onco to see a setter dog andagiln as tbo bearer of a letter f rum Clark Bell

rcu.uei.ttng Lieut. Orlfflths, the proprietor, toolose bis side door, which waa so objectionableto tbe pure mluded people in the neighborhood.

Commissioner SlacLeau aexed: "Wnat, II

anything, wasesldby you to Mr. Orlffltbs re-

garding a letter sent by Mr. Bell to Capt.

trillllna f

"I object," shot In Cnl. Bliss. "Any con-

versation between third lartica when theCaptain was not present Is irrelevant," no ex-

plained.This rather nonplusssd the Commissioner.

President alecLcin took another tack aud In-

quired:What Is tbe reputation of that hotel!"

' Bid, very bad. I bave never seen a alncleperson going through tbe r. It wns

always a man and a woman, a man and a wo-

man, a man and a woman, end tbo later thehoar at night the mora couples would smter the

lleturtnngto bis second visit to tbo hotel, Dr.Finch said that as he waa going Into tbe hotelbe saw Capt. Kllllloa talking to Mr. Qrlmthsla front ol the door.

Capt. Ktllllea arose, somewhat exoltcd, anddeclared: " l solemnly swear that Is not true.He never saw me tbere, talking lo Orlfflths Introut ot tbe hotel"

I solemnly swear I dtd, " the doctorretorted.

Leon Deuten, or IBS west rony-ioun- n

street, was IB seoond witness. lie Is a sales-man at Ul Franklin street.

fie had lived on Forty-fourt- h street fortwenty-si- x years he ssld. Tnr cafe and

were entirely rauutabie, but the hotelproper, before Mr. Griffiths got held of It, wasrun on disreputable lines.

Altnougn Mr. OrtOUns had endeavored loremedy tne evil, he said, his efforts bad notbeeu successful sad the evil waa not completelyer dlcated.

He was In tbe bote! himself about six yearsago and knew that lewd women aud notoriouscharacters Irrqaented it.

Capt. Klllalsa baa'aome twenty wltneases tosupport him. Among tbem are Dr. Winner, of110 West Forty-fourt- h street ; Mrs. Uunton, of103 West Forty-lourt- n street ; Dr. O'Sneo, wholives at the Hlxth avenue Hotel, and PeterMiller, Buntrlntendem of the Mxth AuueSurface ltallroad.

m m



Ho Appointments by tne Mayor y

Politicians' Expectations.

Mayor Grant waa early at his desk tbls morn-

ing, and announced to a reporter of Tni Evkn-is- q

Woki.d that be would make no appoint-

ments ot Police JusticesIt bad been tbe general Ideaot the politicians

that tbe Mayor would delay the appointmentsnntil tbe latter part of tbe month, when Klcb-ar- d

Croker waa expected back from Europe.As Mr. Croker Is not coming till Spring, tbe

only reason for delay which they now find Is

la tbe possibility that tbe Mayor la walling foi

Bourns coclcran to reach Mr. Croker and ad-vise him of the condition of affairs.

br. Cockrn wus to have sailed on tbe 'leu-tonl- o

yesterday, but It ta uuderstoou that ueiieterre! his leave-takin- g until Satutda; of thisweek.

The alate, or tbat portion ol It which tvery-bod- rconsiders uncnangeabie. remains tntaci.

Edward P. Uagan seemssusolntetv sate of appointment to one of teevscauoiea an 1 Justice Smith of reappointment.

Some of the more sanguine even think thatMajor Grant will be re.dr to make announce-ment of aocn action on his pan

Wbo will get Judge Murray's place la stilluncertain.

'ID at gentleman would really like to be re-appointed as s compliment for his service toTammany Hail In nut Quill witn Judge Powerand his secession from ihe County Democracy.

If be were x appointed be sari that be woulddecline the honor, lor hi bnnness Interestswould prevent his accepting nnoiber term.

Whether this comp.iiiieui will be tenderedJudge Murray or not la not known.


Blrchall's Exocutlonnr Has a HeavyWeek Ahoad.

(srrciiL to the avzxixo world.)EazuBKOOXK, Qcr--, Dec. 11. HsUcliffe, the

executioner ol BlrcBall, has arrived here loattend to the hanging tomorrow of Blancbard,the American wbo killed a friend In a drunkenquarrel.

Next Thursday be goes to Well ana to hangDay, tbe Niagara Kalis murderer, and the

morning lie Is again due here to executeItem! Lamoatague.


Indications that the Threatened Up-

rising Is Not to Bo.

(srxcuL to XHR svuuxo woaLD.ICnici.no, Dec. 11. Oen. Miles leaves for tbe

Tine KtCgo AgencyCoh Corblu, ot his staff, saya tbe despatches

from tbe disturbed Indian oountry state thatnumbers ot tbe buoka are leaving the hostileramp in tbe Bad Lands and coming to theAieucy, and tbat tbe Indications are tbat tbebottom is dropping out ol tbe threatened up-rising.


Important,Fine and rich old clarets skould always bo

poured out carefully or dseanteo biforo serv-ing. Try the superior clsreU of J. Calvet &

Co., for wbioa P. de Bar? A Co., S Werreustrett, us agents. V


He Recaptures "United Ireland"

from His Enemies.

But Can't Print tho Paper To-D- ay

for Lack of Type.

Duplicates of the Antl-rrne- ll

ICdltton to lio Published.

(OUNLAr'S CAULE nxws sricuL.lDidli. Deo. 11 U r. si. 'Ihe raid of tbe

last night, while tbe Irishleader waa addreislug his friends at the Man-

sion llou-e- , on tbe disputed ofnots and plantot fiillfd relaniJ, greatly annnyed Mr. Par-nel- l,

who at ouce decided that, seeing that heowns 474 out ot tbe 600 shares into which thecat Itul stock ot the paper Is divided, bo couldnot allow bis property to be used as an engineof political warfare aualnst himself.

He therefore this morning proceeded to tbeoftlces, sccouipanltd by a large crowd ol bisadmirers, aud male a lorclblc entry by break-lu- g

lu ihe doors, amid great cheering andenthusiasm.

The Itlsb leader and his friends now bol

possession of tte premises, and Mr. Psrnellbss Just made a stirring uddrees from one olthe windows.

Tne poltco have made no attempts to ttoptheproceedings.

As the teslous smashed tbetype during their midnight raid, no papsr canbe Issued to day, wmob Is the regular publi-

cation daj, nor will any probably be issuedthl. wi Ml.

It l rumored that tne pro.pose to bring out a reprint of tbe suppressededition of U ultra Ireland from other offices.

Publlo sentiment hers Is altogether oqtheside ol Mr. Parnell, who has only sougnt toprevent scurrilous attacks ou blm being primed

in a alicet virtually owued by aim, the otherowners being Messrs. Kenny, bis supporter,and Justin McCarthy.

Mr. O'Brien wss simply a salaried editor.UK. fAHNKLL GOES TO CORK,

Mr. Parnell. after the forcible release ol hispaper from tbe hands of theleft lor Cork.

At the Kingtbrldge station a large crowd badassembled. Mr. Parnell, responding to theircheers, expressed his gratitude tor the recep-

tion, and cald that what Dublin felt y,

Ireland would lealMR. 1ISKHEP8SV AMD BIS CLO.

London, Dec. 1L Tne conservatives of usCanton Club are now engaged la oonstdar)ngtbe case ot Sir John Pope Hennessey, wbo hasreaigned as ParucUlte candidate fto MorthKilkenny.

Ue will probably be asked to realgn from theClub.


Michael LUvItt was iound y busily en-

gaged In preparing a reply to tbe Interview withMr. Parnell, published on Wednesday In New

York and cabled here. On the general subjecthe said:

Mr. Parnell I as stated what Is distinctlyami deliberately false. Immediately alter my

Interview wltb him at the Ainndel Hoist, Lon-

don, during which he twice repeated thewords, ' I sball come out of tbls case withouttue slightest stain upon my name orreputa-iim- i

1 want to Mr. Motley and told bini whathad taken place.

1 ben I crossed to Ireland where I InformedArchbishop Walsb, of Dublin, as well asseveral of Mr. Parnell's oldsst friends, Includ- -

iir. Davitt was then remlndel tbat Mr. Par-

nell aaid that he never euthorued blm (Davitt)to aay anything ot tne kind.

He told me distinctly," waa Mr. Darttt'sreply, "to go to Ireland and tell hu friendstbat he would come out ol court without attalu upon hli name or reputation."

All the Irish delegates except Mr. narrlng-to-

were In aectet conference at the HoffmanHouse this morning, and retused to see re-

porters. Mr. Harrington told Tbe EtetwoWorld reporter tbat tbe contemplated depart-

ure ol U'Btlen and GUI next Baturdaybaa beenpostponed till next ween. Mr. Harringtonsails on tne Auranla Saturday.

010 HE STEAL THE S5.000?

Police Think They Have One of

tbe Brooklyn Bank Bobbers.

Brooklyn Police are confident this alternoouthat they bave succeeded In capturing one ofthe aneak thieves who robbed the.Ttsynty-slxt- b

Ward Bank ol Is, 000.

'lbree men are under arrest, and a few min-

utes past noon one ol tbem waa positively Iden-

tified by blmeon Bookman, one of tbe bank'semployees, as one of the men be saw talkingto Cashier Spelluian un tne day ol the robbery.

Ihe pnauuers are William II. Link, wbo

claims to be a lumber residing In Pateraon,X. J. ; Jotiu Ileillf, ot Slount Vernon, andHenry Cunningham, ol SOOTUIrn avenne. New

York, llellly and cunuingbam claim to be

stovefitters.Link Is tbe prisoner who Is Identified by

Bookman.IHlecilve fleynolds, of tbe Tenth Precinct

arnslid the men, whom he taw acting sus-

piciously yesterday afternoon.Ihis morning the prisoners were taken to

the Adams Stteet Police Coutt aud arraignedbelore Justli c Walsn and remaude I,

Bookman waa suit lor and came down tocourt, The detectives stood the three prison-ers in a line with several otnera. Bookuuuhad not been Informed of what was wanted othi in.

Have you ever seen any of these men be-

fore ;" asked one of the detectives.I have seen tbe man standing In tbe

middle" he finally answered. "I tblnk he

is tbe man whom I saw standlug at tne irontwindow talking lo Uaanler bpellmau on Iheday of tbe robbery, at the time I was calledont on the sidewalk."

At noon the prisoners were taken beforeChief Campbell. Bookman then told Camp-

bell tbat he waa sura that Link waa the man besaw talking to Hpemuam

As far as known. Link baa no criminalrecord. Ills fellow pr.soners, however, arewell known to the police,

A formal romp'aiat chardag IJnk with thabank rubbery will probably be made lu caartthis afternoon.




Looks aB Though Ho Had Been

Bun Tlirough Boilers.

It Is no reflection on Siarver succi o ssythat when hp emergeu from beneath the bed-

clothes which fairly buried blm In bis couch atEoster Bal's tbls morulng he had tbe ap-

pearance of a man who bad passed throughthe rollers of a powerful steam mangle.

He is so "poor," In tbe pstols ot the backcounties, thst tbers aren't pickings enough onble bonea to iitye a thoroughly armored Jerseymoaomto any aort ot a meal.

It was tbe Ibirty-alxt- h morning that Bocclawoke to fsoe another twenty-fou- r hours' vigilol abstinence and emaciation, another twenty-fou- r

h,ours of gaunt, bollow-eys- d

hanger. The truth should be knownthst Snccl was In very bed shape this morning,and at a careful trainer would put It, as " un-

fit, seedy and stale aa an overtrained chicken-weight-

U Hlsb and Mlahty Emptiness swokeshortly after The ETtNiNd World reportercelled. "Beda night," as murmured. Bililwltb conuesdatle cbetrluluaas he arose aawaa well lied.

Cine hundred and tan nonnds said the scalesand hack to bis ouucu te rse'ed, s poor,weary, fragile bundle or bona, but as full ofgrit as a heavily spurred bantam.

HIS total loss la weight up lo date Is S7.Vpounds, and other leators ot bis conditionare shown la the ofOctal medlosl bulletin forthis, the tlilrty.slxtb dsy of fast:

Weight, 110 pounds. At commencement.147.

'temperature, G8.8.

false, 1.Itespirstlan, S3.Dynamometer, s kilogrammes,bpitometer, l.epu cubic centimetres.Water dtnnk during the pssl 4 boars

Crotou, Ooauoes; Kaiser, 4 ounces; Vlcny, A

ounces; Ice eaten, H ounces. Total, 47 ounces.Oeneral condition Very fair; tongue clear,

moist and stead).It wss signed by Dra. II. V. Wildnun. Frank

II. Ingram, llaims Oulteras, W. L. Bauer,E. U. Mason and ft. W. Lynde.


PlanB of the Wigwam Chief'sProlonged European Tour.

y Chamberlain Richard Croker haschanged his plana. It had been hit Intentionto return from Europe so as to be able toapeud Christmas at his borne.

The present stormy condition of tie Atlaatlc,however, and the relnetasee of Mrs, Croker tocross It while the storm sesssn Is on, have ledblm to remain In the Old Land until early

lie will remain In Germany until after Cbtlst-ms- s

tbat be may aee and snjoy tbe hearty Ger-

man style of celebrating that anniversary, audslierwards be expects to mats tbe grand tour.

Joan J. 6cannelL Tammany leader In theEleventh, who was Mr. C'roker'a sa Meg com-

panion on hla last trip, will aooompaoy him onall his traiels.

Tber even expect to do the Holy Land to- -

ether, or bom Holy Lands, Mr. Croker says,?or be considers th,-- ground on wcica standsBt. I'etcr'a and tbe Val.oan quite ss boly as thearid plains of Palestine.


Prospect of a Hard Winter for Pat-om-

Bill: Workers.SriCIAt. TO TBI avatfixo would.)

Patxkso.n, K. J., D-- c. 11. Fifty-si- x ribbonweavers, employed by tne firm ol Frsnk 1Dugsn, went on a strike y In consequenceof areductlouol 15 er cent. In their wages.

Tbe firm ssy that the reduction was compul-sory. It was necessitated by tne hard times.Ihe weavers ssy thst the reduction iu theirnay waa equivalent lo 21 per cent, loss In IbelrIncome

Filir weavers la Medmgs also struck for aslui'Ur cause. It Is rumored tbat other

win be made by tue ot'ier mills, amithis will piotMiily lead to more atrlkrs. Abard and bitter Winter elates the silk operatorslu the face.


Charles Johnson Und lint Foleon,but Didn't Take It.

Patrolman Iteppar, ot Ibe East Ihlrty-llft- h

street station, shortly afier midnight thismorula- - found Lturlvs Jonntou, a driver,twcnts-ii- x yeara old, acting auspiciously In

Tblid aveuue end arrested hi in.At the station-hous- e be was searched and a

nackaue of rat poi.cn wta found In bis pocket.Dr. Hoghea, of Beilevue Hospital, wf call'dand examined Johnson, but coald find ooevidence that he bad taken any of tne poliou.He waa locked up ss a suspicious person.


isrrcuL to vara stckino woaLc.iALBANY, Dec. IL Cletk Cblckerlug's om-el-

list ot membera of tbe next Legislature ofNew York gives tbe Senate 19 Itepubllcans andIS Democrats, end tbe Assembly 00 Republicansand U Democrats, the lismocrsts thus baringa majority of two oa Joint ballot.

--x'i.'-- - r-



s J

Tho Commissioner Says the StreetsAro Glean, and Ho Won't Bosign.

g Commissioner Seattle de-

clared this morning thst he will not resign,deeptte tbt rumor prevalent to the effsot tstte will. " I am not tbe man to retire underfire or oonteaa Judgment, "said he.

Mr. Beaitle followed np this declaration withlbs" remsrtable statement that never In ihehistory of New York's Htreet tissuing Depart-ment have the strssta been in s fairer condi-tion.

Did Mr. Uest'ln make snob a putemeat ssthatl" was the astonished Inquiry of PresidentWUsos, of tbs Board of Health, wbsrt his

waa oalled to lbDelng informed tbst Mr, Beaitle had had the

boldntas to make sueh remark, Mr, Wilsonproceeded to refute it.

" Acoompanlsd by Dr. Xdsoa, of tbs Bureauof Oontatloat Diseases, I have personally in-

spected esvera! treats In tbt sssl sMtdistrict, "said he, landws feind

them In a horrtble condition.'Many el the ptown streets are altsy

enough, but they are clean compared with tbsstreets we saw. "

Ihe streets whloh President Wilson ssd Dr.Bdsan visited to-d- were Hiving ton, Essex,Norfolk, Saffolk, Clinton, Attorney, Bidgt,Pitt, Wlllelt sad Ludlow, and may deolaredtaet tbey fonod tbelr condition positively us

lo tbe hoslta of tbs peopls In tbls denselypopulated neighborhood, throsgb tbs BtgU-gen-

of tbe Blreet-Cleanl- Department.Tbs Health Board is not doing tbls to

worry Commissioner Bestile," said PresidentWilson, but wfln a view to proteotlng theheiltu of tbe city's Inhabitants. Tbe streetscan be cleaned, and I tblnk Mr. Seattle willdolL"

President Wilson and Dr. Bdsoa had a longconsultation with Mayor Grant this afternoon,and presented tbe icsultof their morning in-

spection ol dirty streets.Tbla activity of tbe Health Board against

Mr. Beaitle Is believed lo mean that he will beremoved If he persist In his refusal to resign.

Geo. W. Plunsltt hu beenspoken or as hla successor, but ss Mr. Pluukrttowns too many scows employed la carryingaway ashes and garbage for ths department,It la not believed that the Mayor wonld con-

sider his nam In connection with tbs office.


A Stubborn Blaze that Long Baf-

fled tho Firemen's Efforts.

Smoke aud flame pouring ont of s windowon the top floor of the big donble building, S07

and sou Broadway, ebortly after 1 o'clock tblsmorning, caused an alarm to bs sent In by tbspoliceman on Ibat post, hut Ihe flames had

with snob fierceness tbat when Bat-

talion Chief Campbell arrived he fonnd tbattbe building stood little chanoe of being aavedwltboui ad Htlonal help, lbree alarms werefinally sent out, and by tbe aid of fonrteenengines and a water tower, alter three hours'bard work, tbe flames were gotten under con-

trol.Tbe building, which ts five stories blgh. Is

built cf Iron and atsnds ou tbe alte formerlyby tbe old tit, Ntotiolas Hotel.

The cround floor It occupied by Williammanafsciurer of smokers' articles! tbe

first and third by llellenberg & Lowensteln,deslers In men's neckwear, while Julius Stein.V Co. , manufacturers of cloaks and suits, ten-s-

the second aud top floors, the latter beinguie'l as t.ie factor).

The entire culldlng was drenched wltbwater, which si pears to bnve caused theprincipal damage. All three tenants of thebuilding suffer by t is fire, cut fortunately allare protected by Insurance. '1 ne total damageIs catiuiuted to bu J 10, IXO to building andtO(k.

Ul tb a Julius Stein A Co. lose aboutpi, 000, ilelleuberz A Lowensteln $10,WW andMI,Um He ruutn f l.non, the two latter, los-o- s

solely from water. It is situ Itut It willrequire tv.OO'J lo repair tne building, which Isowned b tne u Is.y eitstc.

'Ihe istise ul tbo tire la unknown.

Warmer Wonther.UisniNaro.v, Dec.

11. HViWier Iridt.

(S$krA nllcrcJ -

ite'wJ Vt I'o '" irir TiterW5rVic 1 ttvuA r

vtviSri&y toutlnrett VHnls,"V sjv T(,e following reo- -' ord shows the

Mf P'-'.'or'ne'p'a.-

XTrl" ' ' Iwentj-fou- r hours, incomparison with tbe

corresponding date of last yesr, aa indicatedby the thermometer at Perry's pharmacy :

1B89, 1890-- 1889. 1890,

6a. M.. ,M 111 M, M U.Ai.ru; tenpsratun let cerSBsndndsels


..-.- - u i i i' i " i

UST MTMMMONEY IS Etna3HHConfidence Imparted by tbe PMH

Impio.cd Situation. gHWall Street Unusually Q"fVfjH

with No New Failure-.-. 1 'fHBears Could Not Keep the) MsvaiM'H

Povrn nnd price; q0 ntjfesM; HThs Wall street markets were nnaaMy:K;v5PPB

quiet tbls morning. 1 he bears renewed fjrttt.if.Bsttsck on Laekswanna, and depress Hstock in to lW)a--

. on rumors tbst tbeCompsny SflMIs abutting down Its mines end ta,t ths eoel fjHtrsde generally Is In poor shape. ' ,i 'jjjiH

Tbs geperal Hat yielded In sympathy wKk--

Lackawanna, but th bear could not kos'th flkkWmarket down, end before nooneverytklnf vrs HJHhigher than last night. v eiHH

Tbs fact tbst ths Bank of England did not JflHadvancs tbs discount rate oversttadowsd sJi - jHother considerations. MttssH

Tbs proportion of ths bank's reterts to. Usv '.PHbilltiesis.aa.E0 per cent, which is unusually :aiHstrong, snd this naturally induces ths hops .tOHtbat London will send us mors gold In ths near itHfuture. ' sHAt it is, ths monetary timsuon Is greatly Im-- tmmWproved, end this (mperuiconlld.aoee. Call loans ;tjHwere down sa. low aa tMf per cent, before noosi .iaHsnd tne demand wss limited, st tbst MHTbers being no nejw faUoresth bsjlst&ongs flHt good opportunity ta go gunning for the) TJjSH

shorts, and they pqt Hoot Island np trass. 'vtH63 to TO, Lata bhore front Usjf-aP-

to 106, New Tork 'central froratT to J .Paul trots tSM ts sbd union PhMo ' Hfrom M to 49. Lackawanna got back ts ISW... yimmm

Foreign sxebsngs IsPrmer, snd there syasr t I'SmMmuch bitter mar kit Idf bills.rTbe directors ot thS qslaksUver Mining MssWgfHpany bave declared a dividend of AH per tuviimmmmon the preferred stock. ,'jnssssH

Ko ciesring-Houi- e certificates wets tsqijHlor tj IM bsnU y. " SH

Ths Quotations. Lsssssl

AnarUea Oc4. Ottsraf., Mj., Ugu 9&J?mmmiV '&$& "-- ?? W n&sassai8SltJpiklstSij'.'..";,'::r!;;:'.' IsS iA rjM-'T-

ykieMaOMjTiisS.w ,.... t&H Hlf SSvssssssIISiS Wi Ma ' iJsssssfl

ilMifertiii'::::::: 'r.utuE.".v.v.V.u p K PLBou,oi..Cuu.t.L."-"t- ' W EM ly'A'Saasanl

Ul.T., Oie.. Chlf. Hi ssSBsl

vet", a4- - h tv 'ITS' in m! !ssssssl

lUasSsUsaUat. "..- - ,tt ,'fsassalLsXisiue...u ifJK 'rr., 'ffS itssssslLake atMs Wa.ur. .....'. II 1IM ''HLake stn Wastsra pW tTKSHsssICeevlluiaiNa.hvUM.. HC fit lstHMsakMUaOosMcd Sid MM H

StwQ.nUalOoal... ,..,, S 8 MSJasjss

ii. t., itNi, swi.piit... m7 117. r :nssslNoTthsra Pa 1VM $K HX SHNartbaln rsnlspisl.. 60M SUM SSX L5sSSSSslNsrth Aamcu JIM list ''M'tSSSslOrssran lnirotMn.Q.. liM li ISM ijMmmMiiiHossunUH is., ifM

SIK !H VsTaSJJfJJJJpffiidsiiKi'flw.'....:.. mk .fixpsdlBaa PalsM Oaar Oo tTlU ITiU flmMBU Vaol A Unaha. H tH tiS rlsasssslBU P.. MUM. Manitoba. SS V 6ft

ftumtincaue 1U4M l'W li ftMMBoothainPaclllo.'.... i W i'JassslItiululBsrUsT.tac Sj

Rffi:::::::ur.::r. & gLfr-- B

trSarlter..:::: 5fu --MSt3B.mfiS::r.r::.:

1Mm p :SWUmUss Laka at. pld SS SM tHA lull seoount ol Wall stnst sflalrsvrUlbs iLH

fosad in U BporUng Extra. i'Mmm

STARE HUNGER IN THE FACE. HThrM TboBsami dark Tbreid Mill t IH

plojees iDdeflnitely Locked Oat. IBsrrciii. to Tsui xvxxnra wobjjj.J TJsjnwJ

NBWARi, Dec. IL -- Officials ot tbs CUraT. iYMThread Mills st Newark snd Kearny. cpRJN. J., retnaed tbls morning to ssy any-- Hthing whatever regarding tne lookout tHor tblrt,000 employees. The smnloyees who JpJJwere seen by sn EvxNtHO Woxtp reporter JNJJplace little reliance upon th statement In ths RHflnotice to tbem that tbe milts wero closed till tipflJan. t for cleaning upand repairs. Tbeywers '.IRNJouupoken In their belief tbat the suspension ot '.Jlwork would continue tUl the dlffleultles srttnSupt Walmaley were adjusted, snd no ons .&

could guess when tbst would be, rtVjAccording to tbe workmen's statement, th 3$l

trouble originated a week sgp, when Walnulej $Msummarily discharged forty union spinners. ;MTbespmnew who sro tbe only orgsuised n ;ployeea, struck on tala account, and the look-- Mwout ot all bands haa followed. --


There are now Idle ISO 850 cop. Afwinders, so twisters, more than too spoolers. !mbeside printers, boxmakers, carpenters. jdjMMpainters, maohlnlsta and other meohanlca. In YtMall there are a trifle over 8, "00, luoludlng tbs JB10 striking spinners and tbelr SOI asslsunts. kVBJJ

Tbere are over 1,800 girls in the number. jM


Quick: Work Prevents e, Disaster la 3MJersey City. B

An explosion occurred In the firewotkt fa S"M

tory ot Uettwiller A Stroete, at West Side sve-- Jlnue and Pialnvllie, Jersey City, sboul uooi

There was much excitement among 9the employees at tlrat, aud It waa supposed "mthat several were Ullod. VJ

lire irame'llstely broke out sg the buUdleg. ,

bet by the quick and well directs I work of tbt A

emjloreesand the Plre Depariineut, the cqru. ,

busilbles were nesrly all removed from tht 'ybuilding and the flsraes extinguished. JV

The loss by lite will not exceed 11,000. N Jone was Injured. ,J

Local News In Brief.Tbs old dock ol ths City llall wss put In opsre, J

lion m.IqJo..ph Mils wss s.ataiiCMl hj Juds Baa Z

llil lu lour jtaars id ins rtnliutur; ler saasineounieil.il atlf qusit.rs. v

Ton e .mpUiioo Imsrovtd by aae ef OAkTUftIsttus Utai rtLU. V U