jio i ocala evening star - university of...

t 4- t f e JIo A 1- I I OCALA EVENING STAR Volume 14 Number 158 OCALA FLORIDA TUESDAY DECEMBER 1 1908 Filly Cents a Month 55 a Year TilE FLORIDA FRUIT AND TRUCK GROWER Established 1903 OCALA FLORIDA- L J BRUMBY Publisher > rubscripUon per year 100 Single Copies lOc At News Stands Generally Throughout the State NOVEMBER NUMBER NOW ON SALE Fred G B y WEIHET- HE JEWELER AND OPTICIAN We Have One of the Largest Most New ami Complete Stocks o WATCHES RINGS PINS EMBLEM PINS CHAINS FOBS HAIR ORNAMENTS ETC ETC JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS That Has Ever seen Shown In This City In Cut Glass Fine China Sterling- and Plated Silverware Souvenir Postal Cards Clocks Etc we Do Not Acknowledge a Bettct Stock in This Section ALL KINDS OF N I H 5 REPAIRING DONE SOUTH SIDE OF SQUARE W C BLANCHARD CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Plans furnished- on application 46 Ocala Fla 4Box Y OGALA PRESSING CLUB J J FORT Proprietor Rates reasonable All goods Pressed and Cleaned on Short No- tice ¬ and Delivered Promptly All transient work not called for ir 3C days Vii he sold for charges ICEB- est Quality I Prompt Service- Lowest J Price Buy from the I BLUE WAGONSOC- ALA ICE AND PACKING CO MEFFERT TAYLOR Phone 34 L ALEXAN D ER Practical CARPENTER AND BUILDER Careful estimates made on all I contract work Gives more and better work for the money than I any other contractor in town I i RUTH DRY ANS ROMANCE i The Daughter of the Commoner After j Wedding Against Her Parents t i Wishes Now Seeks a Divorce i Washington D C Der 1A Lin con Xeb dispatch to the Post says An emissary of William J Bryan is I now on his way to Fralllhe may bt there by this time for the purpose of j seeing Mr Bryans soninlaw in re I gard to a divorce suit about to be brought by Ruth Bryan Leavitt The j object it is said is to agree upon a setth ment I Mrs William Horn r Leavitt has es- tablished ¬ I a residence in Colorado for the purpose it is understood of bring- ing ¬ I a divorce suit under the liberal laws of that state It is not merely a paper residence Mrs Leavitt spends probably twothirds of her I time in the state the remainder being t spent with her parents at Lincoln The divorce suit which she is about I tn bring marks the end of an inter- esting ¬ roiname if by romance is I meant a marriage where the girl de- fies ¬ the wishes of her parents l Ruth Bryan was a selfwilled beau- tiful ¬ and probably foolish girl of 17 An artist named Leavitt came toMin- coln to paint her fathers portrait He was twice her age and more near ¬ ly the age of her father but good looking clever and dashing Ruth was the most popular and brilliant pu- pil ¬ 1 in the college at Lincoln She had an enviable reputation us an after dinner speaker and her essays gave promise of a great future though her foot was on the bottom rung of the freshman class Leavitt had traveled over the world and brought to the quiet home in Lin ¬ coln a report of what was to be seen in his towns It opened a new world- to Ruth Bryan and she announced her determination to starry him Wedded on Eighteenth Birthday- Mr Bryan who with all his ideal- ism ¬ shrinks from a close application of it and is practical enough at heart warned his daughter against the mar ¬ riage and lid all he could to prevent it So did Mrs Bryan But Ruth was too selfwilled to permit of inter- ference j She had to wait for her eighteenth birthday because her fath- er ¬ and mother had legal control of her up to that tinge but on that very day she was married I Then the illstarred married life be- gan I Leavitt it is said had no mon ¬ ey but that was a defect the Bryans might have remedied but for the in- eradicable ¬ effects of his temperament- He is declared to have acquired hope- lessly ¬ the Bohemian idea He drag- ged ¬ his sweet young wife through Den- ver ¬ hashhouses it is asserted when I he could as well hate dined her at I good hotels At last the glamour wore off and she left hint- s year ago W J Bryan found that his two grandchildren Bryan and Ruth were tiring in comparative slut lor in poor sections of Denver and I he went there a lid rescued them and their mother The outcome was the Colorado residence and the suit for divorce t Leavitt has been living in Paris alii this time A while ago he was the al- leged ¬ nearvictim of an attempted murder and the reports brought across the Atlantic have no indication of Un- reason for the assault Ruth Leavitt is as sweet a girl as I lever port celebrated She is 24 now I but she does not look a day over 17 j and the presence ot two children one i of 4 and the otter of C seems almost incredible Her mouth i < a little wide and that is the only defect in her face but that mouth is so sweet and sensi- tive j that it seems to lend an additional beauty to her countenance Her color- is I delicate and tine and her features lovely I She is so uqick and witty that her I cleverness is a proverb west of the I Missouri The Republican matrons of I Nebraska delight to boom leer even j thought their partisanship compels them to stand out stanchly against her father Leavitt Denies the Divorce Story I Paris Dec 1 W II Leavitt whose wife is the daughter uf William Jen- nings ¬ I Bryan announces that there is I no truth in the statement that divorce i proceedings were pending I My wife he sai1 has never even j hinted at such a thing either in her letters or verbally- At I Work on a Great Picture I Paris Dec lTh Societe des Beaux Arts is arranging elaborate col ¬ lection of canvases by its members to be sent to America early in 1909 for I exhibition at the principal cities W H Leavitt William Jennings I Bryans soninlaw has been asked to act as the American representative of the society Mr Leavitt who is en- gaged j in the completion of a large I I painting The Last Supper for which prominent prelates and artists posed has not yet accepted Says He Is Going Back to His Wife I Mr Leavitt has announced that h l intends to resume residence with his wife at Denver ao soon as he finishes I this painting I CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED j WITH LOCAL APPLICATIONS a they cannot raeh the seat of the Its ase Catarrh is a blood or constitu- tional i disease and in order to cure it- rou must take internal remediesHalls Catarrh mire is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous- i surfaces Halls Catarrh Cure is not I I a quack medicine It was prescribed I by one of the best physicians In thl I country for years and is a regular I prescription It is comoosed of the i best tonics known combined with the jbest blood purifiers acting directly on the mucous surfaces The perfect I combination of the two ingredients is i what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh Send for testimo- nials ¬ r free- F J Cheney Co Props Toledo O Sold by druggists price 75c Take i Halls Family Pills for constipation j ITALIANS ENRAGED AGAINST AUSTRIANS Rome Dec 1about 0000 people athered yesterday in a mass meeting I held for the purpose of expressing di I approvnl against the attitude of Aus- tria ¬ Three deputies delivered violent speeches denouncing the Austrian policy IF YOU KNEW The merits of the Texas Wonder you I Would never suffer from kidney blad- der ¬ or rheumatic trouble 1 bottle two months treatment Sold by druggists or by mail Send for testimonials Dr E W Hall 2026 Olive street St Louis Missouri- WHOLESALE j INDICTMENT I OF NIGHT RIDERS I Inion City Tenn Dec Nineteen indictments charging implication in lynching of apt Quentin Rankin the Trenton attorney who was hanged and shot to death at Walnut Log a month ago by a band of socalled night rid- ers ¬ acre returned yesterday by the 1 grand jury which immediately follow ¬ I ing the killing of Capt Rankin began I investigation of the recent night rider I raids in the Reel Foot Lake vicinity Indictments against thirtyone oth ¬ ers have been prepared ON THECORNERV- isit I r our new store It is modern and uptodate and j some say as pretty as can be I j Some of our IIQW goods are in IDRIED APPLES 15 DRIED APRICOTS 15 DRIED PEACHES 15c two for 25 DRIED PRUNES 15c two for 25 j NEW MACKEREL 10 I FRESH ASSORTMENT CAKES AND CRACKERS I N I Try our famous Hudmits Pearl i Grits and Mealwhite as snow i I CRANBERRIES Two QUARTS 25c i O K GfOCefY i i Clark Bros ProprietorsP- HONE I = 175 Save Money I O- NSchool Supplies 300 page pencil tablets 4c 400 page pencil tablets 5c 124 page ink tablets 4e 120 page bond tablets 8ci Standard makes of lead pencils 3C A good lead pencil for Jc All of the above are of the best quality and it will only take a look from you to convince you that you can buy the same fog less AT The Variety Store j HOME PENNANTS HOISTED i Battleship Fleet Left Manila Today on I the Last Half of the Round theWorld Cruise Manila Dec 1Pith the departure r from Manila today of the American I battleship fleet under the command of vessels able aroumltheworld voyage turn I their prows definitely for home waters i They have been gone from Hampton I Roads nearly a year I If the record established up to the I present time is maintained the fleet will return home without serious ac- cident I or mishap of any kind Its I progress has been watched by foreign governments with deep interest I The officers and men of the fleet on this globencircling trip have been t lavishly enteitained at every port they I touched In Australian waters the Americans were greeted by men of th ir own rae in Japan and China they saw the splendors of the Orient l arid in the Mediterranean Southern Europeans will turn out to do them I hoior I After clearing Manila Day time six- teen ¬ battleships will head for Colom- bo ¬ Nylon where tiny are due in two I weeks They will stay there for six I days and thn proceed to Suez with- out ¬ I stopping They are due at the southern entrance of the Suez canal on Jan o and after leaving Port Said I at the northern entrance where coal is to be taken on board the vessels will I divide into squadrons and make a I series of calls at various Mediterran- ean I points I In this manner the American ships will show at Athens Tripoli Ville I France Marseilles Genoa Leghorn Malta Naples and Algiers cording to the present schedule the entire fleet will leave Gibraltar on Feb 6 for eith- er Hampton Roads or New York The I vessels are due in Hampton Roads or New York Feb 22 When the fleet reaches the United States it will have traversed since it left Hampton Roads 12227 miles HAD A CLOSE CALL Mrs Ada L Crown the widely known proprietor of the Croom Hotel Vaughn Miss says For several months I suffer d with a severe cough I and consumption seemed to have its grip on me when a friend neomimnd- i I Pr Kings New Discovery I began taking it and three bottles affected a I complete cure The fame of this life- saving I couch and cold remedy and I lung and threat healer is world wide Sold at all drug stores Fifty cents I and SIOO Trial bottles free ANOTHER GRAND RASCAL SENT TO THE PEN I The Big Thieves are Not as Safe as I They Used to Be Pitsburg Dec 11Ciliianl Mont i gi nev former ta hier of the able l gh ny National Bank which failed for i jo 1000001 some time ago was I sentenced U serve fifteen years in the peiiit ntiaiy yi st rday by Judge James I fi Young f the tnited States court Montiromer was sentenced upon I tO indietments charging him with the enliejenent amid abstraction of over 41tIIJfI DONT BE HOPELESS About youself when you are crippled with rheunati or stiff jointsof c ure sure tried lots of things and they failed Try Ballards Snow Lini ¬ mmit will dnve away all aches pains and stiffness and leave you as well rs you ever AntiMonopoly Drugstore ALABAMA NIGHT RIDERS BURN NEGRO CHURCHES I Tuscaoiea Ala Dee lXtws has been received lure of the burning of I a nero church six miles from here b night riilrs This is the third hurcil I that has lwtn burned within a radius Iof three miles during six weeks It i 5 < saul tie riders are white men So serious has the situation become that citizens are considering the advisa- bility ¬ of asking Gov Comer to ins I titrate j MRS McRANEYS EXPERIENCE Mr M MRaney Prenti Miss writes 1 was confirmed to my bed- fur thne months with kidney and i bladder trouble and was treated by two physicians but failed to get relief No human tongue can tell how I suf- fered and I had given up hope of ever getting well until I began taking Fo ilys Kidney Remedy After taking- two bottles I felt like a now person and feel it my duty to tell suffering women what Follys Kidn y Remedy did for me Sold by all druggists PICKARDS CHINA- Mr A E Burnett is showing a mag ¬ nificent stock of Pickards beautiful handpainted china this season He has sold a great deal of the pretty ware and it is being greatly admird bj the lovers of the really beautiful OYSTERSiAN- Y STYLE SHORT NOTIC- EKEATING3S CA- FEOYSTERS R D FULLER DENTAL SURGEON Office Over Munroe Chambliss Bank OCALA FLORIDA TERMS CASH- L F BLALOCK Dental SurgeonO- ffice Over Commercial Bank Phone 211 Office Hours8 to 12 a m1 to 5 pm TERMS CASH- J CHACE ENTAL SURGEON V I Rooms 9 10 and II Second Floor Holder Block I OCALA FLORIDA t TERMS CASH Charles D Hulbert M D Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon Office Srcc mid Floor The Munroe and Chambliis Bank Building Ocala Florida Telephones Office 134 Residence 45 Office Hours 912 a m 24 p in 730SCO p m C J PHILLIPS Contractor and Builder Plans and Specifications Furnished Upon Request 129 South fHrdSt Ocala Fla Phone 30 I BONER MAcKAY I FUNERAL DIRECTORS Undertakers and Embalmers- D E MciVER ALFRED E OWEN Undertakers Fine Caskets and Burial Robes- All Work Done by Licensed Em- balmers ¬ and Fully Guaranteed FALL AND WINTE- RTAiLORIN1 I i I HAVE MY FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF PIECE GOODS- An elegant exclusive line and will be pleased to show you the gcods and t make your fall or winter suit or trous i ers You dont have to wait Pick out- I your goods and the suit is made and fitted at once and guaranteed as to workmanship fit and quality of goods- I also have an elegant line of sam ¬ ples so that you are sure of fining what you want Respectfully Jerry Burnett The Exclusive Tailor Burnett Building Fort King Avenue

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Page 1: JIo I OCALA EVENING STAR - University of · II OCALA EVENING STAR ... brought by Ruth Bryan Leavitt The j object it is




A 1-


I OCALA EVENING STARVolume 14 Number 158 OCALA FLORIDA TUESDAY DECEMBER 1 1908 Filly Cents a Month 55 a Year



Established 1903


> rubscripUon per year 100

Single Copies lOc

At News Stands Generally

Throughout the State





We Have One of the LargestMost New ami Complete Stocks o




That Has Ever seen Shown In ThisCity

In Cut Glass Fine China Sterling-and Plated Silverware SouvenirPostal Cards Clocks Etc weDo Not Acknowledge a BettctStock in This Section







Plans furnished-on application

46 Ocala Fla4Box Y


Rates reasonable All goodsPressed and Cleaned on Short No-tice


and Delivered Promptly Alltransient work not called for ir 3Cdays Vii he sold for charges


est Quality I

Prompt Service-Lowest


PriceBuy from the





Phone 34

L ALEXAN D ERPractical


Careful estimates made on allI

contract work Gives more andbetter work for the money than I

any other contractor in town




The Daughter of the Commoner Afterj Wedding Against Her Parentst

i Wishes Now Seeks a Divorce

i Washington D C Der 1A Lincon Xeb dispatch to the Post saysAn emissary of William J Bryan is

I now on his way to Fralllhe may btthere by this time for the purpose of

j seeing Mr Bryans soninlaw in reI gard to a divorce suit about to bebrought by Ruth Bryan Leavitt The

j object it is said is to agree upon asetth ment

I Mrs William Horn r Leavitt has es-


I a residence in Colorado forthe purpose it is understood of bring-ing


I a divorce suit under the liberallaws of that state It is not merelya paper residence Mrs Leavittspends probably twothirds of her

I time in the state the remainder beingt spent with her parents at Lincoln

The divorce suit which she is aboutI tn bring marks the end of an inter-esting


roiname if by romance isI meant a marriage where the girl de-


the wishes of her parentsl Ruth Bryan was a selfwilled beau-tiful


and probably foolish girl of 17An artist named Leavitt came toMin-coln to paint her fathers portraitHe was twice her age and more near ¬

ly the age of her father but goodlooking clever and dashing Ruthwas the most popular and brilliant pu-



in the college at Lincoln She hadan enviable reputation us an afterdinner speaker and her essays gavepromise of a great future though herfoot was on the bottom rung of thefreshman class

Leavitt had traveled over the worldand brought to the quiet home in Lin ¬

coln a report of what was to be seenin his towns It opened a new world-to Ruth Bryan and she announced herdetermination to starry him

Wedded on Eighteenth Birthday-

Mr Bryan who with all his ideal-ism


shrinks from a close applicationof it and is practical enough at heartwarned his daughter against the mar ¬

riage and lid all he could to preventit So did Mrs Bryan But Ruthwas too selfwilled to permit of inter-ferencej She had to wait for hereighteenth birthday because her fath-er


and mother had legal control of herup to that tinge but on that very dayshe was married I

Then the illstarred married life be-


Leavitt it is said had no mon ¬

ey but that was a defect the Bryansmight have remedied but for the in-


effects of his temperament-He is declared to have acquired hope-lessly


the Bohemian idea He drag-ged


his sweet young wife through Den-ver


hashhouses it is asserted when I

he could as well hate dined her atI good hotels At last the glamour woreoff and she left hint-

s year ago W J Bryan found thathis two grandchildren Bryan andRuth were tiring in comparative slutlor in poor sections of Denver andI

he went there a lid rescued them andtheir mother The outcome was theColorado residence and the suit fordivorcet Leavitt has been living in Paris aliithis time A while ago he was the al-


nearvictim of an attemptedmurder and the reports brought acrossthe Atlantic have no indication of Un-reason for the assault

Ruth Leavitt is as sweet a girl as I

lever port celebrated She is 24 now I

but she does not look a day over 17 j

and the presence ot two children onei

of 4 and the otter of C seems almostincredible Her mouth i < a little wideand that is the only defect in her facebut that mouth is so sweet and sensi-tive


that it seems to lend an additionalbeauty to her countenance Her color-is


delicate and tine and her featureslovely I

She is so uqick and witty that her I

cleverness is a proverb west of the I

Missouri The Republican matrons of I

Nebraska delight to boom leer even j

thought their partisanship compelsthem to stand out stanchly against herfather

Leavitt Denies the Divorce Story I

Paris Dec 1 W II Leavitt whosewife is the daughter uf William Jen-nings

¬ I

Bryan announces that there isI

no truth in the statement that divorce i

proceedings were pending I

My wife he sai1 has never even j

hinted at such a thing either in herletters or verbally-


Work on a Great PictureI

Paris Dec lTh Societe desBeaux Arts is arranging elaborate col ¬

lection of canvases by its members tobe sent to America early in 1909 for I

exhibition at the principal citiesW H Leavitt William Jennings I

Bryans soninlaw has been asked toact as the American representative ofthe society Mr Leavitt who is en-


in the completion of a large IIpainting The Last Supper for which

prominent prelates and artists posedhas not yet acceptedSays He Is Going Back to His Wife I

Mr Leavitt has announced that h l

intends to resume residence with hiswife at Denver ao soon as he finishes I

this painting



WITH LOCAL APPLICATIONS athey cannot raeh the seat of the Itsase Catarrh is a blood or constitu-


disease and in order to cure it-

rou must take internal remediesHallsCatarrh mire is taken internally andacts directly on the blood and mucous-

i surfaces Halls Catarrh Cure is not I

I a quack medicine It was prescribedI by one of the best physicians In thlI country for years and is a regularI prescription It is comoosed of the


best tonics known combined with thejbest blood purifiers acting directly onthe mucous surfaces The perfect

I combination of the two ingredients isi what produces such wonderful results

in curing Catarrh Send for testimo-nials


free-F J Cheney Co Props Toledo OSold by druggists price 75c Take

i Halls Family Pills for constipation j


Rome Dec 1about 0000 peopleathered yesterday in a mass meeting

I held for the purpose of expressing diI approvnl against the attitude of Aus-tria


Three deputies delivered violentspeeches denouncing the Austrianpolicy

IF YOU KNEWThe merits of the Texas Wonder you


Would never suffer from kidney blad-der


or rheumatic trouble 1 bottle twomonths treatment Sold by druggistsor by mail Send for testimonials DrE W Hall 2026 Olive street StLouis Missouri-




I Inion City Tenn Dec Nineteenindictments charging implication inlynching of apt Quentin Rankin theTrenton attorney who was hanged andshot to death at Walnut Log a monthago by a band of socalled night rid-ers


acre returned yesterday by the1

grand jury which immediately follow ¬I

ing the killing of Capt Rankin began I

investigation of the recent night riderI raids in the Reel Foot Lake vicinity

Indictments against thirtyone oth ¬

ers have been prepared





our new store It ismodern and uptodate and j

some say as pretty as can beI

j Some of our IIQW goods are inIDRIED APPLES 15DRIED APRICOTS 15DRIED PEACHES 15c two for 25DRIED PRUNES 15c two for 25





Try our famous Hudmits Pearl i

Grits and Mealwhite as snow i




O K GfOCefYi


Clark Bros ProprietorsP-HONE



Save Money I



Supplies300 page pencil tablets 4c400 page pencil tablets 5c124 page ink tablets 4e120 page bond tablets 8ciStandard makes of lead

pencils 3CA good lead pencil for Jc

All of the above are of the bestquality and it will only take a lookfrom you to convince you that you canbuy the same fog less


The VarietyStore j


Battleship Fleet Left Manila Today onI

the Last Half of the Round

theWorld Cruise

Manila Dec 1Pith the departure r

from Manila today of the American I

battleship fleet under the command ofvesselsable aroumltheworld voyage turn I

their prows definitely for home waters iThey have been gone from Hampton I

Roads nearly a year I

If the record established up to the I

present time is maintained the fleetwill return home without serious ac-


or mishap of any kind Its I

progress has been watched by foreigngovernments with deep interest I

The officers and men of the fleet onthis globencircling trip have been t

lavishly enteitained at every port they I

touched In Australian waters theAmericans were greeted by men ofth ir own rae in Japan and Chinathey saw the splendors of the Orient larid in the Mediterranean SouthernEuropeans will turn out to do them I

hoior I

After clearing Manila Day time six-teen


battleships will head for Colom-bo


Nylon where tiny are due in two I

weeks They will stay there for six I

days and thn proceed to Suez with-out


stopping They are due at thesouthern entrance of the Suez canal onJan o and after leaving Port Said I

at the northern entrance where coal isto be taken on board the vessels will I

divide into squadrons and make a I

series of calls at various Mediterran-ean


points I

In this manner the American shipswill show at Athens Tripoli Ville I

France Marseilles Genoa LeghornMalta Naples and Algiers cordingto the present schedule the entire fleetwill leave Gibraltar on Feb 6 for eith-er Hampton Roads or New York The I

vessels are due in Hampton Roads orNew York Feb 22

When the fleet reaches the UnitedStates it will have traversed since itleft Hampton Roads 12227 miles


Mrs Ada L Crown the widelyknown proprietor of the Croom HotelVaughn Miss says For severalmonths I suffer d with a severe cough I

and consumption seemed to have itsgrip on me when a friend neomimnd-i


Pr Kings New Discovery I begantaking it and three bottles affected a I

complete cure The fame of this life-saving


couch and cold remedy andIlung and threat healer is world wide

Sold at all drug stores Fifty centsI

and SIOO Trial bottles free



The Big Thieves are Not as Safe as I

They Used to BePitsburg Dec 11Ciliianl Mont i

gi nev former ta hier of the able lgh ny National Bank which failed for i

jo 1000001 some time ago was I

sentenced U serve fifteen years in thepeiiit ntiaiy yi st rday by Judge James I

fi Young f the tnited States courtMontiromer was sentenced upon I

tO indietments charging him with theenliejenent amid abstraction of over


DONT BE HOPELESSAbout youself when you are crippledwith rheunati or stiff jointsofc ure sure tried lots of things andthey failed Try Ballards Snow Lini ¬

mmit will dnve away all achespains and stiffness and leave you aswell rs you everAntiMonopoly DrugstoreALABAMA NIGHT RIDERS


Tuscaoiea Ala Dee lXtws hasbeen received lure of the burning of

I a nero church six miles from here bnight riilrs This is the third hurcil


that has lwtn burned within a radiusIof three miles during six weeks Iti

5 < saul tie riders are white men Soserious has the situation become thatcitizens are considering the advisa-bility


of asking Gov Comer to insI titratej


Mr M MRaney Prenti Misswrites 1 was confirmed to my bed-fur thne months with kidney and

i bladder trouble and was treated bytwo physicians but failed to get reliefNo human tongue can tell how I suf-fered and I had given up hope of evergetting well until I began taking Fo

ilys Kidney Remedy After taking-two bottles I felt like a now personand feel it my duty to tell sufferingwomen what Follys Kidn y Remedydid for me Sold by all druggists

PICKARDS CHINA-Mr A E Burnett is showing a mag ¬

nificent stock of Pickards beautifulhandpainted china this season Hehas sold a great deal of the prettyware and it is being greatly admirdbj the lovers of the really beautiful






Office Over Munroe ChamblissBank


L F BLALOCKDental SurgeonO-

ffice Over Commercial BankPhone 211

Office Hours8 to 12 a m1 to 5 pmTERMS CASH-


Rooms 9 10 and IISecond Floor Holder Block I



Charles D Hulbert M D

Homeopathic Physicianand Surgeon

Office Srcc mid Floor The Munroe andChambliis Bank Building Ocala

FloridaTelephones Office 134 Residence 45

Office Hours912 a m 24 p in 730SCO p m

C J PHILLIPSContractor and Builder

Plans and Specifications FurnishedUpon Request

129 South fHrdStOcala Fla Phone 30 I



Undertakers and Embalmers-D E MciVER ALFRED E OWEN


Fine Caskets and Burial Robes-

All Work Done by Licensed Em-balmers


and Fully Guaranteed




An elegant exclusive line and will bepleased to show you the gcods and

t make your fall or winter suit or trousi ers You dont have to wait Pick out-I your goods and the suit is made andfitted at once and guaranteed as toworkmanship fit and quality of goods-

I also have an elegant line of sam ¬

ples so that you are sure of finingwhat you want Respectfully

Jerry BurnettThe Exclusive Tailor Burnett Building

Fort King Avenue