jj:.£jo i.aveni hagaitvun mem. - library east havon, sasl ... · connkcticut, tl-iur.sd.'w....

ii-,.r**="»:-\.V>-0-((--V'*'''^'*~'-*^'' i.'<n<i^'»'-l'4-^'-"-*'-P'-'' JJ:.£JO i.aveni Hagaitvun Mem. - Library East Havon, Conn. 5-4 An liidependciil Weclily Newspaper Sasl Nftos Oui' Telephone Numbers Kditorial: IlObarl 7-5811 Business: Alwalcr 8-W»l Vol. IX — NO. 35 puui«h,d w..ii» !.» ri" P"" f"5]"»""i'' i"'- Y»ailv S;tli\trloliO!i ^?.5H r.AST MAV1:'.N CONNKCTICUT, Tl-IUR.SD.'W. NOVEMBER II. \^SA 6 Ccnia A Copy $2.50 A Year Early Mooilng Of Parking Authority Is Promised Oiillio Up and Up 1h" fiif.i official meciing of Iho r\ul<lni; Aulliurlty, nnd appoiin- iii'Mil ir( il.s fivi' monil)ers lo def- Iriiif icrjiis of offii'e wiirf pro'ni- i'.'.'d f(jr ilif vpi-y near fuuire hy First SiMi'i'liiian Frnnlt Clancy. 'rh*> lown cliief salri lie woiiltl havi' .folin Kmi'Izn,'iicilng chair- iiiaii, convpiie tlie authority a-i yjioti a.s poKslhle. I^lve memljors )m\f lifen naniPd lull tlieir terms r.f affir'p itavr' not lipeii ilHsiRnalpU. Rir.'hai-i "piilv, '".>n counsel aiuJ a metnln'r of Ihe aulltorlly I old Ihe Cluiinber of Commerce here 'I'uendoy nlehl thai Ihe new liody, oulhorlzed liy Ihe town meeting of Oetober 27, would have the very Imporlanl power of oon- (ieninalion and Its authority would supercede ull other lown planning egennies, RelUy said that Ihe authority v/ould have the power of purchas- ing, condemning or receiving land for off street parking purposes and would have the power to adminiEter these lots. D i&cu&se.s Financini; The matter of financing could be handled by several ninthnds;!) general obligation lionils, which v,'Ould come under the ten percent, bonding limit. 2) revenue bond.'i not under Ihe limit but harder lo market. 3) assignment of park Mrs. Flood "Covering" For NEWS Next Week 'Ihe editor of Ihe NKWS will lie on vnenlioti next week. Please send all puhliciiy iir-ins In r. O. llox am or onll Mrs. IMiylUs innod ul IK) --1541. Mrs. l-'lood will handle reporlor- ; tal usslKiimenls. I Archdiocftsan CYO Rally Inviles Local Groups Calholic Youth Organizations in East Haven have been inviteil lo i alteml the fourin Archdlncesan C.Y.O. Rally being held today in ! St. Joseph CaUiedial in Hartford j under the patronage of Ihe most Rev. Henry J. O'Brien, D. D., Archbishop of Hartford. The program opened with mass at K) a. m. in Ihe catheilral, by llie AreUliisliop, nnd a sermon, "Youlh in the Marian Ifear", by the Rt. Kev. Monsignor .loseph V.. Schieder.. . market. 3) assignment oi |JUII\- In'the afternoon a Calholic car- ing meter revenues lo Ihe author- eer conferenrie was held under llie ity's fund. Rev. Andrew Ansliro, C. P. found- While the method of linancing er and director of the conferen- v/ould be up'lo authoiTjation by a - -'"~ town meeting, RelUy .said, the dmpliest way would he by assign- ing parking meter revenues to the authority. ll,asl, • year, he said, parking meter revenues totaled about !i!4,r>Qn. Al present the mon- ey goe.s into the general fund. Half of the receiple.s- must go' lo the meter manufacturer unlil Ihey are paid for. Reilly also said that it was pos- sible for parking violation fines to he used, but explained thai the tludy Itniuit-lt revises ii uninli in llie liiblty ol the ll'.uh Kcliuol, oorlrayiii); llie results ol the nm- i;li7.ilie sullseri|)lioii soil's ciiinpiili^ii iu»w lii'lou i-.o uduclfit lor the benefit of .losepli I'". IMll.VO Me- morial Si'Iiolarship r'uiul. Tlii' tliciMuomi'ti'i's she \v Ihi' oerer'Uluui's ot tl.li'lf quolus llial Ihe several eliissi'S liuvi' sold. The sttlilritis lU'r- voluiileers an il uri' selling sllliserillliens t.o nil Ihe well known iiuiKa/.ines. -- .SyroiiMk-i.ueus .Sl.lMllo T>vo Men Arresledl For Fisl Fighl In Restaurant Sun. Two younij men, in Iheii early Iwenlie.s, were clmrged with breach of llie peace early .Sunday nioruint: fidlowiiig a ri>ported fist tiKhl in Vicky's neslaurniil, ul l.'i llemlni'way Ave, 'I'lie ehnrt'es were lodgeil ai;ainsl Diuuild llale.s, 21, ot '18 .Slion Ueucli Rd., nnd Alhert A. Mulii, 2-1, of 2!lli Popular SI., New Haven, Officer.s l.ouls Torcllo nnd .lohn l.eury filed Ihe chiirge.s ufler in- vest iguling. liules lohl police IhnI Mali) had .shoved his (Bule.s'l dale, u 21- year o»d girl, nnd thai ha had proiesieU. Mulo, who disnppenred from till' reslaurani when urrest- offleers arrived, turned up luii'i' al police'liendquartei'.s where he was liooked. Th Ni'w Iluvon man claims I hat M ' bucnme involved '^In the bi'awl .JIU'C It had slarti'd and he had Inieiveiied to hreak II up. I'eiio- Boychiik, suiiermimnry policeman, was one of ihe wit- nesses hut rppQried lie did not j^ee lie fight .SIan. lioih derendnnls were relea.sed muler .f.ari cash bond or the equiv- alruil. 'I'lie mnnaijomenl of Iho reslnu- laiil I'luimed IhnI, !f75 worth of furniuire and fiirni.shlngs were damaged In the flBht which look plai'o .shortly hefore ]Z:RO a. m. IiKliistrial Develop't Coinmiltee Set Up By Chamber Of Commerce 11 H The formnllon of an Industrial Oevelopmenl and Planning Cnm- inillee for Ihe purpose ot promoi-' Ing and encournRlng the Incnllon of more Industry In East Haven look plnco nl Ihe monthly meet- ing of Ihe En.sl Haven Chamber ol Commcrco Tuesday evening. The commllle will ho headed by Alexander Uornn, of 0;i Mnrtin Ud:, chnlrmnn of Hie Redevelopment ARency. Other membei-.i! ure Rich- .ird Reilly, lown counsel nnd at- torney; Elwood Scoble, former president of the Vocal Chamber; .(bhil Kmqizo, nclhig ehnlrman of the Parking Aulliorlly; nml Day- Inn Well, also n former presldnnl of the local Chnmber, Tile comndlte will .sividy plana "'"' '" ,'., , , lo help udverllse Eusl Iliiven as Iho Armistice nay ceremonies of „ pn,e,',tia|li,duslrlnl .site lor light past years.-Ids year Np.veml.0,11 i,,,,,,,,,,^^ ^,,,„,„ „,,„ „p„,iod In has heeii re-deslgnnled as Velerans ,„,,j^,. ,„ ,.^|,^,^ ^^^ hufdens on First Velerans ' Day Services Arc Observed Here Members and represciilnllves of Incnl velerans oigniiuntinns look pari ihls momlng In Veterans Day sendees which were con- dueled 111 Ihe two war memor- Inls on the Kusl Haven green. , Wreaths were ^placed on Ihe memorials nt 11 a.m. In ohserv- unce of Hie trndlllnniil hour ot oas ijiH-ti 1,"... ...11 -.- . Duy. II will he heneetorlh ohserved ns .such. Memhers of Hie 11 nny R. Bnrt- letl Post ail and Auxiliary, Amer- ican Uegion; Foxon Posi 175, American I.e«lon: AMVET Post !•! and Auxlllnly; DAV Chnpler orni-r m trut-*,:. ,..„, local H'Hldencea and property owners. , Among recommendnllons suh- inllled to the Chntnhcr nl Us meet- ing was one lo have a directory drnwn up Uslhig Hie virions busi- ness establlshmenlsot t'he Town / \ ses. The .'nflernoon program also Inchidcd n Marian Year pngeani by the-Mnrlford District Council of Calholic Youth. The Catholic Youlh Orgnniv.a- tlonal Clubs offer high school pu- pils opportunities for: I) organi- zational experience in eRlabilshlng and operating a club and Huts learning'the rclolion.ship of Indi- vidual to group. 2) religious in- slruQlions In the basic Irulbs of fallh and morals with emphasis on-.the .solution, of personal prob Beausoleit Asks Follow-Up Of Pilot Plan, Policed Code, liniin'itUUi- rovisinn of zoning mill buiUlint; nMUilnHoii.s so that they niX'' brought up to Mate nnd i-slHct polioln^; of these codes WHK recorivnientlod this week by D. Charles Beausnk'U, director of ilhe 'HoUovL'topmonl, Agency here. Fire Prevention (lOnlest Winners Are Announced (iairdcn Clul) To Meel In Library To lillect Officers fines are divided bi;l'ween the I','",'•""'.r." '.!" i"" i"" j • ' . 1, llpms. d) -social, development .Slate nnd. the -local town..- court. Hs, said he doubted lliat, there, -woilld be nnieh" (eft ..nft»r' cmirl cb'jitSvWere^-mel.-.:.'_•,..;_.J.;': ^.*:. •;,:,.' ..•In answer to a 'qutsliori' Reilly. said that..llie. fdrniulatloh'?b'f'''a town zoning plan huid no:nec86sary efle'ot on .'the !aut!iorlly,..and.rlls powers and pliins. ' '•.. • ' 'ifayored Assignment of Fande. •Dayton Weil, former president of the Camber, "recalled'' ;that the lo,cal business group had sup- ported Ihe Inslallntion of, the parking meters wllli the provision .that their revenues be used tor securing future offstreet facilities. At, present, -the meters, are un- der the authority ot the Board ot .Public Safely. The net receipts are considered part of the general indirect revenue, ' Kmetzo told, the Chamber that he had been advised by the mem- ber of another Parking Authority thai the Town would sooner. or laier have lo obtain .the service's of a traffic engineer before. U. could plan future' offstreel facili- ties. One point made by Reilly was that it would .be necessary for the Tov/n to pass an ordinance authorizing the siting and admin- istration of meters In offstreet •facilities. -' 1 EHHSliiniors To Sponsor 'Family Night'Nov. 19 Friday, Nov. 10 will be "Family Night" at Ihe High .School v/lien the families of High School, stu- dents are Invited lo "get acquaint- ed" at the annual affair sponsored by the junior class. Jessica Parlato and James Stree- lo are co-chairmen of a student's cornmlltee in diarge of plans tor the event. The "family night" pro- gram will be held in the school gym between llie hours of 7 p. m. and U p. ni. Wrlllen Invliallons will be sent to the families of Junior students arid a general invitation is being isued lo all families who have children attending the High School. through, parties, dances, etc., ^ un- dtii'-. proper sponsorship' and super vj.slp.n. ;4):,cuilurnh growth by par-' tlcipation 'in' literary;^" jdiirriWis'ttf," ['drnrnail'cal,', orntorical and '.musical jaclivitles.' 5)', reiireationai; conipe- tltlon in' al.hlellcs- on a'.'district, lirc.hdipce.san and regiohal basis under Ihe CVO code of- sports- ninnship. Redc'veloimienl . AKcney and . ils plans for retleveioping the Moin- auguin area, Beausoleil pointed out that this prbjecl. was "await- ing approval of. the town plan ^ ,...-. ^ y„(l ulso a commitment on- a Beausriieil also called for action sewor .- system for - the town. on a town pilot plan which has,-"Wilhoul lliese two projecls," he;. been in,|iroce!is since last year. jaid, "we., c^lnndl. coiii|d(>ie .oui' Tho, redpvelopaiont: rlir'^otor ali^i? f^u'ryey-:* Winners in llie unnual Fire I'l and Auxiliary; .«v wi..,,,., „„,, estnmisnmen,, „. ,„. ...... d3 ami the •Spanish Anioricun ^ ^„ , , „ „ , „ „ , , , rfnd lis War Veleruns were all Invlled lo f„gi|i||,,j, :, lalte part, The Clmmbcr also liemd a riK Prior in ihe ceremonies the ,,0^^ i,.„„^ KmHm nnd^RclUy re- pnrllcipallng veterans met ul the gaiillng. the! Parking Authority, post rooms of the Ihirry Darllctl vvi,|ch wa.H nlilhdrl-/ed rocfenlly by "'"' n town meeting nelloii; ? In other bUHlneas the board nc- cepled ll(c npiillcailon"for,member- ship ot Willinm Jiisper.s, 'ot 132 Prospect Rd. ' • I .,' Contrnct for Iho Insinjlatibli of Clirlslmnn ilecorntlons, .and llijhts on. Main St.. wns Hwnrdc'd; id ilia \-J Post on Thompson Ave. nnd mnrciied;'froiu there to the green for the • ceremonies. - On .Sunday liiese veterans nr- Tho ClnnkM, Club ot Fast > Ha- f'"'f»""';^ '""' l""'l'=lP«U.d In a ,., , . , fepeelnl Velerans Day sei'vlce at "'"""•' - 'on will meet on Wednesdny, nt , ,„ ,^i,, QI„„„ ri.nri^ii i:r:r "riu,,:";! r^"::;; '^™ "• - • >" '"*••»«— Mem.'"'L^^c^n"r"oier„ns Day, on.„ -.-^ .. hy lohn Fsnoslio nublicilv chair "•"'"' '''hrnry. Willi Mrs. Frnnk Comdr, Ernest Casligllohi, of the Tlnnri Electric Company, ..The maii'for llie Fxchnnee Club spon- l-n'"" Pi-Mldlng. . iWtletl Post, declared: "Let us IlRhlIng committee roporl.ed_-..|l.Bt sor „f 11 n„,,i,r •• • -.-. mnlic the first obscrvairee of Vet- the Installnllon will be rcndy.tor sor 01 Hie comesl. <i..hiin„ iho dnv nfliir Thntikiglv- l.alne presiding This win ho n combined Nov-I'""""-' IV" "V'^'ri'T'o . ,, , |ernns Duy In Ensl Haven on Democralic Women .. jPlah Thanksgiving Baskets For Needy Plans are being, made by the East Haven Democratic Women's Club for the .distribution of Thank.sglving baskets to needy families. Members are remlnilert to bring canned goods nnd food for the baskels al the next reg- ular meeling next Thursday eve- ning at 8 o'clock in the Town Hall basement; ' Plans for the annual Christmas .parly will be discussed and a'll members were urged to be i)res- enl. A social hour will follow llie meeting and refreshments will be served. ir of Ihii contest ^"'- "'" Instaliniion w.i. ,ui7 , .... »,- .... ir 01 IIU comtsi. , ••"•••-- ,, 1.11. „„, vm- lluhllnfi ihr dny nfin Thnnksg-v Ihe wlnn.is wcu anmmncd ns imbii DMimhri m.ellnL which ,„,,pi,„,„^ demoiisliallon oflng follows ^ , Is being hi Id laillir In ihi moulh 1 Aintrhanism Muke ibis first an 'hi offlclid rhnnkhglvlni! siiop Posur coiiUsI (Igblh undo btenusi of Iho o jiiuuyii Inunl obsiivaiier n minsuie of plnil siasnn will npi n pn Di (ember - ""> Al Ihi Octomr meeting u nom 1""' cominunlly s uppioilallon of 1 ' was .chp.s(nl""\ S'dUinl sacritlets of ull Amei WllUnm Mas- ' " ' I ' pnlilols who fought fib Parker Al Ameilea fiom Vallr y loii'o lo < '^1 rnrtn |lle|iilbii nk Uidt,i In Koii a l-yeai'.'s iHidgel 'focmaps n-fid print- l,iii,g. .','Are -'.we, going lo'have, to rwoil a.iiothpr .two year.s. in gel' tile liext Kiuije?" he asked. ,' The'rlir'eclor said that the'Vown [should, apply for u feiloi'ol gruni under,-Hie terms' of -.Ihe ;'lloiiBliig Aftl -which,,,he, siiid, iirbvidiw -Hie siini )Of,,'tive •'1711111011-' dnilni's - for igranla . ;lu.';-.slate-, redevelopment j.commissions -wliioh. .In turn, |.e- ;alloeute' Hie'-:inoney to loi.'ul ;plun- nihg • ageneies. /. BeauKoteli al.so called upon Ihr ITown In' "start, re-assi^.sslng Ihi town, how" to spare taxpayers the possibility lb the next few years -of being presented with " a big 'bill") for taxes. - Re-assessment should be done hdii(?slly and faii- ly in order that all might sburi equally in bearing the Town's lax burdens. On Friday, Beausoleil K|ioke lo classes , in Prtdlielns ot" Aiut.'riean I Democracy. at the Higli School j-.lii his oiillini' history of Hie lot il | oflzed by iliQ Barker . adniinisiru- libn ' ('Repiihllr?aii). which foiioWiJd. Rotarians Honor Pastor Of The Old Stone (Ihurch w„, ..layinond- IVJcpphn Mrs,' John,''Moran-and 'IVIrs. 'rinl-^ , ChnrliiB 'Alder- othy' O'Conniiil. The 'committee iriri „ . , i „ , .,. •„, ,, -,.',1, i-mnn,,' first;- hlnda- Ric'iinVds,,' se- will pre-gent a slate of officers Id lD51,.and,lhut surveys, \vereai,ih-|^_^^^^ Billy •ROsencnilsi,;ioel-Ciis. be electe<b at next week meeHng. High School Dramatists Featured In Mayo Fund Fashion-Food Show Tues. Ten High School siiulcn! worlthig under the direction ol .Toseph Hawiln. faculty' member-, will preswit a play cnliLled "A Day In the IJfe of Mr.s. Brad- shaw" as part ol a Fa;ihions and Food Shov/ to be given TupHday evening for the benefit or the .Tosepb F. Mnyo Seholar.'i.bip Fund. The show, wbieh, will feature Ihe perfornianee of ,lht-' High Sebnol Dramatie Clul), will he presenieri ai, S o'e'.oelt in i he RelionI auditorium. The theme of the prcRenlfllinn will be falchions and food.s in a new approach lo the old-fa.shlon- ed cooldng .soliool and fashloi) show fopmat. The players, will take the audience through a day iwith a t-ypiral family starting I with breakfast and" ean^ing. on ice IJepiiJtiiit'ni, or. ihe nnilcil lllimiluaiing Conipiuiy will con- (Hiet ti eookini', s'-boul as pml nl lli*» evening'.s prugriim. New Food Technhjur's TliOf,p utiemliiig will witness new ways to 'prepan' breakfasl-s Uinrheous nnd dinimrs. Sji(*eial id- lentlon will bt' given to lite prep aridioii ol 'riiank.vgivinu dinner with, new tlioughLs 'and ideas to dre^.K up thi.s traditional holidny feast. n(;lween the uel.s of the play by the sehotil drama group, 10 be u.seri to Illustrate and ronneej the various parts of the program, free refrexinnenls will he served to all and souvenirs ami samples will ,bf' dlMribuleii. • •. • / Sev(fr;il food'^ firms will f;ivp taf.^oh, Lois' Judgo, " and 'Beyerlj'! BrlMo, honorable • mention. ]'''•• •Kfihiiy Cahtefif,' * KIghih -grade.: WllllOm , P't''- flnit. prize; Cnren Nlchol.'!, 'Second; Loulae Kwanuff, Maurice,'Plondol- lit, Billy Barker, honorable men- don. ' . • - • ' • ; •'• Upper (livlfilon, Floseniory Bal- amo, first;. There.sa ,Capellaro, second; Marpla .Seymqur, Mary Ann iJiigan, Mai'ie Piscatelll, and .Sue Palmieri, honorablo''mention. First prizi? 'wlimer.s!- received ] he hospltQlHy committee will Inrludt Mrs lohn Moran ehuli mnn Mm lohn Crgumty Mis Ceoin Munson and Mis CluiM Wrltiil Mr*! Par|t« r Atwood will pi ovidc I he flower ul rangemt nt and Mi*i AUon J^i Oman will pif side al the t(Mi iabtt) •Mrii. Harry ,. Lewl.s, [jrogriiin einliman jiat plunpfd a Christ mas Lruh hag M< mbers are ask (d to lirlnj lleim for the rn'* huij, conKlRtlng ot flower contain- irs or ganlonlnK aldSi The. valuo First prize ' winners .J'^"'^'" -^ ' % ; „ -g,,, • „„s been set ; al fitly rountain pen nnd pencil, sets. The oi lui.u i other's received pens or pencils. cents. Biddy Raskelhall Gets Underway Here Directors And Governors Are Named I'lie Hoard of Governors of the liiildy Eu.skeibnII League of East Haven will meet agiiin Monday ivmirii! ill the lioiiie Of Sal Tin- 111 al i'l'i liurr .St., to'ciintiniie oi-j-ailizalion for the eoiiilhfl SI . i s o n . -• , All inlerr'sled adilils- are in- viied lo allend the .session. Jo ilaic. sponsors Itj-v. .laini-s K. Wa'Ty 'i'lic Hi.'V. .h'iiiK-s 1-:. Wai'i-y. pas- lor of 111'.' Old Sloni' Church, v.'as pre:.eiilc(l with a Iravelini^ i>ai', al a llllu-lifun of Hie l';:isl Haven Rotary today. It v/as a lioing a'- way gifl for Hie local iiiinistr'i- j Cdmmr-rce, : P(u F'lorlo, Derrlelt .Sehoenwald, VIncflnl nagliardj and Tiiomas 1'horpe. Offlwrn Officers of Hie league are; Dr. fieorge' ;.Stpponkiis, president, Ralpli Caslellnni, vice presldenl, .' h OeorBoKappidor, Ircosuier, and for ihiee Qnrge Wagner, •Recictary, ICup- leaiiis wilhin the league are a.s- p,.ie,., ireasurer, olid George ,Wag- suri'il, and other sponsors are ex- „-j.,,^ secrotai'y. ICaripele Is 'ihair- pecli'd to lend their supporl „,„„ of „,„ commlUee oii spnn- shortly. The as.socialit)n will need ^^^^.^ . al le:i.sl four learns to .operale_ a " 6n Tuesday, spverul officers at- (;rovc J. Tnllle IMuns Annual Fair Iht Giovi 1 Tut III PI A will hold lis Miiniinl fair 1'iiesday, No\ '2.'), from If) a. in. lo 'I p. ni. In tlii* school , Mrs. John I.imoncelii, ways nnd means c'hairmun. will be general rlialrinan of the fair, Mrs, ,1ohn De({nl1 Is Ihe i.'o-eliHli'innn and the following are on Hie cominlttif IliB Mrs. Albert Zompielln, James Arihur jTroltn, U. Meshanko, R IJirloilni Ralph DeMurlIno Chils fieliilci R Schneldii Phllli) Saunders Riiny Wilmcr Simon ri7cl rrtl Prdlag Wallace Pii- zik, Sam Cross. Albert, Jacob, A Guilt I a, Albert Raker, II,. Forte nnd Mrs. I'roto Vnrious Hems which will lie on sale Incliidu aprons, handkcrchlcr.s, sluffeil toys, candy, doll clothes, hukeil goods-, ceremlcs, leather goods, while eiefihnrtl' ^alp nnd Ijrab bags, and wnouglil lion ac- cessories Th Christmas Pair Commllle meets every Tuesday al the home of the chairman, Mrs. .Tohn IJm- Oncelli of 2!) Dwlght Place, from 1 lo 'I p m ' Adequate Supply Of Ptdio Aids Arc Avaihdile In Stale local ieugm', .which will be con- ducleil for boys from '.) to 12 years school. The evening's program will in- ^ " " "'ei.'vm.,. ..,„ - - .,„rt niher entertain- 'hrnugh the evening meal. cir^:esa;do..e..^nle.Udn orceram inay include a father and so^baske ball game and a mother fnd daugh.er VOU^V''^' „;°",^-\',„ ThU Is the .second year lor ine rH-='»-:r'r •', ir. know each other nnd don I gel to know ^""' ^^u^Hon time "r'arSt'-'sbe said. "AL.lain- 'a'd ge. ac'^ain-''." ^'^ ""'''" explained. Committee The Uev. William •CBrlen, pas- lor of Kt. Vincent de Paul Church; the , Uev. , .lame.'i K who will lenve bis |>i'esent post jold. Boys who liave not reached on Sunday, Nov. 21 lo boeome an j their l-'ltli birthday -before I^ov. a.s".;ndale e.xec'uUve secretary . of ifi are^ eligible- the national Board of Missions ol '' •••• ' " - - . wn the Congrefiatlonal Christ Ion eburche.s. Mr. Waei-y, who is a .member of the Rotary, also received from his fellow membRr."; an autograph book on-v/bieh were engraved the names of the local Rotarians. The Hfiv. 'Dr. David Beach, of the Center Church In New Haven, tended a iniMdlng of }.he dlstrlrl orgaiii/iitlon foi Blf]dy BasketU'lll la the Nov/ Jlaven Ui***u SporiHur'H Cofit A hreuK down of the first year's po.sl to ihe spon«iOi« of eadi team were leleusnd by Ihe local oi(;an- l74i1lon ' -—• '" VolunleersNeeded To Help Muscular Dystrophy Drive Nali't Iteeaiise at Hie In I ri asi ill ri port I It i asi s of polio lliriiiiKlioiil llio HIUII', Hill lie partiiH'lit or lleullh litis' Issllrd the lOiiov.'::;;; i.-iissiirliiK liifor- iniilliiiOi CnniiKliiul is ixpiihnclng ul this liiiu, ail unsiasonabh Increasi In Ihl Inildenri of poliomyelitis rill hiiti number of casib art not of Iho sevorii form" of the (llstasL wi hh might bi. uxpcckd ul Ihls lime or yeai If new cohes uiiouid happen to bo, of Hie seViio form tliere - is nii adequate supply of nieciianlc'ul. liids in tiio, .statt tor Ihu tiialmOil of sivcre polio inyeljlls lime Ull ovei 3Q icspliutors nl Hie "iron lime" lypo Ideated nl and owned hy hospitals through- out Hie state. In addition,Mho slate departinoni of health, owns four lesplralnih which are loaned 10 slialeglcully locnied hospiluibin the .stall' anil several lesplralois owned by the Nationnl FouiidutlUM for Infuntlle Puruiysls aie on pei- muiienl loan in huspllals. Many of liie hosplluls und all of the slate police bni-rneks • in the state" are supplied with chest lespliulnis either for emergency use In tiuns]ioiiliig imtlents oi foi Hie (iiie of pnlleiils who do not need Hie lion lung type of respirUtor. All of Ihe hospitals that accept polloniyelills pullenW fur lioai- mi III tiave "hot-pack muelilnes' J) Hiut legulnr use of lids lypu of (ate Is available when needed. Rocking bcdh are owned by sev.. eral of Hie hospitals of Hie blole. These ate Used generally hy pa- Waery'• paslnr of the Old Stone j,2r> It includes ull of the ex Ciiurcli- nnd Selectman Fron/t penses as follows- Barker; Carl GarvU), pl'liK'IPVl »' IQ uiiiroim- demonsi-allons , of; Hi*ir ^special ll^l^wTsma^iieror'ceremonies, for """"" ' - • • '•""" 1-f.i.i. I n ' t h e noor Prizes Olven More llian '10 door pri'/es, in [eluding pressure cookers, turkeys, filled grocery baskels, hosiery, lingerie and swealers, will be presented ' lo those attending, it was'announced. An admission charge of 25 cents per person will he levied, with all proceeds of the .show lo go into the Muyo Scholarship Fund. It will present the lalesl wom- en's nnd children's clolhes fasli- lons In addition to demonstrations and talks on the use of modei-n home appliances and Ihe uHllzing of modem food packaging and preserving for the preparalioii of tasty meals, easily and efticlenlly 1. Betty Lowe, o£ the Home Serv food p.i'oduclK. .Joseph l''raiu'is, WNIIC-TV star announcer, bus been ; Invited io sei-ve as master of .ceremonies and eoninientulor for'^lie show. Members of Hie draina gi-oui) who are participating are: Pat Cook, Joan Richards, Carolp Walsh. Nancy llarringlon, Judy Bunnell, Claire Cianelli, Dolilo Vogt, Harvey Barker, 'Sidney Clow and Ceorije Palmer. The general .public is invited lo nilei y , The show is being .s|ionsored and produced by ihe Kelley Food Sloies, , Dayion's 'Fashion Slore, the special lunclieon held'in' the Annex House. A,large and spec- ially decorated cake was brought out during the special luncheon which v/as hf>ld.as a surprise'to Mr. Waery. Parewell U<iception Al the Old Slone Church, a farewell reception for Mr. and Mrs. Waery v/ill he held on Sun- day, Nov. 21 in the parish house from 4 to fj p. m. All m''mhers and friends of the church and the many friends Hie Waiirys have mode in the eommunily hove been the lllgii School; Police Chiirf Ed win Priest; iinil " Fire Chief Thomas, J. Hayes head- ilie list for the board of directors tor the league. , - .. •• '• Other member.s of this Sjooril include: Caplaln John Chadeayne, of the Bradford Mnnrir. Fire De- partment; Attorney Anthony V. DeMayo; Dr. Edward ' L Cloffi. Olher -members will lie named later. Hoard of (lovernorK Frank Crisofi, conch; at the High School, Is cliairmnn of the hoard of governors.The follow- ing iiave been named lo tliLs hoard: William McKay, Ralph Fusco, Alex Slandlsh, llarry Mor- gan, James Mni'Kinnei; George An uri'eal call for volunieei.s to participnie in the T)''<2 f,') Mieculai Dysliophy lampalgn was Issued today liy' Frank Backus, of 7n Biadiey Ave, aetlni' campaign chairman of the East Haven (hap-I I iie=.s " ' ; - " " • • , ,„ mrge » , , , e . of Muscular Dyslrophy Assoc- tlents who '''^^'''^Xi"weaned The thsl yeoi's cost 1" ,„„„„,, „, America, Ine, .esplrntms and uie helm, w.amo " '' "'" ""•' Jerry J Osoehowsky, of 355 away from lliein „,..„.,„,,,. Thompson Ave, vice piesldent of If, in spile ot ul tills uvallalo lirNcw mvcn county chapter, L.qulpmeal, there is '"-•<"l/°r ad- " I lias announced that a fund-raising .illlonul machines, a ^uPl'ly '"'P"' « drive will be held on Thanksgiving ,s mulntulned In '^t'"" ''^ " "I , _- _, „ '•"""'National Foundation foi' Infantile Paralysis from 'whiLli lespirators, machines for piepailng hot packs und mnierlpl tor pocks cnn bo furnished wllhln twenty - tour houis , , „ , . „ There have, during llie'i»5!i P"* lloinyelllls senson, been a number of pallenlh who ne'ded ct'e In sets protective pn'ls 1 Biddy liaskctbttll Insurnncii National leijlsiralion Slal^ Incidentals hucli ns ' stntionury, trophies, banriliet, official fies 'cordially Invited to attend." K""' .".•.•.;-—.—-.- .:.,„,^ , U.V.U'.. - - Sioie, Mr. Waery came here as pastor Sullivan, Frank MoMniotls, Paul Met-/.o EioHiers Apidlnnce Store of the Old Stone Church In Au- l.lpkvlch, Jonathan- C'/.or, Dr. y land Mary Regan's Children Shops gust of 1150, alter serving at the Leonard Clanclolp,, Donald iBart- i-lln East Haven and Branford. South Church In Waterbury. 'L'tt, president of the'Chamber I3ay. The asslsluncc of members of local Volunteer Fire Coinpunles is being sought, but othCr volun- teer canvassers will also be needed. Backus announced that u special •*'' meeting for enlisting Inlcrested volunteers has been scheduled for Tl'2''i next Tuesday al 8 p.m In the Town Co'i for Hl« Becond- year In Hull. spoii'rfirs will ho belv/ei'n ?in nnd "The fight against Muscular M), the local conimiiuii' poinied Dystrophy h everybody's fighl", he out. ' , . -• suld. "Funds. inean research, und A head pouch nnd asslslanl research means ni»w hope for life eoncli for each team -.vlll be need- for the more than lOO.OfX) dys- ed, il was reported. In. addition trophy vletlms In the nation." these quullflcatlons on' players 1-ocul lonlnbutlons lo the M-D were set forth; 1> no K'lilld can Fund can be sent in chcckii pay- pluy until parents sign a release able \n the Muscular Dystrophy permitting hint lo play. 2) boy.s Ah.sociullnns of Ameilco, Inc. und - — . _ ,,.hrini mav be l^ft with Backus at his Iho lion lung type of respirator. Some of tliesb have recovered KUt- ficlently so that Ihey no longer need the respirator, u few tiavp been iiansferred to resplralotcen- ter.s out.slde Ihe stale Idp long- term cure. At present 'only six rciplralnis are In antuul ' Mne, Them would soodn lo be no ri.eed for feur that the demand ;''tot- l,nvs 1 ASSOLlul-lolir, "' *»...-• — . - Ukctball leneue will not ''H'^"™^^^^^ supply. ,:•"-,_ .eligible.

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I 1


1^^ f

JJ:.£JO i.aveni Hagaitvun Mem. - L i b r a r y East Havon, Conn. 5-4

llrncKl I'\ Thornlinll DT Itrnnit f JIUIG, North Kriinfnrd, litis Ixro.n prnmotnl lo llin poslltnn of Iitiint niKM-nilnn.i iiSKhUint ai itiVt Soiilliein N 0 w Knp;liiiiif Tclr,-plioitn On. Ttmntlioli Ix'Kiirt \\\H cMiTPL'r ivlili tlin company In inzfl ami Ims scrviMl iho pliint <il<^pail-mfnt . In Norwnllt, lliLrlfunl, fSliimfAnl iinil Nnw Iliiv4>n. IUJ tnmHrorrrd fn Iho <'nt4lii< <trlnf( ilrpitrlninitt In IDtii nnd w ii K iitnde mipnrvlsorV iisNiNlaiit In tUc pluiit (Icpiirlmcnt In UiM.

SHORT SEACH For TII'H (!«!iii<ir« 'IV. I'lcimo I'miiio ilrnipi

Jnn .Scl'.uUo - III F-1l«8

Elecllon nnll-cllninx Goodly nunil"'!' or voloM Tups-

dny liift nl. llie rinll"> Aiisl5tlng Ro-Blslrnrs Wliinip Illiikrr iiiid Dol .Lynch ivcro; Million Cnvo, Eli.'nnoi: Van: Snnds, Holcn Wlilla, lichry Pliiml), Alice DuPuy, Ollvo Mull, Mnbol.'Bttbcocli, .Ilni Ncjlson, Wal­ler Lynch niid Tot Owens, ' . . .':, .

Mmii'i wondcflng wliuL Uio ex-plosipn'; was; iiini .vlbriiteil ,Slioi;l Boaciiilaat'Mohday. mW-itiovii; Any cliie9.74'.';..i,j •.j.Glad youiiE,Cathy' MUlldh'isfeellHg a lllLlo'i)Ol.tcr. ;;.:. Toni .PacUop rnnd;. Audrey FlrtlV 'share Npvoiiibcr !);blrtlidalo. . . ' . . Hotel Tnlmaago Hallowe'en Party big :success.';..,' , . .Grnnlto nny youngsters had a costume party, too, liisit week, . . . .Henry VUl with; Aim Bolyn: sallor.i, devil.";. Jesters, comic arid TV chiirnelcrs, clowns,'pirates and "hums" made

tho founds last Sntdee', as well as bays dressed as girls and girls dres­sed as hoys. In kceplnB with the nniuinl "Trick or Trent" seremon-Ics. Many adults noted extra polite-nors among the youngsters who • nini. iTillIng and how dutifully iiuy )U!!hcd home at 9 p.m. tor that goblin call. Don't know of nny In this area tliat gbl the lucky buzz, do you? ,

Connie Mnlsnn has a birthday on Sntiirdny Olntl .loiin Dwycr Is losiing cnmfortnhly nnd making giHiil progress with his rccuticra-lliin Hope Mrs. Agnes Kchlen-biicii Is fooling better. . . . .The pumpkin man nt (he I-,nmmcr doorstop KcltInK doublo-lakcs lost week from those allghtlnB tho bus

Christmas cnrds, wraps and rllihniis ready at the Waiting SIR-lliin - lliuo In running oull. . , . . The .Schul'.!es Four to Katonah, New York .Sunday last (or tlnllo-woon (anilly dinner. . , . .Mrs. Win­nie Ulnker very happy with her now, Job. , , . iMany now erasing Hallowe'en decorations from win­dow panes - Thanksgiving Dross will bo next artistry displayed. . . Mr. and Mrs. Ulchnrd Powolson colebrale a wedding anniversary on November 8 . . . Birthday greet­ings due Mrs. Frank Meek, Pinky Uoynohls, Lynne Becbc and Al nnndall next Sunday. . . , , ,

This Is American Art Week; idso National 4-11 Achievement Week, National Bcouty Sulon Week and National Cat Week. . . . nuporl cards due soon??. . .Ground brojiklng about duo Ipy the Gordon Hi;.i;,uii family at their now lot on Midwood Road. , . .Mr. and Mrs. Lome Paradls will mark an anniversary on November 11, . ,The Sunshlners will have a luncheon-mooting nt 1 p.m. on Monday com­ing 111 the flrohottse. . . .The Gran-lln Bay A, A. will hold a nicctlng Momlny nllo at the Grove Street clubhouhc nnd the Auxllary will moot Wednesday next there. , . , Gale Ilebn and I3d Green Ishare No­vember Obtrtbdate. . . . .Oai'd party Well attcidod Friday last, hosted by the Mon'sClub of th Union Chapel. . . .

Another Ilallowo'en bli*thdaylte - a now daughter, Lltula .lean, for 'Mr and Mi-s. Hobert .Tackson of Illgblnnd Avonuo (formerly Bar­

bara VanSands) on October 31 at Kow Haven Hospital. Tho couple has B son, Uohert William, almost a yeijr olil.

November 0 wedding anniver­sary for Mr. and Mrs. William At­kinson. . . . .Glen George Olt wos a year old on October 2 9 , . , , , iVan McClcea aiid Susan Dahlmoycr share Monday birthday. . . . . .Mr. and Mrs, William B. Davis settled Into new homo last \veek next-door to the firohousc. . . . .Belated Octo­ber 2,') wctldlng anniversary greet­ings due Mr. and Mis. Kylo Hlg-glns - Mrs. Illgglns of the Select' men's Office that Is . . . . .Hope Mrs. Donald Wynne will bo feeling better real soon.-.. . .Nine hundred and foiirleen Short Bench folks got wot Tuesday, performing tpolr pri­vilege of voting nt the flrehoaso. Wore you one of Ihoiii?

St, Kllzaboth's Wonion's Guild recently Installed officers at a din-, ner In tho Golden Anchor.

They ore Mrs, Alfred DuPuy, president; Mrs.. Thomas Kelly, vice president; Mrs. Daniel Sunder­land, Ironsurer; Mrs, Agnes Keh-lenback, recording secretory; Mrs. LcRoy Logan, corresponding secre­tary; Mrs. Ilobert Ciive, pubHclty; Mrs. rtobort Scott. telephone st|und; Mrs. .(oscph Gllnore, hos­pitality.


.ind Coiicerl NEW HAVEN

SYMI'IIONY Itrlcff, rondlicling WOOLSKV IIALI,

Tucs. - Nov. II - 8:3(1 sharp JOSKPII KUCilS

ilraliiiis Violin Cnncort'o T l o h e l s

7 6 o - 1.80 - Z.On - 2J>0 -3 .01) Sym. Office - 70 Collcgo S t

UN 5-08S1 Also


Hernial., poiiducthig Sat. Nov. 20 - !!:30 PHI

AVoolsoy Mall PETER GLAllKK, dnnuor slur of Iv and liollywood

KIAIIILVN l)ABO\^', ll-yciu'-nliil violinist

Sat, Uco, 1 STUIIAIVIPLII, Iv cartoonlsl

JIABLOWIC TWINS, IR-ycar-oid duo pianists

Sat. ,Ian. Hi -ohs iv puppeteers


riokcts Now a( Syniplioiiy Offloo

SERIES TIIKKIO CONCI5U'rS Unreserved $1.00

Itesorvod 3;2.0il


OR S T U D I O . Accordion — Piano

Clarinet — Sax. T rumpe t — Guitar

Drums Ballet — T a p Dnncini; INSI'IIIJMIONTS LOANKI)


870 Grniul Ave. Now Haven Tol. PN 0-7(115

Home Tel. No. IIU 8-B831

Garden Nolcs — (Coiithiucil Frniii Pago Five)

removing only (he younger, outer pprtlons for replanting. Discard the hard, woody centers ns tlioy have no value. Before replanting, enrich the soil liberally with an all-purpose ferllllzor and luimus which mny bo broadcast over tho surface before turning over (be soil.

Such treatment will revltall/.c tho earth and encourage strong growth. Reset the divisions firmly, allowing space tor future growth and water thoroughly. This would be a good time to Include several now varieties such as coral bolls, doronleuni, bleeding heart, sum­mer phlox or poonloH to 'add now Interest to tho planting scheme.

f 1,1 1 coii;tcj|cuj[si«tHimMisotiiHT i


Good V nutrition requires Ihnt tho diet- contain rrrlain products essenllol ' lo health, .such ns pro­tein, ml.'jffvn] dements, vitamins, sufficient i calories to supply en-orgy nceilli and water.

The proti?cllvo foods ore .recog­nized m r.vieat, milk, egg.s, leafy vegetables, Irults and: whole grain or enriched, bread «uid cerenln. A per.son Isi assured that nutri­tional reqiilreinonta nro being met by eating those protective foods. Other foods may bo added to tho diet as the Individual profer.s, but overeallii,g slAoutd be guarded

against. It Is the principal cause of ovorwclgbl.

Dlot Is Inked wllb henllh nnd tlio control of such conditio^ a;; dlabe'.e.^ and Uvor Injury through proper nutrition are Indicative of this fact. Certainly, nutrition has played a major role In prenatal care. In the healthy development of children nnd In mnlntulning the health of tho aged.

But still ninny porsgns do not devote sufficient llioughl to llio rent moaning of nutrition and Us relation to health and grow(i,i. However, advances in liealtli ed­ucation In recent years have greatly Inci-onsed the number of persons who recognize this dose relationship. Also, a growing amount of .scientific rosearch is] being directed toward nutrition­al standards. 'I'bero Is evei-y evi­dence that this trend will con­tinue and that the years nboad will witness Iiicrcttfwd Improvo-mont in eating babll.s.

Ii,' 1912 the White S^ar Liner "Titanic" was wrecked on her maiden voyngo, iiy an Iceberg off Newfoundland.

EAST I^A^•EN N1'\VS. Thursday, November I, l!),-,l. Pai-r 8 I

We Seli, Rent and Repair


Now located al

1 1 7 0 Chapfl St.

T e l . S T 7 -2738

Adv»tlltemnt \

From where I sit... 4y Joe MarsK

Our Town Makes Good in New York City

CoiiIiIn*t plncp n new niihftcrlher nnmcfl CInrk, but I found nut whn ihcy worR last week wh«n they drnppcf) In Thr CInHnn'n ofllce.

"We're native New Yorkers," Mra. CInrk anid, "aiiH nil our fricndB there ureoriRinnlly from other places. Wc always felt left out when they Inlkod about thingB 'back homo.' "

"That's why we 'adopted* your town and to Rct nil tho news we Bubncrihcd to The Clarion. Now wc have n 'back home' to talk about—nnd we think lt*a the most wonderful town there Isl**

From where I sit, just about everyone thinks his own home town Is best. Picking your town comes naturnl. The right to do this "picking," though, Is what really counts, Whether It's a favorite town, a favorite cut of meat, or even a choice of a bever-nRo —say between beer and but-termlik, it's reBpecting: the right to this freedom of choice that makes a good neigrhbor, I hope you subscribe lo tl^atl

An liidependciil

Weclily Newspaper Sasl Nftos Oui' Telephone Numbers Kditorial: IlObarl 7-5811 Business: Alwalcr 8-W»l

Vol. IX — NO. 35 puui«h,d w..ii» !.» ri" P"" f"5]"»""i'' i"'-

Y»ailv S;tli\trloliO!i ^?.5H r.AST MAV1:'.N


6 Ccnia A Copy — $2.50 A Year

Early Mooilng Of Parking

Authority Is Promised

Oiillio Up and Up

Copyright, 1954, United Stales Brewers Foundation

TUESDAY, 8:00 P.M.








BANKING SHOPPING LIST U Snvings Account • Checking Account fZl- Person?.! 'rP^n .[~] Loan.for. Business n Automobile Loan n Safe Dcpo'::-Box

D : : — _ — - — -• • • _ _ _ _

D — — —

Name'lhe service yoii want and

we'll cnstpm-make it if, it isn't

already here waiting for you. We

believe we can meet any hanking

requirement of your family or your

business. Don't hesitate to put us to

the test.


135 Church Street ( N e x t to the Pos t Office)

107 W h i t n e y Avenue

Mtmtrr Ftdtral Dfpifit tnturanrt CvrhralipH Mtmitr Fedtral Rtttrvt Sjtttm



WINDO-DOOR • O p e r a i r s Jii»l l ike n

winclowl GliiBs nlitles up nnd down for vcntilntion.

• N o t h i n g to c h a n i > e . . . no th ing lo s tore. Screen d o o r a n d s t o r m d o o r nil in one.

• Ho t -d ipped j[;alrnai7.ed s t e e l w i t h h a k e d - o n e n a m e l in beautiful colors.

See it now/ Call



BsfaljIUhed 1H2I eOO Orclionl St. UN &-il8Y

J . K. NowtfMi, Mgr. '^' , A product of

Tho F. 0. RuDselt Co.

T n ft Secret Glcrv Mill Ihi Slut

5 loo 7.0 Club Switch Tn Swltia

Tfp Too Tim(

Howdy Docdy


6 Niwi Kill Sltm

SuPRtf Stitiiaifl

T B H V a i l i h Chi l

StmUnM kiin

7 U«n On Go Mrirlni Banil Tnmoiinvt'i Mlh Oiif Mmi'i Family

SIdiwilk Inltnliwi T R &

fcnortiman Cluk , , Ciunil NIWI ottr«Tan

8 Roy Ruoeri

Sptnd A Million

You Bit Your Ut i

Bums & Allitt

9 StKtlist PImptmal

Ntws Fiam NBC


fni Ihiitir

10 rihhfr X MnlU Hrtirl ol IhF Newi

NIWI Forilgfl Intiliui

4ia '""•' I Football Foreail'

MldnlQht NIWI. Sign OlV^Niwt. Sim Off.


Nen CIKt WaUIn

MofM NIWI Raundun

Clotl W«l[li< llousi Guilt '

• Newt, . Itouic Tiueib




, YankM.Priillvi.

Bob Smith

Xrotby's Cornir .

Btriii ITRIth

>Vu> That Pun Sieofld ChatKo

D>i>i Donf Mttnl

A Time To t.lvp 9 Stipi'to Kuun

WlndoM Sticpptr

Strili It HUH'

ArrfittNOON PUOUftAMH kfwt Your SliQW

T.,B. A. Lofi 01 Lm SFStth (or Tomotiow Whut'i Cookltti ;

Weltomi Ttavcltn

TOP 20 Cluk Rabtrl 0. Icwii

Guldlni Light NIWI .

Too 20 C(uh

One Man's Family Milt Mjirlowa

T n A, Secrii Story On Your Account

N»wi Top 20 Ctub Switch to SwIitD Marrlagi p«Vk

OulQDof Ady. Club


EVTGNTNO PBOOBAMS tJtwi SpoHi Dally Supuu Siiinada

TMl I I Your World

SpDtltCOPI Nivii

Mon On Thi Ro T B ft One Min'i Family riit Parniby K r S ' i i . " ' " Cifilli,-Flil.« ^ ° ' " °'"» Hawi Caraiau InajuiY ol Slan Mama SInilia -Friday xllli (ialtoniy U l l ol nilat

Flll'tho^rr & NI»on

BIp Story Dear Phoibi

CaWltaili ol Sporll Cattatedi ol Svoria

Brtaliit riiKb

Muilc lor Rlllllllon ' '

Myiliry lliHln Midnight NlWh Sign Oil Nni. Sign Oil.



Wati Up And Salla with Na»i

World NiM Roundup RmWail vlH, nim Eebcrl & Ummly

Mr. WlHid

ParVer Bill, Cartooni

Sirinidf Ts Romanct' Capt, MIdnlalit

Sniilln Ed Cllnlnn'i Ktytioard It't Combo Time

Space Patrol

Abbott & Coilello


Roail Show

Farm A llomi'Hour

«ll Top

Road Show

it. 'Conn. FoQlbatl

Roy Rogiri

IBA • '

NCAA Foolb>ll

C i m i pi Ih l W l l k

Rin Tin Tin

Road 5haw


Niwf Marint Band

Quia Bowi .

Stars From Parlt

To Bi Annauncid


CorHii Aithir


Low Rannw

iYoU ilkid Fof It

Thil l i Your LIN

Man Rttilnd Rfdp*

Convcrtallon Bolton Sylnphany

Hiy Mu'.llian

ta l l i Artliir

Imocene Cora

BUr Theatre

tat,- raghl nanti Party Georgg Cobel

PuWii KInf Hit Pared)

K m Jain Iba Ha.y Riterrid lor-Yoft N m


Midnight Ihular



7 8 9 10 11

Siin.'/ Morn. Music Wonlilu Hour

World Nem Rvjaaug ChMttlari Stlinu

•• bnrUt Bn

Newt. Music Muiic

Look Uo a 11«

•• Muil» BupcT Clrcua

A r i E m v O O N PROGBAIUft

12 N«ti TMi U the LiU ChiMoohcri 7h« tlfiiiBl LliM Atiiir. Invtntory

liittri To WMnnv ^ Youth Wanis tn Kt linly, of ChJcauQ

Frontier ol Fallh

2 Catholic Hour


Soldier Parade

Tilt CtirlitoFtri

3 eiu Erwin

Bludlo 57

4 Mr. McNully Zoo Pdtada

5 Inhiritance

ProLtdty Wa H*il

Ray Bolotr

EUr Shqweaia




A?"irlran rortim

Cancer I

Quie & Hatrtit

You Art Thin

N B C Cencirl PIOOIE Are Funny

Private Sicritnry

I Dr. SIv Guns

Bar!e f-ta!a

Toail ol thi Towr

9 10

6rt-enli.n wi»h tM AfabolU Eaiy Hor»ay

Flhbfr H, Molly Hfarl nl Nrwt M(M thf Prni N(«ii SuFnmii*t

tV Pifjth«fj«

Lcritta YouiB

What'* Mv Lin

11 Muitc ^nd«v Hfn SDICU

Summir Thtatri 11(1 uBis -IMIN UO BllS t^aN l<{a|upiW


.WNHO l.lio k

Nen Clock Watrbef Ntwstajl

Wnrld Newi Sounilnp Lnral Newi Clot* Waliliii llouie Guilt

Bfleueja Tiarelerf


mrlle It Urh

rhraa- That Pall Hfcuud rjjuira

A« ' ' I 'EBW<>ON


Lilian Ladlaf

Tan 20 Glut



z Yarikfi Peddlnl

Dlnp Dona Sthool

Time To tl<«

Window Shopoar Ttirea ileoi Striia II nia


;T. B. A Lore 01 Litf b.flrtn lor Irt^. (Illlric Sliaw

Welcome Traveleri

nohert Q. Uiwli

Guiding Light KIWI

Top ro Club

Baciittipt Wir« Top 20 Club

Om Man'i Family .Miss Mailowe

"Ulawkln's Falli Sftrft Story Mai> Tha Stui

Oiitdoor AdvL Club Top 7(1 Club LoxniQ Jonit Hawdr Door> It Pui lo Bi Mirrlil


Hrwi 5tiot** SiiDocr Stiitiadf

SUgr 6 v«rifiy crin SportstPM Wnrld Nawi to^»

Man On Iht fit) Army Band rofflortow'i HIb

Railroad Hour

Mmit You Want

Mr. DIsL Atty.

Toxy MaiHn .Lima! Ni*t t»r»«a"

'rlcphnna Houi

Muilt In th> Hlihl

Public DdtndH

MatDuirad* Pariv

ribbu Ht6t4 Two In I Balconv

Proudly Wi Hall Gtv Parada

SummH Thtatn

Slolanil FIAMI iwi



Hnwi Clock Watdiw Newicait

World NIWI Rountfu* Loral Newt Clntlr Walrhrr Home Ttuetl •

Rythn R«nth YintH rtddlHi

Fun with Fnod

Wilcoma Traveltri

Bnh lloni Hewi

Phran That Payi riEtniiil Clianct

Olni Dong Siel»ol Tlma In tut TItrit Stepi

mniem Shoptiar

Slrlki K Rich

A r r E B N C M > N


Muilc Shop

Llitm Udiai

Top 20 Club


l.ova ol I.Ira Sraich Ini IOHI. Il^jlan Cnokiry

ItHlian Cookanr

Welcome Traviliii

RtihrrI 0. LtwIt

Gulsing Llini Kawi

fird Cross SfiDM

(ine Man's Family iMiss Marlo*e

Hawkins Fallt Seirel :iinrv On Your Account

Outdoor AiJvrnturt TOD 7(i Cliiti Hiintey Switch To Swing Homt Qiioa/ (t Pays lo bi rtirtlid "


Bill Stem juaotr Scransii

Man On Thi Bo

fofnnrtow'i HUl ncwp

Dinah Short Be Frank Baiiy Cralf

Election RttHtiii



njiber McGii Can You Tov ThIl Itsuts and H«n

Playhouii of Slat»


Truth, Conitqutncct

Walerlront TBA

*lewt Rnhi. Unnloamtrv National Guard nhaiMa Chan GuesI Star Mysiery Thealri Midnight Ntwi. Sign OH Htn. Sign Off.



riocli- WalfVf Ncwicasl

Wo)ld H>M Rounttui Inra! News ciurV Walrlter }\n\iii Guest

V/i'comi Tia<el«i

Bob Hope Hiwi

!:tr|lii,lt nich

"hran Payi lecond Chanci



YankH Pit<l4l»flt

Dim Dong SchMl

TImi To LWl Thrxi Staot

Window ShoDftf

Strikl I I Rlcb



Muilc Shop

LIsIrn Udl ' l

top 20 Club

fop W Club

Ratkttati' Will Fop 20 Club

Top ZO Club Switch To Swina

• 'lardafie Pays


Boh Crosby Lovi of LIU searcn lor r in , Nancy'i Kltthin

Nancy'! Kllehait

Wtlcomi TratdMt

Robert Q. l4«U

Guiding Ushl NIWI


Flr«t L5rt ^

Hawkins Fails Secret Storm oa iWK AtCMri

Outdoor Advtflturi Pinky Lfi


mil <;tirn Suppir Stnnadt

an Qn Go Mr Force lomoriDw's Hi l l •;nton T h » f i «

Me»5(.'' of Mary T B A Ppwlstop* NIWI

Calv. nl Amfr.

tfnn. Sr'nriigm NEWS Caravan



Bit Your LIh

ig Mmv

Flibll HtGll Thi Hiarl ol Rl«uit of W

thi NIWI HmiH

Arthur Godfriy

s i r l t i j l Ulih

Ll l l l i^Mir i l


Rprwt S« l

Proudly We Hell HloM 0«l lliealri Midnight Newi. Sign Olt newt, sign iirl

1h" fiif.i official meciing of Iho r\ul<lni; Aulliurlty, nnd appoiin-iii'Mil ir( il.s fivi' monil)ers lo def-Iriiif icrjiis of offii'e wiirf pro'ni-i'.'.'d f(jr ilif vpi-y near fuuire hy First SiMi'i'liiian Frnnlt Clancy.

'rh*> lown cliief salri lie woiiltl havi' .folin Kmi'Izn,'iicilng chair-iiiaii, convpiie tlie authority a-i yjioti a.s poKslhle. I lve memljors )m\f lifen naniPd lull tlieir terms r.f affir'p itavr' not lipeii ilHsiRnalpU.

Rir.'hai-i "piilv, '".>n counsel aiuJ a metnln'r of Ihe aulltorlly I old Ihe Cluiinber of Commerce here 'I'uendoy nlehl thai Ihe new liody, oulhorlzed liy Ihe town meeting of Oetober 27, would have the very Imporlanl power of oon-(ieninalion and Its authority would supercede ull other lown planning egennies,

RelUy said that Ihe authority v/ould have the power of purchas­ing, condemning or receiving land for off street parking purposes and would have the power to adminiEter these lots.

D i&cu&se.s Financini; The matter of financing could

be handled by several ninthnds;!) general obligation lionils, which v,'Ould come under the ten percent, bonding limit. 2) revenue bond.'i not under Ihe limit but harder lo market. 3) assignment of park

Mrs. Flood "Covering" For NEWS Next Week

'Ihe editor of Ihe NKWS will lie on vnenlioti next week. Please send all puhliciiy iir-ins In r . O. llox am or onll Mrs. IMiylUs innod ul IK) --1541. Mrs. l-'lood will handle reporlor- ; tal usslKiimenls. I

Archdiocftsan CYO Rally Inviles Local Groups

Calholic Youth Organizations in East Haven have been inviteil lo i alteml the fourin Archdlncesan C.Y.O. Rally being held today in ! St. Joseph CaUiedial in Hartford j under the patronage of Ihe most Rev. Henry J. O'Brien, D. D., Archbishop of Hartford.

The program opened with mass at K) a. m. in Ihe catheilral, by llie AreUliisliop, nnd a sermon, "Youlh in the Marian Ifear", by the Rt. Kev. Monsignor .loseph V.. Schieder.. .

market. 3) assignment oi |JUII\- In ' the afternoon a Calholic car­ing meter revenues lo Ihe author- eer conferenrie was held under llie ity's fund. Rev. Andrew Ansliro, C. P. found-

While the method of linancing er and director of the conferen-v/ould be up'lo authoiTjation by a - -'"~ town meeting, RelUy .said, the dmpliest way would he by assign­ing parking meter revenues to the authority. ll,asl, • year, he said, parking meter revenues totaled about !i!4,r>Qn. Al present the mon­ey goe.s into the general fund. Half of the receiple.s- must go' lo the meter manufacturer unlil Ihey are paid for.

Reilly also said that it was pos­sible for parking violation fines to he used, but explained thai the

tludy Itniuit-lt revises ii uninli in llie liiblty ol the ll'.uh Kcliuol, oorlrayiii); llie results ol the nm-i;li7.ilie sullseri|)lioii soil's ciiinpiili^ii iu»w lii'lou i-.o uduclfit lor the benefit of .losepli I'". IMll.VO Me­morial Si'Iiolarship r'uiul. Tlii' tliciMuomi'ti'i's she \v Ihi' oerer'Uluui's ot tl.li'lf quolus llial Ihe several eliissi'S liuvi' s o l d . T h e st t l i lr i t i s lU'r- v o l u i i l e e r s an il uri' s e l l i n g s l l l i s e r i l l l i e n s t.o nil I h e w e l l k n o w n i iuiKa/ . ines . -- .Syroi iMk-i .ueus .Sl.lMllo

T>vo Men Arresledl For Fisl Fighl In Restaurant Sun.

Two younij men, in Iheii early Iwenlie.s, were clmrged with breach of llie peace early .Sunday nioruint: fidlowiiig a ri>ported fist tiKhl in Vicky's neslaurniil, ul l.'i llemlni'way Ave,

'I'lie ehnrt'es were lodgeil ai;ainsl Diuuild llale.s, 21, ot '18 .Slion Ueucli Rd., nnd Alhert A. Mulii, 2-1, of 2!lli Popular SI., New Haven, Officer.s l.ouls Torcllo nnd .lohn l.eury filed Ihe chiirge.s ufler in­vest iguling.

liules lohl police IhnI Mali) had .shoved his (Bule.s'l dale, u 21-year o»d girl, nnd thai ha had proiesieU. Mulo, who disnppenred from till' reslaurani when urrest-

offleers arrived, turned up luii'i' al police'liendquartei'.s where he was liooked.

Th Ni'w Iluvon man claims I hat M' bucnme involved ' In the bi'awl

.JIU'C It had slarti'd and he had Inieiveiied to hreak II up.

I'eiio- Boychiik, suiiermimnry policeman, was one of ihe wit­nesses hut rppQried lie did not j ee lie fight .SIan.

lioih derendnnls were relea.sed muler .f.ari cash bond or the equiv-alruil.

'I'lie mnnaijomenl of Iho reslnu-laiil I'luimed IhnI, !f75 worth of furniuire and fiirni.shlngs were damaged In the flBht which look plai'o .shortly hefore ]Z:RO a. m.

IiKliistrial Develop't Coinmiltee Set Up By Chamber Of Commerce


H The formnllon of an Industrial

Oevelopmenl and Planning Cnm-inillee for Ihe purpose ot promoi-' Ing and encournRlng the Incnllon of more Industry In East Haven look plnco nl Ihe monthly meet­ing of Ihe En.sl Haven Chamber ol Commcrco Tuesday evening.

The commllle will ho headed by Alexander Uornn, of 0;i Mnrtin Ud:, chnlrmnn of Hie Redevelopment ARency. Other membei-.i! ure Rich-.ird Reilly, lown counsel nnd at­torney; Elwood Scoble, former president of the Vocal Chamber; .(bhil Kmqizo, nclhig ehnlrman of the Parking Aulliorlly; nml Day-Inn Well, also n former presldnnl of the local Chnmber,

Tile comndlte will .sividy plana " ' " ' '" , ' . , , , lo help udverllse Eusl Iliiven as

Iho Armistice nay ceremonies of „ pn,e,',tia|li,duslrlnl .site lor light past years.-Ids year Np.veml.0,11 i,,,,,,,,,,^^ ^,,,„,„ „,,„ „p„,iod In has heeii re-deslgnnled as Velerans ,„,,j^,. ,„ ,.^|,^,^ ^^^ hufdens on

First Velerans ' Day Services Arc Observed Here

Members and represciilnllves of Incnl velerans oigniiuntinns look pari ihls momlng In Veterans Day sendees which were con-dueled 111 Ihe two war memor-Inls on the Kusl Haven green. ,

Wreaths were ^placed on Ihe memorials nt 11 a.m. In ohserv-unce of Hie trndlllnniil hour ot

oas ijiH-ti 1 , " . . . ...11 -.- .

Duy. II will he heneetorlh ohserved ns .such.

Memhers of Hie 11 nny R. Bnrt-letl Post ail and Auxiliary, Amer­ican Uegion; Foxon Posi 175, American I.e«lon: AMVET Post !•! and Auxlllnly; DAV Chnpler

orni-r m trut-*,:. ,..„, local H'Hldencea and property owners. ,

Among recommendnllons suh-inllled to the Chntnhcr nl Us meet­ing was one lo have a directory drnwn up Uslhig Hie virions busi­ness establlshmenlsot t'he Town

/ \

ses. The .'nflernoon program also Inchidcd n Marian Year pngeani by the-Mnrlford District Council of Calholic Youth.

The Catholic Youlh Orgnniv.a-tlonal Clubs offer high school pu­pils opportunities for: I) organi­zational experience in eRlabilshlng and operating a club and Huts learning'the rclolion.ship of Indi­vidual to group. 2) religious in-slruQlions In the basic Irulbs of fallh and morals with emphasis on-.the .solution, of personal prob

Beausoleit Asks Follow-Up

Of Pilot Plan, Policed Code, liniin'itUUi- rovisinn of zoning

mill buiUlint; nMUilnHoii.s so that they niX'' brought up to Mate nnd i-slHct polioln^; of these codes WHK recorivnientlod this week by D. Charles Beausnk'U, director of ilhe 'HoUovL'topmonl, Agency here.

Fire Prevention (lOnlest Winners Are Announced

(iairdcn Clul) To Meel In Library To lillect Officers

fines are divided bi;l'ween the I','",'•""'.r." '.!" i"" i"" j • ' . 1, llpms. d) - s o c i a l , development .Slate nnd. the -local town..- court.

Hs, said he doubted lliat, there, -woilld be nnieh" (eft ..nft»r' cmirl cb'jitSvWere^-mel.-.:.'_•,..;_.J.;': .*:. •;,:,.' ..•In answer to a 'qutsliori' Reilly. said that. . l l ie. fdrniulatloh'?b'f'''a town zoning plan huid no:nec86sary efle'ot on .'the !aut!iorlly,..and.rlls powers and pliins. ' '•.. • ' 'ifayored Assignment of Fande.

•Dayton Weil, former president of the Camber, "recalled'' ;that the lo,cal business group had sup­ported Ihe Inslallntion of, the parking meters wllli the provision

.that their revenues be used tor securing future offstreet facilities.

At, present, -the meters, are un­der the authority ot the Board ot .Public Safely. The net receipts are considered part of the general indirect revenue, '

Kmetzo told, the Chamber that he had been advised by the mem­ber of another Parking Authority thai the Town would sooner. or laier have lo obtain .the service's of a traffic engineer before. U. could plan future' offstreel facili­ties.

One point made by Reilly was that it would .be necessary for the Tov/n to pass an ordinance authorizing the s i t ing and admin­istration of meters In offstreet •facilities. -' 1

EHHSliiniors To Sponsor 'Family Night'Nov. 19

Friday, Nov. 10 will be "Family Night" at Ihe High .School v/lien the families of High School, stu­dents are Invited lo "get acquaint­ed" at the annual affair sponsored by the junior class.

Jessica Parlato and James Stree-lo are co-chairmen of a student's cornmlltee in diarge of plans tor the event. The "family night" pro­gram will be held in the school gym between llie hours of 7 p. m. and U p. ni.

Wrlllen Invliallons will be sent to the families of Junior students arid a general invitation is being isued lo all families who have children attending the High School.

through, parties, dances, etc., un-dtii'-. proper sponsorship' and super vj.slp.n. ;4):,cuilurnh growth by par-' tlcipation ' in ' literary;^" jdiirriWis'ttf,"

['drnrnail'cal,', orntorical and '.musical jaclivitles.' 5)', reiireationai; conipe-tltlon in' al.hlellcs- on a'.'district, lirc.hdipce.san and regiohal basis under Ihe CVO code of- sports-ninnship.

Redc'veloimienl . AKcney and . ils plans for retleveioping the Moin-auguin area, Beausoleil pointed out that this prbjecl. was "await­ing approval of. the town plan

^ ,...-. ^ y„(l ulso a commitment on- a Beausriieil also called for action sewor .- system for - the town.

on a town pilot plan which has,-"Wilhoul lliese two projecls," he;. been in,|iroce!is since last year. jaid, "we., c^lnndl. coiii|d(>ie .oui'

Tho, redpvelopaiont: rlir'^otor ali i? f u'ryey-:*

Winners in llie unnual Fire

I'l and Auxiliary; . « v wi..,,,., „„ , , estnmisnmen,, „. , „ . . . . . . . d3 ami the •Spanish Anioricun ^ ^„ , , „ „ , „ „ , , , rfnd lis War Veleruns were all Invlled lo f„gi|i||,,j, :, lalte part, The Clmmbcr also liemd a riK

Prior in ihe ceremonies the ,,0^^ i,.„„^ KmHm nnd^RclUy re-pnrllcipallng veterans met ul the gaiillng. the! Parking Authority, post rooms of the Ihirry Darllctl vvi,|ch wa.H nlilhdrl-/ed rocfenlly by

" '" ' n town meeting nelloii; ? In other bUHlneas the board nc-

cepled ll(c npiillcailon"for,member­ship ot Willinm Jiisper.s, 'o t 132 Prospect Rd. ' • I .,'

Contrnct for Iho Insinjlatibli of Clirlslmnn ilecorntlons, .and llijhts on. Main St.. wns Hwnrdc'd; id ilia


Post on Thompson Ave. nnd mnrciied;'froiu there to the green for the • ceremonies. - On .Sunday liiese veterans nr-

Tho ClnnkM, Club ot Fast > Ha- f ' " ' f » " " ' ; ^ '""' l""'l'=lP«U.d In a ,., , . , fepeelnl Velerans Day sei'vlce at

" ' " " " • ' - 'on will meet on Wednesdny, nt , ,„ ,^i,, Q I „ „ „ ri.nri^ii i : r : r " r i u , , : " ; ! r ^ " : : ; ; '^™ "• - • >" ' " * • • » « — M e m . ' " ' L ^ ^ c ^ n " r " o i e r „ n s Day, o n . „ „ -.-^ . . hy lohn Fsnoslio nublicilv chair "•"'"' ' ' 'hrnry. Willi Mrs. Frnnk Comdr, Ernest Casligllohi, of the Tlnnri Electric Company, ..The maii'for llie Fxchnnee Club spon- l-n'"" Pi-Mldlng. . iWtlet l Post, declared: "Le t us IlRhlIng committee roporl.ed_-..|l.Bt sor „f 11 n„,,i,r •• • - . - . mnlic the first obscrvairee of Vet- the Installnllon will be rcndy.tor sor 01 Hie comesl. <i..hiin„ iho dnv nfliir Thntikiglv-

l.alne presiding This win ho n combined Nov-I'""""-' IV" "V'^ ' r i 'T 'o .

, , , |ernns Duy In Ensl Haven on

Democralic Women .. jPlah Thanksgiving Baskets For Needy

Plans are being, made by the East Haven Democratic Women's Club for the .distribution of Thank.sglving baskets to needy families. Members are remlnilert to bring canned goods nnd food for the baskels al the next reg­ular meeling next Thursday eve­ning at 8 o'clock in the Town Hall basement; ' Plans for the annual Christmas .parly will be discussed and a'll members were urged to be i)res-enl.

A social hour will follow llie meeting and refreshments will be served.

ir of Ihii contest ^" ' - " ' " Instaliniion w.i. ,ui7 , . . . .»,- . . . . ir 01 IIU comtsi. , • • " • • • - - , , 1.11. „ „ , vm- lluhllnfi ihr dny nfin Thnnksg-v Ihe wlnn.is wcu anmmncd ns imbii DMimhri m.ellnL which ,„,,pi,„,„^ demoiisliallon o f l n g

follows ^ , Is being hi Id laill ir In ihi moulh 1 Aintrhanism Muke ibis first an ' h i offlclid rhnnkhglvlni! siiop Posur coiiUsI (Igblh undo btenusi of Iho o jiiuuyii Inunl obsiivaiier n minsuie of plnil siasnn will npi n pn Di (ember

- " " > Al Ihi Octomr meeting u nom 1""' cominunlly s uppioilallon of 1 ' was .chp.s(nl""\ S'dUinl sacritlets of ull Amei WllUnm Mas- ' " ' I ' pnlilols who fought fib

Parker Al Ameilea fiom Vallr y loii 'o lo < ' 1 rnrtn |lle|iilbii nk Uidt,i In Koii a

l-yeai'.'s iHidgel ' focmaps n-fid print-l,iii,g. .','Are -'.we, going lo 'have, to rwoil a.iiothpr .two year.s. in gel' tile liext Kiuije?" he asked. ,'

The'rlir'eclor said that the'Vown [should, apply for u feiloi'ol gruni under,-Hie terms' of -.Ihe ;'lloiiBliig Aftl -which,,,he, siiid, iirbvidiw -Hie siini )Of,,'tive •'1711111011-' dnilni's - for igranla . ;lu.';-.slate-, redevelopment j.commissions -wliioh. .In turn, |.e-;alloeute' Hie'-:inoney to loi.'ul ;plun-nihg • ageneies. / . BeauKoteli al.so called upon Ihr ITown In' "start, re-assi^.sslng Ihi town, how" to spare taxpayers the possibility lb the next few years -of being presented with " a big 'bill") for taxes. - Re-assessment should be done hdii(?slly and faii-ly in order that all might sburi equally in bearing the Town's lax burdens.

On Friday, Beausoleil K|ioke lo classes , in Prtdlielns ot" Aiut.'riean

I Democracy. at the Higli School j-.lii his oiillini' history of Hie lot il |

oflzed by iliQ Barker . adniinisiru-libn ' ('Repiihllr?aii). which foiioWiJd.

Rotarians Honor Pastor Of The Old Stone (Ihurch

w„, ..layinond- IVJcpphn Mrs,' John,''Moran-and 'IVIrs. 'rinl-^

, ChnrliiB 'Alder- othy' O'Conniiil. The 'committee

iriri „ . , i „ , .,. •„, ,, -,. ' ,1, i-mnn,,' first;- hlnda- Ric'iinVds,,' se- will pre-gent a slate of officers Id lD51,.and,lhut surveys, \vereai,ih-|^_^^^^ Billy •ROsencnilsi,;ioel-Ciis. be electe<b at next week meeHng.

High School Dramatists Featured In Mayo Fund Fashion-Food Show Tues.

Ten High School siiulcn! worlthig under the direction ol .Toseph Hawiln. faculty' member-, will preswit a play cnliLled "A Day In the IJfe of Mr.s. Brad-shaw" as part ol a Fa;ihions and Food Shov/ to be given TupHday evening for the benefit or the .Tosepb F. Mnyo Seholar.'i.bip Fund.

The show, wbieh, will feature Ihe perfornianee of ,lht-' High Sebnol Dramatie Clul), will he presenieri ai, S o'e'.oelt in i he RelionI auditorium.

The theme of the prcRenlfllinn will be falchions and food.s in a new approach lo the old-fa.shlon-ed cooldng .soliool and fashloi) show fopmat. The players, will take the audience through a day

iwith a t-ypiral family starting I with breakfast and" ean^ing. on

ice IJepiiJtiiit'ni, or. ihe nnilcil lllimiluaiing Conipiuiy will • con-(Hiet ti eookini', s'-boul as pml nl lli*» evening'.s prugriim.

New Food Technhjur's TliOf,p utiemliiig will witness

new ways to 'prepan' breakfasl-s Uinrheous nnd dinimrs. Sji(*eial id-lentlon will bt' given to lite prep aridioii ol 'riiank.vgivinu dinner with, new tlioughLs 'and ideas to dre .K up thi.s traditional holidny feast.

n(;lween the uel.s of the play by the sehotil drama group, 10 be u.seri to Illustrate and ronneej the various parts of the program, free refrexinnenls will he served to all and souvenirs ami samples will ,bf' dlMribuleii. • •. • /

Sev(fr;il food'^ firms will f;ivp

taf.^oh, Lois' Judgo, " and 'Beyerlj'! BrlMo, honorable • mention. ]'''••

•Kfihiiy Cahtefif,' * KIghih -grade.: WllllOm , P't''-

flnit. prize; Cnren Nlchol.'!, 'Second; Loulae Kwanuff, Maurice,'Plondol-lit, Billy Barker, honorable men-d o n . ' . • - • ' • ; •'•

Upper (livlfilon, Floseniory Bal-amo, first;. There.sa ,Capellaro,

second; Marpla .Seymqur, Mary Ann iJiigan, Mai'ie Piscatelll, and .Sue Palmieri, honorablo''mention.

First prizi? 'wlimer.s!- received

] he hospltQlHy committee will Inrludt Mrs lohn Moran ehuli mnn Mm lohn Crgumty Mis Ceoin Munson and Mis CluiM Wrltiil Mr*! Par|t« r Atwood will pi ovidc I he flower ul rangemt nt and Mi*i AUon J i Oman will pif side al the t(Mi iabtt)

•Mrii. Harry ,. Lewl.s, [jrogriiin einliman jiat plunpfd a Christ mas Lruh hag M< mbers are ask (d to lirlnj lleim for the rn ' * huij, conKlRtlng ot flower contain-irs or ganlonlnK aldSi The. valuo

First prize ' winners .J'^"'^'" - '%; „ -g,, , • „„s been set ; al fitly rountain pen nnd pencil, sets. The oi l u i . u i other's received pens or pencils. cents.

Biddy Raskelhall Gets Underway Here Directors And Governors Are Named

I'lie Hoard of Governors of the liiildy Eu.skeibnII League of East Haven will meet agiiin Monday ivmirii! ill the lioiiie Of Sal T in -111 al i'l'i liurr .St., to'ciintiniie oi-j-ailizalion for the eoiiilhfl SI . i son . -• ,

All inlerr'sled adilils- are in-viied lo allend the .session.

Jo ilaic. sponsors

Itj-v. .laini-s K. Wa'Ty 'i'lic Hi.'V. .h'iiiK-s 1-:. Wai'i-y. pas-

lor of 111'.' Old Sloni' Church, v.'as pre:.eiilc(l with a Iravelini^ i>ai', al a llllu-lifun of Hie l';:isl Haven Rotary today. It v/as a lioing a'-way gifl for Hie local iiiinistr'i- j

Cdmmr-rce, : P(u F'lorlo, Derrlelt .Sehoenwald, VIncflnl nagliardj and Tiiomas 1'horpe.

Offlwrn Officers of Hie league are; Dr.

f i e o r g e ' ;.Stpponkiis, president, Ralpli Caslellnni, vice presldenl,

. ' h OeorBoKappidor, Ircosuier, and for ihiee Qnrge Wagner, •Recictary, ICup-

leaiiis wilhin the league are a.s- p,.ie,., ireasurer, olid George ,Wag-suri'il, and other sponsors are ex- „-j.,, secrotai'y. ICaripele Is 'ihair-pecli'd to lend their supporl „,„„ of „,„ commlUee oii spnn-shortly. The as.socialit)n will need ^^^^.^ .

al le:i.sl four learns to .operale_ a " 6n Tuesday, spverul officers at-

(;rovc J. Tnllle IMuns Annual Fair

I h t Giovi 1 Tut III PI A will hold lis Miiniinl fair 1'iiesday, No\ '2.'), from If) a. in. lo 'I p. ni. In tlii* school , Mrs. John I.imoncelii, ways nnd

means c'hairmun. will be general rlialrinan of the fair, Mrs, ,1ohn De({nl1 Is Ihe i.'o-eliHli'innn and the following are on Hie cominlttif IliB Mrs. Albert Zompielln, James Arihur jTroltn, U. Meshanko, R IJirloilni Ralph DeMurlIno Chils fieliilci R Schneldii Phllli) Saunders Riiny Wilmcr Simon ri7cl r r t l Prdlag Wallace Pii-zik, Sam Cross. Albert, Jacob, A Guilt I a, Albert Raker, II,. Forte nnd Mrs. I'roto

Vnrious Hems which will lie on sale Incliidu aprons, handkcrchlcr.s, sluffeil toys, candy, doll clothes, hukeil goods-, ceremlcs, leather goods, while eiefihnrtl' ^alp nnd Ijrab bags, and wnouglil lion ac­cessories

Th Christmas Pair Commllle meets every Tuesday al the home of the chairman, Mrs. .Tohn IJm-Oncelli of 2!) Dwlght Place, from 1 lo 'I p m '

Adequate Supply Of Ptdio Aids Arc Avaihdile In Stale

local ieugm', .which will be con-ducleil for boys from '.) to 12 years

school. The evening's program will in- ^ " " "'ei.'vm.,. . . ,„

- - .,„rt niher entertain- 'hrnugh the evening meal. c i r ^ : e s a ; d o . . e . . ^ n l e . U d n

orceram inay include a father and so^baske ball game and a mother fnd daugh.er VOU^V''^' „;°",^-\ ' ,„

ThU Is the .second year lor ine

rH-='»-:r'r •', ir. know each other nnd don I

gel to know ^"" ' ^^u^Hon time " r ' a r S t ' - ' s b e said. "AL.lain-

'a'd ge. ac '^ain- ' ' ." ^ ' ^ ""'''" explained.


The Uev. William •CBrlen, pas-lor of Kt. Vincent de Paul Church; the , Uev. , .lame.'i K

who will lenve bis |>i'esent post jold. Boys who liave not reached on Sunday, Nov. 21 lo boeome an j their l-'ltli birthday -before I^ov. a.s".;ndale e.xec'uUve secretary . of ifi are^ eligible- • the national Board of Missions ol ' ' •••• ' "-- . wn the Congrefiatlonal Christ Ion eburche.s.

Mr. Waei-y, who is a .member of the Rotary, also received from his fellow membRr."; an autograph book on-v/bieh were engraved the names of the local Rotarians.

• The Hfiv. 'Dr. David Beach, of the Center Church In New Haven,

tended a iniMdlng of }.he dlstrlrl orgaiii/iitlon foi Blf]dy BasketU'lll la the Nov/ Jlaven Ui***u •

SporiHur'H Cofit A hreuK down of the first year's

po.sl to ihe spon«iOi« of eadi team were leleusnd by Ihe local oi(;an-l74i1lon ' -—• '"

VolunleersNeeded To Help Muscular Dystrophy Drive

N a l i ' t Iteeaiise at Hie In I ri asi ill ri port I It i asi s of polio lliriiiiKlioiil llio HIUII', Hill lie partiiH'lit or lleullh litis' Issllrd the lOiiov.'::;;; i.-iissiirliiK liifor-i n i i l l i i i O i

CnniiKliiul is ixpiihnclng ul this liiiu, ail unsiasonabh Increasi In Ihl Inildenri of poliomyelitis rill hiiti number of casib art not of Iho sevorii form" of the (llstasL wi hh might bi. uxpcckd ul Ihls lime or yeai If new cohes uiiouid happen to bo, of Hie seViio form tliere - is nii adequate supply of nieciianlc'ul. liids in tiio, .statt tor Ihu tiialmOil of sivcre polio inyeljlls

l i m e Ull ovei 3Q icspliutors nl Hie "iron lime" lypo Ideated nl and owned hy hospitals through­out Hie state. In addition,Mho slate departinoni of health, owns four lesplralnih which are loaned 10 slialeglcully locnied hospiluibin the .stall' anil several lesplralois owned by the Nationnl FouiidutlUM for Infuntlle Puruiysls aie on pei-muiienl loan in huspllals. Many of liie hosplluls und all of the slate police bni-rneks • in the state" are supplied with chest lespliulnis either for emergency use In tiuns]ioiiliig imtlents oi foi Hie (iiie of pnlleiils who do not need Hie lion lung type of respirUtor. All of Ihe hospitals that accept polloniyelills pullenW fur lioai-mi III tiave "hot-pack muelilnes' J) Hiut legulnr use of lids lypu of (ate Is available when needed. Rocking bcdh are owned by sev.. eral of Hie hospitals of Hie blole. These ate Used generally hy pa-

Waery'• paslnr of the Old Stone j,2r> It includes ull of the ex Ciiurcli- nnd Selectman Fron/t penses as follows-Barker; Carl GarvU), pl'liK'IPVl »' IQ uiiiroim-

demonsi-allons , of; Hi*ir ^special ll^l^wTsma^iieror'ceremonies, for " " " " " ' - • • ' •""" 1-f.i.i. In ' t h e

noor Prizes Olven More llian '10 door pri'/es, in

[eluding pressure cookers, turkeys, filled grocery baskels, hosiery, lingerie and swealers, will be presented ' lo those attending, it was'announced.

An admission charge of 25 cents per person will he levied, with all proceeds of the .show lo go into the Muyo Scholarship Fund.

It will present the lalesl wom­en's nnd children's clolhes fasli-lons In addition to demonstrations and talks on the use of modei-n home appliances and Ihe uHllzing of modem food packaging and preserving for the preparalioii of tasty meals, easily and efticlenlly 1. Betty Lowe, o£ the Home Serv

food p.i'oduclK. .Joseph l''raiu'is, WNIIC-TV star announcer, bus been ; Invited io sei-ve as master of .ceremonies and eoninientulor for'^lie show.

Members of Hie draina gi-oui) who are participating are: Pat Cook, Joan Richards, Carolp Walsh. Nancy llarringlon, Judy Bunnell, Claire Cianelli, Dolilo Vogt, Harvey Barker, 'Sidney Clow and Ceorije Palmer.

The general .public is invited lo ni l e i y ,

The show is being .s|ionsored and produced by ihe Kelley Food Sloies, , Dayion's 'Fashion Slore,

the special lunclieon held' in ' the Annex House. A,large and spec­ially decorated cake was brought out during the special luncheon which v/as hf>ld.as a surprise'to Mr. Waery.

Parewell U<iception Al the Old Slone Church, a

farewell reception for Mr. and Mrs. Waery v/ill he held on Sun­day, Nov. 21 in the parish house from 4 to fj p. m. All m''mhers and friends of the church and the many friends Hie Waiirys have mode in the eommunily hove been

the lllgii School; Police Chiirf Ed win Priest; iinil " Fire Chief Thomas, J. Hayes head- ilie list for the board of directors tor the league. , - .. •• '•

Other member.s of this Sjooril include: Caplaln John Chadeayne, of the Bradford Mnnrir. Fire De­partment; Attorney Anthony V. DeMayo; Dr. Edward ' L Cloffi. Olher -members will lie named later.

Hoard of (lovernorK Frank Crisofi, conch; at the

High School, Is cliairmnn of the hoard of governors.The follow­ing iiave been named lo tliLs hoard: William McKay, Ralph Fusco, Alex Slandlsh, l larry Mor­gan, James Mni'Kinnei; George

An uri'eal call for volunieei.s to participnie in the T)''<2 f,') Mieculai Dysliophy lampalgn was Issued today liy' Frank Backus, of 7n Biadiey Ave, aetlni' campaign chairman of the East Haven (hap-I I iie=.s " ' ; - " " • • , ,„ mrge

» , , , e . of Muscular Dyslrophy Assoc- tlents who ' ' ' ^ ^ ' ' ' ^ X i " w e a n e d The thsl yeoi's cost 1" ,„„„„,, „, America, Ine, .esplrntms and uie helm, w.amo

" ' ' " ' " " " • ' Jerry J Osoehowsky, of 355 away from lliein „ , . . „ . , „ , , , . Thompson Ave, vice piesldent of If, in spile ot u l tills uvallalo l i r N c w m v c n county chapter, L.qulpmeal, there is '"-•<"l/°r ad-

" I lias announced that a fund-raising .illlonul machines, a ^uPl'ly ' " 'P" ' « drive will be held on Thanksgiving ,s mulntulned In ' ^ t ' " " ''^ " "I , _- _, „ '•"""'National Foundation foi' Infantile

Paralysis from 'whiLli lespirators, machines for piepailng hot packs und mnierlpl tor pocks cnn bo furnished wllhln twenty - tour houis , , „ , . „

There have, during llie'i»5!i P"* lloinyelllls senson, been a number of pallenlh who ne'ded c t ' e In

sets protective pn'ls 1 Biddy liaskctbttll

Insurnncii National leijlsiralion Slal^ Incidentals hucli ns

' stntionury, trophies, banriliet, official fies

'cordially Invited to attend." K""' .".•.•.;-—.—-.-.:.,„,^ , U.V.U'.. - - Sioie, Mr. Waery came here as pastor Sullivan, Frank MoMniotls, Paul Met-/.o EioHiers Apidlnnce Store of the Old Stone Church In Au- l.lpkvlch, Jonathan- C'/.or, Dr.

y land Mary Regan's Children Shops gust of 1150, alter serving at the Leonard Clanclolp,, Donald iBart-i - l ln East Haven and Branford. South Church In Waterbury. 'L'tt, president of the'Chamber o£

I3ay. The asslsluncc of members of local Volunteer Fire Coinpunles is being sought, but othCr volun­teer canvassers will also be needed.

Backus announced that u special •*'' meeting for enlisting Inlcrested

volunteers has been scheduled for Tl'2''i next Tuesday al 8 p.m In the Town

Co'i for Hl« Becond- year In Hull. spoii'rfirs will ho belv/ei'n ?in nnd "The fight against Muscular

M), the local conimiiuii' poinied Dystrophy h everybody's fighl", he out. ' , . -• suld. "Funds. inean research, und

A head pouch nnd asslslanl research means ni»w hope for life eoncli for each team -.vlll be need- for the more than lOO.OfX) dys-ed, il was reported. In . addition trophy vletlms In the nation." these quullflcatlons o n ' players 1-ocul lonlnbutlons lo the M-D were set forth; 1> no K'lilld can Fund can be sent in chcckii pay-pluy until parents sign a release able \n the Muscular Dystrophy permitting hint lo play. 2) boy.s Ah.sociullnns of Ameilco, Inc. und

- — . _ ,,.hrini mav be l^ft with Backus at his

Iho lion lung type of respirator. Some of tliesb have recovered KUt-ficlently so that Ihey no longer need the respirator, u few tiavp been iiansferred to resplralotcen-ter.s out.slde Ihe stale Idp long-term cure. At present 'only six rciplralnis are In antuul ' Mne, Them would soodn lo be no ri.eed for feur that the demand ;''tot-l , n v s 1 ASSOLlul-lolir, "' *» . . . - • — . -

U k c t b a l l leneue will not ' ' H ' ^ " ™ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ supply. , : • " - , _ .eligible.

KAST H A V E N NPAVS. Tliinsiliiy, NiiVPiniM-v 11, l«S4. PuitP 2 W'iii.s riiT, I'iSsav Coiilcsl

Redeyelopement Director Ovitlincs

History Of Momauguin Project n. Clinrli's Itcniisnli'!!, dircc-

t'or of tlift Rodevt'topmont AROII-fVi spoltc Vridiiy lo mcnihi'.rs of

, tliR tllRh St linnl classes on I'rnlileniH of Anierirflii Dnno-rvap.y,

Tlip directiot' oiilliiietl the hlH-tnry of llift prnposeil nilllloii dollni* liroject f0|> the., rrdevei-. npineni of tlie liriulrord Oovn area tii .NToiiiatiRiiin and dt's-crlliptl how ' the project, wottld

, tin handled, ' " s talk In printed IMOIDW Willi sitiue ntlnor edtllnit.

S, llr MortBOKc Assnclnlion,

SCUIl • Slum CleuVnnc< ban Renewal.

1-Rl'll - I.nw Rent Puiilic Hous-Ini! (fi Million), Urban Plannlna and Ileservo of Planned Piihllo Wni-ks (10 Million)

fli'jy are lo b? conBroliilnied on the ,i;real inleresl. they have shown und the time, and effort they have put Into the projecl.,

Itnlifled liy Town Meellnj; I ApiiUdadon. wo/» then mode to I the Honnlnjs and Home F' lnonee

'ofks (10 Million). i , y<i ..••• „ .-— -; Tlio acl reqiilres that t,he Slnto ARftncyt'i for; funds and a contract muRf. have; n nlrtlliir Aefcnnlillng wiinmadciln'.orfect, 'to follow'the commiinitlp.i lo oporalc under a .Siate Enttbllna Act and Title I dofinlte prograiVi. 'rh(OTf()VP, nui of the, ;Iiou9iii3 Act of 1019. This Hrdevaiopmcnl 'iCommlUce fitnc- coiiiract bad to he i-alified by ibe t'ions iinrler a Stot'e'eilibllng act. Kxecutlve body — again tlie town

' •«— •Mrtoilnir. After

Wo are to discuss Public Law ."iOO, 83rd GonureHi, (^haplcr (11!), Second. Session, Itnown as the llousinff Act of 191!) and also tlic Amended MausinR Act of inrii|. 'riip Moualni; Acl stales;

"To aid in; the provision and Improvomeni of housini;, Iheolim-Illation and prevention of fUims, and the conservation and develop­ment of ,/Ill-ban communities," A very simple, slniement,. yet it lias^ developed Into the most compll-eateil iiill Ibat ha.s ever come nut ''of"Washln(jlnn.' The Federal IIouslnB 'Admlnislrntlon is broken down Into several divisions, namely;

r i lA - redernl Hnuslni; Author­ity

FNMA - FedernI N n t i o ii n I


OR STUDIO. Accordion — Piano

Clarinel — Sax. Truin|)el — Giiilar

Driim8 BBUCI — T a p Danciii!;



.'i7!) Oranil Ave. New Hiivni Tel . li.v ri-7(lir,

Ilnille Tel. No. Ill I H-I1H!1I

whicli is so de.slgnod to meet the provisions of the Federal ItousVuR Acl, ' ' \ •

Proposed iir 11151 In inni It was called to the

aUontinn of our town officials tbnt Ibis Ilouslnir Act foiilt) apply lo" n small' town siK-b its Kii-sl Maven, The first sitp was' to firld an area Vvhich would nuaiify un­der the aoL as lieInK a: bllRhted and subslhndard ' area., A study was made and 11 was agreed thai the Dradford Cove, MomaUKUiii area came under ihls categoiY, Tills was ohlyaftoi ' ^niiny cnnfcr-cnees with (lie lloualiiij aiitboi'-illes and town officials. 'I'lic .sifc wnsHRreed upon . and the next sti'p was to set up the maclilnerj^ In operate. The tpwii, throiigh lis executive body, the towiimeel.-iiiiV, must KJve autbbrlty . to the Board of, Selectmen to set-,up an A(!oney In accordance with our .slate law. A iown mcctli^K' wjis liebl and the lledevelopment Aiioncy of the Town of 'East 'Ha­ven was created;

Alexander Dot an .was nanlcd Cliitlrman, ' \

.laiiids F, Mllano was ' named Vic(;-Cluilrmiin and Socrelai-y, '

liolierl IDeclter was niiirtiiil 13n-Clneor.

Alfred riowden in eliargo of Finance. , ; '

TIiomnH Catjlnrdl In. charge of Publicity.

Tlii.ise Renllemen wei;o:i.o serve from one to five years each, .willi-mil roi^ipensnllnii aiiil wOuld give their best efforts lo Aijeiicy pi'ol)-lein.s. Tlie (Irst two years Ibis coniinlllee nii.'t twice a amnth.

meeting. After the cdntroct with the Fedoril governmoni, wns duly sljmcdl application was made for part of the funds ollocoted lo the Akcncy. . 15,000 wos. allocated to do ; planning and survey worlt. The agency was expected to fi­nally submit a plan- that would be occeplcil by the I'cderal II.&-IIF. Tbia plan would then be voted upott by the citUens of East Haven, a now contract would ho signed, to , bring the project to an: ultimaie conclusion. Part of the $1!5,000 was advanced and the Agency was In business.,

The first step, was to set up on office, which was done, in the Town Hall. A contract was then entcredi Inlo between J he Agency arid a, ,fli'hl ot'jplonnlng engineers, niirriely Technical PUinnlni; Asso-clalps, 1,0 do Ihfl 9Ut-vcy and plan­ning .worlt, ,Such worli nuisi meet all reiiuirementS as. outlined in the ast. Tlie engliicers met ail the survey, iind planning requlre-nient/i,. wbiclt resulted in nine maps' .such as you 'see here.

.'At tlilB point 'ihp material that was' .ftiither'ccl iiy tjie engineers had t o ' b e "reduced' to a dollar basis „ld ari'lv(>'at a cost figure. Tho licit: rotiulreR, that -two aiiprnh-als be, mhdc by Indepeiideni iip-.,)ritlser.s,',Oho'appi'alsaI iii be used tO'd.stdbllsb a cost figure and the second"appraisal for the purpo.'-e ol! "pui'clioslhg'ancl isellltig of tlie pi;op,erl|.PB .•lii'vplvcd,, ' •

.. App'nilBa!i Made ^ A cbt}trael.;''.'jtai.s •'ertt.ered Into

hetwcbn; ihe;';'AB;c'Vcy. and an ap-pr^alaoi'. TlVe.\e "cotiiracls must be rcvlcwetV and . upin'pyi!d by .Wash­ington. The,..appraisal was made iiiiil suimiittedi to 'Vyashlngton and U-Us reviewed both,"from the -

Keep yout Eye on the Sky In Ili»


CORPS w t i t « Civi l D * f « n » «

; . " . . / DO-IT-YOURSSL? - / BOOKLET!

Mefferl Lumber Co. North Main St., Branford

Tel. Hu 8-3484

Don't Use Flammable Cleaning Fluids!

iEasties, Capitalizing On [SeymoUr Fumblos, Win 24-6

Don't Be Careless with Cigarettes!

NOV. 15 • DEC. 2S ' | ooni tin lui • piw to itwti 1 K^V .V • ^%U•'.« ^-*^-.«.H»«*-«*A

2nd i-'loor • WOOLVVOKTH BLDG 109 CHURCH ST., NEW HAVEN. ' P h o n e : STa te 7 -U81 . Ask lor t h e YES

OPEN IHURSDAV EVENINGS UNlll B t. Uunt niodl to ittiilfnli o l oil lUMoui'dinl) Icwr.i



Bring your summer gar-iiieiits to us to be cleaned at our regular prices and we will store them in our Modern Storage Vault l o c a t e d on premises FREE until Apri l Ist ,

"^1955 . All insurance cost ,up lo $25 .00 will be paid by us.

in nlove your iioUselioUl bc-lnn''in"s anywliere on short notice. The dl.sta'nce mokes not the slightest difference to lis. .Slioil and long hauling ioo.s lire arrepleri by us with eiiual a|i|ii'cTiiiiinn and completed l.n I, way tbnt never fails in sal-i.fy ihe must ' iinrtieular. Kor |,i-.,nM>i .service, bisl ijlinne . '. .

East Haven Central Cleaners East Haven

Vm^o*^ 301 MAIN ST. I'l.o.w HO 7-!»!nB

Kelectinan Donlinlclt I-'errarii I'l'i-siMits UestMiiiiry Ihilsiiiiin wlttl a |H-M'JUUI iMMiell se* as f'-r-* iiri/.e in 'he nilliual f ire rrcvei i t ion ICusay contest syonsnred by tlie local K.xclinimc ("lull. iMi s Ualsiinm lii'iidcd the uiiper dlvUhni. Otb'i'r winner wi-rr also aitiKuiiiccd.

Don't inis,s the Fashion & Food Show on Nov. 16 at the High School

t'o in.stiiute proiJer .•••anltai-y con­ditions. T h e Rediivelopmeni Ai'eney has requesLeii lliesc Iwo hrograms of the :13oard of Select­men and afler about.one i'clirfi time' un appropriation. wn.s ad­vanced to prepare a Town Plan and a Sewer Survey., Tliese two

was ievn.-wtii, "ui", "v . . . .,.- ••- . bcenMH .'Ihc malyilg „o,t and in the r!ol<t.,T^e results f "''- , , f ^„o year. .ShbrUy itfUir oiv the.appraisal. werciti^M l o c a l - ^ ,; "Vepoi'" was stibmitleilC to,, cKlate the project cost.' A report ™\ , , ' ,„^. „nesilon of thC was ,, .si|bmllled,,.,lo..,Washint'toii ^ Xi l lonn l l lv o '(he ronnecti-whicb.is contained !" . M f . ' •o ;^^ ' S ' ' " mto- whlcli.:.sve v.,re

Th* plan recommended , l,bat «->"„ ,,„,,^, „p. The courts .verylblng' south of ,Ct,i«iy , " . " " , " ' ' I ^ ' I elar .1 H a t Enabling Acts Avenue lo Ihe,.water, from Coe "" ""^'\'^^^ uncniisiliiU Avemii-;vlc>r C a m b l ' U V g c ^ ^ C m . r ^ i b e ^ ^ ^ -

Hem;ed,::Tltls;mm>.i!»Vf • i W ^ ' ^ ^ ' ^ ' ^ P ^ MoA^vf is :tWay.,Tbls:vtBlsV.rc.r,;lhO, '""•IvJ^^.cv hi

li.ll.il.S. Juniors — (Continued I'roiii l'ai;r' One)

charge of preparations for Family Night, include: Barbara Beblor, Audrey Grnvor, Mary Kenney, .Martha !3rown, MIriannn Nuzzo, Rosemarle Balsamo'Nancy ilar-

^rlnglpn and .Unie;Fril)erg. ^•'Also, Irene 'Arnbolos, ' Francis Qulnlan, Lois ' Fritzell, Helen Casey, Patricia arud7.insUi, Mari­lyn MeAuUffe, .lean Tiiomas, Fran­cis StiariinceMlebael Cerrito, Ron­ald Swanson. Alfonso MeliUo, Uob-crl Heller, and llnlpli .Caslcllon.

Also, he's'ier Kiiii.;'!). Uohert Ve

iSliulcnts Hear About Scholastic Opportunities

^aHcUi*tf u»»t ca/i^,^ ANYWHJRt

Represent aiive.s of nine ad­vanced educational ni.stilutions and military groups have visited llie lliftli .School In recent weeki In tailt on educational and voca­tional opjiorlunities, Miss Dorothy Kecfe, dean of, '.women .stu'denl' and" counsellor fir suideiii-i.;>aiK nnuneed llii? weeli. '

Mlss.Koofc reported liri': r.r;-resentalK'cs from , Gi-are-Ncw Ha­ven Community Hospilal, Neu liuven Teaeiier.s' Cnliego, llic Un

|lvo)-sily of •Uri'lgiMriri..- .Fairfield

m ui iJiiJiiJi o ui uiiJi w i]i ui w m ui

17 WOOD $T. • WEST HAVIN 16. CONH I M »»^>^o# wi . -

y j»^MiavaHia ta»^K«««« i= !saacss3c3aMwiawcs«


Business Directory

i\ii'':uii: isayHu.-: !i:ii mill Uo",er Taui i ler .




,'^,';" . . ^ ' h ^ i a l ^ l i , . Aiil-linny. U .C-oliagc,'. t i ie Is : today . ; Tbl4'v:eBlls';',i?tir,',lhfr, de- y;r".V,'-.".'V, , r " : • .•.••; 'fil^llf^^J'V Cris(Mioln';V/.'l laai n i n n e t l l . J.pseph I Mar ine Corps, Cnnsi' O u a r d ' A c a d slrnylni>lol ' . ,many hou.se'Si'.'tlle i^e- Agency hi»I;.^he I'lglU. of,', e m i n - „ i , , - n , v ••,.•.• CHV.MIS, Maie.ia Ynrks. I „.-,•. .,•. - - -m b v a l ' nf i 'lflomc;' 'j 'n<"air, '- ' t inly ««l ' Homnln. . . ln other~*nr.(.ls, fli.-tSyriiltyJtoUr'^,tio'(ne.i;ai'e"i|6,remain rlR'"^'-«° . .cotulemn ; . i irop.;riy ami lntaciV-:.'Svit^.Hi-;^'j-5;c4mineiiil<itlon offer Ml .for :ptibilc ' s a l e . I.t . totik la, ."lini;.i',Vs;v,'sl'Bioic,,, Its V stated. ' . . In subnUttl^ig ', t i l ls ; .veiiQmmeiidiilion many : j I'^'iiiiilieipeiils .• •tlre_', involvetl.

' ' I ' l ie ' , JlcC'.'MiOVI'les ; ' ie;jtalii • pbll-gat.ibpis.jHp'.-'pro'tcol. :.i)i;esenl^ 'liome oWiiers'.^ifiil-i'aisfo ' t l ibse: Who ri>nl., A ' bquftc' io'.'hou'fe'?anvi>s.s I m U t o be 'nigrtii' lib '.(letetTOinc tiio re loca


1 Lot This AvaiUblo Spucc I Sell For You

I CALL AT 8-1661


FOR , . .

Hotpoint & Universal

APPLIANCES See Them Now On Display!

For Appoiiitincnt Call


• EASY TERMS Open Evetiingii & Sal. Only


" Kleclrii'iil ColliraelofH" 4(17 Main St. East Haven


HOSPITAL Mrs. Kay Anastasio, Dir.

J Registered Nurses in [Attendance Day and Night

Carefully Prepared Meali and Dicta

, Phone HO 7-5828 ^83 Main St. East Havoi.

"Authorized Dealer"

International Trucks


East Haven Green Garage

1 175 Main St. HO 7-3735

lilitfiit' fourteeii ..nloiitlis to. eel.ijt case'; ihrpuiih " tile .Si.iVlo ' Suprenie Ciiiirt,. Tlie act W s tleclared con-Isillutlonnl in 'the sprlni; of lOS'l, lit .Which time we endeavored- to finish our report. - , '

' ,,Tlie llousinf! Authority wanted be 'misrifl';irt •(WteiTOlnc tlio reloca- »*. -lo. e.xpanij,• our .mai-ltclablllt'y Moti-. 'p'r/)bl.qiit|','|-nt'''e'tii:h',,liidl'vldi'iui rajirirt;io cbnfirni the.market val-faiWliy.i !• ' ' ';,•'•;•, ' ' , ' • .;, . 1(0 put on ne\y property, for re-

• •. •,1C*iiiiJf«'ToW'l'l«i.;'' safe. Besides, obtaining; letters Addltlo:nai:ihformaiion was • - ' ' ' ° ' " •"'^''' •=""">•" >"-ol<oi's "">«

. . _ I -..Iv.- ;'ui;'. „ i , u - Wlnla,! olliei's coiitirminB that Ibe sal.e

(liie(ilcdiin().lhey,:alilo'-Stated f'^Mpric',,,,. placed .on the properties two' very Irapoillant a6llons '""Mu,„r„'.|,-i,e market values, we re-to be Vilion 'by, the town before

and a eommltmeiii must 116 made

rompleling the Purvey; The Town '("'^sted tlie Hartford office of the Zonlnir and Plaunlng Commission ' ' ' " ^ ^° make a study, of our iiiusl adopt a'Rcncral Town Plan ""-vpy and requested them to

• :.- confirm to us ihat the property would be eligible 'for FlIA."guar­antee loans. This confii'inalion

Central Cleaners Dyers Home of Distinctive Gleaning We Oi>erale Our Own Plant

4-Hcur Cleaning- Service Call For and Dolieyer

Vli Mula St I'liniie HO. 7-01107

RALPH P. GASTELLON fl>!ner»l Inaiiruiien

Augie'a Auto Repair General Repaliing Tires— Batteries

AAA SEEVIOE AAA riihne 110 7-53 IS 439 Main Nt

')N VODIl MIT,—.yODIl noMK v t i t m AUTO


!iB4 MAIN ST., KAKT IIA'VCIN 110 7-7Hlia




Fire— Bonds Automobile Oafiualty

»l Clildiwy Ave. K»iit Haven

GEN'S I.AUNDUY and DRY CLEANING Conipleito l^aunilry Si*rvli>«

V\\r.T> nULIVKIlY! 101 Main St. 110 7-146«

A tiriJi) portnli from our itudia ti wdTcliy ol Ltie.iiuporunT f v«nt it (omi[)<itior>tti..'

YoiiVtid your vyctlUiag party will &ppfcct»tt, tlt< inuiy convenience I we 6lTcr'|to. ipiiUeyou comfortubt*.'

Aim,; i6'>uur« you n ,coiu()!et« pitiurc .irpry^'.-Qur tl^ilted' ctniiii)

• phoiogfAj^Um.wilt record tht urf-iDuiiy iuelf And the reception, M you Jire'ci.. ,'

LUCAS STUDIO 2Cr> Main St.. • Bout Havpn

Tel,' HO 7-3030


was made abpiil three months after this request.

r i an Approval Awaited We are now awaiting approval

of the Town Plan and also n commitmeiil on a sewer s.retein for the town. VVitiiout these Im-liortanl project.s we cnimot com­plete our survey. Once these two lirojects are coiimtltled for we will complete our survey and ol>-taiii approval of plaiming from Washington. This will be only the bcKinnlnK for then wo. must worli up a financial -plan - acceptable lo bankers and then .gel town approval of the entire plan at anotiier town meeting which will be prsceeded by" a town - liehring.

A conlract .will be made w'lth the Mousing Auihority and funds will be requested to . the'amount of Sl.ono.ono. A financial, plan was submitted 10 Washington last niontb. I win gb over this quiclcly and then get Into a discussion with yovi. •'. • 'y. .. - .;

-This tremendous project has not had the support of cither po­litical party of our .town.: I t wa-s started under the Democratic town adminktralion in 19.11. Dur­ing the Uepubllcan thwn' admlnis-^ Irution cooperation was bblalncd in delniled mattars onrt only after .some uncalled for delays.-

The prssent administration lias glyen •ll!i> project lip. service. Ilow'ever, Ibo present first selccj-iiiaii, Mr. Clancy,.went on' record at an Advisory Committee meet­ing ' a.s stating, that .he._lhpuglit thai the redoveiopmcni. of the area wa.s the" greato.s(. thing that East Haven has ever planned. As fur as I know, -no- member; of eitbcr political town, committee! K oiitlmislic about' Ibe success, ol lledevelo|imont. None have the courage to Blvi> It their full s,up-Iiori for 'tear of losing voles. In a way this is good for It will be dlftl^'ult to make a .political toot-biill out of the issue.

HooKs Sold 111 Area Each Mori til HAMDKN— Sale of comic books iii groaler Now iluvon nroa ia a ,'i;ir ,OO.n .or more .business .por moiUh bui any nctlfins to improve U)o lUPi'afy sUimlai'ds of the com­ics won't, hffod. Ihalr sales Intal 10 any great degroo," represenia: hivos of tlio two (ivea", magazine dislribuUnK firms lold. tlic Specini Civic Affairs CommUleo of llui Chamber of Commerce' Tuesday. The local commUtce is pressinK for cbmaniinlty reaction against so-calle(l crime comics.

Both Thomas F, ' Anderson v>r the Connecticut News Co. and WllUajii Kessler of the New Haven News Asoncy said their firms are wholohonr'todly behind any move to clean up the comics. Ko55slcr, ut Tuesday's moeting. rie-jclarcd tliat reports ot "lio-in deals" or required ordering, iis have ,' been •. required loenlly, \ "just do not exist in the area."!

Under a "ti'?-in deal," a sloro-1 keeper would be renuirod lo ac-ce pt delivery of some unwnnii'd books to gain dellveiy of the more popular mnfia/.inos. Ko-qulred ordering would mean that tJie unw^anled books would lu-delivered • to storekeepers even against their wiwlies. Kessler s;iiil any storekeeper can confiuo di--llvery to any any specific type nf

I maRazine^ he desires to sell.

Parents Inapirincf SegrefjcUion /i/o/.s Brownell AsserlH

Racial-intet^ralinn in thf public 'fiChoolH of the South is liciuf; .MocketV by parents, not rhSldreu. fomier llumdeidte Dr. Sunuu'l

.M. UrowneU assyrls, t>r. Urowii-oil IsXJnltml States CommlssioniM-oMCilticallan, on leuve nf ubsenr.c

-ifrom the- faonlly of YnU* lhu\er-

tn a talk nt Los AoKt'les, Ciilif., ef^flipr tills- week, llui former OhuroliUl nil. rosltlenl said: "U's rmnarUaltlo the way luteKratlou

; luiN bee|t-ftccepleil by th« yoiinR-stors. I haven't roiiml any nmjor

; feoUoKS or projmlloe on tln'Ir partf-cven lu-WashinRton."

I iVr. 'Urnwnell attrlbiitiMl r!«re-iipK aniontc pupils hi \Vashlnt;ton, D.CM pDblin hiiiools of late to parental Inspiration lirouiibi on by loni^ tradition nf iii>t;rogallon

emV. and- tlie. lJ,hiyersity. of Cbn tieeiicut, luiyo already appeareci :tri .liilk' witlr sKtdealk-.' More- aire •scheduled for later. • „. • ..'>t\|t-

:Tlie lliRh; Scbfiol., in' additlop/loli cohductlnR ihl.v'program" .f(ir ac­quainting slutU'uts with, oUpca-tlnnul and vocalionn) opportUrtl

ics, piainiains ;.a filo nf ,cbllt?!So eutiUoBs, enlrhher_ rPqUiremenU' and" other ,n\alei*ini which; is„. ac ccsslble io; lhe .Riudenis!, . ' / • "•..

-Miss Jcehfe- reported ihat.^ttiany seniors hav already filed applica­tions., for. college .ohtranee, exain-uiatlons and thai.; a number ,of juniors and, senior.** have nied," or propariiiR to file, applications for scholarships.



•r Mums aiwl Cut Flowers malte this J a y [I truly festive with lovely flowers on the table

il Order your poinsettias early for Christmas

I J. k LONG COMPANY . 11 Dodye Ave . • East Haven • HO 7-6318 fi


Our New Cars Are IN!

It juM wasn't Seynioiir's riuy on Saturday when Kast Haven ] HlUh bent tht> visitinR high school team 24 to 6 hpfore aVxiul HOO spectator.*: on the Uval grid-iron.

Despite some vnllahl offensivo and defensive efforts the Ses-miiur eleven was Jlnxecl with a bad ca-se of Ihe fumbles which time, and again, were capitalized uixni

I by Iho Easties. ' Ea-st Haven's flr.st .score came In Ihe openlnK minutes of the game when U fumble by Dick Grzyac?. Was ..scooped up by Ilank IJU7,/.I glvhiB the Eo-Stics posses-.sloii of the ball on the Seymour 33-yard line. Afler Ralph Sireeto and Art Concillo look turns ad­vancing the ball from there, Luzzl scored from 'the four-yard line.

UConn President Sees Needs For Expansion

EAST 11A>T,N MT.WS. Tliiirsday, Noveniher 11, m*. Ptt(fe S

^mil!f\ Tl l io l B l o n c 5 « , . . Willi TODAY'S ARCHITECTURI

LonKcr Lifeln 111 AH Educat ion Levels - - - -_- S T O H I t S - K d u c a t i o n of nioii* ynvini; lumplo in techhienl ^liills an M. \r\fi • • v « . « a « , B . . . — ^ j moral and clt i /en resptmsibllhles wns lormed today by a Connecl l iu l

B-jyT 9 / ^ * educator ns the best Investment fop future prns.pei-iiv and natiinial .

P l U l l i r O ^ I i l l l N O •'nf«'y- I5r. A. N. JorRcnsen, Presldeat of the University of ConnrcMrut. v i i » i v & t « . ^ o \ J w s o v / Ij jj mewmge calllnR atlenllon to American Kducntion Week which I

^*».^tt^ Qnndiw nrfred nviblie cop:id/nnre nf "the urowlh}' i-rlsis in |

Poor lleallh May

Medical science and health programs have twenty-five yciirs to our life ox pociancy in the past titty years.

This has caused an Inorcnse In our aging populntlon. and n cor­responding increase in the inci­dence of chronic disease.

This apparent boom of RiM!al longevity may heconie a cur.Ke. Long life without henlth or use­fulness Is not only an individual

ored from the four-yard line. lumti.., ,., , The remainder of the first half tragedy, InM a social dilemma ser-

resQlved Itself into n stiff battle '""s'v nffeetlnR our iiailonai way with both sides fumbling several "' " ' " " '" ' ""Hon'*!' ecomimy. times and neither able lo score until the second half eol under­way.

The Seymour team kicked oft and then held the iionie team lo yardage short of a first down I ""•" "'"";',"•, , forcing a punt by Streeto to the P " f ' " ' 'f '> '"" '«; Presumed ,,,_ _... I Ihat each day of disability equals

l U V i n i ; » , i t -x . . . . . . . .

of life and national' economy. In the United Siai?s chronic

disease makes- ROO.onO complete in­valids a year. Moreover, chronic disease causes loss of 1,250,000 working days a year — equal to the workinfe time nf 5,2SO,0OQ

HO 7-0070

SejTnour SS where a fumble put the ISiislies in control again on the ac-ynrd line. Seveial plays later SIreelo passed to Joel Ous-tafson. East llaven end, on the II who ran It over for the second score of the game.

For their third score the. East­ies again took advantage of a Seymour penalty and a fumble which put the visilors on the de­fensive with lEasI Ilayen liireat-enlng from the nine-yard line. , In the fipai quarter it looked like a shut-out when Luzv.i look a pass from Streeto on the four-yard line to . ore . from tJiere. 13ut this wos not until after the Easties had moved lo • the Sey-

Imour 17-yard line. There they lost the. hall on downs, ' aguiiisl IX strong Seymour stand only to recover again on a fumble on the 13.,

The Seymour combination of Walt luid ,lohn Slnsuy, finally

$10.00 twiiich includes: loss of In­come OS well as cost of hospital luid medical care) tlicn tlie an­nual economic loss would amount to 512,500,000,000.

Chronic disease has been call­ed the,special tax exacted hy na­ture in return for long life..Sta­tistically, this assertion triny be true but certainly it does not need to be true.

VniiiiRstcrs Affected Chronic disease is not exclusive­

ly a problem reloling lo old age. One-half of the estimated 2G,000, 000 people With chronic disease ore under forty-five years of, age. One In every six Is under twenty-five year.T nf age. in fact, only 157^ of all persons with chronic disease are more tiinn sixty-rivc years of ago

' • ^ m a mes.sage LHHH,!; public started Sunday urged public cogniiance of added eclucallon."

Education Week, the Slate Uni­versity President declared, "is n time when leaders in eommeicc, Industry, labor, agriculUire govcrn-menl and pducallon should call at-teiUlon to the growing crisis In education rcsulltng from the rising lide in our school and college age gniups."

"To graduate more young peo­ple," he said, "technically skilled In the sciences, engineering, com merce and agriculture and broad ly cducaled to moral and citizen responsIblllUes, is the host Invest­ment Ihat can be made to guaran­tee our future prosperity national safety and Individual happiness."

Pointing to an expected addition­al 130,000 elementary and seconda­ry school children in Connectieul b y t h e end of the next decade and 25,000.more college age youtii by i IDGO Dr. .lorgensen nsserleri that 11 Is iin "Inescapable fact that, fa- | cllitles on nil levels ol education will have to he greatly expanded."

He odded, however, that despite Ihe problem, "there Is good reason for confidence." The state, he de­clared; "Is favored with an enlight­ened population which npprecintts the advantage that edurnlinn to the .state." Iirliigs to lite slate."

"Connect Icut," he said, "has prospered because of the work of college graduates drawn to our In­dustry and farms. Citizens of Con­necticut will suppoit a reasonable program fo,. providing qimlUicd Connectieul yout!i witii nppnrtuni tie.') for.liigher education. 'l'hc\

l.;i,i:t:TlllC lll'r.ltATOIt


$75.00 IM.llS INST.

• Beautify your home, old or neW/wi t l i this quality-l iul l t , ex­pertly Irtstalled Qtiraao door that oporutes sii iooll i ly, i]uiolty and eusily (or many yeurt , Qiiul l ty tuts costs.

N A T I O N . W I D l S o / e s - l / j l n U n l i o n - S o f v i c e


i.diAi, s.M.Ks .V sr.itvirr. I'HII.IP SAUNDF.US I'Uonc HOliurl 7-22(52

F R E E ! RftDIO LftMP

T i n l l k o ' s o m o of Ihe diseases, of will s u p p o r t , t h e Oovernor and Cie Unlll.P .'."nu • ,.„„. -„_„i i .onmWv In slens lo nsUK

childhood w h e r e cause and t rea t m e n l is s imple and . specific, chronic,dl .sease is insidious In lis

w a l l t u i M ,"-•. . . .

contrived a play which lircached onset. With advancing years the jinx ceiling. With .lolin toss- there occurs an increasing diver ing riom his own -lO lo Walt on gency between individuals. We

I the East Haven. 3(5 who "-— ""» ' 1 raced ' all , the .way to an

w i l l JMIIHJW, I , ,1 ,1 ; ^ . . . . ^ —

neral Assembly in steps lo insure the continuing growth and welfnn ot the state's- Institutions of hlgli-er learning."

St. Clare's Ladies t on gency between inniviuiuu^. " - 0 1 . v-mrc » i^auica then are today whot we are '"'-Sfy QUl ld H o l d i n g A n n u a l

; ; o e d - a l l , t . . e , w a y to an - ' v U ^ a u s e ^ o f U . exiK^^^^^ ^ ^ ^^^ score, the Scj'mour team ^ ^ ^ - l P ^ f , „ ^ " , " ; ' „ , jnfpcl ions, nu- *-!;..„ ladies Guild of, E a single touchdowhi

Summary Score by. periods: East Utivcn ' G 0 12 0 - 24 Seymour 0 0 0 6 - G

Touchdowns; East Haven. Lu/. /i, .2, Oustaf.son, Concillo; Sey^ nioiir, Walt Slo.suy.

Conversion atteiiipts by side were wltl'iout success.

Sleep V/ELl

ell he I

the same injuria, infections, nu- ~:,';;;- Ladi'es'culld^of:st. Chut s ritlonal insults hiiosicatio.-is, tn- j , , , ^ , . ^ ^ ^ ,,„ , „, , Igues or emotional upspis All „ p^).. g^iu,,, ,„ „„ . „ , „ .

this makes the handlinK of I'lirnnlc' • - • . , , : ,_ ,„ disease a very difficuli incillcal problem. , •

Provi^ntinn Preventive measures against t.iie

onslaught of chronic Illness are making progress. Today wo can

liouse. Tlie general public is in viled' to see the many attraclKi foatures offered tor the children including 'Santa Claus Expuss and pony rides.

Rctfe.shments will lie served

Sleep under,an electric blanket, which does • .the tyork of three ot more heavy covers, j Avoid the nuisance of blanket hunting and tdjusting windows. Ask your dealer how , easy it is to buy and how little it costs to use i * beautiful, durable, washable electric blan-; ket. Then get one soon for every member of yout family. '"


HI 111 m ui ui ui m ui ui MI UI W UI ui i i

Easlics?TV)ps In Housatohic League PlayJNo^Hiivini Sill.

Whlic> the Eiist •'•'llaVcn High team rc-sts-eijcure' oh,.,tlie 1opof the •. IloUstilonip'', Leagtie ,, foqlbnll li.sling, iwrt RHrhcs remnin, in the .season.,' ',;•' •" . • • „•

This Sallird'ay IKc, Eistles will play host to • NoiMh iiaven High on the local: Illgh School Field. The, game Will start at 2 p. m...

Oh Thanksgiving bay the East-i.\? will Invade Branford to meet the Branfpr(l Hornets in the tra­ditional closing'game of the sea­son. ' " , , ' , . •

League standing : for meiaber teams shows, East- Iiaven tops with no losses (in the, league). Shelton qhd Branlord tied for se

making progress. Today wo can "—•?.-,: prevent manv chronic dlsco-scs IIS Ihrougliou!. ..the day. Vai lous well as halt I lie progression of, a I'oolhs will feature candles, ap

'- '•ons white elephant Items, wi;i i ut. . 1 . . . . . ..V , - . - . , dlsea.sc from Its early unrecogniz­ed slag< to, a more sevei^e one. Our -aim should be lo prevent, wherever po.sslble,. the oousea fbi pallenis needing to enter Ihstitu-tions . rather than just to build now .ones an'd ,tlion try , to fill tl iero,tip. 1

Prevonlion And early rehabili­tation measures are chaper than the crushing expeqso of facilltie.s for custodial eiiro of the disabled and public assistance to them and their families. ' In this new era of ciironic disease, results will be slow and often unnoticeable. To­day we are dealing not alone wilii dlseiuic but with problems prior to and resulting from disease.

The greatest advances in medi­cine have been made hy the pre-.entioii and control and not hy Ihe cure of disease. The greatest advance in public health In this

Diiuiiia rons, white elephant items, cakes and novellliea,, Eveiynne is wel­come, I

Willi Uio purdiatjo of



^ RftDIO

* T.V.


, We»Uiij>'hou!Jo • Sylvanla • GE




HO 9-0343

m. J •• a


& Food"

WnlUngfonl with no 1

a HOMj: of your o i ii


S P E C I A L -1953 Ford Tudor V-8 1952 Ford Custom

Tudor V-8 Fordomatie 1951 Ford Vict. 1951 Ford For-Dor

V-8 Fordomatic 1951 Pontiac Four, Boor

Hydramatic 1950 Ford Tudor: G Cyl

1950 Pontiac Pour. Door 1949 Ford Tudor'V-8 1949 Olds. Tudor Hydramatic 1948 Chey. T'udor 1948 Packard

Model 2202 Four Door 1947 Tudor 6 Cyl. 1946 Ford Tudor V-8

cond Place with only one lo.ss " ' r o r m o d e n r ' m e d l d n e ; will be each, Soymour^^ltdrd^^with^tvvo ,|„.„j,u„ community health .sor-

~ '"" "" vices. Research Into the methods nf disease prevention is valueless unless it Is promptly accepted and utiliMd by the community for the purpose for wliich it is intended— to save life and promote and maintain good health. Wcll~plun-ned programs focusing on preven­tion and maintenance of good lieaitii are the most efficient and economical methods of conlroliing I lie high cost of medical care.

Tuesday Evening

Nov. 16th 8 p. nr

A Day in




'ff99fVR9lf!IIC3m *


u( t h e KeluiuN,


WILSON AUTO SALES HU 8-2546 147 Moiitowe.se St., Bfd.



. Foxon Congregational, Old Stone Church,

St Andrew's of Northford and the Short

Beach Union Chapel are cooperating in

the 13th annual United Every Member^


Sponsored by the New Haven Council ,ct Cluirchea.


is a SOUND Investment "I'du'll be proud of at lumie

of your own. It's x rnoiiey-

iaving investiiieiu, too.

Set us for ex])en

help on planning

and selection of



LUMBER GO. Nnrll i nraln St.. l lruiiford

Tf l . IIU 8-34114




PbyUu. Ck>|i»c of United. lUuminatinc Co, . ifiycfi. you.-tilic low*QOwn oa tbt new von-

rtnitncc foodx.

Set tb« »<w \ feminine Ia»hioiu suul ntw thingK for tUc'children,

Jot Francis, V/NHCTV ttftr M matter of ceremonies.

Mtct tom^ of your (tvorit i TV stars, knd local personaUtililt.

Learn new brtukfatt, luncheon,, and dlniicr

delitEhti. - '

How to.;u»^ Ui4t!\0}odfro tlectrical appU" . ^^Htt. LbU W pirlatt, Muvtulrt, rcfrttii-:


- of Mrs. Bradshaw \



FraniclT conanei^cUl, but lot* ott run Mill very bittrucUve too, \ iiew typii fiwtilon utaotv luut KookliiK MIWOI presented lu tMtt Haven (or, Uu t l r t l Ume luiywhei-e. Vou're aure to enjoy U, nod you'll' be MUpporlliif^ A wbiidurrul eAUjie,

above Stores and at »he Dooi Inderson Avilo Accessories

•ii'l .Miiln .St., Kusl Muvrn

iMiniK. n o i-(i!ino

Admission. 25c-Tickets on Sale at al

NEFIT-THE M A Y O S C H O L A ^ S m P ^ ^ BE

vS"*>'-*' ^^*ft-<*:'^^ 4-

EAST IfAVEN NEWS. . Tliul'sdny, Nnvenilmr II , 10BI. I'aRi! •

piiBusinm FAfEnv xmnisDA'r nv

INCORPOIlATKn •—~ 81)13 nixwnll Avnnno, llninilen, Conn.


I*mp» Brennnn, Ailvrrttslni; Mnimger T i m EAST HAVEN NEWS

tii Mkin Strcr.t. TeI.II0 7-Ii8ll Dox 2in EMt H*v«n

AnVERTIsrNO RATKS ON APPLICATION Riinlni>u Tr.litpliiinn ATwat«r 8-iafll

? I

il fiim.SCRIPTION! $2.60 |)CT ypor, payulile In ii<1v*nc«


Entered 0.4 Bl New Iliiven, 3, 1879.

.second class matter on May 115 Connecllcut.

3052, under the act of Mnrcli

• •

ii "t!-t



/I ;\

'') ' li k

Reflections On RIeclioii It was said in many liigh places that the

Third Congressional District in Connecticut was one of the places to watch for nn early trend in how the voting would go. A n d ns the nation listened on the evening of November 4, the trend in the district appeared to b e a G O P one. So much so, in fact that commenta tors at WELI were emboldened to predict that since

l(>rgely to the inability of the Democrats to find issues or candidates with sufficient ap­peal io induee the v o t e r s , t o elect their candi­dates. •

In a typical off-year election the towns served b y Free Press Publications saw the Re­publicans roll up a margin which in itself was almost sufficient to wipe out the feeble show­ing the Democrat ic par ty m a d e in the city of New Haven where it won by 7 ,000 voles. Na­tionally the Democra ts gained, bu t as one ob­server piJt it, " t he margin was merely the point after touchdown."

Connect icut ' s Third Congressional District, the Democrats did not gain. They lost. And the margin was something more like two tolichdowns.

It would seem that the Democrats in this district could benefit from the opposit ion's lac-tics and get n new quar terback. For while the Republicnris nre giving the ball to the .players the voters want Io watch, the Democrnts nre hopelessly mired in a struggle with quarter­back John Golden as to who is going to run and where.

— R.G. I 1.

Out On A Limb The editor crawled out on a limb Insl

week in nn editorial titled, " W h y No C Y O H e r e ? " This week, irate mcmhers of St. Clare 's parish sawed off the l imb.


Undo Sam annually owes a dobi of gral i ludo to llio more it ian Iwo million -l-H membors wlio carry on pracllcal projocls al tiomo and on Iho farm. Oh Nalional A-U Acliievemotd Day, November 13, citizens Ihroughoul ll io nation commend 4-H hoys and girls (or ihelr Imh l l ' n l good cilizensliip, acquired it irougli actual, work experi>'r:>.«j . in con­tributing to the nation's economy.

A check with the Rev . Alfred Merusi, of Ribicoff had carried New Haven by only 7,000 St. Clare 's Church, a n d with the Rev. Louis odd votes, inslend of the expected 12 or 13,- Pelosi, of St. Vincent dc Paul 's Church, con-


ji !-,l


1 '


1 . i,( • 1 i ! r

000, h e would not be able Io defcnl Lodge whose strength outside the cities was ' well known.

T h e rest is history. Ribicoff won in an ex­tremely close count though the slate as a whole did no t support the rent of his ticket. In the three towns principally served by the three newspapers of Free Press Publications there was an unbroken Republican sweep. Haindeii voted Republican by roughly 10,000 to 6 ,000 ; Fuisl Haven went Rcpublicnn by approximate­ly 9 0 0 votes (3 ,800 Io 2 , 9 0 0 ) ; while in Bran-ford where 9 0 % of the eligible voters turned out, the G O P margin was slim al about 3 ,500 to 3,1 50.

In the gubernatorial race the G O P held the line in the three towns. Moreover, when it came to the . favorite sons" cohtcsts: Gnrl land in ILasl Haven and Grilto in H a m d c n , the Democrats were unable to cut into the regular Republican plurality. Democratic Congress-iona l cand idn t e Gart land hot only rnn 'beh ind Ribicoff in East Haven, he failed to carry a

• ijingle district. Gar t land ' s own norn>n.lly..Dem-

firmed their claims. Con t ra ry to the opinion Btntcd last week, there a re very active Catho­lic Youth Organizat ions here.

Father Merusi pointed with pride to the activities of the St. Clnrc C.Y.O. where teen­agers, for whom the group is organized, and adults ,hnve been conduct ing ah active five-po lnf p rogram. W e h a v e further, testimony from two renders, whose letters take issue with us.

• At St. Vincent dc Paul ' s Church, Father Pel­osi, who is an assistant to the pastor. Rev. Wil-linin O" Neill, also described nn active organi­zation which works closely with the Momau-guin church 's group. Some aspects of the pro­gram were no t too strongly participated in, like the social events, he said, bih in general the p r o g r a m w a s a success.

It was pointed out, in' the course of discus­sions, that the Catholic Youth Organization is not primarily a recreational grpiip. .While its prograin does provide for recrelition in the form of athlet ic competi t ion and social activ­ities, these nre subordiniite to the primary aim



Television 'I'lici-r' Is im r'Viilclrci' llirrt wlinl

is .smin (111 li'li'ViHiHu Is ImllMlcd liy llirra' wlif) wiilcl, II. 'I'liis iir-I'Uiiieril. wiiri niriili' liisl wncU by 11 Inlevlslorr i..>(i!CUllvi' Ki.sl irjinj,' befofe a (•oiifji-i'.si.irmul rM>mmitttM'. II. Is 11 rullni'lous uii;iiini'ril. 'riic'iT' Is Inili-'i'il cvirli'iici' ,11)111. whiil Is seen nrr tclevlslnn Is liiillnlud liy those will) walcll 11. And it Is supplied l)y the leli'Visiiiii iicojile themselves. How? In I he ndvee-tl.sllii; Micy fealure.

If iliey are nul cnrivlneeil that people I'liii lie per.'Ulllded ',tii do wliul tlir'y sei,' iliiiieon the llvlrii; room seri.'eri, why shauliL they, eonsliinlly show us 11 limn ;(li'lnlt-' Ing 11 eeiMiilii lieei'.n Woniiin'.smo-Itlni! a eei-laln nlijaroile, sn)iii>one reslini! nn n ei.'i'lnlii mul.lress, .somennp else, drivlnt! .11, eerliiih ear? ir Ihey dir nnl. Wellev'e Ihi'd children In pm'tlmilar will -.lie'lii-

of providing youth- wtih religious instruction riueiiced K i (-ippy what lileoinmu

fried only the Third,District . in Icis-leii to Ottaviiuio ,6,43.2..to..10,005.!

-Tt would seem that the G O P sweep" in these three towjis could be exp'lainedinviorins df the local situations. In j Inm'den, •trliditionally Rfc-publicpp, . the G Q P conliiiucd .|g,_b^! nj'orc suc­cessful than the Democrats in capturing the in­dependen t (o r non-par ty) vote, ns no really

'in the basic truths of f a i thond morals . , In his 9 r ig ina lxominen t , : the editor-was pri­marily' interested, in the,. recreatibnar,of>portun-ilics offered by ' th i s prp'graro.'in a ftcneriiil pol­icy of supporting all coiviniir'nity'activities in this ciilegpry,,'- " ' , . ' • ; , • . • . . . . ' , . '- If the.editorial t o m m e n t last ,week wlas rnis-

• guided, its intent was never critical. Instead it meant io pbse 'nh inquiry fcgarcliiig"the cxteiit of ihqse attivitieb. If its effect was to-miike C

impor tan t local i s s u e s w e r e at s take. In Ei\8t Y...O. .participants, feel.slitjhlad, an apology is Haveii , where the G O P might hhvo exfieri- ' ' " • = ^ ' ' ' > - * " " « " ' ' " ' ' ; • ; • " ' • enc'ed: t rouble they were saved by what ap- T h e Rev. Merusi ppiijted out that there is peared to be growing dissntisfaction on the a lways . room for, improvement in such p ro-par t of the voters with the Dcinoci-alic' ma- gramti with addilioniil participation b y youth chin<;,'of which Gart land is the nntnlnni head. iind by adults, whose nssiniance is alwoys need?

Turkev lime soon. ALsn duy Io An oiBaiiizotional- ineetmK of e l v our mnnv thanks for oar tlie Fo.\on Deniocrnlic Club was hlcs^lligs " held this week al the home of .le-

. . . . • ronic Grady on Kiver Road. Jerry

nlculed \n them hy the 'meclluia, why slimitd they show lioys, nii Rii'ls elnninrhii; ,, fill' ' a eei'thhi tiroliil,' ijolililiii'K, U(i n.('<.'i'|iiiiK..i!6'i5; ehl; 'Spol-lliiu a iierfiihV'ei;!s'l;tll^^>,

'.The jelevlsioii ;|ieo|il(» tliVnISDl-. ye.H,.'then,' ifre Ih'o' slroliiVeKt ^!';-, ifMsrto '(he-•piiwei'. ijt.'the. imuji'e and' i.lie wonis -11)' louil '.viewer's11"

•do.precl.sely.-wluiL, ls.,<le|)ii;ted.,f;ni' theijii They eonlniillel. one».^or thefr' .owir first prii'ieiiiieH wh'eri Itiey, m'aliituiu, thai./ Imilaliim' Ms mil im(ueud' l(y • Ihi- i eui'ilenl of; a television dlspUiy. , —r Frbpi 'The Ciil:lKil.ie Trnnsei-iiil.

This was the decisive factor in giving the K e -• publicans a 900-vote margin. • ' . •

• , • In Branford. where the balance of power has been very slight for several years, the G O P

ed. On his .advice, then, the News is pleased to lend its support to. a suggestion that m e m ­bers of the several pariahes offer to their parish ht-'ads their assistance in'.mir.vfcying the pMsibil-

margin (if 350 voles can again be allriblilcd ilies of add ing tci these .prograh'ta:


Says "Shame" For Not Verifying Facts On Catholic Youth

Noveinlier .7 To the Editor.: Att^r leudinB your nrlicle on "Why No C.Y.O. Hei-e" 111 this weeks Newi, 1, ns aii ailWc innn-bei ot fil Chui s Cliuicli felt ubiismcd ot you for not veilfyinK the (self bl foie piinlini; suib a story.

1 cannot spiiik for the oilier *C.YO's in rnst II[i\en but I ilo

»mollfy to spcuk for Si Cl,iie's_ >-atb"c)i. Alticil Merusi works liurri with Ills C,YO and U K \er')

Jacllve On Weil, Qel 'II, 11)51 " i h e CYO spon-.nied a Holler

SltaihlB Parly and hulled !3I Vlpcenl's to pinllilpaie

On Get 22nd thej Ireld a bionm-' stl'clt'dunce In tiro CiiUrch ll«ll

Tbcy are now planning a bqiiaie ditnce to be lield the lallei part of Nov' ' I y/ouUln't call this an Inaillve diy.O.-'Would you? In all fnli-nsss to ratl ier MPIUSI and lils C Y O I tlilnk you should reliaoi yoiir lilatoinenl After this If you would call St Clares Ilectory

' Ijeforo printing anything relallng 10 oyr Cluiuh I am bure nnlior O'Donnell or ra ther Merusi will be only 100 glud 10 i{lve you all the tiue fQcfi

Ilcbpect fully, Mrs blguid Anderson

152 Vista nr l \e

that you shuulcl have looked Into llie .siliialion before prhlling It.

You have rriade'a mistake, be­cause every Catholic pai'ish In l-^asl Ihrven has an active C.Y.O. They sponsor dances, skailng pai-iles" and'some have limma In bns-kciball, volley hull and • olhei-. spoils (In) <whlrb hnlh'lioyn and i;lrls pnrililpale

The C Y O ' s meet cvei> \yHk and make plans for ncllvilles and lellfloirs irisirU( lions

' Sincerely yours An AetlMi CYO menibLr,

riancis Walsh, .Ir r S l^ie C y O I am in Imn nvei fitly members ami Uinie are iwq others with mnie l")u ynu eall Hint a luik of CY.O 7

In the lost election, and 1. will. erideuvor,tb.,the best of ii'iy abil­ity, to i;ui|lhniu my activities lor lire bes-t' Interesls of life, people of Ka.sl.llavea. ' '

(Signed) . , , ' Harold IS.-Ual^olni.e,

Democratic candidate for' '. . 'slule reiireseiilntlvii

' 'fhe, naliiimil iitilh'enr i's jiiayed for-jhetU'esldonl.' a 'anureli fin' an e.x^pr;i.l.s-ideiit nliil Ilie; nniloiial im-tlieni.^of ills or lieri oininiry fi.u' olliei's!' -' " ' ' '

Personal j^'i.ctonj 'Personal: Defeat

To thecxleiij Ihjal Abe nibienff's stnr-llln(T,s(iiKNi'k v,'.elo|.y'wias a per­sonal. I rhiniiili,.it/, vyii n iiei'siiiial defeul for .liihn Uoiitic lliui lie ran .so deidslvely helidul Ills',lickel. Old

wcMiiids in the flOi' rflnks Showed up 111 Hie b.-iiiiiliiit;, winimls tliul nih'.lil li.'ivi. been healed in a spirit elf iiiilil huniiiily.end e.ood himior.

II is luil surprislni; liial Hie He-imlilienii iiovernnr failed to please Hveiyhridy. 'i'linmi'li ills foul' years lie lieiilollslrilled n iiinekeil Imlep-I'Udi.ni.e ill iielicMi, Tills look a (.fiHr..ir.eouly i-iileubiled risk, bill I he iiKl< niinht li.Mve been minimiz­ed if Kiime of his fidlnw pally nieniliei-K had md r."\U-n I lie iiii-pressioii llml llie Giivenuir w/m ruiibiiii; it In.- ,

.lohii Diivl'i I.odi;e is iuii'diy re-lei;illed In cibsiui'ily liy HiIs upset; be h.'is (;iioil,|.olliu'eliiills lipslail'rt o.nd ciiii he e.vpeeled Io turn up hi a post of pniiiiiiieiiei. mid lU-esliKe, i.nrr..v, at leiisl, heeulise lluit S liie nih-in whieli he iiieliires liim-seif. Hut he will iiflen have rea.son to reonll Hie lessiin of VXA IhuV heiidhii; Iho peek a bll, when fun-donienlal piiiiei|ili- is nol. Involved, dons lint ueeessiirlly mean kniii'U-llnt-:'under. .

' Deiuocrolle Oiiveruni'-Einet -Abe Hibleoff will need all his many Inl-enls io score i s euplain of a lli;-publionii leiiiu.'lie litis Hie lawyer's lil'.llity to do it; ,iusi as he wus nblo to neeepl.iHip.noiiiinallori from boss .lojin Bailey nnd .sHllT-foi- the bene­fit of I he tliiiiisiin'dK' wlio .rcBunled Bailey .iis.o .'el'iiss'ilefleli. ~ cump-aiun in .an ' air of indeiiendenee. Like .lohn I.iidnb, Abe • ilibieoff lakes hhiLsiilfi very seriously. But bis poiitlo'al fliSu;p.proliattoiis - Willi Ili'ek'riiVyi'buijIi-BdHt'd arrofialice. . 7'he. 'now ' Kiivernoe lias .shown n'liiazlni}. voie-Kel.ti'riB tnie'nis In W.esi' liai-lf'oi'c! wiiei-c .li'is- Bllkerr, siicei'ss ' imil bis 'breadth of view iia'vc upr.ealed to- iii'any iiii'd_dle-o£-,llie-roade'i'-s.'11 is' diiublfulif even Hie most hnid-hlHenCbl ' pnrli.suu eah be i.biiiMleri.d by Hie iiersonai' Iriuiiipli of a rniiiiiiilgn which was

'.-suslnimid, foi- tile' iiiost pnrt,.otr 11 liiijii iilal'emi'of snowy fjliitiludes. -Fioni 'Tl ie west riiu-lfoVd New.s.

Momaiiguiu Lodge .138 Obs«;rves Warden's Nighl

'".liinloi- VViirdeii's nlElil" will b e ee lebl 'MlisI 111 M n i i i n i i y u i n l .odf^e

No. I.:i8 A.P. & A.M., liasl Haven, oii Moiiday, Nov. 15, at 7:;i0 p. m. at which lime Ihe Entered Ap-peenliee Dei^ree,will tie e.\empli-tied. All .Mnsier Masons, are in-viled to niteod lilld retreshmenls will 111., served, ill Hie baiiquel linll nUvr the ile|;iee work.

Mr. and Mrs. Conslantino Alex­ander, of 18 .Ininaca CI., announce the engaRemeat of their daughter. Clnire Marie to Arnold B, Coroccl, son of Mr. nnd Mrs, Albert Cnroc-el of l in Blake Street. Arnold served 2 years with U. S. Army in Oermony. A February wedding Is planned.

• # • • *

nrndford Manor Auxiliary will, hold Its monthly card party to­morrow evening in the fireliousc. Hostesses will be Mrs. Milton .Johnson, Mrs. Bernle E.lher and Mrs. Edward Karmazyn. The pub-lie is invited to nltend.

* * « « • Belated birthday greetings to

Franeis Palmer ot Dewey Avenue, who celebrated November 2nd. Al.so to Pat Kllng of Dewey Ave­nue, who was a on November 5th.

• It * • • Sorry to hear Mr.s. Ray Lnnglols

of George Street Is not feeling up to par this week. We hope hy Ibis lime .she is O. K. Also our best wishes to Mrs. Leonard .Inekson of Cosey Bench Uond, who bns been ill. Wo hope to .sen her ai'oiind very soon.

• • * « * *

St. Clare's Guild is holding Its nnnual Cbrlstmirs Fair Saturday in the firehouse. There will be many attractive features for tbe ehlldren. Including a Sarita Clnus Express nnd pony rides. Hetresli-meol.s- will be served througohut tlie day. Various booths will fen-luie enndies, aprons, while ele­phant, enkes and oilier novelties. All lire welcome.

OLD STONE CHURCH, A "Olvlng of Ihe Gifts Sorvlec"

will be observed at the n:d5 and 11 n. rn. i-'burch worship services at, llie Old Stone Church nn Sunday. The Ilev. .lames E. Waery, pas­tor, will lead Hie services.

Ronald Carglll will .he sollst a l the earlier service. The senior eboir will sing at the later.

At 5 p. m. on Sunday the Pio­neer Fellowship win meet for worship service. A bowling |iarty will he held afterward. Al 7 p. m. the Pilgrim Fellowship will meet to Iniliale all new piemhcr.s. A film will be shown on the lUe of St.. Paul. The worship service will be conducted by Kit Leeper, Steve Negri and Ruth .lacocks.

Al 7:3U p. m. Sunday the Young Adult Group win view the. con­clusion of a .series of films on the life of St. Paul. The film, "C^rnwn of Righteousncs-'i" will be followed by a discussion.' The wnrsiilp .service will be condu'eted by.Gene'S*:onson.' ' . ' . . '

On Monday 'at 8' p-'lmi iliere .will be a meeting of .the.,Mlsst.on: So-elnl In Ihe church parlor with Miss Isahelle Thomson pre.sidlng. Members of the executive corriniil/-lec will Ire hoslesse.s. All iriem-bers of tlie group are rpnilnded to bring their hankies and .towels to the nieeting for the booth al the Harvest Fair. .

On Tuesday a l:nn p. m. a meeting of the Ever Ready .Group wiil he held In the cinirch parlor. Mrs. Edward Leeper will preside. Hostesses will be Mrs. Peter Lor-engen, Mi's. William Bell' and Mrs. l^rank Barker.

Oh Wednesday the Adult Bible Class wUl mdel at 11 a. m.' H will he led hy liic Rev. JamesWaery. Sack lunch and fellowship hour will follow.

is a pn.sl president of the Glen-moor Civic A.ssociotion and Is be­coming well-knowni In political circles.


The Lynwood Civic As-sociation Is reportedly planning an educa­tional study of town government in tbe near future. Speakers will be invited to explain various town board tunctions and governmental operation. Strictly non-partisan, the study will be made to lamiliar-Ize the group with the way In which the town operates.

« * • a «

Cub Scout Pack No. 7 getting off to a good start. Ttie boys held their first pncic nieelltiK at Mel.ny Hall this week.

« w * # *

LAUUKL STIIKET Laurel Street School PTA hold­

ing its annual fair- next Thursday from 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. In the school.

Chairmen of Hie various booths Include cakes, Mrs. Edwar'd ICron-berg, Sr.; dolls, Mrs. George Moz-ealous and Mrs. Walter Scboenlt-necht; apron.s, Mr's. Francis Ijing-an and Mr-s. William Frnzier; re­freshments, Mr-s. Gloria BiilinK, Mr's. Edward Kronberg. .Ir., and Miss Mary Ryan; hot dogs, Mr's. E. Mallei, and fisli pond, Mr'.s. .Innies McAiidrews and Mr-s. Wil­liam Slarrl.

Noticed an Hem in INFO Maga­zine wliieh reveals Hint Mr's, Rob-erf M. Taylor', .Ir-., was. formerly a seripl wi'llei- at Stallon WEl.I. Bel she's decided that J J f e Can Be Beautiful with two cute youngster.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Curvlln of 110 View Ter.rnee liove a new daughler. Andi'ea Marie.

Uelic:i.rsin<f For Food-Fashion ShoM'

Xmas Club Funds Total $2,400,000

Tire Foxon and T.aur'el Street areas ar'o weii-r'epr'esented in the list of newly-elected justices of the pence. Of the twenty candi­date ehoen, all of Hi following live in the above sections: Rudolph Kuen, Marie Kronberg, Gerald Cullen, Charles Fischer', Anthony DeMayo, Der-riclc Sclionwald, Thomas Henry, Conrndina Man.s-field and William Withington.

ft 1!! * * *

If they all qualify, Fo.xon could become Eiisi Haven's "Grelna Green" for weddings.

fl\ » «i 5 *

Mr. and Mr-.s, Frank P. Lee, .Jr.. of 108 Hellstroni Road, have named Iheirnew son Francis Paul 3rri.

* * * * * ' The East Shore Unit of tbe

Leaguo of Women Voters met last iiighl lit IheJiome of Mi-s. WllUani

.Muehl on Maple Slreel.'Mr.s. .lack Br'own leaiLl'lie dis'cnsSion'on the topic, "Know'Your Schools.'' . Members of Ihe Foxon Co'ngre-gational Oliurch . are participating in' the Every Member Canva.ss which wni be held , Ibis conilng Sunday.

* IS W » * • •

There were two birthdays in Hie Rudolph Rnftone tniiiily (N.iciiolas •Dr.) Ibis week. Rvidy. .Tr.. was ten years old on- Sunday.. Joseph was just one year old on Monday.

' * * » -ei , *

.laekie McLaughlin, of 8.1 Glen-moor Dr., celebrated his fourth bii'Hiday on Saturday. Ills father is a foriner pr-esldent of the Glen-inoor Civic Association.

* * * « . * A boy was born to'Mr. and Mrs.

Artibur Sheldon, of Nicholas Dr., last week in New Haven. A baliy gb'l was bbr'n lo Mr. and Mrs. Walter Barthelson. of ;18 Glen-moor Dr., on Salur'day.

Town Topics

A metal scrap pile in tire vicin­ity of the old South School bti.s i been set up by the Auxiliary Police. Reclaimable materials may be left her'C. But it is requested i that residents do not use H for ; a Mumping ground for rubbish. ; Proceeds of Ihe scrap pile will be :• used lo buy equipment for the . auxiliary. '

» 1)1 » * *

Do you have used clothing in good condition but of no further u.se to your children? Miss Elea-nore Leary, nssislnnt to the sup-erlntehdenl of .schools, is collect­ing u.sed clothing for needy chil­dren of the Town. Clothes should be In good condition and clean. Contaci Mrs, Virginia Heck, HO 7-2527.

» • • # • Every once In a while when we

rummage through the desk look­ing tor- a misplaced set of notes, wo run nero.ss a letter from Peter Lucas, our former photographer, who is presently in Tucson, Ari­zona.

* * * * * Pete is sure that we have tor-

gollen about him. Bui we hav­en't. He writes Ihat the climate has done wonders for his asthma, nnd asks after all his friends. We'll write ns soon ns we can, Pete. We give your regards to all. '

* * * * * • Arruand Wiillanis has been ad­

mitted to memliei'sblp in tlie East Haven ivoinry. ConEriitUlatlpns! Armanil runs E. II. Ciistoin Clnan-ers.

* * * * * Sergeant and Mrs Anthony F.

Crlsci, of 111521,!, Woodiawn Ave., Maywood, Caiifonila, announce the lilrlh of a daugblei-, Nicolella, at U. S. Naval llospilal In Corona, Calif, on Ocloiier .11.

Sgl. Crlsci, who is a r'adar me­chanic In the Air Force, Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Crls­ci, of 11 Gerrish PI. ' He. Is sta­tioned al Hie Clieli Air Force Specialized Base in'Maywooij. '

Mrs. Crlsci is the former Fran­ces, D'Anialo. \ • A.I3.A.N. Kennel^b W. Johnson is recuperating from' an 'appendix operation in Newport Naval Hos­pital. • He was operated, on last I'^ridny. .Tlie Son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Waller ..Johnson, of 17 Prank St., lie is a member of the crew of Hie tJ.S.S. Tarawa. .

.-.:*.*.*** -Happy Blrllidny-lo "Ce'ii" _Wil-

llams, Willi will' celebrate tomor­row. '\


Says Every Petrish • Has Active C.Y.O. ' 'To tlio rdltor I I read your artkle In tlie Hast

Havein News about no CVO u-round East Ha\cii and I think

Suggests Hiram Jacobs' Name For New.School - " ,1 ' Novem'bet C Wi j l

To "the Editor In regaril to the new Poxon

School some time ago ynu le-queslid n niune foi . the new M'linill, I'VB 'never beard thai one was thosen

1 would like to subrnlt tbe name ot }llram Jacobs, cilllni; li the Hiram Jnuolw Seliool JK> was a resilient of Foxon years ago and wus un official of the 'lowrr at one lime His home was on Map­le SI now ownid and or r uplod by Mrs Henry Crosby

'llrnnk you Mrs GAQ

United Fund Head Tlianks.NEWS • • Nijvt'mher 1, 1051 To thc.'Eilltor:.. ' Ploaso-ticcoplf'niy per.soiiai Ibanks

" '" ' " ' " t ' t hanks of the entire Key Drlie organisation for the bplendld i,upporl nt the.Ea.sl.Haven News, during tbe ii'cent United Purid Uqd Cross inippalijn.

As you Know, i irsi Haven rest dents h\ or subscribe a the quoui irsilgneri to tnuin and the town tan lii inoud of \tb l00';iiTplus ef­fort 1 know the East Haven News was a pobilKe factor in tins aLbilvenienl bei.uusi>-of.llio above-iiicnlloni'd suppoit and the eo-optihlion extended to tbe year-round public info)niaili.)n program of the Unitid 1 und

hincetuly youi's, ^ lames S. .lohnsiui

United Fund Vice'president P15^ Kty Ur ive Chairman

Laf oinle Thanks Voters For Support, ^ Pledges Services To the Editor

I wlbli to extend iny sincere Uianlu to those v^ho %ated lor me to make pleins for this.event.

Cost Accountants Plan Business Shov(/

Dates for the blMhConiieclkiit Bublness Show sponsoreil by the New Iluven Chapl,ei of |ho Na­tional Asboclallon of Cost . \ c -countants have been ijel for April 20, 21, and 22, l')55, ticeording lo Joil Lchrer, Vke President in Charge of ACIIMHOS for Ibe cha|i-ter

Mr Lehiei said that ,many of Hie lending^, Dxhlbitors In the oi-flco 'equipment and nlllcU ' fields have already i;\hressod an intcre.si and dcjlre to purtJclpale in the show, iy 'goinpilltfte will be selec­ted somotims during the montli

More than 32,000 people In the New Haven area will he richer by iilniost two and one half million iloliars tills week, when they re­ceive their Clirlstmas Club cliecks from the New Haven Savings Bank, according lo President Wat li/r P. Lar.son.

Repr-esenting the largest' Clirlst-iiKis Club Savings plan In-tbe state of Connecticut, Hie Now Haven .Savings Bank will issue checks oiiiininling lo a total, of $2,400,000 10 peoiilc living in the New Haven area. '

The average recipient of a New Haven .Savings Bank Christmas Club cheek will have $75 to spend and the indieallons. from past ox-peiience sliow that It will be spent in tbe New Haven area, in the next few Weeks before C;iirlstma.s.

The Chr-islmas Club plan of the New Haven Savings,Bank Is begun in November of each year and con-tiiuios throughout the following year, a twelve month weekly sav­ing plan that aids In a.s.suring thg Chrislmas Club member a si'zeable Clii'islmas expenditure. Christmas Clul) memberships may be slorled as low as 50 cents Per week and anyone is eligible to Join,

"Latiist figures Indicate the pop­ularity of Ihe ever growing desli'e of Corineelicul residents to put iisiile a little each week from their weekly pay checks for Cbrlstnias .savings- Consensus. ,of , opinion show's Ihe trend to bo. that the Ki-nernt public is becoming a great deal more conscious ot the ever increaK:ing demand to have ri .sum of nioniey nvrillable for Christmas-tiine spending and 'evidently the way lo do it is by using the'Christ-MiM-s Clnb Savings account,'! added

Fo.xon School teochers will .be Hie guests ot the executive com--mittee of the Foxon P.T.A. at a buffet • supper to, be given on Wednesday evening, nt the home of. Mrs. E. William Muehl, on Maple SU Following supper the teachers will join the executive committee in a discussion of ways in wliicli the P.T.A. can incrense lis value to the Fo.xon School.

» * « * # The Foxon Grange will meet

this Friday evening a t 8 o'clock in Hie Conimuriily Hall. Kleclion of olficei's will be held.

Rumor has It that a red light sbii'l, recently presenled .10 a very popular member' df ' the • High School elerical and secretarial staff, will be modelled al the Mayo Benefit Fashion Show Tuesday evening in (lie ,lIiBli School aiidl-loi^ium. Come and see.,

• * • * * ' • _ * ,

Messrs. Frank Messina and Har­old Hall, local'realtor's, win be a-round for a good. while yei, they inform us. Plans for u future venture in Flor'ida' will hb heiit In ul)eyaiice"until .sometime next year." So- please .don't ask • them "When are you'leaving?"

* * * * * We got frequent queries; Who

to contact and when lb gel iin item in the News.- Call our editor­ial offiee, HO 7-5811, or, beHer, jot your news item on a postcard or in a letter and mall it to East Haven New.s, P.O. .Box 215, East Haven, CI. Deadlhio is Wedn.e's-duy : nflernoon. Thanksgiving week, deadline will he Monday afternoon.

* * * * * Alex Doran, well-known local

aucUoneer and chairman of the Redevelopment Agency, up and a-round again after being laid up for several weeks. Glad to see you back in there punching, Alex!

Prolessor Oi' Violin Dies yU Age 01 9.5

Clark M. EllloH, of G13 Laurel St., u violin professor for many years until his retirement, died Tuesday In his home. He was 95 years old. He was a long lime resident, here.

Ser-vices wer-e held at 11 a. m. Ibis morning in (be NV. S. Clancy Funerur llorire In Br-anfor'd. Bur­ial was In Fair Haven Union cemelerj'.

l.:iiioll is -suivlved by his sons, Tohri, and Clark Elliott, .ir., botli of East Haven, and James Ellioll, of California.

SMUU i! 1 m as studio ,1»se|ili llnwtin. IIli;b .Selinnl faeullv nieiiilM-r iinil director ot the Dniriiutic. Club, instriri.fs Ids plnyers in a seeiic tii lie |)r.(.seiited In tlie r o o d and I'lishiiiii .Slum' 'I'liesdiiy iiiKhl at 8 o'lliieU in the scl.liut

.* uuiUtorliiiu. The. show, soiiiisiiriii) by loeiil i''.tailers, wiM be for the j bcnclit ot tlie Mojo Scliuliirttijp fund.

Don't- forget the Food arid Fash­ions SI-HOW being put on Tuesdliy night In tbe High School auditor-iuhi for the benefit; of-'tjl's Mayo Scholarship Fund. Eight o'clock.

Rep. Elizabeth Croumey T o Entertain GOP Women Thursday

Mrs. John E. Croumey will en­tertain the meniber.s of the The East Haven Women's Republican Club at her home, 41 Prospect Place. ' On "Thurliday, November 18lb, at 8;00 p. m. There will be a slibrt business meeting presided over ' by Mrs. Alvln Thomson, President. The meeting will be followed by a "victory" iJarty. Mrs. Croumey was re-elected on Nov­ember 2

New' Christian Science Reading _ Room Is Opened

The CbrisUan Science Iteadlng Room, formerly .situated In the Liiierty Building on Temple SI., in ' New Haven, has now been moved to a ground floor location at 117 Court St., II was announced tills week.

"It is considered that the new ground floor location will be of greater service 'and aecesslbllity In those in East Haven and others in llio New H a v e n community who appreciate a qui.et . room in which to rend the Bible, the writ­ings of Mary Baker Eddy and all authorized Christian Science Lit­erature, including Ihe Christian .Science Monitor, an international daily newspaper," said .Mrs,.Mari­anne Ward, ot llie eoramntee on publications. • • ,

Tire publications may be bor­rowed or purchased. Tlie general public is Invited to use the read­ing room weekdays from 9 a. m, lo 9 p. m. and Wednesdays to 6 p. ni.

Friends Of Music Choral Group To •' Rehearse Friday

In preparation for the Ch'ristmas musical programs, .the . choral group of tbe Frlerids of Music will ,lrold a rehearsal • tomorrow eve­ning at 7:30 In the Hagman Mem­orial Library.


LANDSCAPING, LAWNS SEED­ED, NEW AND OLD. p-ertnizlng ard rolling. ', runsplantlng all kinds of shrubbery. New shrubs planted. Yards cleaned. Dry w'ells for gutter^. Call CH 8-5206.

S PP.ENETTE'S LAWN MOWER SHOP. 2704 Dl.'CiveU Avenue. If It cuts grass, we sell and service It, Tel. CHestnut 8-52i4.

I C A R P E N T R V SERVICES—Cabin­ets, bookcases, storage walls, playrooms, attics finished, and general building. Free estlmnles. Call BlUWlLson CH 8-6470.

f p U R T A I N S LAUNDERED — rableclolh.1) and spreads. Mrs. Jo-teph Pallman. Bock of Tucker-' /alte'. Gift Shop! HU 8-4li4.

SHAMDEN RUBBISH REMOVAL t r y our special .service $8.00 per

IVear. Good service, rain or shine. Kt-Iomden and North Haven only. m S. A- MARCOTTE

• CH. 8-1943

RN or LPN for staff nlshl duly in .^niotl mnvale.Ei-ent hospital. \'ioiii-ily nf llQiiiden. Reply Ilnniden Chronicle. BON r O.

EARN EXTRA C\SH. Sell best quality greeting cards, glfl wraps. Buy In New Haven for ser\lce. Fowler's. 108 Slate St. LO 2-58il.

WANTED; WAITRESS over 21 year.s of age for night work. Town and Country Restaurant, Boston Post Rd., Guilford, Conn.

FOP, S,M.K.' •: Gi^l.niN'C.S. Tinil lioi-s.\ ,.iii. a .sliinv li.,rsi'. Ren. si.nahlo. CH S.7175

FOR SALE: .^IlEAHKD RACOON CO..\T. si7e 10. Very [.nod rn;':dl-lion. .lust cleaned and Rlnzed. S75.0n. Call CH S-lSlW.

! p.l suiiMiioi- liousc - Beautiful yard. I Kircbeii complete with Hotpoint ; niipliniires. Tile hath. 5 rooms 1st

floor. 1 room 2nd floor. Reerentlon room. Near school nnd bus. Ideal for children. Many extras. Mu-'l bo seen to be appreciated. Owner transferred. Immediate occupancy. No agents. Phone CH 8-42851.


MORSE ^on\e. Office Cleaning Service


FjS complete cleaning service at ^as'onable 'rotes.

JANITOR SLRVICE Call SP 6-4939, UN 3-48D4

We carry Insurance.


^ASHING NL\CHfNE REPAIRS Washing Machines Dryers — lioners

i^M DlsiKisals i ;^M_ -_ Guaranteejt Service . ', , • i"*,We have parts Ig fit"any washing

''fifiohlne. -• , ^J ,^ Aniecican Appllanrt Co. ,

jlWt^ Whitney Ave. .; CH-8-'4'444 ' ' : i * 3 — • • — -^ —



_._„..,. ALL WORK GUAIIAN-fjlfeED, •ftjONE c n 0-0.5.50, AFTER 6 •ANB SUNDAYS CALL GE.9-0129.

STATE OF CONNECrriCllT , Open Competitive ENnrnlnalloa

Notice: ' PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE (Con­necticut Residence Waived) (Clos­ing Date December 2, 1054) No. 2300 .$3540-$498O. FISHERY BIOLOGIST, GRADE 1 (Connecticut Residence Waived I lClo..;lng Date December 2, 1051) No. 2304 S4020-$5460. HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION IN­SPECTOR IClo.slng Date Novem­ber 26, 1954) No. 2301 $3540-$4D80. SENIOR CASE WORKER FOR THE BLiND (Closing Dale No­vember. 26, 1954) No. 2.102 $3540-$4980. PLUMBING AND HEATING SU­PERVISOR (Closing Date Noveni-hei 23, 19541 No. 2303 S4440-$6300.

Apply Office of Ihe Personnel Dlreclov, Room 40.), Slate Office Building. Hart ford cir any Conncc-Ucul .Stale l^mploymcnt Seivirn Office.

Glelldoii A. Scolioiia Personnel Dir(clof


win.:RK voti CAN n i iv OR SELL (iOOU t'SEI) CLOTlllNO - GlI'TS -

PPKNITfllE .Miitii St. Slony Creeli

iNexl To Brahierd's Garattei


Any Day by Apiiahltmeill Tel. Hti SIHI1.1 or IIU H-'iOIIT



BRANFORD lillbbnr-d 8-i'i010.

smith to d ie nil poisons interested therein to appear nt :'nid lime and place, l>y publishing this oi-der In .some new.spaper published In New Haven County arid havlnp a clv-culRtlon In said dl,<ilrlet.

By tbe Court: Flora K. Gold.smlth. Clerk.

Dis'rnicT STATE OF PROBAn'E 1954.

Estate of WlLllEl




In said District,

ooon 'niiNtts TO EAT a~'in

I • ;

WANTED: Woman living in Ham-den or North Haven to cook and serve simple dinners or luncheons, phone CH 8-1792 between 8 and 9 'A. M., or write Hnmden Chinu-Iclo Box No. 65.

MARIONI'S Delicious ice Cream Cakes

Moussef and Puddings Fancy Individual Forms Vm All

Occasi ins Telephone STnte 7-4969

alio Hon = 01 Fancy Ice Cream 440 Dlxwcil Ave. Hnmden, Co.in.

I'lANO THNINti 11—S7

PIANO TUNING. PIANOS TUN- j ED, repaired, rebuilt. Moih ovbi- j luiuling. H. M. BilRer. 294 Augur \ .Street, llamden. Tel..MA 4-171S,


late of Branford deceased.

In pursuiince of an order oflloh i Frederick R. Houdc. Judge of Hie I Court ot Prnliale for the Dl.strict 1 of Brnnfonl, notice Is hereby given I that said Court bath limited and 1 apiiolnted sis inonlbs from the

dJite hereof for the creditors of tbe snid deceased to bring in their claims against snid estate. Those who 'leglect to e.\blbll Ihelr claims within said lime will he debarred.

All persons indebted lo said I testate are requested lo make Im­

mediate pnymenl in Louis n. Zacher, Lseeutor.

09 Main St. D.'iinford, Conn.


I Estate of I M\'RTI.E l.'UNT

{ late of Branford. In said Dlsiriel, •j deceased. 1 In pursuonce of nn order nf I Hon, Frederick U. Hotide, Judge I of Ihe Court of Probate for the

District of Branford, notice Is hereby given thai snid Court hath limited and appointed six months from the date hereof for the credi­tors of Hie said deceased to bring in their claims against snid e.stote. Tliose who neglect lo e.\lilblt tbelr clnlnis within snid lime will he debarred.

All persons indebted Li said Estate nre r'equesled to iiinUe Im­mediate payment lo

John D. McClusky, Administrator,

6 Clinton St,. We.st Haven, Conn,

The Pollsdnm Agreement came out nf Ihe Trlparlltc Conference nf Uerlln and was intended to Im-plemerit the Yalta Agr-eement.


li'lRST MORTGAGES BCdGHT AND SOLD. Loans. HcfInane-Ulg. New Lo8.ns. Longootbaio. 207 Orange SU Tel. LO 2-4815.

(J.&1 U8« Free Press Want Ads


THREE ItEl.lAlJLF WORKINr, ADULTS would like four or five unfurnished inoms. Phone CH 8-6181 afler 3:00 P. M. VVANT1';D: 5 room unturiilslied flni tiy nn adult couple, no child-

THE W I N N I N G WAY . . .


Local Niir.se Leaves

For Duly At Indiana

Univci'sity Hospital Anne P. unvi.sou, daughter of

Mr. nnd Mi-s. Albert R. Davison, of 14 Ure Ave., left Monday for the University of Indiana where she win work in the children's hospital of the university's niedl-eal center. Miss Davison grndunted last June from Stamford llnsnitni Scbool of Nursing in Stamford ns a regi'^t-ered mu'.se. Whbe nt the medlenl center, she will be studying for her bachelor's degree.

Robert tiovlson. ber broiher, was home this \veek-end'>to see her o!(. He Is a tresbmnn at lien-nselner Pnlyteebnlc Instiuite New York.

Cradttat^s Plan Fall

Dinner. Meeting Wllllnni T . • Mohtgomery, of S

Bisliop St., nnnoun.-ed today tliiu New Haven College grnduales from East llnven are bncklni; the plans 'tor Ihe toll dinner meellng 10 be held In New llaveh nl tbe Trinity Par'l--li House on Tuesday, November 10.

Montgomery serves on the EN-ecuilve Committee of the Aluiiini Assoclntlon as Ireasurer und Is Hie cbalrmnn for this event.

The graduates will bear an ad­dress by Hlcbnrd O. Glbbs, direc­tor ot sales for Ihe United Advei'-tlsiiig Corporation, whose sub,lecl will be "You, Your Dollar, liiiil Adverll.shm."

I F.A,«IT KAX'EN X1.'.\V.>4. Tlilirsdiiy. NoviMiilier II, IIIIH. INtue i

\ Starlcr

• 4SH«'*<,'rB"r.»-» I'liul Itrnclie, seven, und bis Iwn-ycnr.nlil lirntbi.r, S'cMben, are shown d!|!i!liii! bill' '•"iiU' lee eri'iiiii nl IliiudM-u's iifier I'nii'. won first prl'/e (all Ibe lee eveniii he einild eat) In the "N'uuie tbe Wltell" cpniesi »'ni:eil leeeutly by K. II. ('ustiim rienuers. The uiipi'r banana split was Paul's "slailei" but be bad to i|ult there — llii more "roiini". Ste;>bi"i i-iinie nliiu',. to bebi mil. Tbe boys are tl.b sous lit Mrs. Slnaley Hrnelte, ot S '.'bu CI.


ren. Preferably Mnmdeii. AT 8-4740.


WANTED: 5 room unfurnlsheri flat by an nrtiilt couple, no child­ren. Prefernbly Hnmden. Call AT 8-4740.


H A M D E N — PINE POCK TION. u room Cape Cod. painted. Altticbed cnrafie -





In said distriei, deceased. Tlio Trustee having exhibited lis

admbiislrntion account wUh said e.stnie to this Courl for allowance, it is .

Ordered — That tbe 22rid day of November' A. D. 1954 al 2 o'clock In the nflernoon, at llie Probnle Office in Brnnfonl, be nnd the snme is assigned for a hearing on the allowance of said admlnislrn-tioii account with said estate, and this Court directs Flora K. Gold-

* * • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • « • * « • • • « • « • • • • • • • • • « • • * * * * * * * • • '


Last Week! Frozen Food S a l e ! ^ p ° "

H>r ll.ho-THl OUY WHO nISMCtS I « * I . »rc i»w», siONS, sroNAU A N D « O * B MARKrNOS. Ttl« driver wtift wini •vry oit»'i ratpscl It I I I* mot»rlil »7t>o MAKII couKTisr HIS com or I H I KOAD.




Garden Peas 4 \ Potatoes Vrj* 4

PORK LOINS * v^ • M • m • # Wi AH 1

FROZEN FOODS 57c Orange Juice 4 . ^ 4 9 '

PKGS 55c Strawberries lO-OI PKGS


China LB 5 5 * ^



160Z i j Q

Rib !

I riy«ri V f l l V l v I l N ^ ''°''°" ''''""'' - — •

J «• Ce»k ••' * l J ' D r . « « d '•^ J J < ^ to Cook ^ >ill^

I R.ndy 11 A m i C "9" ' \ l« E.I n A I f f l J Cured

j p',rL B 59c p ::;t LB 49c r \ i#r i%TAuri irc




New Havenlte* ar«'

Make iureiyou're apiong

ths lucky onei

next year I

SMOKED TONGUES Mildly Cured to Porloclion LB C | i y C

Finast Bacon f'""" 5iyi« LB 63C

Up lo 6 Lbi U O^^t- ^

FOWL «••' \

CHOPPED BEF 2 - 69< rroibly Ground

r Bee* Liver 5.i«i.ci w.,i.rn \ Pickle and Pimento Loa^ I All Beef Frankfurts ; Pressed Ham

LB 33c LB 49c LB 49c LB 89c

L A T S S T qBEATB«T, .aAy iN i (»»?s | |sg l

Lamb Forequarters LB 29c Sausage fiNAsniNK J-UB 35C LB 65e Sausage Meat "' ^^T U,. LB 45C


RICHMOND ^ 1-16 BAG 9 5 c ^

J f lNASl - Fancy Eastern • JUST RliDUClD

\ APPLE SAUCE 2 1. oz 29c

A Mild and Mollow Blend J^

Open an accoon. a. any of our five conveniently located office, and guarantee yourself ready cosn for Christmas 1955


2 4407- CANl 5 5 c

2 l i t I'KGs 39c

2 W'07. cAt« 25c

2 160ZcAi'is 29c

3 \toicAi« 29c

Lt PKG 4 5 c

D O U • fancy H«waiiul.

Pineapple Juice CLOVEP.OAll • Oil lb Plinri

Margarine SlArJDARD • Rod Rip*

Tomatoes MIMST • Juicy S«onnni»

Grapefruit RICHMOND

Cut Beets riUAST • All furpoti

Cheese Food fINAST • rri,'.lily Made

MAYONNAISE - 29c J 49c Hab i tan t Soups |

2 15 OZ CANS 2 5 c f

2 15-OZCAII5 3 5 c J

2 28-OZ CANS 3 5 c ''.;

2 15'OZ CANS 3 7 c K

^ l a i K f ^ ^

/ aAKanv V * L U I «



. . Sliglilly Sweol

Sweet Rye Bread SPECIAL \ L \

Regular Price 18c 18-07. LOAf l U * - J

Cliock ruil ol Ricli Puro Jally Rog Prict 2 9 c J

Jelly Donuts I'KG or 6 25c J Reg P,ic» 3 9 c 5P6CIAL »

Pecan Meltaway " cilT '* 33e * BETTY A I D E N - llitrd.fnriclied

WHITE BREAD '^o; °Ar \Sc

\ Vegetable

^>fSl Chicken


Noodle or Tom. Veg

Beef Vegetable f» ° 15c g Onion Soup



PKG 1 5 c 1

T H i N i W HA¥EN SAVINGS BANK ^ E S T H A V i N H A M D E N FAIR HAVEN N E W HAVEN iCon,(.bell Avenue 1208 Dixwell Avenue 201 Grand Avenue 170 Omnge Street

Assets over $120,000,000


WESTVIltErf 36 Fountain S/re t' ^

'iii(iMiT-*iiip<v««irr'irt!iCi*>|f!lj %

Full of Juice and Ricli in Vilomint 5 LB BAG ^ ^ C J

lOR 25c Carrots f'"'' '^''••<' • " '"'''''"" 2 " "' 23c | i ORANGES I Grapefruit «'i-•« " " " i ' 4 ^ -y-, -I Grapes iMPip.op, - PU..P w., 2'"^^ 25c Celery'^'•^-''''^CAI.O, WHITE 2 BCHS_33<: < J Bos. Pears R"Jri»t.. 3 ' 39c Cucumbers unacon 3 FOR 19C I Tomatoes Mi'p« c.iioPig> 2 ^ G 29c Mushrooms F,..i,wi,i,. LB 49c 3

•!t.yiil!MM i * * V W % » . » . . . .- . VV**V*WyVVWWVWV<t**VVV*<'WVVVVV%V-lWMrVW***V • » • • «

..^t;i:^-i s.-;. ^.x-**,.--.^-.*'

:,. \

jl Annual Harvest {Second Fiddle Tunes

MAnoiN OP Knnoit Thorn Is nothing onRlor Ihnn mnklni; mlslnkcn, nnd mniiy of Ihnsi

can be moro ninuslitg lo otliprs than to IIKJSC liivolvoii. A parophrnKP of a inmous poem alJOHl. a romaiilU' hilatuki' loartsi Of nil sail wonlii of tonKiip or | ihlng^t you do.

Fair At O.S.C. Saturday, 20tli

•II The saiWcBt arB tlipse — inlRht havu been,'

More sad arc tlibw wc dally BOO -•It Is, but It hadn't ouRhl to lip.'

Amoa and Andy's friend Klng-flsh Is quoti?d m snyins; Do finance cdmniltttc had n itionlln' at il" lodse lioU last nijilil,. and dcy do dded thai cvory nienitjf.'i' what i niodan six niontlia , behind In cle paymenl o(. His duos shall be toith-wllli dhmonihoied"

Two small boys werp out In the woods hunting, when, one stopped to pick Up a Chestnut burr. l ie called excitedly to his filend, "Come here quick • I've found a porcupine egg!"

Little Bobby had gone to bring In the kittens. Ills father, hearing a shrill meowing, called out; "Don't hur t tlio kittens; Bobbyl". "Oh, no, I won't," Bobby assured him, "I 'm carrying them very carefully by the stems."

A guide was showing an old lady tlirough the zoo, and he took hor to the kangaroo cage, explain­ing, "Here , .madam, iWo have a native of Australia."' "Good, grac­ious!" she,,crlcd, "and to think that my sistet married ope of them!"

After a visit to an old friend In ,.• the hosplta), a man took the

patient's very lovely nurse aMde, and oskod, "Give me tlfe real low-down ~ K he makhift nnv prog-le^J.'" "Nqnc Dl all," lepllcii llio nvu'so d'eLLivc'i,, ' '"IK

An ol() follow recounting some of hiS| wois^ disappointments in life, sulci, "There, Isn't" one that stands out over the ycirs ll\<d the one that came to mo as a boy. I crawl­ed under a tent to see a circus — and discovered that It was a revival mobtlrig."

A group of English women In n Somerset, village set up a snack bor.'forAmerlcan servicemen, They r.oniributed sandwiches, cookies and: sweet.'; from Iheir slim rnllons but th"^ projMt " a ii filluio A tew AmeiWan, dul da li Inl'i IIK loo'm. but.when they saw th' 'ul untoei'. th<>y huMUj bar V.nl mvl imittei(nK"«polo8l''» finally the dlsap[}o(nled wonien asked an Anierlcqii Red' Cross , girl If she could .toll .thein what was wrong It was a l lc loalvtoiheras soon as sheUqok, oflo. look at the sign -the English ladles had 'ta6kod ouCslde


A noted, Canadian entomologist . was delivering a lecture •on the i dangers of rat, Inlostatlon, to the sixth,grade class. The children lls-tohod wltl).(ipparent. attention and after the talk Iphc of .them was as.Mgn'ed"trt" write "hini.'a iiolc of thapks; -The-note' concluded; "We didn'tjoven Jtnovv w,hnta rat looked ilka uijtll yqu came." ,

"Ohj I'm so glad to^get my feel on vice versa,agaim" exclaimed un American w°hian-as, the ship land­ed In FranQC.,!'My dear,'!,coirected lior'hiisfland,,;'y,qu,dpri'l nie,an vice \en-a — you mean leiu'a cotla."

Oiio'i.i^lrl'.'jal^ to another, 'Mack war, ,at" the niasqm!i7idc ln',1 n!).',|il l)Ut;I Pouldn'i Ifll lil'iii h-oin Adani." "MJ* ••he'Kvehs'l" ' ciolalnicd IKT friend,, "did thpy di<jsj llko; (liaiV

On the' general Mihjecl of maUliiK niislal<cs It haa been eaiil that yuii must .leiivn.fioiii ll\e mistakes of othcVs. — you -can't live long cnoiigh to make them all, yourself. And also: .You are young only once— after thatyou've got to be pretty smart to think up a good

,' ' lino of excuses for all the foolish

The lawyi.'i- for the defendant was making his appeal to the .jury and ho said; "Gentleinon of the Jury, the plaintiff called my cllehl, Mr. Murphy, an Irish scoundrel, an the evidence has shown. Now, Mr, Ol'son. I n.sk you. If ho called you n Swtntl.'.h seoundrcl, what would you have rione':' Oi' >ou, Mr. flold-stein, If he had rullivl >IMI a Jiwlsh hi.iiMndri>17 Or uny of yuu guMlle-nioM, what would you have done. If he had called you the kind of scoundrels ,that you are?"

The singer, Tony Martin, tells of one of his worsl mistakes; "Sev­eral i^ears ago when I was playing a night chill engagement In Chic­ago, I was invited In participate In a giant benefit held in the Civic Auditorium. To keep the show mov­ing, the entcrtaincrtt were advised to take not more than one encore.

"For my turn.I sang throe num-bers ond was called back for an encore. Atlei-ward, on the way lo the dressing room, I heard the aud­ience still applauding — louder than ever! I dashed back for a third appearance. The ovation was thunderous. I bowed all the way over to the center of the vast stage and proceeded to sing again. Then 1 thanked the people for their gen­erous applause ond made my exit to the tuiie of laughter.

"The MC took a firm grip on the nilkr and r.nld, "Tf v.'o can ro^^train

J Mt 'M4ii1hi fni ' a ini>ttiMiii ;i(;,'il(i '"5' I I'd like 1(1 'iiy td Mi, V.'lllkit-; "Wel­

come-ill Clilcttgo!"

Thi. annual llnrvest Fair of the Old .'itiinp Church will hi. held Saturday, Nov. 20 at 2 p. m. In th" church purlor, Many atlracllvi' hoollis will he f:»'t uii with "niiiriy nice things to buy", acrrirdinj; lo Mrs. Donald Clildaey, gcni-i-nl chairman.

The honths will offer for ral" the following Items which V/<T*' described a"; "Ideal for Cbrislma-KlItK": MIK«IOII .Siirinl t.o'ith, win Ini- an-anRciiH.'rits. African violet--, hankies aifd towels; Ever JJojidy

,Group, aprons; Junior Wom<!ii'i League, novelties; Friendly Circle. food; Progressive Friends, randy; Mr.s. Lewis Borden will be In charge'of the "wiiKe nicphnni" booth; .Sunday School,, (Irnli Imi'.; Young Adult Gronp,, iiilnliiluii. Chrlalmas (rees.

An nlil-fafihinnnil link*'*! hoan Slipper will 1)0 Korvcd at i\ p. in, In the Porlsb House with Mrs. Ih.w-ard Eldrldge and Mrs. Chnilns Lar.son as ro-chairmen. Mis. Hdlih Fletcher Is In charge of llcki-is. Reservations may olso be niiide with the church olfloi., HO '/.'.lliin.

"fsveryone Is welcoino," s:iUl Mi's. Chid.spy, "plan lo buy at llie fair ond have your .supper wlili us at C o'clock. Tickets lor Ihe sup­per ,are $1.'*I> for aduli.s mid $,V-rt for children of 1" ami under,"

Serving with Mrs. Chidscy on the .planning coiuinllteo arc Mrs. Herman Schol/, vlce-clinirmaii and publicity; -Mrs. llowai-d EidridBC, treasurer, aad Mrs. Malcolm Lins-loy, decorations.

Mary Brereton, Norman Council Arc Wed Here

I .Mnry r,II"n Br'-rrHnn. (laughter ' of Ml', ntifl Mrs. .lolin Rnymond

ir-iMtnn, of 2'.)H Chiflvoy Ave. wns [ijiiii''(I ftn Siiiunlay morninR. Or-iil.cr .'i't In Noinion Kfhnoth

[ in"l!, snn f>f Mt';i. HowiU'd ( l lynn f ,McKiiin''l C(.. Brnnrnrd and tho rill' liriK.ihy Council.

'I 111' dfiuhli'-rinj; wedding n'vo-iiv v.'ds p('rr<)i-nn?d in St. Vin-. . Pnurs Churcii by the It^v.

Williiini O'NeUI, and In a.setting r.i \\l.ito chiysonthemunis, Bln_i3ioli md ^•rlI^uiUon . Salvatore D(-lise,

\>\'A. .'.an£: in a program oi wf-d-i t i i i j ; i m i ' . i ' \

'('lif Iwifl" v/a.s v,Wfn hi mar ii;iK*' Ity her- faihnr. She was 'at-tf'ntli'd by Mrs. .John DuPiiy as niiiirr)n of honor. Hridcsniaids v.'H- Miss enrol Yioiv, a f on.sin r)f III.' brid.', anil MIKS Mui'ifl Amines.

I'lH' bridt' worn a wlilh' i own i.i qiii;>iin* lai'(' and nylon tulle n\"-v Silt in, laiihioncd wlDi a ba-tt'iiu iif'cklint', a basijni* hodirp and loiif; piiintfMl slofi-vPH. Her ht^ad-

I piM'i' wa.s a roronel of hn'(». and 1* 111'; with a (ingpilip Fiench slll ilhi'jon vT'ij.

KAST TTA 'KN NTAVS. Thnrsdiiy. Nnvon.b^r \h lA-' -




C u s t o m M a d e w i t u LEVOLOR enclosed head, ^ recSon made hardware

' ' r p ; * a n d \ o , l o m b a r w i t h a wide range of colors lo choose from. .Perfect fitting and m s t ^ -ation guaranteed. All you do is call us and select your colors.

;ad. m»iV of Ueiolor Loi.uu.u, Inc.

"• S. Barry Jennings «<> a AInniliiiini .Scireiis and rnniblniilloii WlndnWfi

r4ininle*.*i Steel ri-,iiil>liintloii Oonrs « Uadiiilor l-~.nclofiiircs

» Vi'iicllim Illliats

I ' l l ! NASH ST. New Haven ,SP 7 - 3 6 4 8





Novemloer 15



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See if now! Call

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Estalillslied 1921 660 Orchard St. WN 5-4187

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Conn. 5^4

An Independent

Weekly Newspaper Wi\t iEa0t Mmm Netos Onr Telephone Numbers Edilorial: IlObart 7-5811 Business: Alwaler 8-1661

Vol. IX — NO. 36 . Publlihtd V/ttUf hf titf Ptitt Pitblkatiom. Inc. Vl»l. SulnirlBlInn JJ.50 F.AST HAVIIN. C O N N l X T I C U l - . rHUI? .s | i , . \v . NO\l ,MI! | - .K 111 I'l-i-l (i Cciila A Copy — $ 2 . 5 0 A Yes r

Town Plans Three Bills For 1930 General Assembly

Formation ot a coninilltce to prepare Kioundwork for icgi.sia-llon lo bo introduced at tlic ,noxl sossion of the General Assein1)ly was announced today by Kepub-llcan Town Clialrinan Mathew Anastasio.

It i.s planned to draw up bills on three Hems, Anastatlo said. The first will revLso the Board of Finance Act so that Us members will he elcclcti rather than a|i-pointcd..-A clause may bo Insertod makitiR cacli member responsible lor unauthorized 'expenditures. Anothor bill will place I2ast Ha­ven police and. rireiiien under a merit system whicii would guar­antee their Jobs for them and prevent llio po.s.'slblllty of a nias.s firing, such as was threatened re­cently during budget cuts.

The third will place equal re­sponsibility for illegal liquor purchases whether 'In a package store or eisewliero- on minors as well OS vendors. Anastasio will head a coriiinlltee as chairman, assisted by vice chainnnn Char­lotte IVIillor. Slate Central Com­mitteeman William Jaspers. Repre­sentatives Kiizabeth Croumey and Adelbert Mautto. .Judge of Pro­bate Edward Reynolds. Judge Vincent J. Fasano. Prosecutor Robert M. Taylor Jr.. Tliird Sn-lectman Frank Barker, and form­er S' cond Selectman KrnoKt An-thonis.

Music Parents Assoc. To Open Town Drive For Band Uniforms

The East Haven Music Parents Association met In the high school Monday and voted upon uniforms for tlie. hlgli school hand. A com­pany, representative demonstrated several typos and styles of un­iforms.

The firm will m a k e ' s sketch coloring In a proposed uniform for Ea.st Haven. The next meeting of the Assoclallotr wlir be held for the purpo.fc of preparing plans lo raise funds needed to purcliasc 50 uniforms, Of Ihe required J3000 fund, some $250 has already been pledged.

Connecticut Company' Asks Bus Line For No. High St.

Appllcalinn to the Public UUIIT ties Commission for permission to operate a half-week half-day bus lino on North High Street Is being filed at once, according to General Manager Harry Springer of the Connecticut Company.

If approved, buses will operat*' on a four-week trial basis fron Wednesday lo Friday during tf'f hours of l:l.'i to 5:45 p. ni.

SchoolBcL Trims $18,63^ From Budget On Friday The Board of Education voted

$18,630 worth of cuts hi its origin­al recommended budget. The cuts did not touch operation of- klndor-gflrtens, the adult educalloi) pro-gi'arii, original Inot'ea^es' in sala­ries to hon-teachhig personnel.

AlsQ retained was ,$5,000 Ayorth of pupil transtJortalloii whicii was marked for cutting toy the ^ Boai-d bi • Education under, the original 33-iriili lax limit Mow^Veri thfe bus Iransportalion'account, total­ing $30,180,00. may still b6 li'lin-med.

Savings were effected in theca-fetferift subsidy for th6 new Fpxon and Gerrlsh Ave. schools. Because the ' school lunch program would not be established until late, it was deleted for this yeai*.

Four Teachers Leaving Resignations of four teachers

and the hiring of two others were acted on by the board. Resigning were: Mrs. Maureen Weber Doh-na, English -teacher in the High School; Mrs. Theresa Hatch, grade seven/', Gerrlsh School; Raymond Panlco. grade eight, High School; Mrs. Louise G. Castelli, grade one, Gerrlsh,

Hired were Mrs. Claire Dono­van, of 94 Robert Dr., a graduate of New Haven Stale Teachers Col­lege; and Mis. Mai-y G, Heslln, of 131 Gamier St.. New Haven, a graduate of tlie College of New Rochelle. N. Y.

Mrs. Donovan, who will replace Mrs. Castelli. taught for four and one half years In the Truman School In New Haven. Mrs. Hes-lin, replacing Mrs. Dohna, has taught in SejTiiour and Anaonla high schools.,

Mrs. Donovan hati been teaching here since Octobr 11, and it was vuted to make' her pay rate rotru-aclive to that date although'she had been' listed as a- substitute. The reason given was that she would have been hired as a regu­lar teacher earlier except for budgetary uncertainties, llarold

(Continued On, Pago Two) |

Open Bottle After Hours Costs Florio $75

A $75.fine was lciteicd'iB4Inat Pasqualc Florio. ownbr of the Foxon Town House oil Route 80, bn his appearance in Town Court Monday. Florio pleaded- nolo COHT tcndre lo a charge of having an open, bottle of liquor on his pre.-mlseS .past the closing hour.

\yilliam Fox.Geenty, Florlo's at­torney, stated that the detondenl willingly admitted that a botllo stood .on the bar when Officers William Mahoney and Henry Slu-bowskl knocked on the door and demanded entrance. The officers' report claimed that tliflre were "two bottles of beer" in evidence, and tiiat a passing motorist had asked them to check to see why the Town House . was operating after hours. ,

It had been rumored that there were a t least four witnesses pre­sent at the time, but they remain­ed unidentified during the trial.

Geenty pointed out that tlie To,wn House was not "open to Jjusiness" at the liime, Ihat tlie door was locked, and no attempt was made to dispose of the dama­ging bottle standing on the bar prior lo the admission of the pa­trolmen. He staled that the gioup were merely sitting around talk­ing, and no sales had been jnade. Geenty admitted frankly- that "the bottle .should nol- nave been there." • , -

When Prosecuting Attorney Ro­bert M. Taylor, ' j r . was' In the nildsl of reading the report, Gcen-ly iiitcriu|)ted that there Was no need to proceed furtlior with the report, since his client .had al­ready ' pleaded nolo cuntendre.

East Haven Is Favored Over Branford Eleven 111 Football Thursday

High scoring Ea.st Haven will be the odds-on lavorite lo upend neighboring Branford In the tra­ditional shoreline football feature here Thursday morning — but Frank Crisafl's high scoring Hor­nets will have Branford's power of upset In mind when they take the field at lOi.lO. Two years ago a high-flying Eastie eleven went into the Turket Day classic unde­feated and came out of It winged 7-6.

Crlsafl's club, sparked by the high .^coring exploits of All-Stale candidate Hank L,u-a\, shows a 6-2 lecord of the year while Charlie Wcdenir.yers' Bjanford crew won its first four games before drop­ping its last two outings for a 4-2 record to dale.

'I'ickets for the traditional schoolboy battle are on sale at all town drug stores and other busi­ness places throughout the com-inunity. Admission will be one dollar and the box office wilt open 45 minutes before game time.

East Haven goes Into the game on the wings of ai 49-12 rout pf Norl)^ Haven, a club which , fell before Branford 19-0 earlier In the year. Branford Is licking wounds taken on in a 26-13 loss to Shelton In Its last effort.

Against other common foes. East Haven defeated,Seymour 24-0 while Branford lost to Hie Galls 26-6 and the Easlles took Lyman Hall of Walllngford 2G-7 while Branford won 24-G. Branford top­ped North Haven 19-0.

Citizens' Cmlc. Seeks Effieient Govt. Thru CC.C.

li^fflclency In government achiev­ed through education ot the pub­lic on political Issues, caiulldntcs' tiuniificatlons and Inadequacies in ndininlstratlun is the primary ob­jective of a new groU|i which held a prc-organlzatlonal meeting last week,

A number of interested people from various sections,of the town met at the homo ol Tlieodoro Shumwoy on Grannlss Street to discuss' the need for" 'a citizen's coniinltlce-"to study and dlsson'il-nato Information on town gbvcrn-mont. ' " •

;'r o be kowit as the East Haven Citizens for Good Goveriuucnt, the group Is. headed by Robert tlall of Suns'ot' Road In Rlvcrdale, serving as temporary .chairman. ..Need for such an organl-^atlon

was pointed out during the recent town ineollngs held lb pass on (ho buiigeti.Hall explained. With the liiflux of new resldenls unfamlllai wilh town, govonimenl, function-Ing.a group such as this is needed to.make a study of all phases of town government, ilnll said.

At the conclusion of last week's mcellng, . these objectives were adopted:

1. To work for needed reform 111 local government.

2. To present qualificalions . of Itical candidates foi- public office.

3. To pre.senl objective appraisal . ot local Issues. ..

. 4. To sup'porl. those candidates wliom the .CQ.G. feels , will bring , gopd governnient to East Haven.

5. To keep the public Informed at ail limes "of deficiencies in local gbvernment, and to sup­port . the adinlnlstrn lion

' against unwarranted allack. Shumwajr and James Brown of

Maplevale .were two ot the mem­bers '.selected to • attend-the • (iltl-

'Zprts*- committed'.'meeting called ' • (Continued On'PAjrn Two)'

Dog Has His Day in Couil; I'iiuls Home

A stray pooch who nearly died of inalnutrllion after being locked up In a, vacant house for a week wlliioul food or water found a new home in town court on Mon day when an ngreonionl wa:. reached to lurn llie dog over to a neighbor.

William Phillips of ,12 Van Horn Drive wa.s presented on a charge of' cruelty lo animals. Bernard Ivennerson ot the Conncctlcul Hu-inniic Society told the court thai he had been called to High Ridge on October 0 on comphiliil of a neighbor thai the dog liari been left unattended. On pieilng In a window, he (saw that l\v; aiiliniil had sufficient food, and lefl. lldw ever, a week Inler, he \MIS called back and found the dug neat death. ' •

Phillip's alloruey staled that Ills client was under trealniciil fOi Injuries suffered In an aicldtMit a year ago. He had been slaying at the home of a fellow oniployee and "coniplelely forgot" about the dog.

Since- Phillip's w.ife and child arc, slaying In Maine, and there would be no one to look after the animal, Phillips readily agreed to lurn llie dog over to a neighbor who wished to give 11 a home. Tlic owner was found guilty liy Judge Vincent J. Fasano and fined $10.

Ask For Suggestions On Naming Schools

• The' two' new fichrnils-, wiilch are nearlng eompleiion, are still without iinjncs, TNe Sr.hnnl Natnlnjf CoinmUtea rcpentpd lt*t liiyllatidn t« the public this weelr to soiid In suggested iiEimeN for' the new Foxon and OerrlHll Av-e. 'scli-ools.

. 'I'lio! nRlne.H Ktinutd bo 'leitl t.o either (icorgo Letls, Hiiiit Lane, Foxon, o r to Francis WIIIHII, i I Ozniio lid.. 'rh)v iiHineH will hn chosftli by tho coniiiilM.ro which conalstii of Walsh, Lctls, Ell/,tt. belh Chiipkovloli, Borniird Lu-

. .,6it<fi'6.' ijaiineii. Ciiii^lngham . nml 'AUifctl-Holooinbn;-)- " ,-"

/Committee Is Appointed To Study Future School Need Appointment of a "committee."

consisting of the board of Educa­tion's- permanent committee on buildings, with the suggested in­clusion of a member of the Board of Finance and "interested clti-2ens" to study future school needs was made by the school board chairman, Francis Walsh, at Fri­day night's meeting.

Walsh*^ move wns made with the suggestion that this "comni'.t-tee" study- the "immediate" class­room needs as of next September and also of later on.

It br.ought from George Letts, board member and chairman of the Elementary Scliool Building Committee, an objection that study of the needs be kept entire­ly within tlie province of the Board of Education.

Lufis. wJio was upheld by Ha-rold Iloll, another board member,

also argued tliat it was the duly of the superintendent .of schools to help prepare such studies and lliut he already had gathered much information on 'this mattoj-.

Offers Own Study. Letis. also. decloJ'cd that he :had

made his .own study of inforniii-tion already released by the su­perintendent and was prepared to delivei' B report on the study. "I'd like to enlighten you on the fi­gures.',' he said.

Hovvever, Chairman Walsh said ho would rather have it wait for another meeting. He told Letls that "the committee will be glad to sit down with you at any time.'

Chf'irman Walsii (old the board that he was "very anxious to tjet started" on the geneial proljlem of school facilities.

The matter came uji again, la­ter in tho meeting, when Letis was asked by Walsh U he could tell when the two new schools and the Moinauguin addition would be ready for occupancy. (See sto­ry oil huHdtfig progress).

In the course of this second discussion, Miss Elizabeth Chapko-vich asked If the Elementary School Building Committee was now ^'through" since it liad fulfill­ed the last point of its official instructions In purshasing proper­ty on No. High St. for a school site. .

Other members pointed out that the committee was not "through" until the elementary school cons­truction in progi'ess was finally completed and accepted by the Board of Education.

Letis expressed hit; wish "that we can get on with the second phase" (planning? and building of a Junior high school). He predict­ed that the board faced an Imme­

diate [vroblem in providing classes for clilldren in the seventh, ciMlith and ninth-grades by iniifi.

At this point Walsh complained that the Board of Education was not being advised on future plans, although he did not make himself clear on this point. "1 Milnk thai the group you lepresenl. - mil the committee but tlio citizens- " had failed to meet with tho board. "I don't understand why they liave not come aroujid." he said, "and It has upset me. very much."

Letis replied thi^t securing of the Junior high site was done un­der Instruction of a town'meeting (May, 1953) arid that "that phase had to be taken (completed)" be­fore any other steps were. He denied representing "any group of townspeople" otlier than the pub­lic at large.

School Board Slill Hoj)e8 To Hire An Extra Nurse

The Board of Education still has hopes of being able lo hire an­other .school nurse, but it will have to take another look at its budget to see where the funds will come from.

The additional nurse. favorKc project of Elizabeth Chapiujvich. chairman of the committee on schools, may still 'tjc obtained Since'she wouldn't be hired until after the flret of the year, nnly three-fifths of her salary of J.'i.lOO or about $1,860 and expenses (amounting to a total of $2,100 approximately) would have to bt met.

Of the $2,100 the board waiablo to figure on savings of $950 In the present budget. Another $J.J50 will have to be raised somewhere.

This brought up a claim by board member Harold C. Hall that expenses for bus transporta­tion could be cut somewhat "with­out hurting anybo<Iy." He recalled how he had opposed the entry of school buses Into the Foxon de­velopments.

Hall was in favor of a cenlrnl pick-up point in the developments and ellniiimtlon of "dpor-to-door" pick-ups on the ground that some money might be saved in this way.

The ninth annual Connecticut Spring Flower and Garden Show will be held March lOth-lCth, 1955 In West Hartford Statp" Afmciry, 836 Farmington Avenue,

City Iiidiistiy Deceoiralization, Growlli Of Siiliiirliaii Districts Can Help Town, Report States

Naw Foxo It School

'^^^ New (lerriHli Ave. School

'I'll*' twu M'.'W flfUM.nfaty .srhool.i, m»y bf r(;<ifly for ficrnpfHM y riglil orit'i- ih'' tK'w year, wliile tho Moitiaiiguiu Schutil mUWiUm niay' be ready by \H'Cfin\n-v 15.

CoiiF.lrucli«n supeilnlendeHU in charge of iho bullrling take an optimistic view of. coinpletioii fiJilcs., At (he iiew Gntrifih .Ave. ajui Foxon .'iclutolf;/.lo.v'i'b Hi'acfl, superlnt<?ndent foi the Fraiichd Countn\r.\iini.. Com|»ariy, "hopeful­ly" predlcl^ifl that holli would be ready afierr-|HW .Vcar'H Day.'

• : At MuiiMuiKUin In Momaugiiin, Hoh'!t'!. Feis,

foreman for tin? Ani<'« Cniistruc-tton Conrpiiny, vv\uirifri\ Hiat he was hcipi'fitl of IJocciiiijr'r \p. as thf cdjujit'-lion (l(il(f. II" sald^that delays by subcontiuctot.v ni'iK'''

this. Jn.sjH'cllon of llM! iM'w MoiiKi-

i;uiii iirfditlon reveiilc'd that onl.v finish woj-|{ reniiilned lo ho dom.'. The IIOHUIIK B.vfilem' wH'i tiivftriy conncetfid. Cnbliielfi, hlnckhofirds (Hid dooi's wore'ii^tnosl nil up In tho three clHSHroomK /iml n wood­en floor lind lieoii'lulti III the nli-liurpose room wJi?I'o carjieiitoril wore busy finishing 1|IB stiiEel

liifildf, flnul Iniilallation of licnt-iiiB pipes wuu > liijIiiK. done, very enrly tills week, (tliey wei'o liUji-riuwl 11) ho ooinplcled l««t Kililiiyy. Oil Moinlny; wockin.cu wei'o ready to lay tin; shoot-rpi.'lt-ceilinKs In Iiio• I'lawii-oitms. Ai.'ounllo. tilo will KO ovorthiK.AII the nialcilalH have nlririifly. been delivered. • All doOLs liuvo been hung In Ihe

scltool, and iriucli of Iho-eahlnet work Willi rom)iIoli;d, Blaekhoardi, will j;o ii |) 'very litiorlly. Metal liarlil'ioiiH for llio lollolii. had ar­rived and weri! ready lor liiHlalla-tloii. Some iilunihhi); flxHireii .'le-oialiicd lb he lu'slalimi. . '

'I'll!.' wooden, floor In Ihe all piir-poKe room rreinaiii.s to hu laid. Most of the stage foundalioh wan eomfilelnd. I'riorlty la hning glVen to.tiio ejaii-ii'o'jmq fto t'"it 'i'ey.'Wlll lio-i;om|ilote(t as .soo'n.:ai!.ji.i)<isilile. f'tnlKli' w'ork'lfi i he .all pui'po'iie rpotiij'WIli /he;.laHcii, oare .of .lalcr.

'•;"•• r'-':.';'• :-ir«xii""fe*clvonl..''..-''iY:'\;'.*;'' At thciij'Oxiin/'SclionI lakjifrliidy,

i[Km:K (v;i™! titueked';,'rphrfy; fui"' IwiuKliiK • 111 liio^ i:la.ssi"oomH. All oulsiiie'doors liad hei.-n in.ilalled.

(Coiiliiiui'd On I'HKii 'i'wo) ' j -

Hi'i-enlrallziitlon "f Industry In Ihv Now llavrn area coupled with 111'' iiriiwlh 111 tho size ot subur-lian shipping aroa.s provide East llnvrii wllh opportunities to de-vi'lop all of Ms i-e.siiol'co.s to help •iolve lis flsral problems.

Thai Is nil! promise seen-In' « town plnnnliiK report shortly to 111' puhllsheil and releii.scd by the i^lannliiK and Zonlnu'Commission. •Ihi' ropori, mirnplelo except for i"'""i' eililhiH, lia.s- been prepared hy Trhiilcal rianniiiR Associates, Inr., of Nmv llnvon. 11 ^vilI lia pnhllshed I'oiiipleto wllh "maps and hniis and wllh n.hookjot of pro-

po-si'il -/oiilni; rrgulatldns super-liiiR lho.se now In effect. • Tlie roport will bo made nvalli

alih' 111 Ihe public and a public l"'"i'lni! will ho held by llie local ronimlssloii lieforo It adopts 'the iK'w ri'port and zonlhir code fof he Town. This la expected-,(o iiki' phu-o In tho very near fu-i i r . . • : ' . ' •

All iidvaiiro copy of the report was iimdc available IQ the NEWS. II siaios ituii, "isast Havoh Is not "ml should nol plan to |)e,n lar^e iniimifacliii-liiB uoinmunily."'.' For Hull r.m.son, .LiRht Industrial dls-irirls havi! ilicen drmvn tlinl will iillow desirable iiiHqstrliil plSnts sui'li as"maclilne shops,'.the !nian-MfiiciurliiK of. .phiirinacputlcttls, iiiul the finishing of vai'lous .'types of art Irlrii."

In addition,' on the'rocoinhidn-ilali if the Pluiinlns iiiid'Zon-liir. CiiiiMiilsslo, the T-p, Assoaiales will append ^m oulllno report on lihiiiiilnfi [or • fiituro .sc|i6ol . ex-i pnusiuii, ' . ' • .. ' ' ' -.

'llio plan will be -presented ':ttt, till! |iublli;„-tor.;-Study;'•;,eh^rli'iiC, Miller, chairman of the ftahnilig' iind Zoning Coiniilissldn siti, ii/lir which tlio conimlssloii will hold n public hearing (o receive siiiTKi'sllons on the proposed plan.

'"I'll umlerlyliiB purpose ot the Town flan Is lo facllllate wise il'vlsloiis.'' Ihe report stater, and iiilcls iha't it niu.st "lpok"'jrar ahomi, III least twenty yeai's, or I'Isn II ivlll ibo loo late' or too ex-iriMislvn III achelvo the desired re-MlllS."

•|'hi' shore area, and Mom-11111,'iiliiaueulii parllculariy is cited (i.'i nil iwample of lack of plan-iiiiiit. "Uecan.so of crowded use of llii' hind, serious sanlt.i'ry prob-li.'m.'i have arisen, as well as'-qon-sldi'iable bllBlit in some areas. Unless Uiese condltldns arc to i^iillnue, a complete rchablllta-lloii of Ihe area must bo grad-iiiilly undertaken," the report says. .. • ,

Noting that East Haven has al- . most no public beach, the' report suKBesls that ho proposed'Rede­velopment ' program now in the, planning stage would assist th? town In «c(|ulrliig, a considerable aroii of public beach, and would also carry out the alma o: the Pilot Plan.

All i.'sllmated population of 20,-000 persons by li)70 Is predicted. I'olntliiK out that llic , norlliern ond of loWn which'Is loss densply seltlcd now can , expect expan-.sloii. llio i-i!|iort warns that future schools and future - rcsWcptlal iii'lulihorhoods must bo planiied logellicr,, since, t l io, trehil, today Is towards ninkliiB, the school a real wmniunlly center with .use of lis faciiilies forroiireatldnal and other coinmuiilty puriioses.

Itesldentlal growth In Ihe Fox­on area will result hi a demand for rclall slioiiplng facilities, the report goes on, and suggests as a pos.4il)le site the triangle formed liy noule 80 and North High .Street wiiere Foxon school now stands. . , j ^

The plan olso Includes Indus- / trial growth In the north end o( town inciuding garages,: wste-houses and truck terminals along (ho western end ot Roule 80.ot the N<JW Haven line.

A piohlein that must he tared K lliat of sanitary sewage, the 1 (.poll cautions. "Much of East Haven has been built up rlnsely with small lots," and "other por-lluiib have unfavoiahle drainage condlllons."

"Conditions liave berome .seilous in Ihe centei of town and in pnils of the slioie aieas. The town has had a preliminary sew-ei survey pieparcd and should proceed wltli fuillir plans at onre. •J he slate sttttuies piovlde var­ious methods foi financing sew-iMs cither by assessment or by use chttiges, or as part of the [own builKcl,' the repmt con­tinues. It ttl'^n sugKKsts that the

(Cuntliiued On l'»ge nU)
