jlf t t y fi 1 m5 4 i sf j ocala eveningufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/uf/00/07/59/08/00873/0532.pdf+t f...

+ T f nf r 7rpoo r y y f Fi << vr 1 dr r h M5 4 ymr y 7 1w J < q r it < Sf n 7- Jlf l r t < I J < 4 i i- f J OCALA EVENING STAR t k a Y q Volume 14 Number 15 v OCALA FLORIDA WEDNESDAY JUNE 17 1903 Fifty Cents a Month 551 Year v 4 ARE Y- OUHUNGRY I We will Satisfy your wants Service excellent The Best of everything 4 eatings- Cafe I I 1 fMM MMMMH t MtMM i Net H- iG How Much but how good isthe question that every one should ask in buying candy The old saving that a man is judged by the candy he gives holds good today same as always Buy the bes < > dont take the just as good kind Nothii g quite equals + famous BonBons and Chocolates They are in a distinctivelyexclu ¬ 1 live class to Orders receive prompt and care ¬ attention Just give us the name and address and Uncle Sam does the rest TRW11 TROXLER 24 MAIN I STr t R D FULLER 4 DENTAL SURGEON Office over Munroe Chanibliss Bank OCALA FLORIDA TERMS CASH J E CHACE DENTAL SURGEON Rooms 9 > 10 and II Second Floor Holder Block OCALA FLORIDA TERMS CASH I LF BLALOCK Dental SurgeonO- ffice Over Commercial Bank Phone 211 Office Houri 8 to 12 a m 1 to 5 p m TERMS CASH 1 Fred G B WEIHET- HE JEWELER AND OPTICIAN- We Hav One of the Largest Most New and Complete Stocks of JEWELERY OF ALL KINDS WATCHES RINGS PINS EMBLEM PINS CHAINS FOBS HAIR ORNAMENTS ETC ETC That has Ever Been Shown in this City- n Cut Glass Fine China Sterling and Plated Silverware Souvenir Postal Cards Clocks Etcwe do Not Ack- nowledge ¬ a Better Stock in this Sec ¬ tion LLKINDSF- EPAING N t DOlE SOUTH SIDE OF SQUARE I 4- I BASEBALL I Result of Yesterdays Games in the South Atlantic League J Savannah 3 JacksonvilleO i Macon 2 Augusta 1 I Columbia 3 Charleston 0 Where They Played Today Savannah at Jacksonville Macon at Augusta Columbia at Charleston Standing of the clubs- GamesWonLostPC Jacksonville 53 38 15 771 Savannah 50 30 20 600 I Columbia 45 23 22 511 l1acon 55 23 32 418 Augusta 51 20 31 392 Charleston 52 19 33 365 WINTERS EMITTED A WAIL I A Chicken Hearted Sampson on Whom Delilas Kisses Were Wasted Pittsburg Pa June 17In the criminal court yesterday afternoon Thos L McKee was found guilty of extortion and his beautiful young wife Mary Louise McKee who is also under indictment will be tried next Mrs McKee sat by her husband thro the trial she being the principal fea- ture ¬ of the trial- It was alleged by Dr George S Winters a rich young physician of the West End that McKee and his wife conspired to extort money from him by alleging that Dr winters had been too friendly with Mrs McKee On the stand Winters gave a dramatic recital of how McKee had sent for him to visit his wife in his own absence and how the beautiful woman had put her arms about him until he fled from the house in fear Mrs McKee wept in rage at the doctors recital DO NOT NEGLECT THE CHILDREN At this season of the year the first urihaturaV looseness of a childs bow ¬ els should have immediate atention Ihe best thing that can be given is Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diar ¬ rhoea Remedy followed by castor oil as directed with each bottle of tho remedy For sale by all druggists MORE TROUBLE IN MEXICO With Yaqui Indians Who Refuse to Surrender Their Arms and Ammunition Tucson Ariz June 17A dispatch from Hermosillo Mexico says 4000 I Mexican soldiers under personal com ¬ mand of Gen Lorenzo Torres is in the country in hot pursuit of Yaqui In ¬ dians All negotiations looking to ¬ ward signing a peace treaty were sud- denly ¬ broken off yesterday The Ya quis on retaining arms anfl- ammunition after having acceded to every other stipulation of the Mexi- can ¬ government The Mexican offi- cials ¬ stood steadfast and the Yaqui generals withdrew from the confer ¬ ence Immediately orders were dis- patched ¬ to the Mexican troops in the Held to resume hostilities LAUNCHES BUILT TO ORDER The public is cordially invited to in- spect ¬ the Merry Widow the beauti ¬ ful launch at Silver Springs that I built entirely from keel to awning I- sm prepared to build launches of any style and any reasonable size and completely finish and equip them ready for the water at moderate charges and in the very best work- manship ¬ The work is fully guaran ¬ teed If you want a beautiful model- a strong safe and well built and speedy boat place your order with me Frank Mathews Ocala May 18 BOARD OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Special Meeting There will be a special meeting of tho Marion County Board of Public Instruction June 18th to appoint all teachers and such other business as nay properly come before the board J ELECTION RETURNS- ARE NOT ALL IN But it Begins to Look Like Gilchrist- and Fletcher Have Carried the State Jacksonville Fla June 17 Demo- cratic primaries were held throughout Florida yesterday for the nomination- of United States senator to succeed I Senator Milton for delegates to the I national convention from the state at large and congressional districts for governor for railroad commissioner- and minor offices throughout the com ¬ monwealth- For United States senator Duncan- U Fletcher was pitted against Gov Broward- For governor Albert W Gilchrist- and John N C Stockton were oppon ¬ ents all four of these candidates hav ¬ ing been entitled to participation in the primaries of yesterday by virtue- of the fact that they led over their op ¬ ponents in the first primary Up to midnight indications were that Gil ¬ christ has swept the state and that probably his majority will be 6000 to 7000 The race between Fletcher and Gov Broward will be close indications pointing to Fletchers nomination al ¬ though the pendulum may swing in either direction before all the returns are in It is hard to indicate whether or not an instructed delegation has been sent- to Denver Returns for those offices- are incomplete- From reports the vote polled will be- a heavy one but there have been no disorders as far as known General Gilchrist carried Stockton home ward his home city and home county by large majorities DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED Ey local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear There is only dne way to cure deaf- ness ¬ and that is by constitutional remedies Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lin- ing ¬ of the Eustachian tube When this tube is inflamed you have a rum ¬ bling sound or imperfect hearing and when it is entirely closed deafness is I the result and unless the inflammation- can be taken out and this tube re = stored to its normal condition hearing will be destroyed forever Nine cases cut of ten are caused which is nothing but an inflamed con- dition ¬ of the mucous surfaces- We will give One Hundred Dollars- for any case of deafness caused by catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure Send for circulars- free F J Cheney Co Toledo Ohio Sold by all druggists 75c Take Halls Family Pills for constipation WHIPPED A WOMAN Manly Conduct of a Gang of Western Tennessee Moralists Dickson Tenn June 17A story of mingled pity and brutal horror comes from a community seventeen miles west of this place One night recently a young woman accused of immorality especially with married men of the community was taken from her hdme by half a dozen- or more men stripped of her clothing- and whipped upon her nude body un- til ¬ blood flowed from a score or more wounds The girl pleaded for mercy a3 did her aged father and mother but it was of rio avail She charged- the man who applied the lash with be ¬ ing one of the few who led her astray After the flogging the girl was warn ¬ ed to leave the community- The mob is said to have warned the man whom the woman accused and who had applied the lash that unless- he ceased his attentions he too would- be whipped It is charged by some that all who took part in the affair were responsible in a measure for the girls downfall- IF YOU KNEW The merits of the Texas Wonder you would never suffer from kidney blad tIer or rheumatic trouble 1 bottle two months treatment Sold by druggists fr by mail Send for testimonials Dr E W Hall 2926 Olive street St Louis Missouri W H MORRIS Electrician and telephone line con ¬ structor All work guaranteed Out of town orders a specialty Address- W H Morris Ocala Fla THE BIG HEAD- Is of two kinds conceit and the big- head that comes from i sick headache Does your head ever feel like a gourd and your brain feel loose and sore You can cure it in no time by acting en your liver with Ballards Herbine Isnt it worth trying for the absolute- and certain relief youll get Sold by AntiMonopoly Drugstore Never too early in the morning or too late at night to get a prescription rUed at the Corner Drugstore 0 I BRYAN 27 TO THE GOOD He Has That Many Over TwoThirds Majority Lincoln Neb June 17The an- nouncement ¬ was made at the Bryan headquarters that the state and terri- torial ¬ democratic conventions in the week just ended have given Mr Bry- an ¬ enough delegates to secure his nomination at Denver on the first bal ¬ lot under the twothirds rule At the present time 630 delegates- are instructed for Bryan and 67 more arc committed to him by personal pledges making his total 697 The number necessary to nominate is 672 so that he now has 27 votes to spare not taking into account any of the numerous unpledged and uninstructed delegates who will give him their votes- It is now expected that Bryan will be nominated by acclamation The new votes added to Bryans fol ¬ last week were Utah 61 New Mexico 6 Virginia 24 Kentucky 26 Oregon 8 total 70 The delegates yet to be elected will come from these states Colorado 10 Florida 6 4 Bryan delegates hav- ing ¬ already been chosen r Tennessee 24 North Carolina 24 Vermont 8 Georgia 26 Maine 12 Mississippi 30 Montana 6 tota 140 DADDY OF WATERSON A DELUGE- St Louis June 17The Mississippi river added a foot to its rise last night and is now at a 36foot stage Every inch of the rise has added thousands- of dollars to the damage The weather bureau forecast is for a rise of an ¬ other foot Along the levees in the city the water is at the doors of the buildings and is slowly creeping up At Columbia Bottoms the river is eight miles wide Levees all along the strea mare washed away and the lands are flooded THE SWINE AND THE FLOWER- Oh me I saw a huge and loathsome- sty Wherein a drove of wallowing swine were barred Whose banquet shocked the nostril and the eye Then spoke a voice Behold the source of lard- I fled and saw a field that seemed at first One glistning mass of roses pure and white With dewy buds mid dark green fo ¬ liage nursed And as I lingered oer the lovely sight The summer breeze that cooled that Southern scene- Whispered Behold the source of COTTOLENE THAT TERRIBLE KID Has that Terrible Kid next door punched holes in your walls Donc fuss at him Drop me a card and 1 will patch and tint them with Alabas tine J A Morris Jr 38 South Magnolia street Decorating thats my business f BICYCLE REPAIR WORK- I I have the only completely equipped shop in the city for the repairing of bicycles typewriters and musical in ¬ struments Prompt attention and work guaranteed B F Condon Hewin ot 17 JIJ 1 kr ml THE COMMERCIAL 5 BARBERSHOP Opens into the lobby of the Ocala House Offers the very best service of skill- ed ¬ workmen with modern appliances Strictly sanitary Electric fans elec ¬ tric massages BARBER JOE Manager Y Y l F i F YFr- I r 5- II i i I 1t F Y Y + f JY- rl rtll j 3coTtn- n sw r- O RXH- IA tt Little Old Scotch 4 comes in mighty handy after the exertion of golf playing Or indulging- in a bicycle spin oh the road or other outdoor sport We have some good i brands of Scotch Irish and native v ry whiskies to put you all to the good jpst when you need a nip most KEATINGCO Phone 22 OCALA FLA f II C EATEN Y CANNIBALS Dreadful Fate of Four White Men ini Central Africa Madrid June 17Further reports have been received here from the west coast qf Africa concerning the t sinking by a tornado on upper Congo river of the steamboat Ville de Bur ges last May v Of the six Europeans who lost their lives four were caught by cannibals- who killed and devoured them Sev- enty ¬ 1 negroes were drowned I BICYCLES BICYCLES t JNO S PEDRICK SON Never too late to mend If your bl rjcle needs mending no matter what is the nature of the trouble call to pee us Bicycles for sale or rent Ap- ply ¬ + to Jno S Pedrick Son Next Door South of Ocala Fire Station MRS PALLANTE- WAS MAGNANIMOUS While on her Death Bed She Picked Out a Second Wife for Her Husband- Mt Holly N J June 17A double wedding that brings to light an un- usual ¬ t romance will take place In Phil- adelphia ¬ on Sunday when Carmine Pallante of Mt Holly will wed Mrs Angela Izzi and his son Vincenzo will become the bridegroom of her daughter Christina Izzi The brides elect live at No 3647 K street Ken- sington ¬ I Rev Father D P Broughton- will officiate The romance had its beginning about six months ago while Mrs Pal ¬ lante lay on her death bed Mrs Izzi and her daughter acted as Mrs Pal lantes nurse and they were so atten ¬ tive to the sick woman that her love foL them as friends grew stronger as she weakened physically and realized t that she could not recover I iI Then came the unusual request that has brought about the double wedding Calling her husband and son to her bedside the dying woman exacted a promise from them that they would marry her nurses Shortly after her death the proposition of marriage was made to the two women both of whom accepted FOR RENTFour room cottage In Marion Heights Apply to Marlon t Development Co THAT YOU GET WORE r VALUE IN A BOSTONIAN- AND HANAN SHOE than any otherimaket THE MARION SH0bOMPANY Phone 222 I E 2 1 1- yr t- rYt sofa t k s 5VV Y it

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Page 1: Jlf t T y Fi 1 M5 4 I Sf J OCALA EVENINGufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00873/0532.pdf+T f nf r 7rpoo r y y f Fi < vr 1 dr rh M5 4 ymr y 7 1w J < q rit Sf n 7- Jlf rt l < I

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Volume 14 Number 15v

OCALA FLORIDA WEDNESDAY JUNE 17 1903 Fifty Cents a Month 551 Year v



I We will Satisfyyour wants

Service excellent The Best ofeverything

4 eatings-Cafe I


1 fMM MMMMH t MtMMi Net H-

iG How Muchbut how good isthe questionthat every one should ask in buyingcandy

The old saving that a man isjudged by the candy he givesholds good today same as alwaysBuy the bes < >dont take the justas good kind

Nothii g quite equals+

famous BonBons and ChocolatesThey are in a distinctivelyexclu ¬

1 live class toOrders receive prompt and care ¬

attention Just give us the nameand address and Uncle Sam doesthe rest




4 DENTAL SURGEONOffice over Munroe Chanibliss




Rooms 9 > 10 and IISecond Floor Holder Block



LF BLALOCKDental SurgeonO-

ffice Over Commercial Bank

Phone 211

Office Houri 8 to 12 a m 1 to 5 p m


1 Fred G B



We Hav One of the Largest MostNew and Complete Stocks of




That has Ever Been Shown inthis City-

n Cut Glass Fine China Sterling andPlated Silverware Souvenir PostalCards Clocks Etcwe do Not Ack-


a Better Stock in this Sec ¬











Result of Yesterdays Games in theSouth Atlantic League J

Savannah 3 JacksonvilleO i

Macon 2 Augusta 1 I

Columbia 3 Charleston 0

Where They Played TodaySavannah at JacksonvilleMacon at AugustaColumbia at Charleston

Standing of the clubs-GamesWonLostPC

Jacksonville 53 38 15 771Savannah 50 30 20 600 I

Columbia 45 23 22 511l1acon 55 23 32 418Augusta 51 20 31 392Charleston 52 19 33 365


A Chicken Hearted Sampson on WhomDelilas Kisses Were

WastedPittsburg Pa June 17In the

criminal court yesterday afternoonThos L McKee was found guilty ofextortion and his beautiful youngwife Mary Louise McKee who is alsounder indictment will be tried nextMrs McKee sat by her husband throthe trial she being the principal fea-ture


of the trial-It was alleged by Dr George S

Winters a rich young physician of theWest End that McKee and his wifeconspired to extort money from himby alleging that Dr winters had beentoo friendly with Mrs McKee On thestand Winters gave a dramatic recitalof how McKee had sent for him tovisit his wife in his own absence andhow the beautiful woman had put herarms about him until he fled from thehouse in fear Mrs McKee wept inrage at the doctors recital


At this season of the year the firsturihaturaV looseness of a childs bow ¬

els should have immediate atentionIhe best thing that can be given isChamberlains Colic Cholera and Diar ¬

rhoea Remedy followed by castor oilas directed with each bottle of thoremedy For sale by all druggists


With Yaqui Indians Who Refuse toSurrender Their Arms and

AmmunitionTucson Ariz June 17A dispatch

from Hermosillo Mexico says 4000I Mexican soldiers under personal com ¬

mand of Gen Lorenzo Torres is in thecountry in hot pursuit of Yaqui In ¬

dians All negotiations looking to ¬

ward signing a peace treaty were sud-denly


broken off yesterday The Yaquis on retaining arms anfl-ammunition after having acceded toevery other stipulation of the Mexi-can


government The Mexican offi-cials


stood steadfast and the Yaquigenerals withdrew from the confer ¬

ence Immediately orders were dis-patched


to the Mexican troops in theHeld to resume hostilities


The public is cordially invited to in-


the Merry Widow the beauti ¬

ful launch at Silver Springs that Ibuilt entirely from keel to awning I-

sm prepared to build launches of anystyle and any reasonable size andcompletely finish and equip themready for the water at moderatecharges and in the very best work-manship


The work is fully guaran ¬

teed If you want a beautiful model-a strong safe and well built andspeedy boat place your order withme Frank Mathews

Ocala May 18


Special Meeting

There will be a special meeting oftho Marion County Board of PublicInstruction June 18th to appoint allteachers and such other business asnay properly come before the board




But it Begins to Look Like Gilchrist-

and Fletcher Have Carriedthe State

Jacksonville Fla June 17 Demo-cratic primaries were held throughoutFlorida yesterday for the nomination-of United States senator to succeed

I Senator Milton for delegates to theI national convention from the state atlarge and congressional districts forgovernor for railroad commissioner-and minor offices throughout the com ¬

monwealth-For United States senator Duncan-

U Fletcher was pitted against GovBroward-

For governor Albert W Gilchrist-and John N C Stockton were oppon ¬

ents all four of these candidates hav ¬

ing been entitled to participation inthe primaries of yesterday by virtue-of the fact that they led over their op ¬

ponents in the first primary Up tomidnight indications were that Gil ¬

christ has swept the state and thatprobably his majority will be 6000 to7000

The race between Fletcher and GovBroward will be close indicationspointing to Fletchers nomination al ¬

though the pendulum may swing ineither direction before all the returnsare in

It is hard to indicate whether or notan instructed delegation has been sent-to Denver Returns for those offices-are incomplete-

From reports the vote polled will be-

a heavy one but there have been nodisorders as far as known

General Gilchrist carried Stocktonhome ward his home city and homecounty by large majorities

DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CUREDEy local applications as they cannotreach the diseased portion of the earThere is only dne way to cure deaf-ness


and that is by constitutionalremedies Deafness is caused by aninflamed condition of the mucous lin-


of the Eustachian tube Whenthis tube is inflamed you have a rum ¬

bling sound or imperfect hearing andwhen it is entirely closed deafness is

I the result and unless the inflammation-can be taken out and this tube re=stored to its normal condition hearingwill be destroyed forever Nine casescut of ten are causedwhich is nothing but an inflamed con-dition


of the mucous surfaces-We will give One Hundred Dollars-

for any case of deafness caused bycatarrh that cannot be cured by HallsCatarrh Cure Send for circulars-free F J Cheney Co

Toledo OhioSold by all druggists 75c Take

Halls Family Pills for constipation


Manly Conduct of a Gang of WesternTennessee Moralists

Dickson Tenn June 17A story ofmingled pity and brutal horror comesfrom a community seventeen mileswest of this place

One night recently a young womanaccused of immorality especially withmarried men of the community wastaken from her hdme by half a dozen-or more men stripped of her clothing-and whipped upon her nude body un-til


blood flowed from a score or morewounds The girl pleaded for mercya3 did her aged father and motherbut it was of rio avail She charged-the man who applied the lash with be ¬

ing one of the few who led her astrayAfter the flogging the girl was warn ¬

ed to leave the community-The mob is said to have warned the

man whom the woman accused andwho had applied the lash that unless-he ceased his attentions he too would-be whipped It is charged by somethat all who took part in the affairwere responsible in a measure for thegirls downfall-

IF YOU KNEWThe merits of the Texas Wonder youwould never suffer from kidney bladtIer or rheumatic trouble 1 bottle twomonths treatment Sold by druggistsfr by mail Send for testimonials DrE W Hall 2926 Olive street StLouis Missouri

W H MORRISElectrician and telephone line con ¬

structor All work guaranteed Outof town orders a specialty Address-W H Morris Ocala Fla


Is of two kinds conceit and the big-head that comes from i sick headacheDoes your head ever feel like a gourdand your brain feel loose and soreYou can cure it in no time by actingen your liver with Ballards HerbineIsnt it worth trying for the absolute-and certain relief youll get Sold byAntiMonopoly Drugstore

Never too early in the morning ortoo late at night to get a prescriptionrUed at the Corner Drugstore




He Has That Many Over TwoThirdsMajority

Lincoln Neb June 17The an-nouncement


was made at the Bryanheadquarters that the state and terri-torial


democratic conventions in theweek just ended have given Mr Bry-an


enough delegates to secure hisnomination at Denver on the first bal ¬

lot under the twothirds ruleAt the present time 630 delegates-

are instructed for Bryan and 67 morearc committed to him by personalpledges making his total 697 Thenumber necessary to nominate is 672so that he now has 27 votes to sparenot taking into account any of thenumerous unpledged and uninstructeddelegates who will give him theirvotes-

It is now expected that Bryan willbe nominated by acclamation

The new votes added to Bryans fol ¬

last week were Utah 61 NewMexico 6 Virginia 24 Kentucky 26Oregon 8 total 70

The delegates yet to be elected willcome from these states Colorado10 Florida 6 4 Bryan delegates hav-ing


already been chosen r Tennessee24 North Carolina 24 Vermont 8Georgia 26 Maine 12 Mississippi 30

Montana 6 tota 140


St Louis June 17The Mississippiriver added a foot to its rise last nightand is now at a 36foot stage Everyinch of the rise has added thousands-of dollars to the damage The weatherbureau forecast is for a rise of an ¬

other foot Along the levees in thecity the water is at the doors of thebuildings and is slowly creeping upAt Columbia Bottoms the river iseight miles wide Levees all along thestrea mare washed away and the landsare flooded


Oh me I saw a huge and loathsome-sty

Wherein a drove of wallowing swinewere barred

Whose banquet shocked the nostriland the eye

Then spoke a voice Behold thesource of lard-

I fled and saw a field that seemed atfirst

One glistning mass of roses pure andwhite

With dewy buds mid dark green fo ¬

liage nursedAnd as I lingered oer the lovely sightThe summer breeze that cooled that

Southern scene-Whispered Behold the source ofCOTTOLENE


Has that Terrible Kid next doorpunched holes in your walls Doncfuss at him Drop me a card and 1

will patch and tint them with Alabastine J A Morris Jr

38 South Magnolia streetDecorating thats my business



have the only completely equippedshop in the city for the repairing ofbicycles typewriters and musical in ¬

struments Prompt attention andwork guaranteed B F Condon


17 JIJ 1

kr ml



Opens into the lobby of theOcala House

Offers the very best service of skill-ed


workmen with modern appliancesStrictly sanitary Electric fans elec ¬

tric massages





i FYFr-





i iI 1t


Y Y +f JY-

rl rtll j


n sw r-



Little Old Scotch4

comes in mighty handy after theexertion of golf playing Or indulging-in a bicycle spin oh the road or otheroutdoor sport We have some good i

brands of Scotch Irish and native v ry

whiskies to put you all to the goodjpst when you need a nip most





Dreadful Fate of Four White Men iniCentral Africa

Madrid June 17Further reportshave been received here from thewest coast qf Africa concerning the t

sinking by a tornado on upper Congoriver of the steamboat Ville de Burges last May v

Of the six Europeans who lost theirlives four were caught by cannibals-who killed and devoured them Sev-enty

¬ 1

negroes were drownedI



Never too late to mend If your blrjcle needs mending no matter whatis the nature of the trouble call topee us Bicycles for sale or rent Ap-ply

¬ +

to Jno S Pedrick Son NextDoor South of Ocala Fire Station


While on her Death Bed She PickedOut a Second Wife for Her

Husband-Mt Holly N J June 17A double

wedding that brings to light an un-usual

¬ tromance will take place In Phil-adelphia


on Sunday when CarminePallante of Mt Holly will wed MrsAngela Izzi and his son Vincenzowill become the bridegroom of herdaughter Christina Izzi The brideselect live at No 3647 K street Ken-sington

¬ IRev Father D P Broughton-

will officiateThe romance had its beginning

about six months ago while Mrs Pal ¬

lante lay on her death bed Mrs Izziand her daughter acted as Mrs Pallantes nurse and they were so atten ¬

tive to the sick woman that her lovefoL them as friends grew stronger asshe weakened physically and realized tthat she could not recover I


Then came the unusual request thathas brought about the double weddingCalling her husband and son to herbedside the dying woman exacted apromise from them that they wouldmarry her nurses Shortly after herdeath the proposition of marriage wasmade to the two women both of whomaccepted

FOR RENTFour room cottage InMarion Heights Apply to Marlon t

Development Co





than any otherimaket


Phone 222I

E 2

1 1-yr


sofa t k s 5VV Y it