jlllljf^government^supervision under| imaginationhardly

i jlllljf I i Morrhantc Hi. P ^ I I I <J I UllUlllv W I I "rtieoi< | The Oldest and Iarg fc Is Your Money Sup] El At this critical period E ers are oiferinj* their mills C their services to the Unite kj| Would you like to do j 6 vour money where it will s Banking System, which thi stand hack of our commei C Vou can do this by oper C of every dollar so deposite fc tern where it will always 1 LOOK FOR THE BANK | And deposit your money K M PARK, ] President. II .One Pair o ...Life Aiv you abusing and you will pay the price lal of all headaches arise frc aching, burning eyes thai and many other ills are strain. In such cases th< that is an unfailing one. I SCHOOL CHILDREN carefully examined before if necessary, fitted with g An examination will cot is no need for glasses I v for glasses are very re«s( every pair with an absol tion. F. C. DUKE, 13 Main Street % SERVK can lie used as an Ambulance, for d sions. Especially adapted for long d where within thirty miles of Union 1 BAILEY UNDI Office Phone 106 Peoples Uni Funeral Director Automobile Equipment 1 (Calls Answered Pr H. VV. EDOA Phone 240 The Allied policy of air reprisal: is getting results. Residents of thi German Rhine cities are getting aw fully sick of the war and they an going to get sicker yet..News am Courier. For Indigestion, Constipation 01 Biliousness Just try one 50-cent bottle of LAX-FO! WITH PEPSIN. A Liquid Digests laxative pleasant to take. Made am recommended to the public by Paris Medi cine Co., manufacturers of laxative Bronx Quinine and Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic ' "JHIIIIWWWTWfWfWifWWfmi 1 UNDER| ^GOVERNMENT ^SUPERVISION member, bank under j federa l reser ve act . THfe ! I lanters Nai'l Bank I 1 Reliable" ] est Bank in Union County ] I porting the Government i in aiic kiatnmr Aiir m o nn fn nf ti r- and our young men are offering d States Government. ji rour share and help by putting J9 iupport the new Federal Reserve e Government has established to ' ree industry and agriculture? " ling an account with us, as part «ji d goes directly into the new sys- J ie ready for you when wanted. " ! WITH THE CHIME CI.OCH : I where il will be absolutely safe ; J. I). ARTHUR, | Cashier ^ I ! J : »f Eyes to a time... neglecting yours? If, so, :er. More than two-thirds >m eye-stnijn. Dim vision, 1 soon tire, granulated \\<\< due to some form of eye ire is but one remedy and -properly fitted glasses. should have their eyes 2 being taxed hv study and ;lasses. it you nothing, and if there rill tell you so. My prices >nable and I stand back of ute guarantee of satisfacOotometrist - I Union, South Carolina CE CAR eliverinff Caskets and on Funeral occalistance calls. We deliver Caskets any- [ FREE OF CHARGE. ERTAKING CO. Residence Phone 88 ........ dertaking Co. -s and Embalmers « Kurnished When Desired. omptly Day or Night lR, Manager. \ Old Poslolllcc Building s And now the fools hens are observe inp: effKless days..Anderson Mail. 666 r Gives Quick Relief for i COLDS and ! LAGRIPPE 1 Price 25c and 50c Per Bottle TRAINING LITTLE CHILDREN Ilow the Children Keep a Weather Calendar.When Children See All Nature Doing and Making Something They Long to Join in the Work of This Busy World Article XXXI.By Mrs. Bertha Lewis If nature-study is to be begun for the lirst time, either in school or in the home, the easiest introduction is by the time-honored 'topic of the weather in conjunction with the day. A weather calendar naturally fol-j lows, the days being marked with appropriate colors and symbols, yellow for the sunshine, grey for cloudy, kite for windy, umbrella for rainy etc. The calendar may be decorated to represent the main nature study idea for the month, a snow scene for January, skating for February, etc. Daddy has a newspaper every morning; why should not the children have one of their very own? Theirs can be a sheet of drawing paper hung beside the calendar, on which one of the children may draw a flower, etc. These drawings may not be works of art from the grown-up standpoint, but they aid the child to obesrve and to tell, as well as he is able, what he has seen. He should be shown where he can improve his work, but the original sketch should never be interfered with or criticised. A more accurate representation can be given in a separate lesson after the child has had a chance for further observation, but in no way connecting this with his first drawing on the calendar, lest he become discouraged or self-conscious and try to express something which he has not really seen. To adopt a tree in springtime is another good plan. Have the children give the tree a name and so make of it a companion. Always include the family name of the tree. Frequent visits must be made to the tree because it cannot come to the children. Notice how the buds are arranged on the branches, which of them grow most rapidly, apd what they Luin into, leaves, flowers or branches. Try to discover if the tree has any other visitors; bright eyes soon discover many. Flay a game around the tree; sing to it some such rhyme as the following: "Time is never wasted listening to the trees; If to Heaven we arose are grandly as these, Holding to each other half their kindly grace Haply we were worthier our human place." Because the child, after making mud pies is told that his face is dirty, he naturally concludes that all soil is dirt. Point out to him that it is only( when out of place, that it is dirt, fori in its right place it is the home of miracles, the matrix from which comes that woinjerful force we call, i:-p. t ~v:u 1-- » inc. ucu cue Cliuuieil IIlitKt! expiTIments with different kinds of soil. clay, sand, loam. In this way they, will become familiar with the names' and textures as well as the best uses of each. Have the children notice the changes in the air, that it is hot in summer, cold in winter, dry in sunny weather, damp in rainy weather, aim, breezy or very windy. Explain ivhy we should be careful to breathe only frood air, to breathe deeply and jxpand our lun^s; that we live in the lir as the fish live in the water; that oirds fly up and down in the air as Fish swim up and down in the water; :hat air is all above us just as the water is above the little water animals that crawl on the bottom of ocean or river. Every child is familiar with water in many forms, but perhaps the won:lers of its forms are so common that MYSTERIOUS PAINS AND ACHES Make bife Hard to Hear For Many Union Women Too many women mistake their pains and aches for troubles peculiar to the sex. More often disordered kidneys are causing the aching back, diZzy spells, headaches and irregular urination. Kidney weakness becomes dangerous if neglected. Use a timetried kidney remedy.Doan's Kidney, Pills. Hosts of people testify to their merit. Read a Union case: Mrs. J. F. Cheek, 4 Ravencroft St., says: "About five years ago I had sharp pains in the small of my back and I certainly suffered terribly. I had severe headaches and dizzy spells and was often afraid of falling. The worst of all was the nervous spells which came over me and I couldn't stand the least noise. I felt tired and languid and my kidneys didn't act right. I was advised to get some Doan's Kidney Pills and T got my supply at the Palmetto Drug Co. To my surprise they entirely cured me of my trouble and I say a good word for them at every opportunity." Pric 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy. get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Cheek had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. he has not noticed how miraculous they are. "We cultivate the imagination of our children by tales of the prince who became invisible when he put on his cap of darkness and who made far journeys through the air on jhis magic carpet, and yet no cap of darkness ever wrought more astonishing disappearances than occur [when this most common of our earth's elements disappears from under our very eyes, dissolving into thin air." What child has not noticed the steam rising from the damp pavement when the sun comes out after a shower? The drops of water are = donning their magic caps and flying ;off into the atmosphere to become invisible to our eyes. The next time we see them, it may be as part of the white cloud sailing across the blue sky. Then there is the magic power which brings* back the vapor spirit to sight and touch. This magician's name is Cold or Jack Frost, who transforms our water drops again and gives them many fancy shapes, such as may be seen on frosted window panes, or shallow ice, or in the snowflakes. When the child sees so many things smaller and weaker than he, all doing something and making something, he, too, longs to join this busy world. He may well use such occupation as cutting, pasting, weav- ing ana moaeiinp lor me Diras, trees artd spiders, in their way do all these things, while the flowers are painted wvth colors taken from the sunbeams and from the earth. Stories of animals and insects may be appropriately told to emphasize the nicety and exactness of work done by creatures so much more helpless than we. and in this way a desire to do good and accurate work will be stimulated. Please pass this article on to a friend and thus help Uncle Sam reach all the mothers of the country. EVER SALIVATED BY CALOMEL? HORRIBLE! Calomel is quicksilver and like dynamite on * your liver Calomel loses you a day! You iknow what calomel is. It's mercury; 'quicksilver. Calomel Is dangerous, lit crashes into aour bile like dynn'mite, cramping and sickening you. Calomel attacks the bones and should never be put into your system. When you feel bilious, sluggish, 6onstipated and all knocked out and Beflev^yDu need a dose of dangerous Y "del just remember that your lox-vtydat sells for a few cents a large bottle^ of Dodson's Liver Tone, which is Entirely vegetable- and pleasant to tajce and is a periect substitute tor calomel. It is guaranteed to start your liver without stirring you up inside, and can not salivate. Don't take calomel! It makes you sick the next day; it loses you a day's work. Dodson's Liver Tone straightens you right up and you feel great. Give it to the children because it is perfectly harmless and doesn't gripe. The Declaration of Independence is just another "scrap of paper," hut Kaiser Bill will soon learn its significance."scrap" is our middle name! The Strong Withstand the Heat of Summer Better Than the Weak Old people who are feeble and younger people who are weak, will be strengthened and euablcd to go through the depressing heat of summer by taking GROVE S TASTFI.ESSeh i 11 TONIC. It purifies and enriches the blood and builds up the whole system. You can soon feel its Strengthening, Iv vigor ating Effect. 30c. The girl who takes men seriously and listens gravely to their little tales of woe will marry early. The girl who is honest and laughs at men will become an old maid. rmt^ ."v.*^" Clear Your Complexion /WKV« \\ with This I 1 I Old Reliable I J I Remedy. ^\WnAHC0ClCf j Sulphur Compoun d Par phnples, black-head*, freckles, blotches and ten. as well as tor more serious lace, scalp and body eruptions, hives, eczema, etc., use this scientific compound of sulphur. Asa to- tl tlon. It soothes and heals; taken internally. ti a few drops in a glass of water.It gets at the n root of the trouble and purifies the blood. c Physldsni agree that sulphur Is one of the v most effective blood purifiers known. Re- e member, a good complexion Isn't "lkln deep .it's health deep. ' Be sore to ask for HANCOCK SULPHUR * COMPOUND. It has been used with satis* 11 factory results for over 25 years. r SOc and $1 the bottle I at yoor druggist's. If he can't supply you. B send his name apd the price In stamps aad we will send you a bottle direct. 1 HANCOCK IJQtflD SULFHUS 1 COMPANY /JBNf Baltimore. Mi. j h/fhur C.tmfunJ Ota#- <^E"Ht5~£>' 1 »wmr.if W SOt.M urn, x*th «* C UfuU Cmftntd. f , m I When a man feels rather sorry for <: his wife, he salves his conscience by ] reasoning that she might have done J worse if she had married some other { fellow. * ' Hardly a Drugstore That Does Not I a On the Market Half a Century. ? a When yoU nre in perfect health, ^ and are enjoying a strong and vigor- . ous vitality, it is then that your blood is free from all impurities. You should be very careful and , give heed to the slightest indication . of impure blood. A sluggish circula- 1 tion is often indicated by an impaired £ sssr DI y>OvQr 50.000 DELCO^LIGIi Party Line The quality of sei is largely dependent tion of the subscribers No subscriber she for long periods of tir. elusion of others. When a party lin use, hapg up your re While it is off the h< interfered with. Each neighbor or * . i * . « titiea to a reasonable i service, and should n< have the privacy of h: fered with. The Golden Rule ular force to party line »»/T t* -7 i rV ucn yui* j SOUTHERN BELL TE AND TELEGRAPH ( Can't Help But Admire Babies Cftf* Woflun Cute Loving Glance at the Nestling Coddled In its Bonnet. It Is a joy and comfort to know that hose much talked of pains and other disresses that are said to proceed child-bearing lay bo avoided. No woman need fear disnmfort it ahn will * ."»«- * __ VMV ..|t sva »u/ uciacil Willi mO irell known and time-honored remedy. Motor's Friend. This Is a most grateful, penetrating, cxernal application that at onco softens and lakes pliant too abdominal muscles and ligalents. By regular use the muscles expand without tho usual strain when baby is born ,nd pain and danger at the crisis is conequently less. Women everywhere who have used this amou9 remedy tell how they entirely avoided lervousness, twitching spells, bearing down ind stretching pains, and relate how they njoyed entire freedom from the many deillltAting and dlntremlng experiences usually ncident to approaching motherhood. Mother's Friend ts recommended only for he relief and comfort of expectant mothers, thousands of whom have used and ecommendcd it. It Is for external use only, absolutely and entirely safe and wonlerfully effective. Write the Bradfleld Regulator Co., ,tmar Bldr., Atlanta, Ga.. for their "Moth(rhood Book," so valuable to expectant mothtrs, and In the meantime obtain a lxittle of Mother's Friend from the druggist today and bus fortify yourself against pain and dl» jomfort, \ ! in the Land Sell This Remedy ippetite, a feeling of lassitude and a jeneral weakening of the system. It 9 then that you should promptly take i few bottles of S. S. S., the great lood purifier and strengthener. It irill cleanse the blood thoroughly and iuild up and strengthen the whole ystem. S. S. S. is sold by all druggists. Valuable information about the lood supply can be had free by writng to the Swift Specific Co., 24 !wift Laboratory. Atlanta. Ga. iLCO-LIGHT I rases Farm Efficiency i >usand DclcoLight plants in operaArnsrfcan farms are saving at the m naarmtive estimate, an hour a day ' U v rover 18,000,000 work hours a year, Jf equal to an army of 60,000 men H r ten houre a day for a full month. I o-Light is a complete electric light ff power plant for farms and suburban jr rnishes an abundance of clean, safe, J amicdl light, and operates pump, £ n, cream separator, washing machine J . other appliances. K also lighting rural stores, garages, jf ches, schools, army camps and-rail- £ stations. \R VION PLUMBING | ELECTRIC CO. ft E. Kirby, Proprietor 1 >m*atlc En (in**ring Company, DljrtM, OU* W T Plants in Actual Use JjjikA Courtesy rvice on a party line « upon tue co-operaon that'line. >uld use a party line ne, to the total exe is found to be in iceiver immediately. Djok conversation is 1 a party line is enise of the telephone 3t be interrupted or is conversation inter^ applies with partic^ telephone service. ihone.Smile 1LEPHONE COMPANY WlM Raspin<Jr^L Cou^hs^^ easedJf^ T~,. bj? m "r Kind's "SiscoverY for Coughs e Golds That wretchiftg, torturous tearing at the throat and lungs give away to ease and comfort through the prompt use of Dr. New *- ^wvuivi/-.iuc aroiiuaru tougn and cold remedy for 50 year#. Keep it on hand and use freely. It goes right to the root of n cold.brings up the phlegm and eases the raw. feverish membranes. Containing balaams, it cools and soothes the sore parts. J usi the thing for baby's croup. The kiddie likes it. Your druggist sells it. Dizzy? BUion*? Constipated? Dr. King'9 new Life Pills cause a healthy flow of Bile and rids your Stomacn and Bowels of waste and fermentidg body poisons. They are a Tonic to your Stomach and Liver and tone the Sneral system. First dose relieves.

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Post on 11-Mar-2022




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i jlllljfI

i Morrhantc Hi. P^ I I I <J I UllUlllv W I

I "rtieoi<

| The Oldest and Iargfc Is Your Money Sup]El At this critical periodE ers are oiferinj* their millsC their services to the Unitekj| Would you like to do j6 vour money where it will s

Banking System, which thistand hack of our commei

C Vou can do this by operC of every dollar so depositefc tern where it will always 1

LOOK FOR THE BANK| And deposit your money

K M PARK,] President.


.OnePair o

...LifeAiv you abusing and

you will pay the price lalof all headaches arise frcaching, burning eyes thaiand many other ills arestrain. In such cases th<that is an unfailing one.

I SCHOOL CHILDRENcarefully examined beforeif necessary, fitted with gAn examination will cot

is no need for glasses I vfor glasses are very re«s(

every pair with an absoltion.

F. C. DUKE,13 Main Street


SERVKcan lie used as an Ambulance, for dsions. Especially adapted for long dwhere within thirty miles of Union 1

BAILEY UNDIOffice Phone 106

Peoples UniFuneral Director

Automobile Equipment 1

(Calls Answered PrH. VV. EDOA

Phone 240

The Allied policy of air reprisal:is getting results. Residents of thiGerman Rhine cities are getting aw

fully sick of the war and they an

going to get sicker yet..News am


For Indigestion, Constipation 01Biliousness

Just try one 50-cent bottle of LAX-FO!WITH PEPSIN. A Liquid Digestslaxative pleasant to take. Made amrecommended to the public by Paris Medicine Co., manufacturers of laxative BronxQuinine and Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic



member, bank under jfedera l reserve act .

THfe !I

lanters Nai'l Bank I1 Reliable" ]est Bank in Union County ]


porting the Governmenti

in aiic kiatnmr Aiir m o nn fn nf ti r-

and our young men are offeringd States Government. jirour share and help by putting J9iupport the new Federal Reservee Government has established to


ree industry and agriculture? "

ling an account with us, as part «jid goes directly into the new sys- Jie ready for you when wanted. "



where il will be absolutely safe ;J. I). ARTHUR, |

Cashier ^I

!J :

»f Eyes to a

time...neglecting yours? If, so,:er. More than two-thirds>m eye-stnijn. Dim vision,1 soon tire, granulated \\<\<due to some form of eyeire is but one remedy and-properly fitted glasses.should have their eyes

2 being taxed hv study and; you nothing, and if thererill tell you so. My prices>nable and I stand back ofute guarantee of satisfacOotometrist

- I

Union, South Carolina

CE CAReliverinff Caskets and on Funeral occalistancecalls. We deliver Caskets any- [FREE OF CHARGE.

ERTAKING CO.Residence Phone 88


dertaking Co.-s and Embalmers «

Kurnished When Desired.

omptly Day or NightlR, Manager. \

Old Poslolllcc Building

s And now the fools hens are observeinp: effKless days..Anderson Mail.

666r Gives Quick Relief for


Price 25c and 50c Per Bottle


Ilow the Children Keep a WeatherCalendar.When Children See AllNature Doing and Making SomethingThey Long to Join in theWork of This Busy World

Article XXXI.By Mrs. Bertha LewisIf nature-study is to be begun for

the lirst time, either in school or inthe home, the easiest introduction isby the time-honored 'topic of theweather in conjunction with the day.A weather calendar naturally fol-jlows, the days being marked withappropriate colors and symbols, yellowfor the sunshine, grey for cloudy,kite for windy, umbrella for rainyetc. The calendar may be decoratedto represent the main nature studyidea for the month, a snow scene forJanuary, skating for February, etc.Daddy has a newspaper every

morning; why should not the childrenhave one of their very own? Theirscan be a sheet of drawing paper hungbeside the calendar, on which one ofthe children may draw a flower, etc.These drawings may not be works ofart from the grown-up standpoint,but they aid the child to obesrve andto tell, as well as he is able, what hehas seen. He should be shown wherehe can improve his work, but theoriginal sketch should never be interferedwith or criticised. A more accuraterepresentation can be givenin a separate lesson after the childhas had a chance for further observation,but in no way connecting thiswith his first drawing on the calendar,lest he become discouraged orself-conscious and try to expresssomething which he has not reallyseen.

To adopt a tree in springtime isanother good plan. Have the childrengive the tree a name and somake of it a companion. Always includethe family name of the tree.Frequent visits must be made to thetree because it cannot come to thechildren. Notice how the buds are

arranged on the branches, which ofthem grow most rapidly, apd whatthey Luin into, leaves, flowers orbranches. Try to discover if the treehas any other visitors; bright eyessoon discover many. Flay a gamearound the tree; sing to it some suchrhyme as the following:"Time is never wasted listening to

the trees;If to Heaven we arose are grandly as

these,Holding to each other half their

kindly graceHaply we were worthier our human

place."Because the child, after making

mud pies is told that his face is dirty,he naturally concludes that all soil isdirt. Point out to him that it is only(when out of place, that it is dirt, foriin its right place it is the home ofmiracles, the matrix from whichcomes that woinjerful force we call,i:-p. t ~v:u 1-- »inc. ucu cue Cliuuieil IIlitKt! expiTImentswith different kinds of soil.clay, sand, loam. In this way they,will become familiar with the names'and textures as well as the best usesof each.Have the children notice the

changes in the air, that it is hot insummer, cold in winter, dry in sunnyweather, damp in rainy weather,aim, breezy or very windy. Explainivhy we should be careful to breatheonly frood air, to breathe deeply andjxpand our lun^s; that we live in thelir as the fish live in the water; thatoirds fly up and down in the air asFish swim up and down in the water;:hat air is all above us just as thewater is above the little water animalsthat crawl on the bottom ofocean or river.Every child is familiar with water

in many forms, but perhaps the won:lersof its forms are so common that


Make bife Hard to Hear For ManyUnion Women

Too many women mistake theirpains and aches for troubles peculiarto the sex. More often disorderedkidneys are causing the aching back,diZzy spells, headaches and irregularurination. Kidney weakness becomesdangerous if neglected. Use a timetriedkidney remedy.Doan's Kidney,Pills. Hosts of people testify to theirmerit. Read a Union case:

Mrs. J. F. Cheek, 4 Ravencroft St.,says: "About five years ago I hadsharp pains in the small of my backand I certainly suffered terribly. Ihad severe headaches and dizzy spellsand was often afraid of falling. Theworst of all was the nervous spellswhich came over me and I couldn'tstand the least noise. I felt tired andlanguid and my kidneys didn't actright. I was advised to get someDoan's Kidney Pills and T got mysupply at the Palmetto Drug Co. Tomy surprise they entirely cured meof my trouble and I say a good wordfor them at every opportunity."

Pric 60c, at all dealers. Don'tsimply ask for a kidney remedy.get Doan's Kidney Pills the samethat Mrs. Cheek had. Foster-MilburnCo., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y.

he has not noticed how miraculousthey are. "We cultivate the imaginationof our children by tales of theprince who became invisible when heput on his cap of darkness and whomade far journeys through the air on

jhis magic carpet, and yet no cap ofdarkness ever wrought more astonishingdisappearances than occur

[when this most common of ourearth's elements disappears from underour very eyes, dissolving into thinair." What child has not noticed thesteam rising from the damp pavementwhen the sun comes out after ashower? The drops of water are =

donning their magic caps and flying;off into the atmosphere to become invisibleto our eyes. The next timewe see them, it may be as part of thewhite cloud sailing across the bluesky. Then there is the magic powerwhich brings* back the vaporspirit to sight and touch. This magician'sname is Cold or Jack Frost,who transforms our water dropsagain and gives them many fancyshapes, such as may be seen on frostedwindow panes, or shallow ice, orin the snowflakes.When the child sees so many

things smaller and weaker than he,all doing something and makingsomething, he, too, longs to join thisbusy world. He may well use such

occupation as cutting, pasting, weav-

ing ana moaeiinp lor me Diras, trees

artd spiders, in their way do all thesethings, while the flowers are paintedwvth colors taken from the sunbeamsand from the earth.

Stories of animals and insects maybe appropriately told to emphasizethe nicety and exactness of workdone by creatures so much more helplessthan we. and in this way a desireto do good and accurate workwill be stimulated.

Please pass this article on to a

friend and thus help Uncle Samreach all the mothers of the country.EVER SALIVATED BY


Calomel is quicksilver andlike dynamite on

* your liver

Calomel loses you a day! Youiknow what calomel is. It's mercury;'quicksilver. Calomel Is dangerous,lit crashes into aour bile like dynn'mite,cramping and sickening you.Calomel attacks the bones and shouldnever be put into your system.When you feel bilious, sluggish,

6onstipated and all knocked out andBeflev^yDu need a dose of dangerousY "del just remember that yourlox-vtydat sells for a few cents a largebottle^ of Dodson's Liver Tone, whichis Entirely vegetable- and pleasant totajce and is a periect substitute torcalomel. It is guaranteed to startyour liver without stirring you up inside,and can not salivate.Don't take calomel! It makes you

sick the next day; it loses you a day'swork. Dodson's Liver Tone straightensyou right up and you feel great.Give it to the children because it isperfectly harmless and doesn't gripe.The Declaration of Independence is

just another "scrap of paper," hutKaiser Bill will soon learn itssignificance."scrap"is our middlename!

The Strong Withstand the Heat ofSummer Better Than the Weak

Old people who are feeble and younger peoplewho are weak, will be strengthened and euablcd togo through the depressing heat of summer by takingGROVE S TASTFI.ESSeh i 11 TONIC. It purifiesand enriches the blood and builds up the whole system.You can soon feel its Strengthening, Iv vigor atingEffect. 30c.

The girl who takes men seriouslyand listens gravely to their littletales of woe will marry early. Thegirl who is honest and laughs atmen will become an old maid.

rmt^ ."v.*^"Clear YourComplexion/WKV« \\ with This

I 1 I Old ReliableI J I Remedy.^\WnAHC0ClCf

j SulphurCompoundParphnples, black-head*, freckles, blotches

and ten. as well as tor more serious lace, scalpand body eruptions, hives, eczema, etc., usethis scientific compound of sulphur. Asa to- tltlon. It soothes and heals; taken internally. tia few drops in a glass of water.It gets at the nroot of the trouble and purifies the blood. cPhysldsni agree that sulphur Is one of the vmost effective blood purifiers known. Re- emember, a good complexion Isn't "lkln's health deep. '

Be sore to ask for HANCOCK SULPHUR *COMPOUND. It has been used with satis* 11factory results forover 25 years. r

SOc and $1 the bottle Iat yoor druggist's. If he can't supply you. B

send his name apd the price In stamps aadwe will send you a bottle direct. 1HANCOCK IJQtflD SULFHUS 1

COMPANY /JBNfBaltimore. Mi. jh/fhur C.tmfunJ Ota#- <^E"Ht5~£>' 1

»wmr.ifW SOt.M urn, x*th «* CUfuU Cmftntd. f

, m I

When a man feels rather sorry for <:his wife, he salves his conscience by ]reasoning that she might have done Jworse if she had married some other {fellow. *


Hardly a DrugstoreThat Does Not I


On the Market Half a Century. ?a

When yoU nre in perfect health, ^and are enjoying a strong and vigor- .

ous vitality, it is then that your bloodis free from all impurities.You should be very careful and ,

give heed to the slightest indication.of impure blood. A sluggish circula- 1

tion is often indicated by an impaired £

sssr DI

y>OvQr 50.000 DELCO^LIGIi

Party LineThe quality of sei

is largely dependenttion of the subscribers

No subscriber shefor long periods of tir.elusion of others.

When a party linuse, hapg up your reWhile it is off the h<interfered with.

Each neighbor or* . i * . «

titiea to a reasonable iservice, and should n<have the privacy of h:fered with.

The Golden Ruleular force to party line

»»/T t* -7 irV ucn yui* j


Can't Help ButAdmire Babies

Cftf* Woflun Cute Loving Glance atthe Nestling Coddled In its Bonnet.

It Is a joy and comfort to know thathose much talked of pains and other disressesthat are said to proceed child-bearinglay bo avoided. No woman need fear disnmfortit ahn will * 1» ."»«- *__ VMV ..|t sva »u/ uciacil Willi mOirell known and time-honored remedy. Motor'sFriend.This Is a most grateful, penetrating, cxernalapplication that at onco softens andlakes pliant too abdominal muscles and ligalents.By regular use the muscles expandwithout tho usual strain when baby is born,nd pain and danger at the crisis is conequentlyless.Women everywhere who have used thisamou9 remedy tell how they entirely avoidedlervousness, twitching spells, bearing downind stretching pains, and relate how theynjoyed entire freedom from the many deillltAtingand dlntremlng experiences usuallyncident to approaching motherhood.Mother's Friend ts recommended only forhe relief and comfort of expectant mothers,thousands of whom have used andecommendcd it. It Is for external use only,absolutely and entirely safe and wonlerfullyeffective.Write the Bradfleld Regulator Co.,,tmar Bldr., Atlanta, Ga.. for their "Moth(rhoodBook," so valuable to expectant mothtrs,and In the meantime obtain a lxittle ofMother's Friend from the druggist today andbus fortify yourself against pain and dl»jomfort,


! in the LandSell This Remedyippetite, a feeling of lassitude and ajeneral weakening of the system. It9 then that you should promptly takei few bottles of S. S. S., the greatlood purifier and strengthener. Itirill cleanse the blood thoroughly andiuild up and strengthen the wholeystem. S. S. S. is sold by all druggists.Valuable information about thelood supply can be had free by writngto the Swift Specific Co., 24!wift Laboratory. Atlanta. Ga.

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1LEPHONECOMPANY WlMRaspin<Jr^LCou^hs^^easedJf^T~,. bj? m"r Kind's"SiscoverYfor Coughs eGolds

That wretchiftg, torturoustearing at the throat and lungsgive away to ease and comfortthrough the prompt use of Dr. New

*-^wvuivi/-.iuc aroiiuaru tougn andcold remedy for 50 year#. Keep it onhand and use freely. It goes right tothe root of n cold.brings up the phlegmand eases the raw. feverish membranes.Containing balaams, it cools and soothesthe sore parts. J usi the thing for baby'scroup. The kiddie likes it. Your druggistsells it.

Dizzy? BUion*? Constipated?Dr. King'9 new Life Pills cause a healthyflow of Bile and rids your Stomacnand Bowels of waste and fermentidgbody poisons. They are a Tonic toyour Stomach and Liver and tone theSneral system. First dose relieves.