jm methanol brochure katalco puraspec

Delivering world class methanol plant performance

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Johnson Matthey Methanol Brochure Katalco Puraspec


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Delivering world class methanol plant performance

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Information contained in this publication or as otherwise supplied to Users is believed to be accurate and correct at time of going to press, and is given in good faith, but it is for the User to satisfy itself of the suitability of the Product for its own particular purpose. Johnson Matthey plc (JM) gives no warranty as the fitness of the Product for any particular purpose and any implied warranty or condition (statutory or otherwise) is excluded except to the extent that exclusion is prevented by law. JM accepts no liability for loss or damage (other than that arising from death or personal injury caused by JM’s negligence or by a defective Product, if proved), resulting from reliance on this information. Freedom under Patent, Copyright and Designs cannot be assumed.

© 2014 Johnson Matthey Group


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KATALCOJM a commitment to excellence

For many years, methanol has been used primarily as a chemical intermediate in manufacturing plastics and resins, then more recently in the manufacture of methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE). However, now methanol is being seen as a product that can be introduced directly into the gasoline pool by blending. This allows indigenous resources to be used and provides a diversity of supply that can help to reduce dependence on crude oil.

The methanol industry as we know it today is based almost entirely around the technology and catalysts developed and commercialized by ICI in the late 1960s. Since that time, Johnson Matthey (having acquired the ICI catalyst business and then Davy Process Technology now known as Johnson Matthey Davy Technologies (JM Davy)) has invested enormous resources in R&D to ensure that the technology has adapted to meet our customers’ needs. KATALCOJM

TM methanol catalysts are more active, more selective and more robust, to give you the highest plant rates, longest run time and the best value for money.

The selection of catalyst and technology is just the start of the process. We seek to develop close working relationships with all users of our catalysts to gain a good understanding of your operations. This allows our engineers to provide the best advice on the operation of the catalysts within the methanol process.

Within the methanol industry, Johnson Matthey is seen as the world leader with the greatest depth and breadth of knowledge. This position has been developed through a combination of its own technology and catalyst development efforts alongside the experience gained from the large number of plants that use them. It has been further underpinned by operating experience in the methanol plants formerly operated by ICI, which ensures that Johnson Matthey understands your needs as a plant operator better than any other catalyst or technology provider.

Our focus is on delivering the best plant performance in the world. We have on-going development programmes producing new and better catalysts and improving the process technology for the methanol industry. Our applications know-how and services enable the best performance to be achieved from these products. The overall impact of Johnson Matthey’s new catalysts and technology can be to improve methanol plant costs by millions of dollars every year.

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Johnson Matthey offers our range of KATALCOJM

purification absorbents and catalysts, which ensures

optimized systems for meeting individual plant

requirements. In addition through our range of

PURASPECJMTM catalysts and absorbents we can provide

mercury removal down to ppb levels, low temperature

H2S removal absorbents and ultrapurification down to

ppb levels of sulphur to protect even the most sensitive

of downstream catalysts, including pre-reforming and

methanol synthesis catalysts.

Purification feed and syngas

For methanol plants using a coal feedstock and gasification

technology, we can again offer KATALCOJM and

PURASPECJM purification solutions to remove impurities

such as chloride and sulphur after the RECTISOLTM

or SELEXOLTM acid gas removal system, upstream of

methanol synthesis.

KATALCOJM 33-1 is the latest addition to our purification

range. It is a 3-in-1 total sulphur removal product, which

combines the functionality of organic sulphur conversion,

high capacity sulphur removal, and low level sulphur

polishing (ultrapurification) in a single product. The

versatility of KATALCOJM 33-1 allows it to be deployed in

methanol plants in numerous ways, as a single product or

in conjunction with conventional purification products.

Mercury removal absorbent


Organic sulphur removal - HDS


3-in-1 sulphur removalKATALCOJM 33-1

Chloride removalKATALCOJM 59-3

Zinc oxide based H2S removal absorbent

KATALCOJM 32-4/ 32-5

UltrapurificationPURASPECJM 2084

Syngas purificationPURASPECJM 2020

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Conventional purification catalyst loading

Simplified catalyst loading with KATALCOJM 33-1

By using KATALCOJM 33-1, the total catalyst volume can be reduced while still achieving the required life. Further savings are also realized from much easier loading and discharge, and no requirement for pre-sulphiding of the HDS catalyst or reduction of the ultrapurification catalyst.

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Johnson Matthey has been associated with

pre-reforming catalysts since the 1960s and together

with JM Davy offers the CRG series of catalysts which

have been demonstrated to be the most active and

robust commercially available products. In methanol

plants, operating on natural gas feeds, the use of high

pre-reformer inlet temperatures allows the maximum

amount of heat recovery from the steam reformer flue

duct giving an economic benefit through improved

thermal efficiency of the process. In addition, by

transferring the maximum amount of reforming duty

into the pre-reformer, the size of the primary reformer

is reduced which results in a lower capital cost.

CRG LHR is a precipitated catalyst with nickel as

the active component. The catalyst is supplied in

the pre-reduced and stabilized form. The oxidized

form, CRG LH, is available as a special order.

CRG LHR pre-reforming catalyst is specially formulated

to deliver good performance at high pre-reformer inlet

temperatures (>500°C), which cannot be attained

with many other catalysts. This allows the maximum

amount of heat recovery from the steam reformer

flue duct and hence increases the economic benefits

that can be obtained from the pre-reformer.

CRG LHR is available in two distinctive shapes.

The exceptionally high geometric surface area that

is produced by the small standard cylindrical pellet

delivers outstanding catalytic activity and allows

the construction of relatively small pre-reforming

reactors. However, where pressure drop must be

minimized, the unique microcloverleaf shape, CRG

LHCR provides low pressure drop characteristics

in combination with high pre-reforming activity.

Pre-reforming catalysts



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CRG pre-reforming technology delivered increased production and lower energy consumption on a syngas plant.

Johnson Matthey offered the most effective

combination of CRG LHCR catalyst supply and

engineering capability to deliver a 15% increase in

capacity and a 5% reduction in energy consumption.

An element of engineering capability used was

CFD, as the new pre-reformer reheat coil needed

to be installed within an existing convection section,

adjacent to a 90° bend in the fluegas duct.

Johnson Matthey CFD modelling quickly showed

that the coil would work as designed.

Sep 11 2003, FLUENT 6.1 (2d, segregated, spe5, ske)

Contours of Velocity Magnitude (m/s)

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Steam reforming

In this critical operating unit in the methanol production

train, the KATALCOJM combination of catalysts and

services ensures optimal operation at all times.

KATALCOJM catalysts are unique with the ability to

reform efficiently the full range of feedstocks from

light natural gases and refinery off-gases right up

to naphthas. Our QUADRALOBETM catalyst range

employs a carefully designed shaped support offering

high surface area and high voidage with excellent

heat transfer performance. The resulting high

activity, heat transfer and low pressure drop gives a

combination of lower methane slip, high throughput

and longer tube lives for methanol plant reformers.

Johnson Matthey manufactures three main catalysts for

use in steam reformers using a natural gas feedstock:

KATALCOJM 25-series, 23-series and 57-series

catalysts. Johnson Matthey reforming catalysts

are made in a range of sizes, allowing optimum

reformer loading for each individual plant.

KATALCOJM 25-series:

This is a lightly alkalized nickel oxide on a calcium

aluminate support. The alkali prevents carbon formation

in the upper part of highly stressed reformers where

the heat fluxes are high and especially when the

feedstock contains heavier hydrocarbons, while

retaining the high activity of gas reforming catalysts.

KATALCOJM 23-series:

This catalyst is nickel oxide on an alpha alumina support.

KATALCOJM 57-series:

This catalyst is nickel oxide on a calcium aluminate support.

Selecting the right catalyst for your application is

essential for good reformer performance. Johnson

Matthey will make detailed recommendations based

upon your individual operating conditions ensuring

reliable optimal performance of your reformer.

For naphtha feedstocks Johnson Matthey also

manufactures KATALCOJM 46-series.

Nickel oxide on alpha alumina

KATALCOJM 23-4 series

Nickel oxide on calcium aluminate

KATALCOJM 57-4 series

Lightly alkalized version of 57-4 series

KATALCOJM 25-4 series

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Reformer services

Through KATALCOJM PERFORMANCE we want you to get

the most from our catalysts. We optimize each application

using our world-leading modelling capability and support

the operation of your reformers with a wide range of

services including process consultancy, mechanical design

consultancy and other engineering services that are used

to help solve customer problems.

Reformer modelling expertise is one of our key skills.

By using Aspen HYSYSTM, which includes our PRIMARY

reformer model, we can determine the full impact of

changing reformer conditions within a complete plant

flowsheet. This is typically used for:

∆ revamp studies and revamp implementation

∆ retube studies

∆ reformer surveys

∆ operational audits.

Results are immediately available allowing rapid

assessment of variations in conditions.

Other reforming services from Johnson Matthey include:

∆ UNIDENSETM reformer loading technique

∆ LOTISTM laser optical tube inspection system

∆ reformer surveys and operational audits

∆ catalyst tube temperature measurement

∆ managing the life cycle of reformer catalyst tubes

∆ reformer consultancy

∆ pressure drop measurement

∆ combustion systems advice.

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Autothermal reforming

The mechanical and physical requirements of an oxygen

blown secondary are the most arduous in the plant. Johnson

Matthey combines sophisticated Computational Fluid

Dynamic techniques and process modelling, calibrated

against data generated from its Syngas Generation (SGG)

pilot plant, to ensure the best performance from its state

of the art range of catalysts. Johnson Matthey offers

reactor technology including a proven burner design.

KATALCOJM 23-series and 28-series are nickel

on alumina catalysts which gives you high stability

and high activity.

KATALCOJM 54-8 series is nickel on calcium aluminate.

These catalysts give you high stability and high activity

allowing Johnson Matthey to offer the best mix of

activity, pressure drop and high temperature stability

for your application.

KATALCOJM 89-6 is a catalyst designed for use in the top

of autothermal reformers where the temperature and steam

partial pressure is high, a combination that can lead to

unacceptably fast volitilization of alumina and the problems

associated with this and its subsequent condensation. This

catalyst utilizes a refractory metal as the active component

on a stabilized high temperature ceramic support.

KATALCOJM 23-8 series

KATALCOJM 28-4 series

KATALCOJM 54-8 series

Ruby formation

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The performance of an autothermal reformer is related

not just to the catalyst performance but also the burner

and the mixing space above the catalyst bed as well as the

integrity of the refractory lining system of the reformer.

We have the right combination of expertise and practical

experience to help our customers determine the cause

of any under performance and develop reliable systems.

We have also combined our catalysis, CFD and

mechanical design skills to resolve autothermal

reformer and transfer main “hot spot” problems.

An example of this is our delivering improved plant

reliability to autothermal reformers which have

suffered from increased pressure drop due to ruby

formation, leading to hot spots. Our understanding of

the issue allowed us to apply leading catalysts such as

KATALCOJM 89-6Q to solve the problems eliminating

ruby formation and pressure drop increase.

Autothermal reformer services











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Sour shift

The production of syngas using gasification or partial

oxidation differs considerably from that using catalytic

steam reforming. Depending on the feed and process

configuration, the raw syngas will have a high CO

content and, it is likely that it will also have high sulphur

content. This gas needs to be shifted and the excess

CO2 removed to achieve the desired hydrogen to

carbon oxides ratio, and this requires the use of a

sulphur tolerant shift catalyst. Johnson Matthey is the

world’s leading supplier of sour shift catalysts with the

KATALCOJM K8-11 series of products. These catalysts are

particularly robust and can withstand sharp temperature

changes, high steam partial pressures and the effect

of contamination from impurities in the raw gas.

The standard catalyst for sour shift is KATALCOJM K8-11,

which has been well proven in ammonia applications

downstream of several different types of gasifier. Other

variants of this standard catalyst are available to meet

specific client requirements which may place greater

emphasis on pressure drop or low-temperature activity.

An example of this is KATALCOJM K8-11HA which uses

a geometric shape with higher external surface and a

higher packed voidage and thus a lower pressure drop.

Johnson Matthey’s experience in the application of

sour shift catalyst downstream of gasifiers puts us in an

ideal position to provide advice on the optimum system

configuration, including the appropriate number of

reaction stages, the use of bypasses, steam requirements

and heat recovery options. For instance, at large plant

capacities, the use of radial flow reactors may allow

the use of a single reactor instead of multiple parallel

axial reactors, so reducing installed plant cost. Johnson

Matthey is able to provide a sour shift catalyst customized

for radial flow applications (KATALCOJM K8-11R) along

with proven designs of internals for radial flow reactors.



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Johnson Matthey’s experience in sour shift applications means optimum system configurations for our customers.

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Methanol synthesis catalysts






The KATALCOJM 51-series of catalysts is key to the

methanol technologies offered by Johnson Matthey

and JM Davy. KATALCOJM 51-1 and the LPM

process revolutionized synthetic methanol production

in the 1960s and have provided the majority of

the world’s production ever since that time. These

technologies currently account for an annual production

capacity of over 30 million tonnes of methanol.

KATALCOJM 51-1 was the first three-component

methanol synthesis catalyst comprising zinc oxide and

alumina as the support with copper as the active catalytic

component. Successive generations of KATALCOJM

51-series catalysts have been developed to give increasing

activity, selectivity and stability, so ensuring ever more

efficient operation whatever the source of syngas.

The latest in this series, KATALCOJM 51-9S, is particularly

suited to highly stressed duties with its activity, strength

and selectivity.

The high activity and stability of KATALCOJM 51-series

catalysts means that typically a charge lasts between

four and six years, but some charges have been in

operation for more than 8 years. Their strength enables

them to withstand the rigours of this extended operation

and as a result they show little change in pressure

drop and are easily discharged at the end of life.

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KATALCOJM APICO methanol synthesis

Ever since ICI turned synthetic methanol manufacture on its

head with the introduction the first copper-based methanol

synthesis catalyst and the LPM process, catalysts have

continued to develop organically. Until now that is. Johnson

Matthey has introduced its new methanol synthesis

catalyst, the KATALCOJM APICOTM range, which represents

the biggest single leap forward; bigger than the sum of all

the incremental improvements over the last 40 years.

Made on a new, state-of-the-art catalyst manufacturing

plant at Clitheroe, Lancashire, the catalyst offers:

∆ excellent start-of-life activity to maximize production following a change of catalyst

∆ much higher thermal stability resulting in unparalleled end-of-life activity, and giving increased plant efficiency, extended (doubled) life, or a combination of the two to maximize plant production and profitability

∆ vastly improved selectivity with by-product formation at half the level of the best current generation catalyst, so increasing output by reducing waste in distillation

∆ industry-leading strength so that the catalyst can operate longer and maintain physical integrity during loading, operation and discharge.

But the most significant change is that the catalyst is

pre-reduced and stabilized, all but eliminating the

time-consuming reduction that is required for

conventional methanol synthesis catalysts. An activation

step is still required, but your plant will be manufacturing

more methanol sooner, and for longer, by using


KATALCOJM APICO 51-100 Most methanol production

Least by-products



Strongestproduct available


More methanol and im

proved efficiency

Longest lives and fewest



t cha

ngesLowest rate of pressure drop increase


est s



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Since the acquisition of JM Davy by Johnson Matthey in 2006, we now have the most extensive portfolio of catalysts and technologies for syngas preparation and methanol production. Our complementary skills and capabilities allow us to provide:

∆ world-class technology

∆ high performance catalysts

∆ conceptual design and licensing

∆ basic and detailed engineering

∆ commissioning and start-up

∆ on-going operational support.

Johnson Matthey offers the technology most suited to customer requirements. Whether a client wants large or small capacity in high or low cost gas areas, to build on a ship that will access gas from remote fields, or to use syngas generated from coal as a feedstock, the technology exists within Johnson Matthey and JM Davy to meet these requirements.

Use of the Johnson Matthey LPM technology has increased steadily over the years and it is the preferred methanol production technology, with its unrivalled reliability and on-stream factor.

Syngas generation technologies

With the wide range of expertise available within Johnson Matthey, our portfolio of syngas generation technologies is extensive.

∆ Steam methane reformers (SMRs) While this technology has been around for a long time, conventional SMRs have been undergoing a continual process of improvement. The largest methanol plant in the world based on natural gas is the Methanol Holdings (Trinidad) Limited M5000 plant. Based on LPM technology, this plant started up in 2005, produces 5,000 tpd of methanol from a single SMR, and represents the benchmark for future technology development in this field.

∆ Autothermal reformers (ATR) Johnson Matthey’s 30+ years of experience was gained on air and oxygen blown autothermal refomers (ATRs) including the Coogee LCM plant in Australia. Our unique design of ATR has proven its reliability and durability over many years in both oxygen and air fired service. All elements from the burner and distribution system, through to the refractory lining, catalyst and refractory support arch, deliver long term trouble-free performance.

∆ Combined reforming Combined reforming incorporates the steam methane reforming process and the ATR. The technology is particularly applicable for use on large capacity plants using light natural gas. Two versions of this concept have quite different features.


Leading edge syngas technologies

M5000 reformer

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∆ Combined reforming with SMR Combined reforming with an SMR is a way of getting beyond the limitations imposed on plant capacity by the SMR alone. Around 40% of the reforming duty is carried out by the SMR, while the balance is carried out in the ATR. This combination of steam and autothermal reforming can yield an ideal stoichiometric gas for methanol production. The technology stretches the maximum capacity upwards, with capacities in excess of 10,000 tpd being possible with a single SMR the size of the M5000 reformer and a single ATR.

∆ Combined reforming with gas heated reforming (GHR) The GHR is a heat exchanger with catalyst inside the tubes and was originally developed by ICI in the 1980s for use in the ammonia industry, with three units coming into operation followed by the first methanol application in 1994 (the Coogee LCM plant). To date, there are over 50 operating years of experience in four industrial scale units.

Used in a combined reforming process the outlet from an ATR feeds the shell side of the GHR and is forced to flow counter-currently to the feed natural gas and steam flowing inside the tubes. It is the most energy efficient process available with the lowest CO

2 emissions and water make-up rate.

Like the compact reformer, the GHR generates little steam and decouples the power system from the process, so plant designers can choose something other than steam turbines to drive rotating equipment. The use of gas turbines, for example, can give further efficiency benefits, reducing gas consumption and CO

2 emissions.

∆ Compact reformer The compact reformer is similar to a conventional reformer in that the chemistry is the same, but the primary heat transfer mechanism is by convection rather than radiation. However, this device significantly increases the process intensity. The compact reformer is a preassemble modular device that is less than a quarter of the weight and size of a conventional reformer. The technology is particularly suited to offshore use or remote locations where transportation and/or site construction are difficult.

Coal gasification

Coal gasification is an established technology which, in combination with sour shift, acid gas removal and syngas purification, can be readily used to generate syngas for methanol synthesis. Johnson Matthey has catalysts and technologies in sour shift, purification and, of course, methanol synthesis and distillation, and can work with the licensors of the gasification technologies to deliver an integrated coal to methanol production facility.


Coogee LCM plant in Australia

Compact reformer in Alaska

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Methanol synthesis technologies

A number of reactor designs and synthesis flowsheet arrangements for methanol production can be utilized.

∆ Tube cooled converter The tube cooled converter is a simple reactor which uses the feed gas to the reactor to control the temperatures in the catalyst bed. Fresh feed gas enters at the bottom of the reactor and is preheated as it flows upwards through tubes in the catalyst bed. The heated feed gas leaves the top of the tubes and flows down through the catalyst bed where the reaction takes place.

The heat of reaction is removed by counter-current exchange with feed gas which results in a temperature profile that approximates to the maximum rate curve. Operated in this manner the reactor achieves good catalyst utilization.

∆ Radial flow steam raising converter This steam raising converter is a radial flow reactor with catalyst outside and steam inside the tubes. In the JM Davy design, fresh feed gas enters at the bottom of the reactor and into a central perforated-wall distributor pipe. The gas then flows radially out through the catalyst bed. Water from a steam drum enters at the bottom of the vessel, and flows upwards through the tubes where it is partially vaporized, removing the heat generated by the reaction before returning to the steam drum.

The reaction temperature is controlled by varying the steam pressure inside tubes embedded in the catalyst bed.

Leading edge methanol technologies

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∆ Axial flow steam raising converter The axial flow steam raising converter is a different design in which the catalyst is contained within the tubes with boiling water on the outside. As for the radial reactor, the reaction temperature is controlled by varying the steam pressure. This arrangement gives excellent cooling of the catalyst bed and allows steam to be generated at the maximum possible pressure without overheating the catalyst.

The reactor does however require thick tube sheets that limits the maximum capacity of the reactor to around 1,500 tpd and requires a large number of tubes to accommodate the catalyst. This tends to limit the use of this type of reactor to those applications where its high heat transfer performance is required, e.g., in certain coal gasification based flowsheets.

Distillation technologies

Dependent on the grade of methanol required, there are different options for methanol distillation. To produce DME or MTO-grade methanol, only a single column is required to remove the dissolved gases and some of the light by-products. To produce refined methanol for chemical or fuel usage, for example Federal AA and IMPCA grade methanol, a two or three column refining system is used. The three-column system uses the least heat so is preferred where energy costs are high or the heat for distillation is not readily available.

Shenhua methanol synthesis

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Further development

We continue to drive the improvement of our processes and to develop new ones that will continue to lower the installed cost, improve efficiency to make better use of the natural resources and minimize the impact on the environment. It is also important that catalyst and new technology developments keep pace with one another to ensure that the process can operate at its optimum efficiency and maintain or increase the time between plant turnarounds.


China Blue Chemical Company

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Product realization: From the laboratory to the plant

Catalysts and processes are developed in laboratory

reactors, semi-technical units and side-stream reactors

specifically designed to simulate accurately the important

features of operation in full scale plants. The catalysts

are then finally proven at commercial scale before being

incorporated into the Johnson Matthey KATALCOJM

and PURASPECJM sales range.

New catalysts continue to deliver significant plant

improvements. Every catalyst activity improvement

enables a corresponding potential increase in plant rate,

and can also deliver a longer life before current end

of run conditions are achieved. Lower pressure drop

options enable plant rate and efficiency improvements.

For steam reforming catalysts, improved heat transfer

reduces the temperature of reformer tubes, extending

the time between costly renewal. Better poison pick-ups

extend absorbent lives and improve the performance of

downstream catalysts.

Johnson Matthey has teams focusing on the catalysts for

each plant reactor and targeting performance

improvements driven by customers’

requirements. Each area

has a dedicated team of

experienced scientists.

Research and

development activities

in Johnson Matthey’s

catalysis research,

technology and

engineering centre

at Billingham, UK,

benefit directly from

the close interaction of

chemists and physicists

with engineers who have

plant operations experience.

There is close co-operation between the

teams involved in fundamental research, catalyst

development, catalyst manufacture, and synthesis gas

production. Catalyst development is supported by the

most modern techniques in applied surface science.

Our new improved catalysts go through a range of

validation testing and small scale manufacturing runs as

part of the commercialization process. This ensures that

the catalyst we make in the laboratory is exactly the same

as the one supplied from full scale production. At every

point along this process the key performance parameters

of the catalyst are tested in our dedicated catalyst testing

facilities at Billingham, UK. This guarantees that the

benefits we see in small scale testing are transferred to

the customers operating unit.


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Achieve a zero ‘greater than three day accidents’ safety target

The elements of sustainability

Sustainability is a core part of our business strategy. It is about the way we do business – using natural resources effi ciently to make products that improve the environmental performance of our customers’ products and processes.

But our view of sustainability extends beyond this. It’s also about the health, safety and wellbeing of the people who work for us, our customers and our communities. It means using resources effi ciently, innovatively and effectively, striving to achieve the highest environmental standards in our own operations. At the same time sustainability is about delivering value to our shareholders and our customers in the most responsible way, making sustainable long-term decisions to build a company and

plan its third century of business. Sustainability is about making the right decisions for our people, our communities, our shareholders and, most signifi cant of all, for the planet.

As we progress towards 2017, we are managing sustainability according to fi ve elements:

∆ Social

∆ Environment

∆ Health and Safety

∆ Governance

∆ Financial

Find out how we are progressing towards Sustainability 2017 –

Achieve carbon neutrality

At least double earnings per share

Achieve zero waste to landfi ll

Halve key resources consumed per unit of output

Implement ISO 14001 at all major manufacturing sites by 2010

Reduce annual incidence of occupational illness cases by at least 30% over the fi ve years to 2013/14

SocialEmployment, development, wellbeing, recruitmentSafeguard reputation

Health and SafetyEmployees, customers, communitiesBenefi cial Products

FinancialMust be profi table to be sustainableAlign fi nancial and sustainability targets

GovernanceWell run businessTransparent reporting

EnvironmentResponsitive operationsBenefi cial products


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For further information on Johnson Matthey, please contact your local sales representative or visit our website. KATALCO, PURASPEC, STREAMLINE and TRACERCO Diagnostics are all trademarks of the Johnson Matthey group of companies. CATALYST CARE is a service mark of the Johnson Matthey group of companies.

Headquarters: Other offices worldwide:Billingham, UK for contact details please visitTel +44 (0) 1642 553601© 2014 Johnson Matthey group


Designed and produced by

For further information on Johnson Matthey, please contact your local sales representative or visit our website. KATALCO, PURASPEC, STREAMLINE and TRACERCO Diagnostics are all trademarks of the Johnson Matthey group of companies. CATALYST CARE is a service mark of the Johnson Matthey group of companies. HYSYS is a trademark of Aspen Technology Inc. LOTIS is a trademark of Quest Integrity Group. UNIDENSE is a trademark of UNIDENSE Technology GmbH. RECTISOL is a trademark of LURGI. SELEXOL is a trademark of UOP.

Headquarters: Other offices worldwide:Billingham, UK for contact details please visitTel +44 (0) 1642 553601