jnm/diagndstic nuclearmedicine · 2006. 12. 8. · diagnosticnuclearmedicine leftlung rightlung...

An integrated system for diagnostic, quanti. tative, static and dynamic, regional pulmonary function analysis—both ventilation and perfu sion—using ‘33Xehas recently been developed by Ohio-Nuclear. This paper considers this equipment in a clinical setting and describes the results obtained from 50 normal subjects. Functionally, the analyzer was found to be satis factory and its operation simple and easy to learn. Patient discomfort is minimal and the complete ventilation—perfusion analysis can be performed and reported in less than 30 mm. The results from normal subjects were com parable with published results. Most routine pulmonary-function tests measure overall pulmonary function, and regional informa tion about ventilation and perfusion is not obtained. Bronchospirometry, devised in 1932 (1), never gained widespread popularity because of its invasive nature and because of the problem of resistance breathing (2) . Until recently, estimations of regional ventilation and perfusion were made from plain chest radiographs, supported by pulmonary arteriography whenever a more detailed analysis of perfusion was required. Knipping et al (3) in 1955 were the first to study pulmonary function with radioactive gases, and since then many techniques have been developed for measuring regional ventilation and perfusion dis tributions using various gamma-emitters. Such tech niques have played a major role in the advancement of pulmonary physiology. However, the only such technique to become widely established in routine clinical practice is the qualitative evaluation of re gional perfusion with externally positioned scintilla tion detectors after intravenous injection of radio actively labeled aggregated albumin. Most other techniques are not widely used because of the need for complex equipment, skilled operators, laborious data processing, and the long interval required be fore results can be presented in a clinically interpret able form. The usefulness of such detailed regional analyses in routine clinical diagnosis thus remains speculative. An integrated system for diagnostic, quantitative, static and dynamic, regional pulmonary-function anal ysis—both ventilation and perfusion—using ‘33Xe has recently been developed by Ohio-Nuclear (Solon, Ohio) . This paper considers this equipment in a clinical setting and presents results from 100 studies, including data from 50 normal subjects. THE SYSTEM The Regional Pulmonary Function Analyzer (RPFA) has been so designedthat a single tech nologist may operate it after minimal instruction. Most of its functions are computer-controlled and the operator need only select the sequence. The re gional information is processed by a built-in com puter and can be read directly from a digital display (analog information is also presented) . Demands on the patient are minimized since this noninvasive measurement requires only several sequences of maximal inspirations and 4-sec breath-holdings. The whole procedure, from arrival of the patient to pres entation of the analyzed results, can be performed in less than 30 mm. The techniques employed are es sentially those described by Ball et al in 1962 (4), and an early prototype of this equipment was devel oped and reported by Blum in 1971 (5). More re cently, abstracts reporting the system have been published (6,7). The RPFA is composed of two units (Fig. 1). A mobile console contains the operating controls and data readout, a 133Xe delivery and rebreath system, Received July 24, 1975; revision accepted Dec. 4, 1975. For reprints contact: Roger 0. Rawbone, Dept. of Mcdi cine, New Charing Cross Hospital, Fuiham Palace Rd., Lon don W6 8RF, United Kingdom. Volume 17, Number 5 337 jnm/DIAGNDSTIc NUCLEAR MEDICINE EVALUATION OF AN INTEGRATED ‘33Xe REGIONAL PULMONARY-FUNCTION ANALYZER Roger G. Rawbone New Charing Cross Hospital, London, England

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  • An integrated system for diagnostic, quanti.tative, static and dynamic, regional pulmonaryfunction analysis—both ventilation and perfusion—using ‘33Xehas recently been developedby Ohio-Nuclear. This paper considers thisequipment in a clinical setting and describesthe results obtained from 50 normal subjects.Functionally, the analyzer was found to be satisfactory and its operation simple and easy tolearn. Patient discomfort is minimal and thecomplete ventilation—perfusion analysis can beperformed and reported in less than 30 mm.The results from normal subjects were comparable with published results.

    Most routine pulmonary-function tests measureoverall pulmonary function, and regional informa

    tion about ventilation and perfusion is not obtained.Bronchospirometry, devised in 1932 ( 1 ) , nevergained widespread popularity because of its invasivenature and because of the problem of resistancebreathing (2) . Until recently, estimations of regionalventilation and perfusion were made from plain chestradiographs, supported by pulmonary arteriographywhenever a more detailed analysis of perfusion wasrequired. Knipping et al (3) in 1955 were the firstto study pulmonary function with radioactive gases,and since then many techniques have been developedfor measuring regional ventilation and perfusion distributions using various gamma-emitters. Such techniques have played a major role in the advancementof pulmonary physiology. However, the only suchtechnique to become widely established in routineclinical practice is the qualitative evaluation of regional perfusion with externally positioned scintillation detectors after intravenous injection of radioactively labeled aggregated albumin. Most othertechniques are not widely used because of the needfor complex equipment, skilled operators, laboriousdata processing, and the long interval required be

    fore results can be presented in a clinically interpretable form. The usefulness of such detailed regionalanalyses in routine clinical diagnosis thus remainsspeculative.

    An integrated system for diagnostic, quantitative,static and dynamic, regional pulmonary-function analysis—both ventilation and perfusion—using ‘33Xehasrecently been developed by Ohio-Nuclear (Solon,Ohio) . This paper considers this equipment in aclinical setting and presents results from 100 studies,

    including data from 50 normal subjects.


    The Regional Pulmonary Function Analyzer(RPFA) has been so designedthat a single technologist may operate it after minimal instruction.Most of its functions are computer-controlled andthe operator need only select the sequence. The regional information is processed by a built-in computer and can be read directly from a digital display(analog information is also presented) . Demands onthe patient are minimized since this noninvasivemeasurement requires only several sequences ofmaximal inspirations and 4-sec breath-holdings. Thewhole procedure, from arrival of the patient to presentation of the analyzed results, can be performed in

    less than 30 mm. The techniques employed are es

    sentially those described by Ball et al in 1962 (4),

    and an early prototype of this equipment was developed and reported by Blum in 1971 (5). More recently, abstracts reporting the system have beenpublished (6,7).

    The RPFA is composed of two units (Fig. 1 ) . Amobile console contains the operating controls and

    data readout, a 133Xe delivery and rebreath system,

    Received July 24, 1975; revision accepted Dec. 4, 1975.For reprints contact: Roger 0. Rawbone, Dept. of Mcdi

    cine, New Charing Cross Hospital, Fuiham Palace Rd., London W6 8RF, United Kingdom.

    Volume 17, Number 5 337




    Roger G. Rawbone

    New Charing Cross Hospital, London, England


    venous injection of 133Xe in saline during breathholding at functional residual capacity. An estimated95 % of the dissolved gas passes into alveolar gasduring its first passage through the pulmonary circulation. Since most of the gas is lost before theblood reaches the left ventricle, gas spaces perfusedby the bronchial circulation will not contain 1@Xe,and thus the resulting concentration in any regionis proportional to the pulmonary capillary blood flowper unit of lung volume in that region.

    Calibration. In order to convert radiation intensity(counts per unit volume) into liters of gas, the systern (including the patient) is calibrated initially byintroducing a known volume of the 133Xegas mixture (0.25 liter), followed by air, into the subject'slungs as he breathes from residual volume (RV) tototal lung capacity (TLC) . While he then breathholds at TLC for 4 sec, the sum of the counts fromall six detectors is stored. This number is taken asthe equivalent to 0.25 liter of gas, and thus the absolute volume (in liters) can be derived from thecount rates as various ventilation maneuvers are performed. The distribution of the calibration bolusneed not be known.

    Radiation dosage. The radiation dose to the patient is acceptably small by comparison with othermodern diagnostic techniques, although it will depend on the evenness of ventilation and will increaseif the equilibration and washout times are greatlyprolonged. Smith and Mozley (8) estimated the absorbed dose per millicurie of 183Xe to be 0.05 radin the lungs and 0.0002 rad to the whole body. Thesefigures are based on the assumption that 188Xe remains totally in the lungs for 9 mm. In the present

    E F C

    FIG.1. Regionalpuimenary-functionan9lyzer(Ohio-Nuclear)with close-up view of control panels. (A) detector stand assembly;(B) mobile console; (C) gas-mixing system; (D) gas-delivery arm

    with mouthpiece assembly; (E) main panel and controls; (F) volumeindicator and selector; (0) nuclear electronicssubpanel.

    a refrigerated gas trap, and the digital computingelectronics. A detector stand assembly supports thepatient's chair and the six adjustable Na! scintillationdetectors, each with a cylindrical collimator 13 cmin length. An optional third unit (the gas-mixingsystem) permits the 133Xe to be pumped from asupply vial into a storage tank and mixed with eitherair or oxygen.

    The distributions of ventilation and perfusion aredetermined with the subject sitting upright with hisback in contact with the collimators. These areplaced, as far as possible, so that the total lung capacity falls within the detector fields at maximalinspiration. The RPFA can be set for each of thefollowing measurements: background, calibration,vital capacity, residual volume, washout half-times,or normalized data. After exhalation to residual volume, the appropriate measurement is selected andthe subject is instructed to inhale to total lung Capacity and breath-hold for 4 sec while each detectorrecords counts for computation of results. Depression of a “timerswitch― signals the onset of a measurement cycle; a lamp above the switch stays litwhile the cycle is in progress. All recordings arethus taken during a 4-sec breath-hold at maximumlung capacity following inspiration from residual vol

    ume. Another control switches the subject into orout of a closed circuit with the analyzer's wedge

    spirometer to permit equilibration and washoutstudies. Table 1 shows the measurements displayedand computed by the RPFA system.

    Perfusion measurements are made after an intra


    Vital capacity Right Left RegionalNormalized vital

    capacity (Nsb)' RegionalEquilibration data (Ne) RegionalForced expiratory ratio Right LeftResidualvolume Right LeftWashout half-time after

    ventilatory equilibration RegionalNormalized washout

    data (Nvw) RegionalWashoutvolume Total

    Tidal volumeNormalized perfusion

    data (Nq) RegionalWashout half-time after

    perfusionanalysis RegionalNormalized washout

    data (Nqw) RegionalWashoutvolume Total

    . Normalized in relation to total information from both





    series the longest ventilation studies, in patientswith obstructive disease of the airways, were in therangeof9 mm.

    Assuming a maximal ‘33Xeconcentration of 0.8mCi/liter and a patient vital capacity of 5.0 liter,the maximal dose for a ventilation—perfusion studywould be 0. 138 rad for the lung and 0.00055 radfor the whole body.

    Errors. The potential sources of error in evaluating

    regional pulmonary function using ‘33Xeare, in themain, common to most published techniques andhave been reviewed by Milic-Emili (9) . Probablythe major source of error unique to this system is thatrelating to the calibration procedure. Following aninitial assumption that a given quantity of ‘33Xeyields a fixed detectable count rate irrespective ofdifferences in either distance from the counters or

    absorption or scatter, correct analysis will result onlyif the whole of the calibration bolus and the wholeof the total lung capacity, or an identical proportionof each, fall within the detector fields. Because thetotal number of counts from the calibration bolus ismeasured, factors affecting its distribution in thelungs [e.g., preinspiratory lung volume (10) andinspiratory flow rate (1 1 )1 need not be controlled.

    A further major source of error resultsfrom thefact that all measurements are based on the comparison of count rates from the same counters atdifferent points in time. Thus, the geometry and position of the lungs and chest must be the same on eachoccasion. The RPFA attempts to overcome thesetwo variables, firstly, by placing the subject in a relatively fixed position by means of the collimators, gasdelivery arm, and arm rests and, secondly, by takingall counts during breath-holding at TLC after a maximal inspiration from RV. Problems of measurementare also complicated by the relative detector positions. Clearly, in a subject with a large chest, areasof total lung capacity will not fall within the field ofany detector and, conversely, in the subject with asmall chest, some detector fields will overlap and becounted twice.

    During rebreathing some ‘33Xewill dissolve in theblood and be distributed throughout body tissues, including areas of chest wall within the detector fields.The contribution of chest wall radiation to the totalnumber of counts may not introduce significant errorin a normally ventilated lung, but if a detector fieldcontains a large volume of unventilated lung, so thatthe equilibrium count is low, then the percentageerror due to ‘53Xein the chest wall may reach significant proportions (12,13). In the RPFA analysis,extrapulmonary 133Xe may also introduce a significant error in the measurement of RV when, afterequilibration, the subject exhales maximally and then

    inhales to TLC with air, thus diluting the concentration of 133Xein the lung without allowing time forthe extrapulmonary concentrations of 133Xeto fall.


    Statistical methods. Differences between groups ofdata were analyzed using either a paired or unpairedt-test as appropriate. When the variance ratio testshowed that the use of parametric tests was unjustifled, the Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-ranks test(14) was employed. The level of significance hasbeen taken as p < 0.05 in either a two-tailed or onetailed test.

    Patient studies. One hundred ventilation studieswere performed in 87 subjects. Of these, 52 studieswere performed in 45 normal volunteers, the remaining studies being in patients having a wide varietyof respiratory diseases.

    Vital capacity and residual volume. The RPFAcomputes the absolute vital capacity and residualvolume in liters, but these data are of secondary importance, for the main function of a study is to obtaininformation concerning the distribution of ventilationboth between the two lungs and regionally withineach lung. Nevertheless, analysis of vital capacityand residual volume indicates the overall capabilitiesof the equipment and will indicate any major errorsin detector positioning or computation. For this rcason, the vital capacity of each subject was estimatedby spirometry before the 133XeRPFA study and, inaddition, 58 subjects had their residual volume estimated by the helium-rebreathing technique.

    The results are shown in Fig. 2. Both the X—Yregression line and the best-fit line passing throughthe origin have been plotted. The slopes of these linesfor both vital capacity and residual volume are significantly different from unity (p < 0.001 in allinstances) . The correlation coefficient for vital Capacity is 0.956 and for residual volume is 0.795.Clearly, even with the best detector positioning theRPFA slightlyunderestimatesthe vital capacityandseriously overestimates the residual volume. Theseresults were expected from a consideration of theerrors of the calibration procedure already discussed.

    Forced expiratory ratio (FER). This measure ofairways obstruction is defined as the fraction of totallung capacity expired in 1 sec of a forced expiration.It is determinedby integratingthe counts 0.5—1.5sec after the start of a forced expiration and express

    ing this as a ratio of the total vital capacity (VC)counts. This ratio is asserted to be analogous to theconventional measure of airways obstruction FEV1/VC, but we have been unable to find any data in theliterature supporting this statement. Initially, therefore, 72 spirographic records (Bernstein spirometer)

    Volume 17, Number 5 339

  • ance system of the analyzer (7 cm H20 at 1 uterIsec) is unphysiologic and could possibly hinder cxpiratory flow. In order to investigate this further, thechanges in the RPFA spirometer volume were recorded using the voltage output at the rear of theconsole; the voltage produced was shown to be alinear function of the volume in the RPFA wedgespirometer. Comparison between the spirometnictraces performed before and during the ‘33Xestudyindicated an excellent correlation for VC, FEV1,FEV1/VC, and FER (correlation coefficients 0.91,

    0.93, 087, and 0.85, respectively) . There was alsogood correlation (0.88) between FEV1/VC andFER derivedfrom the RPFA spirometer.We thusconcluded that the discrepancy between FEV1/VC(spirometry) and FER (133Xe) is most probably dueto changes in lung geometry in relation to the detectors during the forced expiration and not due tothe performance of a forced expiratory maneuverthrough the high-resistance system of the RPFA.

    The derived FER appears to provide only anapproximate guide as to the presence or absence ofairways obstruction in the clinical setting, and if anFEV1/VCbelow75% maybe consideredabnormal(15), an FER below 49% may also be consideredabnormal (Fig. 3).

    Regional studies in normal subjects. Forty-fivenormal subjects, 40 men and 5 women, ranging inage from 19 to 53 years, were studied on the RPFA.Fifty-two ventilation studies were performed on 45subjects and 20 perfusion studies on 19 subjects. Inthe analysis of these results, no distinction has beenmade between subjects according to age, sex, orsmoking habit. None of these subjects had any his

    102035060708090 100FEV SPIROMETRY(%)


    FIG. 3. Forcedexpiratoryratio(FER)derivedby RPFA@uXe(V axis) versus FEV1/VC determined by spirometry (X axis). Lower

    limits of normality are represented by vertical line drawn atFEV1/VC ratio of 75% and horizontal line drawn at FERratio of49%.


    Y:O.934X —0.179SD(YX)Slope@ 0.029p (Yx)Slope:





    radioactive gas (nitrogen or helium) from the lungsprovides an established method of studying pulmonary ventilation (20). Using a radioactive gas (183Xe)and external scintillation detectors, regional washoutcurves may be obtained; these will depend upon dynamic factors and thus, in part, reflect regional airways resistance. The major sources of error in thedetermination of the washout curves will depend onthe solubility of 133Xein blood, accumulation of theemitter in the chest wail, removal of ‘33Xeby theblood during rebreathing, and the addition to thelungs of 133Xe removed from elsewhere by venousblood (12). Nevertheless, none of these invalidatesthe method as an approximate test for clinical purposes.

    Washout curves, washout half-times, washout volumes, and respiratory frequency can be determinedfrom the digital displays and analog output of theRPFA. From these data, giventhe FRC and deadspace derived independently, one should be able todetermine the degree of nonuniformity of ventilationwithin each lung region, but in practice this is acomplex analysisand it is difficultto definethe washout data adequately by a single number.

    Immediately following the display of all six washout half-times by the RPFA, the subject is instructedto inhale maximally to TLC to ensure constant lunggeometry, and a 4-sec count is recorded. This countis normalized and presented on the digital displayfor each region. A washout index (ventilation) maythen be derived by dividing these normalized indicesby the previously obtained equilibration data (Ne).As in the derivation of the ventilation index, thisprocedure will negate differences due to volume.Theoretically, the washout index should vary inversely with the washout half-times: a high indexwill represent underventilation of that particular lungregion, and a low index, overventilation. Tests onnormal subjects confirmed this, except in the lowerzones where the washout indices indicated a disproportionate underventilation. This discrepancy can beaccounted for by the high count rates in the chestwall, relative to those remaining in the well-ventilatedlower zones of the lungs, after washout for a timedetermined by the region with the longest half-time.The derived washout index cannot therefore be considered as good an index of dynamic regional yentilation as the regional washout half-times.

    Perfusion. A regional perfusion count, followingthe intravenous injection of a bolus of 133Xe,is normalized and displayed by the RPFA (Nq) . Fromthese data the distribution of perfusion between theleft and right lungs was studied, each as a percentageof the total. The mean for the left lung is 45.7%(s.d. 4. 1% ) and the difference between the left and

    right lungs is highly significant (p < 0.001 ) . Theseresults are in agreement with the study of Miorner(17).

    Perfusion index (Nq/Ne). A perfusion index is derived by dividing the normalized perfusion count(Nq) by the normalized equilibration data (Ne)derived from the ventilation study. The resulting regional perfusion indices will, by analogy with the yentilation indices, be proportional to the regional perfusion “peralveolus.― The distribution of perfusionindices for the two lungs is shown in Fig. 5. No significant differences were found between the upper,middle, or lower pairs. Within each lung there is anincrease in perfusion index from the upper to middleto lower zones, with a significant difference betweenadjacent zones in each lung.

    The method of determining the distribution ofperfusion in this study is comparable to other published series, and the only differences will be due tothe number, positioning, and collimation of thescintillation detectors.

    Ventilation—perfusion ratios (Nsb/Nq). Ventilation—perfusion ratios for each lung region are derived by dividing the ventilation index by the perfusion index. The results obtained were expected todiffer from other published V/Q ratios because theventilation and perfusion indices derived in the present study are not strictly comparable: the presentventilation index relates to a maximal inspirationfrom RV, and the perfusion index to FRC (Fig. 6).There are no significant differences between the upper, middle, or lower zones on each side. Withineach lung there is a decreasing ratio from upper tomiddle to lower zones, with a significant differencebetween adjacent zones in each lung. The mean yentilation—perfusion ratio is 1.96 in the upper zone,0.995 in the middle zone,and 0.795 in the lowerzone. Corresponding ratios derived from the data ofBall (4) were 1.78, 1.21, and 0.75, respectively,andfrom the data of Newhouse (19), 1.85, 1.09, and0.90. In the study of Bryan (22), who employed atidal breath inspiration to derive the ventilation indcx, the reported ventilation—perfusionratios were1.37 in the upper zone, 0.95 in the middle zone, and0.67 in the lower zone.

    Comparison of ventilation and perfusion washouts.Following the intravenous injection of 188Xe andanalysis of perfusion distribution, the washout of133Xefrom the six lung regions is recorded duringtidal breathing. Immediately following the displayof all six washout half-times, a regional count is recorded and the data are normalized and displayedby the RPFA (Nqw) . A washout index (perfusion),corresponding to the washout index (ventilation),may then be calculated (Nqw/Ne) . The washout



    P Mean SD


    or with the detectors placed anteriorly. The limitationof the equipment is in the inflexibility of its built-inprograms. It is possible, however, by using the perfusion program and modifying the mouthpiece withaddition of an external spirometer, to study the distribution of inspired boluses of 133Xe with controlof preinspiratory lung volume and inspiratory flowrates. This procedure has been considered to indicatefurther any differences in regional airways resistanceor in regional lung compliance. The limitation ofthese techniques for routine pulmonary-function analysis is that breath-holding and vital capacity maneu

    vers are unphysiologic and do not describe theregional function that exists during resting tidalbreathing. Methods by which this may be evaluatedhave been reported using 133Xe (23), and more recently using slmKr (24).

    The results from the present series of 50 normalsubjects have been analyzed in terms of ventilationand perfusion indices and found to be comparablewith other published series.


    The writer thanks A. Guz for providing the opportunityto perform this study and for his continuing help and super

    vision, Julien I. E. Hoffman (CVRI, San Francisco) forstatistical advice, and S. Archer and K. Murphy for technical support and the analysis of lung volumes by heliumdilution. Finally, many thanks to all those colleagues whovolunteered to act as normal subjects.


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