joan florido's project

The Apartheid

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Post on 15-Jan-2015




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The Apartheid

Page 2: Joan Florido's project

What was the Apartheid?

• The Apartheid was a racial segregation system that the Southafrican government unforced between 1948 and 1994.Which the rights of the blacks were curtailed.

Page 3: Joan Florido's project

Nelson Mandela

• He was the first president chosed after Apartheid.During the Apartheid he spent 27 years in the jail.

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Why Mandela was in the Jail?

Because there were some revolutons in the ANC and the police busted 8000 people.Mandela was in.

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When was the Apartheid finished?

• In 1990 the president De Klerk began negotiations to stop Aparheid.Then there were multi-racial elections and Nelson Mandela won the elections.