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16 ©Copyright Successfully Navigating the Job Hunt BY DOUG CRAWFORD, SPHR, SHRM-SCP

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The Art of Writing an Effective Resume

Successfully Navigating the Job Huntby doug Crawford, sphr, Job-Applications.comMistakes Young Job Seekers MakeStarting a job search too late.

Excluding certain types of jobs.

Job hunting with friends or parents.Students looking for summer work should start looking in the spring to beat returning college students to the punch.All work experiences provide ample learning opportunities and look good to both college recruiters and future employers.Shows immaturity and that perhaps the applicant cant do things on their own. Job-Applications.comMistakes Young Job Seekers MakeUsing unprofessional email accounts.

Not following directions.

Giving up too quickly.

Not networking or asking for help.Using an account utilizing your first and last name or some variation is always better than cute, funny, or perhaps inappropriate emails in professional settings.Fill out applications correctly, not quickly. If it says Apply Online, No Phone Calls, or Do Not Send ResumeDo what the employer asks.Persistence and polite follow ups are key.

Asking for help during a job hunt may be the difference between finding a job and not. Job-Applications.comTailoring Your Job SearchYounger workers should search for jobs that pertain to areas of interest:For example, interest in animals may lead to work with veterinary offices or pet stores, while a love of children may mean work in a daycare or summer camp.Local libraries, amusement parks, retail stores, fast food locations, and grocery stores all regularly hire younger workers.Libraries frequently hire teens as pages, who regularly put books back on shelvesRetail and grocery stores can help foster a love of fashion and foodFast food jobs actually help pave ways for careers in the restaurant industryAlways consider the possibility of opening your own businessLawn service, babysitting, or dog walking may help serve your neighborhood or local community Job-Applications.comHow To Properly PrepareDepending on state and local laws, younger workers typically need the following when applying for jobs:Proof of age (birth certificate or photo ID)/ A work permitSocial Security cardCorrect & current contact informationReferencesAll references should be made aware the applicant is using them as such and should get the okay to do so.Set goalsApply to two places a daySet a date for when you want to start workingWrite them down; it becomes more real Job-Applications.comHow To Find Available JobsWho Can Help?High school guidance counselorsNewspaper want adsHelp wanted signsOnline job boardsCommunity job boardsGovernment offices, such as the ETAWhat To ExpectBe prepared to workEmployers produce work schedules with the expectation that employees work specified hoursKeeping open availabilities typically help find and keep entry-level jobsIf the job isnt right for you:Give appropriate noticeYou may not get the first job you apply for.Always remain polite and courteous, thanking employers for their time. Job-Applications.comApproaching the Job SearchShould You Take a Blanketed Approach or a Targeted Approach? Job-Applications.comBlanketed Job SearchBest used when searching for a variety of jobs with no preference in the final outcomeWorks well for applicants with little to no experienceWhen candidates use form resumes not tailored to the specific job or companyInstead, job searches are more focused on getting multiple resumes out there to find employment quickly.Good for hourly jobs and applicants with no resume Job-Applications.comTargeted Job SearchBest used by motivated job seekers with an idea of what direction to takeThe more targeted the search, the easier the search becomesHow to target helps determine what about the job is important to the applicantEarning money for savings, to buy things, or to help with everyday expensesProximity to home or schoolPersonal interests, such as hobbies, career aspirations, and what sounds fun to tryWhat kind of company does the applicant want to work for?Research the company and all its main competitorsApply to all of them Job-Applications.comStuck? Ask QuestionsIf the job seeker has never worked before, how do they know what they want to do?Asking questions of themselves about their motivations, needs, and aspirations may help narrow down job searchesRetain goals and continue networking, even after receiving offers for employmentDont job hop, but keep options open for better opportunities when they present themselvesStay professional though, and always work hard at whatever the current job asks of employees Job-Applications.comAsk Yourself The FollowingDo you want to work directly with customers?Not everyone is cut out to work in customer serviceCustomers may be demanding, expectant, and even rude, but understanding how to interact with others and perform well under pressure are excellent personality traits to build upon for later employmentDo you want to work with food?Getting in at the ground floor in the restaurant or fast-food industry means those who eventually want to be a chef, work in a kitchen, or even own their own business or franchise remains invaluable Job-Applications.comAsk Yourself The FollowingDo you want to work flexible hours?Extra-curricular activities, social lives, and family time are probably importantEntry-level jobs frequently can schedule around such things, but that means remaining flexible and available on different shifts, such as nights, weekends, and holidaysDo you want to be constantly busy or have lulls in the work?Working in the service industry may mean working non stop during your shiftOther jobs may afford more breaks and intermittent customer trafficKnowing your preference is key to both applying and working once hired Job-Applications.comAsk Yourself The FollowingDo you prefer manual labor or working with your mind?Some people prefer working with their hands, while others like to be challenged mentally on the jobIf you dont like one or the other, tailor your job search accordinglyWill this type of work remain satisfying?The longer you do a job, the more tedious or not as fulfilling it may becomeUnderstanding the roles, potential growth, and financial gain that come with employment remains paramount to whether or not a job may or may not be for you long term Job-Applications.comAsk Yourself The FollowingCan I shadow anyone in this line of work?Find out if anyone you know is currently working in the type of industry or field you hope to apply If possible, join them at their work for a couple of hours and shadow their daily duties to see if the job is what you expected or want for yourselfWhat are you working for?Everyone has different goalsAre you working for that new car, saving for college, or just need pocket money?Do you want to advance in the company or is it just a seasonal job to get you through?Each idea matters to different people for different reasons; whats your motivation? Job-Applications.comAdditional ResourcesFor more information about searching for a job, check out the following resources from