job enrichment and skill data bank

Job Enrichment and Skill Data Bank Increasing Job Satisfaction and creating more opportunity- initiatives

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Job Enrichment and Skill Data Bank Increasing Job Satisfaction and creating more opportunity-initiatives

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Work FlowPrepare a List of Skill required and useful for the Organization

Conduct the Survey and distribute and create the Skill Data bank

When new/special project will come will create resource pool from the data bank

Decision will be taken by the Project Owner along with the respective managers to finalize the team

Responsibility will come upon the new taem starting from the initiation upto execution based on

the skill and interest level along with the supervision of the Project owner

Page 3: Job enrichment and skill data bank

Most of us want interesting, challenging jobs where we feel that we can make a real difference to other people's lives. As it is for us, so it is for the people who work with or for us.So why are so many jobs so boring and monotonous? And what can you do to make the jobs you offer more satisfying? (By reducing recruitment costs, increasing retention of experienced staff and motivating them to perform at a high level, we can have a real impact on the bottom line.)One of the key factors in good job design is job enrichment, most notably promoted by psychologist Frederick Herzberg in his 1968 article "One More Time: How Do You Motivate Employees?". This is the practice of enhancing individual jobs to make the responsibilities more rewarding and inspiring for the people who do them.With job enrichment, we can expand the task set that someone performs. Provide more stimulating and interesting work that adds variety and challenge to an employee's daily routine. This increases the depth of the job and allows people to have more control over their work

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Five factors of job design that typically contribute to people's enjoyment of a job:

Skill Variety – Increasing the number of skills that individuals use while performing work.Task Identity – Enabling people to perform a job from start to finish.Task Significance – Providing work that has a direct impact on the organization or its stakeholders. Autonomy – Increasing the degree of decision making, and the freedom to choose how and when work is done. Feedback – Increasing the amount of recognition for doing a job well, and communicate the results of people's work.

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Job Enrichment Options

The central focus of job enrichment is giving people more control over their work (lack of control is a key cause of stress, and therefore of unhappiness.) Where possible, allow them to take on tasks that are typically done by supervisors. This means that they have more influence over planning, executing, and evaluating the jobs they do.In enriched jobs, people complete activities with increased freedom, independence, and responsibility. They also receive plenty of feedback, so that they can assess and correct their own performance.

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Here are some strategies we can use to enrich jobs in our workplace:

Rotate Jobs – Give people the opportunity to use a variety of skills, and perform different kinds of work. The most common way to do this is through job rotation. Move them through a variety of jobs that allow them to see different parts of the organization, learn different skills and acquire different experiences. This can be very motivating, especially for people in jobs that are very repetitive or that focus on only one or two skills.

Combine Tasks – Combine work activities to provide a more challenging and complex work assignment. This can significantly increase "task identity" because people see a job through from start to finish. This allows workers to use a wide variety of skills, which can make the work seem more meaningful and important. For example, we can convert an assembly line process, in which each person does one task, into a process in which one person assembles a whole unit. We can apply this model wherever we have people or groups that typically perform only one part of an overall process. Consider expanding their roles to give them responsibility for the entire process, or for a bigger part of that process.

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Here are some strategies we can use to enrich jobs in our workplace:

Implement Participative Management – Allow team members to participate in decision making and get involved in strategic planning. This is an excellent way to communicate to members of your team that their input is important. It can work in any organization – from a very small company, with an owner/boss who's used to dictating everything, to a large company with a huge hierarchy. When people realize that what they say is valued and makes a difference, they'll likely be motivated.

Redistribute Power and Authority – Redistribute control and grant more authority to workers for making job-related decisions. As supervisors delegate more authority and responsibility, team members' autonomy, accountability, and task identity will increase.

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Here are some strategies we can use to enrich jobs in our workplace:

Increase Employee-Directed Feedback – Make sure that people know how well, or poorly, they're performing their jobs. The more control we can give them for evaluating and monitoring their own performance, the more enriched their jobs will be, consider giving each team responsibility for their own quality control. Workers will receive immediate feedback, and they'll learn to solve problems, take initiative, and make decisions.

Job enrichment provides many opportunities for people's development. If we give them lots of opportunity to participate in how their work gets done, and they'll most-likely enjoy an increased sense of personal responsibility for their tasks.

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Managerial Applications Vertical Loading

Loading a job vertically involves giving employees responsibilities and tasks that were formerly reserved for managers. Specifically, vertical loading includes empowering employees to: set schedules, determine work methods, and decide when and how to check the quality of work produced; make their own decisions about starting and stopping work, taking breaks, and assigning priorities; and seek solutions to problems on their own, rather than immediately calling for a manager when problems arise. Giving people such responsibility for the work performed increases the level of autonomy the job offers these employees.

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Managerial Applications Natural Grouping

Rather than having several workers each perform a separate part of a whole job, have each person perform the entire job. This natural grouping increases skill variety, task identity, and task significance. For example, the work of a garage owner-operator who does electrical repairs, rebuilds engines, does bodywork, and communicates with customers provides skill variety. A cabinetmaker who designs a piece of furniture, selects the wood, builds the cabinet, and finishes it to perfection has high task identity. who handles the diverse needs of patients in an intensive care unit of a hospital has high task significance

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Managerial Applications Opening Feedback Channels

Jobs should be designed so that employees are provided with as much feedback as possible. Because people invest a substantial amount of their time at work, they want to know how well they are doing. Furthermore, they need to know often because performance varies, and the only way they can make appropriate adjustments is to know how they are performing presently. Feedback may come from the job itself or from customers, supervisors, or coworkers. For instance, salespeople might be encouraged to keep personal records of their own sales; keep sales/customer ratios; and establish good rapport with customers. Moreover, salespeople might be encouraged to observe and help each other with sales techniques; seek out information from their supervisors; and invite customer reactions concerning merchandise, service, and so on.

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Implementing a Job Enrichment Program :

Step One – Find out where people are dissatisfied with their current work assignments. There's little point to enriching jobs and changing the work environment if you're enriching the wrong jobs and making the wrong changes. Like any motivation initiative, determine what your people want before you begin.

Surveys are a good means of doing this. A form is attached by means of which we can understand the job satisfaction level of each employee. What they want to do if opportunity comes and what they really don’t like in their present job

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Implementing a Job Enrichment Program

Step Two – We can share a Skill matrix template with all the employees (template attached) they will fill up these based on their self evaluation. We may prepare the list by considering what are the skill set which is really important for the organization and the distribute. In this way we will create a Skill data bank with us readily available. This can be shared with all the new joiners and then add them in the bank. Therefore when an opportunity or any special/new project will come we can see what we have internally. Consider which job enrichment options we can provide. You don't need to drastically redesign your entire work process. The way that we will design the enriched jobs must strike a balance between operational need and job satisfaction. If significant changes are needed, consider establishing a "job enrichment task force" – perhaps use a cross-section of employees, and give them responsibility for deciding which enrichment options make the most sense.

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Implementing a Job Enrichment Program

Step Three – Design and communicate the program. If we are making significant changes, let people know what we're doing and why. Work with the managers to create an enriching work environment that includes lots of employee participation and recognition.

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ApplicabilityThis can be applied in different small projects by involving a small group of people without hampering their current job responsibility

Or for a major project by involving some of the employees from different team based on the requirement and availability.

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Merits and DemeritsMerits

Different small projects can be done along with present jobThe skill of different employees will be enriched where they are are really interestedCreate a satisfaction level will be fresh air from daily routineWill create a readily available data bank.

DemeritsOpportunity can not be proved to all same time which can create a dissatisfaction whether can be counseled.If some one give more time to special project will be problem for the present t departmental deliverables.

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Survey and AnalysisTo check the effectiveness of the process and enthusiasm among the employees regarding these conducted an indirect survey with around 10 employees without revealing the purpose of the discussion

It is evident 5-8 years of experience group is mostly interested in these as they think they are saturated in their present role and in these way can get a lateral growth in their career so they are considering it as an alternative of good promotion.

For 2-5 years of experience they are more excited about the possibility of using new technology and getting exposure of other task, not very enthusiastic about independence

For 0-2 years show less interest.

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