job guide book 2014

Linking your World through LanguageAustralasian Training Academy “TESOL College” Your path to Adventure and TravelJob Guide Instructions 1300 723 928

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This is a job guide for teaching english


Page 1: Job Guide Book 2014

“Linking your World through Language”

Australasian Training Academy

“TESOL College”

“Your path to Adventure and Travel”

Job Guide


1300 723 928

Page 2: Job Guide Book 2014


Step 1 Introduction to your

Work Guide

Step 2

Preparing your application

Cover Letter

Curriculum Vitae


Step 3

Posting your resume online

Step 4

Organise you travel

Step 5

Get ready for an adventure

you’ll never forget

Useful online links

Page 3: Job Guide Book 2014


Your five days course are


What to do next?

Page 4: Job Guide Book 2014

CCCooonnngggrrraaatttuuulllaaatttiiiooonnnsss!!! You are on your way to

becoming a successful English teacher and Thank You for

choosing ATA TESOL College.

At this point, you now have graduated from our

Foundation course which opens up a whole new world for

you. You have not only entered the exciting world of

traveling and teaching overseas, you have also joined the

ATA TESOL extended Family! You are now part of an

extensive network of like-minded people.

You’re looking forward to an adventure and you’re

planning on changing your life.

How to get started?

In this booklet we include a personal guide, which

explains step by step on your way to your Adventure.

All information needed for you to succeed will be given

in your guide, so read it carefully.

Before you go on Step 2, make sure that you have read

your work guide which you can download online using

the same ID & password that was issued to you. The Work

Guide provides job process flowchart, information on the

countries where you can teach conversational English

and guidelines for writing your TESOL Resume and Cover

Letter. To download the Work Guide, log in to our website and you can find it under

“Student Centre”.

If you have any questions send an e-mail to

[email protected]

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Welcome back and thank you for reading your Work Guide.

The application and interview process when applying for teaching jobs

overseas is quite different from the way it is done here in Australia. You

must bear in mind that the only way the school really gets to “meet”

you is through your cover letter, resume, and letters of reference. After

these documents are produced, you may have a short phone interview

that usually lasts 10-20 minutes. You must prepare your cover letter and

curriculum vitae carefully. You want to be sure that you are presenting

yourself as a teacher, no matter what you have done in the past. You

also want to be sure that you include all relevant information on each

document and that you have all the documents that the school will

need to see in order to hire you. Many teachers lose out on positions

because they do not have their paperwork and documents organized

and ready for the school. After these documents have been prepared,

you are ready to begin your job search.


Your application documents are:

Cover Letter

Curriculum Vitae

References (At least 3)

Passport photo

The cover letter is a “hello” to the school, and is the school‟s first look

into who you are and what you can offer the school. This is an

important letter, so keep in mind the following tips:

Your CV should be written short and accurate, to show

professionalism and confidence. (Don‟t use local terms,

abbreviations or acronyms that overseas directors may not be

familiar with)

The letter should give a brief description of why you want to

teach, why you chose that specific country, and your

experiences and character.

Create this letter independently and be as creative as possible.

Use a single font throughout your writing (10- 12pt size), only bold

or underlined if needed.

Avoid using twirl fonts, old paper and especially spelling mistakes!

Never forget spell check!

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Paragraph One

The first paragraph should state your name, the country you are from,

and your formal education (obviously, TESOL should be in this

paragraph!), and where you are applying.

Paragraph Two

The next paragraph should be a little more detailed and should explain

why you have chosen the country (and city if you can be that specific)

to teach in. This is where the research you have done on this country

will come in handy. You should flatter their country and give them an

idea of what attracts you to that part of the world. This sets up a sense

of interest and commitment. What will you do in this country besides

work? You should also flatter the school if you have had the chance to

do some research on it. Choose some of the striking aspects of the

school that you have noticed and mention them in this paragraph.

Paragraph Three

This paragraph should include any teaching-related experiences that

you have had. This is where you will state the points of why you are the

BEST teacher in the world. Do not be modest, as this will not get you the

job. Flatter yourself and use all of the traits and action words that you

can to explain what kind of teacher you are, and why you are the best.

This paragraph will describe the teacher in you.

Paragraph Four

In this last paragraph you should leave the school thinking about you.

You want to describe what kind of person you are and why you are

suited for teaching overseas, and what you feel you will get out of this

experience. This is where you describe yourself as a person outside of

the classroom, and explain your goals for teaching overseas.

Paragraph Five

The school will contact you after reading over your resume, so be sure

to include your phone number (with country code and area code),

address, and e-mail address. You should also state the best time to call

you, in their time zone. This will avoid interview phone calls at 2:00 a.m.,

when you may not be at your best.

Note: If you are posting this letter on the Internet, do not put any

contact information in this paragraph besides your e-mail address.

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CV – Curriculum Vitae

The Curriculum Vitae very often is most important in an application due

to the fact that it gives a detailed summary of your former work

experience and education. Again it is important to keep the CV simple,

easy to read and convincing. The CV is your personal advertisement

und you are the product which needs to be sold. Therefore you have to

try to meet the employer’s need as accurate as possible without lying

or exaggeration. The most important issue about writing a CV, is its

presentation. Though there are different ways of writing a CV, it is

always impossible to write it unequivocal for the recruiter.

A poor presentation can:

Give the impression that you would produce poor work

Stop the recruiter from reading your application fully

Hide very important information from the recruiter

Build up a negative impression

A good presentation can:

Attract the recruiter to read your application at the moment it is


Make sure you appear professional and organized

Get you an interview

Demonstrate that you possess more skills than described in the

text of your

Page 9: Job Guide Book 2014

CV – Sample Writing

Personal Profile



Career History

Personal Details

Personal strengths

Personal skills


Work experience (name of

company/ scope of duties/

responsibilities etc.)

Achievements in a specific

company or life

Starting with first

employment information

and ends with the latest

work experience

Name, Surname


Phone Number / Mobile

Phone Birth date



Every application is reasonably completed if you put a few

references in it. Those could be written by former employers,

colleagues or other people who have worked with you for a

reasonable amount of time. Your references should also be

accurate and professional in their appearance. Lies should not be

included and the diction should be as precisely as possible.

After preparing all documents, you are ready to begin your job


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Get On-line

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After completing your application form, your resume has to be

posted on different websites.

Here is a little Step by step guide:


Thank you very much for choosing to post your advertisement on

The following instructions will give you the single steps needed, to

post your resume online.

If you are not registered yet, please sign up at the right top

of the page („New User‟). Simply enter your personal details

as needed and confirm at the bottom of the page. If you

have used our services before, please log in by using your

„username‟ and „password‟.

After your registration and/or Log in, look for RESUME and

“Add Resume” and click on that button once.

Again, please fill in all required information. Try to be as

accurate as possible, so that potential schools find out as

much as possible about who you are and what you are

looking for.

Finally, submit your resume which will then be checked

and posted online.

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Dave’s ESL Café


Search the internet for those jobs in the countries where you would

like to work and apply directly to any school or position that you

are interested in. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket, apply to

any positions you like.

Other websites you can post your résumé’s are, and

Go to

Click on


Click on

‘Post Your Resume’

Enter Details

In the ‘message section’

copy and paste your


Click ‘Submit’

Page 13: Job Guide Book 2014

So, how about China, Vietnam and Europe?? Have you always

been interested in its culture and lifestyle? Well, here’s your

opportunity!!! There are plenty of jobs available and teachers are


The following people can help you to make your dream come


H.J Consultancy

Heather Wright

Email: [email protected]

H.J Consultancy originating in Australia has been providing

exceptional service and training to both E.S.L teachers and

International E.S.L schools and colleges throughout Vietnam and


H.J, founder and owner of H.J Consultancy believe in being hands

on in her approach and has been working within this field in

Vietnam for over 9 years.

H.J Consultancy services are available in Vietnam, China and


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Maria Camerotto

Email: [email protected]

KIA Consulting works with schools across South Korea to place

teachers in ESL schools.

Paul Waldron

Email: [email protected]

Et Cetera Education & Human Resources is dedicated to providing

the best ESL job placement as well as the best English classes.

If you want jobs in various places in China and Hongkong contact

the person above or visit ETC’s job list here.

Interested in Paid Internship in China click here.

Page 15: Job Guide Book 2014

Gaba is Japan's leading provider of 1-to-1 English lessons to adult

learners. Teach in a major metropolitan area (38 locations within the

Kanto, Kansai, and Chubu regions) with the ability to design your

own flexible schedule. Work in an international environment with

various options for certification and ongoing support. Career

opportunities are available.

They are seeking enthusiastic and unique individuals to experience

living and working in Japan, who possess the following:

* Solid people skills

* Native-level English (all nationalities considered)

* Ability to work independently

* Desire to live and work in Japan

* TEFL/ TESOL certification or ESL experience preferred

Testimonials from current instructors available to watch online here:


For more information contact:

Chung Liang, Choo Instructor Recruiting Section Tel: +81 (0)3 57907054 | Fax: +81 (0)3 57907147 [email protected]

Page 16: Job Guide Book 2014

Would you like to travel to a country that combines the best of its

own traditional culture with the modern technology of today?

Then let’s travel to Japan!

Japan, known for its four distinct seasons, allows visitors to

experience the best of each season all in one destination. Tokyo,

Osaka and Kyoto are the most popular tourist destinations in

Japan, however the other prefectures also have traditional

festivals, delicious foods and beautiful nature for tourists to enjoy.

Interested in getting a job and travelling in Japan with Seiha?

Please contact:

Jason Griffith

Chubu Block Leader

SEIHA English Network

Email: [email protected]

Mob: 090-8543-8783 (Softbank)

Skype: seiha.englishnetwork

Freecall: 0120-815-718

Learn more

About Teaching English

In Brazil by Ana Lin

Click here to check it out!

Page 17: Job Guide Book 2014


The schools you applied for will contact you directly if your

application suits their needs. Therefore you need to check your

emails regularly.

The named schools will send you contracts which you have to

read AND understand completely. If you need any advice

concerning those contracts, please email us at

[email protected]


Finally decide on a contract that you are happy with and inform

the school that you are accepting their offer. Always remember to

keep a copy of the contract for yourself. After accepting an offer,

you will have to arrange your travel. This means that you will have


Contact Seek Travel Pty. Ltd. on: 07 3371 3199 for flights,

insurance and visas we can assist you.

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Organise Your Travel

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Did you know that ATA TESOL College has its own travel


Did you know that as a student of ATA TESOL College you

are entitled to special fares and offers?

Are you planning to travel at the end of your course?

Seek travel is the travel agency for ATA TESOL students,

based at the ATA TESOL College main head office in

Brisbane we have fares to all the destinations that our

students travel to.

As a student of ATA you are entitled to a variety of

benefits including exclusive airfares with major

international carriers, discounts on travel insurance and

great specials with hotels around the world.

So when you’re ready to fly call Seek Travel on our direct


Call: 07 3371 3199 or

Email: [email protected]

We look forward to hearing from you.

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Spread Your Wings



Page 22: Job Guide Book 2014

Congratulations again from all of us!

We would love to hear from you as you travel and teach

English around the planet! We would appreciate if you


Email us a summary of your impression of the in-class

TESOL program, please include your name, City and date

of course under subject type: “Grad Testimonial”

As often as you wish Email us stories and/ or photos of

your teaching and travelling experiences! Contact us as

often as you wish. Our greatest joy is hearing about our

grads unbelievable experiences, and seeing the

awesome photos. And yes, we do get jealous!

under subject type: “Grad Story / Photos”

Email: [email protected]

Best of Luck in Your Future Endeavours!

Connect with us:

Page 23: Job Guide Book 2014

International Jobs

Dave's ESL Café - Jobs around the

Globe.Lesson Planning and forums…

The Web‟s first vertical search portal

for ESL/EFL job seekers.

English Job Maze – Jobs International,

Resume, Country Profiles.

English Club – Jobs International,

Resources, etc… ESL Employment – Jobs International. Jobs International. ESL Worldwide - Jobs International. Jobs/Lesson, Planning International. Jobs in Asia. Focus in China. Jobs/Lesson, Planning around the

Globe. Jobs in Asia Linguistic Funland Job Board

Jobs Abroad - Jobs International

Jobs, Country Information.

Korean Jobs, some Chinese Jobs Jobs in Thailand

Jobs in China

Angelinas ESL Café – Jobs in China. TEFL jobs network in China It‟s a website where you could find the info

about all the educational entities within

Huamei Education Group.

Page 24: Job Guide Book 2014 Sinocan is a professional educational

consulting and services company with

its main business in contributing to the

culture and education exchange

between china and Canada. Jobs in China. Jobs, School List, Lesson plans, etc..