jobs and professions daily routines

 INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA SAN VICENTE GRADO SEIS CUATRO (6-4) GUÍA 03 SEMANA 04 Febrero 09 a 3 !e "0# TEMA DE C$ASE %O&S AND 'ROFESSIONS RUTINAS DIARIAS TRA&A%OS 'ROFESIONES 1. Daily Routines  Across 3. Baño (con tina) 4. manejar (carro) 5. despertar 6. cepillar 9. estudiar Down 1. comer 2. traajar 3. desa!uno ". leer #. la$ar

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Post on 06-Feb-2018




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Page 1: Jobs and Professions Daily Routines

7/21/2019 Jobs and Professions Daily Routines 1/10




1. Daily Routines


3. Baño (con tina)4. manejar (carro)

5. despertar

6. cepillar

9. estudiar


1. comer

2. traajar

3. desa!uno

". leer

#. la$ar

Page 2: Jobs and Professions Daily Routines

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sleep wake up take a showe

get dressed eat breakfast read thenewspaper

leave to work take the bus leave the b

Arrive at/get to work work Leave work

GO home Eat dinner Go to sleep

3. Write the activities below each picture

Page 3: Jobs and Professions Daily Routines

7/21/2019 Jobs and Professions Daily Routines 3/10

Juan Gomez a*e+ , at six o'clock every morning. He .e/+ ,, /a*e+ a +oer , .e/+ !re++e!,and ea/+ brea*1a+/. After breakfast he rea!+ /e aer  until 7!", then he 2eae+ 1or or*. He.e/+ o /e b,+ at the bus sto#, r5!e+ 5/ to $niversity Avenue, .e/+ o11 , and a2*+ to his office.He or*+ until five o'clock. He usually goes and 2a+ ba+*e/ba22 %ith friends after %ork. &hen he.oe+ o7e8 a+ !5er a! .oe+ /o be!

No/ 5/ 5+ o,r /,r %ake u# at((

1. ________________________ 2. __________________ 3 ____________________ 


 ____________________ 5 _____________________ 6. ____________________ 

7. ________________________ 8.



10________________________ 11. ____________________ 12.


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13. ________________________ 14. ________________________ 

4. John is describing his daily routine

I until 6 a.m. Then I

and . After that I .

I at around ! a.m.. I until the evening.

At around " p.m. I .and  I at around

6#$% p.m.. At home I and .

5. Now you describe John’s daily routine

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Page 6: Jobs and Professions Daily Routines

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6. 'nderstanding a &usband and wife(s routine.

James and his %ife, Joey are a ha##y cou#le. &hey have a daughter. &heir daughter is very young.)he is one year old.

James and Joey %ork from *onday to +riday. &hey usually get u# early in the morning. At -" A.*, Joey makes breakfast. &hey eat breakfast and drive to %ork. At // A.*, James gets to%ork. He drives fast. Joey gets to %ork at 0/. )he is a slo% driver. At !/// o1clock she turns onthe com#uter and reads her emails. &hen she sends emails to her customers. At /" A.* Jimchecks his mail box and fax machine. He reads his fax and sends a fax. He also reads his emailsand sends re#lies. At !/// A.* he sits do%n and %rites business re#orts

 At !0// o1clock James and Joey meet at the Ja#anese restaurant. James eats noodles and drinkssou#. Joey eats 2hinese dum#lings and tofu. )ometimes they have rice and 2hinese sou#.

 At 0// o1clock in the afternoon, they get back to their offices and %ork. At 3// 4.*, they go toschool and study 5nglish. After school, they go out for dinner. After dinner they go home. At home

they %atch &6 and #lay mahong. &hey go to slee# at !!3" 4*.

Comprehension questions).&ow man* da*s do +ames ,+im- and +oe* work

. 0hat time do the* usuall* get up in the morning

$. 0hat do the* do after breakfast

1. 0hen does +im get to work

". 0h* does +oe* get to work at 2#% A.3.

6. 0hat does +oe* do at )%#%% o(4lo4k

5. 0hat does +im do at 2#%" A.3.

!. 0hat time does he write business reports

2. 0here do the* meet for lun4h

)%. 0hat time do the* get ba4k to their offi4es

)). 0hat do the* do at 1#%% .3.

). 0hat do the* do after s4hool

Page 7: Jobs and Professions Daily Routines

7/21/2019 Jobs and Professions Daily Routines 7/10

)$. 0hat do the* do at home

)1. 0hen do the* go to bed

7AIL8 9O'TI:E I;T'9E 7I;TIO:A98

brush m* hair 4omb m* hair 4ook do homework

do laundr* drink have breakfast have dinner

have lun4h do e<er4ise feed the bab* feed the dog

write floss get dressed get undressed

go to bed hang out iron listen

listen to musi4 pla* guitar wat4h T= put on make up

read rela< work as a 4ashier see a movie

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shave sleep stud* sweep the floor

take a bath take a shower talk on the phone va4uum

wake up walk the dog wash m* fa4e wash the dishes

5. LI>T 8O'9 7AIL8 9O'TI:E


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 ??????????? ????????????????? 

 ??????????? ????????????????? 

 ??????????? ????????????????? 

 ??????????? ????????????????? 

 ??????????? ????????????????? 

 ??????????? ????????????????? 

 ??????????? ????????????????? 

:ow organi@e *our information and write a te<t about *our routine.

3* name is ????????????.

At??????????I get up eat breakfast take a shower brush m* teeth and go to work. I walk t


I work from ???????? to ????????. I eat lun4h at???????????.

I stud* from?????????? to ???????????. I do homework at ????????????.

I go to s4hool at ?????????? from ??????????? to ???????????.

I eat dinner at ????????????. I wat4h T= with m* ???????? at ??????????.

+obs 0ords >ear4h

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0rite the words from the word bank under the 4orre4t pi4tures.

Word an!

ind the name of the professions in the word pu@@le

8 A 4 9 : 2 5 9 + + 2 5 ;

________________ __________________ _________________  __________________ 

  ilot :urse 7o4tor Tea4her

oli4e Offi4er ;hef riest ire fighter



). :urse

. Tea4her

$. ;hef

1. Astronaut

". >inger

6. 7o4tor

5. ilot

!. ire fighter

2. oli4e offi4er

)%. riest



Page 10: Jobs and Professions Daily Routines

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< 9 = 6 < G H J 5 9 : > * A

2 8 2 4 2 H 5 + ; ? & @ A 8

9 + @ & < > ? $ 5 = 2 ; ) ;

> H B ) 9 + 6 H $ + C 4 * & 5

$ < A C B ; = ) > G 5 ; H

; > = : A ) < : ? G * A : 9 2

) ) 4 : 9 & G H H 5 ) 6 > A

5 @ 6 * > B 9 & ; 9 A A 5

= & $ + H ? @ 4 5 ? * ; $ &

B A 4 ; 5 ) & C ; ; A 5 & @

6 > * $ : 4 9 6 ; & ? J C :

"##$ %&C'(