johann zoffany pictor neoclasic german (a c )

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15.04.23 02:01 AM

Johan Zoffany, Zoffani or Zauffelij (13 March 1733 – 11 November 1810) was a German neoclassical painter, active mainly in England. His works appear in many prominent British national galleries such as the National Gallery, London, the Tate Gallery and in the Royal Collection. He undertook an initial period of study in a sculptor's workshop in Ellwangen in the 1740s (possibly at the workshop of sculptor Melchior Paulus) and later at Regensburg with the artist Martin Speer. In 1750, he travelled to Rome, entering the studio of Agostino Masucci. In autumn 1760 he arrived in England, initially finding work with the clockmaker Stephen Rimbault (Zoffany's fine portrait of whom is now in the Tate Gallery), painting vignettes for his clocks. By 1764 he was enjoying the patronage of the royal family, King George III and Queen Charlotte, for his charmingly informal scenes — such as Queen Charlotte and Her Two Eldest Children (1765), in which the queen is shown at her toilette, with her eldest children, inside Buckingham House, and another, outdoors, with her children and her brothers. He also was popular with the Austrian royal family and in 1776 was created 'Baron' by the archduchess Maria Theresa.

Johan Zoffany, Zoffani ori Zauffelij (13 martie 1733 - 11 noiembrie 1810) a fost  un  pictor neoclasic german, activ mai mult in Anglia. Lucrarile lui se gasesc in multe galerii mari din Anglia, ca de exemplu National Gallery, Londra, Tate Gallery si in Royal Collection.Johan Zoffany, Johannes Josephus Zaufallij s-a nascut in Frankfurt pe 13 martie 1733. Initial a studiat o perioada in atelierul unui sculptor din Ellwangen in anii 1740 (posibil in atelierul sculptorului Melchior Paulus) si mai tarziu la Regensburg cu artistul Martin Speer. In 1750 a plecat la Roma si a intrat in atelierul lui Agostino Masucci. In toamna lui 1760 a ajuns in Anglia, initial si-a gasit de lucru in atelierul ceasornicarului Stephen Rimbault, unde a pictat decoratii pentru ceasuri. Prin 1764 s-a bucurat de protectia familiei regale, regele George III si regina Charlotte, precum si a familiei regale austriece.

Zoffany, membru fondator al noii Academii Regale in 1769, s-a bucurat de o mare popularitate pentru

portretele sale din societate si teatru, pictand multi actori si actrite de notorietate, in special pe David

Garrick, cel mai faimos actor al zilei - Garrick in rolul lui Hamlet si Garrick  in rolul regelui Lear.

In ultima perioada a vietii, Zoffany s-a remarcat in special pentru picturile de dimensiuni foarte mari cu

multi oameni si obiecte de arta, toate usor de recunoscut  de contemporanii sai.

Cu toate ca Zoffany a facut multe vizite in Europa si India el a ramas in Anglia, unde a si murit in casa lui

din Strand-on-the-Green, pe 11 noiembrie 1810. a fost inmormantat in cimitirul bisericii St Anne's Church, Kew. Pictorul Thomas Gainsborough, la propria lui

dorinta, a fost inmormantat langa Zoffany.