john carroll magazine spring 2008

Vol. 12, Issue 1 sPRING 2008 Announcing the gift of The Saint John’s Bible to John Carroll University

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Page 1: John Carroll Magazine Spring 2008

Vol. 12, Issue 1 • sPRING 2008

Announcing the gi f t of

The Saint John’s Bible

to John Carroll


Save the Date:

The Saint John’s Bible coming to John Carroll

Stunning masterpiece will have permanent home in Grasselli Library and Breen Learning Center

Page 2: John Carroll Magazine Spring 2008

The Saint John’s Bible

John Carroll University

PresidentRev. Robert L. Niehoff, SJ

Vice President for University Advancement

Ms. Doreen Riley

Director of University Marketing and Communications

Ms. Christine Somosi ’81

Interim EditorMs. Marcia Meermans Aghajanian

Alumni JournalMrs. Michele McFarland

Campus Photography CoordinatorMrs. Cheri Slattery

Advisory Board Dr. George BilgereDr. Sherri Crahen

Dr. Linda EisenmannMs. Kimyette Finley ’95

Mr. Jack Hearns ’61 Ms. Mary Lavin ’87Dr. Paul V. MurphyMs. Doreen Riley

Rev. Thomas Schubeck, SJMrs. Barbara Schubert ’62

Dr. Karen Schuele Ms. Christine Somosi ’81

Mr. Brian Williams

Ex OfficioMr. John Marcus ’72

Photo (this page): © 2000 Michael Freeman

On the Cover: Seven Pillars of Wisdom (detail), Donald Jackson, ©2006 The Saint John’s Bible

Page 3: John Carroll Magazine Spring 2008

Cover Story 32 The Saint John’s Bible –

Medieval and Modern

FeAtUreS16 John Carroll’s impressive

legacy in America’s game

22 Mission Accomplished!

28 JCU’s commitment to K-12 education

DePArtMeNtS2 President’s Message3 Mailbox4 Home - News on Campus9 Advancement11 Enrollment14 Athletics27 Images of Carroll39 Alumni Journal40 Class Notes63 In Memoriam64 My Turn Inside back cover Profile Karen Schuele, Ph.D.

VoL. 12 ISSuE 1 SPRING 2008

John Carroll magazine is published quarterly by John Carroll University, 20700 North Park Blvd.,

University Heights, Ohio 44118. Periodical postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio, 44118 and additional mailing offices. ISSN 1542-0418

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to:John Carroll magazine

UMC20700 North Park Blvd.

University Heights, OH 44118

It is the mission of the magazine to provide an engaging and accurate reflection of the university and its extended community for its alumni and the other

members of the John Carroll family.

The Saint John’s Bible

Contributors: Kim Bonvissuto, Boston Globe, Zoltan Bugnyar ’08G, Getty Images, Ken Honecker ’04G, Joseph Kelly, Ph.D., Amanda Marfise ’03, Joel Mullner ’07, Chris Ostrander ’08, Jerry Pockar, Cathy Powers ’92, Doreen Riley, Paul Shick ’78, Ph.D., Chris Wenzler ’90, Rob Wetzler, Brian Williams

Designed by

Villa Beach Communications, Inc.

Printed by Lane Press

Page 4: John Carroll Magazine Spring 2008

2 John Carroll university SPRING 2008

MESSAGEP r e s i D e n t ’ s

The New Year brought two remarkable gifts and blessings to the world and to John Carroll University: first, the election of Father Adolfo Nicolás, SJ, as

Superior General of the Society of Jesus on January 19, 2008; second, the Wisdom Books—the full-color reproduction from The Saint John’s Bible—which will debut in the O’Connell Reading Room of the Dolan Center for Science and Technology on April 13, 2008. Why are these gifts special and what blessings do they confer on the John Carroll community? Both gifts offer wonderful teaching opportunities with our students.

The new Superior General of the Jesuits is a man who embodies the apostolic characteristics of the Society of Jesus: a commitment to the intersection of faith and the needs of the contemporary world, especially the works of justice, a predilection for the poor of our society, a dedication to the pursuit of truth and wisdom through scholarly research and the willingness to engage the sincere questions of every contemporary culture. After a lifetime of

ministry in Asia, Father Nicolás possesses a global outlook. Upon being elected, he was

greeted worldwide with enthusiasm, joy, and esteem by Jesuits, young and old, from the East as well as from the West. Younger Jesuits from Japan, East Timor, China, the Philippines, and elsewhere in the East expressed deep delight in the

Congregation’s choice, because he has often challenged them to

broaden their ministerial horizons and supported them when they have done so.

The new leader also directs the Jesuits’ mission, which in

many ways coincides with, and may inspire John Carroll’s mission. Both are Catholic in their engagement with the world as searchers of truth, teachers of justice, and partners in interreligious dialogue with all people, especially with those who find the conversation about faith challenging. In union with that Jesuit Mission, John Carroll University, through its scholars and teachers, through its campus ministers and directors of service learning and immersion experiences, searches for wisdom, pursues questions that are religious, ethical, and scientific, and guides young people’s experiences so that all might appreciate the mystery that lies beneath and beyond human life.

Our second gift is The Saint John’s Bible, from Saint John’s Abbey and University in Collegeville, Minnesota. The gift is made possible through the support of Target, in honor John Carroll alumnus and retired Target executive, John Pellegrene ’58. As a unique artistic expression of the Word of God, The Saint John’s Bible will draw many people from John Carroll and beyond to view it. In that viewing, we hope they will be inspired by the way wisdom and truth have been revealed in this magnificent full-color reproduction. This artistic masterpiece is the loving creation of one of the world’s leading calligraphers, Donald Jackson. Working with a team of artists they have produced a manuscript which will illuminate our faith as well.

It is our hope that this exhibition will remind us of the centrality of the Word of God in the Jesuit mission at John Carroll University. As Vatican II has reminded us, the Word of God is a phrase that represents the fullness of revelation in all the deeds of God: from Creation to the Advent of Christ and to our own Spirit-inspired works of compassion and care for the world of which we are all a part.

Remarkable Gifts

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Tish’s husbandThat pretty ’50s co-ed in the photo to the right is Tish Maher, class of ’52, Notre Dame College in South Euclid, Ohio. We met while singing in JCU’s Campus Capers in 1951. She became my bride in 1955. We sang a lot together.

Fifty years later, after five children and eight grand-children, Tish left this life after struggling with Parkinson’s Disease. Tish was a church organist for 20 years and served the Cincinnati Archdiocese as a teacher, the Family Life director, and as ecumenical representative on the Ohio Council of Churches.

That smile reminded me of how much she loved life. She lived the joy and happiness that was her name, Laetitia.

Thanks for the memories.Ray Hils ’55

P.S. By the way, who’s the guy she’s with?

John Carroll magazine welcomes letters from readers. Letters may be edited for length and clarity, and must be signed to be published. Our e-mail address is: [email protected] and our fax number is 216.397.3085.

Roll the credits, please I am writing with regard to Wendy Hoke’s “Alumn News” article entitled “Filmmaking is no dead matter” in Volume 11, Issue 4. ( I ) was privy to the creation of the “Born of the Night” CD; Hoke misleads readers when she writes that “he [Ed Douglas] and his partner [Gavin Goszka] produced “Born of the Night.” To be sure Douglas and Goszka composed some of the music and performed all of the music on the CD, but make no mistake about it, it was Joseph Vargo who was the creative force behind the CD. Vargo financed and produced the CD. Every aspect of it – from the cover art to the CD booklet to the CD itself – bear Vargo’s unmistakable imprint. Had Hoke researched the Midnight Syndicate music catalogue by simply examining the CDs, she would have or should have realized this fact.

Respectfully,Peter Iorillo ’87Parma, Ohio




ray and tish hils in 2005




By Wendy A. Hoke

As a child, Edward Douglas ’94 was

fascinated by the supernatural, feasting on

a steady diet of Jason, Freddy Krueger and

“Tales from the Crypt.” “The first books I

read were about Universal’s classic horror

films. And then I would find ghost stories at

the library and would check them out over

and over,” says the Chardon resident.

“Mysteries of the night – what you think

you see – kicks my imagination into over-

drive,” he says. The attraction is less about

the gore than it is about the stories.

Douglas has taken his passion and

turned it into a profitable business called

Midnight Syndicate. Based in his hometown

of snowy Chardon, Douglas and his business

partner, Gavin Goszka, compose instrumen-

tal soundtracks to imaginary films.

The only son of an accountant and a home-

maker, Douglas said he doesn’t have a dark side,

but he does enjoy horror movies. “Something

about this genre sparks my imagination in

music, film and writing,” he observed.

While he started out with film 10 years

ago, Douglas saw business in music. “I saw a

big opportunity because there were no good

Halloween CDs out there, only sound-effect

cassette tapes and Monster Mash stuff. I

wanted to put together something of quality

– something that would create a mood and

make an impact on Halloween retail,” he says.

In 1998, he and his partner produced

“Born of the Night” and took it door-to-

door to local retailers. “We sold 2,000

CDs out of the back of our car between

Cleveland and Akron,” Douglas recalled.

His music is heard in places like

Universal Studios-Orlando and Cedar Point,

is the soundtrack for games such as Dungeons

& Dragons, has appeared on Monday Night

Football and The Today Show and has even

been sampled by Academy Award-winning

hip-hop act Three 6 Mafia.

He made contacts in the film industry

as Midnight Syndicate rolled along, includ-

ing Robert Kurztman, a Hollywood special

effects master who now runs his own company,

Precinct 13, based in Mansfield, Ohio. “Bob

was a fan of Midnight Syndicate, but he didn’t

know we were in Cleveland. He was doing

a movie called, “The Rage” and asked if we

would like to score it,” Douglas explained.

That’s when Douglas turned back to his

dream project. He dusted off the story for

“The Dead Matter” that he co-wrote with

Tony Demci and originally produced in 1996

for $2,000.

An admirer of the work of M. Night

Shyamalan, Douglas strives for “quality, at-

mospheric, character-driven films,” and says

that’s how he describes “The Dead Matter.”

Douglas wanted his film to be a home-

grown production. “I didn’t want to build

Midnight Syndicate here and then do ‘The

Dead Matter’ in Hollywood,” he says. The

entire crew is Ohio-based and so are many

of the actors, including fellow JCU grad

Christopher Robichaud ’96, who reprises his

lead role from the original production.

Produced independently for under

$2 million, Douglas says his film is not a

Hollywood blockbuster, but it’s still a big

movie and brought with it big challenges.

“As a director, even though you’re driving

the ship, you can’t do everything. You have

to have people around you doing important

things that you really trust.”

Filming took place in August.

“Working with this big of a crew at this

level in terms of what’s at stake, I definitely

felt the pressure. It’s no nonsense and

time is money. But I did enjoy the whole

experience,” he affirmed.

In addition to directing, Douglas is

scoring the film. “We’re controlling the

release date for the soundtrack, which will

be Sept. 1, 2008,” he noted.

The movie is scheduled for theatrical

release in late 2008. “It will be screened at

festivals. It was shot on film so it will be

ready to go to theaters. I’m sure we’ll have

a premier in Cleveland. For movies in our

budget range, the standard it usually a lim-

ited theatrical release in several cities.”

Douglas believes “The Dead Matter” is

a good springboard to show the quality of

filmmaking that can take place in Ohio.

“Filmmaking is where I want to go,” he

observed. He’ll look at his options in a few

months. For now he’ll continue post-pro-

duction on “The Dead Matter” and enjoy

time with his wife, Colleen ‘95 and their

daughters, Mary Kate and Sarah.

For more information about “The Dead

Matter,” visit

Filmmaking is no dead matter

Edward Douglas turns

spooky music syndicate

to the big screen

Editor’s note: We are all about giving credit where credit is due. Upon visiting Midnight Syndicate’s Web site, we found the following credits for the Born of the Night CD: “Midnight Syndicate is Edward Douglas and Gavin Goszka; music written and produced by Edward Douglas and Gavin Goszka; narrations and artwork, Joseph Vargo; additional sound design, Dan Owens; mixed and engineered by Tim Blue, Edward Douglas, Gavin Goszka; executive producer, Joseph Vargo.”

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In June, Dr. Patrick H. Rombalski will leave John Carroll to become vice president for Student Affairs at Boston

College.Rombalski joined John Carroll in 1997

as dean of students. He has served as vice president for Student Affairs since 2002. His interest in the total student experience, his attention to comparative data for assessment and change, and his commitment to our Jesuit Catholic identity and mission, are a few examples of his many contributions. He has also led five groups of students to Ecuador in his role as executive director of Rostro de Cristo, a non-profit organization whose mission is to provide immersion

experiences for U.S college students.Rombalski said he looks forward to

the opportunities this move provides both personally and professionally. Rombalski’s parents are in Maine and his wife, Helen, is from New Jersey. This move will allow their children to be closer to their grandparents.

His new position will also allow him to continue his

work at a Jesuit Catholic university – the environment in which he has spent his entire 20-year career. His role will allow him to work

closely with Boston College’s new campus master plan and

strategic plan. “I have long enjoyed creating environments for learning for today’s college students. Boston College is well poised to begin a deeper commitment to student learning,” Rombalski said.

“I will miss John Carroll’s close-knit environment and the many friends here,” Rombalski adds. “My family and I all intend to maintain those friendships. Our boys will, no doubt, remain Cleveland sports fans for years to come.”

A search committee is seeking his replacement.




This summer, Schott Dining Hall will undergo an extreme makeover – from the food to the fixtures. John Carroll University has commissioned ARAMARK’s Fresh Food Company to overhaul the dining hall, so it will look and feel like a retail food court. The Fresh Food Company will be John Carroll’s trademark for a new era in residential dining.

Patrons at ARAMARK’s Fresh Food Company can choose to dine in an eclectic, modern and colorful restaurant featuring seven separate serving areas: international, Mediterranean, comfort food, bistro, produce market and sauté station, and bake shop. Patrons also will

Rombalski headed to Boston College

Patrick rombalski, ed.D.

Schott Dining Hall to get ‘extreme makeover’enjoy the added benefit of unlimited servings.

Other Fresh Food Company operations are at Wake Forest University, College of Charleston, Scranton University and the University of Florida. At the heart of every Fresh Food Company is flexibility and freshness. Menus change every day. Fresh product is delivered directly to each station and food is prepared or “finished” in front of our customers. Every station has its own distinctive service ware and all servers are trained to engage the customers in making such choices as seasoning, sauces, and ingredients. Bon appétit!

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John Carroll University’s Boler School of Business has partnered with the Zagreb School of Economics and Management (ZSEM) in an effort to expand interna-tional educational initiatives. The partner-ship also seeks to develop an exchange of economic and social research.

The collaboration was formalized in January with a contract signed by Rev. Robert L. Niehoff, SJ, president of John

University purchases Temple Emanu El property

John Carroll partner with Croatian business school

Carroll University, and Dr. Duro Njavro, the dean of ZSEM.

Zagreb School of Economics and Management is a nonprofit, private, accredited school founded in 1995 in Croatia. Its programs include a four-year undergraduate “Economy and Management” program, a graduate MBA program, and Executive Education programs in specialized fields of economics and management.

rev. robert l. niehoff, sJ, and rabbi steven Denker

John Carroll University has purchased the Temple Emanu El property on S. Green Road in University Heights, Ohio, for possible future parking, athletic fields and office space. The transfer will take place in August, when Temple Emanu El moves to their new site in nearby Orange. The purchase will offer John Carroll much-needed, flexible options for land use.

Calling all aspiring entrepreneurs

Got a million-dollar business idea? The Entrepreneurs House is a new community in Murphy Hall at John Carroll that will provide a unique living environment for students from any academic major who are interested in innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship.

Students on the floor will have the opportunity to interact with and learn from Cleveland-area entrepreneurs, as well as participate in special programming designed for the student who is interested in exploring the concepts and ideas related to entrepreneurship. Student residents will have a lounge, for their exclusive use, equipped with computers and other business-related tools.

Students who would like to be part of the Entrepreneurs House community should select this option when they complete a housing application for the 2008-2009 academic year.

For more information on Entrepreneurs House, please contact Mark Hauserman ’89, executive director, Entrepreneurs Association, at [email protected] or 216.397.4572. To learn more about the Entrepreneurs Association, please visit us at: .

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Delaney elected student union presidentIn January, Molly L. Delaney ’09,

was inaugurated as John Carroll’s

Student Union president. Of note,

all of this year’s class presidents

are women: Maura Jochum ’11,

Amy Marchlen ’10, and Jessica

Landis ’09 as are all of the

senators for the class of 2011.

The Cleveland Council on World Affairs and John Carroll University hosted a media roundtable discussion

in January featuring Will Stebbins, Washington bureau chief of Al-Jazeera, an Arabic satellite television network.

The panel addressed a full house in Donahue Auditorium in the Dolan Center for Science and Technology. Local journalists and JCU faculty joined Stebbins to discuss the state of world media, including issues of accuracy and access to news and news organizations.

Panelists included Mona DeBaz, lecturer in international relations at John Carroll; Cynthia Dettelbach, editor, Cleveland Jewish News; David Knox, reporter, Akron Beacon Journal; Fatina Salaheddine, editor and publisher, Al-Sahafa, Cleveland; Elizabeth Sullivan, foreign affairs columnist and editorial writer, The Plain Dealer; and Tim White, anchor, WKYC-TV3, Cleveland.

“Programs like this underscore John Carroll’s commitment to engaging the world,” said Richard D. Hendrickson, JCU

Media roundtable explores accuracy of world news; media access

associate professor of Communication and Theatre Arts, who served as moderator of the program. Pamela A. Mason, JCU associate professor of Political Science, introduced the panel and program.

Will stebbins

Every January, John Carroll faculty, staff,

administrators and students are invited

to participate in Ignatian Day – a time

to discuss the university’s mission and


This year’s keynote speaker was Kim

McElaney, director of the Chaplain’s

Office at the College of the Holy Cross.

McElaney’s talk, “Moving Beyond

Men and Women for Others,” addressed

the future of the Ignatian tradition on

Jesuit campuses. She shared personal

anecdotes and

spoke about the

need to form

students in the

Ignatian tradition,

“so that they

may stand in a


solidarity with the

poor and marginalized in society.”

She cited the work of Very Rev.

Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, SJ, superior

general of the Society of Jesus, and

his oft-quoted Santa Clara University

address, which articulated his vision of

Jesuit higher education.

“I believe that the cultivation of

the kind of whole person of solidarity

which Fr. Kolvenbach raised as the new

standard of Jesuit education … is the

surest way back to faith for those who

have lost it and our best tool for evan-

gelization of those who have never had

it,” McElaney said.

ignatian Day message resonateswith audience

6 John Carroll university SPRING 2008

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To start or join a team, purchase luminaria candles in honor or memory of loved ones, make a donation, celebrate your victory as a cancer survivor, or volunteer your time, visit


Fight Back.


“I can’t express how much Relay For Life meant to the JCU campus, University Heights, and me. It was the most powerful event I’ve experienced at John Carroll.” —John Bednar ’08, who lost his mother to cancer in 2005

Second Annual American Cancer Society Relay For Life of John Carroll UniversityApril 26-27, 2008

John Carroll University welcomed six new members to its board of directors last fall.

Frederick D. DiSanto has served as chief executive officer of Ancora Advisors since January 2006. DiSanto was president and chief operating officer of Maxus Investment Group from 1998

until December 2000. Prior to Maxus, he was managing partner at Gelfand Partners Asset Management.

DiSanto began his investment career in 1985 with McDonald Investments. He currently sits on the boards of, and is a shareholder of, PAI; W. F. Hahn Sons; and

Thin Solutions, an IT service company. In addition, he serves as chairman of the board of regents at Saint Ignatius High School, serves on the executive committee and board of the Greater Cleveland Sports Commission, and Boys Hope Girls Hope of Northeast

Ohio. DiSanto is a graduate of Case Western Reserve University with a degree in management science and an MBA from the Weatherhead School of Management.

Carl D. Glickman is president of The Glickman Organization. His lifetime experiences include service in U.S. Air Corps Intelligence during World War II, director and lead trustee of the Lexington Realty Trust, director and chairman of the Compensation Committee of The Bear Stearns Companies, and he is owner

Six new members join John Carroll’s Board of Directors

continued on next pageFrederick D. Disanto Carl D. Glickman

Our Board of Directors list on page 1 of the recently published 2007 John Carroll University Annual Re-port inadvertently omitted Annette L. Haile ’74, retired vice president of customer fulfillment, IBM. We apologize to Ms. Haile for the error. Ms. Haile was elected to the board in 2006, and currently serves on the enrollment and student affairs com-mittees of the board.

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and manager of various properties in Cleveland and elsewhere.

Glickman serves on the boards of Cleveland State University, Catholic Diocese Foundation, Cleveland Jewish Federation, and the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, where he is a Distinguished Fellow. He has also served on the boards of the Cleveland Port Authority, Montefiore Home, Mt. Sinai Hospital, and the Cleveland Growth Association. Carl has received many honors including Cleveland State University’s Man of the Year (2003), CWRU Glickman Computer Center (1979), Glickman Family Violence Prevention Center in Tel Aviv (1978), Glickman/Power Juvenile Dialysis Center/Cleveland Clinic. He and his wife,

Barbara, live in Shaker Heights.Richard J. Kramer ’86 earned

his Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from John Carroll, and is president of The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company’s North American Tire business unit. He concurrently served as the company’s chief financial officer from March-August 2007. Kramer was elected Goodyear’s executive vice president and chief financial officer in 2004. He was previously senior vice president, Strategic Planning & Restructuring and vice president, Finance for North American Tire.

Kramer joined Goodyear as vice president of Corporate Finance in 2000.

He is a certified public accountant and, early in his career, was a partner with PricewaterhouseCoopers.

A native Clevelander, Kramer and his wife, Kristine ’86, have four children.

Father Lorn Snow, SJ, originally from Port Henry, N.Y., was ordained a Jesuit in 1999. He holds a bachelor’s in philosophy from Wadhams Hall College in Ogdensburg, N.Y.; a master’s in human services from John Carroll University; and Master of Divinity in Theology from the Weston Jesuit School of Theology, Cambridge, Mass. He has worked in the hospice ministry in Cleveland and Manhattan, led youth pilgrimages to the Martyrs’ Shrine in Midland, Ontario, and taught at the University of Detroit Jesuit

High School and Academy.Fr. Snow came to the Church of the

Gesu as an associate pastor in September 1999, and was named pastor in 2006. He initiated the Honduras Mission at Gesu, leading teams of parishioners to Nuevo Paraiso and Montana de Luz twice a year. He reactivated the 50+ Club by holding Mass and dinners. He has led the group, which has grown to more than 100 mem-bers, on trips in the U.S. and Canada.

Fr. Snow encourages service to others by implementing several programs through the Social Concerns Commission, includ-ing a parish-wide Service Day in which over 600 parishioners were involved. He

also is active in the Youth Ministry at Gesu.

Father Michael J. Marco, SJ, became the tenth president of Walsh Jesuit High School in July 2003. In this role, he is responsible for communicating the Jesuit mission and vision of the school to all members of the school community. He also oversees fundraising and development, with an emphasis on continuing efforts to strengthen the Walsh Jesuit endowment. A native of Schuyler, Neb., Fr. Marco joined the Society of Jesus in 1984 and was ordained into the priesthood in June 1996. He holds a B.A. in psychology from Creighton University in Omaha; a Master of Divinity from Weston Jesuit School of Theology in Cambridge, Mass.; and a Mas-

ter of Education in religious education from Boston College. Prior to joining Walsh Jesuit, Fr. Marco was with Creighton Pre-paratory School in Omaha, and Marquette University High School in Milwaukee.

Kenneth R. Honecker ’04G is a graduate of John Carroll’s MBA program and is president of Ken Honecker Consulting in Severn Park, Md. He earned his undergraduate degree from Illinois State University. Ken joined the JCU Alumni Board in June 2005 and was elected president of the Alumni Association in 2007. Ken, his wife, Deborah, and their three children reside in Severn Park, Md.

Board of Directors continued from page 7

Kenneth r. honecker ’04Grichard J. Kramer ’86 Fr. lorn snow, sJ ’90G Fr. Michael J. Marco, sJ

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tWe Celebrate Our Alumni Achievements

More than $2 million has been raised to support John Carroll’s widely acclaimed Ohio Access Initiative (OAI), a financial-aid strategy that makes a quality college education more affordable.

The initiative makes it possible for qualified Ohio families with annual incomes below $40,000 to enroll their incoming freshman tuition-free.

John Carroll recently received gifts in support of OAI from Patti ’87 and Ronald Rosenfeld of Chevy Chase, Md.; The Skirball Foundation in New York City; and the GAR Foundation in Akron, Ohio.

“We are supporting the Ohio Access Initiative because it is an integral part of John Carroll University’s mission, “to inspire individuals to excel in learning, leadership, and service in the region and in the world,” said Patti Rosenfeld, who is a member of John Carroll’s

We continue to celebrate the many achievements of John Carroll University graduates of

intellect and character who lead and serve in the region and in the world.

In February, Tim Russert ’72, returned to Cleveland to skillfully co-moderate the Democratic presidential debate on MSNBC with NBC News colleague Brian Williams. Mr. Russert is managing editor and moderator of Meet the Press, political analyst for NBC Nightly News and the To-day Program, and senior vice president and Washington bureau chief of NBC News.

“The Jesuits have a simple philoso-phy, and that is, there is a world beyond yourself – that you really should be men and women for others,” Russert said in a recent interview. “I believe that I could not do what I do without the benefit of my John Carroll education.”

“We are so proud of Tim Russert’s accomplishments, strong values, devotion to faith, and his commitment to giving back to his alma mater,” said Doreen Riley, vice president for Advancement at John Carroll.

Our football alumni are another John Carroll point of pride. More than 30 John Carroll alumni have advanced to careers in professional football as players, coaches or other front-office staff in the National Football League (NFL) or Canadian Football League (CFL). Nearly 200 alumni, parents, and friends from across the United States gathered in Naples, Fla., recently to celebrate these former players and the legacy of JCU football. Special guests included Don Shula ’51, David Caldwell ’96, P.J. Insana ’95, Joe Perella ’63, Chris Polian ’93, Tom Telesco ’95, Dick Walker ’55, and Tony DeCarlo ’66G.

ohio access initiative support tops $2 millionBoard of Regents.

“In our opinion, there is no better way to educate the leaders of tomorrow who otherwise would not have the op-portunity to attend John Carroll Univer-sity and prosper from this educational experience,” she added.

The Skirball Foundation gift will provide retention programs for students from low-income families who qualify for the Ohio Access Initiative.

“The generous grant from The Skirball Foundation is an investment in the future of Northeast Ohio. It helps us to ensure a successful college experience for talented students from low-income families,” said Allyn Adams ’64, chair, John Carroll University Board of Directors.

The GAR Foundation of Akron endowed a scholarship in memory of

Charles F. Zodrow to support students from Summit County whose families qualify for OAI.

“GAR Foundation really believes that the Ohio Access Initiative, and similar tuition scholarship programs, are vital to our region, and we’re very happy to support John Carroll for this effort. It fits right with our strategic education priorities to help achieve greater access for students with solid academic creden-tials, who happen to be economically underserved,” said Robert (Rob) Briggs, president of the GAR Foundation.

In keeping with the university’s mis-sion, students receiving OAI assistance from John Carroll are expected to par-ticipate in community service projects sponsored through the university’s Center for Service and Social Action.

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tim russert ’72

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Each year, John Carroll University alumni and parents have an opportunity to connect with today’s students through the university’s Student Calling Center. Throughout the academic year, student callers communicate with alumni and parents to update their records, inform them of recent happenings around campus, and to request their financial support of The Carroll Fund.

The Student Calling Center has grown significantly over the last three years and student callers continue to go above and beyond to exceed the amount raised the

Hello, this is your alma mater calling!

year prior. Even more important is the impact the calling center has on John Carroll’s participation rate. Almost half of all donors to the university make their gifts through the calling center.

Alumni support has never been more important to John Carroll University. U.S. News & World Report and Business Week publish annual rankings of America’s best universities. Alumni support is one of the criterion used in the rankings; so higher participation helps Carroll continue to move up in the rankings. Moreover, cor-porations and foundations request alumni

Tara Zempelhometown: Fairport, New YorkMajor: BiologyClass year: 2009Campus activities:

Student Union SenatorWomen’s LacrosseDining Committee ChairpersonHomecoming 2007 ChairpersonMascot Committee

What do you like most about John Carroll university?I like the opportunities available at John Carroll University because they have helped me grow as an individual. I love the dedication of the faculty who “bend over backwards” to help students succeed. The friendly campus and constant activity here really make me feel like John Carroll is my second home.

Why should alumni take your call?Alumni should take my call because I am dedicated to making John Carroll the best it can be. I am eager to hear others’ experiences here and learn why they want to give back to the university. As a student union senator, I am privileged to have a voice in implementing change on campus. I am dedicated to listening to alumni concerns about the university in the hope that John Carroll will not only be able to improve, but also grow as students, faculty, and alumni work together.

Caller Spotlight

participation figures on grant applications. Participant percentages are viewed as an indicator of alumni satisfaction.

The students’ ability to raise money, help increase John Carroll’s participation rate, and gain valuable work experience depends on their ability to get in touch with you. If you haven’t received a call from John Carroll in a while, please update your alumni record through JCU Connect at or call 800.736.2586 with your current phone number. Thanks for your continuing support of John Carroll!

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Similarly, John Carroll attracts many students that are not Catholic. In part, this is because our mission is about challenging our students, no matter their faith, to serve others. Education is the key to preparing students to make a positive difference in an ever-changing world. This is echoed in our core value statement, which calls for us to create “an environment of inquiry which embraces Jesuit Catholic education as a search for truth where faith and reason complement each other in learning. In pursuit of our educational mission, the university welcomes the perspectives and participation in our mission of faculty, staff, students, and alumni, of all faiths and of no faith.”

Catholic for allThe term “Catholic” many times is

associated to the Church. Yet another important definition of catholic is including or concerning all humankind; universal. John Carroll, as a Jesuit university, has a responsibility to let students encounter other cultures here on campus, through classroom exchange and living with others, and internationally, through study abroad and other international and multicultural programs. They need to experience the world in order to change it.

a universal challengeBeing Catholic is about more than

how we all practice our faith. Diversity of faith is found among our student body, our faculty, and staff. When you consider all that we are trying to achieve as a campus, if our student body was 100 percent Catholic perhaps we wouldn’t be meeting the challenge of a Catholic institution. Diversity and opportunities for mutual learning is the deepest promise of the Catholic intellectual tradition. It is a shared search for truth in service to the greater good.

This is one of the more common questions asked of our admission staff at college fairs or during

campus visits. The students are not merely concerned with the percentage of Catholics on campus (65 percent); to those asking, faith and spirituality are such personal issues to consider in selecting a college. It is important to go beyond a statistic and explore our answer in depth because it goes to the essence of John Carroll – to graduate individuals of intellect and character who lead and serve by engaging the world around them and around the globe.

Catholic faithOur Catholic identity is ever present

yet never required. At JCU, Catholic students will find wonderful opportunities to grow in their own faith. Through an extremely active Campus Ministry program, daily Mass, prayer groups, and Praise and Worship, are offered right on campus. In and out of the classroom, students and faculty partner and explore the richness of Catholicism in society, faith, culture, art, and history. Opportunities abound for liturgical planning, spiritual retreats, and service-learning projects.

Faith in the College Search, Brian Williams, VP for Enrollment

“How Catholic are you?”

is a Catholic education distinctive?

is a Catholic education distinctive?Facts to consider about Catholic education:

59 percent of Catholic college graduates rated their overall college experience as completely satisfied; 36 percent public university alumni reported the same.

68 percent of Catholic college graduates reported that college was effective in helping them relate to people of different backgrounds.

81 percent of Catholic college graduates said that a majority of their classes were taught by professors; 38 percent of public university alumni reported the same.

75 percent of Catholic college graduates reported that classroom discussions integrated values and ethics; 27 percent of public university alumni reported the same.

70 percent of Catholic college graduates reported that their college was effective in helping develop leadership skills; 52 percent of public university alumni reported the same.

Data from the “Values that Matter” research study conducted for The National Catholic College Admission Association.

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WantED: alumni referrals Know any high-caliber high-school students?How do you know when a high-school student is John Carroll material? Maybe it’s that special spark that reminds you of you. Maybe it’s a student who goes beyond book learning, who asks the deeper questions about why. It could also be your neighbor’s children who you don’t see often because they are leaving their mark on their high school and their community and are rarely home. Somehow they already grasp magis and are striving to make the world a little more just through their leadership and service at such an early age. You see them and you know they are right for John Carroll.

In the next month, we will launch two, new formal programs for those most connected to John Carroll (our alumni, our parents) to help us find the next generation of John Carroll alumni. These programs, supported by the Enrollment and Advancement Divisions and our National Alumni Board, will create easy ways for you to connect high-school students to our admission operation and take the next step in their college search with a campus you know so well.

Referral programPrint and electronic forms will be sent to alumni, parents of current students, and other

audiences soon. This more-structured referral form will allow anyone connected to John Carroll to provide the name and address of high-school sophomores, juniors or seniors (or potential transfer students) to the Office of Admission. A personalized communication will be sent to the students to let them know how we got their names, encourage a campus visit, and to formally join our mailing list.

Endorsement programAs seniors enter the application process, there becomes a stronger need for us to know them

in a more personal way in our review. The new JCU endorsement program will allow alumni and friends to write a letter of recommendation for students to be used in our review process for admission and scholarship consideration. As John Carroll continues to receive more applications each year, this additional insight and support will help the Committee on Admission make its decisions.

Across both of these programs, the Office of Admission will keep our alumni notified regarding the status of students in this process.

These programs are a powerful way for alumni and friends to give back to John Carroll and help us continue to build a powerful future and the next wave of alumni who will lead and serve in an ever-changing world that needs them.

Look for more details soon through JCU Connect and your mailbox.

We are excited about this program and what it means for the university.

Sincerely,Brian WilliamsVice President for Enrollment

one more for the class of 2011 Our summer 2007 edition

of the magazine included

a list of legacy students

in John Carroll’s 125th

anniversary class of 2011.

We’ve learned that John

Russo ’11, grandson of

Michael T. (Tom) Mahon

’50 was not on the list. Our

apologies for the omission

and we hope John is

happily settled now that

he has nearly completed

one-fourth of his John

Carroll education!

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Coming to a city near you!John Carroll admission staff ‘on the road again’

John Carroll University invites all admitted seniors to join us for our Program highlights will include:• Walking tours of campus and our

freshman residence halls

• Neighborhood tours of our surrounding community

• Conversations with current JCU students and faculty

• Presentations by the deans and faculty on our academic programs

• Exciting changes to our physical campus for fall 2008 and beyond

• One-on-one meetings available with representatives from admission and financial aid

• Indoor picnic

JCU admission staff is out and about this spring at several college fairs. If you’re in Cleveland, don’t miss the annual NACAC National College Fair, Sunday, April 13, at the Wolstein Center. John Carroll will be among the more than 200 colleges and universities represented.

Below is a listing of some of the larger college fairs that JCU admission staff will attend this spring. We hope to see you there!

Please consult our web site for a more comprehensive and up-to-date listing of all our programs.

Class of 2012 CelebrationSaturday, April 5, 2008 • 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Note: Children of alumni will be invited to an informal breakfast to start the day.More details will follow.

Please join us on campus for this very special event

state venue City event Date starttiMe

Pennsylvania Mercyhurst Prep High School Erie Mercyhurst Preparatory Fair 5/13/08 7:00 PMOhio Eastlake North High School Eastlake Willoughby-Eastlake City Schools College Night 3/19/08 7:00 PMOhio Professional Education and Conference Center North Canton Kent State Stark Fair 3/25/08 6:00 PMOhio Cintas Center Cincinnati Xavier University Spring Fair 3/30/08 3:00 PMOhio Wolstein Center Cleveland Cleveland National Fair 4/13/08 1:00 PMOhio Hawken Upper School Gates Mills CCIS Fair - Hawken 4/14/08 6:30 PMOhio Capital University Capital Center Columbus Bexley Area College Fair 4/22/08 7:00 PMNew York Buffalo Niagara Convention Center Buffalo Buffalo National Fair 4/1/08 9:00 AMNew York Buffalo Niagara Convention Center Buffalo Buffalo National Fair 4/1/08 6:00 PMNew York Buffalo Niagara Convention Center Buffalo Buffalo National Fair 4/2/08 9:00 AMNew York Rochester Riverside Convention Center Rochester Rochester National Fair 4/4/08 9:00 AMNew York Rochester Riverside Convention Center Rochester Rochester National Fair 4/5/08 1:00 PMMassachusetts Bayside Expo Center Boston Boston National Fair 4/8/08 9:00 AMMassachusetts Bayside Expo Center Boston Boston National Fair 4/8/08 6:00 PMMassachusetts Bayside Expo Center Boston Boston National Fair 4/9/08 9:00 AMMaryland Hunt Valley Marriott Hunt Valley AIMS 5/1/08 5:00 PMIllinois St. Ignatius College Prep Chicago St. Ignatius CN 3/19/08 7:00 PMIllinois Harper College Chicago District 214 CN 4/8/08 7:00 PMIllinois Lyons Township North Campus Chicago Lyons Township Fair 4/9/08 7:00 PMIllinois Allstate Plaza Chicago Glenbrook CN 4/10/08 7:00 PMIllinois Hinsdale South High School Chicago Hinsdale CN 4/15/08 7:00 PMIllinois Niles High School Chicago Niles CN 4/16/08 7:00 PMIllinois Regina Dominican High School Chicago Regina Dominican HS Fair 4/17/08 7:00 PM

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JCU Women Win 16th OAC Swimming & Diving Title In 19 Years

The John Carroll Blue Streaks peaked at the right time, knock-ing off defending champion Ohio

Northern to claim their 16th title in 19 years at the 2008 Ohio Athletic Confer-ence Swimming & Diving Champion-ships on Saturday, Feb. 16, at Ocasek Natatorium in Akron, Ohio.

John Carroll scored 266 points to edge Ohio Northern, which scored 257 points. Mount Union finished a distant third with 151 points, followed by Baldwin-Wallace (100) and Wilmington (91).

It was sweet redemption for John Car-roll, which finished third last season – mark-ing the first time JCU did not finish first or second since joining the league in 1990. The Blue Streaks had also suffered a 144-96 loss in a dual meet to Ohio Northern back in No-vember during the 2007-08 regular season.

For their efforts, the Blue Streaks reaped two major awards from the confer-ence meet. Heather Gilmour was named OAC Swimmer of the Year, and the staff of head coach Matt Lenhart, diving coach Lewis Fellinger, graduate assistant coach Wendy Peel and assistant coach Matt Dorsch were named Women’s Coaching Staff of the Year.

Gilmour, who won her second career Swimmer of the Year Award (and her first since 2006), completed another unde-feated championship event in individual events. She won the 100 Free Saturday night, edging Katherine Moore of Ohio

Northern. Gilmour swam a time of 54.02 to beat Moore, who touched in 54.82. JCU teammate andrea Kovacs picked up big points with a time of 55.41 to finish third and earn All-OAC accolades.

In her career, Gilmour has won nine in-dividual titles in nine finals. She has placed first in the 50 Free (once), 100 Free (once), 200 Free (three times), 500 free (two times) and 1650 Free (two times).

Gilmour had plenty of support as JCU was able to fend off Ohio Northern with some key performances. In the 1650 Free, JCU got a win from Heidi Benson and a fifth place finish from senior Kaitlin Griffin. Ben-son won with a time of 17:41.19, which was 43 seconds better than the next finisher and surpassed the NCAA “B” cut of 17:47.99.

Griffin, who was the seventh seeded swimmer in this event, swam a time of 19:07.26 to edge the sixth place finisher by less than two seconds.

In the 200 Fly, Ryan Reynolds of Baldwin-Wallace won the race with a time of 2:19.36, while John Carroll’s Kim Kern was a solid second in 2:24.46.

Kate Slovonic delivered third place points and earned All-OAC status by scor-ing a 338.00 in the one-meter diving final.

The Blue Streaks held a five-point lead following diving, and needed to finish at least in second place in the 400 Free relay to lock up the championship. The quar-tet of Kovacs, Liana Sved, Benson and Gilmour left nothing to chance. With a

SUMMER SPORTS CAMPS 2008The Department of Athletics at John Carroll

University is offering a variety of sports camps for summer 2008 for students of all ages!

BASKETBALL CAMP July 7-11, 2008

Day camp for boys and girls ages 7-15.Contact Mike Moran at 440-338-8092 or

216-397-4505 or [email protected]

GIRLS BASKETBALL TEAM CAMPJune 14 and July 19, 2008

Team instruction and competition. Contact Kristie Maravalli at 216-397-4414 or

[email protected]

FOOTBALL CAMPJune 23-27, 2008

Day Camp for grades 9-12. July 7-11, 2008

Youth football camp – 4th thru 8th grade. Contact Brian Cochran at 216-397-1677 or

[email protected]


½-day camp for ages 8-13, 9 a.m. to noon.June 24-26, 2008

½-day “elite” camp for ages 14-18, 2 p.m.-5 p.m. Contact Lauren Collins at 216-397-3060 or

[email protected]

BASEBALL CAMPSJune 23 -27 and July 14-18, 2008

Day camps for ages 5-13, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Contact Marc Thibeault at 216-397-4660 or

[email protected]

For a complete list of summer camps at John Carroll University, please visit

great anchor leg of 53.68, Gilmour secured first place for John Carroll as the team posted a winning mark of 3:42.95.

A runner was incorrectly identified as Mary Gilloon in a photo on page 12 of our Fall 2007 magazine. The runner was actually from Marietta College.

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Students returned from winter break to find

several upgrades in the Tom Corbo Weight

Training Center. Treadmills and Stairmasters now

have individual televisions and the weight room

has new equipment. Other improvements include

a new ceiling, new carpet and a fresh coat of paint.

The renovation was complete in late January,

when a Cybex Eagle arrived featuring 14 different

weight-circuit machines.

The Corbo Room is open to all John Carroll

students, faculty, staff, and administrators. Alumni

memberships are available for a fee. For hours of

operation or more information, visit the recreation

& fitness web site at

recreation/ or call 216.397.1610.

Rediscovering an offensive mindset that was lacking just one week earlier, John Carroll scored points in bunches to subdue Mount Union, 33-9, in the final Ohio Athletic Conference dual meet of the 2007-08 regular season for both squads in mid-February at the DeCarlo Varsity Center. With the win, John Carroll finished its dual-meet season with a record of 8-7 overall and 4-2 (3rd place) in the OAC.

Each team earned six points with forfeits at 125 pounds (accepted by JCU’s Elie naoum) and 184 pounds (accepted by Mount Union’s Nick Allerding), which left eight bouts to be contested on the mat. The Blue Streaks prevailed in seven of those.

adam Pizzurro joined the all-time Top 10 victory list with his 89th career win, as the senior rolled to an 11-3 major decision over freshman Kyle Jordan.

Senior Dominic Spitalieri followed suit with an 11-1 major decision at 141 pounds over Shawn O’Neill (both wrestlers were 4-0 in OAC action entering the match). It was Spitalieri’s 20th win of the sea-son, marking the first time in his four years that he reached 20 wins in a single season.

In more workman-like fashion, both junior 149-pounder Daniel Mizener and freshman 157-pounder tyler Mickley posted victories by decision. Mizener defeated Sean Dreger, 3-1, while Mickley outlasted Robert Creatore, 8-3.

Mount Union got on the scoreboard when Mike Mannypenny used four takedowns off counterattacks to defeat Devon Jurczak 9-5 at 165 pounds. JCU freshman travis Hammer stemmed the tide with a 14-5 major decision victory at 174 pounds. That victory gave John Carroll an insurmountable 24-3 lead.

After Allerding accepted his forfeit at 184, Mount Union’s Adam Lange seemed ready to make it two in a row for the Purple Raiders when he took a 2-1 lead in the final 30 seconds of the 197-

Wrestling wraps up dual-meet season, #3 in OAC

Corbo room renovations worth the ‘weight’

new equipment in the tom Corbo Weight training Center attracts a mid-day workout crowd.

pound match. But with two seconds remaining, freshman Jim nemunaitis surprised Lange with a takedown and won the match 3-2.

Senior Derrick Bendau, who is ranked #5 in the nation in his weight class, improved to 9-0 this season, and 21-1 lifetime, by pinning Ike Okoli in 42 seconds.

adam Pizzurro ’08 defeated Mount union’s Kyle Jordan 11-3.

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Shortly after the establishment of a professional football league, a small college in Cleveland, Ohio, would play a prominent role in its development. For over 80 years, John Carroll University has produced players, coaches and front office personnel that have had a hand in shaping the development and the fortunes of the National Football League.

The reach of the John Carroll nation has extended to places such as Canada

the door wide open in 1951, and a virtual parade would follow. Burrell Shields, Joe Smaltz and Chuck McMillan found brief pro football success in the 1950s, as did Bill Marks, Jerry Schweickert, Frank Walton, Dave Nichting, Tim Gauntner, and Mike Bushi in the 1960s. Dan Carroll and Tim Barrett found their way to NFL camps in the 1970s.

Taseff had the most successful pro football career during this era, leading the

and Europe, into organizations such as the American Football League, the All-America Football Conference, and the Arena Football League, and to heights such as conference, national and Super Bowl champion.

At first, John Carroll alumni would make a name for themselves on the gridiron. Pioneers such as Gene Stringer in the 1920s gave way to Graham Armstrong, Pat Lahey and Ed Ecker in the 1940s. Don Shula and Carl Taseff would blow

Ever since the day when a group of 11 men gathered in Canton, Ohio, at the Hupmobile showroom of Ralph Hay, professional football has been a part of the American fabric.

Don shula ’51 (above) Josh McDaniels ’99 (left)

By Chris Wenzler ’90 and Chris Ostrander ’08

John Carroll builds impressive legacy in America’s game

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NFL in interceptions in 1957 as a Baltimore Colt, and then starting for the Colts in their legendary victory over the New York Giants in the 1958 NFL Championship game.

By the late 1960s, former Blue Streaks were making an impact on the sidelines. Shula coached the Colts in their stunning loss to the New York Jets in Super Bowl III, but earned redemption several years later when he led the Miami Dolphins in back-to-back world titles in Super Bowl VII (1972) and Super Bowl VIII (1973). Shula’s 1972 Dolphins remain the only undefeated and untied team in NFL history.

Shula’s success would inspire other John Carroll coaching careers. Taseff was on Shula’s staff for many years, as was Gary Stevens. Chuck Priefer, Dick Walker (on the staff of two Pittsburgh Steelers Super Bowl champion teams in the late 1970s)

and Joe Perella (in the Canadian Football league) followed suit.

While coaching seemed to be the best way for a John Carroll product to enter professional football by the time the 1980s rolled around, Tony DeCarlo’s emergence as the athletic director and head football coach at John Carroll in the latter part of the decade inspired a new generation of Blue Streaks to chase professional football dreams.

From the DeCarlo stable came Larry Wanke, who remains the last John Carroll player to be drafted by an NFL team (New York Giants, 1991), and P.J. Insana, who spent a season (1995) with the British Columbia Lions in the CFL.

DeCarlo also had players enter the coaching ranks. Former players Greg Roman, Nick Caserio and Josh McDaniels have enjoyed prolonged

tenures on NFL staffs.The most recent phenomenon for

former John Carroll players has been front office positions. Chris Polian, Tom Telesco and David Caldwell were all part of the administration for the Indianapolis Colts when that organization won Super Bowl XLI.

Inarguably, the best-known among more-recent John Carroll players is London Fletcher ’97, who played many years for St. Louis and is now with the Washington Redskins

Not many “small colleges” can boast of the professional football heritage that John Carroll University can claim. Perhaps it is the quality of individual that John Carroll attracts, and the quality of graduate that John Carroll produces, that makes this Blue Streak presence so unique.

Don Shula ’51His 328 wins are the most by any coach in the history of the National Football League. He coached the only undefeated team in NFL history when he guided the 1972 Miami Dolphins to a 17-0 record. He has appeared in more Super Bowls (six) than any other coach.

On July 26, 1997, Don Shula capped an illustrious career when he was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame.

Over the course of his career as a professional football player and coach, he would have the good fortune to be associated with coaches such as Paul Brown, Blanton Collier and Weeb Ewbank, and players like Johnny Unitas, Larry Csonka and Dan Marino.

Yet, through it all, Shula is always mindful of his roots.“When I look back and think about the things that have

happened since 1947, the year that I enrolled at John Carroll, and think about how my life has gone in different directions … to be fortunate enough to have the Jesuit education, graduate in four years, and to have the coaching I had on the field are opportunities I will always be very, very grateful for.”


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The most famous of the “modern-day” Blue Streaks remains London Fletcher. The former All-American linebacker for the Blue Streaks has gone on to spend 10 seasons in the NFL, winning a Super Bowl ring as a starting de-fender for the St. Louis Rams. He has never missed a game in his NFL career that includes time spent with the Buffalo Bills and the Washington Redskins, his current team.

When opportunities have arisen during the many interviews London Fletcher has con-ducted over the years, he has never been shy about promoting John Carroll University.

“I do not need to be an honorary mem-ber of anyone else’s school. I am proud to

have played college football at John Carroll University in Cleveland, Ohio,” Fletcher said. “I might feel left out when the guys talk about their (college) teams playing on TV, but we were ranked fourteenth in the coun-try by USA Today my senior year.”

Undrafted out of college, Fletcher was one of only two free agents to make the St. Louis Rams roster in 1998. Less than two years later, he was the leading tackler on a Rams team that won a Super Bowl.

Now, in 2008, he is providing veteran leadership to a Redskins football team that won four of its final five games to qualify for the NFL playoffs.

London Fletcher ’97

Currently one of the most sought after front office talents in the NFL, Chris Polian recently wrapped up his third season as vice president of Football Operations for the Indianapolis Colts.

A vice president of Football Operations deals with scouting, contract negotiations, sal-ary cap management and assisting in general football operations. Polian considers himself fortunate to have received the educational background necessary to fulfill these duties.

“John Carroll prepared me very well,” said Polian. “I’m sure it is the same for every-one regardless of the profession. It gave me a solid grounding on how to think and solid experience in maturing as a person.”

The former Blue Streak wide receiver has helped piece together one of the most successful franchises in the NFL of the past decade (five consecutive 12 win seasons, one Super Bowl win). While the rigors of the job may not allow Polian much time to drop in on John Carroll games, he still manages to keep an eye on the team’s progress.

“I am on the web site every Sunday checking the scores,” said Polian. “I get a chance to talk to Coach (Regis) Scafe and other guys I played with as well.”

The proper evaluation of college talent is important when building a successful NFL

Chris Polian ’93, David Caldwell ’96 and Tom Telesco ’95franchise. As one of the most prosperous teams in recent years, the Indianapolis Colts front office has done an excellent job.

David Caldwell is one reason for this success. The Colts Western regional scout, Caldwell covers schools anywhere west of Indiana.

When on the scouting trail, Caldwell will spend hours at one school watching film and talking to players and coaches. Once he finishes that, he is off to his hotel and the next school on his list.

Caldwell credits his academic and athletic experience at John Carroll for preparing him for days like this.

“[The education] helped me develop my time management skills,” Caldwell said. “Playing football and going to classes made me really man-age my time.”

Tom Telesco was an intern with the Buffalo Bills throughout his time at John Carroll. When he graduated in 1995, he was hired by the Carolina Panthers, where the front office included several former Buffalo Bills employees.

Originally, Telesco’s interest in the Bills was not for career development; however his experience turned into much more than off-season training.

“I originally did it to help my playing career at JCU,” Telesco said. “Once I was there, I realized that scouting was something I wanted to do for a career.”

While Telesco is not the only John Carroll alum in the NFL, or the Colts organization for that matter, he notes how special it is to have fellow alumni as colleagues.

“I cannot tell you how great it is to have other JCU alumni in the NFL,” Telesco said. “For such a small school to have this many in-volved in professional football is truly amazing. And, I don’t think it is a coincidence. At the Division III level, JCU has a perfect balance of football and education.”

Tom Telesco ’95, Chris Polian ’93 and David Caldwell ’96.

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A lifelong friendship between two former John Carroll teammates led to a partnership that helped direct the most prolific offense in the history of the National Football League.

Although the New England Patriots would eventually lose Super Bowl XXLII,

Josh McDaniels ’99 and Nick Caserio ’98offensive coordinator Josh McDaniels and receivers coach Nick Caserio certainly made an impact and an impression on owners and general managers across the league.

McDaniels spent one year as a graduate assistant at Michigan State before treading through corporate America and then landing squarely in the Patriots’ scouting department. After a successful start, they asked McDaniels if he knew anyone who would be capable of filling a similar role.

Caserio started as a financial advisor only to recognize the absence of football was too great. He spent two years as a graduate assis-tant at Saginaw Valley State where he earned his MBA before temporarily filling the same role at Central Michigan. Then, his friend called. McDaniels and Caserio have been working together since.

Larry Wanke ’93Larry Wanke’s college career started at the University of Pittsburgh, where he would earn playing time that included a 300-yard passing effort in the Bluebonnet Bowl against the University of Texas.

His college career ended as a record-setting quarterback for Division III John Carroll University, performing well enough over two seasons that he would eventually be inducted into the school’s Hall of Fame.

For Wanke, however, the dream of being drafted into the NFL never left him despite transferring from the big time world of major college football.

“Maybe I should have dreamt about a long career in the NFL instead of just being drafted,’” joked Wanke when recalling the heady times of being selected by the New York Giants with the final pick of the 1991 NFL draft. “It was such a thrill to get that

phone call. It was so unexpected.”Although Wanke’s training camp days

did not lead to making the final roster, he still recalls that time of his life with great fondness.

“The second day I was there, I am standing next to Lawrence Taylor,” said Wanke. “My suitemates were Phil Simms and Jeff Hostetler. The head coach was Bill Parcells. It was unbelievable. This was a team that had just won a Super Bowl, and I was in their camp. To sit in on the meeting and take part in the practices is something I will never forget.”

These days, Wanke has devoted time to becoming a successful real estate agent in the Eastern suburbs of Cleveland. With three athletically-inclined kids, however, the former “Mr. Irrelevant” (the title given to the last player selected in any professional sports draft) does not stray too far from the field.

The success they have enjoyed (they both own a pair of Super Bowl rings from past victories in different positions within the Patriots organization) is based on the fact that they have proven themselves to the people who matter most.

“The level of complexity in the NFL game is superior,” said McDaniels. “All in all, though, if you don’t prepare for the guy across from you, it doesn’t matter if it’s John Carroll or New England, you’re going to get beat.”

Photo courtesy of The Boston Globe

Josh McDaniels

Nick Caserio


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Tom Arth ’03Tom Arth is John Carroll’s all time leader in completions, attempts, yards and touchdowns. Yet, for all that, he was still relatively anonymous in NFL circles following graduation in 2003.

Except, of course, in Indianapolis, where the Colts scouting department boasted of three John Carroll alumni. Even when Arth went down with a shoulder injury as a senior, the Colts still came around to have him do footwork, knowing full well he would not be able to throw during the workout.

When the draft came to a close in 2003 Arth received a phone call from none other than Tom Telesco.

“That was one of the best moments of my life, when I got that call from Tom,” Arth said. “My family was all there and it was absolutely incredible.”

Chuck Priefer ’63The name of Chuck Priefer will not be found in many record books as far as John Carroll University football is concerned.

But when looking at his successful three decades as an assistant coach in the National Football League, Priefer has few peers.

To prove the point, he survived four coaching changes as the special teams coach of the Detroit Lions before retiring after the 2006 season.

“I just went about doing a good job,” said Priefer when explaining his longevity. “I feel I am a loyal hard working guy. I am an eternal optimist and believed that we would be in the Super Bowl every year.”

Priefer made his name as a special teams coach, tutoring the likes of Pro Bowl players Desmond Howard and Jason Hanson.

Although Priefer admits he has not stayed as close to John Carroll as he would have liked, it still holds a special place for him after all these years.

“A lot of my upbringing was my dad making me work hard with my education and that is what John Carroll did for me as well,” said Priefer. “I will always remember Dr. Ulrich who was my Civil War and Reconstruction teacher and Dr. Pap who was my Russian History teacher. I was trained on hard work and competition and John Carroll gave me that.”

Arth is now a member of the Georgia Force of the Arena Football League. After spending time with the Colts (including two summers in NFL Europe with franchises in Scotland and Germany) Arth played for the Green Bay Packers and the Toronto Argonauts of the Canadian Football League before joining the Force.

When the Colts signed Arth to a free agent contract in 2003, he joined an elite group of Blue Streaks to play in the NFL. However, Arth knows that without his education at John Carroll he would not have made it to where he is now.

“They always emphasized academics over athletics and if you didn’t have your grades in line you didn’t play,” Arth said of the school first attitude. “That was always important to me.”


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Doug Phillips ’06The most recent JCU graduate to attempt a pro football career was one of its great suc-cess stories as an undergraduate.

Doug Phillips from Strongsville, Ohio, would complete his bachelor’s degree in 2006 with a perfect 4.0 grade point average. He also would have a near storybook senior season on the gridiron, quarterbacking the 2005 Blue Streaks to a 7-3 record and earning the Mike Gregory Award as the Ohio Athletic Conference’s Most Valuable Offensive Back.

Phillips would also garner such accolades as becoming one of 10 national finalists for the Gagliardi Award (Outstanding Division III Player of the Year), and was a second team Academic All-American.

Certainly not afraid of a challenge, Phillips decided that he would try his hand at landing a position with his hometown Cleveland Browns.

“I interned for the 2006 season in the

Greg Roman ’95Winning is everything in the NFL. Victories generally amount to good business, and the NFL is big business.

Greg Roman has found out how fickle this business is three different times. Although his last stop did not pan out with the Baltimore Ravens, Roman remains an optimistic realist.

“The National Football League is a competitive, 24-hour-a-day, seven-days-a-week business,” said Roman. “32 teams are essentially given the same resources to win a single prize. The NFL represents best in the world.”

A 1995 graduate of John Carroll, Roman started his NFL career in 1995 with Carolina as strength and conditioning assistant/defensive quality control. He also made stops in Houston and Baltimore.

The former all-conference defensive lineman for the Blue Streaks in the early to mid 1990s also remains an advocate for what he has chosen as a career. Roman is a firm believer that John Carroll has prepared him well for a results-oriented profession.

“My John Carroll experience has impacted me in many ways, “Thinking in an ethical manner. Thinking in a manner that attacks problems from all sides. Also, I am a coach, and the variety of teachers and methods I was exposed to teaching in a variety of ways. This has helped me tremendously.”

video department,” said Phillips of his initial experiences. “So I helped film practices for the coaches and players to watch. We had to keep the Browns video network up and running, which consists of hundreds of hours of practice film, Browns game film, game film from around the league, and college games.“

His internship ended in January of 2007, so he started sending e-mails and resumes to the Browns and other NFL teams. Nothing materialized immediately, so he pursued another line of work outside of pro football while keeping his eyes open and ear to the pavement.

Like many of his Blue Streak brethren before him, all Phillips hopes for is a chance, just to get his foot in the door.

“I have also started to send out resumes and e-mails to coaches again,” said Phillips. “We will see what happens.”

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Scott Zimmerman Mayfield Heights, Ohio

As a student of mathematics, Scott has found that his academic studies play an important role in shaping who he has become and how he lives John Carroll’s mission. His math major has provided him with countless hours of work every semester. He has even trav-eled to several conferences around Ohio, including the meeting for the Ohio section of the Mathematical Association of America, where he presented his research alongside one of his faculty mem-bers. Scott has been on the dean’s list every semester and will com-plete his undergraduate work in just three years when he graduates this spring. He plans to return to John Carroll in the fall to pursue his master’s in mathematics.

Last September, Scott was selected as a John Carroll Fair Trade intern. The program is funded by a grant secured by Campus Ministry, working with Catholic Relief Services. The grant supports two student interns who educate the John Carroll community about the Fair Trade movement at campus events and who provide Fair Trade products to the campus at-large.

In addition to his internship, Scott plays saxophone with the Praise and Worship group at John Carroll and often at Sunday Mass. He also traveled to New Orleans during his 2007 spring break to help with Hurricane Katrina clean-up efforts.

This semester, Scott is one of three students chosen to lead the next Manresa retreat to teach about Jesuit spirituality and the teach-ings of Saint Ignatius. He says his Manresa experiences are integral to his understanding of the mission and values of a Jesuit university.

How students live John Carroll’s mission on and off campus

Accomplished:Immersion trips to live among and help the impoverished in Nicaragua and Chicago, or to help rebuild New Orleans. Weekly Labre visits to provide food to Cleveland’s homeless. Cultivating Community Day in Cleveland’s Hough neighborhood and Habitat for Humanity projects. For many John Carroll students, opportunities to serve those who are less fortunate are life-changing and among the best memories of their four years at the university.

John Carroll magazine asked several administrators and faculty members to identify students who exemplify the university’s mission of learning, leadership and service in the region and in the world. Read on for a snapshot look at some of the standouts.

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’08As a religious studies and sociology major, Natalie has participated in Campus Ministry since day one. Her involvement has enabled her to take part in several retreats, including an 8-day silent retreat based in Ignatian Spirituality, along with immersion experiences to New Orleans and Cleveland. Through these experiences, she believes she has found her calling in life. She has had the opportunity to deepen her faith and ultimately reshape certain aspects of her life.

This year, Natalie is one of two Fair Trade interns with Campus Ministry. Gaining greater knowledge about the Fair Trade movement inspired Natalie to change her lifestyle – live more simply and more faithfully – and grow as a woman for others.

In addition, over the past year, John Carroll University developed an Arrupe Scholars program dedicated to exemplifying the mission of the university through reflection, advocacy, intellectual skills, and solidarity. As an Arrupe Scholar, Natalie has had the opportunity to reflect on her time at JCU, cultivate her definition of social justice, and dedicate her life to social action.

Inspiration is at the heart of what living the mission means to Jessica. She has been inspired by many people and experiences at JCU and encourages others to make the most of their Carroll experiences.

Jess, who is a Spanish major with a philosophy minor, is an engaged and conscientious student. She is a member of the Honors Program and has been inducted into the Spanish honors society, Phi Eta Sigma, and Alpha Sigma Nu, the National Jesuit Honor Society. She has been an inspired learner in the classroom… but it doesn’t end there. She is passionate as she reflects on her experi-ence with a cultural and medical immersion experience to Hondu-ras through the Center for Service and Social Action last May.

“The experience opened up so many opportunities and ways of thinking for me. I learned I can be of service and do what I love. I also learned it is OK to not exactly know what I am going to do with my life.” Jess will serve as a student leader for the group that will travel there this May. Her leadership and service are evident in many ways on campus, as well. She is Student Union class president; president of “Every 2 Minutes,” a sexual assault peer-education group for women; a resident assistant in Murphy Hall (co-ed hall for first-year students); a Manresa retreat team leader; and used her skills as an Emergency Medical Technician as a volunteer with the university’s EMS group.

’09’10 Jessica Landis Jefferson, Ohio

Natalie Terry Wynantskill, N.Y.

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’09G’10Ronald Brownrigg Cleveland, Ohio

Moira O’MalleyLakewood, Ohio

After completing her undergraduate degree at Xavier University, Moira worked in development for the American Cancer Society as a way of “giving back” in light of all she had been given. In order to help people more directly, she enrolled in the School Counseling Program at John Carroll, which she selected for its Jesuit values, excellent reputation, and proximity to her family.

Moira is also a graduate assistant for Student Affairs, where she helps students develop their leadership potential. In her “spare time,” she serves as a resident minister for Campus Ministry.

Currently in the final weeks of her graduate studies, Moira is a school counseling intern at Magnificat High School in Rocky River, Ohio. She also finds herself serving as a mentor to newer students in Carroll’s School Counseling Program. In these and other ways, Moira is a true leader who gives back to her community.

Perhaps it is not surprising that, as an early childhood education major, Ronald best relates to the learning facet of John Carroll’s mission. He interprets the mission as “learning to become a leader in order to serve others” and acknowledges, “I know I don’t know it all, but I’m in the learning process.”

Ronald is a poised and focused young man and this, in turn, has enabled him to take on leadership roles relatively early in his days at Carroll. Although only a sophomore, Ronald has already served as a resident assistant in Murphy Hall, chair of Special Events for SUPB (Student Union Programming Board) and is a founding father of Delta Tau Delta fraternity.

Ronald is keenly aware that his education is not just for himself. He frequently talks about the importance of helping others, and he knows that a good education is a key ingredient to doing so. To that end, he maintains an ongoing commitment to tutoring at King Kennedy Boys & Girls Club in Cleveland.

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’09G ’08’11GCasey ForgraveGlenford, Ohio

Beth WallEdinboro, Pa.

When Beth was an incoming freshman, she says she didn’t even know what a Jesuit was, but through her experiences at John Carroll, she has come to truly embrace Jesuit ideals.

“Ever since I joined gospel choir in my freshman year, I have constantly challenged myself to step out of my comfort zone,” she adds.

During her four years on campus, Beth has served as Student Coordinator for New Student Orientation, a tour guide in the Office of Admission, and resident assistant for the first Greek floor in a residence hall at John Carroll. These leadership positions helped her realize her ability to inspire others. As such, she ultimately plans to pursue a career in higher education and student affairs.

As a liturgical musician, Beth uses her passion for singing to minister to those in the congregation. And instead of traveling to Florida or Las Vegas with friends for spring break the past two years, she chose to help the struggling citizens of New Orleans and the homeless of Cleveland.

After graduation this spring, she intends to complete a year of service before continuing her education.

Casey grew up on a small farm in a small town – population 198 – southeast of Columbus, Ohio. She graduated cum laude from Muskingum College in May 2005 with a bachelor’s in English and psychology.

Casey is a graduate student in the Community Counseling Program at John Carroll and works full time in The Graduate School. In April, she will be inducted into the Beta Chi Chapter of Chi Sigma Iota, a professional and academic honor society, which promotes scholarship, research, excellence and professionalism in the counseling profession.

In addition to her training as a counselor, Casey lives out the mission in a variety of ways. In 2007, she was the driving force and captain of an award-winning Relay for Life team: Team GRADitude. The team was among those raising the most money for the event.

She also participated in the Homeless Stand Down event, which provided support and resources to Cleveland’s homeless. She sub-sequently led a group of students on an immersion experience to Chicago, where they examined and evaluated that city’s ambitious “Ten-Year Plan to End Homelessness.” In June, she will travel to Tijua-na, Mexico, to work with residents on several improvement projects.

In addition to serving others, Casey is invested in her own spiritual growth. She is currently participating in the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola offered through the Ignatian Spirituality Institute.

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’05, ’08G’11José A. Juarez, Jr.Cleveland, Ohio

Meredith Block South Euclid, Ohio

Meredith transferred to JCU as a second-semester freshman. “I never realized how happy I would be here, or how much the Jesuit mission would apply to me,” she says. Meredith is Jewish and found the symbols of Catholicism around campus a little intimidating when she first came to John Carroll. She soon real-ized that a church on campus and crosses on the walls are not what define the Jesuit Catholic nature of the university.

She completed her bachelor’s in sociology in 2005 and will receive her master’s in education in May. Meredith believes that she has learned the Jesuit mission, and tries to apply it to all aspects of her life.

Raised by a “socially conscious mother,” Meredith has always been active in the community. She was instrumental in bringing “Take Back the Night” to the JCU campus. She also has volunteered for the ACLU, the local Democratic Party, and spent an “eye-opening” semester at St. Martin de Porres High School in Cleveland.

In 2006, Meredith travelled to New York to participate in a Central Park rally encouraging the U.S. government to intervene in Darfur.

Meredith notes that being Jewish at a Catholic university could have made her feel like an outsider. Although there were times when she didn’t feel she quite fit in, she always felt John Carroll’s mission was for her too. “Men and women for others is not a reli-gious statement,” she says. “It is a statement of social justice.”

Although he’s relatively new to John Carroll, José’s dance card is already quite full. His face lights up as he discusses the many ways he lives the mission.

He says he was privileged to participate in an immersion trip to Nicaragua in January.

The memories remain vivid – meals with host families, tour-ing sweatshops where workers turned out products for big-name clothing manufacturers, and picking coffee beans. Conversations about Free Trade versus Fair Trade brought new meaning to lessons learned in Economics 202. The journey made such an impression, he’s already looking ahead to May 2009 and Ecuador … an immer-sion trip for which he hopes to serve as a student coordinator.

As a member of the Latin American Student Association, José seeks to raise awareness at John Carroll about Latin Americans and support the university’s diversity efforts. His LASA involvement dovetails with his plans to pursue a management/Spanish double major with a concentration in Latin American studies.

José also is secretary for the Gospel Choir, and a cast member in John Carroll’s spring musical, “Working.” He cultivated his musical talents during high school at Saint Ignatius, where he performed with The Catatonics and other choral groups.

Of particular note, José is the first member of his family, including extended family in Mexico and Guatemala, to attend college. It looks like he won’t be the last. His stories and John Carroll experiences have inspired several cousins, who can’t wait for their own college adventures to begin.

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The Reading First-Ohio Center goes to the heart of improving classroom reading instruction, according to Dr. Catherine A. Rosemary, co-director. The Center, a collaboration of JCU, Cleveland State University and the University of Akron, provides professional development and technical assistance to K-3rd grade teachers in Reading First schools.

“We provide professional development to literacy specialists, who, in turn, work with the teachers to improve how they teach reading,” Dr. Rosemary said. “In a sense, the literacy specialists serve as school-based teachers of teachers.

“In addition to providing educators with essential tools to be effective reading instructors, they have also reached out to our parents to assist families with reading instruction at home,” said Karen Winston, a third-grade teacher in the East Cleveland City School District. “Overall, it has rejuvenated reading instruction in my classroom and my students are motivated and actively participate.”

Another JCU program that champions improved classroom reading instruction is the Literacy Specialist Endorsement Program. A consortium of seven Ohio universities, including JCU, offers the graduate education program, which adds a state credential to a

Rejuvenating Reading Instruction

By Kimberly Bonvissuto

Professional development, partnerships, community outreach, classroom preparation. These are only a few examples of how John Carroll University ( JCU) is making a purposeful and progressive impact on the K-12 educational landscape in Greater Cleveland. The following are just some of the many JCU-based programs that benefit college students, classroom teachers, school administrators and local youth.

to K-12 Education in Greater ClevelandCommitment


JCU’s primary role in the center is to provide professional development that pro-motes effective reading and writing instruction through several critical elements: research-based materials selection, reading compo-nents aligned with Ohio’s academic content standards, a minimum of 90 minutes of daily reading instruction, differentiated instruction and assessment-based decision-making.

Now in its fifth year in Ohio, Reading First has worked with 6,000 teachers. JCU’s statewide reach extends to school districts in East Cleveland, Toledo, Sandusky, Conneaut, Akron, Cleveland Municipal, Lorain, and Youngstown.

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Marissa Minnick ’08 works with two young charges.

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Partnering for SuccessProfessional Development Schools (PDS) are innovative P-16 (preschool through college-level) schools created by university/school partnerships. In 2004, Cleveland Heights-University Heights (CH-UH) and John Carroll University’s Department of Education & Allied Studies created a Professional Development Partnership.

The initial PDS school is Gearity Elementary School. Wiley Middle School is converting to the PDS model, as well. “Both schools have positive academic histories and are natural candidates for this innovative approach to teaching and learning,” said Dr. Kathleen Manning, chair of John Carroll’s Department of Education and Allied Studies.

The CH-UH district and John Carroll created common goals to enhance teaching and have partnered to achieve these goals through multiple initiatives. These initiatives include creating classrooms for optimum learning and research, ongoing professional development for teachers, designing integrated units that address core content areas and standards, using assessment by benchmarks rather than grade level, and adopting a flexible grade-level design.

“The whole university has expertise that we can offer to the students, teachers and the community, and in return they have expertise that can enhance the university,” Dr. Manning added.

“This school/university partnership measures success by the ways in which we enhance each child’s ongoing academic achievement, the ability to positively


productive students,” said Dr. Rosemary.Heather Stewart, a literacy specialist with

the East Cleveland City School District, said she earned her literacy endorsement from JCU to become a better literacy coach.

“The endorsement program has given me a way to discuss ideas with my peers and gain insight into different ways to coach and to provide professional development,” Stewart said. “I hope to use everything I have learned to support the teachers in my district and to improve student performance in the areas of literacy.”

impact possibilities for their future, and the development of an appreciation for the talents and potential of the youth in our community.”

Some of the unique elements of the partnership include college classes taught on-site at Gearity and Wiley, allowing JCU student teachers to immediately practice theory in a classroom setting; professional development for CH-UH faculty jointly taught by JCU faculty and CH-UH literacy specialists, and full-year student-teaching assignments.

Traci Jenkins, PDS program specialist for the CH-UH school district, serves as the district’s full-time liaison with the university. Jenkins compared the partnership to a teaching-hospital model.

“The student teachers are immersed in the school for a full year. They participate in every aspect of the school,” she said.

Wiley and Gearity each have five JCU student teachers assigned annually.

Said Dr. Mark G. Storz, JCU associate professor of education: “The conversations these students engage in can be richer because they share each other’s experiences. There is camaraderie. They are part of the partnership.”

JCU senior Patrick Carpenter said the PDS model helps students succeed because everyone in the building takes ownership of each child.

Natalie Wester, a third-grade Gearity teacher, said the synergy between her

school and JCU helps everyone focus on best practices in education, collaboration, assessment and data collection.

“The benefits for community-building and relationships are outstanding,” Wester said. “It’s a holistic approach – family, peers and home.”

Gearity Elementary Principal Sherry Miller said the PDS creates an inclusive environment for learners of all ages.

“The more hands and hearts you have working with kids is a great advantage,” Miller said. “Our teachers are great role models. It brings them back to why they’ve gotten into education.”

professional teaching certificate or license.The one-year program consists of 18

semester hours, including coursework and a university-based internship. Literacy specialist candidates serve the following school districts and educational agencies in Northern Ohio: East Cleveland, Parmadale, Grand Valley, Bedford, Sandusky, Lorain, Cleveland Heights-University Heights and the Cuyahoga County Educational Service Center.

“We aim for teaching expertise in the classroom because knowledgeable and skillful teachers lead to knowledgeable, skilled,

Clockwise from center back row: Christine Fowler-Mack, deputy superintendent, Cleveland heights-university heights (Ch-uh) schools; sally levine, director of elementary education, Ch-uh schools; traci Jenkins, program specialist, Ch-uh schools; Deb Delisle, superintendent, Ch-uh schools; Dr. Kathleen Manning, chair, JCu Department of education and allied studies; Dr. Mark storz, associate chair, JCu Department of education and allied studies.

JCU Programs that Enhance K-12 Education include:• CenterforMathematicsandScience

Education, Teaching and Technology (CMSETT)

• ClevelandHeights– University heights School District

• InstituteforEducationalRenewal• LakelandRegentsScienceAcademy• LiteracySpecialistProject• Project¿QUE?• ReadingFirst–OhioCenter• SchoolPsychologySpecialist-Level


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Psychologists in the SchoolsA scientist-practitioner training model

represents the guiding philosophy and foundation for the JCU School Psychology Specialist-Level Program. Led by Dr. Jeanne E. Jenkins, the 70-hour, full-time school psychology program prides itself on small class sizes, a 100-percent job placement rate and highly skilled graduates.

Graduates of the program serve as consultants to educational personnel and work directly with students in a counseling role. They also develop and monitor interventions; provide academic, behavioral and mental health support services to schools; work directly with teacher teams to assess and identify children’s learning, social and emotional needs; and assist with curriculum-based benchmarking.

“Many years ago, school psychologists spent a lot of time testing. Their role has shifted considerably,” Dr. Jenkins said, adding that collaborative problem-solving and data-based decision making have replaced the “once predominant psychometric role, and represent strong components of the JCU program. This role and function is very consistent with the scientist-practitioner philosophy guiding the program. Also aligned with this philosophy is our encouragement for students to participate in research and disseminate their findings at the state and national levels.”

The three year program has a strong field-based component. Each year in the program, students are in the schools helping teachers, parents, and other educational personnel design and implement effective

interventions for children. They also conduct comprehensive assessments, in-services, and parenting programs.

During the last year in the program, they embark on a year-long paid internship in an approved district and under the supervision of a licensed school psychologist. “Because of the strength of the practicum experiences, our students have little need for a prolonged shadowing experience at the onset of the internship year,” Dr. Jenkins added.

JCU’s more than 40-year-old program is approved by the National Association of School Psychology, and students consistently exceed national standards.

Graduates hold state licensure, national licensure, a master’s in education in school psychology and a Certificate of Advanced Graduate Standing (C.A.G.S.) in school psychology.

Lydia Kruse is an early childhood school psychologist with the Northwest Regional Education Service District near Portland, Ore. She enrolled in the JCU school psychology program because it provided a “nice blend of psychology and education” and provided an opportunity to perform a diagnostic role in schools.

“The field experiences this program provided me were paramount to my development as a professional and a person,” Kruse said. “We can serve in a variety of roles and promote education of all learners in our position.”

Institute for Educational RenewalThe Institute for Educational Renewal (IER), formally established and housed on the John Carroll University campus since 1991,

has worked with Northeast Ohio teachers, principals and parents to improve literacy in the Cleveland Municipal School District, as well as in inner-ring suburban schools. IER’s stated mission is to improve the quality of school life and foster the development of child-centered communities of learners.

IER works closely with The Graduate School at John Carroll to provide literacy coaches on-site, professional development, and routinely conduct master’s-level courses for teachers in Cleveland and inner-ring suburbs.

“IER encourages teachers to develop curriculum that motivates children to be active participants in learning, helping teachers understand how children learn and how best to construct challenging and appealing classroom experiences,” said Dr. David La Guardia, academic vice president at John Carroll. “By fostering collaboration, IER closes the gap between theory and practice, links urban reality with teacher training, and influences the way teachers are educated.”

IER staff work diligently on parental involvement and coach literacy lessons in the classroom. They have also inspired a number of teachers to participate in John Carroll’s on-site instructional work at each school system.

Mastering Science and Mathematics InstructionA few years ago, the Cleveland Municipal School District discovered that some middle school science and mathematics teachers were under-prepared to teach either subject to their fourth through eighth grade students. Teachers either taught strictly from a textbook or skipped sections they did not comprehend themselves.

John Carroll University has developed two, content-based master’s programs for middle-grade teachers; the Master of Arts in Integrated Science and the Master of Arts in Middle School Mathematics. These programs -- initially funded by a National Science Foundation Grant originating in the efforts of John Carroll’s Center for Mathematics Science Education Teaching and Technology (CMSETT) -- have helped take the fear out of teaching both subjects. Although geared toward Cleveland’s middle school teachers, teachers from parochial, private and other

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Enfoque en Hispanos (Focus on Hispanics)According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Latinos are the largest minority group in the United States, but their under-representation in all areas of education is growing. A John Carroll partnership with La Sagrada Familia, a Catholic parish on Cleveland’s economically disadvantaged Near West Side, is working to enhance the potential of middle school Hispanic children by focusing on science, math and literacy.

Project ¿QUE?, launched in 2006 through a partnership between JCU and La Sagrada Familia, encourages students in grades 6-8 to complete middle school, high school and post-secondary education by building enthusiasm toward education and fostering confidence in science, math and writing. Project ¿QUE? has a dual meaning in Spanish of “Project What” and an acronym that stands for “Question, Understand and Explain.”

The program format is a one-week summer camp for 60 students, and two math and science workshops in the fall and spring. Beginning this year, JCU began a bi-weekly enrichment program for Project ¿QUE? students at their church on Saturday afternoons. Parents are drawn into the experience by attending financial aid workshops presented by the John Carroll Office of Admission.

“The basic ideas is to get kids interested in doing well in school and foster a self perception that they’re going to go to college,” said Dr. Miles M. Coburn, JCU professor of biology, who coordinates Project ¿QUE? “As they mature through their high school years, our hope is that they’ll stay motivated and go to college.”

Margie Matos, director of religious education at La Sagrada Familia, said the program shows parents and students that college has to be a priority.

“It’s changing their views about college – it isn’t an impossible dream,” Matos said. “It can be a dream for them come true, in such beautiful places like JCU. “

public schools have filled seats when available.David DeClemente, a seventh-grade science, math and Social

Studies teacher at Cleveland’s Almira Academy, said he was missing the “knowledge discipline to really teach science” before he enrolled in the JCU course.

“It’s a whole new outlook on science,” he said. “I believe with dedication and putting aside the time it’ll pay off with my students.”

Teachers in the science program take 34 hours in courses, while their mathematics counterparts take 33 hours. Michael Kimmel, director of the Master of Arts in Integrated Science program, said the coursework allows teachers to “no longer be slaves to the textbook.”

“They are more confident in labs and activities,” Kimmel said. “We’re enabling teachers to teach things they’ve never taught before because they didn’t have the content background.”

Similarly, David Stenson, d i rector of the Master of Arts in Middle School Mathematics program, observed that graduates “have a deeper, richer understanding of mathematics, which translates to better instruction in the classroom.”

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John Carroll student teachers noah han ’08 (above) and Xiomara lanza ’08 (right).

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Ecclesiastes Frontispiece, Donald Jackson, Copyright 2006, The Saint John’s Bible and the hill Museum & Manuscript library, st. John’s university, Collegeville, Minnesota usa. scripture quotations are from the new revised standard version of the Bible, Catholic edition, Copyright 1993, 1989 national Council of the Churches of Christ in the united states of america. used by permission. all rights reserved.32 John Carroll university SPRING 2008

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To The Ends of The Earth, Donald Jackson with sally Mae Joseph and andrew Jamieson

Smithsonian magazine called it “one of the extraordinary undertakings of our time.” To others, it is “a calligrapher’s Sistine Chapel.”

More than 10 years in the making, the first handwritten and hand-illuminated (illustrated) Bible in over 500 years is on target for completion in 2009.

Commissioned by Saint John’s Abbey and University in Collegeville, Minn., The Saint John’s Bible is a contemporary work created in the tradition of handwritten medieval manuscripts. The artistic director of the project, Donald Jackson, is one of the world’s foremost Western calligraphers and senior illuminator to the Queen of England’s Crown Office. He is also an elected fellow and past chairman of the prestigious Society of Scribes and Illuminators.

Since 1998, Jackson has worked in rural Wales with a team of scribes and artists to write and illuminate The Saint John’s Bible. Their work is done entirely by hand, using quills and paints hand-ground from precious minerals and stones such as lapis lazuli, vermilion and malachite, illustrated on beautiful calfskin vellum. Silver, copper, and 24-karat gold leaf add richness that literally illuminates the pages.

Although the creative team behind the work of art is using medieval tools of the trade, this version of the Bible is decidedly modern, using 21st century themes and images.

At more than 2 feet in height, nearly 3 feet wide when opened, and – when complete next year – 1,150 pages bound in seven distinct volumes, The Saint John’s

The Saint John’s Bible is a magnificent blend of

medieval and modernGift to John Carroll honors alumnus from Class of ’58

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Bible is an epic project created in the tradition of medieval Bibles. It will be housed permanently at the Hill Museum & Manuscript Library at Saint John’s Abbey and University, where it will be used in worship and be available to scholars and the public.

Only chance to view in Ohio,

Pennsylvania and Michigan

In addition to the original handcrafted Saint John’s Bible, 12 reproduction copies of the highest quality have been created that are called the Prophets Edition. One of these copies will be delivered to the Vatican this spring and another is coming to John Carroll University.

In April, the university will receive the first of seven volumes of the Wisdom Books from the Prophets Edition of The Saint John’s Bible. The gift from Saint John’s Abbey and University is made possible through the support of Target, in honor of John Carroll alumnus and retired Target executive, John Pellegrene ’58 (see sidebar on page 35). A reception event is planned in April to honor Mr. Pellegrene and to celebrate the arrival of The Saint John’s Bible at John Carroll.

The Wisdom Books are an artistically stunning, full-color reproduction from The Saint John’s Bible. With more than 15 large illuminations, the images of Wisdom Books feature splendid artwork and text from The Saint John’s Bible.

In addition to the Wisdom Books – for a very limited time – folios from the original Saint John’s Bible will be on display at John Carroll. The exhibit will be open to the public Sunday, April 13, 2-5 p.m., in the O’Connell Reading Room of The Dolan Center for Science and Technology. This is the only opportunity to see The Saint John’s Bible in Ohio, Pennsylvania and Michigan. After the event, the Wisdom Books will be on permanent display in The Grasselli Library and Breen Learning Center at John Carroll.

An international tour

In 2005, The Minneapolis Institute of Arts organized an international tour called “Illuminating the Word: The Saint John’s Bible,” featuring 100 pages from the original manuscript. The opening exhibit in Minneapolis attracted 60,000 people over a four-month period. A year later, 67,000 people attended the exhibit when it was in Omaha, Neb., for four months. The traveling exhibition has since been to several museums here and abroad, including the Victoria & Albert Museum in London, the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., the San Diego Natural History Museum, and the Phoenix Art Museum.

Largest collection of manuscript

images in the worldIn 1965, Saint John’s revived the

Benedictine tradition of manuscript copying by establishing a library dedicated to the photographic preservation of singular documents. Forty years and 100,000 manuscripts later, the Hill Museum & Manuscript Library at Saint John’s University holds in trust the largest collection of manuscript images in the world.

Donald Jackson first approached the Benedictine monks of Saint John’s University and Abbey in 1995 to discuss his life-long dream of creating a handwritten Bible. Saint John’s studied and considered the project for two years before it was officially commissioned in 1998 and funding was obtained. The first words were written on Ash Wednesday 2000.

Theological briefings for The Saint John’s Bible were provided by the Benedictines at Saint John’s and the College of Saint Benedict, along with consultants from other faiths. Jackson and his team relied on the briefings to create their illuminations for the Bible, which reflect a multicultural world

Detail of Creation, Donald Jackson with Chris tomlin

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John E. Pellegrene ’58 is truly a man for others. In April, his commitment to others will be celebrated at John Carroll

University with the arrival of the Prophets Edition of The Saint John’s Bible. The gift to the university was made possible through a donation in Pellegrene’s honor from his other ‘alma mater,’ Target.

While you might not know his name, you certainly know his red bulls-eye brand. As Target’s retired executive vice president of marketing, Pellegrene is credited in the advertising world as the branding genius behind “Tar-zhay’s” legendary marketing

success. Familiar with Target’s Club Wedd – one of the nation’s largest bridal registries? Pellegrene’s idea. Remember the cool household product lines from architect/designer Michael Graves? More Pellegrene.

He enjoyed a stellar career in marketing, first at BF Goodrich for 10 years, then with Target for more than 30 years until his retirement in 2000. Pellegrene made community service an integral part of the mission of Target (formerly Dayton Hudson Corporation). His major community accomplishments include: Target House at St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital; the Washington Monument Restoration Project; The California Mission Project; Take Charge of Education; and Minneapolis cultural institutions, including The Guthrie Theatre, Walker Art Center and Minneapolis Institute of Arts.

During his Target years, and while still a year-round resident of Minneapolis, Pellegrene also was very involved at Saint John’s University in nearby Collegeville, Minn. – first, on the board of regents, then as a parent of three students there.

His additional service to Saint John’s included sponsorship and marketing support of the Hill Museum & Manuscript Library; The Saint John’s Bible Project, and the “Coming Forth Into Day” Concert with Jehan Sadat, widow of Anwar Sadat.

These days, his life revolves around family; his wife of 46 years, Connie, whom he met when they were both teaching a CCD program as young adults in their hometown near North Canton, Ohio; five sons, their wives, and 14 grandchildren.

So, how do the dots connect between Pellegrene, Target, John Carroll, a Benedictine university in Minnesota, and a copy of the first handwritten, hand-illuminated Bible in over 500 years?

“Target’s retiring chairman, Bob Ulrich, said to me: ‘We really should give this gift to John Carroll,’ because he knows I’m a big fan of John Carroll,” Pellegrene explained during a recent interview at his winter home in Naples. “Bob said, ‘we should give this gift to John Carroll because they will do the right thing with it,’ meaning that the students can use it, professors can use it, it will be where people can see it.”

“John Carroll has the right faculty, and the right courses and the right atmosphere for The Saint John’s Bible,” Pellegrene added. “No matter what your faith is, The Saint John’s Bible is a magnificent work of art that everyone can appreciate.

“Today, we can call up the Bible in a nanosecond on our laptops, anywhere, anytime,” he said. “To be in the presence of a Bible that was years in the making, where every word of the Gospels had to be lovingly touched by hand, is a very different experience.”

The Saint John’s Bible gift honors a man for others

Connie and John Pellegrene

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A manuscript is a handwritten book, the common form of publication before the advent of printing in the 16th century. In the Middle Ages, the most prominent producers of manuscripts were Benedictine monks, members

of the same religious order that administers Saint John’s University in Collegeville, Minn., and which commissioned The Saint John’s Bible, the first illustrated manuscript Bible to be produced in more than 500 years.

Most manuscripts consist of just text because they were intended to be used on a regular basis in monastic libraries, parchment was expensive, and a simple, workaday book would serve best. But occasionally a manuscript had to be illustrated (“illuminated” is the technical term), usually when intended as a gift for a king or bishop. The illuminated manuscripts included a biblical text with illustrations of the narratives; for instance, images of the Holy Family on the page opposite the gospel account of Jesus’ birth. Other illuminated manuscripts were prayer books with illustrations portraying heaven or lives of saints, such as Benedict, portraying the often miraculous events in the saint’s life. Scribes wrote the text and calligraphers illustrated it.

The Saint John’s Bible stands in this tradition. The celebrated British illustrator, Donald Jackson, scribe to Her Majesty’s Crown Office, had long wanted to write and illuminate a Bible. The monks at Saint John’s, committed to their Benedictine tradition, decided that returning to their celebrated past would be an ideal way to greet the future, that is, the new millennium. In 1998, at a ceremony at the university, the university and the Benedictine community formally commissioned Jackson to produce what would become The Saint John’s Bible.

This return to the past proved to be quite contemporary. Jackson’s skill and fame guaranteed this would be a large and stunning work of modern art. Furthermore, while Medieval Benedictines wrote and illuminated manuscripts as acts of piety, this would be a costly project, eventually costing more than $4 million. But so original was the insight and so thorough was the planning that donors provided the necessary support.

Medieval Bibles were written in Latin, but the monks wanted this one in English – the method must be Medieval but the impact must be modern. In generous bow to the modern, they decided to use as the text the New Revised Standard Version, a contemporary, gender-inclusive, and widely-used ecumenical translation. The wide and enthusiastic reception which greeted the Bible justified their approach.

Medieval but modern! And a work of genius as well! Thank you, Saint John’s.

Joseph F. Kelly, Ph.D., is professor of religious studies at John Carroll University; his 11th book, “The Birth of Jesus,” will be published later this year.

The Saint John’s Bible – a large and stunning work of modern artBy Joseph F. Kelly, Ph.D.

and incorporate imagery from Eastern and Western religions, as well as Native American influences.

“Illuminated manuscripts have always marked the time and place in which they were created,” said Brother Dietrich Reinhart, OSB, president of Saint John’s University. “Today, through partnerships with museums and educational outreach, we hope to touch people of all cultures and creeds with the spirit and beauty of this book.”

Adam and Eve, Donald Jackson with Chris tomlin

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Donald Jackson’s well-worn burnisher and other workshop materials used to create illuminations (photograph © 2002 Michael Freeman)

all images © 2002 The Saint John’s Bible, hill Museum & Manuscript library at st. John’s university SPRING 2008 John Carroll university 37

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June 20-22

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Greetings, fellow alumni! A message from Ken Honecker ’04G, president, National Alumni Board

Monday, June 2, 2008Windmill Lakes

Golf Course, Ravenna, Ohio

2008 Carroll Alumni

Golf Classic

Join fellow JCU alumni and friends for a great day of golf and more at the

For more information visit or call the Office of Alumni Relations at 216-397-4336.

The quarterly National Alumni Board meeting was held in December. Dr. Paul V. Murphy, director of the Institute of Catholic Studies,

provided an insightful look at the univer-sity’s current discussion on mission and identify and what it means to be a Jesuit Catholic institution.

JCU’s online presence is growing. The number of alumni registered on JCU Connect now exceeds 2,500. Visit to register and reconnect with friends and the university.

Thanks to the leadership of Cathy Powers ’92, there is city club activity in Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Chicago, Columbus, and Washington, D.C. Additional efforts will soon include Detroit and Los Angeles. More information about the City Club effort is on page 46.

The first annual National Day of Service will include service projects in Cleveland, Columbus, Pittsburgh, and Washington, D.C., on Saturday, April 19, which also happens to be JCU Founders Day. I encourage you to celebrate this special day in true Jesuit fashion by serving others in your community. Record your day of service with a picture and post it on JCU Connect.

On page 12, you will read about a new

initiative to involve alumni in the recruit-ment of new students and future alumni. Thanks to a collaborative effort between the divisions of Enrollment and Universi-ty Advancement, and with the support of the National Alumni Board, alumni will play an active role in providing the names of prospective students to the Office of Admission and reaching out to the same students to encourage application.

It is a pleasure to serve on the National Alumni Board, on behalf of all John Carroll Alumni, and with fellow alumni. Our goal will continue to focus on creating a more active and involved alumni community for John Carroll.

Best wishes,Ken

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istry major at JCU he worked in the chem lab, industrial engineering, construction department and environmental control. He was superintendent in construction and environmental control. He retired in 2002 fortunately taking a buy-out and escaping the steel industry collapse. A few years ago, Dick and I waited at Czech Inn on Granger Road, Garfield Heights, to have lunch with the late JCU President, Fr. Michael Lavelle, SJ, who enjoyed Bohemian food. Unfortunately, Fr. Lavelle had had a heart attack that morning. ... Regarding Klak’s Kollege, the faculty was made up of former professors, instructors and high school teachers who were the most “regulation” personnel ever encountered in the U.S. Navy. ... Our second pro-file concerns ray Casey. After JCU, Ray became a weatherman in the Army Air Corp. Three years later, he was back at Kraft Foods, Chicago, where he worked 39 years. When he first came back, four of the Kraft brothers were still working there. Eventually, Ray became vice president in materials planning, which is part of the company’s opera-tions. National Dairy was the umbrella company but Kraft remained fairly independent. Ray enjoyed his years with Kraft. On Thanksgiving Day 2007, Frannie and I attended Mass at St. Leo’s Mission, Tacoma, Wash. It was the 50th wedding anniversa-ry of my sister, Christine, and Cdr. Stanley Cotton, USN Retired (former carrier pilot), who are resi-dents of Gig Harbor, Wash., across the Narrows. Mass was celebrated by Fr. Steven Landry, SJ, who had been in the novitiate with Fr. Robert Niehoff, SJ, although Fr. Landry is over 20 years older. His missionary parish runs beautifully: great choir, good music, good parishioner participation. ... On Jan. 10, 2008, Bob smith returned from convalescence following surgery to his left shoulder, which was severely injured when he slipped on the ice on his driveway while getting the newspaper. At 88, Bob has been playing golf four days a week. The doctors promise him that he will be back playing in April. The rehabilitation facility is a former Vanderbilt mansion on the Hudson River. ... Art

As glorious as is the year-end holiday season, I must admit that many were the moments I looked ahead in anxious anticipation of the 65th Reunion of the class of ’43 hoping your enthusiasm is as keen as mine. It must be. At this mid-January writing after only one reunion mailing, and about a dozen phone calls by this correspondent, we have 14 replies of “yes, I plan to be on campus for our June 20-22 Reunion.” So responding are leo Corr, Mitch shaker, tom Dunnigan, ed Kipfstuhl, Milan Busta, Dick Moriarty, Pete Diemer, sal Ca-landra, ed heil, ed hurley, Jack Kerr, Jerry sul-livan, Wally schwarz, and this correspondent. ... That represents approximately 70% of our current class body. That is great! That’s a Carroll Reunion trophy-winning record number for class participa-tion if I ever saw one. al Balocca, Joe seibert, and Don Coburn are “iffy.” arnold schmidt hasn’t

The Golden YearsSend your notes to:larry Kelley16213 Marquis Ave.Cleveland, OH 44111216-941-1795




Right after the Christmas holiday is the most difficult time to write your column – the big let-down and paying the bills! The Kelleys had their Christmas Eve gathering at Houlihan’s in West-lake – 34 sat down to dinner (five couldn’t make it – Kevin and Amy in Dayton and Nora Marie Kelly – great-granddaughter who was born January 7, 2008, Don and Mary (she’s the DVM in the D.C. area – this is a busy season) and granddaughter, Jennifer, who I pray for every day. ... Out of the blue I received a call from Cpt. William Kenealy USN (Ret) ’52. He was on duty in Vietnam and knew of Jack Lavelle ’38 but did not know that he was from JCU. I sent him copies of the Air Force Museum data concerning the scandal of President Nixon and Henry Kissinger that broke Jack’s heart. Maybe Cpt. Kenealy can tell us more. ... It was a shock to me when Jerry told me that he was retir-ing as editor. Now I’ll have to find somebody to disagree with – may I take on Michele?! ... Please say a prayer for my wife, Frances. She’s been through so much. ... So ‘til later, keep praying. Just, Larry

richard Cachat entered the U.S. Navy Midship-man’s School, Columbia University, N.Y., following graduation from JCU. After a number of training stints in various shore based activities, he was sent eventually to Destroyer Training Center, Norfolk, V.A., (also known as Komander Klak’s Kollege of Nautical Knowledge) where he joined two fellow JCU grads, your writer and the late Ray Hodous ’43 and then to USS Moale, DD693, the second of the new 2,200-ton destroyers. As a member of the crew of that ship, he survived the Battle of Ormoc Bay (Philippines) in a raid led by USS Sumner and where USS Cooper was sunk. He had some fragment damage from a large bullet, which pierced the superstructure. After the Navy, his civilian career began at Basic Food in the old Broadway E. 9th area (now gone with the development of the highways and Jacob’s Field) blending and separating oils from spices, peppers, ginger, etc. Interestingly, these are the buildings where the Chef Boyardee brand had its beginnings. He left to take a job at Republic Steel where he worked 32 years. Having been a chem-

firmly committed but being a loyal alum, I feel he and Trudy will commit as they always do. Yet to be reached are tom Mazanec, leo Bedell (regular participants), living in the Cleveland area. I’ll call Frank sullivan and John rozance (in Calif.), Jim Kilduff (Canton), tom Daly (N.J.), Joe sepkoski (N.J.) and Bernie Brysh (Wis.). Unfortunately I fear Joe and Bernie’s problems prevent their travel-ing. Ditto for Bob obringer. Too bad, because I’m convinced Bob has a heart-felt desire to be with us. Warren Corrigan is confined in a nursing facility with no chance of attending according to his brother, Gerald. Hopefully our class widows will attend – I’ll be in touch with them promptly. Don’t forget that the Friday and Saturday activities and events (to be published) offer a pleasant and interesting change from one’s usual daily routine. Friday evening’s President’s State of the University Address followed by a reception and dinner is a social highlight. Saturday’s 5 p.m. Reunion Mass at Gesu, followed by class pictures, cocktails and dinner will create memories. Remember, we are guests of the university for the weekend. ... Sadly, ray lanigan died early in January. Our deepest sympathy to his wife, Florence, and family. Ray will be acknowledged at the Remembrance ceremony at the Reunion Mass. ... Watch for your Reunion mailings and our summer John Carroll magazine. Take care, Bruce

Received a great letter from Bill Dwyer (Dr. Wm. B. Dwyer) in December. After pre-med at Carroll, he went on to the University of Illinois then Vanderbilt. His early years in medicine were spent at Cook County Hospital, Chicago, and the Veteran Affairs System. In 1953, he went into private practice in cardiology and internal medicine in Elmhurst, Ill. He taught at Chicago, University of Illinois, and Loyola retiring in 1989. He and his wife, Dorothy Ann (deceased), had six children – a judge, a psychologist (Knights of Malta), a social worker, two teachers, and a nurse. Bill enjoys his 18 grandchildren. He sees Joe stolla once in a while; they led the graduation march in 2004. Bill went on to compliment the Jesuits at Carroll for preparing him for a great and productive life. ... Joe Kolp wrote to tell us about the Dr. Joseph W. and Mary C. Kolp Educational Foundation. He and Mary are members of the Planning and Advisory Committee and seminar co-coordinators. It sure is a lift to hear about 1944 class members who are still doing a job in their particular endeavors even though they are retired. ... Reunion ’08 will be June 20-22. Just attending the Saturday Mass and dinner is very rewarding. Rev. Chet Cudnik wrote that Rev. Joseph Ciolek is retired but still in the Cleveland Diocese. ... Before the next column, I will get an up-to-date list of names and addresses of our class members who are still here. Have a great year and try to make at least one event of the ’08 Reunion. Keep in mind the Gray Streaks Luncheons the second Wednesday of every month at noon in the Dolan Center. RSVP to Christine Anderson - 216.397.4336. God bless, Don

Send your notes to:art Wincek2015 Maciel Ave.Santa Cruz, CA [email protected]


Send your notes to:Carl Giblin1100 Ponce DeLeon Blvd., 401 NClearwater, FL [email protected]


Send your notes to:Bruce e. Thompson2207 South Belvoir Blvd. University Hts., OH 44118216-382-440819


reUnIon Year

Send your notes to:don Mcdonald3440 South Green Rd.Beachwood, OH 44122216-991-914019


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Editor’s correction:We send an apology to Frank Sexton, class of 1947, who was incorrectly mentioned as having passed away in the last class of ’48 column. We send our sympathy and prayers to the family and class of 1948 members and friends of Francis (Frank) Sexton ’48 on his passing.

A brief note to all from the class of 1948 – our 60th Reunion from John Carroll University will take place June 20-22, 2008. Why not make plans to attend the Mass at the Church of the Gesu and the Saturday evening reception and dinner. It will be a great opportunity to renew friendships. ... Send me news and I’ll have it printed! Julius

I spoke with neil Conway soon after the earthquake centered just Northwest of his home in Mentor, Ohio. Since retiring from his law practice, Neil has enjoyed a relaxed life with few scheduled activities and lots of planned leisure. Neil recalls that he and his wife, Jeanne, were reading and reclining in lounge chairs at 8:35 p.m. on Jan. 8, 2008, they might have enjoyed a little excitement, but cushioned as they were, felt no tremor. Reading the Plain Dealer earthquake article, seeing the sketch of the fault line and the sketch of the sunken mountain under the lake, Neil recalled last April’s National Geographic’s description of quakes, tsunamis and destruction attributed to the Hayward Fault and related earth faults. Realizing the Plain Dealer fault line sketch looked to be uncomfortably close to home, Neil walked out in the backyard and was pleased to find an unbroken terrain and no tsunami damage. We both recall that during our high school and earlier years that each time an earthquake occurred, it was reported from John Carroll University, where Fr. Joseph Joliat, SJ, maintained the only local seismograph, which accurately measured arid located earthquakes as they occurred. ... norman Fuerst’s obituary in the Plain Dealer brought to mind his first candidacy, not long after we graduated, for State Representative. Norm served several terms, representing Cleveland’s Northeast side. I was one of many friends and classmates who looked

Send your notes to:Julius [email protected]



reUnIon Year

Send your notes to:Tom harrison3980 West Valley Dr.Fairview Park, OH 44126440-331-4343216-881-5832 (fax)[email protected]


Wis. He recently had knee surgery. ... I went to the Mass of Remembrance at JCU in early November and thought it was poorly attended. I think only Jim Conway, Fred Korey, and myself from our class attended. Considering the effort put into it by the university and the reason for the Mass, more of us from the Cleveland area should attend. ... tom Powers from Mayfield Heights, Ohio, retired from his own Property Survey Com-pany about 10 years ago. He said it was a natural for him since he was a math major. He and wife Jerry’s children all live out of town. His oldest daughter went to JCU. An interesting fact is that Tom is still active in the Christian Life Community movement that he and others started while at John Carroll. ... tom ott retired from his own window shade and drapery business. He and wife Rita have been married for 58 years and have four children. One son, Tom, writes for the Cleveland Plain Dealer. Although restricted by cancer, Tom remains upbeat. ... Rev. andrew Krafcik from Arlington, Va., was recently surprised by his family with an 80th birthday party. He added he had just returned from a trip to Slovakia, where he visited family and friends. Father is retired and in resi-dence at Culpepper Garden Retirement Homes in Arlington, Va. He wishes to be remembered to hugh Gallagher and Don vondriska (Holy Name classmates). ... ray ogrinc from Westlake, Ohio, and wife Carole have been married 48 years and have five daughters. Ray played football for Carroll and one of his fondest memories is being in a carpool with Sig Holowenko ’51 – it was a thrill a minute. ... raymond Grasberger lives in Pinellas Park, Fla. He retired after over 40 years in the auto/trucking business. He and wife Grace have been married 58 years and have four boys. After retiring, he volunteered at the Florida International Museum where artifacts from the Titanic, ancient Egypt, etc. are displayed. He now spends a lot of time helping his grandchildren. ... Dr. Jim lasch retired from his surgery practice in 1995. He and wife Mary have eight children. He loves to putter in the garden and other than recent knee surgery, his health is good. ... Please remember in your prayers our sick and deceased classmates. ... I would like to hear from those of you who live outside Ohio. It will cut down on my phone bill! Best regards to all! Jack

Another deadline and your proactive correspon-dent has come up with another dry hole. ... However, a note from Jack Reilly ’50 let me know that ed Kelly had recently completed a period of hospitalization. Upon further research, I am sorry to report that Ed passed away on Jan. 4, 2008. We offer prayers and sympathy to Verene and family on their loss. ... Want to remind you to at-tend the Mass and dinner on Saturday of Reunion Weekend, June 21. It’s always a great opportunity to reconnect with old friends. ... And for all of the class of ’51 suffering from writers cramp – I wish you the best, Don

forward to voting for him, and remember our three Republican classmates who were overjoyed with Norm’s appointment to judge by Governor DiSalle. Norm then served as an elected judge on a non-partisan ballot, which allowed those few Republicans to vote for Norm in contested primary elections. Norm presided as a continuously elected judge for 36 years, and then served when needed as a visiting judge, assuring justice on a timely basis. ... Fr. Jim Conry postponed his return to the St. Charles rectory and underwent some additional “chemo” at the Mt. Alvernia home. He’s recovering and now plans to return to St. Charles in mid-January. Jim was a friend and classmate of Norm Fuerst at St. Jerome’s grammar school, where Norm’s nickname was Hugo and Norm’s big brother was known as Head. ... tim Pojman’s barbershop quartet made its regular Christmastime visits to Kamm’s Plaza. The harmony and tunes were great, but Jim was missing. Because Jim is the “leader of the band,” I called and learned that a heavy cold permitted Jim to only stay at home and softly hum a few Christmas carols, without the usual harmonious accompaniment. ... The need for news is urgent and apparent, send news! Good news preferred, all reported with reasonable accuracy. Happy 2008! Tom

I hope you had a happy St. Patrick’s day and that you have as many good memories of this day as I do. Received a Christmas card from Jerry Fenton in Naples, Fla. Jerry and wife Stephanie usually take one big trip a year and should be back from their trip to Egypt. Other than a few “new parts” here and there, he is doing OK. ... Jim Conway was recently honored by Regina High School and was given their Lifetime Achievement Award for his many hours of volunteer work to Regina. ... My wife, Kathleen, and I went to the Christmas concert at Severance Hall with the Tri-City Senior Citizens and who was sitting right behind us on the bus but Bob Knotek and his wife, Marian. I meet him in the strangest places! I once met him in Grand Central Station in New York City. ... Louise and Bill reagan now live at St. Edwards Retire-ment Home in Fairlawn, Ohio. Bill has had his share of health problems, causing him to say “these aren’t the Golden Years.” ... Another person fight-ing the “Golden Years” is al Buchynsky. He too, is upbeat and sends his regards to all. ... Called Jack eggl in Toledo and he reports all is quiet there. He and his wife, Pat, are going to Arizona in a few weeks. ... Bill schirmer of Ashland, Ohio, went into the service after graduation from JCU and fol-lowed that up with a degree in chemical engineer-ing from Case. He and Marilyn have been married for 57 years and have five children. Three of the five are surgeons, one a nurse, and one is not in the medical field. One of Bill’s memories at Carroll was being asked by the varsity football team to be their pitcher on their intramural fast pitch team. ... Rev. howard stunek, OFM, is retired and in residence at Queen of Peace Priory in Burlington,

Send your notes to:ed Cunneen22020 Halburton Rd. Beachwood, OH 44122 [email protected]



Send your notes to:J. donald FitzGerald2872 Lander Rd.Pepper Pike, OH [email protected]


Send your notes to:Jack reilly1371 Dill Rd.South Euclid, OH 44121216-291-5760 [email protected]


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ed tePas and his wife, Helen, have moved from the tiny town of Covelo to the metropolis of Willits (population nearly 6,000) in California. Ed is still president of the Covelo Friends of Round Valley Public Library and is helping to raise money for a new library building and commons for the 3,000 people of Covelo. Any bibliophile among us with a little extra cash can contact Ed - [email protected]. Ed missed his third hole-in-one by a foot three times in the last two weeks. He hopes for a hole in one by the next edition of Carroll magazine. Please let us know, Ed. We are all waiting to celebrate with you. ... Dave hauer reports that he recently took the test that was featured on the “Dr. Phil” show and placed somewhere between Dr. Phil (55) and Oprah Winfrey (38). This is reported to be a real test given by human relations departments at many major corporations. His 47 earned him this analysis... “Others see you as fresh, lively, charm-ing, amusing, practical and always interesting; someone who’s constantly the center of attention, but sufficiently well-balanced that it does not go to their head.” He doesn’t say whether he got the job. ... Our Irish classmate, John (Buck) Byrne, wants us to be aware of the supreme irony in the recently announced conversion of Tony Blair, the previous Prime Minister of England from the Church of England to the Roman Catholic faith. For centuries, the British and the Church of England persecuted the Irish Catholics just “for being what they were.” He thinks that with Tony’s conversion, millions of British are probably spinning in their graves and the Byrne’s of Wiklow are smiling happily. ... Did You Know ... ed andrews left our class in 1954 upon being accepted for medical school at the Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine in Missouri. Dr. Ed practiced orthopedic surgery just down the street from John Carroll at South Pointe Hospital in Warrensville Hts., Ohio, for many years. He was head of Orthopedic Surgery when he retired in 1998, and was inducted into the Education Hall of Fame at South Pointe Hospital. He has been married to his

Well, it’s snowing. What a surprise for Northeast Ohio in the middle of January. So far the winter hasn’t been too bad but we are only part way through it. This column will be very short. I have a new computer and the person who is supposed to be helping me only has a limited amount of time. He works three jobs, so you can tell I am not a very high priority! That said, I hope all of you had a great Christmas and a safe and happy New Year. ... I missed the first Gray Streaks Luncheon of the year. Those of you who are in the area should make an effort to attend. The food is good, the price is okay, the companionship is irreplaceable, and they even let you bring your spouse! ... I have had several communications from larry Casey and Don terrell, and I still have to finish the saga of Betty and Bill Kenealy’s cruise. Lee Cirillo ’51 tried to send me a photo, but I couldn’t down-load it. Fortunately another friend sent the same picture and that time I was successful. ... I have also had numerous e-mails from Tom Fields ’71 of Mentor. Tom is deeply involved with elder abuse and the laws that try to rectify said abuse. If any of you have any problems in this area, you might want to contact Tom - [email protected]. ... Until next time, when I hope to have retrieved my infor-mation, stay safe and enjoy the weather. Dorothy

Hello to all in the class of ‘53 and to your family and friends. We are sorry to hear of the death of John “Jack” Bertsch who died December 23. Jack was a retired leasing agent for King James commercial properties in Westlake, Ohio. He managed as many as five office buildings for the development com-pany between 1977 and 1999. The following quote from one of his former tenants, as it appeared in the Cleveland Plain Dealer shows the type of person Jack was – “Jack didn’t just come around on the day the rent was due. Jack stopped in several times each month to check on us. I call him my cheerleader and my mentor. He was really there to rejoice with us when business was good and sympathize when business was not so good.” He continued to keep in touch and encourage tenants after he retired. Jack and his wife, Patricia, had nine children. ... Following is a message received with a Christmas card from Carl Lorman ‘52. “I retired from my job at Children’s Hospital in Cleveland, Ohio, as director of Fiscal Services (controller) reporting to the president. My wife, Joan, and I moved to an adult community in Fort Myers, Fla., in 1989. It has tennis courts nearby and an 18 hole golf course. The clubhouse is almost across the street and it has weekly dinners and dances. The weather is usually sunny with tempera-tures in the 70s to low 80s. We have occasional rain

showers to keep the flowers and grass growing. We sure don’t miss the snow or driving in it.” ... George stanton lives in Fallbrook, Calif., and raises avocados on approximately 100 trees. I called him to see what effects the California fires had on he and wife Joanne. He reported that the fire got to the end of his street then stopped. The Stantons were under evacuation orders for five days. They spent that time on their boat which he keeps docked at a marina at Camp Pendleton in Oceanside. George was a dentist in the Navy for 35 years and on one occasion during that time had Jim Mayer’s son as a student. George was telling me the story about how he met his wife, Joanne, but rather than print that story here you can ask him in person at the Reunion in June. They plan to attend. ... I tried to reach John Church just before sending this column in. I did talk with his wife, Lois, who said John was out on the golf course at the time. She said that she and John were planning a trip to Ohio in April for his mother’s 99th birthday celebra-tion. ... As I write this in mid-January many of our Midwestern classmates are not answering their home phones. Could it be because they are vacationing in warmer climes? This issue’s column is rather short since we will all be seeing each other at the Reunion, June 20-22, 2008, and can exchange news at that time. See you then. ... Send in your news for the next issue. God’s blessing to you all. Jim

...from time to time it is nice to think about the people who were part of our life and are no longer here ... recently, one of the legendary high school football coaches of Ohio passed away, Augie Bossu of Benedictine High. There was an outpour-ing of letters to the Cleveland Plain Dealer and one of the letters was by Don Buynack. Don played for Coach Bossu and remembered him as a living “man for others.” Good work, Don. ... The class of ’50, Jesuit city west, has an annual Christmas rodeo at Sokolowski’s University Inn. About 30 members of the class show up and compare knee and hip replacements, bypass routines, health insurance and the current shortage of clergy. The clergy discussion was facilitated by Bob small ... with comments by Sister Mary Assumpta ’73G. steve oleksyk led the discussion on bypass (one of his sons is an MD and another is an Esq.) and Bill adler led the comments on hip and knee (he has had them all). ... The gang for universal broth-erhood was at it again – Louise and Jim sutphin, Eileen and Jake Blake and Carolyn and Charley o’toole hosted a fundraiser for MoveOn.Org over the holidays (I have a picture to prove it). I was told that Geo Soros was in attendance. ... austie Groden, our senior golf pro, is having hip replace-ments – the right in Feb. and the left in April. His MD says he will have a smoother swing but will not guarantee distance or direction. ... Chuck Brewster, now retired from the food broker busi-ness, was in a good mood recently. He picked three NFL winners and a perfecta at Hialeah, must have been selling the right food to all those folks. ... Prayers please for Sandra nilges, wife of David, and Fred Blodgett. ... Keep the faith, Pete

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reUnIon Year

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While walking at Deerfield Beach, Fla., ray rhode ’55 saw the JCu bus and coach Matt lenhart with the swim team.

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by Cardinal George. ... In early December, Frank singel was “hauled off” in a paddy wagon and taken to “jail” set up at the Johnstown, Pa., Holiday Inn while participating in MDA’s 2007 Johnstown Lock Up to help “Jerry’s Kids.” He remained in jail until the financial goal was met. ... Jim Gasper received a Christmas card from Jack lynch with a photo of his ten beautiful grandkids and a note that number eleven was on the way. Jim recalled his “old Army days” in New Orleans, where Jack was known as “Hurricane” by comrades Dan o’rourke, lou renner, tom hogan, Drew Diederich ’59, tom langlois and Al Strok ’58 (deceased). Jim reports that Joe smaltz, who missed reunion due to family illness, received all the details from tom tupa and Don Grace. ... Elaine and Jack szabo have been doing some traveling and send their best wishes to all in the New Year. ... In mid-December, John Gormley e-mailed me that he received a phone call from Jim toomey that Jerry holzhall was in inten-sive care. In November, Jerry apparently fell and lay unconscious at his condo in San Destin, Fla., before being found and rushed to the hospital. He was re-vived briefly, but went into a coma and passed away peacefully on December 15. A funeral service was held in Destin, Fla., and a Mass, burial of his ashes and luncheon were held at Christ the King Catholic Church in Chicago on December 28. ... Judy and Wally votteler lost their beautiful daughter, Amy, at her home in Chicago after suffering from cancer for five years. She died in peace on December 30. Our deepest sympathy to the Votteler family. ... al Musca, M.D., has retired from his medical practice after many years. Al and wife, Barbara, plan to travel and “catch up” with some activities missed due to his dedication to his practice. Al, 1953 senior class president at Cathedral Latin High, is already planning the 55th class reunion. ... A big welcome is extended to our new Alumni Relations Director, Mary Lavin ’87. (Mary’s outstanding credentials can be reviewed in the fall ’07 issue of the magazine, page 3). Her late father, Dr. James M. Lavin, served as vice president of student affairs from 1968 to 1993 at JCU. Mary replaces Ryan Daly ’99, who has become a major gift officer for the university. I look forward to work-ing with Ms. Lavin, in my role as National Alumni Board member in the Strategic Activity: Engaging Faculty with Alumni. ... REMINDER: As 50-year alumni, you are eligible and encouraged to attend the Gray Streaks Luncheons at John Carroll. Our next luncheon is April 9, 2008 – please mark your calendar! Cost is $12. RSVP to Christine Anderson at 216-397-4336 by April 4. God bless, Sal

The road to the Big Five-O is now officially named “50 For 50 years” meaning that we want to have an attendance of 50 classmates to celebrate the 50th anniversary. June 20-22 is the official date, although I’m not certain that was the date on which we actually graduated. ... The 1958 reunion committee is working day and night planning the weekend. Well, maybe not night, but it is working. Members of the committee include

wife, Theresa, for 52 years; they have three children and six grandchildren. His son, Gary, graduated from John Carroll in 1986 and his granddaughter, Kaitlyn Arthurs, graduated from JCU in January 2008. ... More Did You Know ... Ben anthony retired from General Electric Corporation in 1995 after 32 years service. In the ’60s, he was assigned as a locomo-tive operator trainer in Venezuela. He spent his last 20 years with GE in locomotive marketing. Ben and his wife, Norma, have been married for 45 years and have two children. Ben says that although he is a grand dad he has no grandchildren. ... Remem-ber to pray for our classmates who are sick and suffering greatly. Get connected with JCU. Log on to to locate classmates, learn about upcoming events and find out what’s new at John Carroll. Ray

Paul schlimm and his better half, Noreen, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in December with a family party that included all the children and grandchildren followed by a three-day skiing trip to a resort with the whole group. ... Bob Pascente is teaching social studies “full time” at St. Agnes Catholic School to sixth to eighth graders. Don’t know how you do it, Bob!!!. He and wife Gloria, with their son, are heading to Paris during spring break. My guess is that Bob will need a break. ... John and Mary Jo Boler spent their 50th anniversary with their five children, their spouses, and 10 grandchildren along with Mary Jo’s brother and his wife on a very nice tour of Italy. As John says – he hopes to celebrate the 50th for at least a year. Congratulations to all of our other classmates who have celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. ... Sadly, I am also reporting the death of otto Dreiling’s wife, JoAnn, in late summer of 2007 after a long illness. Our sympathies, Otto. ... Fellow classmates, this column depends on your input. Without it, there is no news and/or history of the class of ‘56. I would deeply appreciate your response. Thanks much and God bless, Leo

It has been my honor and pleasure to work with Jerry Pockar editor of John Carroll magazine and its predecessor the Carroll Alumni Journal, for nearly 15 years. Jerry retired the end of December 2007. I will miss him. ... Fran and Joe luby spent two enjoyable weeks in Ireland in October. Joe reports that his son, Joe, survived the Los Angeles fires. He was evacuated, but allowed to return after several days. He had no damage. Also, at the Annual Catholic Charities Meeting for the Archdiocese of Chicago, Joe Sr., was given the Compassion in Action Award

nix, Krukemeyer, Dietz, W. Moran, sheehan, Jacobson, Briatta, Gill, Zuccaro, Wechter, Maynard, st. John, seeberg, Weaver, Graff, and Clifford. (Only last names - the first name keys on my keyboard are broken.) If you wish to volunteer, send ideas, send money, please contact one of the above. Let us know that you plan to attend. Remember: it’s free! The university picks up the tab for the 50th so be there. ... Speaking of money, the committee set a goal of $100,000 as our Class Gift and a participation goal of 25%. We have 223 class members, so 25% of us would be about 56 members of the ’58 class donating. So when you send in your donation, please mention that it is part of the 1958 Class Gift. We should remember that whatever success we have had in life can probably be traced back to the JCU Jesuit education we received from 1954-1958. I know that is true for me. And we need not measure success only in terms of dollars earned. Our classes in Social Justice, Religion, Philosophy, Ethics, Speech, Marriage and Family, History, etc. helped determined what we have become and what we have individually and collectively contributed to life on this planet. ... Speaking of this planet, there are a number of our classmates who have seemed to have dropped off planet Earth. If you know where someone is, please let us know. Here is the list: Joseph archer, David Buckis, William Cantlon, George Dann, John evans, robert Fedor, John Fitzgerald, John Flanagan, James Geary, Peter Golash, Daniel Grapentien, harvey Gregoire, William Gschwend, richard hiller, Frank Johnson, herbert Johnson, raymond Keller, richard Kent, John Koteles, Bob Kruger, ronald leary, ronald leavitt, Bob Mellert, John Moran, thomas norton, George novak, r. thomas reilly, Joseph rill, edward robinson, Joseph shannon, richard terzola, James thompson, Charles tramont, robert vieweg, thomas Weber, and e.J. Zilionis. ... I have sad news to report. Gerard Milne died of a heart attack in Oceanside, N.Y., on October 30. We send our condolences to his wife of 51 years, Marian, and his two sons, Gerard Jr. and Michael, as well as the three grandchildren. Gerard was a librarian on Long Island. When not dealing with books, he won prizes for his model sail boat racing, and was a skilled wood carver. I remember that Gerard always seemed to have that “I’m pulling your leg” attitude when telling me things at Carroll. I never knew if he was serious or just had a strange sense of humor. His wife confirmed his strange sense of humor. ... Finally, here is an e-mail I received from tom Krukemeyer that I publish as a most persuasive argument for attending the “50 For 50 years” celebration June 20-22. The title is “Come and See.” We had an ideal October Saturday for homecoming this past fall. Carroll was playing cross-town rival B-W. No one from my Carroll days was close by so Diane, along with our daughter and two of our grandchildren, headed with me to the campus. As we drove down Fairmount Blvd., we found Belvoir blocked off for the Street Fair – part of homecoming – so we entered campus from Fairmount Circle. We passed the old Fairmount Theater and Campus Drug that are now owned by the university. As we turned off the circle the first sight was the Dolan Center for Science and Technology. The size of

Send your notes to:leo duffy1561 Towhee Ln.Naperville, IL 60565630.355.2199January-May1500 Park Beach Cir. Unit 5GPunta Gorda, FL [email protected]



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the Dolan Center is overpowering, larger than the Administration Building. The center of the building was kept low as to not block Grasselli Tower. We had a marvelous day. The campus has changed so; we took a grand guided tour. To mention a few places we visited – the D.J. Lombardo Student Center, Johnson Natatorium, two or three field houses, Don Shula Stadium at Wasmer Field, Saint Francis Chapel, Marinello Little Theatre and the Boler School of Business. We were all impressed. Carroll has done well and certainly the alumni can take a good deal of credit for the university’s success. Be sure to come to our 50th to see not only all these physical changes but renew friendships from our Carroll days. Carroll’s homecomings are splendid! ... Thanks, Tom. On the road to “50 For 50 years”! Peace, JEC

Happy Easter! Since Easter is so early this year it is probably timely to wish you a happy one. I am sad to report that classmate, tom Kusnirek passed away recently. I believe Tom lived in Gates Mills, Ohio, and was a member of St. Francis of Assisi Parish. Another person who made an impression on our class in 1959, John Ray, was buried in South Bend, Ind., on November 17, our classmates, Bob Fitzgerald and Dave nichting attended the funeral. ... The last column elicited a few responses which I enjoyed. First, ed Bierman phoned to get Jim Mason’s address. Ed has been retired for 11 years. He still lives in Pittsburgh, but spends winters in Fort Myers, Fla. We swapped prescription information and agreed that we were glad to be able to be around to discuss the topic. ... John Kimler, an old roomie, (meaning one time roomie) called just before Christmas. John and his family were on their way to New Jersey to spend the holidays. John resides in the Chicago area, but is still a Green Bay Packers fan. If you are “out on the town” some evening, you might want to drop by Shuba’s (near Southport and Belmont) to hear his son, John perform. I hear from Denny McGrath’s son, Tim, that young John Kimler is quite good. ... I received an e-message from Dan Pallat who also resides in the Chicago area. He and his wife, Barbara, had just returned from their first-ever cruise. They toured the Hawaiian Islands, went thru a 60-degree temperature drop on the return to Chicago and are looking forward to their annual ski trip to Deer Valley in Park City, Utah, at the end of January. Dan is still working with a national financial consultant called Tatum, LLC. For the most part they are former CFOs from corporate America who assist companies either as interim CFOs or in projects that include restructuring, refinancing, turnaround, acquisitions and divestitures. Barbara has an interior design business. She has been president of the Illinois

chapter of ASID (the national interior design orga-nization) and recently finished a term as president of NCIDQ (the certifying agency for testing interior designers, much like the certification process to be a CPA) in Washington, D.C. (Might be a good idea for you who reside in the Chicago area to keep this info from your wives). Dan mentioned how much he enjoyed returning for his 54-year grade school reunion in South Euclid last year. It’s not too early to start thinking about our 50-year John Carroll Reunion in June 2010. Why not phone a classmate and talk about it? ... Jim Mason is recovering nicely. He, Melinda, Bev and I are getting ready to attend Jerry Malizia’s wedding in Phoenix at the end of January. We understand that the McGraths, straders, Flasks and Jim shannon will also attend. Sounds like a good time. ... Thanks Ed, John and Dan for the material. Who will help me write the next article? Give me a call or send an e-mail, but above all, be well. Schweick

Joe szeremet and his wife of over 40 years, Caroline, now live in Hebron, Ky. He graduated from the University of Detroit Law School and was a commissioner with the Michigan Supreme Court for 25 years. The Szeremets have three children and four grandsons. ... Gerry Ziegler’s home in Hollister, Calif., looks out upon a golf course. He and his wife, Sally, who supervises graduate students at Santa Clara University, have three children and nine grandchildren. Gerry has retired from the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company where he handled public relations. The Zieglers have two collie dogs and look forward to their trips to the ski slopes of Aspen. ... Bill Connelly is practicing law in Toledo but spend-ing an increasing amount of time in Naples, Fla., during the winter and Put-in-Bay in the summer. His wife, Carol, is scheduled to retire this coming September. Bill has four children - three lawyers and the fourth in law school, and 12 grandchildren. ... John Blake from Middletown, Ohio, has retired from banking. He and his wife, Mary Kay, have been married for 32 years, and have a daughter, Megan, who graduated from Xavier University in Cincinnati. John is involved with antique cars and owns a ’52 Packard, remains active at his parish, and enjoys visits to Savannah and Charleston. ... Paul Gilleran from Grosse Pointe Woods, Mich., received his law degree from the University of Detroit and is giving retirement serious consider-ation. He and his wife have three sons who live in Columbus; Washington, D.C.; and Chicago and one grandson. ... Marty lauer and his wife, Carol, reside in Rochester, Mich. Marty retired from the FBI and is involved with reading, gardening, traveling, and exercising in the gym. Their last trip involved a cruise around South America. ... Joe radican and his three sisters are involved in tak-ing turns caring for their elderly mother. Joe was able to tour Italy and France with a group from Chicago that included Larry Frederick ’62. This coming summer, he is scheduled to visit Portugal

and Spain. He also recently visited classmate Dr. Patrick Meanor in Oneonta, N.Y., where Pat is Distinguished Teaching Professor of English at the State University of New York. Several is-sues back, I mentioned Pat had written several hundred reviews, essays, and articles. A short time later, I came across an interesting book of his entitled The Wrath of Grapes. ... George arthur from Stillwater, Minn., recently coordinated the efforts of the Jaguar Club of Minnesota as they hosted the 17th Annual Rendezvous of Canadian and American Vintage Sports Cars. George has collected vintage sports cars for over 40 years. As you might remember, George served seven years as a naval officer in the Pacific and at the Naval European Command Center in London prior to working at 3M for 33 years – he retired in 2001. His volunteer activities presently include working for the Red Cross as well as coordinating AARP’s Safe Driving Program for 3M. ... len Judy and his wife, Nickie, have been married 44 years, have three children (two graduated from JCU), and four grandchildren. They reside in Lake Forest, Ill., and Naples, Fla. Len enjoys fishing and golfing several times a week when down South. The Judys recently traveled to Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Korea. Len retired from Rust-Oleum where he was chairman and CEO. Since then, he has been a consultant, a member of many corporate boards and a member of the business advisory councils of his alma mater, Marquette, Dominican University, and the Lake Forest Graduate School of Management. ... Jack

Updates for this issue are rather sparse and suc-cinct as the information sources from you have apparently dried up as “no news is good news.” Please let me know what is happening so that we can share your stories with the rest of the class. ... After a feature in the last issue regarding Mel Maurer, Mel forwarded additional informa-tion including an article in “Faces of Westlake” in Westlake Magazine of 2008. The article chronicles Mel’s 20 year involvement in the Muscular Dystro-phy Society as well as his award as the Advocacy Volunteer of the Year. Mel’s many other interests were also discussed, including his activity in the Cleveland Civil War Roundtable, where he was past president. His involvement includes giving 15 to 20 talks per year on the Civil War, specializing in presentations on Abraham Lincoln. He also helps run a special Civil War program at Lee Burneson Middle School, visiting classrooms and quizzing kids on information about Lincoln that they may never have known. Mel is also active with his parish council at Saint Ladislas where he has served as president of the 50+ Club, and is also active with the Philosophical Club of Cleveland. ... We have the unfortunately sad duty to report the death of eugene F. Mcenroe at the Sloan-Kettering Center in New York City on November 16, 2007. Gene was a resident of Holmdel, N.J., for 35 years, and had practiced law in Monmouth County for over 35 years prior to his retirement

Send your notes to:Jerry Burke1219 W. Grove St.Arlington Heights, IL 60005-2217847-398-4620 [email protected]



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... ron timpanaro visited Charlie englehart’s home in McLean, Va., as part of a cross country motor trip last summer. During the layover Tippy discovered a hardcover of CIA Chief George Tenet’s autobiography personally inscribed from Tenet to Charles as “A Great American.” So say we all. Everyone remembers Charlie’s first book of stealth memoirs, “The Third World on a Senior Budget;” He is busy on the sequel; look for “Zagreb and the Dalmatian Coast – Minefields That Bloom in the Spring,” coming soon. ... The Detroit Austin Catholic Prep School newsletter arrived and there’s al rutledge on the front page, large as life, talking with both hands. Al encountered Kit Gentile ’63 who roomed with John Breen, Bob Mirguet, and Jim heavey at the infamous 2085 Club for two years. Later, larry Felter and I roomed with Breeno there in the summer of 1964 prior to our graduation in August. That summer’s big tune became our class song: “The Spirit of ’64” was a nationwide hit by Cleveland’s favorite local band in those days Bocky & The Visions. ... terry Crogan - [email protected] - has a new snail mail address, 7410-C East Huntington Dr, Board-man, Ohio 44512. He stays very busy at Mahoning County Education Services Center as a school psy-chologist identifying and working exclusively with emotionally disturbed children and adolescents. He’s also a physical therapist at the Canfield Coun-seling Clinic in Canfield. ... Lastly; we mourn the passing of Coach John Ray, who guided the class of ’64 through two undefeated football seasons. Especially poignant were the memories shared on-line by John Kovach, Gus McPhie, and Dick Koenig about the tremendous positive impact that Coach Ray had on their lives. Reports in the South Bend and Lexington newspapers illustrate that he was as eminently respected and esteemed at Notre Dame and U Kentucky as he was by the JCU community. Incomparably well done, Coach, RIP. ... God bless all Streaks, Frank

John Mieyal reports that he is vice chairman of the Department of Pharmacology at Case Western Reserve University and the research program is going well. Last October, he was invited as a platform speaker at the international meeting of the Redox Network at Jeju Island, Korea. John and wife, Donna, celebrated 40 years of marriage in 2006 by taking the extended family to Hawaii where their youngest daughter, Angie, accepted a proposal of marriage – wedding is next June. She is the third of their four children to be married and they have a lovely grandson and granddaugh-ter. After 28 years in Cleveland Heights, John and Donna are enjoying their new homestead in Timberlake, Ohio. ... After 32 years, Paul Welsh is still working at Pima Community College where he has been a department chair, associate dean, dean of instruction, executive dean and provost. He and his wife, Ida, recently celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary with an Alaskan cruise. Last year was Paul’s 25th year as an ordained deacon for the Diocese of Tucson. He has three boys, all

awarded the 2007 Gold Medal for Distinguished Service by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. The award recognizes those individuals whose influence on accounting as a whole is especially notable in comparison to other profession leaders. It is the highest award granted by the AICPA. Gary has twice led AICPA teams which have reviewed the standard setting processes of the U.S. Government as to the authoritative status of the Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board. He is the editor of Research in Accounting Regulation and has co-authored A History of Accounting in the United States and CPA Professional Duties and Responsi-bilities. Congratulations Gary! (see page 48). ... John Dix - [email protected] - has been appointed a member of the board of directors of Wilson Bohannon, Inc. Located in Marion, Ohio, the company is a manufacturer of quality locks for public utilities, pipelines, construction, and transportation industries. John and family continue to reside in Columbus, Ohio. John is president of Business Development Index, Ltd., a strategic planning and consulting practice. He is also a part-time faculty member in the MBA program at the Fisher College of Business, The Ohio State University. John serves on a number of other company boards in the United States and Canada, and he is also co-director of The Center for Operational Excellence at the Fisher College of Business. ... I’m about at my word limit for this column, but I didn’t want to sign off without again mentioning that June 2008 is our 45th Reunion. You will all be receiving additional information on it, but now is the best time to mark your calendars. If you’re retired, there’s no excuse not to attend. If you’re not, you most likely have enough seniority or vacation time built up after working all these years that it shouldn’t matter. Anyway, mark it down now. Until next time, Pete

We start with an apology to Nancy and Bill Dix. Their daughter’s correct name is Jennifer, which I bungled. The Dixs are lifelong Cleveland Browns fans and are thrilled with the Brownies’ spirited, highly competitive 2007 performance as are many of you from Northern Ohio. ... Jan and tom Gazdic have now lived in Florida since 1993. Tom is retired from KPMG, and has recently served on the board and as treasurer of Wyndemere Country Club, and two terms as president. He is currently serving on the boards of NCH Healthcare System and Avow Hospice. Jan is a member of the Naples Philharmonic Choir and continues to run Physician Business Care, Inc. They cycled in Croatia last June and visited Russia in August. ... Ginny and russ Centanni were also on the move, visiting two more continents. They toured Peru, Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands in South America. After they caught their breath they were off to China for 22 days. China was impressive with the centuries of history, but Russ reports that the pollution was so bad it really kicked up his asthma. He seriously wonders if it will affect the upcoming Olympics. They have now visited every continent but Antarctica, and are scheduling that for 2009.

in 2005. He is survived by his wife, Patricia; his son, Eugene McEnroe Jr.; and a daughter, Patricia Ann McEnroe Scordato of North Carolina. Gene received his law degree from Seton Hall Law School, and his practice was in Aberdeen, N.J. ... Since I rely strictly on whatever you send me for this report on our class, please forward whatever you would like to share with your classmates for the next issue. Bob

Hello to all and a belated Happy New Year. Actually, as I write this column I think the correct greeting for my present location is “Gutes Neues Jahr,” which for all who never took German is Happy New Year in that language. It is January 8 and the time for Kathy and me in Aachen, Germany, is fast coming to an end. If all goes as planned, we will be back in Carbondale January 20. This presumes no flight delays – Yeah! Right! We’re keeping our fingers crossed since we arrive at Chicago O’Hare from Brussels. ... I have but two items to pass on to y’all this time around. I received a very nice note from Mike o’halloran - [email protected]. Mike couldn’t help but begin his update by emphasizing how great retirement is. That said, Mike’s medical profession encompassed 35 years in pediatrics. I’ll bet you never ran out of suckers, Mike. Mike was with the Midelfort Clinic, part of the Mayo system, in Eau Claire, Wis. He and his wife, Marty, have three children and six grandchildren between 2 and 8. Mike said his children are doing great. Since retirement, Mike has spent quite a bit of his time working with the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). He serves as web master and senior section chair for the Wisconsin Chapter of AAP, and he is also on the executive committee for the national AAP. He is also completing a three-year term as the president of the local chapter of the retired physicians group, and he still has some involvement with hospital committees. In 2007, he got back into bike riding, in-line skating, and ski-ing after a two-year layoff for a hip replacement. As if he is not busy enough, Mike said he has really enjoyed working with a life-long learning group for the past four years. The group is affiliated with a local university, and each spring and fall, he is responsible for arranging and coordinating three or four short courses involving everything from opera to genetics to how to build a cedar strip canoe in your basement. Do you do windows too? He and Marty love to travel, although they prefer short trips so they are not gone too long. One of their main adventures is being connected with a company that arranges and puts on marathons in different U.S. cities. Mike and Marty get free transportation, room and board, and for that they work their butts off for five days – Mike’s words, not mine. They get to see local sites, visit friends, and/or just relax. Their next gig is Phoenix. I lived in Mesa for 16 years, Mike, so if you have any questions, feel free. ... Gary Previts - [email protected] - has been

reUnIon YearSend your notes to:Pete Mykytyn3015 Alveria DriveCarbondale, IL 62901618-549-1946618-453-7885 (w)[email protected]



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over 30 and all unmarried. One is education direc-tor for a large technology distribution firm in Ft. Worth while another is in Phoenix doing computer consulting. One remains at home with Paul and Ida because of several physical and mental dis-abilities. ... Don McCullough reports that after JCU, he went to the University of Buffalo for an MBA and then worked for GTE Sylvania for 26 years where he capped his career by going to Europe to take over the European Lighting Busi-ness based in Geneva, Switzerland. After an early retirement in 1994, Don became president/COO for Health o Meter Products in Chicago. Health o Meter acquired Mr. Coffee in late 1994 and Don and wife Susan moved to Cleveland. After a final retirement in 1998, Don moved to Alton, N.H., and has done some consulting since then. Don and Susan have three daughters; all married, and are blessed with seven grandchildren. They escape to Boynton Beach, Fla., for the winters. One of their daughters and her family recently lived in Hudson, Ohio, for a year and visited JCU. They reported impressive changes! Don was able to find relatives in Iowa last year where his great-grandfather settled in 1840 after having received a land grant from President Polk. As a result of this connection, Don found relatives in Ireland and visited them last fall. ... ralph nottoli writes that he and his wife, Etta, have three grown children and, soon, a total of ten grandchildren. They have lived in the Atlanta area since 1973 and confess to not missing the Chicago or Cleveland snow. Ralph is in the commercial real estate business in Atlanta suburbs and is trying to slow down to have time for other interests. They just completed a ten-day river cruise from St. Petersburg, Russia, to Moscow. ... John rioux retired for the third

time since December 2000. He and his wife, Diane, have seven children, who are all college graduates, and 12 grandchildren. John and Diane have been spending the summers in Northern Michigan and plan to drive their RV to Florida this February. John was very sad to hear that Coach John Ray passed away but was glad to read all the beautiful e-mails from his terrific teammates who also admired Coach Ray. John remembers his years at JCU as being great and would go there again if he were 18. ... Finally, after a 10-day trek that took us to Hong Kong, Macau and Singapore, my wife, Cecile, and I landed in Chicago where I was able to spend time with Mary Ann and Jack Kenesey. We had a good time reminiscing. In retirement, Jack does volunteer work and also serves as an arbiter in the court system. As luck would have it, their son, Tim, was visiting – I had not seen him since he was a little boy. Now he is the president of the Medical Protective Company, one of the largest medical malpractice insurers in the U.S. Their daughters are both in the medical field, Kristen is a pediatrician and Elizabeth is a nurse practitioner. They have nine grandchildren. ... Tempus fugit, Dick

Hello to all. I trust that everyone had a wonder-ful Christmas with family. As I write this, I know that we all hope for peace and a good 2008 for each other. I received a Christmas card from Dan

Kush with notes about their year. The senator has retired from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce after 29 years. Judy is happy about that but also is delighted that, in early 2007, Dan became a proud member of the Democratic party. No typo classmates. This came directly from Dan’s note. ... Mike Delisio e-mailed asking that I extend his best wishes to all. He also mentioned that if you are ever going to Florence, Italy, you should let him know. It almost sounded like an invitation and I bet he is a great tour guide. ... Dan ruminski sent a letter saying he saw Dale Masino’s comments in the last column and mentioned that they were co-captains of the ’66 Blue Streaks basketball team. Like some of us, he is working hard with no plans to retire. Dan is the president of a 3M safety matting products distributor. He told me that his company had just invented a system of matting products that melt snow and ice. I don’t need that in Florida but if anyone does, let me know and I will put you in touch with Dan. ... Dale Christman e-mailed that he continues to sell helicopters in Mesa, Ariz. He plans to continue that for the next year or so prior to retirement. ... Joe Frederick continues with the organization of info for his book. He has been writing fairly consistently for the past year. He said that he has up and down days but is making progress and is happy with the project. ... ron Gillenkirk told me that he is “busier than ever but enjoying it a lot.” He is retired ... how can he be so busy? Looks like we really are re-defining retirement. Ron and Diane have a place in 1000 Islands in Upstate New York and enjoy it tremendously during the summer months. ... Fran nunney told me that I am doing OK on the column. With his experience, I know that is a complement. He continues to coach with Bob

Everyone’s talking about JCU Connect – the online community for John Carroll alumni. What a wonderful tool to reconnect with alumni near and far! If you have not registered, please

do so now at other steps to reconnect, the National

Alumni Board is actively engaged in re-energizing JCU City Clubs. City Clubs provide opportunities for alumni to connect with old and new friends, network, socialize, celebrate our spirituality, maintain our relationship with the university and its mission, and continue the Jesuit tradition

of service for others. City Club events help promote the John Carroll name and recruit new students – future alumni – and keep our more than 38,000 alumni engaged. City Clubs provide John Carroll University alumni with opportunities to represent their alma mater.

Alumni City Clubs are now forming in Washington, D.C.; Chicago; Pittsburgh; and Cleveland. Other cities soon to follow are Columbus; Los Angeles and Detroit, and this is just the beginning! It is not the number of alumni in a city that dictates if a club can exist, rather it is the willingness to get involved, to participate in volunteer training opportunities, and most importantly, to participate in events. John Carroll alumni reside all over the United States and the world, so a club can begin with just a few dedicated alumni. A club

Reconnect with a JCU City Club near you!A message from Cathy Powers ’92, National Alumni Board Member

can represent a specific city or a region.Looking ahead, City Club activities will

focus on one of the following areas: social activities, networking events, spirituality programs, service opportunities, and young alumni initiatives. Each city will plan multiple events, based on these five areas, throughout the year. Some events will be unique to their city, while others will be similar and become annual John Carroll alumni traditions. Examples of annual events are send-off receptions for new and returning students in July or August, holiday gatherings (i.e. Breakfast with Santa or Mass and Breakfast) and activities for the National Day of Service.

If you are interested in volunteering on a City Club committee, or starting a club, contact me at [email protected].

Send your notes to:dave Griffin1347 Solitaire Pl.Holiday, FL 34690 [email protected]


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members. Tom resides in Boardman, Ohio, and he can be reached at 330.758.3684. Tom, we wish you a happy retirement. ... Last but not least, Mike Mullin called to state that he retired from the Society for The Blind. As soon as he retired, he received a call from the State of Ohio and they offered him a position at Northcoast Behavior Healthcare which is located next to Metro General Hospital in Cleveland. After years in various administrative capacities, Mike decided to return to counseling and now works as a counselor and is part of a clinical evaluation team at Northcoast Behavior. Mike stated that he had a good rest as his retirement lasted two weeks. Mike has been in social service for over 35 years. Congratulations Mike. ... Well that’s it for now. Hope that I didn’t miss anyone this time. Now this is under the topic of valuable data: as of June 2008, our 45th Class Reunion is four years away. It is never too early to think about the future or of reunion ideas and suggestions. I believe in planning ahead! Hope to see you at the various JCU alumni functions in ’08. Send those updates to - [email protected] or [email protected] or just call me at 440.734.5553. ... Looking forward to hearing from ’67 classmates, Peter

After 22 years of telling your stories, I’m back, and it’s wonderful to be back! Here’s the plan for the column: We’ll have news about you and yours, a spotlight on two or three members of our class, items of interest as “Did you know an appeal to form a JCU Alumni Club in your area is ALWAYS there, so why not start one soon”? So, did you know “my big brother,” Bob McFarland ’67 works for Summit Racing Equipment in Tallmadge, Ohio, and his wife, Michele, edits the class notes that appear in John Carroll magazine? Did you know another of my fraternity brothers and life long friend LTC (Retired) U.S. Army, Vietnam Hero Silver Star, Peter Bernardo ’67 continues to work hard for you and for me at JCU. Did you know I now have five grandchildren, and number six is due May 2008. Did you know we’ve got our Reunion this year at Carroll? Did you know that your financial contributions to JCU are much needed and deeply appreciated. Did you know that I NEED and WANT your news; so e-mail, snail mail, telephone, wire, smoke signal, etc. Did you know that JCU is always ranked in the top 10 universities in the U.S. colleges in the national poll of U.S.News & World Report magazine. Did you know that we’ve got 40 years of stories to tell JCU so write to me. Did you know this IS your column and I depend (No, I challenge each of you to send me as many bits of news as you want – every time.). ... Spotlight on ’68ers: Marty susi and his lovely wife, Lynn, have a beautiful daughter, Stephanie, who is a 7th degree Black Belt in Karate and a junior at Kent State University. Marty is in charge of produce for a major grocery chain and Lynn is director of management information systems for a hospital in Cleveland,

spicer at Gilmour Academy. Their team finished with a 9 and 2 record this past year and went to the second level of the state playoffs. Fran said that a number of them are aiming at the magic “65” after the next season to think about retiring after 42 years +/- of coaching. He is still teaching at JCU part-time and his daughter is a sophomore at Carroll. ... That is about all for this issue. I hope that everyone has a great year whether in work or in whatever you do. Are you all thinking Reunion this summer? ... Take care, Dave

Hope all had a great holiday season and are enjoying the New Year. This year the JCU Alumni Office is offering some great opportunities for alumni to get together. For example JCU played basketball at Cleveland State University and lost by only 10 points. Recently, the Alumni Office offered a package to attend a local game at the Gund Arena in Cleveland. I’m sure that baseball is in the near future. Continue to check out the e-News sent by Alumni Relations, it’s a great source of information. If you aren’t receiving it, send your e-mail address to [email protected] to get on the list. Speaking about alumni events, at one of them, I had occasion to speak with Mary Lavin ’87, the new director of Alumni Relations. What an asset she will be for the JCU family. She is very enthusiastic about her involvement with all the alumni. It was nice to spend some time with her. ... Let’s get to it! Classmate Pete Bernardo director of planned giving at JCU was elected to the University Heights City Council. He won in a landslide vote as all the JCU alumni who reside in University Heights voted for Pete. OK-OK, Pete ran as an independent and had no opposition. It is still a good achievement. I told Pete that he may become the next Tim Russert ’72, but on a local level. I’m sure that Pete would like hearing from his many friends from the JCU community - 216.397.4217. ... Recently heard from John Forhan who updated me on the large fires that struck the California area last year. John resides in Los Pinas which is in the Santa Barbara, Calif. area. Although the fires hit to the North of him, he did not experience a direct hit, John stated that it was certainly a tense week or so in his res-idential area. He feels very lucky that his home did not receive any damage. ... Chris rodeno and his wife, Marilyn, recently celebrated their 41st wedding anniversary. It was of interest to me as I was in the wedding party along with several other ’67 classmates. Has it been that long? They have three grown sons and spend a lot of time with their grandchildren. Chris continues to work in the securities, stocks, and bond business. His office is located in Chagrin Falls, Ohio. ... thomas Flynn writes that he recently retired as the director of admissions ITT Technical Col-leges. Tom was also the head baseball coach at Youngstown Cardinal Mooney High School. Tom related that he really enjoyed his years at JCU and he would like to hear from fellow class

OH. ... Donna nelson is a highly respected teacher and real estate agent in Orlando, Fla. Donna is a distinguished speech communication graduate of Miami University of Ohio, Oxford, Ohio - 14156 Weymouth Run, Orlando, Fla., 32828. ... Michael McKenna served in Military Intelligence, U.S. Army. ... Say, al Maragliano, ted Pope, Greg Klein, Gale Mcneeley, Claudia Ballentine, Deeann arth, rita Conti, adele Gornik, Celia Persin, Mark Kadzielski send me your news! ... Frank Wardega is an Anglican priest who serves as a missionary in many places in Africa. He teaches of historical church in the most primitive areas to postulants and clergy where education is hard to get. His wife, Patricia, has been to Africa to be a part of this ministry. Details may be viewed on ... John toppel writes that this month he begins his third year of teaching at Santa Clara Univerity (a Jesuit school), in Santa Clara, Calif. “I am in the business school and teach Intro to Business and Intro to International Business. After retiring from Hewlett Packard in 2004, after 31 years and living in five countries, I spent a year at Villanova University in Philadelphia as a visiting business fellow and then came back home to California to join the faculty at Santa Clara. My wife, Margaret, and I just celebrated our 35th wedding anniversay and our son John’s wedding in summer ’07. Looking forward to attending the 40th Reunion next summer.” ... Don’t forget our 40th Reunion at Carroll, JUNE 20-22, 2008. See you in the NEWS! ... For you, ’68, and John Carroll University, Jeff

It is now 2008, far from September 1965 when we entered JCU as beanie wearing freshmen. As a group, I am sure our feelings may vary across a spectrum of love, total distaste to total non-interest towards JCU. However, when on the second day of the New Year I received a note from Tim Curran ’68 about his cousin tim McGunnigle you realize JCU will always be with us. What struck me about this heartfelt note is the clarity of events that happen over 40 years ago and the way it is remembered. “I am very sad to share with you the news of the recent passing of my cousin and your classmate Tim McGunnigle. Tim passed away 12/11/07 from injuries resulting from a car accident in the Tampa area. Tim and I together shared many of life’s experiences growing up together in the Hartford, Conn., area and later on during our student days at John Carroll. Tim, with his great baritone voice and musical background, was a natural fit for the JCU Glee Club. I can recall that Tim would often try to lead me and other out-of-tune classmates in rousing “musical numbers’ at the infamous Cross Roads Tavern ... especially every St. Patrick’s Day. I can recall that one time in 1967, Tim and I hitchhiked home for the Christmas recess from Cleveland to Hartford. During our 600 mile “Blue Streaks dash,” we met several total strangers en route who helped us along our jour-ney towards Connecticut. Believe me, there were a lot of “new friends” we made along that trip who became instant JCU supporters especially after

Send your notes to:Peter French27955 Forestwood Pkwy.North Olmsted, OH 44070216-881-7882216-881-7896 (fax)[email protected]



Send your notes to:Gerry [email protected] x136


Send your notes to:Jeff [email protected]


reUnIon Year

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Tim introduced them – one and all – to the JCU Fight Song. Tim actually insisted that everyone in the car be able to sing that song independently before we agreed to both get out of the vehicle to continue our hitchhiking trip with someone new. Tim made me laugh throughout the years no matter what the occasion. His true spirit lives on within me now and forever. I know that he is now entertaining the good Lord in heaven in his own special way and smiling down on all of us. His family and I miss him greatly. In honor of Tim McGunnigle, I have made a special donation to the John Carroll University Carroll Fund in his memory. May he rest in peace.” ... On the last day of 2007, The Plain Dealer business section ran a story on our classmate William skaryd, who after many years of running his own accounting firm had bought a company called American Culinary Con-cepts that manufactures sauces, salad dressing and marinades for restaurants and other private labels. The story tells of the company’s venture into the retail side of the business under the brand name 4 Chefs Of and Saucy Chef (I can attest that 4 Chefs Of is wonderful). The story that is written by Bill does an in-depth study of the difficulties of moving from your core business into retail under your own brand name. Bill please send me a couple of cases of your best marinades. ... Of course for us in Cleveland being on the front page of any section of The Plain Dealer is a big deal but how about a classmate on the pages of Vanity Fair. Classmate William Pietragallo is quoted

at length in a recent article about a major divorce case. Bill is the lead attorney on the case which could involve one of the largest divorce settle-ments in history. Currently one person in the case is receiving $725,000 a month in payments until the divorce is settled. The case has been covered in the Pittsburgh Post Gazette, Washington Post and Vanity Fair. Good luck, Bill. ... In closing, please say a prayer for Tim McGunnigle and his family. I am also pleased to announce that I am the proud grandfather of Charles Gerard Grim born January 6, 2008. Grimmer

Jack o’Connell e-mailed: “Chris Carmody was up from Atlanta for a visit in November. He is well and we talked long into the night about life and school. Chris spent a great deal of time in Scotland with Turner Broadcasting and I am headed there in March to visit a friend’s daughter at St. Andrews University. Right now I am aboard the Crystal Symphony, off the Mexican coast en route to the Panama Canal. Smooth seas, growing waistline and lots of books.” ... rich harkey sent his annual report on the December Cleveland DAT reunion. “rick sabolik took time out from

his busy schedule in Dallas to fly in for the day. Rick has grown a start up mail order pharmacy business in a short period of time which has become one of the largest, if not the largest, mail order pharmacy in the country. ... Would you believe Mike hatgas, who still has twin sons who are seniors at St. Ignatius High School, now has seven grandchildren? Mike is a key executive with a major Cleveland bank, and reports he’ll never be able to retire. ... West Side real estate magnate Pat Murphy attended; his business has been somewhat affected from the fallout from the credit crunch. ... Auto advertising mogul terry Wichmann maintained his perfect attendance re-cord at 37 years, the only Class of 1970 graduate Send your notes to:

Ted heutsche2137 East Howe RoadDewitt, MI [email protected]


Class of ’70 members 37 years later – l to r: Mike hatgas, rick sabolik, terry Wichmann, Pat Murphy, and rich harkey

Gary Previts ’63 wins AICPA gold medal

Gary John

Previts, Ph.D.,

has been

awarded the


Institute of

Certified Public



accountancy body’s 2007 gold

medal for distinguished service. The

award recognizes individuals who

have significantly influenced the

profession. Previts is a professor of

accountancy at Case Western Reserve

University. He has received many

other prestigious professional honors,

and is currently president of the

American Accounting Association.

alumnewsRaising the bar on the Carroll Fund

Even as we still celebrate last year’s $2 million-plus in Carroll Fund giving from alumni donors – the highest level since 1999 – we have raised the bar in 2008. John Carroll is blessed with alumni who give

back in so many ways. The Carroll Fund helps sustain the distinctive and dynamic environment that alumni knew during their John Carroll years.

Last year, 13 percent of JCU alumni made gifts. Imagine what we

can do with a 15 percent or 20 percent response rate! With a gift

today, you will provide immediate support to assist students, further

scholarship, and improve and maintain campus infrastructure.

Please use the envelope enclosed in this magazine to make a gift. If you prefer, you may make a secure gift online at: or call 800-736-2586. Thank you for making a difference!

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miles from Bergy, and the restauranteur has never invited him to play golf at his club. Which begs the question: would you want to play golf at a club that would accept Bergy? So he put the question to young Martin at the Reunion. Bergy stood fast and refused to invite him for a friendly round. So Hogan overheard this, and struck by what Bill called “Catholic guilt,” invited Bill to play at HIS club. Which begs the question: why would anyone want to play at a club that accepted Hogan? So, the story continues. Billy goes to Hogan’s club – and who’s there? Bergy. And some “sandbagger pro from Dover.” Of course Bergy and the pro clean Reidy and Hogan’s clock and Reidy “makes a contribution into Bergy’s retirement fund.” Bill paid in dollars. Should’a paid in rubles. ... That’s it. 360 words. Not my fault. I know it’s hard to send in stuff about yourself. So I’ve come up with a new feature... it’s called – send me the link to your corporate/ company/ school/ neighborhood/ NBC web site so we can see what others say about you. Then my editorial board will twist the truth into a more recognizable form so it relates to all your old “so called friends.” So send me your web link – or better yet, send me the link to one of our classmates – and we’ll have some fun twisting THAT around. To make it worth your while: the third place winner plays a round of golf at Bergy’s club. The second place winner gets dinner for one at Bergy’s restaurant in Michigan City (appropri-ately named “Bergy Restaurant in Michigan City”). The first place winner doesn’t have to see Bergy at all. Send the links to [email protected]. Take care, JM

This first issue of 2008 starts off with the sad news that the father of Mike nienstedt passed away December 16 at age 89. “Big Jack,” as I called him, was like my surrogate father because, as “down-the-hall” roommate of Niner freshman year and actual roommate and fraternity brother junior and senior years, his home in Grosse Pointe, Mich., was much closer than mine during select holiday breaks, and Jack and Betty were only too happy to accommodate this Florida boy from Carroll and all the shenanigans Niner and I were up to. Of course, being the fun-loving guy he was, Big Jack couldn’t help but contribute to our merriment. He will be missed. May he rest in peace. ... Our friend and classmate, sr. Mary assumpta, director of mission development at the Jennings Center for Older Adults in Garfield Heights, received another nice piece of publicity in The Plain Dealer last October 18. The publicity involved her profession – being a nun; her hobby – baking cookies to take care of the poor; and her passion – baseball, more specifically, Cleveland Indians baseball! It’s a lengthy, well-written article, but the crux of it states that their small hobby has turned into a “burgeoning business,” at least in part due to her high-profile support of the Tribe. And I want to do my teeny, tiny part in helping them grow. If you want to send a thoughtful, unique,

Send your notes to:Gerry o. Patno13421 Merl Ave.Lakewood, OH [email protected]


reUnIon Year

’93 and daughters are at Miami of Ohio (our alma mater) and in med school at Ohio U. Dr. Ken root is a neurologist in Phoenix who in his spare time is teaching at a new med school out there as well as doing outstanding missionary work in Africa. Ken has two boys – one is working on med school admission and the other is combining college and music in New Orleans. Phoenix sounds like the place to be as we chill out here in the Midwest. Remember, it’s a dry heat. Dr. Paul Cass is a neurologist in New Hampshire. He is also a hospital administrator. Writing about all of these neurolo-gists is giving me a headache. This medical edition continues with Dr. Jim Grendell the chief of gastro-enterology at Winthrop University Hospitals in New York. Dr. John vela is a family practice doc in Tiffin, Ohio, and my spies tell me he may be working too hard. Dr. Gary Pasqualicchio is an internist in Erie, Pa. This is just a few of the docs in our class. At our age it is always good to know where you can find a good physician. ... virgil strohmeyer, wife Isabella Sarkissova-Strohmeyer, and daughter Anna Lisa (12) are living in Russia where he is the public affairs of-ficer at the American Consulate in Yekaterinburg. ... Pete hamm, vic Matteucci, and Mark Plush the “Cleveland connection” spent Super Bowl weekend in Florida as part of an annual visit. Someone must have forgotten to tell them that the game is in New Orleans. ... Finally, we heard from our Tampa correspondent, tom Keenan, who is day trading and of course enjoying the sun. You may want to get on his e-mail list. He often sends me a smile. ... Hope the New Year finds you healthy and prosperous. God Bless and remember your news is our news - [email protected] or [email protected]. Tom and Rosemary

I think this comes out in the spring ... can’t remember ... suffering from early onset annheus-ers ... but I thought a golf story might be a good way to start the spring column. Had lunch with ed harrington here in D.C. That’s ED Harrington, not BoB harrington, the Chicago uber-lawyer assist-ed ably by our own Ken sophie and other younger JCU lawyers. Ed, the once captain of the JCU golf team and former club pro in Florida - wanted me to know that he shot a hole-in-one at Congres-sional Country Club - his fourth. At one time he had 30 years betweens aces. I’ve had thirty years between one-putt green. Ed is a senior VP at Old Line Bank in Maryland and has a daughter, a Fordham grad, who’s working in D.C. ... Got an e-mail from Bill reidy, who took great exception to the comment I made that he and Maggio (both like 5’7”, both bald, both with goatees) when speaking together resembled Lenin and Trotsky. Reidy tells me he and Maggio – a long time ago – “figured that God only made a few perfect heads: and on the rest they put hair.” Good spin! Bill tells me his daughter, Sheila, was inducted into Alpha Sigma Nu, the Jesuit Honor Society, at Loyola of Chicago and she is in the Institute of Pastoral Studies ... good to know the genes get stronger with passing generations. He also mentions that he has lived 20

Send your notes to:John M. Marcus5707 Trafton Pl.Bethesda, MD [email protected]


to do so, and is chasing Mike with five grandchil-dren. We had very good attendance with classes of 1964 to 1980 represented this year, if you didn’t receive a free copy of the reunion pictures, e-mail class photographer [email protected].” ... Jimmy Mcintyre’s secretary (his wife Peggy) e-mailed: “They say things come in threes and I hope it is over now. Three years ago Jim passed out in August and we rushed him to the hospital with dizziness. In August 2006, he had a heart attack and now has a defibrillator implanted. This past August he did it again. He had a procedure this August and 10 days later had complications while at work, passed out from the loss of blood, fell and fractured his neck. He is fine now and finally has the neck brace off. In the middle of all this, our daughter, Tina, got married. Jim took his brace off to walk Tina down the aisle and to have the formal pictures taken. Our son, Roy, helped with the video taping of the wedding. Jim is fine and back to work. Hope this is a blessed New Year and that we can make it through August without anything else happening to Jimmy.” ... tom ahern e-mailed: “The John Carroll Class of 2029 is begin-ning to form! My wife, Pat, and I have just added the coveted credential of ‘grandparents.’ We trav-eled to London to welcome Grace Muriel Bouda to the Ahern clan. Our daughter, Maureen, and her husband, Chris, both working for GE Healthcare in London, welcomed Grace into this world on Jan. 6, 2008. All are doing great. Our daughter Sheila will be ‘walking down the aisle’ in October to wed, Vincent Galloro. Sheila and Vince are journalists in Chicago, working for the Daily Herald and Crain’s Business. I continue to practice law in the Chicago area in-between trips to London and emulating Steve Martin’s role in ‘Father of the Bride.’ We saw Donna ’72 and Don Brown, Ellen and Mike ’71 Walsdorf, Mike ’71 and Nancy ’73 Faems, and of course brother-in-law Matt Miller and wife Eileen, at their annual Super Bowl party - as we have for the last 32 years.” Little did Tom realize that Matt had already e-mailed me that Tom was a “grandpa.” Matt also wrote: “I’ve gotten taller and better looking!!,” to which I replied that while I could believe the height part, I found it hard to believe that Matt could get any better looking. ... Keep the e-mails coming, Ted

Aloha from warm and sunny Central Illinois. Let us all put another log on the fire. As we recover from Rose Bowl fever I feel like a Cubs fan waiting for next year. Welcome to this medical edition of our column. Think of it as a written “house call” – Dr. len Calabrese - [email protected] - sent a great update on some of the gang who used to inhabit the Bohannan Center. These were the lab rats that I never saw in my speech classes. Lenny has been at the Cleveland Clinic for over 30 years. While too humble to mention it, Len is among the foremost HIV researchers in the U.S. and has been for a number of years. He does clinical immunology and heads the immunology center at Cleveland Clinic. On the home front Len is married to Marie MA

Send your notes to:Tom and rosemary Costello716 West Vermont Ave.Urbana, IL 61801-4827217-344-2076 [email protected]


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my clue stated that the culprits were members of rival fraternities. Tom has been a resident of Downers Grove, Ill., since 1984 and has worked for 26 years in transportation sales; the last 15 years in national account sales management with YRC Regional Transportation based in Chicago. His wife, Rosemary, is a career teacher currently teaching elementary (my dear Watson) reading. They have two daughters: Jacquelyn, a sophomore at Carthage College in Kenosha, Wis., and Julianna who is in the eighth grade. ... I received an e-mail from Darrel Bilancini between Christmas and New Year’s. Darrel has been a resident of the fair city of Avon Lake, Ohio, for the past 22 years with his wife, Cindy, a registered nurse and their daughters, Angela (24); Anne (20) and Alana (18). Darrel has been sending his hard-earned tuition money to the College of Wooster and Miami of Ohio. In November 2005 Darrel was elected judge of the Avon Lake Municipal Court (a part-time court) which allows him to continue his practice with Savoy and Bilancini in Elyria, Ohio, where he is a trial attorney in insurance defense law. Darrel is generously donating his time and talent to the local Kiwanis Club and St. Joseph’s Church in Avon Lake. If you’re caught speeding through Avon Lake pray you don’t appear in front of Judge Bilancini or he’ll throw the book at you! ... Right after New Year’s I received a nice e-mail from susan (sonchik) Marine, Ph.D., who has worked for 21 years as a chemist in industry. For the past 10 years she’s been an associate professor in the chemistry department at Miami University Middletown in Middletown, Ohio. When she wrote she was in the process of moving to Luxembourg where she will be teaching chemistry in art this coming semester. Her inspiration for this project began when she was a student at Carroll. There was a physics and art class for credit in physics or art to help students meet the liberal education requirements. During this class the students made and displayed several interesting artistic items as they studied physics. Her experience served as the inspiration for her chemistry in art class! Her students in Middletown loved it so much she is offering it with a mini-tour from her campus in Differdange, Luxembourg, this semester. Susan thanks JCU for the inspiration! ... Okay since there were no correct answers to the trivia question e-mailed to me – The two guys responsible for the show were Rick Shina ’74 and ed Donnelly. Since my first trivia question stumped all of you I decided to make the next one easier. Who was the commencement speaker at our graduation in 1975? The first classmate to e-mail me the answer (along with some news) will be recognized in my next column! I hope you all have a terrific 2008 and pray for peace. Hi Sam! RR

I write this installment as the snow is falling softly and if I could staple wings onto the squirrels it would be a banner year at the bird feeders. Mem-bers of the class of ’76 must be traveling to far

inexpensive gift of home-made cookies to friends, family or especially our troops overseas – “Nun Better” Cookies, baked for you by the Sisters of the Holy Spirit. For delivery, call 1-800-472-0425 or -; for pick-up, call the Jennings Center at 216.581.2941 ex. 3001. Tell them Casey Blake sent you. ... A quick update from Jim Burrington advises that he is married to Rebecca, living in Gates Mills, Ohio, and works at Lubrizol Corporation in the area of catalysis and time-release technology. ... And finally, brother Bob Patno, a territory sales manager for Buyers Products in Mentor, just returned from his Eastern seaboard territory with an update on ennio (Patsy) Mastroianni. Dr. Mastroianni is the senior religious studies lay coordinator at Georgetown University. Ennio and his wife, Kate, live in Cockeysville, Md., just north of Washington, D.C. ... And finally, three cheers to Mike McGrath, who has to have the toughest job in Ohio as the Chief of Police for the City of Cleveland. Yet he carries out his daily responsibilities with the utmost of professionalism, quiet confidence and compassion that should make all fellow Blue Streakers proud! Gop

One of the great benefits of Christmas is the wonderful holiday newsletters Molly and I receive. One of the first cards to arrive was from val street. Val “traveled the highways and byways” of America in 2007. While in New York, Val saw a production of the “Color Purple,” and in Charleston, she acquired an original Gullah work from the 95-year-old craftsman, Philip Simmons. Val summed up 2007 as a good year to have had so many opportunities to serve “in the Lord’s vineyard!” ... Sheila and Jim Weitzel’s letter is always full of info. To begin, Jimbo’s MG is still running and was a minimal expense to the family in 2007. Last March they took Erin (16) and Drew (13) to New Hampshire to visit family. As fate would have it, they experienced a Nor’easter with 14 inches of snow. It was Drew’s first experience with snow. Erin attends St. Agnes Academy, is a National Honor Society student and plays golf. Drew is busy with Boy Scouts, baseball and football. Jim rode his bicycle from Houston to Austin in April to raise money for MS. Sheila is a Eucharistic minister, and volunteers with the National Charity League. Jim is with British Telecom on the Continental Airlines account. ... Phil niedzielski-eichner is a senior consultant to the Federal Government in the field of science and technology and Chris is a business manager for United Airlines at Dulles Airport. Phil has been reelected to a four-year term on the Fairfax County, Va., school board. Phil any chance you could find a formula for cooperative partisanship at the Federal level? You did such a great job at getting people to work together while you were in the JCU Student Union. I think there is a higher calling for you in D.C. Phil and Chris’ daughters have obviously been influenced by their parents’

commitment to excellence. Nora is currently in NYC writing and doing research to finish up her doctorate in Art History from Stanford. Erin is an attorney with a firm in Virginia. ... Joe virostek has been VP of Investment Operations at BPU Investment for a year now. He really enjoys the work and the people he works with. BPU is a full-service investment firm. His oldest daughter, Margaret, graduated from JCU in May 2007 and is a grad assistant at Carroll. She is pursuing her master’s in child psychology. Daughter Laura will graduate from Duquesne University in May and has a job with Raymond James Financial in Tampa starting in June. Son AJ is a freshman at Westminster College working on a degree in business finance. Youngest daughter Katie is in seventh grade and enjoys playing basketball. Joe provided a couple of other updates on classmates – Frank Palermo’s oldest daughter, Emily, got married in August and lives in Raleigh, N.C. Son Frank graduated from Allegheny College this past May and is working in Frank’s CPA firm in Washington, Pa. larry Meathe’s oldest daughter, Libby, graduated from Ohio U in June and is teaching second grade in Atlanta. Larry is a VP of corporate planning and audit at Brush Engineered Materials in Cleveland. ... While he was in Toledo visiting his wife Gay’s family for the holiday at Thanksgiving, terry Dwyer met Ray Zammit ’73 for coffee. Terry is the VP of sales for AuthorHouse in Bloomington, Ind., a provider of publishing and marketing services for authors around the globe. Ray owns Complete Laundry near Toledo. ... John trepal has been teaching in the Mayfield City School District since November 2006. John and his wife, Susan, have two children: Brendan (15) and Timmy (3). ... rosemary amato wrote from Amsterdam, where she is a director for Deloitte’s Netherlands, of her two year appointment to the Institute of Management Accountants. She spent Thanksgiving in St. Louis visiting her family and extends an invitation to give her a call if you travel to Amsterdam - [email protected]. Wishing you a healthy and happy 2008. Robby

Hello classmates! This past January 2 was my one-year anniversary as a Cyber Representative with AT&T. In the 33 years since graduating in marketing, this is the first job I’ve had that is truly marketing. Using AT&T’s print and internet resources and a consultative approach I put together marketing programs for businesses throughout the United States. My last column generated some e-mails – could it have been the first trivia question that I used in the column that racked your brains or just the quality of my Journal-ism? Either way my first e-mail was from tom tassone with a pretty good guess at the trivia question regarding the Streak-A-Thon during finals in 1974. Tom guessed Bob Bunga, Bob Zola ’74 and Pete DeLuca with the IBGs behind the shenanigans but don’t forget

Send your notes to:dave robinson3963 Oakland Hills Dr.Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301248-642-9615 (h)800-240-3866 (fax) [email protected]


Send your notes to:rick rea7450 Grant Village Dr., Apt. ASt. Louis, MO [email protected]



Send your notes to:diane Coolican Gaggin118 Elm St.Fayetteville, NY [email protected]


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attending the University of Florida. Paul has an MD degree from Valparaiso University. He hopes to attend the June Reunion and catch up with our classmates. ... Maria Gonzalez hopes to convince tere Castro tomec and Beth scriven to join her at our 30th Reunion in June. Maria has been living in Orlando for the past four years. She’s pursuing an MBA while managing Professional Testing and enjoys her family (one daughter is an architect, one is an entrepreneur and mother to Maria’s ‘gorgeous grandson’). Maria’s hobbies include sports, swimming and dancing. ... In between wrapping up a school year in Thailand and a trip to his home in Latrobe, Pa., rob herald plans to be under our ’78 Reunion tent in June. Rob welcomes all to visit him in Thailand, ‘a good life in a beautiful place.’ A lot of golf and a few beers – hard to disagree with him! ... Send in your Reunion reservation today! Thanks for writing! Tim

Happy 2008 everyone! I have a short column this time. ... Saw Frances skapek a couple of times recently. She and her husband entered JCU’s “Footprints for Fatima” walk in September which supports the Fatima Family Health Center in Cleveland. ... Patty Gibbons saunier, the creator and owner of The Write Stuff, a national classroom magazine, was featured in the January issue of Learning magazine. The magazine is designed to help students from fourth through eighth grades improve their writing and grammar skills. Patty also is the author of the internation-ally syndicated column “Grammar Matters.” Patty is married to Denny Saunier ’76, the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce president, and they have three daughters. ... Ran into Paul Gellott ’78, wife Rosie, and son John while Christmas shopping. Rosie still sings with The Cleveland Orchestra. John “doesn’t fall far from the tree!” He is an actor and is involved in Cleveland theatre. ... If I didn’t write your news - I’m sorry. Your information must not have made it to my e-mail! So - don’t wait! Write me today with all your latest - before you forget! Fondly, Nancy

Hey folks ... guess what?? John Carroll’s gymnasium in the DeCarlo Varsity Center celebrated its 50th anniversary since being dedicated on December 4, 1957. The JCU basketball team opened up against the Xavier Musketeers, a team that would eventually win the National Invitational Tournament that year. The number 50 is significant to me and for probably many of you this year or in the near future because this is birthday year 50 for many of you ... 50 is just a number, but it is a milestone

in any event. My wife, Mary Knurek Holtz ’89, coordinated a surprise party disguised as a holiday bash. Many friends attended including some distinguished JCU alumni; namely Steve ’90 and Mary ’91 Tirpak, Alan and Theresa ’89 Weinberg, Debbie ’81 and Greg Branic plus coming in all the way from Cary, N.C., were Staci and Kevin tighe. I need to venture up to the Cary area some day to check out the golf courses and see how “Arnie” Tighe is playing. Rumor has it he may need some serious game improvement irons. Greg and Kevin send their greetings to all knowing full well that whatever they say could make it in print. Numerous gifts were left like a cane, bottle of whiskey, grapefruits, long gray hair hippie wig, numerous bottles of wine, etc. ... The recent holiday parties also let me cross paths with Bruce lockhart at Theresa ’89 Weinberg’s gathering. I usually see Bruce on an annual basis and he was looking as strong as ever getting ready for a great 2008. ... Those of you active in alumni events will note that Pete Bernardo ’67 has been elected to University Heights City Council. That may be historical in nature since I am unaware of anyone affiliated with the university serving in University Heights City government. ... The university also unveiled a new logo featuring a Bottony Cross thus connecting to its strong Jesuit Catholic identity. The January 2008 issue of e-News features Dr. Peggy o’hearn Finucane in the Spotlight column. Peggy has worked at JCU since 1998 as an associate professor in Communications and Theatre Arts and recently as the interim director of the Center for Service and Social Action. ... Gary szelagowski dropped me another line recently and is still working hard for the shareholders at National City Bank. ... For those of you that may be in the local area, Reunion Weekend will be held June 20-22 at JCU. You may remember the likes of Tim Freeman, Bruce Luecke, Rob Herald, and other members of the Class of ’78 who will be celebrating! ... Drop a line with any news, MFH

Greetings from frigid Chicago! ... Did you survive the holidays? Fortunately, our college boys left last week and we can get the house back to a normal schedule. No more 3 a.m. pizzas and no more sleeping through most of the afternoon! At least until spring break. My mom always said about college: “The more you pay, the less they go!” ... Our holidays were brightened with some awesome Christmas cards from classmates. Our favorite came from Jim and Katie Carpenter rose. If you remember back to reunion in June, Katie left her kids at home – again. At the Sunday

away places without their laptops because there is a dearth of news coming my way. Will I have to start making things up? Fortunately, Bill russo - [email protected] - was kind enough to remember me with some great news as he was elected to the Solon city council in November! Congratulations from all of us. Along with owning Concord Financial Planners, he is president of the North East Ohio Chapter of the Financial Planning Association, as well as treasurer of the Cuyahoga County Public Library Foundation Board. Bill and wife Mary have three children: Matt, Tony, and Kerin. Staying busy doesn’t seem to be a problem in the Russo household. Now that he has taken the plunge of sending info into the column, he is hoping to roust several of the old crowd to do the same! ... Received a change of e-mail address from Mary Jo Casserly hogan - [email protected]. ... Thanks to all who have sent on the humor that makes this job much easier. As you are spring cleaning remember to send me stuff for the column. See you soon! Cools

Greetings! Plan to make our 30th Reunion, June 20-22, 2008! Here’s the latest: Pete sheehan is in ‘reunion mode,’ contacting and encouraging classmates to attend our 30th Reunion and bringing up memories like watching the Little Theatre production “Dracula” our freshman year. National Review Online, December issue, featured Pete’s article “ Merry Christmas – Happy Holidays.” ... Debi, John Bundra’s spouse, reports of the celebrations of their daughter Rebecca’s June wedding in Dublin, Ireland, and post wedding party in the U.S. Attendees included Mary Bundra Hall ’79 and Debbie and John sideras. The Bundras have two other daughters – Samantha (Marquette U alum) and Angela (Loyola University Chicago student). ... Thank you to Bob Keir ’77 for passing along the news about the passing of our classmate rick seiple. Rick died in January 2004 in Hubbard, Ohio, of stomach cancer. If you’re interested in the news obituary about Rick, please e-mail me and I’ll send it to you. ... John tepfenhart was recently named partner at ka architecture in Cleveland, a commercial architectural firm. John and wife Lisa celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary with daughters Alyssa (13) and Emma (12). The Tepfenharts live in Broadview Heights, Ohio. ... Paul Carney is professor and chief of the Wilder Chair for Epilepsy Research in the Division of Pediatric Neurology at the University of Florida. Paul and spouse Lucia (Manubens) ’79 live in Gainesville with daughters Paulina (19) and Constanza (17), both

Send your notes to:Matt holtz22487 Laramie Dr.Rocky River, OH [email protected]


Send your notes to:nancy agacinski4009 Washington Blvd., #3University Heights, OH [email protected]


Send your notes to:Paul hulseman120 Evergreen Ln.Winnetka, IL 60093847-867-9322 (c)[email protected]


Send your notes to:Julie sanner hepfer406 Hunt Club Dr.St. Charles, IL [email protected]


reUnIon YearSend your notes to:Tim Freeman334 N. Catherine Ave.LaGrange Park, IL 60526773-975-6909 (w)708-579-9075 (h)[email protected]


Send your notes to:dennis J. lane 8144 Winding Ross WayEllicott City, MD [email protected]


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brunch I had to ask if her kids truly existed or was Katie making them up – you know what a kidder she can be! Well, imagine my surprise when the Hulseman family gathered around the Christmas tree and opened the Rose’s Christmas card – a beautiful picture with Jim, Katie and seven kids! All these years, I thought Katie and Jim had just one boy and one girl – Nick and Libby. I must have lost track. ... Dave Kusner ’80 and Mary Kay Merk-Kusner sent their oldest to Macalester College in St. Paul, Minn. With two more high school boys and beautiful Anna in second grade, the Kusners are very busy, indeed. Mary Kay is working as an end-of-life chaplain at the University of Iowa Health Center. In November, Dave moved into private practice concentrating on internal medicine and infectious diseases. ... ann Geiger healey sent me a terrific note last fall. Her son, Kevin, was diagnosed with cancer in January 2007. He graduated from St. Ignatius in Cleveland and started college at some school in South Bend, Ind. If you have a minute, check out the web site – Keep Kevin in your prayers. ... Out of the blue, I got an invitation to join sherry Javad’s network on LinkedIn. If I remember cor-rectly, Sherry’s on JCU’s MIA list with no idea of her whereabouts these last 25 years. Our favorite Persian classmate, her words, has been busy. She is living in southern California and is COO for Telesis Community Credit Union. Sherry has a 20-year old son and a 16-year old daughter. ... I need scoops – please drop me a line! Onward On! Paul

Our 25th Reunion is around the corner! tony Pallotta was kind enough to let Deb solyan and me, your faithful co-chairs, step in with the reunion update. Plan to be there because this will be the best one yet! Thanks to susan stokes Mullaney who is working hard as our Class Gift chair. We’re planning a golf outing, trivia bowl, slide show and more. If you have any old photos to submit, please e-mail - [email protected] - them to me. In addition to Deb, Susan and myself, here’s who is attending so far: Cathy Babcock, Bill Battistone, Mark Biche, Jim Brown, Jack Carey, Chris Carney, Karen Castelli, Jane Cunin, Bill Donnelly, Fr. tom Fanta, Maryanna Fezer, Brian Flannery, Jeanne Mann Gallo, nicholas Garritano, Monica Michalke Garvey, Maureen Garvey-McDonnell, susan Daly Grover, Pauline Clair haugen, tom Joly, nitsa Karas McClatchey, Joseph Keller, Mary Kilbane, Jane Broeren lambesis, Janet skirtich lefler, amy thompson Mosier, Bill nemetz, Diane Winter o’Brien, lou onders, tony Pallotta, Julie Pucher Quattro, Madelon Plunkett Queenan, lisa amato reid, Bill runzo, sandra ryan, Mark schroeder, lisa Brunenmeister sullivan, Maureen Kelly West, Debra Wolter. (Check our JCU Connect web page for updates.) ... Classmates with sons and

daughters at JCU, include susan and Ryan ‘82 Mullaney. Jack and Denise Carey and eric and Patty tainer Jochum. Anyone else? This fall, Danny and Kristine reynolds’ son, John, plans to go to JCU, along with his cousin, Brendan Carey, Jack’s son, who will be joining sister Trisha. ... Kevin savage writes: “I am alive and well and bumped into Pup Flannery ‘84 at a Lakewood St. Ed’s vs. Toledo St. John’s Jesuit basketball game in Toledo. (Pup is doing well selling steel and in his spare time coaches the JVs at St. Ed’s. My oldest son starts at St. John’s next year.) My profession as a baseball card and sports memorabilia dealer is going well and keeps me from venturing out “into the real job world.” My wife, JoAnn ‘85, and three kids live happily in the cozy Toledo suburb of Sylvania where we are doing our part to combat the new world order and are seriously contemplating purchasing a pet or Guitar Hero 3.” ... Barry Broome ‘84 was recently in town speaking on the subject of business growth in Phoenix. In an obvious “greater fool theory moment,” people were seen paying to hear Barry speak. ... eileen Byrne hickerson reports: “After the death of my mom in 2005 (Alzheimer’s), I decided to renew my teaching certificate. The ironic thing is that I ended up back at my old school, Langston Middle School in Oberlin, Ohio! I am in my second year of teaching sixth grade mathematics. I am now the proud mom of a college graduate, Caitlin ... Kent State ... honors ... who is now a fashion designer in NYC with the design firm Madison/Marcus. She has had about 15 of her designs go to production. My son, Cliff, is a junior at Olmsted Falls High School and a varsity wrestler. My big news is that my husband Bob’s dad, Gene Hickerson, was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame. It was an incredible honor, and due to Gene’s Alzheimer’s disease, Bob accepted for him and gave the speech. In the history of the NFL, there have been over 18,000 players. Only 241 of them are in the HOF. Gene is #236. He played with the Browns from 1958-1973. He blocked for Jim Brown, Leroy Kelly and Bobby Mitchell – all of whom pushed him out on stage in his wheelchair. It was awesome!” Deb reports that eileen McDonough started a greeting card company in Portugal called Mandamor (it means “send love”). Her cards were picked up by a large grocery chain in Portugal. Congrats, Eileen! ... Deb was thrilled to locate thelma Petas in Hollywood, Fla., who misses her friends from action hallway in the former New Dorm, now Sutowski. Thelma wrote the following to Deb and Eileen: “This is wild, for crying out loud Deb Solyan rides again, thank God you never give up, girl. I am very happy to connect with everyone again. What a great impact our times together made. When things we did flash into my mind, I get the biggest smile across my face.” Deb adds: “I attended a Christmas party hosted by Carolyn and tim hutchison and had fun catching up with Chris and Bethann (McCombs) Coughlin, Jim Brown and Mary Margaret Pearson Gleason.” ... Mark Schroeder is living in Cleveland and working on the reunion committee. He has launched a new career as a licensed auctioneer. Check out his site at As Tony says, “See you at Camp Carroll in June!” Mary Power Patton

Just one year and a few short months from now will be our big 25th Reunion! June 2009 is the month, so don’t say you weren’t warned! ... If they give out a reunion prize for “most kids” my four boys would be trumped by the five kids owned by Pat reardon and/or the five owned by Dave Murphy! Pat writes that having five is “...a handful, quite literally. Our oldest, Patrick, is now a teenager; and Jackie, our youngest and our only daughter turned 2 in April. The other boys are Christopher (11); Kevin (8) and Jimmy (5) who started kindergarten this year. I’m still with Kraft – will be with the company for 23 years on 10/1/07. My current title is director of channel development and I work in our Northfield, Ill., headquarters. We attend Santa Maria del Popolo Church in Mundelein and the kids go to the parish school. I’m currently the president of the school board, and also serve on the Finance Council and Pastoral Council. I’m usually over at the parish a couple nights a week.” Pat says they have run into Dave Murphy and family quite a bit with their kids competing in soccer and baseball. The Murphys just had their fifth child a year ago October. Dave is the owner of Murphy Ambulance in Libertyville where both families live. Pat says: “...sorry to say that Murph’s son struck my son Chris out this year – we’ll get him next time!” ... Joe hoffer wanted to update our classmates about some new things: He is a self employed attorney in Cleveland, Tenn., and his practice is booming! Joe’s wife, Alejandra, is in the Spanish department at Cleveland State Community College and is in the process of receiving a promotion from instructor to assistant professor. She is currently involved in many community projects and is sponsoring a Spanish language trip to Chile this summer. Joe says of his children: “My daughter, Claudia, is a junior at Notre Dame H.S. in Chattanooga – enjoys photography and just got her driver’s license. She has played indoor soccer this year and is a new member of the Chattanooga Junior Rowing Club. My son, John, had a successful year as an eighth grader on the football and wrestling teams. He is also looking forward to playing soccer as soon as wrestling is over. He recently got a yellow belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu to go with his green belt in Hakko Denshin Ryu Jujutsu. He weighs 140 pounds has been known to tap out grown men who unsuspectingly mistake him for a novice. Both Claudia and John are accomplished kayakers and snowboarders.” Joe was also recently promoted to brown belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and earlier in 2007, he received the highest rank in Hakko Denshin Ryu Jujutsu of San Dai Kichu. ... A quick note from Dave olderman tells us that his niece, Claire Olderman, was quite excited when she recently received her acceptance to John Carroll (which was her number one choice!) Dave says: “Amazing isn’t it that the next generation is already starting at JCU? It must mean that we are getting old!” ... (Our eldest is off to college this fall as well, so Michelle and I are facing that “getting old” fact ourselves!) Who else out there has kids in or going to college right now? Let us know for next time! Don

reUnIon YearSend your notes to:Tony Pallotta31507 Drake Dr.Bay Village, OH [email protected]


Send your notes to:don d’amore29570 Dorchester Dr.North Olmsted, OH [email protected]



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Send your notes to:diane (nerem) Wendel629 Quaker Road Rte 120Chappaqua, NY [email protected]

1985 - or e-mail - [email protected]. Congratulations and keep on pedaling! Stay strong, Morris, our prayers are with you always. ... If you just want to use your legs, there is a group of JCU friends that is forming to walk in the Susan G. Koman 3-Day Breast Cancer walk in Cleveland on August 22-24. Join our team, Beers4Boobs, and walk with us or volunteer to work at the event or just come and cheer us on. Donations are accepted at and donate to our team, Beers4Boobs! ... My apology to Matt Koenig for the incorrect e-mail address in the last edition. Matt requested Mike hayes, akos harmat, Mike McCuen drop him a line - [email protected]. ... I look forward to hearing from many more of you. Remember our next reunion is only two years away! Be well, Diane

We hope you are off to a good start in 2008 ... we seem to be as we have heard from a few more classmates this time around. Gigi heard from Margaret Guira Friend who reports that her three children: Izzi, Austen and Cami are do-ing great. Her exciting news is that she became a certified Pilates instructor two years ago and opened, along with a partner, her own Pilates studio - Reach Pilates. Visit - their studio is in Chicago located


“Good friends are like stars. You don’t always see them, but you know they’re always there!” ~ Author unknown. The stars have been shining brightly as I am thrilled to have heard from many classmates this fall. The stork is still busy making deliveries – John “Captain” Marsh and Jodi welcomed Jack Matthew Marsh born November 3, 2007, 9.9 lbs, 21 ½ inches! ... Michael Wilson

and lisa Dellafiora Wilson gave birth to their first child, Thomas Richard Dellafiora Wilson, last February. Lisa opted for a career change (stay-at-home mom) but has been balancing being a new mom and working at home as a fundraising consultant and freelance writer. Lisa’s family resides in Rocky River. Lisa stays in touch with lou McMahon, tom Croft and Mary Metzger-Croft ’86, and Dave Corrigan. She was recently at a breakfast with Santa and ran into Kathy Moore who has two beautiful twin girls that are 2. ... Congratulations to Lou McMahon on his appointment as chair of the Environmental Law Committee for the Ohio State Bar Association (see above story) ... Carl Fillichio has left the Council for Excellence in Government in Washington, D.C., and has accepted a position as senior vice president for Corporate Communications at Lehman Brothers in New York starting in February. Good luck Carl and we will gather the East coast crew to welcome you properly to the Big Apple. ... Pick up a copy of elizabeth Becka’s third book, “Unknown Means”, a must-read forensic tale by a real-life forensic scientist (in book stores in February). ... Belinda (Glavic) ’86 and Morris Grassi have been busy as an incredible fundraising duo for the National MS Society. Morris was diagnosed with MS in 1989 and life is now feeling its affects daily. Last August they created a team called The Bee’s Hive to participate in the Pedal To The Point – a 150 mile ride from Berea to Sandusky (Cedar Point) and back over a weekend. Along with nine other team members, they raised $15,650. Morris was unable to ride personally, but participated by being the official team bag hauler, supporter, cheerleader, mechanic and driver. This past December, Belinda was honored at the National MS Society’s Ohio Chapter meeting for raising over $15K. If you would like to make a donation to the National MS Society please check out - www.

Thompson Hine partner Louis L. McMahon has been appointed chair of the Ohio State Bar Association’s Environmental Law Committee.

McMahon graduated magna cum laude in 1985 from John Carroll University, received his law degree from Cleveland-Marshall College of Law, and his M.A. from Kent State University.

McMahon, with the firm’s Cleveland office, focuses on environmental and water rights litigation, environmental regulatory and legislative matters, Great Lakes and public trust issues, brownfields redevelopment and emerging regulation of

alternative energy and nanotechnology.He is also a member of the American Bar

Association, the American Water Works Association, the Water Environmental Federation and the Water Management Association of Ohio. He serves as chair of the Cuyahoga Regional Energy Development Task Force’s Legal and Regulatory Subcom-mittee, the Lakewood Citizens Infrastructure Committee and the Lakewood Lakefront Coalition. He has written numerous articles and serves as the general editor for Anderson’s Ohio Environmental Law Practice Manual.

McMahon is married, has two children, and resides in Lakewood, Ohio.

McMahon Named Chair of Environmental Law Committee

lou McMahon ’85

thomas richard Dellafiora Wilson, son of lisa Dellafiora ’85 and Michael Wilson.

Send your notes to:Gigi Togliatti-rice931 Sheirer Rd.Mansfield, OH [email protected]

Beth (Bonanno) hausoul179 S. Kenilworth Ave.Elmhurst, IL [email protected]


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John Davidson, Colleen Gallagher, Christine (horwath) Gawronski, tim Kernan, Jamie (Megeath) Jamison, Kathy (reali) Matthews, tim and Patti (svetlak) Mahota, Beth (Michalak) rahill, sandra ripepi stafford, Marcianne (White) touchette and Frank Ziegler, has set a goal of 65 or more classmates to attend Reunion Weekend. We think that number can be easily reached but we need your help! So call your friends and encourage them to come enjoy the great weekend of family fun activities. ... Additionally, Mike and Beth (Faber) Murdy are our gift chairs. Mike and Beth are living in Atlanta, Ga. They will be our contacts for our Class Gift. Our goal is to have at least 20% participation for our Class Gift. ... We heard from many people over the holidays, but we need to hear from more of you. Keep your updates coming! One person in particular to keep in your prayers is Seamus Rahill ‘91, husband of Beth Rahill. Seamus is a Major with the Ohio National Guard and has been deployed to Kuwait for the year with his unit. For Seamus and all those serving our country, we thank you. ... We look forward to seeing many of you in June. Kathy and Jamie

Greetings ’89ers! So far the snow has missed us for the most part here in Cleveland but the cold is here. Still waiting to hear from a lot of you that promised to write and keep me in the loop but here’s news on some I’ve heard from ... Kris Koch and his wife, Danielle, celebrated their 10th an-niversary in October and have three children. They are members of St. Ambrose Church in Brunswick, Ohio, and Kris is active with the Respect Life Group there. Kris has been a disc jockey for 20 years now and is currently working on a book and articles regarding families making healthy choices in music. Thanks for the update Kris and good luck with the writing. ... Daniel Brindza writes to tell me he recently won a contest put on by the Cleveland Browns and Frito-Lay and was awarded tickets

close to Wrigley. ... spencer Cominos ... WOW ... where to begin. Beth received seven (yes, seven) voice mail messages from a very excited Spencer – that’s a total of 20 minutes of recorded calls – the excitement didn’t stop there, he left a message on Beth’s mom’s voice mail and then sent her an e-mail. So here’s the scoop – on September 27, 2007, Spencer met a woman named Tiffany Welsh. On September 27, 2008, Spencer and Tiffany are getting married. Yes, it is a whirlwind romance. Tiffany has a daughter named Makena (4) and Spencer is thrilled to have an instant family. Congratulations Spencer! It was great to hear your news and the excitement in your voice. We are very happy for you! Spencer also mentioned he still keeps in touch with fellow classmates P.J. Kissane, randall Koczara, Bill o’Donnell, John Grazia and Paul hansen. What have you guys been up to? Any news to share? ... Maureen lennon-Zeeb ran into Jaime Foley at Starbucks right after Christmas. Maureen said Jamie also lives in Clarendon Hills and has three boys which she decided to home school this year. WOW! Maureen also reports that Karin van egmond lennon is teaching preschool in Park Ridge. Jamie and Karin, we would love to hear from you. ... On a more serious note, former class columnist, Belinda Glavic Grassi wrote that her husband, Morris ’85, has MS. Belinda spent the past spring and summer raising awareness and funds for the National MS (Multiple Sclerosis) Society. She started fundraising in April 2007 for the August 2007 Pedal To The Point bike ride – 150 miles from Berea to Sandusky (Cedar Point) and back over the weekend of August 17-18. She was the captain of a team called “The Bee’s Hive.” They had nine other team members and combined they raised $15,650. Belinda person-ally raised over $12,500. Belinda’s personal goal for 2008 is to raise $15,000 herself and for her team to raise $25,000. Please contact Belinda - [email protected] - if you are interested in becoming a team member or in becoming a donor. If anyone is interested in making a contribution, see - - Belinda’s team personal web page at the MS site. Belinda’s efforts do not stop there. In February 2008, she and a colleague are rolling out a program in local elementary schools, called FAMILY HEALTH CHALLENGE. It is aimed at getting kids and their families more active and focused on their nutrition and activity habits – 900 kids and their families will be involved. Belinda, we admire your ambition and accomplishments and wish you continued success in your efforts. ... We look forward to hearing from you, class of ’86! Your friends, Gigi and Beth

Happy 2008!! Can you believe it’s already 2008? Where has the time gone? I’m hoping to hear from more of you this year, we all want to know what is happening in your lives. ... I am now a part-time employee at Lakeland Community

College, working in their Center for Business and Industry. It’s fun being out in the workforce again, after staying home with the kids for 14 years. I really enjoy working in a college environment. Hey, maybe someday I’ll be at JCU. ... I received an e-mail from probably our farthest alum, stefano Deleidi, who lives in Shanghai with his wife, Carole, and daughter Anna-Emily. They are expecting another baby girl any day now. Stefano has been residing in Asia for six years and loves it. He has kept in touch with Bill thewes who has returned from the Middle East and has now relocated to Washington. He is doing very well. He also exchanged e-mails with steve imburgia who is doing well at his job as a Starbucks director in Chicago. Also, he informed me that Maria evans has graduated from veterinary school and is now interviewing, or possibly already working in her field. She is living in Cary, N.C. ... anita Felice Kazmierczak is about to be discharged from the U.S. Army after 20 years of honorable service. Congratulations Anita! ... susan anderson hering sent an e-mail that she is living in Glencoe, Ill., with husband Michael and three children: Ryan (6), Brendan (6), and Lauren (5). We’d love to hear more Susan if you could send me a note for the next column. ... I received some updates from the alumni office as well, one for Dennis Casey who is living with wife Denise in Orlando Park, Ill. They have four children: Colin (11), Kevin (9), Sean (7) and Ryan (3). Dennis is currently working with GBC as their strategic account manager. ... And, finally an update from laurene Cirino Dicillo who is living in Chardon, Ohio, with four daughters, Juliet (14), Victoria (12), Isabella (9) and Sofia (7) and husband John. Laurene is an archives associate at JCU’s Grasselli Library, and enjoying it very much. She writes that there is so much fascinating history about our school and wishes that all our alumni could see the foundation of this university. She is proud to be a part of it! What a fascinating job. ... Thank you to all who shared in making this column possible, keep the information coming. It is great to hear from you. God bless, Sue

Happy 2008 and our 20th Reunion year! We’re not sure about you, but it sure seems like yesterday we were hanging out on the Quad, frequenting the Rat or surviving meals at SAGA. We hope that this is the year that many of you will come back to JCU to connect with your many classmates and enjoy a great Reunion Weekend. ... A big thank you to sharon Byrnes who has been instrumental in getting our reunion committee together! The reunion committee, which includes: Sharon, along with Greg Bigler, lisa (verszyla) Cantalamessa,

Send your notes to:david Gassman3996 Astoria WayAvon, OH [email protected]


1987 Send your notes to:

sue Farinacci Grazia10338 Loreto Ridge Dr.Willoughby, OH 44094-9547440-256-0338 [email protected]

Send your notes to:Jamie Jamison7072 Kildeer Rd.Canfield, OH [email protected]

Kathy reali Matthews28012 W Oviatt Rd.Cleveland, OH [email protected]



reUnIon Year

Come to Reunion2008!JUNE 20-22

Be there!

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and a luxury suite to the December 16 Browns/Bills game. The event was coordinated by fellow JCU grad Leanne D’Apolito ’07 who is currently holding an intern position with the Browns. Daniel was able to “rub elbows” with Cleveland Browns’ great Don Cockroft during the game and actually got to enjoy another Browns home victory; congrats Dan and thanks for the news. ... I heard through the grapevine that fellow classmate and old roommate Pat Forebaugh and wife Amy are expecting their first child in Chicago. What’s the story Pat? How about a comment and update for the next column. Good luck to you both. ... On a sad note I end this article with the news of the death of 80-year-old Miriam Bloom who graduated from Carroll with her degree in Jan. 1988 and requested to be a social member of the class of ’89. Miriam was a five time president of the United Order of True Sisters Women’s Service Organization, former vice president of the Beachwood Arts Council, past president of the Century Chapter B’nai B’rith and a member of the National Council of Jewish Women. She loved photography and art and was a graduate of Cleveland Heights High School; she passed on November 28, 2007. ... That is all for now fellow


Blue Streaks, I look forward to hearing from many of you for the next column and also look forward to spring! Peace, David

Happy 2008! For many of us, this year will be a big one ... the year we hit the big 4-0! How did that happen? Doesn’t it just seem like yesterday that we were fighting our way through the crowd at the Colony? Would love to hear how you plan to celebrate turning 40 (which I hear is the new 30)! ... I ran into sam Barther last spring (a bit late, but I uncovered the notes I jotted down stuffed into a pocket of my purse) at St. Barnabas church in Sagamore Hills. It turns out we both had friends who’s child was making their First Communion. Sam is a dentist in Olmstead Falls. ... stefanie (ulatowski) rhine was successful in her latest run for the South Euclid-Lyndhurst

School Board. She was appointed to the board in November to fill an outgoing member’s spot. Her elected term began in January. Congratulations, Stefanie! I know that this has been something you’ve work hard for and your perseverance paid off! ... I haven’t heard from these classmates and would love to hear from them and all of you too – Pete smayda, Mary Kay Farrell, Marty Walter, Daniela lungociu, and tim Foley. Take a minute to e-mail me with your news – it would be fun to get something other than spam in my in box! ... Cheers, Melissa

Hello class of 1991 – I hope this column finds you all well. Congratulations to Bernard Chapin on publishing his most recent book entitled “Women: Theory and Practice.” It can be found on and is listed at $14.95 if you

Send your notes to:Melissa Wenzler4021 Wandsworth RoadSouth Euclid, OH 44121 [email protected]


The Shamrock Companies, Inc., a mar-keting communications and project manage-ment company, has announced the appoint-ment of Tim Connor as its new president.

Connor is a 1991 graduate of John Carroll University.

“This is an exciting time for our clients, as well as for our employees,” said Connor. “The Shamrock Companies has earned its leadership position within this industry based on our ability to not only adapt to needs and respond to market trends—but also to remain one step ahead of that curve, developing innovative products and services that give our clients their competitive ad-vantage,” he said.

The Shamrock Companies, Inc., estab-lished in 1982, is a $70 million marketing and project management firm headquartered in Westlake, Ohio, with 23 offices located across the United States.

In keeping with John Carroll’s Jesuit tradition, Connor also leads The Shamrock

Shamrock Companies appoint Connor new president Companies’ community involvement effort. During his tenure, he has expanded the pro-gram nationwide, reaching out to charities with both physical and financial support.

Connor joined The Shamrock Com-panies as a sales representative and quickly established himself as a leader when he developed City Solutions -- a technology-based municipal tax-form delivery system. He also led the development and imple-mentation of a patient-friendly billing system used by leading healthcare organiza-tions in Northeast Ohio.

“We are extremely pleased to have Tim take the reins as our new president,” said Robert Troop, owner and CEO of The Shamrock Companies. “Tim’s strong character, his passion for growing and developing people, and his commitment to further enhancing our unique culture will be embraced by all of our employees.”

Connor is married, has three daughters, and resides in Avon, Ohio.

tim Connor ’91

Send your notes to:Molly Coughlin Fanta25107 Wildwood Dr.Westlake, OH [email protected]


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Cathy went on to tell me that Kathie (Petrarca) Wilson, husband John ’93, and daughter Rebecca (4) celebrated the birth of Ryan James Wilson on July 23, 2007. ... It’s nice to hear that our class-mates still have a sense of adventure. In August, Cindy Ford and her mom just got in the car and took two weeks exploring the West. With no planned agenda and just a road map, they landed in, and hiked through the Badlands, the Black Hills, Yellowstone National Park, and the Shoshone National Forest. In November, Cindy returned from a three-week trip to Tanzania, Africa. Cindy and three of her friends, climbed and reached the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro (a lung aching 19,341 ft.). “It was amazing, awe inspiring and the most physically and mentally challenging thing I’ve ever done.” The group then headed across the Serengeti and Ngorogoron Crater where they had close encounters with lions, rhinos, cheetahs and leopards. They also brought along donations to a local school where many of the children are orphans – having lost their parents either to AIDS or Malaria. Thanks for this exciting update Cindy! ... The holidays are a great time to catch up – on Thursday, December 27, Dave Garton and his wife, Ann, were in Cleveland. I met them along with steve Fink and Chris Powers at Flannery’s Pub. We all had a nice time and it was great catch-ing up with old friends and reliving some of our days at John Carroll. Thanks to Dave and Ann for an enjoyable evening. See you on campus, Jim

Hello – believe it or not I did not get one e-mail since my last deadline but thanks to all those that sent holiday greetings: Katie, Lauren, Alexandria and Joe Gumeny live in Olmsted Falls, Ohio. Joe is employed at KeyBank. ... Therese, Dakota (their dog), and Mike schrage live in Gross Pointe, Mich. Mike works for Plante Moran and Therese is a teacher. ... Lisa, Siena, Sabrina, Sophia, and andy Botzer live in Birmingham, Ala. They had the twins, Sabrina and Sophia in 2007. ... Gavin, Benjamin, Tom and Pam (Phelleps) shields, are in St. Clairsville, Ohio. Tom runs a delivery company and Pam works in human resources part-time for a bank in Wheeling, WV. ... Shane, Bridget, Erin, and scott Webber live in Rocky River, Ohio. Scott is an insurance broker. ... Maureen and John reichart, Ciara and Brigid are now in Saint Charles, Mo. (not sure when this happened). ... John hogan and Gretchen heutsche are expecting their second child in February, their son, Braeden, turned 2 in January. John is a self-employed systems consultant and Gretchen is a podiatrist with her own practice in the Ann Arbor, Mich., area. ... sandra Crapis bought a townhouse in Sewickley, Pa. ... ted steiner and Monica Merella steiner live in Cleveland Hts. Ted is the youth director at St. Dominic and Monica is teaching Spanish. Their daughter Grace is in fourth grade and son Isaiah is in first. ... Allen ’07G and Mary ellen (Brenkus) Guisinger are in Cleveland. Allen received his

are interested in purchasing a copy. It seems to have gotten some nice reviews on ... Congratulations to Betsy (Benander) traben who is expecting a child, #6. Betsy and husband Ken adopted a little girl from China last Christmas and are now expecting a new baby in the house come spring. Betsy continues to do crafts, home schools her children, and still loves animals – you haven’t changed a bit! Good luck to you and your family. Keep us posted. ... Congratulations to tara o’neill lavelle on her new baby girl. We wish you the best of happiness with your new bundle of joy! Tara works at American Greetings. ... The Shamrock Companies, Inc. a marketing communications and project management company, announced the appointment of tim Connor as its new president. Connor joined The Shamrock Companies in 1993 (see story on page 55). Congratulations, Tim. ... Remember, if you are in town it might be fun to see a Blue Streaks basketball game and stop by the bookstore to stock up on some JCU sweats. Please share some news about a classmate or yourself. I look forward to hearing from you. All my best! Molly

Happy New Year! I hope that you had a great holiday season and that 2008 is off to a great start. Over the holidays I received a note from anne (Pollard) Gill. Anne and her husband, Sean, have three boys: Brendan (3), Gannon (1), and Casey (4 mos.). The happy couple lives in San Marino, Calif. Anne is a stay-at-home and loves every minute of it. Sean has his own executive search firm in Los Angeles and employs execu-tives, CPAs, and CFOs, for companies such as Disney, Sony and Warner Bros. The family loves California, however, they visit Michigan twice a year to see family and friends. Anne still keeps in touch with Kathleen tobin McDonald and Mike Cronin. Speaking of Mike Cronin, Mike and I recently had lunch at Yours Truly in Independence, Ohio. We plan to get together every quarter, if you’re interested in joining us for lunch just drop me a line and I’ll let you know where to meet. ... Cleveland City Councilman Joe Cimperman announced that he is running for Dennis Kucinich’s 10th Congressional seat, which includes the West Side of Cleveland and the city’s Western sub-urbs. Cimperman said Kucinich’s second bid for the White House triggered his decision to run against the one-time ally. “The community needs a full-time congressman,” said Cimperman, who lives just outside the district. Good luck Joe! ... I was excited to hear that Cathy (herman) Powers is a member of the National Alumni Board. She became a member of the board in June and will help to re-energize the City Clubs. Alumni should look for active City Clubs in Cleveland; Pittsburgh; Chicago; Washington, D.C.; and Los Angles. If you are interested in a City Club in your area, contact Cathy - [email protected]. Cathy said “I’m really honored to be working so closing with the university to rejuvenate such a wonderful way for alumni to keep their connection with Carroll.”

Send your notes to:Jim sislo203 Marilyn Ln.Eastlake, OH [email protected]


Send your notes to:Julie reardon12361 Woodridge Dr.North Royalton, OH [email protected]


reUnIon Year

MBA from JCU and works for Saint-Gobain Crystals in Newbury. Mary Ellen is working part time for Progressive in one of their call centers. They have three children, Natalie (7), Stevie (5) and Tommy (3). ... Jill Ledin ’97 purchased a house in Avon Lake, Ohio, last year and works in IS for Middough Associates in Cleveland. ... Reunion 2008 is June 20-22 and plans are already underway to make the event wonderful for us. It’s been 15 years already!?! Volunteers are needed to serve as committee members for Reunion 2008. If you would like to serve on our Reunion class committee or for more information on Reunion 2008, please contact Theresa Spada, alumni and special events coordinator, at [email protected] or 216.397.3014. ... Thanks to all for your updates, I look forward to hearing from you soon and hopefully seeing you June 20-22. Take care, Julie

It’s a slow month for the class of 1995, but I do have some wonderful news to report from our very first class columnist, elizabeth McDonald slanina and her husband, Joe slanina. They are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter, Clare Elizabeth, on Sunday, August 19, 2007. Clare weighed 6 lbs. 13 oz. and was 20 inches. Big brother Paul is excited to have a new sister. ... In other news I met the ultra chic and sophisti-cated Michelle Fox ’96 recently. She is an interior designer and owns a delightful home accessories shop in Massillon, Ohio, called the French Market. If you are from the area, you are probably thinking that “ultra chic” and “Massillon, Ohio” do not even belong togething in the same paragraph, let alone the same small Midwestern town, but it is true. Michelle travels the world and buys for the rest of us and returns home to sell her wares to people in Ohio who want a little Parisian culture in their lives. Michelle also agreed to donate to the St. Michael Green and White Auction, the major fundraiser for my daughter’s school; clearly those Jesuit roots of service have stayed with her. Incidentally, I was recruited to do fundraising by Val Anderson, a woman in my book club who asked me to serve on the auction committee. Val is also a John Carroll grad from the class of 1989. Funny how we alums manage to find each other! I mention the auction not to solicit funds but to describe to you what a step-up my volunteer position is from my last one: box top cutter and counter. The work of cutting and sorting those tiny little rectangles from the backs of various General Mills products is absolutely mind numb-ing. I only recommend this job to those of you who want to reconnect with the kindergartener inside yourself ... oh, the monotony, the repeti-

Send your notes to:Maureen “Moe” [email protected]



Send your notes to:annie (hummer) dePerro4161 Glenmoor Rd. N.W.Canton, OH [email protected]


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Iam writing this from Chongqing, China, a mountainous city slightly southwest of the center of the country. I teach English

at a university with about the same number of students as John Carroll. Amazingly, despite the fact that the surrounding area’s population is close to 30 million, almost none of my family or friends knew of this city.

I accepted this job as a vehicle to move overseas. I had never taught before this semester. Instead, since graduating in 2003, I have worked in marketing for Budweiser, in pharmaceutical PR in Manhattan, bartended, waitressed, freelanced and last year, backpacked around Thailand and Australia. All of this was to work toward a pipedream of travel journalism.

I had not thought about the conditions of dorm life until I came here. I had not rehashed the mundane day-to-dayness of those two years in dorms since moving off campus. It was not often that I thought about how 24-hour electricity and 13” TV/VCR combos symbolize a life sophisticated and chic. But, I do now. If anyone can complain about roughing it, if anyone should be chanting to the gods of proper amenities, it is the undergraduates of this university.

Most of my 400 students come from rural districts outside of the city. Their parents are farmers who spend seven days a week, 12 months a year, planting, hacking and picking, so they can sell whatever they have grown and give their nationally-mandated sole child a better chance at life.

This is not a place where music blares out windows or where you find crunched up ramen confetti scattering the hallways at 2 a.m. There is no student union building, no quad, and no statues. The soccer field has not a blade of grass, but instead looks like the makings of a sty, minus the swine.

Here, showers are not only shared with floor-mates, but the whole campus shares a separate building for showers, sans hot water, outside of the dorms. The toilets, the norm in this entire region, are squat toilets

– a flushable hole in the ground that does not accept paper.

Each day, the electricity in the dorms powers on at 5 p.m. and powers off at the 11 p.m. dorm curfew. Unfortunately, this means there is no heat at night. So, for a school situated at the base of a mountain, evenings are cold, damp and windy.

Two-student rooms in a country with over a billion people would be quite a bonus.

Instead, my students sleep six to a room. They are grouped by major, so they not only see the same faces each day as they rise, but they spend all day together in class, as well.

The amazing thing is, none of them complain. Students here are well aware that the facilities are not up to par, but they

alumnewsUniversity life in China

don’t protest. Instead, their focus is their family, their friends and their studies. They are eager for the (Beijing) Olympics this August, so the world can see their country as host of something other than recalled-toy factories and pollution.

The press has given China more than its share of mention lately, with much of the news negative. Despite this, campuses across the country are full of students who

are happy to simply sleep warmly. Unlike my John Carroll dorm experience, where a good night meant finishing homework early, ordering Papa John’s and getting a ride anywhere off-campus, these undergraduates are happy just to be here.

– Amanda Marfise ’03

amanda Marfise ‘03 (center) poses with some of her students in China.

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tion, the hand cramps. I also volunteer from time to time in my son’s pre-school. This week, his school is making a valiant attempt at multi-cultural awareness and since our family comes from an ethnically un-diverse family I will be showing and telling the children about the tiny little town of Pacentro, Italy, from where my husband’s family immigrated. Since bringing in a bottle of Chianti from the Abruzzi region would definitely be cross-ing a moral line for the 3 and 4 year old crowd, perhaps I’ll borrow my mother-in-law’s pizzelle maker as a prop instead. Although I just know that means I will also be baking those yummy little Italian cookies too. Well, folks, this concludes my account of life as a suburban housewife and gives you a glimpse of how I am occupying my time. My pledge to you is a more interesting column next time and my prayer is that you will help me out by e-mailing your anecdotes of life wherever you call home. My e-mail address has recently changed - [email protected] - so make sure you update your records. Have a happy spring! Annie

tim Gallagher and his wife, Jill, welcomed a daughter, Reese Emily, on 9/20/07. Little Reese joins big brother Timmy Jr. (26 mos.). Tim completed his MBA in 2006 and is working for Stryker Orthopaedics. The Gallagher family is residing in Strongsville, Ohio. ... vanessa (lindeman) Downey e-mailed that she and her husband welcomed their first child, Savannah, in June of 2005. The Downey family relocated to Southern, Ill., outside the St. Louis area for Vanessa’s job as VP of sales and marketing for a small company that does export business. Vanessa writes that her position has provided her the opportunity to travel to places like China, Dubai, Egypt, Thailand, and Mexico among other places. She also sent an update on amy Diorio-shamblen who had a baby boy (Matthew) in October. The Shamblens are living in Broadview Hts. and Amy is working at Sherwin-Williams. ... eric Clark was elected to partnership at Thompson Hine LLP effective 1/1/08. Eric is a member of the firm’s labor and employment practice group in the Cincinnati office. ... Until next time, the Lord bless you and keep you, Amy

I received a note from rachel (luchini) sielski. She writes: “I am married to my high school sweetheart, Ted Sielski, and living in Bay Village, Ohio. We recently adopted a 5 year-old boy who is the absolute light of our lives. I am the executive director of a non-profit agency in Bay Village called Family Haven which provides support to adults with developmental disabilities both at home and in the community. I would love to hear

from anyone in the Cleveland area who is inter-ested in becoming involved in fundraising or volun-teering. Our group loves to have people come over to teach our clients a special recipe, help them create a project (i.e. jewelry design), or even just read to them. It’s a wonderfully fulfilling way to spend time. Contact me - [email protected] - if you are interested. ... natalie sabo left Accenture after almost 10 years in the consulting force to work locally at MTD Products as manager of business intelligence. She’s been there since Feb. ’07. Natalie has also kept in touch with Kristi vadino, who is now teaching in Nairobi Kenya, Africa. She is really enjoying all the safari adventures. ... Jim Grant and his wife, Allison, recently welcomed their first child, James Harned Grant III on October 24, 2007. ... Brian Pekarcik, a Murrysville, Pa., native, returned Oct. 1 after four years in San Diego to take over as executive chef at the Steelhead Brasserie and Wine Bar, the flagship restaurant of the Marriott Pittsburgh City Center Downtown. “My wife and I recently had a second child, and Pittsburgh was calling. It’s much more comfortable and affordable to live here than San Diego.” ... Please take a moment when you can to send me your most recent news. Every time someone sends me a note, they mention how much they enjoy hearing about their fellow classmates. See you next time! Brian

Name a really fun event that happens only once every five years? Our John Carroll Class Reunion, of course! If you made it to our five-year Reunion in 2003, you know what a great time it was – drinking, socializing, drinking, eating, drinking, and reminiscing with old friends! So much has hap-pened since we graduated from John Carroll, including job promotions, advanced degrees, re-locations, home purchases, marriages, and births, we have a lot to share with each other this summer. Be sure to mark your calendars for June 20-22.

And make sure all your JCU friends are planning to attend, too! And if you have a few hours to help our reunion committee plan the big weekend, con-tact Theresa Spada at 216.397.3014. The group needs people to telephone classmates to make sure they know about Reunion Weekend, too. ... Congratulations to Dan and Janeece (anderson) ansevin who welcomed Ethan Daniel into their lives. Dan and Janeece returned to Cleveland Heights after living in Vermont for several years. Dan finished his neurology residency at Dartmouth and now is doing an epilepsy fellowship at University Hospitals. ... Michele (leighton) Krajicek and her husband, Bryan, welcomed their second son, Benjamen, into the world last July. They live with two-year old Nathan in Minnesota. Michele is an ER doctor with the Mayo Clinic, where her husband is a fellow. ... nicole (Damico) Powell is expecting her second baby in April. Nicole, husband Dave and daughter Angelina live in Dublin, Ohio. ... Don and alexia (Kapeluck) Gardi were married in Cleveland Heights on September 29. A number of John Carroll grads were in the wedding including Beth (arakaki) ezzie, Karen salerno, alison (Winters) scolaro, and maid of honor annie slota. lisa Cassidy-vu attended the wedding with her husband Davis Vu. They both are physicians in Cincinnati, Ohio, and have a little boy named Aidan. Matt and Carrie (tarantina) labert also attended. They have two children and reside in Virginia. ... Mike ’01 and Becky (Durica)

reUnIon YearSend your notes to:Cherie [email protected]


Send your notes to:Brian sparks5011 Oakes Rd.Brecksville, OH 44141Phone: [email protected]


Send your notes to:amy spisich [email protected]


allison and Jim Grant ’97 welcomed James harned Grant iii, on october 24, 2007.

l to r: Kari Casper ’99 and larry Brett, amy (Bakos) ’99 and Clem iannello, nicole (Peterson) ’99 and sean Gorius, and Kristen (Betka) ’99 and Mark layman.

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inaugural article. I will be sure to pass them along to her. Thank you for reading this column, and thank you for so cooperatively sending me your updates. I trust you will be as kind to Meg as you have been to me. ... In lieu of a goodbye, I will leave you with this anonymous perspective. The happiest people don’t necessarily have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything. Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Peace and wellness to you. Go get ‘em, Meg! Mark

This New Year brings us great news. On January 3, Clare taft and her husband, Jason smith, welcomed their first child. Grace Juliana Smith weighed 8 lbs., 5 oz. and measured 20.5 inches. The family is doing very well and Clare and Jason are enjoying every minute with their baby girl. Congratulations to Michael Paris and Chrystie (Kuhr) Paris. The couple welcomed a son, Collin, to their family on October 14, 2007. Collin joins his sister Samantha (21 mos.) at home. In other baby news, robin (Morris) Pacheco and her husband, Adan, welcomed daughter, Olivia Rosalina, on June 21, 2007. Jim and nicole (saah) ross welcomed their son, Madden Joseph, on August 28, 2007. Jim, Nicole and baby Madden live in Atlanta. Andrew and Maryellen (Walsh) Moline welcomed Nicholas Louis on December 6, 2007. Nicholas weighed in at 7 lbs., 20 inches. ... In other classmate news, angela susnjara is engaged to Phillip Hoover ’04G. Angela and Phill will be married August 30 of this year and as of February they are living in San Francisco, where Angela works as premier client manager for Bank of America. ... Lisa (Ianetta) Alejos ’99 married Giancarlo Alejos ’03 on June 30, 2007 at Saint Francis Chapel. The bridal party included Jaclyn Romano ’99, Katy Doman ’01, Jenni (Ianetta) Yaeger ’04, Eric Mingus ’01, Jeff Previte ’02, Mark Gilbertson ’02, Ray Bolger ’03,

Kelley are living in Streetsboro, Ohio, with their son Aidan. Mike is a teacher and coaches basket-ball, and Becky is working for a new company. Dan and nyla (abu-Jawdeh) lambert welcomed baby Alex into the world in April. They have a daughter Rima and live in Hampstead, N.H. ... ryan eskridge received his DDS from The Ohio State University in 2002 and now works for North Court Family Dentistry, in Circleville, Ohio. Ryan and his wife, Adessa, live in Ashville, Ohio. ... Please continue to e-mail me your updates so I can share your good news in this column. I look forward to seeing everyone back on the Quad this June! Until then, take care, Cherie

Greetings, friends. This will be my last class column. Upon seeing that Jerry Pockar was turning the page after having taken this publication to such a first-class level, I decided that my time as a columnist had come to an end. My heartfelt thanks to Jerry for being the consummate professional and superb advocate for John Carroll University. It is solely because of Jerry that I accepted the invitation to take on this column when it last came available. In each of my encounters with Jerry, he has reminded me why I am proud to be a graduate of JCU. ... As for this column, I will be handing the pen to the much-loved Meg Galligan. I’m sure many of us will be very happy for that! ... With the holidays surrounding us (just prior to this writing), there was very little in the way of updates. Nonetheless, there were two very exciting ones. In October, amy Bakos married Clem Iannello. Her bridesmaids were Kristen (Betka) layman, Kari Casper, and nicole (Peterson) Gorius. Amy is currently working at American Express as a global implementation manager and living in Cleveland. ... Also in October, sarah Furey got engaged to Matt Reichert. They are planning a June 28, 2008 wedding in Norwalk, Ohio. Best wishes, Sarah and Matt! ... Please send your updates to me – [email protected] - until Meg writes her

Send your notes to:

Meg [email protected]


Send your notes to:lisa Foster 3795 Lowell Rd.Cleveland Heights, OH [email protected]

Clare Taft2171 Middlefield Rd.Cleveland Heights, OH [email protected]


and Tom Phillips ’03. The couple lives in Willowick, where Giancarlo works as a specialist in the People Development Group at Progressive Insurance, and Lisa is a Spanish teacher and Foreign Language Department chairperson at West Geauga Middle School in Chesterland. ... liz Donnelly is engaged to Michael Burke, a 1999 graduate of Boston College; a July wedding is planned in Chicago. ... Another Chicago alum, Bob Guillen, works as a project manager in the Translation Department for the Center on Outcomes, Research and Education, which is part of the Research Institute for Evanston Northwestern Healthcare in Evanston, Ill. The company creates multilingual versions of patient quality-of-life questionnaires, which are used in global clinical trials. Bob was also part of a celebration for the engagement of Fina Cannon and her fiancé Davie Riddle. ... Katie (Farrell) and Jeff norris and their 3 ½-year-old son, Jeffrey, live in Chicago, Ill. Jeff works as a software architect at ThoughtWorks and is a road racing cyclist in his spare time. Katie is a second year Unitarian Universalist seminary student at Meadville Lombard Theological School and completed her internship as a hospital chaplain last year. ... We are always excited to deliver the great news of our fellow classmates, so be sure to send your announcements our way! Have fun and keep us informed ... Clare and Lisa

I hope that all are well. rami ahmed shares: “I was just accepted to an academic fellowship in Medical Simulation at Harvard Medical School. I will work as an attending physician in the emergency department at Massachusetts General Hospital while training Harvard medical students throughout the year. I will simultaneously be working on my master’s in health professions education and various research projects. I am currently completing my chief resident year at Akron City Hospital and will graduate this June. I will start at Harvard in July ’08.” Rami also shares that, Joe Palumbo, started an emergency medicine residency at Hamot Medical Center in Erie, Pa. ... erin Painter recently

Send your notes to:Maureen deMers Fariello257 Ironbark CourtBolingbrook, IL [email protected]


lisa (ianetta) alejos ’99 married Giancarlo alejos ’03 on June 30, 2007 at saint Francis Chapel.

Grace Juliana smith born January 3 is the daughter of class of 2000 members Clare taft and husband Jason smith.

Class of ’01 members, ross Donadio; Meghan McBride; and henry Burns.

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Wood Johnson Medical School in New Jersey. She is doing her residency in internal medicine in Chicago at Northwestern Hospital. ... As for me, Scott and I were blessed with the birth of our first child, Alexander Scott, on November 30. Being parents is truly amazing, and we are enjoying every moment with him. ... Keep the news coming – I look forward to hearing from you! Kristen

“I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book.” – Groucho Marx. I’m finding that’s true even more since the writer’s strike; I’ve read some great books lately! I hope everyone is enjoying how winter is turning into spring. Here’s the news that’s sprung up since our last column: David Fatkins asked Laura Vitale ’04 to marry him this fall! They are planning a wedding Labor Day. Congratulations, David and Laura! ... Kristy (DePretis) and steve Bowman were married in August in her hometown of Pittsburgh. They had many JCU friends attend their happy day. In Febru-ary, the couple moved to Hartford, Conn., where Steve is the director of real estate for Aldi, Inc. ... Kristen Cipriani and Dan Bender became engaged in December (congratulations!). The two have been dating since our freshman year at JCU and got engaged right on campus. Their wedding is planned for Sept. 27, 2008. Kristen earned her MSSA from Case Western and is working as a mental health counselor in a Cleveland school. Dan received his MBA from Cleveland State and works as a staffing manager at Robert Half International in Beachwood. ... Kerry lynch and Daniel termine were engaged in July and are planning to be married this August. Dan is pursuing his Ph.D. at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas; and Kerry is a Doctor of Physical Therapy also working in Houston. ...

on September 17, 2007. Kimberly (Klish) ridge and husband Nicholas ’00 welcomed their first son, Brendan James, on October 12, 2007. Kara (Cronin) simone, Matt ’99, and big brother, Jack, welcomed Ryan James on October 23, 2007. As for me and my husband, Nick, we will welcome our first child in May 2008. ... Please send updates. Enjoy each day, Maureen

I hope this column finds all of you well. Here is the most recent news for the Class of 2002. austin McGuan recently graduated magna cum laude from Cleveland-Marshall College of Law and passed the bar. He is now working as an associ-ate at Squire, Sanders & Dempsey in the firm’s public finance practice. ... David and shannon (Cramer) swiatkowski announced the birth of their second child, Adam James. He was born on September 15, 2007 and joins big sister, Lily, who will be 2 at the end of March. The Swiatkowski family resides in Euclid. Dave is a branch manager with CitiFinancial in Bedford. Shannon received her master’s in pharmacology at Case Western Reserve University and now works in the Center for Proteomics there. ... Philip taraska finished his M.A. in theology from Saint Mary’s Seminary and Graduate School of Theology in the Diocese of Cleveland in May 2006. He is currently in his last semester of course work at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh working on his Ph.D. in bioethics, and is also working on a nursing degree. He works as a graduate and teaching assistant in Health Care Ethics at Duquesne. This past summer, he did his clinical rotation in Uganda, Africa, where he did research on orphans with HIV/AIDS. This fall, he will begin working on his dissertation in military medical ethics. He is also serving and training with the Ohio Army National Guard as a combat medic. ... Dina sparano recently graduated from Robert

graduated from Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine with a Doctorate in Pharmacy; she has moved to the Windy City, working at a CVS in the Gold Coast and living in Wrigleyville. ... tom rennie is senior tax manager with BKR Cornwell Jackson in Plano, Texas. ... Christy Potts is living in Twinsburg. ... Julie (Mchugh) Gajewski earned an MS at Canisius College and is teaching at Kaegebein Elementary School. Julie and husband, Joel, live in Wheatfield, N.Y. ... Marisa Pocci wrote: “I passed the July 2007 Nevada bar exam, and am employed as an attorney with the California-based law firm of Cooksey, Toolen, Gage, Duffy, & Woog, P.C., in Las Vegas. Previously, I passed the July 2004 Ohio bar exam and practiced law for two years in Cleveland. In November 2006, I moved with my boyfriend, Patrick Carney (brother of Dana ’02), to “fabulous” Las Vegas, where I worked for a brief but wonderful four months as a real live Las Vegas showgirl before returning to the practice of law! I have had the good fortune to keep in touch with lots of JCU friends (although, being on the other side of the country, I’ve missed a few JCU weddings). Many JCU visitors here in sin city, including Chad Kleibscheidel, traci sybelnik, Justin Kerr ’99, Jillian valerius and expect many more! I also had a chance meeting with ryan Parle in the poker room at Caesar’s Palace this year. I would tell you more but you know what they say about what happens in Vegas.” ... John shiga and Megan (Toolis) Shiga ’03 were married on April 14, 2007, in Saint Francis Chapel with many alumni in attendance. John and Megan live in University Heights. John works for KeyBank in Cleveland and Megan graduated from The Ohio State University College of Dentistry and practices on the Westside. ... Darla (Kimak) Kiko ’02 and Bryan married August 24, 2007, on Folly Beach, S.C. ... ross Donadio, Meghan McBride, and henry Burns celebrated Meghan’s 29th birthday at Dos Caminos in NYC. Ross works for a record label and has a major role in an upcoming independent film. Meghan teaches second grade at Harlem Success Academy, a new charter school. Henry recently joined Deloitte & Touche LLP in the Private Client Advisors Group and is involved with tax compliance and consulting for high net worth individuals. The trio has also seen the great Kyle Stefano ’02, who is attending graduate school at Columbia. They really miss their good friend Kristine Gasbarre ’02, who has been in Italy all year but will be returning to the NYC area this summer. ... Will Parr also sent his own update: “I was recently married at the Cincinnati Art Museum to Julie Burckle, a Miami University and Xavier grad. JCU alumni in attendance were: Chris Davidson, Kevin Fink, Meredith and Mike hudec, Henry Lee ’00, Matt Rose ’00, Joe Meinking, Julie schwing, Max Scherer, and Luke Diorio ’02. Julie is a program manager with Anthem and I am a general manager with Eagle Realty Group. We live in Cincinnati. Since graduation, I have completed a master’s in professional education from Xavier and am about to complete my MBA from Regis University in Denver – three Jesuit schools in a row! We have two beautiful Siberian Husky children, Kenai and Alyeska.” ... Maia (Bosnar) Jerin and husband, Jacob, welcomed daughter, Laila Rose, on June 30, 2007. lauren (hill) lesagonicz and her husband, Robert, welcomed Abigail Katherine on August 9, 2007. lisa (DiDonato) hayden and husband Jason welcomed their second child, Jack Avery,

reUnIon YearSend your notes to:Theresa (Jurak) Polachek4844 Westbourne Rd.Lyndhurst, OH [email protected]



Send your notes to:Kristen (Muoio) Mcvean9 Warrington Dr.Fairport, NY [email protected]



l to r: Jen Bowman ’05, heather Dukes ’03, Mike Deiseroth ’04, Kelsey Knarr ’03, P.J. Binder ’03, Kristen Cipriani ’03, Dan Bender ’03, Kristy (DePretis) Bowman ’03, steve Bowman ’03, Jeff DeChellis ’03, Frank Cirillo ’03, Pat roach ’03, tom Fink ’03, Jocelyn Dietz ’04, Brody Day ’03, Dan Greenberger ’03, elizabeth orr ’03

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Justin Byrne, plan to be married in 2009 and so will Joe lowry and eileen Cummings. ... randall and lisa (nau) White have a new baby girl who was born on August 30; they are living in Charlotte, N.C. Stephen ‘02 and Jennifer (reali) Fiorilli are in Tampa and expecting their first baby in June! ... Thanks for all the updates. Check out our MySpace page for pictures! Paul

Hey everyone – not much to report this time. Chemistry major adam anderson recently started as a technical service representative with Brunswick-based Columbia Chemical, a supplier of zinc plating additives. ... In wedding news, Julie eid got married on July 14, 2007, and she didn’t even have to change her last name! Her husband is Joseph Eid – the two share a very common Lebanese last name, she tells me. They just bought a home in North Royalton. Julie is working at Western Reserve Vision Care as an ophthalmic assistant, and Joseph is an engineer at GE. Best wishes to both of them! ... Now for the rest of you, what are you up to? Send me your news! Jennifer

With the start of a New Year, the class of 2006 continues with their success including new jobs, promotions, and advanced degrees. ashley Bittel is working for Clear Channel Radio as a marketing consultant. She also regularly voices commercials for Clear Channel stations including 96.5 KISS FM and WMMS 100.7. … Milko Cecez is in his second year of law school at The Cleveland-Marshall College of Law. He is also working a few days a week at the Cuyahoga County prosecutor’s office. … Megan Curry is living in Boston, Mass., where she just accepted a position at Cengage Learning as the assistant editor to the History Titles at Wadsworth Publishing. … Diana Glaus and Christopher arko got engaged on Christmas. … Matthew hancak started a new job in January at ICS Laboratories, Inc. as an optical engineer. He helps design and set up optical test equipment and does uncertainty studies on existing test equipment. … Karen harmeyer has recently finished a year in Seattle as a Jesuit volunteer at the Northwest Immigrant Rights Project, where she helped asylum seekers find pro bono attorneys. Karen is back in Ohio, and while her Peace Corps application is processed she is working for an immigration attorney and also at Fisher Cast Steel Products. ... Beth ann helminiak moved to NYC in September and is now working as a broadcast

Julia (schofield) and Nathan ’04 sellers are the proud parents of a baby boy, James Adam, who was born Nov. 28, 2007. Before becoming a mom, Julia taught preschool at the Cleveland Music School Settlement. Now she’s a stay-at-home mom and the happy family lives in University Heights. Congratulations, Julie and Nathan! ... niki steusloff and Jacob Morris will be married in June. Niki is teaching seventh and eighth grade math at Heritage Middle School in Indiana, and Jacob is finishing his Ph.D. studies in inorganic chemistry at the University of Notre Dame. They are looking forward to starting a new life and to getting a dog named Walter! ... Brian D. Jennings and Geri L. Izbicki were married this June in Taftville, Conn. They are currently living in Ann Arbor, Mich., and both are studying for their doctorates of applied mathemat-ics at the University of Michigan. ... That’s it for this column ... until next time, take care! Theresa

I apologize for taking an issue off – we’ve got a lot of career updates, a few marriages, and even baby news. Gregory Jackson was a copy editor of PR material and online content for, and is now looking to move to full time - PR/media/community relations. ... Wildali (lugo) DeJesus finished her master’s in public administration at CSU in August. She moved to Tallahassee, Fla., in September and is an investigator with the U.S. Department of Labor. ... elizabeth McGowan is working in supply chain for PepsiCo as the supervisor of their West Coast Grocery Division. She lives in Chicago and is busy planning her September 20 wedding to Tom Foley. ... Jack Donnelly is working in Chicago for the Tribune Company selling advertising. He recently closed the largest deal in his department’s history. ... Carly Grey is graduating from The George Washington University Law School in Washington, D.C., on May 20. She will work in the D.C. office

Send your notes to:Paul Clapp1681 Rush Rd.Wickliffe, OH [email protected]


of McGuire Woods LLP. After running XC at Carroll, Carly decided to run her first marathon a week after her 23rd birthday – in 4h 9m. ... Maura roddy just started with Grubb-Ellis in Chicago. ... Peter Corrigan earned a master’s of education through the University of Notre Dame Alliance for Catholic Education (ACE) Program while teaching for two years in Tucson, Ariz. He now serves as the assistant principal at Saint Augustine Catholic High School, in Tucson. ... thomas l. Jenkins celebrated his three-year anniversary with Bank of America and accepted a management position in Newport Beach, Calif., as an officer in Consumer Lending Credit Acquisition managing personal loans upwards of $200,000. ... todd Belinky start-ed graduate school (master’s in peace operations) at George Mason University in Arlington, Va. He is serving in the Army Reserves as a First Lieutenant and returned from a year in the Middle East. ... audra (Welch) van Winkle graduated from OSU and is now working as an occupational therapist for Pediatric Therapy Partners in Columbus, Ohio. ... adam Duale found a home at Deloitte Tax LLP and was given an amazing opportunity to travel to India to do training at an office in Hyderabad. He spent a month and a half in India over the summer – more about his trip in the next issue. ... Many wedding announcements – lou Grasso was mar-ried July 28 to Brooke Daly and is an administrator at IBEW Local No. 129. amanda (Kresak) and Joe Calabro married on June 30 and live in Dayton. Amanda is a senior auditor for a public account-ing firm and just passed the CPA exam in August. Everyone who worked at The Carroll News knew Matt taylor and heather Wood were made for each other, and recently Matt and Heather got engaged. nikki (spiezio) and Haki Flores were married in Golden, Col., on December 30. John Garber and Dana Delsignore got engaged on Christmas Eve. Dana graduated from the CSU accelerated nursing program with a bachelor’s degree in nursing and passed her state boards to become a registered nurse. She’s a pediatric nurse at Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital in Cleveland. More summer weddings – Katie McPhie and J.P. Krainz are planning their wedding and erik McKay and Jessica Franck are as well. Cindy (Consiglio) and Trevor ’02 schilling married in September. tara Billman married Joe LaFlamme on December 28. Megan Gerity and her fiancé,

Send your notes to:Jennifer [email protected]



Send your notes to:Christine [email protected]

roberta Muoio4216 N. Paulina Ave.Chicago, IL [email protected]


Photo taken at newport Beach of thomas l. Jenkins ’04 (r with short board) and tom Dowd (l with long board), a senior executive of Bank of america.

Julie eid ’05 and Joseph eid

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talent coordinator for Publicis, an ad agency, in Mid-town Manhattan. … Kristi hosko is working at Automatic Data Processing as an associate district manager of sales. She is also currently mentoring and training a new associate and won associate district manager of the month for December for having the highest in sales. … shea Keats will be getting her master’s in management from Case Western Reserve University in May. … Julie Klemens is working on her master’s in speech pathology at Kent State University. ... Megan Mahaffey just got promoted to senior account executive at Stern Advertising and now works on the Sterling Jewelers account. … sean Martin is in the Ft. Lauderdale Miami-Dade area and has been working for Grant Thornton LLP as a tax associate for a year and a half now. He is also working towards his master’s in taxation at Florida Atlantic University. ... Molly McBride is teaching third grade at a Catholic school in Rochester, N.Y., and working towards her master’s in special education. ... Gabriella Mileti is living in Milan, Italy, where she moved after graduating to study fashion styling at Istituto Marangoni. She is also working backstage and dressing the models during Milan Fashion Week. … Since this past November, Gene natale has been working in athletics at Cleveland State University in sports information and doing promotions for CBS Radio in Cleveland. Gene also continues to do his radio show at WJCU. ... Gina Puppo just received her Master of Arts in

Journalism and Mass Communication from Point Park University in Pittsburgh, Pa. ... Thanks to everyone who contributed to this issue’s column and keep the updates coming. Christine and Roberta

There has been a lot going on with our class from post-graduate schooling to volunteering to new jobs! laura Pareso just finished her first three blocks at University of Cincinnati College of Medicine. She is also involved in UC Med-mentors, which is a program that pairs up Cincinnati medical students with Cincinnati public school students. Through this program, she mentors a seventh grade student and motivates her to succeed in her schoolwork and on the basketball team, and Laura also enjoys going to plays with her. … Currently working as a marketing coordinator at Swagelok in Solon, Ohio, Michelle anderson also keeps busy as a resident minister at Carroll. She lives in Pacelli with first-year women while pursuing a master’s in communications management. ... In Baltimore, Md., lauren Fraser is working at Catholic Charities - St. Vincent Center with foster kids who have

survived abuse and multiple home placements. She is completing a year of service with the Jesuit Volunteer Corps. ... stephanie Cuddy is in Chicago working for Rosenthal Collins Group as an HR generalist. ... Back in the Cleveland area, Christina Phillis is an associate editor for Ophthalmology Times, a trade magazine in North Olmsted, where she is in charge of its practice management section as well as web manage-ment. ... samantha reefer is a product manager for consumer telephony products at Jenne Inc., serving as the liaison between Jenne and its manufacturers, such as GN/Jabra, Plantronics, Sennheiser, EnGenius, and Vtech. She works with manufacturers and the Jenne marketing team to create marketing campaigns and collateral materi-als. In addition, she works with Jenne’s inside and outside sales team to ensure customer product questions are answered and to make our market-ing material available to them. Samantha resides in downtown Cleveland and is involved in several professional organizations. ... lyndi startari and Brandon Oing ’06 were recently engaged and are planning a wedding for November 29, 2008. In other engagement news, sarah nairne is engaged to Todd Schafer, and is planning a wedding for August 2008. Sarah is currently a coach at Stow-Munroe Falls High School. ... We hope everyone is successful in whatever they are doing, and when something great happens, don’t forget to let us know! Brittany and Lisa

Send your notes to:lisa [email protected]

Brittany [email protected]



Pitch in

April 19Cultivating Community Day

In keeping with John Carroll University’s mission of service to the community, alumni across the country will join together Saturday, April 19, for a National Day of Service. In Cleveland, alumni are invited to participate in “Cultivating Community Day,” a day when volunteers work in the Hough and Glenville neighborhoods. Details are being finalized for service projects in Pittsburgh and Washington, D.C.

Please contact the Office of Alumni Relations at [email protected] or at 216.397.4222, for more information, or to sign up for John Carroll’s Alumni National Day of Service in Cleveland; Pittsburgh; or Washington, D.C., or if you are willing to coordinate a service opportunity in your area.

Grab your work gloves and

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In MeMorIaM

This is the deceased list as we know it. We apologize for any omission and ask that you please notify Joan Brosius 216.397.4332.

Stephen J. Stempien ’33 1/7/06Charles J. Sheehe ’41 1/12/08Raymond J. Lanigan ’43 12/18/07William E. Hill ’48 2/11/06Frank E. Cooney ’49 9/28/07Norman A. Fuerst ’49 12/17/07James D. Calkins ’50 4/03/07Roger F. Kennedy ’50 11/18/07John F. Huddleston ’51 retired registrar 11/8/07Edward I. Kelly, Jr. ’51 1/4/08Gail Schmitt ’51 8/25/07Edward W. Schnell ’51 8/29/07John F. Belitz ’52 1/2/08John R. Bertsch ’53 12/23/07Ronald J. Waytula ’54 9/30/06Raymond G. Becks ’55 1/22/08Edmond P. Byrne ’55 1/22/08

Charles G. Hippler ’56 12/7/07William A. Howarth ’56 2/11/07Francis A. Privitere ’56 1/8/08Glenn W. Drake ’57 11/27/07Jerry R. Holzhall ’57 12/15/07James R. Gray ’58 12/5/07Gerard E. Milne ’58 10/30/07John M. Slivka ’58 10/27/07Edward C. Roy ’59 11/9/07Martin J. Haitz ’60 6/22/06Thomas J. Kusnirek ’60 12/8/07John A. Girbino ’62 12/9/07Eugene F. McEnroe ’62 11/16/07Thomas J. Yule ’62 1/10/08Alloy A. Chapinski ’63 G 10/4/02William W. Lux ’63 1/5/08Martin J. Tiernan ’66 1/19/08Eric Nigel Kaye ’67 12/12/07

Richard J. Cozzone ’68 12/7/07Gordon J. Eves ’68 1/17/06Anthony J. Jader ’68 2/28/07Timothy A. McGunnigle ’69 12/11/07Irene H. Lefehocz ’71 G 1/18/08Ruben P. Red ’73 G 7/24/06Robert H. Szabrak ’73 11/6/07Helen M. Kondik ’74 11/27/07George G. Kmiecik ’76 8/8/07Zora M. Meissner ’80, ’84 G 1/7/08Helen Barna ’87 G retired staff 11/27/07John L. Caine ’88 G 5/30/04Miriam J. Bloom ’89 11/28/07Robert J. MacLeod ’93 G 12/3/07Diona E. Hicks ’03 12/1/07John W. Ray former coach 11/14/07

For 17 years, John F. Huddleston was John Carroll University’s registrar, a.k.a. the university’s “go-to guy” responsible for registering students, keeping academic records, and corresponding with applicants and evaluating their credentials. He also was an English lecturer in the former University College (evening school) division.

He previously served as registrar for a decade at the Board of Education of the Cleveland Catholic Diocese, and as chief clerk of the statistical section of Allegheny Airlines in Washington, D.C.

Former Blue Streak Football Coach John Ray dies at age 81 Former John Carroll University football coach John Ray died in November. He was 81.

A member of the John Carroll Athletic Hall of Fame, Ray served as the head coach of the Blue Streaks during the most domi-nant era of football in the school’s history. Assuming the reins of the program in 1959, following the retirement of Herb Eisele, Ray amassed a record of 29-6-0, with three undefeated seasons in 1959, 1962 and 1963.

During his five seasons at the helm of the Blue Streaks, Ray was named National

Catholic Coach of the Year in 1959 and 1962.After the 1963 season, Ray moved to

the University of Notre Dame, where he served as Notre Dame’s defensive line and linebackers coach under Ara Parseghian from 1964-1968, and was the assistant head coach in 1967-1968.

He was head coach at the University of Kentucky from 1969-1972.

Ray played fullback and center on the 1944 Notre Dame team. He is a graduate of Olivet College.

John Huddleston, former John Carroll registrarHuddleston, a longtime resident of

University Heights, died in November.He was a 1951 graduate of John Carroll,

a 1956 graduate of Georgetown Law School, and a U.S. Army World War II veteran, whose personal interests included music appreciation.

Huddleston is survived by his wife, Dolores, who also worked for the university, and four children, who are also John Carroll alumni: Frances E. Webbe ’77, David A. ’79, John F. Jr. ’82, and Edward C. ’84.

John Huddleston, in this photo circa late 1960s, enters John Carroll student data.

John ray was 29-6 in five years as football head coach at John Carroll, which included the only three undefeated seasons in JCu football history.

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For many years, one of the real strengths of a John Carroll University education has been our Core Curriculum, which provides our students with a solid grounding in the Liberal Arts and a basis to build upon in their majors.

For the last 12 years, the centerpiece of our core has been our First Year Seminar (FYS), the only course that directly addresses all of the goals of the core. Our FYS is a rigorous academic course – not to be confused with more common “College 101” experiences for freshmen – taught by full-time faculty from across all departments in the university.

This truly interdisciplinary course provides a common experience for all entering students, introducing them to academic inquiry and helping them develop their ability to read critically, to write persuasively, to discuss ideas clearly, and to learn in a discussion-based seminar.

In fall 2008, JCU faculty will unveil a new model for our FYS, designed to reinvigorate the program by building on its many strengths while allowing more choice for students and faculty.

The new model structures the FYS around a common theme, which is centered in the core values of JCU as expressed in the Mission Statement, but sufficiently broad so as to allow exploration from the perspectives of many disciplines from across the university.

For 2008 through 2010, the overall theme for the FYS will be Social Justice, in keeping with centuries of Jesuit tradition. Common readings for all 40 FYS sections will center on Social Justice

from the viewpoint of Jesuit education. The five Learning Communities are:

• ClimateChangeandSocialJustice(coordinated by Miles Coburn, Department of Biology)

• CorporationsandSocialJustice(coordinated by Ernie De Zolt, Department of Sociology)

• HumanRightsandSocialJustice(coordinated by Matt Berg, Department of History)

• PovertyandSocialJustice (coordinated by Debra Rosenthal, Department of English)

• SecondLifeandSocialJustice–Building a Utopia (coordinated by Sharon Kaye, Department of Philosophy).

The course has built up a great deal of momentum already, with 40 faculty working in their Learning Communities to design the course, bringing together their very diverse talents and knowledge bases.

The faculty in each Learning Community are working with liaisons from Grasselli Library, Student Affairs, our Writing Center and our Composition Program, to design assignments and activities that will bring the topics to life for the students. Every Learning Community will have all eight of its sections meet together in the Dolan Science Center – Donahue Auditorium every two weeks, so that students can hear panel discussions and common speakers (including, in some cases, the authors of their books), allowing students to see several viewpoints on difficult issues.

For faculty, FYS requires enormous amounts of time and energy in its development and teaching. The fact that 40 faculty members have volunteered to build the course and teach it this fall speaks volumes about our commitment to our students.

When our incoming students arrive on campus this summer to choose their courses for fall, they’ll each select one of the five FYS implementations as their introduction into academic life. Our faculty is very optimistic that our new FYS model will bring new energy and enthusiasm to the start of their John Carroll careers.


New and Improved First Year Seminar Centerpiece course based on social justice theme

By Paul L. Shick, Ph.D.Professor, Mathematics and Computer Science

Director, First Year Seminar

Page 67: John Carroll Magazine Spring 2008

Dr. Karen Schuele, dean of the John M. and Mary Jo Boler School of Business, has

an impressive record of public and professional service, including serving as a member of the Finance and Audit Committee of the Shaker Heights School District and treasurer for Christ Church, and a recent stint as a member of the executive board of the Ohio Society of CPAs. Her propensity to give back makes her a particularly appropriate spokesperson for the business school’s revised mission, which places great emphasis on graduating “outstanding, socially responsible leaders.”

“We expect Boler students to leave John Carroll with the belief that it is their responsibility to be an active participant in their communities,” Schuele said in a recent interview with John Carroll magazine. “We expect that our students will lead ethically in their professional lives, serve those less fortunate through the use of their talents, and share their financial resources.”

In addition to increased emphasis on service and leadership, enhancing the Boler School’s faculty and building its enrollment are also central to the school’s mission and, thus, high on Schuele’s agenda. Equally vital is the Boler School’s upcoming reaccreditation process. That evaluation will also look closely at the


Boler’s Dean Schuele is focused on a lead-serve-share mission


quality of the school’s pursuit of its mission, which means that the lead-serve-share ideal is in very sharp focus, indeed, for the veteran accountancy professor.

John Carroll University has always had a significant presence in her life. Her dad, Don, graduated with the JCU class of 1956, and though he left John Carroll to become a distinguished professor of physics at nearby Case Western Reserve University, he maintained strong ties with John Carroll’s physics faculty, and with the university’s Jesuit presence. Schuele is also the niece of Alumni Medalist and JCU board member Barbara Schubert ’62, and is related to a slew of Schueles who have walked the Quadrangle, including her daughter, Melissa, who is a JCU senior (but no pressure on her other two children, Elizabeth, 16, and Austin, 13!)

Schuele graduated from Case in 1980 and received her MPA (master’s in professional accounting) at the University of Texas and her Ph.D. in accounting at Kent State University. She also is a CPA (Ohio). She enjoyed two stints as a visiting instructor at John Carroll before securing a tenure-track position in 1991. A stalwart in accountancy ever since, she has also earned high marks as a key administrator. She was named acting dean of the Boler School in April 2007 and appointed dean in September 2007.

When she is not engaged in Boler

School matters, you will likely find Schuele cheering at one of her children’s baseball games or tennis matches, snapping off crisp forehands of her own in competitive local tennis leagues, or busy renovating her Shaker Heights home with husband, David Jarus.

In the coming weeks, Schuele will travel on behalf of the Boler School to London and Dublin, where she will visit students studying abroad for the semester and explore additional international opportunities for Boler students, and to Hawaii for The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) International Conference and annual meeting.

Page 68: John Carroll Magazine Spring 2008

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20700 North Park BoulevardUniversity Heights, Ohio 44118-4520

Plan now to attend limited public viewings of The Saint John’s Bible – the first Bible to be written and illustrated entirely by hand in more than 500 years.

The Saint John’s Bible blends ancient methods, materials and tools with modern themes, images and text. The Prophets Edition, which John Carroll University will receive, is the most-rare and exclusive fine-art reproduction of the work.

Both events are in the Dolan Center for Science and Technology.

Sunday, April 13, 20082-5 p.m.Open to the public Monday, April 14, 200811 a.m.-3 p.m.Open to the campus community

Save the Date:

The Saint John’s Bible coming to John Carroll

Stunning masterpiece will have permanent home in Grasselli Library and Breen Learning Center