john milton

1608-1674 John Milton

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John Milton. 1608-1674. Puritan Goals. Puritan movement of late 16 th and early 17 th centuries had profound effect on English life Immediate goal – “purify” the Church of England by eliminating certain Roman Catholic traditions Beliefs: Power to receive enlightenment from the Bible - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: John Milton


John Milton

Page 2: John Milton

Puritan movement of late 16th and early 17th centuries had profound effect on English life

Immediate goal – “purify” the Church of England by eliminating certain Roman Catholic traditions

Beliefs:Power to receive enlightenment from

the BibleWanted a “bottom-to-top” structure –

congregations chose their own ministers

Spread vision through pamphlets, sermons, books

Puritan Goals

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Conflicts b/w Charles I and the Puritans over Charles’ plans to restore Roman Catholic traditions

Some Puritans left England for America

1649 King Charles found of treason and beheaded

New government, the Commonwealth, headed by Puritan Oliver Cromwell, took over

Conflict with the Monarchy

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Puritans tried to make English society conform to their beliefsOutlawed Christmas and EasterProhibited chess and dancingClosed public theatersCensored literature

Some great literature did emerge:John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s ProgressJohn Milton’s Paradise Lost

Influence ended in 1660 when the monarchy was restored

Puritan Influence

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successful poet and political activist

Began writing Paradise Lost in 1658 at age 50

Published in 1667Since he had become

blind, he had to dictate the entire work

Claimed a divine spirit inspired him

John Milton

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Epic Poem – long narrative; all-encompassing cultural visions; explores all aspects of a particular moment of civilization explores big questions

the vision of an entire society relationship b/w human beings

and the divine historical framework and future

destiny of a nation more than a story – epic is a

celebration of what makes a culture what it is


Page 7: John Milton

Concerns the Fall of Man The temptation of Adam

and Eve by the fallen angel Satan and their expulsion from the Garden of Eden

Blank Verse – non-rhyming verse; iambic pentameter (same as Shakespeare)

Story is divided into 12 books

Paradise Lost

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follows the exploits of a hero (anti-hero)

involves warfare and the supernatural

begins in medias res (in the midst of things)

begins with Milton invoking the Holy Spirit for his task

expresses ideals and traditions of a people

common with Homer’s Odyssey and Beowulf

Epic Characteristics

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purpose of Paradise Lost is to “justify the ways of God to men”

Milton presents Satan as an ambitious and proud being who defies his creator

Milton incorporates Paganism, Greek references, and Christianity

Poem deals with issues including fate and predestination


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SatanAdamEveThe Son of GodGod the Father


Page 11: John Milton

The importance of obedience to God

The hierarchal nature of the universe – Heaven above, Hell below, the Earth in the middle (based on proximity to God and his grace)

Social hierarchy – angels, humans, animals, devils

The “fall” as partly fortunate – maybe it was a good thing


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Allusion – a reference to a well-known person, place, event , written work, or work of art.

Transgress – to break or violate a lawDeluge – anything that overwhelms as if by a

floodDiscern – to perceive; to detectMyriad – a great or countless numberSubterranean – existing or operating below

the surface of the earth; underground
