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©John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2010 CHAPTER 10 Life Span Development II PowerPoint Lecture Notes Presentation

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©John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2010


Life Span Development II

PowerPoint Lecture Notes Presentation

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©John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2010

Lecture Overview

Moral Development Personality Development Meeting the Challenges of Ad

ulthood Grief & Death

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Moral Development

Kohlberg developed a model of moral development (right & wrong) based on responses to moral dilemmas.

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Moral Development: Kohlberg’s Three Levels & Six Stages

PRECONVENTIONAL LEVELStage 1: punishment-obedience orientationStage 2: instrumental-exchange orientationCONVENTIONAL LEVELStage 3: good child orientationStage 4: law-&-order orientationPOSTCONVENTIONAL LEVELStage 5: social-contract orientationStage 6: universal ethics orientation

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Personality Development: Thomas & Chess’s Temperament Theory

Temperament: Basic, inborn disposition

• Three temperament styles:

• Easy

• Difficult

• Slow-To-Warm-Up

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Pause & Reflect:


1. George would like to wear two earrings & a black leather studded jacket, but he is worried about others’ disapproval. He is most likely at Kohlberg’s _____ level of moral development.

2. An infant’s inborn basic disposition is known as his or her _____.

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Personality Development: Erikson’s Eight Psychosocial Stages

• Erik Erikson identified 8 psychosocial stages of development—each marked by a “psychosocial” crisis or conflict related to a specific developmental task.

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Personality Development: Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages 1-4

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Personality Development: Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages 5-8

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Pause & Reflect:


Can you name Erikson’s eight stages of psychosocial development & give the approximate age for each stage?

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Answers to Previous Slide: Erikson’s Eight Psychosocial Stages

• Trust vs. Mistrust (0-1 year)• Autonomy vs. Shame & Doubt (1-3 years)• Initiative vs. Guilt (3-6 years)• Industry vs. Inferiority (6-12 years) • Identity vs. Role Confusion (adolescence)• Intimacy vs. Isolation (young adulthood)• Generativity vs. Stagnation (middle adulthood)• Ego Integrity vs. Despair (late adulthood)

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Pause & Reflect:

Critical Thinking

Have you successfully resolved the developmental crisis associated with your current Eriksonian stage of life? Are there earlier stages that you believe you have not have resolved successfully? If so, how has this affected your personal or social relationships?

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Cultural Influences on Development

Individualistic Cultures: emphasize individual’s personal needs & goals over those of the group

Collectivistic Cultures: emphasize the needs & goals of the group over the individual

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Worldwide Ranking of Cultures

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The “Self” in Individualistic (left figure) & Collectivistic Cultures (right figure)

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Pause & Reflect:

Critical Thinking

Which cultural values, individualist or collectivist, do you find most appealing & valuable? Why?

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Meeting the Challenges of Adulthood: Marriage

Research shows good marriages:• Establish “love maps”• Share power & provide mutual support• Practice conflict management• Share similar values, beliefs, interests, etc.• Create a supportive social environment• Maintain a positive emphasis

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Meeting the Challenges of Adulthood: Families

Important family factors

in development: Violence/abuse Teen

pregnancy/ parenting

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Meeting the Challenges of Adulthood: Resiliency

Resiliency: Ability to adapt effectively in the face of threat

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Pause & ReflectPsychology at Work

Work & Retirement How can we find a great career that matches our unique personalities & interests, and fully enjoy retirement?

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Meeting the Challenges of Adulthood: Work & Retirement

Retirement Should we follow the activity, disengagement, or socioemotional selectivity theory?

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Meeting the Challenges of Adulthood: The Socioemotional Selectivity Theory

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Grief & Death

Grief is a natural reaction to loss. Four major stages:

1. Numbness

2. Yearning

3. Disorganization/Despair

4. Resolution

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Grief & Death

Cultures interpret & respond to death differently.

Different ages also interpret & respond to death according to:

• Permanence• Universality• Nonfunctionality

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Grief & Death (Continued)

Kübler-Ross developed a five stage theory of the psychological processes surrounding death:

• Denial (“It can’t be true!”)• Anger (“Why me? It’s not fair!”) • Bargaining (“I’ll change everything!”)• Depression (“I’ve lost everything.”)• Acceptance (“I know my time is near.”)

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Pause & Reflect:


1. Different ages interpret & respond to death according to _____, _____, & _____.

2. Give a brief example of a dying person’s response during each of Kübler-Ross’s five stage theory of death.

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End of CHAPTER 10

Life Span Development II

PowerPoint Lecture Notes Presentation