jonathan tichich’s quick and dirty tips for new sales managers


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Post on 01-Jul-2015




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A sales manager is a most important member of the sales team of an organization. Jonathan Tichich, who belongs to Minneapolis and now, works in Minnesota at Sunbelt Midwest as Senior Business Development Manager, points out that a person, who has newly taken up this position in an organization, would find it quite difficult to handle his work as well as the expectations the organization has of him.


Page 1: Jonathan tichich’s quick and dirty tips for new sales managers

Jonathan Tichich’s Quick and Dirty Tips for New Sales Managers

A sales manager is a most important member of the sales team of an organization. Jonathan Tichich,

who belongs to Minneapolis and now, works in Minnesota at Sunbelt Midwest as Senior Business

Development Manager, points out that a person, who has newly taken up this position in an

organization, would find it quite difficult to handle his work as well as the expectations the organization

has of him. As the performance of the sales team is based on the skills, talents and expertise of the

manager who leads them, this is an added pressure for a new sales manager.

Here, Jonathan Tichich shares a few of his tips which would help a new sales manager to manage his

team in an effective manner and live up to the expectations of his organization.

Getting to Know Your Team Better: The first and most important thing that a new sales

manager needs to do it to get to know his team better. He should sit and chat with each team

member individually and find out about their ambitions and goals. This small step would help

him to gain the respect of his team members and would also help him to find out how to

motivate each individual. Jonathan James Tichich says that this is very important as the team

would work effectively if the manager is capable of giving them what they want.

Learn the Art of Managing People: The sales manager should be well aware of how to handle

people in his team as well as the customers. He can learn this art by referring to various books

as well as browsing the internet which has a wide range of information to help the novice sales


Getting Guidance: The sales team always looks up to the sales manager for guidance. But, there

might be instances when a manager would need guidance. This is the time to find a person with

whom he can share his concerns and ideas. According to John Tichich, the superiors in the firm

could be the best guides for the sales managers.

These quick tips from Jonathan Tichich are sure to be of great benefit to novice sales managers in

making a positive impression in their new job.