jordan: we're here with our friend greg greenway. now you ... · pdf file1! jordan:...

1 Jordan: We're here with our friend Greg Greenway. Now you are a master of creating social circles and infiltrating sort of high level social circles. And we've had many talks about this before and in fact you've been here before and you know now you've got a product coming with it that's really interesting and I kind of want to dive into some of the technique here because you know sort of start out, you'd come to L.A. and you had what? Three phone numbers and a couple hundred bucks or something like that? Do you want to start off with that story because that sort of...that sort of outlines you operate? Greg: Yeah that's kind of a real common story that's made me a little bit notorious. Um, it's a funny thing, my...I landed in LAX and had a couple hundred dollars and I had three phone numbers in my pocket. And I wasn't even worried you know like some times when you embark on an adventure like that you might be a little bit worried but because of all of the um of all the social circle stuff that I'd found over the last few years. I landed in L.A. and I kind of had a...already had the blueprint, a map in my head thinking okay do you know what, I don't know anybody here, I've only got these three phone numbers, only got a couple hundred bucks, I mean it's going to be fine, I can pretty much put together a social circle like the one I had in London um pretty quickly. And so I went about, went to work and within three months, I had a pretty vibrant social circle. I mean um as it goes I was taken over to Tahiti in a private jet with um me a couple other guys and seven girls. The governor of California bought me um a glass of whiskey it was a crazy night, we were just um we were in this Havana room in Beverly Hills and he...we're talking about whiskey and (inaudible) and Johnny Walker and he leaned over got into our conversation and brought me this um this glass of whiskey from his own special uh 2000 bottle stash that he keeps in the back um and then I was invited to the play boy mansion for lunch. I mean you can go to the play boy mansion you can pay and you can go there but uh every Sunday...I think the last Sunday of the month they have their own little um get together lunch for the ex-playmates and ex friends and I got invited to go to that so that's amongst other other things what...I mean the main thing I was able to sit up a social circle on par with what I had in London I mean I lived...I grew up in London my entire life. I came to L.A. and with three phone numbers in three months I was able to sit up a social circle just as good. So it's um that's...that's the...the story I tends to get bandied around and then that's been...that's been a couple years now so I've still been working on the social circle since then.

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Page 1: Jordan: We're here with our friend Greg Greenway. Now you ... · PDF file1! Jordan: We're here with our friend Greg Greenway. Now you are a master of creating social circles and infiltrating




Jordan: We're here with our friend Greg Greenway. Now you are a master of creating social circles and infiltrating sort of high level social circles. And we've had many talks about this before and in fact you've been here before and you know now you've got a product coming with it that's really interesting and I kind of want to dive into some of the technique here because you know sort of start out, you'd come to L.A. and you had what? Three phone numbers and a couple hundred bucks or something like that? Do you want to start off with that story because that sort of...that sort of outlines you operate?

Greg: Yeah that's kind of a real common story that's made me a little bit notorious. Um, it's a funny thing, my...I landed in LAX and had a couple hundred dollars and I had three phone numbers in my pocket. And I wasn't even worried you know like some times when you embark on an adventure like that you might be a little bit worried but because of all of the um of all the social circle stuff that I'd found over the last few years. I landed in L.A. and I kind of had a...already had the blueprint, a map in my head thinking okay do you know what, I don't know anybody here, I've only got these three phone numbers, only got a couple hundred bucks, I mean it's going to be fine, I can pretty much put together a social circle like the one I had in London um pretty quickly.

And so I went about, went to work and within three months, I had a pretty vibrant social circle. I mean um as it goes I was taken over to Tahiti in a private jet with um me a couple other guys and seven girls. The governor of California bought me um a glass of whiskey it was a crazy night, we were just um we were in this Havana room in Beverly Hills and he...we're talking about whiskey and (inaudible) and Johnny Walker and he leaned over got into our conversation and brought me this um this glass of whiskey from his own special uh 2000 bottle stash that he keeps in the back um and then I was invited to the play boy mansion for lunch.

I mean you can go to the play boy mansion you can pay and you can go there but uh every Sunday...I think the last Sunday of the month they have their own little um get together lunch for the ex-playmates and ex friends and I got invited to go to that so that's amongst other other things what...I mean the main thing I was able to sit up a social circle on par with what I had in London I mean I lived...I grew up in London my entire life.

I came to L.A. and with three phone numbers in three months I was able to sit up a social circle just as good. So it's um that's...that's the...the story I tends to get bandied around and then that's been...that's been a couple years now so I've still been working on the social circle since then.

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Jordan: Yeah I \that's really...that's interesting because one of the questions we get a lot here uh just via the show or via email or whatever it is, oh I moved to a new town and I don't know how to make friends and it's going to take me months and months or years and years to get a social circle together and meet people and start dating or you know start connecting with people and it's just really not true. It's just that most people don't have a strategy and they don't have a process for how they might actually handle this. And that's a big deal and a big problem because if you don't have a strategy of not going to be able to actually implement anything. If you don't have a plan, you’re just guessing.

Greg: Yeah yeah. I completely agree. I mean the strategy is the most important thing I mean just something that people can go out and start just now and I get guys coming to me all the time saying look I...even when they live in a brand new city, or they just want to start improving their social circle, the first thing they ask is...I mean I don't know what to do where can I go I mean I...this is going to take me months. The first thing you can do...which I massively advocate is getting into a routine.

And one of the things that you’re going to need in your social circle is you need to add the right kind of people into your social pyramid, and the only way you can do that, without being disingenuous is by building up familiarity in people. And you can build up familiarity in a really natural way if you have a routine. So one of the first things I do and it was the first thing I did when I went to L.A. I picked somewhere which was going to have the people that I wanted in my social circle and I made that like my regular place so it was uh it was the Beverly Hills Hotel, and I went there literally every single afternoon from like four pm.

I'd go there and I'd have a couple of drinks, and I'd chat to the bar staff there. And within a...with in like a couple of weeks, I became a regular face. And the people who were there over and over again, got used to seeing my face and we got that familiarity principle over me. Exposure effect is a pretty well researched phenomena the more someone sees you the more they like you and what people tend to get wrong they try and force that.

And they try and engineer reasons to be around people which are unnatural but if you're just going to the same place over and over again, you already make that process really really natural and it only takes a few times for someone to see your face repeatedly for them to start to feel report for yourself. You sort of...this is that on its own is part of a bigger strategy but that's just something that someone can start straight away, just creating a routine in their daily life where they get to see the same faces over and over again.

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Jordan: Yeah you know it''s interesting also uh some of the most basic things that...that we know just from growing up, introducing yourself things like that we...we somehow we just don't do that when we are going about our routine. I know this sounds like a really basic tip so forgive me if I'm um going in reverse here but um I go to the same um Mexican restaurant maybe five times a week here. It's cheap, I get a steak, it's delicious they know exactly what I want, they know how I like it cooked, and then one day I realized I don't even know the guys names who work here and I was like man shame on me trying to come here all the time and had no idea.

So I introduced myself uh to the guy and now when I walk in their like oh what's up Jordan and I'm like hey Emanuel what's going on dude and he goes your usual I'm like yeah and then he already knows what I want so instead of asking...they used to ask me what I'd want every day just in case I changed my mind because they don't really know me they don't want to piss me off their like your usual, yeah, and then I'll go and sit down and they used to just yell steak's ready or whatever and put it on the counter and then you go up and get it. Now they...they bring it to me.

They actually walk around from behind the counter, bring it to me and they're like are you all set, do you need anything, and they know like that I want avocado with it and they know I don't want cheese on the beans. Like they know every little part of it they remember it every time but the dif...The weirdest thing is, is I know they knew that before.

Before they knew my name, they had to have known that order because I went there every day and even if I forgot to say no rice, they'd bring it with no rice. And I'm like see they know it but now that, that sort of facade of oh your just a customer and I just work here, that's been broken so since... you know by getting their name and talking to them and bantering with them a little bit, that's been broken since and now it's like I know what you want, and their not afraid to be like hey we don't have this today or whatever.

You know they...they're not afraid of that anymore and it used to be kind of you know more formal arrangement and now it's actually more along the lines of...of a report and I feel like that's a really important step and a lot of people don't realize that. They're like oh I see the door guy every day, yeah but does he know your name and does he know where you live and what you do? Because that's actually even though that's just a little bit of information that's not even totally relevant it makes all the difference.

Greg: I mean that is so so so powerful. And it's something right hear this all the time, guys who have a

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4 have guys who go to get their pack of cigarettes or they'll buy their um their drink after their going to the gym from the same place every single day. For weeks, months or years and they have no...And they don't know anybody there.

They won't know their names, and it's one of the very first steps just introducing yourself to someone, just finding out someone’s name, it um is that whole aspect of bringing up familiarity with the person and also is kind of part of the recognition. One of the things that I really really advocate is uh using report accelerators. And one of those report accelerators is recognition being able to recognize something personal about someone. Yes it can be their name which is obviously the most basic one but there are a bunch of other things as well. Um anything about their personal life what's going on with their life at that particular time.

No once start putting those into your daily life, or once you start putting those into practice, then you’re going to notice that the levels of report you have with people are going to shoot up straight through the roof, you going to go from having no report um be like you had with your...he said his name was Emanuel like he had the ghost rice and then you went in there every day and they knew what you had but you had no report with them really so they don't feel anyway to be more um more friendly to you, or go out of their way to be nice to you as soon as you started interacting with them and showing them some good vibes and showing them some um recognition then you got to a stage of report where their actually starting to remember you and they started to take interest in your life, and take an interest in the things that you actually were doing so it's very very very powerful but it is so simple but it's the simple things that are over looked.

And the thing about social circle and getting it right is that you do it's about doing all the simple things right. And doing all the simple things often. Again it's a habit of doing these really really really simple things that you got taught when you were a kid and you got taught when we were kids and we got taught how to make friends. Everybody knows how to make a friend. But people sense as they they get further along they get...they tend to forget a lot of these really simple processes that allow them to get to the stage that they got to in their life anyway. So it's about breaking all that down, using it and being able apply it into your life, and replicate it on so many different levels.

Jordan: Yeah that makes sense and again it's like there just needs to be that system in place, like where is...where is the system and so just sort of jumping back a little bit I mean we talked about why having that social circle is so important but why is it more

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important to develop a social circle as opposed to I don't know making more money or you know having a better more profile job or something like that?

Greg: Wow. I mean this is one of my um...this is something I'm really passionate about. I would never say to someone don't work on your career because having a high profile job and working on your career...if that's one of your goals fantastic, go for it. But the beauty of social circle that there's so many aspects of doing social circle correctly that you can actually help your business life. I had a student and this was of the emails that I received from this guy was really and it really showed me the power of how this stuff can help he managed to raise...he was an investment banker um and he was um he was trying to get into hedge funds.

He managed to raise 100 million dollars from the Guinness family um through an...Through some of the social circle techniques that I taught him and it was just simply going out and connecting with people and building report with the right people to get access into certain social circles. And he got access into a certain social circle where he then got into...where he then got introduced to somebody that could help him with his business life.

And he managed to raise 100 million dollars he got a huge raise at work, um a fat bonus and now he's running a pretty successful hedge fund on the island. So it's...and that's just for an example but there's so many examples of ways that you can use, especially if’re working now for your career your business is based around people I mean the whole reason that I started my social circle journey is because I used to have a conocieras company, and that's how this all started because I needed to get better with people and I needed to help improve my access into certain areas because I didn't have the...I didn't have the...the connections growing up. I didn't have… I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth, I wasn't part of that world, so I had to become part of that world and it actually helped me with my business because that's how I originally started.

So social circle for business is really really really really powerful. It's one of those things that's really over looked people don't realize powerful the social circle can be to a business. I mean if we're talking about things like familiarity and face time, I mean look the hospitality industry and the advertising industry is a multibillion dollar worldwide industry and what do they pay them money to do?

To spend time with their most um (inaudible) clients and it's a multibillion dollar industry. Based on the principles of being able to build report with people so you''s very very

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very interlinked and it's something that if you have a very vibrant social life, and you've got access to the right resources you can get yourself jobs you can I mean people tend to hire these days...because everybody's so um everyone's so well matched in terms of skills and qualifications it...a lot of industries are um I mean you know this from your past, a lot of industries are kind of all boys club a lot of the times, it's a lot of times who you know.

Who you can get on the phone, I mean can you get yourself in front of certain people and social circle gives you the tools and gives you the mechanisms to be able to do that.

Jordan: Yeah, absolutely I mean I used to work on wall street and as everybody probably knows from listening to the show one of the things of the reasons that I got the job and I think I've told this story on the show before was because I actually talked to a friend who said oh you know my old roommate is here and he's with this top level firm you should go say hi. And I went eh okay why not.

So I went to go say hi and the guy said hey man where you looking to get hired, I said I don't know I'm just kind of bumbling around I'm not really sure. He goes well you should work for my firm uh we're hiring give me your resume so I had my resume because it was an interview week, gave him the resume he goes let me see if there's any interview slots open because those had booked up you know three months prior he goes you know what listen man we're all full but why don't we go get lunch together I'll interview you over lunch and you know we'll see what's going on.

So he interviewed me over lunch uh then recommended that the interviewer who was there stay a little bit after the normal hours to do his version of the interview. Because that was one of the partners you know the boss man, they said alright we like this guy 24 hours later I had an offer to fly out to New York for more interviews. They flew me out to New York, and he put in a good work for me I basically was able to connect with everybody that I met out in New York and...And literally three days later I had a job offer at a top market Wall Street firm.

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Jordan: That was huge, um I mean that's a big deal, people would sell their children for a job like that and basically it just happened to come down to who I knew and then my ability to capitalize on that.

Greg: Yeah that's brilliant. A fantastic thing about that story is that's what were okay? When you know social circle, you can create those instances over and over and over again. That wasn't by accident that wasn't I mean yes you had the obvious element of being in the right place at the right time but you can replicate that process you can like make the stars a line in your favor over and over again, I mean I am really really really big on being efficient and stacking the deck in your favor.

And the beauty of having a strategy like social circle is that you can make these occurrences that seem random to on lookers happen on an inevitable basis. And that's the beauty of it. You can make that happen over and over and over again on a normal basis.

Jordan: What about guys who are like yeah yeah yeah but how is this going to help me meet women? You know a lot of guys who are listening are like well you know I'm not even looking for a job I'm in college, I don't need this right now.

Greg: Yeah I mean wow, when...when it comes to women again, this is something that like gets my...I'm the biggest advocate for social circle when it comes to women, I mean there's...there's a phrase that I love, okay and it goes social circle is to women what passive income is to wealth. Social circle basically is passive pussy okay and you get so many guys and I've seen this...and I've seen this in the community...I've been in the Bay community for a while now and you get so many guys who try to do things the hard way.

Now social circle when we…when it's done correctly and when it's been taught properly and when you actually learn it correctly, you can basically automate your dating life so that you never have to go out and talk to a girl again. There was a point in my life when I was doing social circle, when I was like really really really bad with my social circle and I had really vibrant (inaudible) I didn't ever go out and meet a brand new girl.

But my life was full of them and women were added into my life all the time. And in the ways that made our interactions completely normal I never had to do anything like a cold

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approach, I literally had a conveyer belt of women over and over and over again.

And I'm not just talking just regular women, I'm talking really hot smoking women because when you have a social circle if you do join a social circle, you can set the parameters and set the levels of what type of people you have in there so that can be guys, girls, whatever, you can... you can do a screening for what type of women you have in there.

And that's if you do join a social circle and that's kind of...most of the literature out about social circles building your own and having your entourage and etc...Now some guys don't actually have the time or the personality that will allow them to do that and sometimes if your too busy to have your own social circle, even better is getting access into a social circle that...that other people in that social circle it's their job to bring in girls.

So if your friends... if your...if one of the people in your social pyramid is a party promoter or a model agent scout, every time you go and hang out with that person, they could have 10 brand new hot girls with them and all you have to do is just pick up the phone when they call you and say hey I've got 20 new um I've got 20 Brazilian girls trying out for the modeling agency tonight would you like to come hang out? And that can literally be your life I mean it''s's so amazing once you know how that you really sort of completely automate the women in your life I mean it's all about creating quantity and quality.

I mean that's the biggest thing you hear from the guys. I don't have enough abbey, I don't have any or enough girls, and if they do have girls they say oh do you know but the quality isn't great. Well, social circle solves all that problem because you can have an unlimited abundance of women and the quality I mean the quantity (inaudible) because you talking about the hottest girls on the planet. I mean you’re talking about like real nines and tens these girls are all...

their rare but they unite in their rarity in certain social circles so like the jet set social circles the high end social circles these hot...these girls are common place in those social circles and when you’re a part of it, you don't even have to, you don’t even have to do much.

There was a really interesting survey, that I read, and it was I'm sorry it was a book, and the book was about what are the nice odds? And they went in and went and researched loads of random crazy odds and what would be the likelihood of them happening to you and one of them was what would...are the odds of an average guy dating a super model.

Now they went and...and first of all the way they classified super model was she had to have a contact with a high end agency she

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had to be on the cover of at least three or four magazines a year and she had to have been in Victoria secrets or I'm probably adding on a little bit,'s pretty obvious by that classification everybody would agree that that lady was a 10 so they found that the...the odds of...of a guy or an average guy dating a supermodel was 1 in 88,000 so if you met 88,000 women and if you managed to date 88,0000 women your chances of at least one of those being a super model is one. Okay 1 in 88,000.

Now after they found that they went and interviewed a bunch of these super models okay, and when they interviewed them, they asked them about their dating habits and who they dated and what the people...or what the kind of guys they dated or what the kind of guys they ended up in relationships with. They then grouped all these guys into social circle work, strangers um friends of family etcetera.

Once you factored into that um that survey, a guy who’s in the social circle the odds of that...of you dating a super model went up to 1 in 10. And I thought that was just fascinating. 1 in 88,000 for the average but once you add into it part of the girl...part of the supermodels social circle, it became 1 in 10 so I mean that just highlights the difference between you being an average guy and going out there, and what you have available to you or you working on this, other social circle and you know putting yourself in the right environment.

Jordan: Right so it's...It's just a matter of sort of right place right time but of course the work comes in where your putting yourself in the right place, your ac...Your proactively putting yourself in the right place all of the time.

Greg: Yeah exactly it's not I mean every... it's not one of those cases where it's just going to fall into your lap. You have to...first of all, this is fame, you need to have the map before you get into the woods. Okay and...

Jordan: Yeah.

Greg: You have... I think it's a mid-western so you might know him. So you need to have the map before you get into the woods. And circles are a must and once you have an idea of what you’re doing, and once you have a goal for where you’re going, the road map is social circle, and you can put yourself in any environment that you want to.

Access is what every social circle has a framework. Every social network has a framework. And once you crack the rules of that frame work, you can replicate access any social circle you want. And that's the beauty of it is there's no tricks, there's no um there's no magic, hidden (inaudible) it's just knowing what that road map is and then be there with your plan for the social circle of your choice.

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Jordan: Huh. Okay. Alright. how do we get the map I mean obviously that's what everybody wants so we can get in the woods.

Greg: Um so the map is something I've spent the last few years working on and in terms of accessing the social circle in terms of taking you from zero to like a rock star guy this is something that like I said, trial and error, I've been working on it for ages because like I said when I came to the United States, I didn't know anybody I didn't know (inaudible) so I had to have a way of getting into the social circles. I'll be honest with you.

The social circles I wanted to be a part of was that jet setter social circles the rock star social circles um hanging out with celebrities and hot chicks. That's what I wanted to be a part of so the first thing that you have… I had to do was I had to identify okay which social circle, social network I wanted to be a part of and okay so we said that's a social circle I wanted to be a part of. Than the next stage I had to do was figure out how I was going to access that social circle or that social network. And you have to access for individuals.

Individuals with social influence...Let me start over...Let me just um because before I get ahead of myself. There's two types of concepts um people. Now one of the good reasons why the three phone numbers I had were so effective were because those three people all had high amounts of social influence. Now social influence is a person with social influence dictates how many individuals that they can connect with at any one time.

So people with a large amount of social influence have huge vast social networks. They're usually very um extraverted people they...their jobs kind of a promoters, managers of hotels, socialites, these kind of people. It's their entire job to be extremely sociable. And virtue of having these people close to you and having these people in your social pyramid you’re going to get introduced to so many different social circles.

So one of the first things you have to do is as your trying to crack social network is find one of these people who has access into that social network, and get to a level of report to where they'll introduce you to that social circle. That's the very very first stage. And so once you...once you've identified what social network you want to be in then once you find that individual then you can use some of the uh tactics we talked about building report in terms of creating a routine I mean that's what I did, I knew that the social network of the high end social circle the jet set social circles, I knew that that was going to have a cross over with hotels.

Because if you’re...if you’re in the top hotels or if you’re staying at the top hotels in Los Angeles chances are you’re going to be part of that social network so what did I do? I put myself in that

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environment so that I could be in the best place to meet one of the people who had social influence.

Now the people with social influence are easy to spot. They're those guys who would...who know everybody who go around talking to everyone. Now once you’re in the environment where you can meet them your paths are going to cross. It's going to be inevitable.

And it's all about making every part of the process inevitable you can’t force any one interaction with any one person. And you can't be looking to think okay there's this one guy and I have to try and meet him...that's not how you...that's not how it works. You need to look at the...what are the characteristics of the person you want to meet and put yourself in the an environment where meeting that person is going to become inevitable.

Then once you've met that person, because you've created a routine, they're going to see you over and over and over again and like you said if you...the place that you went...once just introduce yourself, you say hello, you start from something very casual which then develops into a little bit more of a conversation it's very very natural to start building up a relationship with that individual and once you build up a relationship with that individual and you get to a level with them to where they're comfortable introducing you to their social circle that...that's literally...that's the steps.

You've identified where you wanted to be, you found someone who could have access to that, you created um a routine, which put you in the vicinity of that person, and inevitably your interactions with that person crossed and you got to a stage where they could introduce you to their social circle and that's the basic process of getting into any social circle. So if you want a social circle with loads of hot girls, well than you have to figure out what's the characteristics of people are they going to be able to have access into that social circle, then you put yourself in the vicinity of them.

Jordan: Okay, and so what are some steps that people can do like right now that...that they can take action and start to get this rolling?

Greg: Right so let's say um okay, let's say that you have identified a social circle that you want to be in. Let's say it's uh give me an example so because just used an example of the um the hotels if I...if you give me an example that I can just pick...put into the context and the way that someone can go about doing that.

Jordan: Okay, what if I am...I just moved to a new city, and I want to learn how to meet people who can get me into bars and clubs because maybe I'm new to New York, L.A., Chicago and I don't know how to get into any of the high end places so I end up

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hanging around Irish pubs which is cool but you know I want to step it up.

Greg: Okay fantastic alright. So you want to meet people that can get you into bars and clubs. Now the people that are going to have access into bars and clubs are going to be people who have high amounts of social influence okay we already...we've already established that. So you need to put yourself in an environment where people are going to have social influence. Now where...what are the right...what are the places that most of those people would likely go?

High end bars, um hotel bars, nice restaurants, lounges etcetera. You want to get into a routine if you say you have a club...say you find a night club that is one particular fancy. One of the best ways to do that is to go online. Go online and Google and let's say it's celebrity night clubs you’re interested in if you go around Google, you can put in celebrity night clubs New York City it's going to spew out a bunch of places that celebrities have been spotted at. Now you say okay I want to be in that environment.

Now when you identify where those clubs are...a lot of those places have a (inaudible) of them nearby so they might have a bar nearby they might have a restaurant that's nearby and those are a lot...those are places where the guys who go to these venues usually go there for like their pregame or they go there with their friends to start off before they go on their night out, or even some of the staff will even... with go there before the start their night, will go there after they finish their shifts.

You then create a routine in that venue you are already in the same vicinity where your target person of social influence is going to be on a regular basis. So you've already put yourself in the right um in the right frame. Now whether you meet the person of social influence straightaway or you just happen to meet a group of people who may be going there. I mean one of the things that I used to...People can't be afraid to put themselves out there. And that's the one thing that some guys get some people get worried about...

One of the things that I used to say all the time when I moved to L.A. when I met people was hey I'm new in town, what's good to do...what's good to do tonight? Now if you're at the bar um which is around the corner from one of the hottest night clubs in New York and you say hey guys I'm new in town um you guys look like guys look like you know what's going on, you look quite cool, what's a good place to go tonight?

Chances are they're going to recommend the place around the corner. Chances are sometimes when you say that, they're going to be going to the place around the corner and if you're friendly, you’re coming across as a guy who's just cool who’s got no

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agenda a lot of the times you’re going to get invited along. And it''s making these things amountable. It's not saying that oh, every single time you're going to say that's going to happen, they're going to say oh yeah that club over there, or they're going to invite you along with them but if you're really into the right environment and you're and your putting yourself out there and you’re going to speak to people, hey what's a good place to go tonight, than chances are it's going to be inevitable that you’re going to meet a group that's going to be like oh don't you know this club across the roads pretty good, do you know anybody there, no I don't well here, have this guy's phone number, why don't you give him a text and see if he can get you on the guest list.

That happens all the time and that's what I tend to do whenever I'm in a new environment and I want to be part of I don't know the night club circle. I make sure I put myself in a feeder type venue or I put myself near the low hanging fruit somewhere where I can access because sometimes you can't access directly the place you want.

You can't access the social network you want or the social circle you want. So you just got to be a little bit savvy in figuring out what's the low hanging fruit what's the bit that I can get to which will then give me access into the bit that I want.

Jordan: So what happens though once we get in there like how do we start offering value to the people that...that hook us up or the people that are in there I mean getting in once might be great but how do you insure that you can get in again without being like hey man I've been here once, so how do I get in from now on.

Greg: Great so this is um this is one of the things I call a utility and value...(inaudible) um I came across the same problems that so many guys come across and it's just what's what you just described. You give someone value and then for some reason they still haven't introduced you to their social circle or you feel like okay I've given this guy the value and for some reason they don't invite you the next time out.

Or you never hear from them again. And I used to knock my head against the wall thinking what's going on, what's the problem with this why isn't this working. And I found that the content of the value was just way too simplistic what is a value to you is not a value to me which may not be a value to someone else. I knew that something was a lot more specific so I came up with the concept of utility. Now utility is a measure of the relative satisfaction or gratification from any perceived outcome.

So it's what somebody has as their specific and targeted value. So what is specific value to you becomes your utility. So how do you then get to a stage where these people continuously invite you

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and continuously introduce you to other people in their social circle is you need to provide them with utility. Now sometimes just providing them with human report ie. good vibes um being friendly, getting friendly, sometimes that may work but if you get to hat sticking point where...if you reach a sticking point of where it's not working and you’re not getting invited out again and you’re not getting past that initial stage, than the chances are you're not providing enough utility now the way that you provide utility is you listen.

People are constantly constantly constantly giving out um giving out indications and signals and information when they talk. And just use the example if’re...when you're uh when you're talking to a friend who's introduced you to the guy from (inaudible) it must have been obvious to your friend at one point that your career is a utility of yours. So he introduced you to someone that could help facilitate that.

Now that's the kind of thing that comes out in conversation when you actually listen and you've got to be able to listen to people and get them to talk and talk to them about...get them to talk about their lives because people like to talk about themselves. And when they talk about themselves, they give off a mountain of information.

And when they give off that mountain of information that allows you to ascertain what their utility is and then you've got to go about providing their utility in a way that increased your report with them. Now the problem what some people may get...of course um from around them is when people try too hard to just throw utility in people...other people’s faces.

That...that can be an issue sometimes when guys are like okay I need to give this guy loads and loads and loads and loads of utility. That can become...they say try hard equals try hard. So if you go over the top here and it's something that's not natural, that can kind of backfire in your face as well. You've got've got to be very in a way that you give it to me but at the same time you've got to do it in a very natural way.

And you've got to think about how people make friends and how people (inaudible) if you're...if you had a friend and they had something that was of interest to them or something that you say to them how you present that to your friend is very different to how people try to present that in an ordinary situation. One of the issues that people try and get is they try and do everything too quickly. And this is why I advocate having a routine.

If you bump into someone 5,6,7,8 times then you don't have to try and give them all of the value and all the utility the first time you meet them. It can be something that's brought up over an amount of time. You can get to know them. You can find out

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what their interests are. Everybody's got something that's sort of a passion to them. Everyone’s got their...their interests.

And especially a lot of people who work in um these industries have a lot of access, they've always got something else that they're doing they've always got something else that's their passion and when you get people to talk, when you ask open ended questions but you make statements that encourage people to talk they give off this information.

And you learning this information allows you to ascertain their utility and then provide them with it which will get you through levels of report that will allow them to introduce you to other people and let you come back to the same thing you were...whatever it is that you're trying to archive with them.

Announcer: Welcome my dear dear friends. Let the party begin. If you are on Facebook make sure to become a fan of the art of charm our Facebook page has tons of contests and prize give aways as well as great discussions and bonus content to help you keep up with the art of charm crew and keep on learning and improving every day. Become a fan at

Jordan: Interesting, I know that's kind of a mouth full because a lot of people, you know their like I want to get in and you know we always talk about giving value here and...And giving value to people when you’re...that would be sort of the follow up question I would have you know before is how...

What am I going to do even if I get in there now I'm just an outsider who happened to get my foot in the door. But I want to make sure that I can go back so that's...that's key so yeah listen to people and then say oh well yeah you're looking for somebody who can do this for you, yeah I know a guy who can do that or yeah I know a guy who knows a little bit about social media and you're a promoter and you want to work on that. I can...yeah I'll come buy and we'll have a… you know let's get a beer and I'll tell you how it works. Something like that.

Greg: And the thing is there's a bunch of universal utilities because I know some guys are listening to this saying but you know I don't know anybody of value, I don't know...I don't have anything to offer anybody I don't know anybody of value, how do I do this. Now there are a bunch of universal utilities that work for everybody. And if you've been invited to a social gathering, suppose you were invited with some of these guys who had a lot of social influence, now people with social influence are constantly trying to increase their reach, increase their network, and increase the amount of people they have access to.

So one of the things that I always do when I get invited by anybody into a new venue to a new genre is I'll go into...Say I got invited into a night club or bar by somebody and I'm the only

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person that they asked there, one of the things I'll do is as I'm going around because I advocate talking to everybody being sociable and talking to everybody is really really important and that's something that people need to get into the habit of doing because being social is a muscle and you need to exercise that muscle because it's not something you can just switch on or off.

You have to get into the habit of talking and talking and talking. So I'll go into a new venue or I'll go into a social gathering and I'll talk to everybody and as I'm talking to everybody I will naturally introduce those people that I meet back to the person that invited me along because that person that invited me along is somebody with a vast amount of social influence and their utility is going to be increasing their social network. So by me introducing them to the people that I know or people that I've recently just met as well, that sets me apart from other people. Because most other people will get in there and be like hey thanks for the hook up see you later, I'm going to the bar.

Whereas I will try and like okay I just met...I was having a conversation with this really cool girl she does XYZ, oh why don't I introduce her back to the guy that actually invited me along. Now I don't know whether she's going to have any use to him or not. That's not...that's not the issue what it does is it starts to paint a picture in that individuals mind that wait, you are a valuable person to them because you're always going to introduce them to other people. So they know that by having you around, they're going to grow their social network without having to do anything.

Jordan: That's great. So that's, that's almost like you become an automated part of their social machine.

Greg: Exactly. So those are what...those are like...that's a universal utility. Another universal utility for um especially for guys single guys, is girls. I mean for most single men, um 99% of heterosexual single men women are a utility. And as you guys learn, you introduce a guy to his future partner, you get a guy laid, your stock with that guy shoots through the roof so that's another universal...if he...if you're in doubt about okay how can I provide utility to a guy and you...and you happen to be talking to a bunch of really cute girls, at the bar, hey take them over to the guy, introduce them say hey listen I've got the blonde, the brunette says you've very cute, say hello.

I mean it''s...that's never ever ever ever going to be like no one’s ever going to have a negative reaction to that. No guys ever going to be like wait why did you bring two girls over what are you doing. They’re going to actually love you for it and it's...because it's a universal utility and it...and when you're in doubt, you can use these universal utilities to kind of push your

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stock and push up your report with the people that um invited you, the people with social influence.

Jordan: Excellent. So how does your life look like when do you know you're doing it right?

Greg: Wow. So when you're doing it right I mean first...the first thing you have to do is you have to have a goal in mind and this is the thing that a lot of people just don't do. Guys go okay I want to improve my social circle and they dive right in. Well, what do you want your social circle to look like in six months? In a year?

Because I just...I knew exactly, I wanted my social...I wanted to always have...I wanted to have cool friends that I could go and hang out with and just have a beer with when I went to chore. But I always wanted the option of being able to go to some really fancy events, walk the red carpet, and hang out with celebrities and be in the vicinity of hot girls. When I decided this is what I wanted to do, I said okay what do I want, I want to be around the hottest girls available, I want to be around nine's, ten's super models, actresses, etcetera. I want to have really really cool friends that I can just chill with just shoot the shit with them, just have a beer.

I want to be able to travel the world and go to really exciting places. So I painted that picture, now that may not be what your social circle...may not be what you want your social circle to look like but whatever you want your social circle to look like be specific and describe it. Now once you be specific and describe it, then you can get there. So if you just want your social circle just to be...I mean there are guys who just want to have something to do on the week...on the weekdays.

There's guys who...they're so dedicated to their career and they've become so successful, they kind of let their social circle and their social life kind of fall by the wayside. So they get back from work and they realize oh shit, I don't have anything to do on Thursday night because I spent that last um six months working fourteen hour days. So to them, their great social life would just be having a group of friends that they could go out and have a good time with. Having people...having like-minded people that have the same interests as them.

That could be their goal. Um I...I...I remember I met a guy whose...his goal was just to be able to have dinner parties where 20,30 really cool people would show up to his and his wife’s dinner party where everybody had a same sort of interests so they could have really interesting intellectual conversations. Whatever it is, your biggest thing is knowing what your social circle wants to be. If you don't know what your social circle... what you want your social circle to look like, it'

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18’re going to find a lot of trouble where you’re going because you’re not going to know which tools to use.

If you want...let's say for example, you want to be want a Hue Heffner type lifestyle right you want to be surrounded by loads and loads of hot girls, who think that you are the absolute like think you're an absolute god. Okay there's no point accessing different social circles and trying to engineer your relationships with an individual who's going to give you access to a social circle if that's what you want. Because if that's what you want, you're better off building your social circle, where you're the center of it and building it with all of the hot girls around it. Okay.

Hue Heffner didn't go and think oh okay who am I going to find now that's going to introduce me to the right girls. No he built his social circle, or he built his life based on a um concept of I want loads of hot girls around me all the time. So he had an idea of what he wanted his life to look like so that then...that then sculpted his and structured the way that he was going to approach whatever he was doing. And you have to be the same way. However you want your social circle to be that's then how...that's need to be specific about that.

You need to have a very vivid image of what you want your social circle to look like then you use the tools available to you to whether it is building a social circle or accessing a social circle or it's managing your social pyramid or whether it's just becoming more social intelligent. Use those tools that are available to you and those tools that we go through in um the social circle blue print to then create the social circle that you want.

Jordan: Excellent. I mean that's awesome. I want to learn like the step by step and the how to I know your creating something right now that's almost done and tell us a little bit about it how it works and you know how we can get it.

Greg: Sure. So over the um last 18 months, two years, I've um put down all of my thoughts, all my...all the best practices. Everything I've done through trial and error in terms of creating the most comprehensive social circle blueprint because when I first started on my journey there was nothing out there. I had to do everything by trial and error I mean I read um "How to win friends and influence people" I have read "Never eat alone".

But there was drastically in terms of road map of okay what do I do if I don't know anybody, how do I start how do I build a social circle, how do I access a social circle, how do I um use social circle to get me really hot girls, what if I don't want to have a (inaudible) but I still want to meet really hot girls, how do I do that. There was no step by step blue print so what I've done is everything I've um everything I've experienced, everything I've

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done in the past, I've put all this down into a step by step comprehensive blue print that literally will map out any social circle that you want.

You can create your entire social life um around this. Now that's going...that's just about to be finished less than a year soon but at this point and time, I've got a video series that's actually going to teach you guys how you can go from zero to rock star in three months. So I've put together three really really cool videos and you guys can go to uh where you guys can see this video training series that I put together for you there and it details how you can go from zero to rock star in three months.

How you can create the rock star jet set I'm surrounded by loads of hot chick’s lifestyle in as little as three months. You can learn all of these techniques and a couple of my really really most influential tactics in this these training videos so that's for anybody just go to the and you can see those videos out there.

They're not going to be up there for that long so you've got to got to be quick because you want to um catch them but there's a bunch of resources on there. There are the videos, there’s some PDF's you can download that you can take away, and there's a couple of work books as well, and the work books kind of describe like a step by step in what you want to do. So there are things that guys can take away and just start learning straightaway. Obviously if guys want to take it to the next level were you want to go to level one, we've got the social circle blueprint that's coming out, um very very shortly and guys there will be more details on the website I have. You can actually um get into that training course and learn more about your social circle.

Jordan: Cool. And so the videos and stuff the workbooks that you're talking about now though that's stuff guys can get they can just go and snag it for free or or is it...

Greg: That's completely free. That's completely free there's uh it's a training series um and it starts with just getting guys into the right mind sets to understand their social circle and how their social circle can help them automate their sex lives and how their social circle can give them their own masses of wealth in terms of quantity and quality of women.

And it depicts the step by step process of how anyone can go from zero to rock star. And that's including the free video series all the PDF's, all the downloads there are free and the workbooks free. There's a whole bunch of material there that you guys can just use to get yourselves to go from zero to rock star. And

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actually the first video is actually quite controversial and it goes into how this all started from the date that was really really controversial when it came out and I feel off...

I feed off of like all the comments and all of your opinions so guys like when you go there, join the conversation, if you've got any thoughts about any videos, you've got anything you want to add, if you've got any opinions got anything you disagree with please there's um there's a space for comments down there join the conversation, get involved because like I feed off all that energy.

I feed off what you guys are talking about, I feed off knowing what makes you guys tick and understanding um what your guy’s thoughts and opinions on it. I'm there but I reply to every single question I reply to every person so if you have any thoughts, any opinions on these videos, join the conversation post a comment up and I'll be there to reply personally.

Jordan: That's awesome. Yeah because I know like when you first started explaining this stuff because we hung out here and you were explaining stuff to me and I was like wait a minute, I don't get it and I had to have stuff repeated kind of a few times. Especially because when I started trying it I was like wait what value do I have to bring to the table aside from being like a cool guy like fun you know but they're around cool fun guys all the time they...somebody who works at a top level club here in L.A. the bar is higher you know. So I really needed to sort of let that sink in so it does help to have that interactivity you know when somebody who knows what the hell they're doing when it comes to this stuff.

Greg: Oh yeah completely. Like I said, I mean I respond to every question I reply personally so the videos are going to teach you I mean the video series is going to really teach the step by step. Guys are going to have a lot of information there they can go out and start leaning with. But like you say I mean the social supremacy blue print is a big I mean we're talking about a boot camp in a box, it's a big course.

So there's a lot of information that guys may want to know as well, there's a lot of questions that guys might want to have so yeah hit me up. Hit um post for me your questions and your thoughts and I'll reply to them um on there and as long... some of them like one of the things I really like about all the guys getting involved an joining the conversation is that sometimes other people can get it they start answering some of the questions before I've even answered them yet it's just really good to have all the different people bouncing ideas off of each other and coming in and sharing their opinions because I mean that's the best way to learn, when you've got like all these like-minded people that have got the same goals in mind and their sharing

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their ideas, it's fantastic and you can just like really really grow and learn and educate yourself on social circle because you've got not only you've got me replying but you've got other people who are going out doing the social circle who are bouncing their ideas off so yeah I mean join the conversation is...

We're's a really strong benefit of getting involved in these videos because not just watching the videos, you watch them, you have ideas, feel free just write them down, share your opinions everybody's doing it and it like I said, I feed off of that. And everybody else feeds off of that and this community of people, trying to learn the social circle together, I mean that's the best way you’re going to get good at it.

Jordan: Awesome so again the website is...

Greg: Thesocialsupremacyblueprint .com all one word. Thesocialsupremacyblueprint .com.

Jordan: Okay, cool. Well thanks man defiantly been super informative, I'm going to check that out to because having a system, having a maps always helpful I mean it doesn't matter what level you're at you need a map either in your head and fully internalized, or you need to be able to literally see it and uh to know how to give value in specific situations I can see is you know a sticking point for a lot of guys when they first start this and defiantly was for me and um like I said it's how I got my first kick ass job so

Greg: Exactly.

Jordan: Right there.

Greg: That's a really cool story man defiantly.

Jordan: Alright. Thanks so much Greg and we'll talk to you soon.

Greg: Awesome Jordan, thanks for having me on mate.

Jordan: Cheers.

Announcer: It's almost where it's safe and don't forget to become a fan of the art of charm on Facebook and get entered to win some great prizes. We've got boot camps here in November and December in L.A. details at the art of charm .com and you can sit in on a class in the L.A. area. Go ahead and give us a call 8884137177 and military guys don't forget we've got a military discount and that goes for the peace corps as well we've also launched a new show feed with new content and a more interactive interface that's at www. give us a five star rating on ITunes it really helps us gain visibility and stand out among all the other pod casts out there and it would be great of you guys to write us a nice review on ITunes as well. tell your friends the

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greatest complement you can give us is a referral to someone else. Now have a great week, go out there and get social.
