joseph and patriarchs

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  • 8/19/2019 Joseph and Patriarchs


  • 8/19/2019 Joseph and Patriarchs


    e Life of Patriarch Joseph

    Steadfast Faith in God

  • 8/19/2019 Joseph and Patriarchs


    Sharing about dreams

    Recall some of your dreams.

    Describe it and attempt togie !hat the dream !ants to

    tell you about yourself"

  • 8/19/2019 Joseph and Patriarchs


    #n this lesson !e !ill discoerthat he is someone !hoboasted$ perseered

    through hardships andlearned to forgie. %e isalso noted !ith great faith

    li&e 'braham.

  • 8/19/2019 Joseph and Patriarchs


     Joseph’s dreams and the

     (ealousy of his brothersGenesis )*+ ,-

    /hat !ere the dreams of


  • 8/19/2019 Joseph and Patriarchs


     Joseph’s dreams and the (ealousy

    of his brothersGenesis )*+ )-/hy Joseph’s brothers !ere (ealous

    of him"•   special treatment he got from

    their father 0Jacob gae Joseph along$ colorful coat$ !hich for his

    brothers !as yet another sign oftheir father’s faoritism andanother thing for Joseph to brag


  • 8/19/2019 Joseph and Patriarchs


     Jacob loed Joseph the mostbecause2

    .%e !as the son of Rachel$the !oman he truly loed.

    3.%e !as also the son in hisold age.

  • 8/19/2019 Joseph and Patriarchs



    Share any e4perience of5ghts or arguments youhae had !ith your

    brothers or sisters in thefamily"

    /hy did you 5ght" /hat!as the cause"

  • 8/19/2019 Joseph and Patriarchs


    Di6culties in 7gyptGenesis )8+ -3)

    /hat did Joseph do in 7gypt after he !as sold"•The manager of an 7gyptian courtier’s entirehousehold and possessions.

    Di6culties•Loneliness9 separation from family•Falsely accused of ta&ing adantage !ithPotiphar’s !ife.• Joseph remained upright in the midst of his

    di6cult situation.

    • Joseph’s talent for interpreting dreams saedhim from a longer stay in prison and alsoinspired Pharaoh to ma&e him goernor of all of7gypt.

  • 8/19/2019 Joseph and Patriarchs


    Di6culties in 7gyptGenesis )8+ -3)

      God !as al!ays !ith Joseph.

     Recognition of God’s handsin the ups and do!ns of his


    Remaining faithful despiteuncertain eents in his life

  • 8/19/2019 Joseph and Patriarchs


     Joseph testing and forgiing hisbrothers

    Genesis :3-:*%o! did Joseph test his brothers"

    /hy did he do this"• Joseph sub(ected his brothers to

    seeral tests to 5nd out if theyhad changed.

    •%e tried to ta&e their youngestbrother$ ;en(amin by falselyaccusing them of a crime.

  • 8/19/2019 Joseph and Patriarchs


     Joseph testing and forgiing hisbrothers

    Genesis :3-:* /hat eent leads Joseph to forgie

    his brothers" /hy did he forgie

    them"• %e sa! their sincere concern for


    • Joseph’s brothers admitted theirsin 0Gen :3+31 and begged forhis mercy 0Gen. ,

  • 8/19/2019 Joseph and Patriarchs


     Joseph testing and forgiing

    his brothersGenesis :3-:*

    Reconciliation can only beachieed if the guilty partyadmits that he or she had done!rong and as&s for forgieness.

    The narratie ends !ith thereunion of Joseph and his fatherand the coming of his entire

    family to 7gypt.

  • 8/19/2019 Joseph and Patriarchs


    /hat lessons can !e learnedfrom the story and life of

     Joseph in relation to our life offaith today"

    .Joseph’s life and faith sho! usho! God !or&s out %is saing planeen through misfortunes as %e

    dre! good from eil.

    3.Joseph perseered in faith. %ealso sho!s us the need to forgieand to be for ien.

  • 8/19/2019 Joseph and Patriarchs


    /hat lessons can !e learnedfrom the story and life of Joseph today"

    ). Joseph also e4perienced thenegatie e=ects of beingboastful. /e also need to bea!are of this.

    :.Joseph teaches us that &eepingour faith in God can help us getthrough di6cult times. >ur

    ?hristian faith o=ers us spiritual

  • 8/19/2019 Joseph and Patriarchs


    %o! does the story of Jacob

    manifest the ?laretian aluesof ?%77RS"

    . /e hae often heard the

    moral principle @the end doesnot (ustify the means.A

    3. /hile God e4pects us to dogood$ %e certainly does not!ill us to use eil means to get

    it done li&e !hat Jacob did.

  • 8/19/2019 Joseph and Patriarchs


    Reflect on times when

     you have been boastful?

  • 8/19/2019 Joseph and Patriarchs


    Reflect about the people you

    Need to forgive and

    to ask forgiveness from

  • 8/19/2019 Joseph and Patriarchs


    Read the story of the life of St. Anthony Mary Claret from pp. !"#and pick out the main events in his

    life where he felt and recogni$e thathe was called by %od to become amissionary. &rite your answers on

     your notebook.

  • 8/19/2019 Joseph and Patriarchs


    Patriarch ?all Response Cission9Role inSalation %istory

    'braham Leae yourcountry goto a strange


    >bedience but hisfaith !ent throughstages of doubts

    and Euestions butin the end he !asready to o=er thesacri5ce of his o!nson$ #saac as Godcommanded

    # !ill bless you$ma&e numerousdescendants2

    from them allthe nations ofthe earth shall5nd blessing.'brahambecame the

    father of allnations !ho !illprofess faith inone God.

    #saac To become an

    obedient anddutiful$@sacri5cialAsonTo become afather to

     Jacob and7sau

    /as !illing to be

    sacri5ced inobedience to hisfather

    #saac pre5gured

     Jesus !ho !asobedient to Godthe Father untohis death on the?ross

  • 8/19/2019 Joseph and Patriarchs



    ?all Response Cission9Role inSalation%istory

     Jacob God choose Jacob oer 7sauto father the 3tribes of #srael0ne! name of

     Jacob1 !hobecame thechosen peopleof God in the>ld Testament

    God continuedto loe Jacob inspite of hissel5shness

    During the 5rstpart of his life

     Jacob !entahead of Godrather than

    !ait forinstructionsfrom God. %ecompletelyacted on his

    o!n such anattitudebrought his somuch su=eringand trouble.Later$ he puthis entire trust

    /hen Jacoblearned totrust God$ Godblessed him tobe the father

    of the 3 tribesof #srael. #t !asto his :th son

     Judah thatGod’s promises

    to 'brahamhas beenful5lled.

     Jesus thepromisedRedeemercame from the

  • 8/19/2019 Joseph and Patriarchs


    Patriarch ?all Response Cission9Role inSalation %istory

     Joseph #t !asGod !ho!as!or&ingout hisdiinepurposein all thepeopleandeents

    in thelife of


    %e neerlost his faithand hope inGod een inthe mosttrying timesof his life

    @#t !as for the sa&e ofsaing lies that Godsent me here ahead ofyou2 to ensure aremnant of earth andto sae the lies of thetribes of #srael in ane4traordinarydelierance.A Josephas made a ruler of7gypt to bring God’s

    blessings to 7gypt andhis family at the timeof famine.

  • 8/19/2019 Joseph and Patriarchs


    'se ( crosswise sheet of paper)

    ".&hich *atriarch do you identify

    most in relation to your life of faith? &hy?

    . &hat particular characteristic+s ofthis+these *atriarch+s do you findsimilar with your life?