journal 1 psy


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Post on 09-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Journal 1 psy

Chai Chin Ee


FNBE April Intake


Page 2: Journal 1 psy

Today, I went to Old Town Restaurant which located inside the campus that I’m studying. I was going there with a group of friends. We went inside and found a place to sit down. We started to look at the menu and wrote down the code of foods in a paper which prepared. After we finished wrote, we ask the waiter come to confirm order. We just need to sit there and wait for our food come. After finishing our lunch, we were going to bill and leave. Under this situation, I suddenly recalled back what was taught by the lecturer about schema. Schema is about something we might be keeping to do the same under the situation because of we were trained like that since we were young.

The moment when we decided to go Old Town Restaurant to eat, I already assumed that the food serve by the restaurant taste nice because of the popularity of the name of the restaurant. The situation can be explained by availability heuristic which judges the probabilities of something though some specific information that we can easily get it straight forward to make the decision. Because of lunch time, I make a prediction that the restaurant will be a lot of student will be there. When we reach there, the restaurant is full. There were no more seats for us to sit. As what I just predicted, the expectation was becoming the truth. This can be explained under self-fulfilling prophecy theory which is make a prediction with sense that it will come true.