journal entry


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Post on 28-Apr-2017




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Journal Entry #1 Jan. 29th- Feb. 12th

It has been two weeks now since I started my internship. I jumped into work pretty

quickly. The first week we did clerical stuff and set me up with an email and Steven told me the

ins and outs of Bulldog. I wrote my first media advisory, posted events to event posting sites and

made press clippings. Day-to-day thus far these tasks seem like they are pretty regular at Bulldog

much like what goes on, on a daily basis. All of the tasks I have completed have helped Bulldog

satisfy its clients by not only creating content, but monitoring it and creating hard copies to show

clients what we have done for them. I have aided in producing work at a fast pace to keep clients

satisfied with quick responses and content.

I have never worked at a PR firm before I have only written advisories and press releases

for class. Thus far, I am excited about my opportunity at Bulldog and feel that the real world

experience I am getting is what I need to jump-start my career and get a feel for the PR world. I

haven’t fulfilled my goals or objectives yet, but I am in a good place to achieve them by the end

of the semester. I really like the office, but it is kind of small with no privacy, so we are always

very involved with what one another is doing. I haven’t had that much work to do, so hopefully

things pick up and I can make use of the time I spend here.

My academic experience thus far seems to have gone above and beyond in preparing me

for the real world. I touched on it before, but the writing exercises have been especially useful.

Matt and Steven expected me to know how to draft and write releases, so I am glad that I feel


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Journal Entry #2 Feb 19th- April 9th

Compared to the tasks I completed and detailed for the previous journal entry things have

not changed much. Typically, I have been drafting, editing and writing media advisories, making

clippings along with monitoring the web for media placements. I have also completed small

tasks like finding blogs to submit events to for clients that relate to the topic.

Tasks that I have completed differing from those outlined in my past entry have helped

Bulldog reach a larger audience for their client’s and go above and beyond to impress the client.

It is up to us to get as much coverage and reach as possible for our clients, so coming up with as

many possible opportunities to post events or announcements is beneficial. I think that I brought

a fresh perspective to Bulldog, both Steven and Matt are older than me and have not received the

same education in relation to new media and social media platform usage.

I am still content here at Bulldog. The only things I don’t like are the 45 minute commute

and that it’s about a 20 minute walk to Dupont for any good lunch spots, so I typically just stay

in the office all day. I like the work I am doing, but would like some more variety it seems like

things get repetitive. I guess that is what its like when working for a small PR firm. There are not

many clients, so it is hard to come up with a work schedule that isn’t somewhat repetitive. For

the future I now realize I want to work at a big PR firm where I have more room for growth and


Since most of my work has been the same, I have the same views on my preparation, but

now can tie in my experience with a concept I learned about. Media relations, is a topic I have

covered in all of my PR classes. I never really understood how important it was until now. We

are constantly reaching out to and sending material to the media. Maintaining good relations and

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developing a network, which is something I definitely feel would be beneficial to consider as I

start my career.

Journal Entry #3 April 14th- May 8th

I am now coming up on my final weeks at my internship. I have still been completing

mostly the same work. However, we have a big event coming up for Capitol City Brewing

Company. For this event, I have for the first time focused in on one thing and been working all

aspects of it. We have come up with a press release, media list/media invite list, professional

emails, event posting and bloggers to contact. I have also noticed Matt has asked me to edit and

look over more material I think that he trusts my editing and likes the changes I make. He

typically works on larger press releases and advisories for big events or announcements.

Professionally, I think that I play a role in providing clients with the best possible drafts of

releases and advisories. I like working on these advisories and editing them. I am a creative

person, so I always enjoy adding flair and changing up words while keeping the writing concise.

I have had a great time here at Bulldog and have been really happy with the inviting work

atmosphere and environment. I am never afraid to approach Steven or Matt they are very inviting

and always willing to answer any of my questions or help me when I need something.

In COMM231 and COMM232 we focused on grammar and writing and were drilled with

hard exams and assignments that have definitely prepared me for my internship. I have been able

to use the sills I acquired especially omitting needless words to impress my boss and gain his

trust with my editing eye. All of Toth’s rules and regulations for editing have paid off and

definitely helped me become a much better writer. Although, I was not happy during 231 I am

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now another one of those students who really can see the value it has added to my education

when reflecting years later.