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    Frequency : Bi Annual

    Chief Editor Dr. Sonu GrewalPrincipal, Bhutta College of Education, Ludhiana.

    Editorial Board Dr. Rajni Bala, Assistant ProfessorMs. Chetna Bharti, Assistant Professor

    Editorial Office Bhutta College of Education, Ludhiana-Rara Sahib Road,Bhutta, Ludhiana, Punjab, IndiaEmail: [email protected] No. 9915754105, 9914019898

    Disclaimer The research personnel are responsible for the facts andfigures stated, views expressed and results concluded bytheir own and should not be Attributed to Chief Editorand Editorial Board of the journal.

    Copyright@ 2014 All rights reserved. No part of the publication may bereproduced, stored, Transmitted or disseminated, in anyform or by any means, without written permission fromthe Chief Editor to whom all requests to reproduceCopyright material should be directed in writing.

    Published by Keharnam Memorial Educational Society

  • (i)

    Journal of Advanced Studies in Education and ManagementVol. 1, No. 1, Summer 2014, ISSN No.2350-0492

    Volume 1 Number 1 Summer 2014 ISSN .............

    Journal of Advanced Studiesin

    Education and Management

    1. Placement of Questions During Presentation in Capacity 1-6Building Program of Teacher Educators Through Videoconferencing

    Dr. Rajendra Pal and Dr. Pratima Pallai

    2. Aggressive Behaviour and Impaired Social Interaction of 7-17Children Viewing TV Cartoons Dr. T. C. Thankachan

    3. Environmental Awareness Among Senior Secondary School 18-27Students of Hamirpur District

    Dr. Kuldeep Singh Chandel and Dr. Sanjeev Kumar

    4. Development of Mathematical Attitude Scale 28-34 Dr. Rajni Bala

    5. A Critical Study of the Self Role Perception of Student Teachers 35-41 Dr. Shraddha Patil and Dr. Ravindra Mirajkar

    6. Mathematics Anxiety in Relation to Achievement of Mathematics 42-46Among Urdu Medium High School Students in Hyderabad

    Md. Afroz Alam and Danish Nadim

    7. Relevance of Concept of School of B.R. Ambedkar in 47-51Present System of Education Dr. Harmeet Anand

    8. A Comparative Study of Vocational Interest of +2 Students in 52-57Relation to Area, Sex and Faculty Chetna Bahrti

    9. Effect of Yogic Asana on Academic Stress of B.Ed. Pupil Teachers 58-61 Dr. MarkandeyRai

    10. Superstitions Among Adolescents in Relation to Socio-Economic Status 62-66 Dr. Monika Sethi

    11. Occupational Efficacy and Attitude of Teacher Trainees Towards 67-74Teaching in Relation to Their Teaching Competence

    Jagminder Kaur and Dr. Manu Chadha

    12. A Study of Attitude of M. Ed. Students towards Teaching Profession as a 75-82Correlate of Their Working Relationship With Their Supervisors

    Dr. Gurdeep Kaur and Sudhir

  • (ii)

    Journal of Advanced Studies in Education and ManagementVol. 1, No. 1, Summer 2014, ISSN No.2350-0492

    Volume 1 Number 1 Summer 2014 ISSN .............

    Journal of Advanced Studiesin

    Education and Management

    13. Value Pattern of Government and Private Secondary School Teachers 83-89 Dr. Mohit Dixit

    14. Obedient-Disobedient Tendency of Adolescents in Relation to 90-98their School Environment

    Jasvir Kaur and Jagveer Kaur

  • (iii)

    Journal of Advanced Studies in Education and ManagementVol. 1, No. 1, Summer 2014, ISSN No.2350-0492


    Dear readers, scholars and colleagues,

    It is a matter of immense pleasure to welcome all to explore, review and publish in ourJournal of Advanced Studies in Education and Management (JASEM).

    Government of India has been making continuous efforts to provide adequate facilities toenhance research work and projects. For this, Government has launched various schemesand programmes and their impacts are worth considering. Our journal aims to accomplishmilestones in terms of defining and redefining paradigms to achieve excellence in the area ofresearch. One of the key objectives of research should be its usability and application. Thisjournal attempts to document and spark a debate on the Research focused on various fields ofeducation and management.

    The area of research is very vast. This issue covers many aspects of research. The motiveof this journal is to give the readers the best of the quality, original researches, reviews, casereports and newer techniques, which would help the readers to keep the pace with the updates.We hope that our readers will definitely get benefitted by these articles and get motivated toshare their own ideas, research studies and suggestions related to education.

    We thank our authors for having trust on us and cooperating with us. We rely on honesty,integrity, strength and ability of our contributors. We also look forward to continue thisrelationship and receiving your suggestions and ideas for making JASEM more valuable forour research community.

    Dr. Sonu GrewalPrincipal

    Bhutta College of Education, Bhutta,Ludhiana

  • Placement of Questions during Presentation in CapacityBuilding program of Teacher Educators through


    Dr. Rajendra Pal* and Dr. Pratima Pallai**


    After the launch of EduSat in 2004 several videoconferencing programs were being conducted. Themain objective of this satellite is to give fast training to masses covering different geographicallocations by interacting with participants at scattered locations with the help of renowned experts.The main objective of this study was to know the placement of questions asked by participants duringpresentation session of the experts. In other words investigators wanted to know whether questions/queries of participants should be allowed during presentation or after the presentation. To achievethis objective the researchers had developed questionnaire and administered to 500 participatingteacher educators and 43 panelists of 10 different videoconferencing programs conducted by variousdepartments of NIE (NCERT) through CIET EduSat network. The investigation revealed that moreparticipants want their queries to be solved during presentation whereas half of the experts want tosolve queries of participants after presentation.


    The EduSat, a dedicated satellite for education was launched in September 2004. The mainobjective of this satellite is to give fast training to masses covering different geographical locationsby interacting with participants at scattered locations with the help of renowned experts. It hasmany networks which are working for their institutional objectives and catering the need of theirclientele groups. These networks are EMPC at IGNOU, DST at Vigyan Prasaar, CEC at UGC,CIET at NCERT, AICTE etc. These institutions are having various number of learning centersunder their network. Like CIET has 99 learning centers under its network. This includes centersat SCERTs, SIETs, SIEs, RIEs, DMS, CBSE, NVS, KVS, NIOS, NUEPA, CTSA etc. Orientationsprograms for teacher educators are being organized by various departments of NCERT andCIET through Videoconferencing by using EduSat network.


    Journal of Advanced Studies in Education and ManagementVol. 1, No. 1, Summer 2014, ISSN No.2350-0492

    * Associate Professor, Division of Educational Research, National Council of Educational Research andTraining (NCERT), Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi

    ** Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Regional Institute of Education (RIE), (NCERT) Bhubaneshwar,Odisha

  • 2 Placement of Questions during Presentation in Capacity Building program of Teacher Educators...


    Objective of the Study

    The main objective of this study was to know the placement of queries of participantsduring presentation session of the experts.


    To achieve the above objective the researchers developed a feedback questionnaire forparticipants and panelists. The placement of questions in presentation session was one of theaspects of the questionnaire. The questionnaire was administered to 500 participating teachereducators and 43 panelists of 10 different videoconferencing programs conducted by variousdepartments of NIE (NCERT) through CIET EduSat network. The participants were made tosit at various centers of CIET network ranging from 10 to 20 centers in every program. On anaverage 20 to 30 participants were at each center. The simple statistical techniques like frequencyand percentage were applied.

    Data Analysis and Interpretation

    Both the participants and panelists were asked to give their views whether queries shouldbe asked during the presentation or after the presentation session. The visions of both the groupsare given below in the table 1

    Table-1: Whether participants should be allowed to ask questions during presentation

    Participants Panelists S. No


    Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage 1 Y es 318 63.6 23 53.49 2 No 182 35.4 20 46.51 N= 500 N = 43

    Out of 500 participating teacher educators, majority of (63%) expressed that they are infavor of asking questions by the participants during the presentations. Almost one third participantsadvised that questions should not be asked during presentation sessions.

    More than 50% of the panelists expressed that they are in favour of asking questions by theparticipants during the presentations. Almost equal numbers of panelists are not in favor ofasking questions by the participants during the presentations.

    Reasons of participants in support of allowing questions during presentation

    The participants gave their views