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A JPCL eResource

jpclP A I N T S Q U A R E . C O M J O U R N A L O F P R O T E C T I V E C O A T I N G S & L I N I N G S


Bridge Coating Systems: Selecting and Sourcing

A JPCL eBook

Copyright 2013 byTechnology Publishing Company2100 Wharton Street, Suite 310

Pittsburgh, PA 15203

All Rights Reserved

This eBook may not be copied or redistributed without the written permission of the publisher.


The Vincent Thomas Bridge: A Study in Overcoating and QCby William H. Hansel, Caltrans

Coating System Guide for Bridges

Coating Company Profiles









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IntroductionThis eBook consists of an article from the Journal of ProtectiveCoatings & Linings (JPCL) on a major bridge overcoating projectas well as JPCL Buying Guide material on selecting and specifying coatings for bridges in various exposure enviornments.All information about the article and materials is based on theoriginal dates of publication of these materials in JPCL.

The Buying Guide is organized by various expsore types, such as“Exterior Weathering, Mild/Moderate, Steel.” Then, coating manufacturers are listed in alphabetical order, with each company’s preferred system named in both proprietary and genericterms. Finally, contact details are given for all the companies.

This collection isdesigned to provide generalguidance on selecting andspecifying coatings forbridges, and thento give sourcesfor acquiring theappropriate systems.


Ralph Baker, courtesy of Sherwin-WilliamsProtective & Marine Coatings


Editor’s Note: This article first appeared in JPCL in May 2012.

By William H. Hansel,Caltrans

Quality control (QC) for a bridge over-

coating operation is very similar to

both shop blasting and coating of new

steel and a full coatings removal job. All three

types of coating QC have the same elements,

which can be summarized as observation, meas-

urement, comparison, and documentation.

The Vincent Thomas Bridge:A S T U D Y I N O V E R C O A T I N G A N D Q C



Common items covered under this blanket

statement are environmental conditions, such

as air and surface temperatures, relative hu-

midity, dew point, and surface preparation to

specified standards such as SSPC-SP 1, SP 10,

SP 5, etc. However, once the coating operation

reaches the coatings application stage, the over-

coating operation diverges from shop and full

removal. The latter two operations have com-

plete access to a prepared substrate before coat-

ing application, so, for example, applying the

specified coating system and measuring its dry

film thickness (DFT) according to SSPC-PA 2

are relatively straightforward. In contrast, with

overcoating—especially when multiple existing

paint systems are involved—measuring DFT

accurately can be challenging.

This article describes the painting of the Vin-

cent Thomas Bridge’s east tower to highlight ex-

pected and unexpected issues encountered and

overcome during a spot prime, full overcoat

paint project in 2011. It focuses on how multi-

ple coating systems can affect parts of the work

plan and QC plan of an overcoating project.

Difference Between QC and QAFor the purposes of this article, QC and QA are

defined as follows. “Quality control (QC) is a pro-

cedure or set of procedures intended to ensure

that a manufactured product or performed serv-

ice adheres to a defined set of quality criteria or

meets the requirements of the client or customer.

QC is similar to, but not identical with, quality

assurance (QA). QA is defined as a procedure or

East tower of Vincent Thomas BridgePhoto below and Figs. 1-8 courtesyof the author


set of procedures intended to ensure that a prod-

uct or service under development (before work

is complete, as opposed to afterwards) meets

specified requirements. QA is sometimes ex-

pressed together with QC as a single expression,

quality assurance and control (QA/QC).”1

Overcoating and MaintenancePainting“Overcoating” has become the common term

for bridge maintenance painting operations that

only partially remove existing paint and apply

new coatings over a mixed substrate of exist-

ing paint, bare steel, and rusted surfaces.

Traditionally, maintenance painting was ei-

ther accomplished as part of routine lifecycle

maintenance (for larger bridges) or with other

maintenance activities (e.g., steel component re-

placement, etc.). Overcoating is now viewed as

an alternative to full removal and replacement

of a failed existing paint system, and because of

increasing cost constraints, some bridge own-

ers now view overcoating as a primary bridge

rehabilitation option.2

Vincent Thomas Bridge In its publication, “The Vincent Thomas Bridge,”

the San Pedro Bay Historical Society gives the

following description of the structure. “The

bridge is 6,060 feet long. The main suspended

span is 1,500 feet long and its main side spans

are 500 feet long. There are 10 approach spans

at each end with a total length of ~3,500 feet.

The towers are 365 feet tall.”3 Construction of

the Vincent Thomas Bridge (VTB) began in May

1961 with work on the substructure. No rivets

were used in constructing the bridge, making it

the first in the United States to be constructed

entirely with welding.4

The original coating system was a vinyl wash

applied over blasted steel. The specification

called for the application of “vinyl wash primer

and minimum of 4.0 mils in at least 4 applica-

tions on undercoats and minimum 2.0 mils ad-

ditional in at least 2 applications on finish coats.

Main susp. Cable given vinyl wash primer, one

coat S.Q.Dr.R.L (58G53), one coat of white traf-

fic Paint, 61G95, and two applications of vinyl

green, 59G78” (system 1). The DFT of the sys-

tem over blasted steel is not clear from the spec,

which was dated 1959 and on file at Caltrans’

lab in Sacramento. Based on DFT readings of

just the original coating system, it appears to be

a 10-mil system: an 8-mil primer and a 2-mil fin-

ish coat. For the main suspension, the generic

type of S.Q. Dr.R.L. (58G53) is not clear from

the spec, and no other record of it could be

found. It could be a quick-dry red lead coating.

The traffic paint was an alkyd.

Various other systems have been used to coat

the VTB but none have been used on the entire

structure. All were overcoat systems, except

for those applied to new steel added during

earthquake retrofits. Among the systems were

the following.

•1976–1983: Vinyl Wash, Zinc-Rich Primer,

Organic Vehicle Type, Iridescent Green Vinyl

Chloride (system 2)

•1983–1999: Paint Water-bourne Primer

(PWB), Red and Pink, formulas PWB 145A

and PWWB 146 A, PWB Finish, Light & Dark

Green formulas PWB 82 and PWB 83

These were waterborne acrylic latex coatings

that were formulated to comply with changes

in EPA and SCAQMD air quality regulations.

The dark green finish coat matched the Federal

Green color used extensively on bridges

throughout America (system 3).5

•1999–present: Paint Water-Bourne Primer

(PWB), Red and Pink, formulas PWB 145C &

PWB Finish, Light Green PWB acrylic latex

primer (PWB 145C and 146C) and finish,

Light Green (PWB 82B 82 and Iridescent

Green (PWB 169F)5 (system 4)

Initial ConditionThe east tower had numerous coating systems

applied to various members during the struc-


ture’s 48-year service life to date. Coating sys-

tem 1 was applied to all of the tower’s bridge

members, except new steel added during the

earthquake retrofit, on the both the upper and

lower tower. Coating system 2 was applied to

all tower bridge members except the upper

tower’s cross bracing. Coating system 3 was ap-

plied to the entire lower tower. Coating system

4 was applied to both tower legs and caps. The

earthquake retrofit was specified to utilize coat-

ing system 3 and was applied to numerous stiff-

ener plates added to both tower legs.

This collection of coating systems exhibited

various degrees of visible degradation. The

tower caps had large areas of pack rust and

areas of intercoat delamination. The upper

tower cross brace’s topcoat was very faded,

with large areas of primer exposed; the gusset

plates were rusted; and areas of pack rust were

found on lateral members.

The upper tower legs appeared to be in per-

fect condition. The lower tower legs also ap-

peared to be in perfect condition, except for the

panel designated south leg (face J). This panel ex-

hibited numerous blisters. A knife cut was made

to a blister, and a coating not specified for the sec-

tion (PWB 139 Leafing Aluminum) was found be-

tween the light green and iridescent finish (Fig. 1).

The lower cross braces exhibited large areas

of blistering, especially on the gusset plates.

Closer examination revealed that the zinc

primer from coating system 2 was delaminat-

ing from coating system 1 and taking all subse-

quent systems with it (Fig. 2). In addition, the

upper chord of the cross brace directly beneath

the finger joints was severely corroded with nu-

merous areas of pack rust.

A coating plan was therefore developed to

address these various problem areas.

Coating PlanBecause of the mixture of surface deterioration

and coating failure, Caltrans decided to use a

targeted approach. The entire tower was to be

pressure washed to an SSPC-SP 1, Solvent

Cleaning, with 5,000 psi maximum pressure,

utilizing a zero degree rotating nozzle. After

surface preparation, coating system 4 would be

applied to the entire structure. A stripe coat of

each primer coat was specified to precede both

primer coats. The primer coats were specified

for application at 3–6 mils DFT each. Before

the application of the finish coats, caulking was

specified for all gaps greater than 6 mils. The

finish coats were specified for application at

1.5–3 mils each coat. Each problem area would

be addressed as follows.

The areas of pack rust on the lateral mem-

bers and tower caps were all in areas of inter-

mittent water immersion, where acrylic latex

does not perform well. A waterborne epoxy

coating was selected as the primer for these

areas to be applied over an SSPC-SP 10, Near-

White. After priming, the areas of section loss

that would retain water were to be brought

level with a two-component epoxy filler typi-

cally utilized for auto body repair. The entire

coating system 4 was to be applied over the

filler and epoxy primer.

All rusting vertical members, including gus-

set plates, were to be abrasive blasted to an

SSPC-SP 10 or power tool cleaned to an SSPC-

SP 15, Commercial Grade Power Tool Cleaning,

and spot primed. The remaining bridge mem-

bers would be cleaned in a variety of ways.

Power tool cleaning to SSPC-SP 3, was used for

rusted areas, and hand tool cleaning to SSPC-

SP 2 would be performed on existing coatings.

Areas with the zinc system were cleaned by

whatever removed it completely. For example,

gusset plates were abrasive blasted and acces-

sible flat areas were blown with an air wand

and scraped. If any zinc system still remained,

a special power blasting tool was then utilized.

Crevices were cleaned with a needle gun. Im-

mersion zones were abrasive blast cleaned and

coated with the epoxy primer. Any exposed

steel substrate was to be spot primed. In all

Fig. 1 (top): Unspecified coating fromsouth leg face J, Leafing aluminiumfinish coat. Fig. 2 (bottom): Coating system 2,zinc-rich primer delaminating fromcoating system.


cases, the entire coating system 4 was to be ap-

plied. Thus, spot priming would be followed by

stripe coating and a full coat of PWB 145 red, a

stripe coat and full prime coat of PWB 146, and

the rest of coating system 4.

QC PlanWhile SSPC-PA 2 is the guiding document for

measuring DFT, it works best for coatings ap-

plied over completely blast-cleaned steel (in the

shop or field), with no existing coatings or rust.

But measuring the DFT of the VTB overcoating

system proved to be more challenging because

of the multiple existing coatings in various

parts of the bridge. The existing systems could

have caused measurements of the overcoat sys-

tem to vary, possibly giving unreliable data. De-

structive testing could yield accurate dry film

measurements but it also would present coat-

ing integrity issues and was deemed inappro-

priate for this project.

Magnetic thickness gages, one of the gages al-

lowed in PA 2, would be used for QC, but faced

with a wide divergence of existing coating thick-

nesses, Caltrans decided to map the existing

systems’ coating thickness and keep typical

areas as baselines. Areas abrasive blasted to an

SSPC-SP 10 finish would serve as the new coat-

ing system’s baseline because the typical areas

would yield only approximate new coating

thicknesses. The mapping was to be conducted

after the pressure washing was completed (Fig.

3). Hold points were established for the envi-

ronmental conditions, pressure washing, sur-

face preparation, spot coats, stripe coats, and

each individual full coat.

DFT readings were then made in accordance

with the mapped areas, with the distribution

based on the different numbers of existing

coating systems in various areas. Thus, given

the wide disparity in baseline readings of ex-

isting coatings, the gage and spot readings were

taken as closely as possible to the requirements

of PA 2.

A daily bridge report form (Fig. 4, p. 6) would

be completed by the lead structural steel

painter. The report form contained areas for

recording environmental conditions, surface

preparation methods, coatings utilized, com-

ments, unusual events, personnel, and equip-

ment utilized.

Plan ExecutionThe work plan called for the upper and lower

towers to be addressed in three increments

each for a total of six work sections (WS).

•WS1: The tower caps and top cross brace

•WS2: the tower legs below the top cross

brace and the middle cross brace

•WS3: the tower legs below the middle cross

brace down to the cat walk

•WS4: the tower legs from the roadway to

below the catwalk and the cross member di-

rectly beneath the expansion joint

•WS5 the tower legs from below the catwalk

down to the lower cross brace and the lower

cross brace

•WS6: the tower legs beneath the lower cross

brace and the tower anchorage

Work on WS1 went smoothly and was docu-

mented as conforming in all areas.

Fig. 3 (bottom): Accepted SP 1 onweb of diagonal member


In WS2, however, unexpected difficulties

were presented. During the pressure washing,

areas around the earthquake retrofitted mem-

bers had delaminated on both legs. Air wands

were brought in, and the delamination was

chased until all remaining coatings were tightly

adhered. In addition, five levels of the north leg

had large areas of delamination on face J. These

areas were also chased with air wands until

only tightly adhered coating remained. The

earthquake delamination was traced to another

unspecified coating under the existing paint

system. A zinc-rich moisture cure urethane

(MCU) had been applied to the retrofit mem-

bers, and wide areas of over-blast occurred on

the existing coating system. All of the coating

systems above the MCU delaminated, although

the MCU was tightly adhered to the substrate.

The MCU was roughened with 60 grit sandpa-

per and spot primed with PWB 145 (water-

borne acrylic) before the application of coating

system 4.

The other coating delamination on face J was

determined to be between coating systems 1

and 3, with some areas of intercoat delamina-

tion between the finish coats of coating system

4. The source of the delamination between coat-

ings systems 1 and 3 was identified as poor sur-

face preparation. Chalking on the surface of the

topcoat from system 1 was exposed, and it

readily wiped onto a dark, lint-free rag. Areas

adjacent to the chalked area remained tightly

adhered. The chalking was removed by power

tool sanding with an 80 grit sandpaper, and,

again, a prime coat of PWB 145 was applied. It

was also necessary to feather edge the non-de-

laminated areas adjacent to the failed coating.

The intercoat delamination between the top-

coats was determined to be caused by deleteri-

ous material under the final finish coat.

Lubricating oil, for example, from an air pow-

ered hoist, had been deposited on the first finish

coat during the final finish coat application

process, causing the coating failure (Fig. 5). The

affected areas were re-washed and determined

to be oil free by examination under black light.

These areas were feather edged with power

tools and spot primed.

The divergence in coating thickness was ex-

treme in the failed coating, making DFT read-

ings even less reliable. Wet film readings were

taken at representative areas during each over-

coat to help ensure specified coating thick-

Fig. 4: Daily report form completed bylead structural steel painter

Fig. 5: Intercoat delamination, from MCU Zinc and lift oil

nesses were applied.

Work in WS3 was unremarkable and deter-

mined to be conforming.

In WS4, which contained the largest areas to

be blast cleaned, combined with the finger joints

directly overhead, the work presented chal-

lenges in the elimination of deleterious materi-

als. A perfect seal could not be obtained below

the finger joints because the wind from vehicu-

lar traffic moved the roof of the containment

system constantly. Vacuuming immediately be-

fore application of the coatings and hand clean-

ing to remove debris deposited before cure was

required before applying the subsequent coat

(Fig. 6).

Environmental challenges were also en-

countered as this work began in November.

The overnight low was consistently less than

50 F, and it became necessary to heat the con-

tained area to maintain a steel temperature

above the specified minimum. Whenever the

barometric pressure in the outside environ-

ment dropped, more frequent environmental

readings were required to ensure the internal

conditions remained within the specified pa-

rameters. This challenge continued in all sub-

sequent work stations.

Work in WS5 revealed isolated areas of coat-

ing delamination between coating systems 1

and 2, which were mostly confined to the gus-

set plate areas. Face J on the south leg required

abrasive blasting to SP 6 to remove the un-

specified coating.

Work in WS6 had a continuation of the face J

problem and was addressed as discussed above.

Figures 7 and 8 show examples of conform-

ing work.

ConclusionQuality Control is a daily process that com-

bines observation, measurement, comparison,

and documentation to ensure the successful de-

livery of a specified product. Overcoating ex-

isting coating systems can present unique

challenges that multiply with the addition of

each subsequent coating system. This particu-

lar project presented anticipated problems that

were included in the work plan and surprises

that required investigation and adjustment.






3. “The Vincent Thomas Bridge” San Pedro’s

Golden Gate, San Pedro Bay Historical society

1988, p. 21.

4. “The Vincent Thomas Bridge” San Pedro’s

Golden Gate, San Pedro Bay Historical society

1988, p. 17.

5. Specifications,


About the authorWilliam H. (Bill)Hansel has 37 yearsof experience in thesteel coating industry,including offshore oilrigs, shipyards (main-tenance and new con-struction), watertreatment facilities,and refineries. Currently, he is a structural steelpainter supervisor with Caltrans on the VincentThomas Bridge in the Port of Los Angeles, CA. Billholds a BA from California State University. Heis SSPC PCS, BCI-2, and C-3 certified.


Fig. 6 (top): Vacuum removal of debris entering from the finger joints.Fig. 7 (middle): Accepted PWB 146Pink primer application. Fig. 8 (bottom): Accepted PWB 169 Iridescent green final finish coat


Coating System Guide for Bridges


Ralph Baker, courtesy of Sherwin-WilliamsProtective & Marine Coatings

ABRI IndustriesIronBond 111Inorganic Zinc/Epoxy/Urethane

Alwan Paints and CoatingsAlwanZinc-Rich, Inorganic

Arma CoatingsArma 901 Polyurea 50DSPolyurea Pure (1, 2, or 3 Coats)

Avilion Inc.WasserMCU Zinc Rich/MCU/MCU

Bowers IndustrialGulf CoastEpoxy (1-2 Coats)/Urethane

Carboline CompanyCarbozincInorganic Zinc/Epoxy/Urethane

CIM IndustriesCIM 1000Epoxy (1-2 Coats)/Urethane

Cloverdale Paint Inc.ArmourshieldEpoxy (1-2 Coats)/Urethane

Coatings For Industry, Inc.UrethabondUrethane/Urethane

Concrete Solutions Products by Rhino LiningsConcrete Solutions HP UrethaneUrethane/Urethane

Convenience Products/Seal-KreteSeal-Krete HP 2-Part WB UrethaneUrethane/Urethane

Corotech High Performance CoatingsCorotechInorganic Zinc/Epoxy/Urethane

Corporacion Mara SASigma CoatingsInorganic Zinc/Epoxy/Urethane

Corrocoat USA Inc.Polyglass ZipcoatPolyester/Polyester/Polyester

Cortec CorporationVpCI-396MCU/MCU/MCU

Cote-L Industries Inc.Durabak 18Urethane/Urethane

CSL Silicones Inc.Si-Coat 580Siloxane/Siloxane

Dampney Co., Inc.ThurmaloxEpoxy/Epoxy 100% Solids

Daubert Chemical, Co.TectylCalcium Sulphonate

Denso North AmericaDensoTape Wraps

Devoe HPC (International Paint LLC)Devoe High Performance CoatingsOrganic Zinc/Epoxy/Urethane

Diamond Vogel Paint CompanyIron Prime 600/Finium DTM-AT/Finium DTM-ATAlkyd/Acrylic/Acrylic

Duraamen Engineered Products Inc.Perdure A01Alkyd/Acrylic/Acrylic

Duromar, Inc.HPL-1110/HPL-1110Epoxy 100% Solids (1 or 2 Coats)

ENECON CorporationEneseal CROther

EonCoat LLCEonCoat 0 VOCOther

EPDM CoatingsLiquid EPDM 9988Epoxy (1-2 Coats)/Acrylic (1-2 Coats)

Euclid Chemical CompanyEucothaneUrethane/Urethane

Fabick Protective CoatingsFabickPolyurea Pure (1, 2, or 3 Coats)

FSC Coatings Inc.Rustop/Bio-Safe MaxLifeAlkyd/Acrylic/Acrylic

Gemite Products Inc.Gem-Cote EP 100Epoxy 100% Solids (1 or 2 Coats)

Gulf Coast Paint Mfg., Inc.GCPEpoxy (1-2 Coats)/Urethane

Highland International, Inc.84 Dry-Fall Primer/720 Dry-Fall TopCoatAlkyd/Alkyd/Silicone Alkyd

HJ3 Composite TechnologiesHJ3 Civil & Commercial SystemsEpoxy 100% Solids (1 or 2 Coats)

Exterior WeatheringMild/ModerateSteel

Listings are alphabetized by company name


Induron Coatings, Inc.Indurethane 6600 PlusMCU Zinc Rich/Epoxy/Urethane

Industrial Nanotech Inc.Nansulate PTThermal Spray

International Paint LLCInternationalOrganic Zinc/Epoxy/Urethane

ITW Polymers Coatings North AmericaAS-250Epoxy/Epoxy/Epoxy

Jotun Paints Inc.Barrier/Hardtop II HSOrganic Zinc/Urethane/Urethane

Kaufman Products, Inc.SurePoxy HiBildEpoxy 100% Solids (1 or 2 Coats)

KCC Corrosion Control Co., Ltd.Techni-Plus EP14Epoxy/Epoxy Flake Filled (2 Coats)

Kemper System America, Inc.Kemperol 2K-PurUrethane/Urethane

Mad Dog PrimerMad Dog PrimerAlkyd/Acrylic/Acrylic

Madison Chemical IndustriesAlumizinc S/AcrylaThane 55MCU Zinc Rich/Urethane/Urethane

Micor Company, Inc.Micorthane 6-23Urethane/Urethane

Midsun Group, Inc.Midsun 579 SilproCoatOther

NIC IndustriesPrismaticEpoxy/Polyester/Polyester

Peerless Industrial SystemsEpigenEpoxy/Epoxy 100% Solids

Polibrid Coatings, Inc.Polibrid 705Urethane Elastomeric (1 Coat)

Polycoat ProductsPolyeuro 5502/7502Polyurea Pure (1, 2, or 3 Coats)

PPC Coatings (MTR)PPC CoatingsOther

PPG Protective & Marine CoatingsAmerCoat 68HS/PSX-700Organic Zinc/Siloxane

Premier Coating Systems Inc.PCS-#1111/PCS-#4300Epoxy (1-2 Coats)/Fluorourethane

Protecto Wrap CompanyProtecto Liner 1350Urethane/Urethane

Protek Paint Ltd.Protek UrethaneUrethane/Urethane

Rhino Linings CorporationRhino ExtremePolyurea Pure (1, 2, or 3 Coats)

Riley Paint CompanyRiley PaintAlkyd/Alkyd/Alkyd

Rodda Paint Co./Cloverdale PaintAP Primer/MultimstrAlkyd/Acrylic/Acrylic

RoofMart International Inc.Garna FlexUrethane Elastomeric (1 Coat)






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Roval USA Corp.Roval R22 Cold Galvanizing CompoundZinc-Rich, Organic

Rust Bullet, LLCRust Bullet StandardUrethane/Urethane

Safe Encasement SystemsSE-110-MS/SE-120Other

Seal For Life IndustriesStopaq Wrappingband EZ + Paint/Outerwrap PUTape Wraps

Sherwin-WilliamsZinc Clad III HS/Macropoxy 646/Acrolon 218 HSOrganic Zinc/Epoxy/Urethane

Simpson Strong-TieSS-T FX-50 Elastomeric Other

SpecguardSG-E375-08Polyurea Pure (1, 2, or 3 Coats)

Specialty Products, Inc. (SPI)Ultra Bond-100, AMP 100, CAP 100Polyurea Pure (1, 2, or 3 Coats)

Stirling Lloyd Group Plc.EliminatorMethyl Methacrylate (2 Coats)

Stirling Lloyd Products Inc.EliminatorMethyl Methacrylate (2 Coats)

Sulzer MetcoRoadrunner ThermosprayThermal Spray

Termarust TechnologiesTermarust TR2000 HR CSA SeriesCalcium Sulphonate

Tesla NanoCoatings, Inc.TeslanOrganic Zinc/Epoxy/Urethane

Textured Coatings of AmericaReflect TecEpoxy (1-2 Coats)/Fluoropolymer

ThermionThermionThermal Spray

Thin Film Technology, Inc.Bio-Gard 251/257/258Epoxy/Epoxy 100% Solids

The Thortex Group3M Scotchkote Encapsulation Poly-Nox 136Other

3M Electrical Markets DivisionScotchkoteFusion-Bonded Epoxy (1-2 Coats)

TMS Metalizing Systems, Ltd.TMS Metalizing SystemsThermal Spray

Tnemec Company, Inc.Hi-Build Epoxoline II/UVXEpoxy (1-2 Coats)/Urethane

Total Containment Solutions Inc.RoboLinerPolyurea Pure (1, 2, or 3 Coats)

U.S. Coatings, LLCZincGard/UreGripInorganic Zinc/Epoxy/Urethane

US Coating SolutionsFlex-Clear UrethaneUrethane/Urethane

VersaFlex IncorporatedFSS 50 DMPolyurea Pure (1, 2, or 3 Coats)

Wasser CorporationWasserMCU Zinc Rich/MCU/MCU

Watson Coatings, Inc.Armor-ShieldCalcium Sulphonate


Wilko Paint, Inc.WilkoAlkyd/Alkyd/Silicone Alkyd

Williams-Hayward Protective CoatingsNovoc, High Rubber ThermalbondOther

ZRC WorldwideZRC-221 Cold Galvanizing CompoundZinc-Rich, Organic

Exterior Weathering Mild/ModerateConcrete

ABRI IndustriesMicroBond 87Inorganic Zinc/Epoxy/Urethane

AcryliCon Flooring SolutionsAcryliCon DecorOther

Advanced Chemical Technologies, Inc.Sil-ActSiloxane/Siloxane

Alwan Paints and CoatingsAlwanSiloxane/Siloxane

Arma CoatingsArma 901 Polyurea 90ASPolyurea Pure (1, 2, or 3 Coats)

BASF Corporation–Construction SystemsEnviroseal 40Siloxane/Siloxane

Bowers IndustrialDuromarEpoxy/Epoxy 100% Solids

Carboline CompanyCarbothaneEpoxy (1-2 Coats)/Urethane

ChemCo SystemsCCS General PurposeEpoxy/Epoxy 100% Solids

ChemMasters, Inc.Texture DOTAlkyd/Acrylic/Acrylic

CIM IndustriesCIM 1000Epoxy (1-2 Coats)/Urethane

Coatings For Industry, Inc.UrethabondUrethane/Urethane

Concrete Solutions Products by Rhino LiningsConcrete Solutions HP UrethaneUrethane/Urethane

ConShield TechnologiesCor+GardEpoxy/Epoxy 100% Solids

Convenience Products/Seal-KreteSeal-Krete HP 2-Part WB UrethaneUrethane/Urethane

Copps Industries, Inc.Armorgard 202Epoxy/Epoxy 100% Solids

Corotech High Performance CoatingsCorotechEpoxy (1-2 Coats)/Urethane

Corporacion Mara SASigma CoatingsEpoxy/Epoxy/Epoxy

Corrocoat USA Inc.Polyglass VEPolyester/Polyester/Polyester

Cote-L Industries Inc.Durabak 18Urethane/Urethane

CSL Silicones Inc.Si-Coat 580Siloxane/Siloxane

Dampney Co., Inc.Thurmalox High TemperatureOther

Denso North AmericaDensoTape Wraps


Diamond Vogel Paint CompanyVers-Acryl 200/Vers-Acryl 222/Vers-Acryl 222Other

Duraamen Engineered Products Inc.Perdure A01Alkyd/Acrylic/Acrylic

Duromar, Inc.DF-1310, DF-5610, HydroFlorEpoxy/Epoxy 100% Solids

ENECON CorporationEnesealOther

Eoncoat LLCEoncoat 0 VOCOther

EPDM CoatingsLiquid EPDM 9988Epoxy (1-2 Coats)/Acrylic (1-2 Coats)

Euclid Chemical CompanyTammscoatAlkyd/Acrylic/Acrylic

FSC Coatings Inc.Bio-Safe MaxLifeAlkyd/Acrylic/Acrylic

Gemite Products Inc.Gem-Gard SX WBSiloxane/Siloxane

Global EcoTechnologiesEndura-FlexUrethane Elastomeric (1 Coat)

Gulf Coast Paint Mfg., Inc.GCPEpoxy (1-2 Coats)/Urethane

HJ3 Composite TechnologiesHJ3 Civil & Commercial SystemsEpoxy 100% Solids (1 or 2 Coats)

Induron Coatings, Inc.Indurethane 6600 PlusEpoxy (1-2 Coats)/Urethane

Industrial Nanotech Inc.Nansulate Energy ProtectThermal Spray

International CoatingsICO FlexicoatEpoxy (1-2 Coats)/Fluoropolymer

ITW Polymers Coatings North AmericaAS-250Epoxy/Epoxy/Epoxy

Jotun Paints Inc.Pen-O-Prep/Hardtop II HSEpoxy (1-2 Coats)/Urethane

Kaufman Products, Inc.SurePoxy HiBildEpoxy 100% Solids (1 or 2 Coats)

KCC Corrosion Control Co., Ltd.Techni-Plus EP14Epoxy/Epoxy Flake Filled (2 Coats)

Kemper System America, Inc.Kemperol 2K-PurUrethane/Urethane

Key Resin CompanyPlasti-ChemieMethyl Methacrylate (2 Coats)

Klaas Coatings (North America) LLCSi-Prime/Si-Rex03Other

Kryton International Inc.Hydrostop SealerSiloxane/Siloxane

Mad Dog PrimerMad Dog PrimerAlkyd/Acrylic/Acrylic

Micor Company, Inc.Micorthane 6-23Urethane/Urethane

Midsun Group, Inc.Midsun 579 SilproCoatOther

Northern Industries Inc.Hydro-Seal 75Epoxy Novolac (1 or 2 Coats)

Nox-Crete Products GroupStifel Silane Sealer/Water RepellentSiloxane/Siloxane

Peerless Industrial SystemsEpigenEpoxy/Epoxy 100% Solids

Polibrid Coatings, Inc.Polibrid 705Urethane Elastomeric (1 Coat)

Polycoat ProductsPolyeuro 5502/7502Polyurea Pure (1, 2, or 3 Coats)

PPC Coatings (MTR)PPC CoatingsOther

PPG Protective & Marine CoatingsAmercoat 220Other

Premier Coating Systems Inc.PCS-#1100/PCS-#4300Epoxy (1-2 Coats)/Fluorourethane

Protecto Wrap CompanyM 400 ARTape Wraps

Rhino Linings CorporationRhino ExtremePolyurea Pure (1, 2, or 3 Coats)

Riley Paint CompanyRiley PaintEpoxy (1-2 Coats)/Urethane

RoofMart International Inc.Garna FlexUrethane Elastomeric (1 Coat)

Rust Bullet, LLCRust Bullet StandardUrethane/Urethane

Safe Encasement SystemsSE-110-MS/SE-120Other


Seal For Life IndustriesStopaq WrappingbandTape Wraps

Sherwin-WilliamsAcrylic Texture Ctgs., Stains, or Solvent StainsOther

Simpson Strong-TieSS-T FX-460 HP Breathable Masonry Ctg. SystemOther

Soprema, Inc.Soprema AntirockSheet Lining, Thermoplastic

SpecguardSG-SCPPolyurea Hybrid (1, 2, or 3 Coats)

Specialty Products, Inc. (SPI)Aquaseal Hi-Rise X3, Ultra Bond-100, AMP 100Polyurea Pure (1, 2, or 3 Coats)

Stirling Lloyd Group Plc.EliminatorMethyl Methacrylate (2 Coats)

Stirling Lloyd Products Inc.EliminatorMethyl Methacrylate (2 Coats)

Termarust TechnologiesTermarust TR2000 HR CSA SeriesCalcium Sulphonate

Textured Coatings of AmericaBridge CoteAlkyd/Acrylic/Acrylic

ThermionThermionThermal Spray

Thin Film Technology, Inc.Bio-Gard 251/257/258Epoxy/Epoxy 100% Solids

3M Electrical Markets DivisionScotchkoteEpoxy/Epoxy 100% Solids

TMS Metalizing Systems, Ltd.TMS Metalizing SystemsThermal Spray

Tnemec Company, Inc.Hi-Build Epoxoline II/Enviro-CreteEpoxy (1-2 Coats)/Acrylic (1-2 Coats)

Total Containment Solutions Inc.RoboLinerPolyurea Pure (1, 2, or 3 Coats)

U.S. Coatings, LLCEpoxyGrip/AquaGripEpoxy (1-2 Coats)/Acrylic (1-2 Coats)

US Coating SolutionsFlex-Clear UrethaneUrethane/Urethane

VersaFlex IncorporatedFSS 45 DCPolyurea Pure (1, 2, or 3 Coats)

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Wasser CorporationWasserMCU/MCU/MCU

Watson Coatings, Inc.ArmorexEpoxy (1-2 Coats)/Urethane

Wilko Paint, Inc.WilkoEpoxy/Epoxy Novolac (2 Coats)

Williams-Hayward Protective CoatingsNovoc, High Rubber ThermalbondOther

Exterior WeatheringSevereSteel

ABRI IndustriesIronBond 111Inorganic Zinc/Epoxy/Urethane

Alwan Paints and CoatingsAlwanMCU/MCU/MCU

Amercoat Canada/Nukote CanadaNukotePolyurea Hybrid (1, 2, or 3 Coats)

Arma CoatingsArma 901 50DS or 60DPolyurea Pure (1, 2, or 3 Coats)

Avilion Inc.PPGOrganic Zinc/Epoxy/Urethane

Bowers IndustrialGulf CoastEpoxy (1-2 Coats)/Urethane

Carboline CompanyCarbothaneOrganic Zinc/Epoxy/Urethane

CIM IndustriesCIM 1000Epoxy (1-2 Coats)/Urethane

Cloverdale Paint Inc.ArmourshieldOrganic Zinc/Epoxy/Urethane

Coatings For Industry, Inc.UrethabondMCU Zinc Rich/Urethane/Urethane

Corotech High Performance CoatingsCorotechInorganic Zinc/Epoxy/Urethane

Corporacion Mara SASigma CoatingsInorganic Zinc/Epoxy/Urethane

Corrocoat USA Inc.Polyglass ZipcoatPolyester/Polyester/Polyester

Cote-L Industries Inc.Durabak 18Urethane/Urethane

CSL Silicones Inc.Si-Coat 580Siloxane/Siloxane

Dampney Co., Inc.ThurmaloxZinc-Rich, Inorganic

Daubert Chemical, Co.TectylCalcium Sulphonate

Denso North AmericaDensoTape Wraps

Devoe HPC (International Paint LLC)Devoe High Performance CoatingsOrganic Zinc/Epoxy/Urethane

Diamond Vogel Paint CompanyEnduraZinc 768/MultEPrime 500/MultiThane 330Organic Zinc/Epoxy/Urethane

Duraamen Engineered Products Inc.Perdure AU52Urethane/Urethane

Duromar, Inc.HPL-1110/HPL-1110Epoxy/Epoxy 100% Solids

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ENECON CorporationEneseal CROther

Eoncoat LLCEoncoat 0 VOCOther

EPDM CoatingsLiquid EPDM 9988Other

Euclid Chemical CompanyEucothaneUrethane/Urethane

Fabick Protective CoatingsFabickPolyurea Pure (1, 2, or 3 Coats)

FSC Coatings Inc.Rustop/Bio-Safe MaxLifeAlkyd/Acrylic/Acrylic

Gemite Products Inc.Gem-Cote EP 100Epoxy 100% Solids (1 or 2 Coats)

Gulf Coast Paint Mfg., Inc.GCPEpoxy (1-2 Coats)/Urethane

Highland International, Inc.325R Dry-Fall/475R Dry-Fall Epoxy/68R Dry-FallOrganic Zinc/Epoxy/Urethane

HJ3 Composite TechnologiesHJ3 Civil & Commercial SystemsEpoxy/Epoxy Novolac (2 Coats)

Induron Coatings, Inc.Perma-GlossOrganic Zinc/Epoxy/Fluorourethane

Industrial Nanotech Inc.Nansulate PTThermal Spray

International Paint LLCInternationalInorganic Zinc/Epoxy/Siloxane

ITW Polymers Coatings North AmericaAS-250Epoxy/Epoxy/Epoxy

Jotun Paints Inc.Resist 86/Penguard Express/Hardtop OptimaInorganic Zinc/Epoxy/Siloxane

Kaufman Products, Inc.SurePoxy HiBildEpoxy 100% Solids (1 or 2 Coats)

KCC Corrosion Control Co., Ltd.Techni-Plus UR-5Urethane/Urethane

Kemper System America, Inc.Kemperol 2K-PurUrethane/Urethane

Madison Chemical IndustriesAlumizinc S/AcrylaThane 55MCU Zinc Rich/Urethane/Urethane

Midsun Group, Inc.Midsun 579 SilproCoatOther

NIC IndustriesPrismaticEpoxy/Polyester/Polyester

Peerless Industrial SystemsEpigenEpoxy/Epoxy 100% Solids

Polibrid Coatings, Inc.Polibrid 705Urethane Elastomeric (1 Coat)

PPC Coatings (MTR)PPC CoatingsOther

PPG Protective & Marine CoatingsDimetcote 9H/Amercoat 385/Amercoat 450HInorganic Zinc/Epoxy/Urethane

Premier Coating Systems Inc.PCS-#1111/PCS-#4300Epoxy (1-2 Coats)/Fluorourethane

Protecto Wrap CompanyProtecto Liner 1350Urethane/Urethane

Rhino Linings CorporationRhino Linings EpoxyEpoxy/Epoxy Novolac (2 Coats)

Riley Paint CompanyRiley PaintEpoxy (1-2 Coats)/Urethane

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Rodda Paint Co./Cloverdale PaintClovazinc 3/ClovaMastic/ArmourshieldOrganic Zinc/Epoxy/Urethane

RoofMart International Inc.Garna FlexUrethane Elastomeric (1 Coat)

Roval USA Corp.Roval R22 Cold Galvanizing CompoundZinc-Rich, Organic

Rust Bullet, LLCRust Bullet StandardUrethane/Urethane

Safe Encasement SystemsSE-110-MS/SE-120Other

Seal For Life IndustriesStopaq WrappingbandTape Wraps

Sherwin-WilliamsZinc Clad III HS/Macropoxy 646/FluoroKemOrganic Zinc/Epoxy/Fluorourethane

Simpson Strong-TieSS-T FX-408, FX-475, FX-442Organic Zinc/Epoxy/Urethane

SpecguardSG-SCPPolyurea Hybrid (1, 2, or 3 Coats)

Specialty Products, Inc. (SPI)Ultra Bond-100, AMP 100, CAP 100Polyurea Pure (1, 2, or 3 Coats)

Stirling Lloyd Group Plc.EliminatorMethyl Methacrylate (2 Coats)

Stirling Lloyd Products Inc.EliminatorMethyl Methacrylate (2 Coats)

Subsea Industries NVEcospeedVinyl Ester (3 Coats)

Sulzer MetcoRoadrunner ThermosprayThermal Spray

Termarust TechnologiesTermarust TR2000 HR CSA SeriesCalcium Sulphonate

Tesla NanoCoatings, Inc.TeslanOrganic Zinc/Epoxy/Urethane

Textured Coatings of AmericaReflect TecEpoxy (1-2 Coats)/Fluoropolymer

ThermionThermionThermal Spray

Thin Film Technology, Inc.Bio-Dur 568Epoxy/Epoxy 100% Solids

3M Electrical Markets DivisionScotchkoteFusion-Bonded Epoxy (1-2 Coats)

The Thortex Group3M Scotchkote Encapsulation Poly-Nox 136Other

TMS Metalizing Systems, Ltd.TMS Metalizing SystemsThermal Spray

Tnemec Company, Inc.Tneme-Zinc/Hi-Build Epoxoline II/FluoronarOrganic Zinc/Epoxy/Fluorourethane

Total Containment Solutions Inc.RoboLinerPolyurea Pure (1, 2, or 3 Coats)

U.S. Coatings, LLCZincGard/EpoxyGrip/UreGripInorganic Zinc/Epoxy/Urethane

US Coating SolutionsFlex-Clear UrethaneUrethane/Urethane

VersaFlex IncorporatedFSS 50 DMPolyurea Pure (1, 2, or 3 Coats)

Wasser CorporationWasserMCU Zinc Rich/MCU/MCU

Watson Coatings, Inc.Armor-ShieldCalcium Sulphonate

Wilko Paint, Inc.WilkoOrganic Zinc/Epoxy/Urethane

Williams-Hayward Protective CoatingsNovoc, High Rubber ThermalbondOther

ZRC WorldwideZRC Zero-VOC Galvanzing CompoundZinc-Rich, Inorganic

Exterior Weathering SevereConcrete

ABRI IndustriesMicroBond 87Inorganic Zinc/Epoxy/Urethane

AcryliCon Flooring SolutionsAcryliCon DecorOther

Advanced Chemical Technologies, Inc.Sil-ActSiloxane/Siloxane

Alwan Paints and CoatingsAlwanZinc-Rich, Organic

Amercoat Canada/Nukote CanadaNukotePolyurea Pure (1, 2, or 3 Coats)

Arma CoatingsArma 901 60DPolyurea Pure (1, 2, or 3 Coats)

BASF Corporation–Construction SystemsTraficdeck EP 35Epoxy 100% Solids (1 or 2 Coats)

Bowers IndustrialDuromarEpoxy 100% Solids (1 or 2 Coats)

Carboline CompanyCarboguardEpoxy/Epoxy/Epoxy

ChemMasters, Inc.Safe-Cure & Seal EPX/Duraguard 310CRUEpoxy (1-2 Coats)/Urethane

CIM IndustriesCIM 1000Epoxy (1-2 Coats)/Urethane

Coatings For Industry, Inc.UrethabondUrethane/Urethane

ConShield TechnologiesCor+RocEpoxy/Epoxy 100% Solids

Copps Industries, Inc.Armorgard 202Epoxy/Epoxy 100% Solids

Corotech High Performance CoatingsCorotechEpoxy (1-2 Coats)/Urethane

Corporacion Mara SASigma CoatingsEpoxy/Epoxy Novolac (2 Coats)

Corrocoat USA Inc.Polyglass VEPolyester/Polyester/Polyester

Cote-L Industries Inc.Durabak 18Urethane/Urethane

CSL Silicones Inc.Si-Coat 580Siloxane/Siloxane

Dampney Co., Inc.EpodurOther

Denso North AmericaDensoTape Wraps

Diamond Vogel Paint CompanyMult-E-Poxy 180/Multi-Thane 330 or 340Epoxy (1-2 Coats)/Urethane

Duraamen Engineered Products Inc.Perdure AU52Urethane/Urethane

Duromar, Inc.DF-1310, DF-5610, HydroFlorOrganic Zinc/Epoxy 100% Solids

ENECON CorporationEnesealOther

Eoncoat LLCEoncoat 0 VOCOther

EPDM CoatingsLiquid EPDM 9988Other

Euclid Chemical CompanyTammscoatAlkyd/Acrylic/Acrylic

FSC Coatings Inc.Rustop/Bio-SafeAlkyd/Acrylic/Acrylic

Gemite Products Inc.Tuff-Flex CAOther

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Global EcoTechnologiesEndura-FlexUrethane Elastomeric (1 Coat)

Gulf Coast Paint Mfg., Inc.GCPEpoxy (1-2 Coats)/Urethane

HJ3 Composite TechnologiesHJ3 Civil & Commercial SystemsEpoxy/Epoxy Novolac (2 Coats)

Induron Coatings, Inc.Perma-GlossEpoxy (1-2 Coats)/Fluorourethane

Industrial Nanotech Inc.Nansulate Energy ProtectThermal Spray

International CoatingsICO FlexicoatEpoxy 100% Solids (1 or 2 Coats)

ITW Polymers Coatings North AmericaAS-250Epoxy/Epoxy/Epoxy

Jotun Paints Inc.Pen-O-Prep/Penguard Express/Hardtop OptimaEpoxy (1-2 Coats)/Urethane

Kaufman Products, Inc.SurePoxy HiBildEpoxy 100% Solids (1 or 2 Coats)

KCC Corrosion Control Co., Ltd.Techni-Plus UR-5Urethane/Urethane

Kemper System America, Inc.Kemperol 2K-PurUrethane/Urethane

Key Resin CompanyPlasti-ChemieMethyl Methacrylate (2 Coats)

Klaas Coatings (North America) LLCCremsil/Si-Rex03Other

Kryton International Inc.Krystol T1, Krystol T2Other

Midsun Group, Inc.Midsun 579 SilproCoatOther

Northern Industries Inc.NI-21Epoxy Novolac (1 or 2 Coats)

Nox-Crete Products GroupNox-Carb Sealer & StainAlkyd/Acrylic/Acrylic

Peerless Industrial SystemsEpigenEpoxy/Epoxy 100% Solids

Polibrid Coatings, Inc.Polibrid 705Urethane Elastomeric (1 Coat)

Polycoat ProductsPolyeuro 5502/7502Polyurea Pure (1, 2, or 3 Coats)

PPC Coatings (MTR)PPC CoatingsOther

PPG Protective & Marine CoatingsAmerlock/Amercoat 450HEpoxy (1-2 Coats)/Urethane

Premier Coating Systems Inc.PCS-#1100/PCS-#4300Epoxy (1-2 Coats)/Fluorourethane

Protecto Wrap CompanyM 400 ARTape Wraps

Rhino Linings CorporationRhino Linings EpoxyEpoxy/Epoxy 100% Solids

Riley Paint CompanyRiley PaintEpoxy (1-2 Coats)/Urethane

Rodda Paint Co./Cloverdale PaintClovaMastic/ArmourshieldEpoxy (1-2 Coats)/Urethane

RoofMart International Inc.Garna FlexUrethane Elastomeric (1 Coat)

Rust Bullet, LLCRust Bullet StandardUrethane/Urethane

Safe Encasement SystemsSE-110-MS/SE-120Other


Seal For Life IndustriesStopaq WrappingbandTape Wraps

Sherwin-WilliamsMacropoxy 646/Polysiloxane 1KOther

Simpson Strong-TieSS-T FX-480 Epoxy Protective Epoxy/Epoxy/Epoxy

Soprema, Inc.Soprema AntirockSheet Lining, Thermoplastic

SpecguardSG-E45 PrimerEpoxy/Epoxy/Epoxy

Specialty Products, Inc. (SPI)Aquaseal Hi-Rise X3, Ultra Bond-100, AMP 100Polyurea Pure (1, 2, or 3 Coats)

Stirling Lloyd Group Plc.EliminatorMethyl Methacrylate (2 Coats)

Stirling Lloyd Products Inc.EliminatorMethyl Methacrylate (2 Coats)

Termarust TechnologiesTermarust TR2000 HR CSA SeriesCalcium Sulphonate

Textured Coatings of AmericaBridge CoteAlkyd/Acrylic/Acrylic

ThermionThermionThermal Spray

Thin Film Technology, Inc.Bio-Gard 251/257/258Epoxy/Epoxy 100% Solids

3M Electrical Markets DivisionScotchkoteEpoxy/Epoxy 100% Solids

TMS Metalizing Systems, Ltd.TMS Metalizing SystemsThermal Spray

Tnemec Company, Inc.Hi-Build Epoxoline II/Enviro-CreteEpoxy (1-2 Coats)/Acrylic (1-2 Coats)

Total Containment Solutions Inc.RoboLinerPolyurea Pure (1, 2, or 3 Coats)

U.S. Coatings, LLCEpoxyGrip/AquaGripEpoxy (1-2 Coats)/Acrylic (1-2 Coats)

US Coating SolutionsFlex-Clear UrethaneUrethane/Urethane

VersaFlex IncorporatedFSS 45 DCPolyurea Pure (1, 2, or 3 Coats)

Wasser CorporationWasserMCU/MCU/MCU

Watson Coatings, Inc.ArmorexEpoxy (1-2 Coats)/Urethane

Wilko Paint, Inc.WilkoEpoxy/Epoxy Novolac (2 Coats)

Williams-Hayward Protective CoatingsNovoc, High Rubber ThermalbondOther


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Coating Company


Aashish Coating Tech Pvt. Ltd.140 Laxmi PlazaNew Link Rd., Andheri W.Mumbai, 400053 IndiaPhone: 91 22 [email protected]

ABRI Industries8055 West Manchester Ave.Ste. 735Playa Del Rey, CA 90293 Phone: 310-341-3600Contact: Lee [email protected]

AcryliCon Flooring Solutions12460 Crabapple Rd., Ste. 202-106Alpharetta, GA 30004 Phone: 888-736-7550Contact: Jason [email protected]

Acrylux Paint Co.6010 Powerline Rd.Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309 Phone: 954-772-0300Contact: Andrew [email protected]

Acrymax Technologies, Inc.221 Brooke St.Media, PA 19063 Phone: 800-553-0523Contact: Eric [email protected]

Acry-Tech Coatings Inc.3601 NE 5th Ave.Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33334 Phone: 954-565-6001Contact:Miki [email protected]

Advanced Chemical Technologies, Inc.9608 North Robinson Ave.Oklahoma City, OK 73114 Phone: 800-535-0433Contact: Kevin [email protected]

Advanced Science CoatingsPO Box 748Sunset Beach, CA 90742 Phone: 209-481-2042Contact: Tom [email protected]

AFM3251 Third Ave.San Diego, CA 92103 Phone: 619-239-0321Contact: Jay [email protected]

Albi Mfg. A Division of StanChem Inc.401 Berlin St.East Berlin, CT 06023 Phone: 860-828-0571Contact:W. Casey [email protected]

Aldo Products Company, Inc.1604 N. Main St.Kannapolis, NC 28081 Phone: 800-474-6019Contact: Robert [email protected]

Alistagen CorporationTen Park Ave.New York, NY 10016 Phone: 212-317-0100Contact: Alis [email protected]

Alwan Paints and CoatingsAmeer Khusro Rd., KarsazKarachi, 75350 PakistanPhone: 92-321-8950091Contact: Raza [email protected]

Amercoat Canada/Nukote Canada1174 South Service Rd. W.Oakville, ON L6L 5T7 CanadaPhone: 905-847-1500Contact: Daniel [email protected]

American Industrial1218 W. 41st St., Ste. BTulsa, OK 74107 Phone: 918-445-0627Contact: Fred [email protected]

AmTech Tank Lining & Tank Repair75-4 Main St., Ste. 300Plymouth, NH 03264 Phone: 888-839-0373Contact: Dennis [email protected]

Andek Corporation850 Glen Ave., PO Box 392Moorestown, NJ 08057Phone: 800-800-2844Contact: Neil [email protected]

ARC CompositesDiv. of A.W. Chesterton860 Salem St., Bldg. AGroveland, MA 01834 Phone: 978-469-6666Contact: Kathy [email protected]

Aremco ProductsPO Box 517Valley Cottage, NY 10989 Phone: 845-268-0039Contact: Peter [email protected]

Arizona Polymer Flooring Inc.7731 N. 68th Ave.Glendale, AZ 85303 Phone: 888-855-3455Contact: Daniel [email protected] our display ad, p. 71.

Arkema Inc.900 First Ave., Bldg. #10King of Prussia, PA 19406 Phone: 610-205-7898Contact: Vince [email protected] Coatings5555 W. 11th Ave.Eugene, OR 97402 Phone: 800-524-2762Contact: Charles [email protected]

Armor Shield1343 Union Ave., NEGrand Rapids, MI 49505 Phone: 616-245-0757Contact: Patrick [email protected]

Associated Paint10160 NW South River Dr.Miami, FL 33178 Phone: 305-885-1964Contact: Lee [email protected]

ASTC Polymers Inc.3207 West Warner Ave.Santa Ana, CA 92704 Phone: 714-966-2893Contact: Dick [email protected]

Atlas Minerals & Chemicals, Inc.1227 Valley Rd., PO Box 38Mertztown, PA 19539 Phone: 610-682-7171Contact: Scott [email protected]

Avid Protective Products Ltd.2085 Laurelwood Dr.Oakville, ON L6H 4S8 CanadaPhone: 905-339-8386Contact: David [email protected]

Coating Company Profiles22

Avilion Inc.3947 Lincoln Hwy.Downingtown, PA 19335 Phone: 610-942-7388Contact:Michelle [email protected]

Axalta Coating Systems North America9800 Genard Rd.Houston, TX 77041 Phone: 800-247-3886Contact: Customer [email protected]

BASF Corporation–Construction Systems889 Valley Park Dr.Shakopee, MN 55379 Phone: 800-433-9517Contact: Customer [email protected]

Bechtel Industrial Coating Supply21424 SE 16th Pl.Sammamish, WA 98075 Phone: 425-392-1876Contact: Robert [email protected]

Blendex Industrial Corp.135 Bangor St.Lindenhurst, NY 11757 Phone: 888-376-9935Contact: John [email protected]

Blome InternationalPart of the HEMPEL Group1450 Hoff Industrial Dr.O'Fallon, MO 63366 Phone: 636-379-9119Contact:Marcella [email protected]

Blue River Coatings2910 South Nebraska Ave.Hastings, NE 68901 Phone: 888-420-2628Contact: Phil [email protected]

Blue Water Marine Paint1999 Elizabeth St.North Brunswick, NJ 08902 Phone: 908-967-9867Contact: Paul [email protected]

Bowers Industrial3645 W. 1987 SouthSalt Lake City, UT 84104 Phone: 800-892-5224Contact: Kevin [email protected]

Bradley Coatings Group2873 West Hardies Rd.Gibsonia, PA 15044 Phone: 724-444-4400Contact: Phil [email protected]

Burke Industrial Coatings600 South 74 Pl., #108Ridgefield, WA 98642 Phone: 800-348-3245Contact: Jim

Cantex Coatings Ltd.2390 Industrial St.Burlington, ON M7P 1A5 CanadaPhone: 905-319-8972Contact: Jerry Van [email protected]

CANUSA-CPS25 Bethridge Rd.Toronto, ON M9W 1M7 CanadaPhone: 416-744-5798Contact: Bob [email protected]

Capitol Paint Manufacturing Corp.722 SW 23rd St.Oklahoma City, OK 73109 Phone: 405-634-3383Contact: Stan [email protected]

Carboline Company2150 Schuetz Rd.St. Louis, MO 63146 Phone: 314-644-1000Contact: Customer [email protected] our display ad, inside front cover.

CCI Con-Tech of California, Inc.2211 Navy Dr.Stockton, CA 95206 Phone: 209-941-8324Contact: Steven A. [email protected]

Ceilcote (International Paint LLC)6001 Antoine Dr.Houston, TX 77091 Phone: 800-589-1267Contact: Sales [email protected]

Celufibre Industries Inc.14735 - 124th Ave.Edmonton, AB T5L 3B2 CanadaPhone: 780-447-1255Contact: Kevin [email protected]

Ceram-Kote Coatings Inc.1800 Industrial Dr.Big Spring, TX 79720 Phone: 432-263-8497Contact: Kevin [email protected]

ChemCo Systems2800 Bay Rd.Redwood City, CA 94063 Phone: 800-757-6773Contact: John [email protected]

Chemcoat, Inc.2790 Canfields Ln.Montoursville, PA 17754 Phone: 800-326-9471Contact: Art [email protected]

Chemical Products Industries7649 SW 34th St.Oklahoma City, OK 73179 Phone: 405-745-2070Contact: Jordan [email protected]

Chemline5151 Natural Bridge Rd.St. Louis, MO 63115 Phone: 314-664-2230Contact: Steve [email protected]

ChemMasters, Inc.300 Edwards St.Madison, OH 44057 Phone: 440-428-2105Contact: John [email protected]

CIM Industries23 Elm St.Peterborough, NH 03458 Phone: 603-924-9481Contact: Becky [email protected]

Cloverdale Paint Inc.6950 King George Blvd.Surrey, BC V3W 4Z1 CanadaPhone: 604-596-6261Contact: Trevor [email protected]

CMP/Chugoku1610 Engineers Rd.Belle Chasse, LA 70037 Phone: 504-392-4817Contact: Nancy [email protected]

Coating Systems & Supply, LLC11479 Darryl Dr.Baton Rouge, LA 70815 Phone: 225-272-6385Contact:Michael R. [email protected]

Coatings For Industry, Inc.319 Township Line Rd.Souderton, PA 18964 Phone: 877-723-0919Contact: Kevin

Comex Group5575 DTC Pkwy.Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Phone: 720-873-3060Contact: Customer [email protected]

Composite Technologies2010 Scott Ave.Calberton, NY 11933 Phone: 631-680-0662Contact: Gerald [email protected]

Concrete Coatings Inc.1105 N. 1600 W.Layton, UT 84041 Phone: 801-544-8771Contact: Cory [email protected]

Concrete SolutionsProducts by Rhino Linings9151 Rehco Rd.San Diego, CA 92121 Phone: 800-422-2603Contact: Bart [email protected]

Conklin Company Inc.551 Valley Park Dr.Shakopee, MN 55379 Phone: 800-888-8838Contact: Building Products

ConShield Technologies541 10th St., #233Atlanta, GA 30318 Phone: 877-543-2094Contact: Joe [email protected]

Construction Specialties Group, Inc.15783 Crocus LaneDumfries, VA 22025 Phone: 703-670-5300Contact: Neil [email protected]

Construction Systems SupplyPO Box 3894Seattle, WA 98124 Phone: 888-858-3790Contact: Ron [email protected]

Coating Company Profiles23

Contego International, Inc.334 Greyhound Pass WestCarmel, IN 46032 Phone: 800-434-6444Contact: Tony [email protected]

Contract Coatings Corporation706 E. Main St.Stockton, CA 95202 Phone: 209-465-2634Contact: Arlen [email protected]

Convenience Products/Seal-Krete306 Gandy Rd.Auburndale, FL 33823 Phone: 800-323-7357Contact: David [email protected] our display ad, p. 70.

Cooley Group50 Esten Ave.Pawtucket, RI 02860 Phone: 401-721-6261Contact: David [email protected]

Copolymer Protection SystemsPO Box 2860Danville, CA 94526 Phone: 925-551-7796Contact: Gerald [email protected]

Copps Industries, Inc.10600 N. Industrial Dr.Mequon, WI 53092 Phone: 800-672-2622Contact: Jeff [email protected]

Corolon Coatings & Corrosion Control Tech. Inc.2 Haas Rd.Toronto, ON M9W 3A2 CanadaPhone: 416-401-8855Contact: Stan E. [email protected]

Corotech High Performance Coatings101 Paragon Dr.Montvale, NJ 07645 Phone: 201-949-6216Contact: Jeffrey T [email protected]

Corporacion Mara SAJr. Pereseo 251Chorrillos, 9 PeruPhone: 51-12013535Contact: Fredy [email protected]

Corrocoat LimitedForster St., LeedsWest Yorkshire, LS10 1PW UKPhone: 44 113 276 0760Contact: Graham

Corrocoat USA Inc.6525 Greenland Rd.Jacksonville, FL 32258 Phone: 904-268-4559Contact: Josh [email protected]

Corroseal6107 N. Marine Dr.Portland, OR 97203 Phone: 800-237-1573Contact: Sue [email protected]

Cortec Corporation4119 White Bear Pkwy.St. Paul, MN 55110 Phone: 651-429-1100Contact: Cliff [email protected]

Cote-L Industries Inc.1542 Jefferson St.Teaneck, NJ 07666 Phone: 201-836-0733Contact: Cy [email protected]

CRC-Evans7011 High Life Dr.Houston, TX 77066 Phone: 832-249-3100Contact: Kevin [email protected]

Creto Worldwide125 East Reno Ave., Ste. 1Las Vegas, NV 89119 Phone: 702-372-6274Contact: John [email protected]

Crossfield Products Corp.3000 E. Harcourt St.Rancho Dominguez, CA 90221 Phone: 310-886-9100Contact: Jodi [email protected]

CSL Silicones Inc.144 Woodlawn Rd. WestGuelph, ON N1H 1B5 CanadaPhone: 519-836-9044Contact: Patrick [email protected]

Dampney Co., Inc.85 Paris St.Everett, MA 02149 Phone: 617-389-2805Contact: Dennis [email protected]

Daubert Chemical Co.4700 S. Central Ave.Chicago, IL 60638 Phone: 708-563-8302Contact: Frank [email protected]

Daubert Cromwell12701 S. Ridgeway Ave.Alsip, IL 60803 Phone: 708-293-7750Contact:Martin [email protected]

Davlin Coatings700 Alston WayBerkeley, CA 94710 Phone: 510-848-2863Contact: Jim [email protected]

Demilec (USA) LLC2925 Galleria Dr.Arlington, TX 76011 Phone: 817-640-4900Contact: Robert [email protected]

Denso North America9747 Whithorn Dr.Houston, TX 77095 Phone: 281-821-3355Contact: Jesse [email protected] our display ad, p. 115.

Dependable, LLCPO Box 16307Rocky River, OH 44116 Phone: 717-951-0494Contact: Joe [email protected]

Devoe High Performance Coatings (International Paint LLC)6001 Antoine Dr.Houston, TX 77091 Phone: 800-589-1267Contact: Sales/Tech. [email protected]

Diamond Vogel Paint Company1110 Albany Pl. SEOrange City, IA 51041 Phone: 712-737-8880Contact: Perry [email protected]

Dow Chemical Company9008 BuildingMidland, MI 48642 Phone: 800-447-4369Contact: Dave

Dow Corning CorporationPO Box 0994Midland, MI 48686Phone: 800-248-2481Contact: Customer [email protected]/coatings

Dudick, Inc.1818 Miller Pkwy.Streetsboro, OH 44241 Phone: 330-562-1970Contact: Barb [email protected]

Dunn-Edwards4885 E. 52nd Pl.Los Angeles, CA 90058 Phone: 888-337-2468Contact: Customer [email protected]

Duraamen Engineered Products Inc.116 West 23rd St.New York, NY 10011 Phone: 212-386-7609Contact: Victor [email protected]

Duromar, Inc.706 Washington St.Pembroke, MA 02359 Phone: 781-826-2525Contact: Paul [email protected]

Dynafloor Systems553 Highland Rd. E.Macedonia, OH 44056 Phone: 800-453-6366Contact: Jerry [email protected]

Dynamic Coatings Inc.5629 East Westover Ave.Fresno, CA 93727 Phone: 877-225-2549Contact: Peter [email protected]

Coating Company Profiles24

Elastomer Specialties Inc.10848 South 265thBroken Arrow, OK 74014 Phone: 918-486-4244Contact: Neil [email protected]

Endura Manufacturing Ltd.12425-149th St.Edmonton, AB T5L 2J6 CanadaPhone: 780-451-4242Contact: Elissa [email protected]

Endur-O-Seal USA, Inc.12502 Lazywood Ln.Pinehurst, TX 77362 Phone: 281-356-5117Contact: Tessi [email protected]

ENECON Corporation6 Platinum Crt.Medford, NY 11763 Phone: 516-349-0022Contact:Mike [email protected]

Enviroline (International Paint LLC)6001 Antoine Dr.Houston, TX 77091 Phone: 800-589-1267Contact: Sales [email protected]

Environmental Protective Coatings Inc.2035 Regency Rd., Ste. 5Lexington, KY 40503 Contact: Homer O. [email protected]

Envirotrol, Inc.2594 Flat Shoals Rd.Conyers, GA 30013 Phone: 770-922-4737Contact: Pat [email protected]

Eoncoat LLC4000 Airport Dr. NWWilson, NC 27896 Phone: 252-360-3110Contact: Jim [email protected]

EPDM Coatings494 Bridgeport Ave., Ste. 101-342Shelton, CT 06484 Phone: 855-281-0940Contact: Kelly [email protected]

Euclid Chemical Company19218 Redwood Rd.Cleveland, OH 44110 Phone: 800-321-7628Contact: Technical [email protected]

Evonik Industries299 Jefferson Rd.Parsippany, NJ 07054Phone: 973-929-8513Contact: Anil [email protected]

Fabick Protective Coatings4118 Robertson Rd.Madison, WI 53714 Phone: 608-242-1100Contact: Steven [email protected]

Farrell-Calhoun Paint221 East CarolinaMemphis, TN 38126 Phone: 901-526-2211Contact: Craig [email protected]

Farwest Corrosion Control Company1480 W. Artesia Blvd.Gardena, CA 90248Phone: 310-532-9314Contact:Marnie [email protected]

Fire Free Coatings Inc.580 Irwin St., Ste. 1San Rafael, CA 94901 Phone: 415-459-6488Contact: Elisa [email protected]

Flame Control Coatings, LLC4120 Hyde Park Blvd.Niagara Falls, NY 14305 Phone: 716-282-1399Contact: Tim [email protected]

Floor Seal Technology, Inc.1005 Ames Ave.Milpitas, CA 95035 Phone: 408-590-4849Contact: Bill [email protected]

FLOROCK, Crawford Labs, Inc.4165 S. Emerald Ave.Chicago, IL 60609 Phone: 800-356-7625Contact: Customer [email protected]

FSC Coatings Inc.5360 Eastgate Mall Rd., Ste FSan Diego, CA 92121 Phone: 800-579-8459Contact: Steve [email protected]

G3 Tapes11639 Riverside Dr., Ste. 103Lakeside, CA 92040 Phone: 619-448-4439Contact:Meghan [email protected]

Gaco Western, LLC200 West Mercer St., Ste. 202Seattle, WA 98119 Phone: 800-456-4226Contact: Customer [email protected]

Gelest, Inc.11 E. Steel Rd.Morrisville, PA 19067 Phone: 215-547-1015Contact: Gabrielle [email protected]

Gemite Products Inc.1787 Drew Rd.Mississauga, ON L5S 1J5 CanadaPhone: 888-443-6483Contact: Igor [email protected]

Georg Fischer Central Plastics39605 IndependenceShawnee, OK 74804 Phone: 800-654-3872Contact:Mark [email protected]

Gill Industries, Inc.3462 Kershaw Camden Hwy.Lancaster, SC 29720 Phone: 803-285-4831Contact: G. Shane [email protected]

Glidden Professional15885 W. Sprague Rd.Strongsville, OH 44136 Phone: 800-984-5444Contact: [email protected]

Global EcoTechnologiesPO Box 2205Antioch, CA 94531 Phone: 925-473-9250Contact: Scott [email protected]

Global Industrial Coatings11130 Twitty Dr.Rolla, MO 65401 Phone: 573-364-2722Contact: George [email protected]

Goodwest Linings and Coatings8814 Industrial Ln.Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Phone: 951-236-7576Contact: Patrick [email protected]

Groco Specialty Coatings10818 C.F. Hawn Fwy.Dallas, TX 75217 Phone: 972-286-7890Contact: Bob [email protected]

Gulf Coast Paint Mfg., Inc.30075 County Rd. 49Loxley, AL 36551 Phone: 251-964-7911Contact: John R. [email protected]

hci chemtech, inc.310 S. Bellis St.Wausau, WI 54403 Phone: 800-596-6282Contact: Cheryl [email protected]

HDIM Protective Coatings14538 121A Ave.Edmonton, AB T5L 4L2 CanadaPhone: 780-482-4346Contact: Norm [email protected]

Hempel (USA) Inc.600 Conroe Park North Dr.Conroe, TX 77303 Phone: 936-523-6000Contact:Marcella [email protected] our display ads, p. 54, 82 and 100.

Heresite Protective Coatings, LLC822 South 14th St.Manitowoc, WI 54220 Phone: 920-684-6646Contact: Greg [email protected]

Highland International, Inc.465 Industrial Park Dr., PO Box 3564Boone, NC 28607 Phone: 828-265-2513Contact: Katie Dudakduda@highland-international.comhighland-international.comSee our display ad, p. 61.

Hi-Tech Concrete Coatings Inc.430 Oak Ln.Lititz, PA 17543 Phone: 717-664-4006Contact: Brian A. [email protected]

Coating Company Profiles25

Hi-Temp Coatings TechnologyPO Box 2347Acton, MA 01720 Phone: 978-635-1110Contact:Mike [email protected]

HJ3 Composite Technologies2440 West Majestic Park WayTucson, AZ 85705 Phone: 520-322-0010Contact: John [email protected]

Huntsman Polyurethanes2190 Executive Hills Blvd.Auburn Hills, MI 48326 Phone: 248-322-7431Contact: Kevin A. [email protected]/pu/ace

Hydra Tech Engineered Products10448 Chester Rd.Cincinnati, OH 45215 Phone: 513-827-9169Contact: Tim [email protected]

Hydrex Underwater Technology604 Druid Rd. E.Clearwater, FL 33756 Phone: 727-443-3900Contact: John [email protected]

Hyperseal34-801 Spyder Cir.Palm Desert, CA 92211 Phone: 760-324-7900Contact: Brian [email protected]

IndMar Coatings Corporation317 W. Main St., PO Box 456Wakefield, VA 23888 Phone: 757-899-3807Contact:Wilmer [email protected]

Induron Coatings, Inc.3333 R. Arrington Jr. Blvd. N.Birmingham, AL 35234 Phone: 800-324-9584Contact: Jeff [email protected]

Industrial Coatings & Sealants12521 Evergreen Dr., Ste. BMukilteo, WA 98275 Phone: 425-742-5693Contact: Greg [email protected]

Industrial Maintenance Group, Inc.1904 Industrial Park Dr.Plant City, FL 33566 Phone: 813-659-3512Contact: Pete Van

Industrial Nanotech Inc.1925 Trade Center Way, Ste. 1Naples, FL 34109 Phone: 800-767-3998Contact: Francesca [email protected]

Inliner Technologies1468 West Hospital Rd.Paoli, IN 47454 Phone: 812-723-0704Contact: Geoff [email protected]

Innovative Coatings1685 Rossi Dr.Windsor, ON N9A 6J3 CanadaPhone: 519-737-9046Contact:Wayne [email protected] Coatings Corporation27 Link Dr., Ste. DBinghamton, NY 13904 Phone: 800-223-8494Contact: Rick [email protected]

Integrated Protective Coatings Inc.7036 - 50th St.Edmonton, AB T6B 2J8 CanadaPhone: 780-456-3467Contact: Andrew [email protected]

Intercoastal Paint Co.14029 W. Hardy Rd.Houston, TX 77060 Phone: 281-448-5258Contact: Heidi [email protected]

International Cellulose Corporation12315 Robin Blvd.Houston, TX 77045 Phone: 800-444-1252Contact: Chuck [email protected]

International Chem-Crete Corp.800 Security RowRichardson, TX 75081 Phone: 972-671-6477Contact: Jay [email protected]

International Coatings311 NW 122nd St., Ste. 100Oklahoma City, OK 73114 Phone: 800-624-8919Contact: Eileen [email protected]

International Metal Fusion Corporation900 NW 10th Ave.Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311 Phone: 409-515-0532Contact: Abad [email protected]

International Paint LLC6001 Antoine Dr.Houston, TX 77091 Phone: 800-589-1267Contact: Sales [email protected] our display ad, p. 63.

International Polyurethane Systems5590 46th Ave. SESalmon Arm, BC V1E 4S1 CanadaPhone: 250-832-5142Contact: Don [email protected]

IPA Systems, Inc.2745 N. Amber St.Philadelphia, PA 19134 Phone: 215-425-6607Contact: John [email protected]

IPS Polymers Systems8530 Milliken Ave.Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Phone: 909-941-4999Contact: Amy [email protected]

Isolatek International41 Furnace St.Stanhope, NJ 07874 Phone: 800-631-9600Contact: Sean [email protected]

ITW Devcon30 Endicott St.Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: 800-933-8266Contact: Jessica [email protected]

ITW Polymers Coatings North America12055 Cutten Rd.Houston, TX 77066 Phone: 267-646-1437Contact: Alan [email protected] our display ad, p. 120.

Jamestown Coating Technologies108 Main St.Jamestown, PA 16134 Phone: 724-932-3101Contact:Michael [email protected]

Johnson Industrial Coatings10436 N. NC Hwy. 150Clemmons, NC 27012 Phone: 336-764-1648Contact: Jay [email protected]

Jotun Paints Inc.842 W. Sam Houston Pkwy. N. City Center Three, Ste. 300Houston, TX 77024 Phone: 314-616-1797Contact: [email protected] our display ad, p. 74 and 106.

Kaufman Products, Inc.3811 Curtis Ave.Baltimore, MD 21226 Phone: 800-637-6372Contact: Alex [email protected]

KCC Corrosion Control Co., Ltd.4018 Trey Dr.Houston, TX 77084 Phone: 281-550-1199Contact: Owen T. [email protected]

Kelly-Moore Paint Company987 Commercial St.San Carlos, CA 94070 Phone: 800-874-4436Contact: Rusty [email protected]

KEMA Coatings LImited60 Wyndham St. South, Unit 904Guelph, ON N1E 7H7 CanadaPhone: 519-826-9374Contact:Mark [email protected]

Kemper System America, Inc.1 Reuten Dr.Closter, NJ 07624 Phone: 800-541-5455Contact: James [email protected]

Key Resin Company4050 Clough Woods Dr.Batavia, OH 45103 Phone: 888-943-4532Contact: Eric [email protected]

Coating Company Profiles26

Klaas Coatings (North America) LLCPO Box 25122Dallas, TX 75225 Phone: 866-317-3633Contact: Richard

KOSTER American Corp.2585 Aviator Dr.Virginia Beach, VA 23453 Phone: 757-425-1206Contact: Ray [email protected]

Kryton International Inc.1645 East Kent Ave.Vancouver, BC V5P 2S8 CanadaPhone: 604-324-8280Contact: Isabella [email protected]

Linabond1161 Avenida AcosoCamarillo, CA 93012 Phone: 818-362-7373Contact: Georgia [email protected]

Liquid Metal Coatings, LLC7015 W. 16th Ave.Lakewood, CO 80215 Phone: 303-202-204Contact: Bob Scheckliquidmetalcoatings.comLone Star Specialties, LLC6412 US Hwy. 259 SouthLone Star, TX 75668 Phone: 903-656-2536Contact: Tony

Lonza Microbial Control5660 New Northside Dr., Ste. 1100Atlanta, GA 30328 Phone: 800-523-7391Contact: Damali [email protected]

LuminOre6060 Corte del CedroCarlsbad, CA 93011 Phone: 760-431-7705Contact: Jenny [email protected]

Mad Dog Primer309 Plum St. N.Northfield, MN 55057 Phone: 507-645-7431Contact: Steve [email protected]

Madison Chemical Industries490 McGeachie Dr.Milton, ON L9T 3Y5 CanadaPhone: 905-878-8863Contact: Kim [email protected]

Mascoat4310 Campbell Rd.Houston, TX 77041 Phone: 713-465-0304Contact: Chad [email protected] our display ad, p. 56.

Micor Company, Inc.3232 N. 31st St.Milwaukee, WI 53216 Phone: 800-284-4308Contact: Bill [email protected]

Midsun Group, Inc.135 Redstone St.Southington, CT 06480 Phone: 860-378-0100Contact: Andy [email protected]

Morin Industrial Coatings Ltd.Box 765Lively, ON P3Y 1M7 CanadaPhone: 705-692-9090Contact: Adam [email protected]

Nanochem Technologies1203 Kent St.Elkhart, IN 46514 Phone: 574-970-2436Contact: Richard J. [email protected]

National Polymers Inc.9 Guttman Ave.Charleroi, PA 15022 Phone: 724-483-9300Contact: Erica [email protected]

Nationwide ChemicalCoating Mfrs., Inc.7106 24th Crt. EastSarasota, FL 34243 Phone: 800-423-7264Contact: [email protected]

Neogard2728 Empire CentralDallas, TX 75235 Phone: 214-353-1689Contact: Bob [email protected]

NIC Industries7050 6th St.White City, OR 97503 Phone: 541-826-1922Contact: Jeff [email protected]

Normac Adhesive Products Inc.1350 Heine Crt.Burlington, ON L7L 6M4 CanadaPhone: 905-332-6455Contact: George [email protected]

Northern Industries Inc.429 Tiogue Ave.Coventry, RI 02816 Phone: 401-821-2121Contact: Rick [email protected]

NOV Tuboscope2835 Holmes Rd.Houston, TX 77051 Phone: 713-799-5130Contact: Ryan [email protected]

Nox-Crete Products Group1444 S. 20th St.Omaha, NE 68108 Phone: 402-341-2080Contact: Customer [email protected]

NSP Specialty ProductsPO Box 4690Pinehurst, NC 28374 Phone: 910-235-0468Contact: Larry [email protected]

Oak Ridge Chemical and Equipment575 Commercial Ave.Green Lake, WI 54941 Phone: 800-625-9577Contact: Jed [email protected]

OCM–Adeka1215 Henri Dr.Wauconda, IL 60084 Phone: 866-457-5710Contact:Mike [email protected]

Pacific Southwest Coatings18220 Watson WayYorba Linda, CA 92886 Phone: 714-225-3688Contact: Laurence [email protected]

Paragon Fusionclad809 77 Ave.Edmonton, AB T6P 1S9 CanadaPhone: 780-461-7719Contact: Dean [email protected]

Pecora165 Wambold Rd.Harleysville, PA 19438 Phone: 215-799-7530Contact: Alicia [email protected]

Peerless Industrial SystemsPO Box 2041Hampton East, 03189 AustraliaPhone: 61 408 949 368Contact: Nick [email protected]

Pilgrim Permocoat402 South 22nd St.Tampa, FL 33605 Phone: 800-637-3328Contact: Robert [email protected]

Plastocor Inc.100 Research Rd.Hingham, MA 02043 Phone: 724-942-0582Contact: Jim [email protected]

The Platt Brothers & CompanyPO Box 1030Waterbury, CT 06721 Phone: 203-753-4194Contact: David [email protected]

Plexi-Chemie, Inc.606 Lane Ave. North, Ste. 6Jacksonville, FL 32043 Phone: 904-693-8800Contact: Elizabeth [email protected]

Polar IndustriesPO Box 293Fisher Branch, MB R0C 0Z0 CanadaPhone: 786-955-4008Contact: Lillian [email protected]


Coating Company Profiles27

Polibrid Coatings, Inc.6700 F.M. 802Brownsville, TX 78526 Phone: 956-831-7818Contact: Klaus D. [email protected]

Polycoat Products14722 Spring Ave.Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 Phone: 562-802-8834Contact: Joe [email protected]

Polycorp Ltd.33 York St.Elora, ON N0B 1S0 CanadaPhone: 519-846-2075Contact: Dennis [email protected]

Polyguard Products, Inc.PO Box 755Ennis, TX 75120 Phone: 281-580-5700Contact: Chic [email protected]

Polymax/Milamar Coatings LLC311 NW 122nd St., Ste. 100Oklahoma City, OK 73114 Phone: 405-755-8454Contact: Joanne [email protected]

Polytech Industrial Coatings, Inc.PO Box 12407Fresno, CA 93777 Phone: 800-507-2953Contact: Andrew [email protected]

Polyval Coatings520 Boul Cure BoivinBoisbriand, QC H3S 2N6 CanadaPhone: 800-465-0905Contact:Marc [email protected]

PPC Coatings (MTR)2 Pixie Rd.Wilmington, DE 19810 Phone: 877-588-2227Contact: Cliff [email protected]

PPG Protective & Marine CoatingsOne PPG Pl.Pittsburgh, PA 15272 Phone: 888-977-4762Contact: Steve [email protected] our display ad, p. 116 .

Precision Coatings Inc.1940 East TrafficwaySpringfield, MO 65802 Phone: 888-340-6780Contact: Jim O’[email protected]

Preferred Products Corp.231 S. 3rd St.Burlington, IA 52601 Phone: 319-754-4823Contact: Ken [email protected]

Premier Coating Systems Inc.606 N. Lane Ave., #6Jacksonville, FL 32254 Phone: 904-824-1799Contact: Ron [email protected]

Prime Coat Coating Systems405 Oakwood Ave.Waukegan, IL 60085 Phone: 847-362-5111Contact: Kevin [email protected]

Professional Products of Kansas, Inc.4456 S. CliftonWichita, KS 67216 Phone: 316-522-9300Contact: Vicky [email protected]

Protective Floorings and Linings a Div. of Milamar Coatings LLC311 NW 122nd St., Ste. 100Oklahoma City, OK 73114 Phone: 405-755-8454Contact: Joanne [email protected]

Protecto Wrap Company1955 Cherokee St.Denver, CO 80223 Phone: 800-759-9727Contact: Victoria [email protected]

Protek Paint Ltd.335 Horner Ave.Toronto, ON M8W 1Z6 CanadaPhone: 800-773-5233Contact: Barry [email protected]

Pyrotech1121 Hellam St.Monterrey, CA 93940 Phone: 630-628-1120Contact: Jim [email protected]

Quadex/Interfit USA4801 Crystal Hill Rd.North Little Rock, AR 72118 Phone: 501-758-8628Contact: Stuart [email protected]

Quality Systems, Inc./Permacrete1101 Menzler Rd.Nashville, TN 37210 Phone: 615-331-9200Contact: George [email protected]

Randolph Products33 Haynes Cir.Chicopee, MA 01020 Phone: [email protected]

Raven Lining Systems13105 East 61st St., Ste. ABroken Arrow, OK 74012 Phone: 800-324-2810Contact: Kaye [email protected]

REMA Corrosion Control, Inc.119 Rockland Ave.Northvale, NJ 07647 Phone: 440-781-6226Contact: Larry [email protected]

Rhino Linings Corporation9151 Rehco Rd.San Diego, CA 92121 Phone: 800-422-2603Contact: Tim [email protected]

Richard’s Paint Mfg. Co., Inc.200 Paint St.Rockledge, FL 32955 Phone: 800-432-0983Contact: Eric [email protected] Paint Company106 Washington St.Burlington, IA 52601 Phone: 319-759-2516Contact: John [email protected]

Rock-Tred Corporation405 Oakwood Ave.Waukegan, IL 60085 Phone: 847-673-8200Contact: Erik [email protected]

Rodda Paint Co./Cloverdale Paint6107 N. Marine Dr.Portland, OR 97203 Phone: 503-572-8201Contact: Tom [email protected]

RoofMart International Inc.2735 Rain Rd., PO Box 502Chapman, KS 67431 Phone: 800-345-1439Contact: Customer [email protected]

Roval USA Corp.12270 NW Luoto Ln.Carlton, OR 97111 Phone: 971-237-0958Contact: Aldo [email protected]

Royce International LLC3400 S. Tamiami TrailSarasota, FL 34239 Phone: 941-894-1228Contact: Christine [email protected]

Rust Bullet, LLC300 Brinkby Ave., Ste. 200Reno, NV 89509 Phone: 775-829-5606Contact: Kathline A. [email protected]

Safe Encasement Systems1795 N. Snow Canyon Pkwy., Unit 63St. George, UT 84770 Phone: 888-277-8834Contact: John [email protected]

Sampson Coatings1900 Ellen Rd.Richmond, VA 23230 Phone: 804-349-2820Contact: Joe [email protected]

Sauereisen, Inc.160 Gamma Dr.Pittsburgh, PA 15238 Phone: 412-963-0303Contact: Lake [email protected]

SaverSystems/Defy800 South 7th St.Richmond, IN 47374 Phone: 800-860-6327Contact: Customer [email protected]

Seacoat Technology11215 Jones Rd. W., Ste. HHouston, TX 77065 Phone: 832-237-4400Contact: John [email protected]

Seal For Life IndustriesPart of Berry Plastics Engineered Materials DivisionGasselterstraat 20Stadskanaal, 9503JB NetherlandsPhone: 31 599 696170Contact: J.F. [email protected] our display ad, p. 88.

ShawCor CSI Services1607-10 St.Nisku, AB T9E 0A7 CanadaPhone: 403-218-8262Contact: Sam [email protected]

Sherwin-Williams101 Prospect Ave. NWCleveland, OH 44115 Phone: 800-524-5979Contact: Customer [email protected]/protectiveSee our display ads, p. 40, 138, and 146.

Simco Coatings Inc.211 Gunther LaneBelle Chasse, LA 70037 Phone: 504-393-9455Contact: Paul [email protected]

Simpson Strong-TiePO Box 10789Pleasanton, CA 94588 Phone: 800-999-5099Contact: Edward [email protected]

SOPREMA310 Quadral Dr.Wadsworth, OH 44281 Phone: 800-356-3521Contact: Jason [email protected]

Soprema, Inc.1688 J.B. MichaudDrummondville, QC J2C 8E9 CanadaPhone: 819-478-8166Contact: Dennis [email protected]

SpecChem1511 Baltimore Ave.Kansas City, MO 64108 Phone: 866-791-8700Contact:Mike [email protected]

Specguard909 Mahar Ave.Wilmington, CA 90744 Phone: 310-834-7037Contact: Larry [email protected]

Specialty Products, Inc. (SPI)2410 104th St., Ct. S., Ste. DLakewood, WA 98499 Phone: 253-588-7101Contact: Chas [email protected]

SpectraShield Liner Systems4527 Sunbeam Rd.Jacksonville, FL 32257 Phone: 904-419-4889Contact: Bob [email protected]

SpeedCove Inc. DBA Solid Rock Enterprises5781 Pleasant Valley Rd.El Dorado, CA 95623 Phone: 530-344-9000Contact: Doug [email protected]

Sprayroq248 Cahaba Valley Pkwy.Pelham, AL 35124 Phone: 205-957-0020Contact: Jerry [email protected]

Stirling Lloyd Group Plc.Union Bank, King St.Knutsford, Cheshire, WA16 6EF UKPhone: 44-1565 633111Contact: Dave [email protected]

Stirling Lloyd Products Inc.152 Rockwell Rd., Bldg. ANewington, CT 06111 Phone: 860-666-5008Contact: Tom [email protected]

Sto Corp.3800 Camp Creek Pkwy.Atlanta, GA 30331 Phone: 678-553-3269Contact: Thomas [email protected]

The Strong Company, Inc.4505 Emmett Sanders Rd.Pine Bluff, AR 71601 Phone: 870-535-7617Contact: Billy [email protected]

Sub-One Technology4464 Willow Rd., Bldg. 103Pleasanton, CA 94588 Phone: 925-924-1020Contact: Dore [email protected]

Subsea Industries NVHaven 29 - Noorderlaan 9Antwerp, 2030 BelgiumPhone: 32-3 213 53 18Contact:Manuel [email protected]

Sulzer Metco1101 Prospect Ave.Westbury, NY 11590 Phone: 800-638-2699Contact: Customer [email protected]

Superior Epoxies & Coatings Inc.2527 Lantrac Ct.Decatur, GA 30035 Phone: 800-240-1310Contact: John [email protected]

Sureshield Coatings Company350 Northgate Pkwy.Wheeling, IL 60090 Phone: 847-291-6960Contact:Michael [email protected]

TCI Coatings Inc.220 Industrial Blvd.Austin, TX 78745 Phone: 512-444-2824Contact: Kevin [email protected]

Termarust Technologies8150 Rue de L’IndustrieMontreal, QC H1J 1S7 CanadaPhone: 888-279-5497Contact: Craig [email protected] our display ad, p. 47.

Tesla NanoCoatings, Inc.6200 Frank Ave. NW Advanced Technical Center, T101North Canton, OH 44720 Phone: 610-764-1232Contact: Joe [email protected]

SpeedCove3 wrule:Layout 1 10/9/09 3:21 P

Coating Company Profiles28

Textured Coatings of America2422 E. 15th St.Panama City, FL 32405 Phone: 800-454-0340Contact: Regina [email protected]

ThermionPO Box 780Silverdale, WA 98383 Phone: 877-884-3428Contact: Dean [email protected]

Thin Film Technology, Inc.802 Utah St.South Houston, TX 77587 Phone: 713-910-6200Contact: Jeff [email protected]

The Thortex Group12 Iron Bridge Dr.Collegeville, PA 19426 Phone: 610-831-0222Contact: Kevin [email protected]

3L&T Inc.897 Independence Ave., #1BMountain View, CA 94043 Phone: 650-625-0177Contact: Linas [email protected]

3M Atlanta3700 Atlanta Industrial Pkwy.Atlanta, GA 30331 Phone: 404-696-2730Contact: Abdul

3M Electrical Markets Division6801 River Pl. Blvd., 147-4N-01Austin, TX 78726 Phone: 512-984-7801Contact:Michelle [email protected]/corrosion

TMS Manufacturing Co.3555 W. 123rd St.Alsip, IL 60803 Phone: 708-385-6633Contact:Michael [email protected]

TMS Metalizing Systems, Ltd.7665 NW Eldorado Blvd., #101Bremerton, WA 98312 Phone: 360-692-6656Contact: Dave [email protected]

Tnemec Company, Inc.515 E. Main St.Boonville, IN 47601 Phone: 812-449-0167Contact:Michael [email protected]

Tnemec Company, Inc.6800 Corporate Dr.Kansas City, MO 64120 Phone: 816-483-3400Contact:Mark [email protected]

Total Containment Solutions Inc.11000 Metro Pkwy., Ste. 20Fort Myers, FL 33966 Phone: 239-275-6235Contact:Michael [email protected]

Total Wall390 Viking Cir.Rio, WI 53960 Phone: 888-702-9915Contact: Octavian [email protected]

TPR2 Corporation36 Plains Rd.Essex, CT 06426 Phone: 860-767-8772Contact: Brian [email protected]

Transpo Industries Inc.20 Jones St.New Rochelle, NY 10801 Phone: 914-636-1000Contact: John [email protected]

Trenton Corporation7700 Jackson Rd.Ann Arbor, MI 48103 Contact: Frank

Tuf Top Coatings4590 60th Ave. N.St. Petersburg, FL 33714 Phone: 727-527-3382Contact: Greg [email protected]

U.S. Coatings, LLCPO Box 220313St. Louis, MO 63122 Phone: 314-205-1500Contact: Larry [email protected]

Ultimate Linings6630 Roxburgh Ave., #175Houston, TX 77041 Phone: 562-802-8834Contact: Stacy [email protected]

US Coating Solutions5948 Emerson Ave.Minneapolis, MN 55419 Phone: 386-313-3033Contact: Garry [email protected]

VersaFlex Incorporated686 S. Adams St.Kansas City, KS 66105 Phone: 913-321-9000Contact: Todd [email protected]

Visuron Technologies Inc.5174 McGinnis Ferry Rd.Ste. 106Alpharetta, GA 30005 Phone: 770-815-4548Contact: Tim [email protected]

W.R. Meadows300 Industrial Dr.Hampshire, IL 60140 Phone: 800-342-5976Contact: Jason [email protected]

Walla Walla Environmental4 West Rees Ave.Walla Walla, WA 99362 Phone: 509-522-0490Contact: Cassie [email protected]

Wasser Corporation4118 B Pl. NW, Ste. BAuburn, WA 98001 Phone: 800-627-2968Contact: Kevin [email protected] our display ad, p. 143.

Watson Coatings, Inc.325 Paul Ave.St. Louis, MO 63135 Phone: 314-521-2000Contact: Paul [email protected] our display ad, p. 51.

Westcoat770 Gateway Center Dr.San Diego, CA 92102 Phone: 800-250-4519Contact: Dean [email protected]

WFI Global, LLC4118 Robertson Rd.Madison, WI 53714 Phone: 618-978-1119Contact: Gary [email protected]

Whitford Corporation47 Park Ave.Elverson, PA 19520 Phone: 610-286-3500Contact: Brian [email protected] Paint, Inc.2727 OhioWichita, KS 67219 Phone: 800-658-3799Contact: Don [email protected]

Williams-Hayward Protective Coatings7425 West 59th St.Summit, IL 60501 Phone: 708-563-5182Contact: Edward [email protected]

ZRC Worldwide145 Enterprise Dr.Marshfield, MA 02050 Phone: 800-831-3275Contact: Lorraine [email protected]

Coating Company Profiles29