journey of an eyeball

The journey of an eyeball Do you know your most successful channel?

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Post on 16-Jul-2015




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The journey of an eyeballDo you know your most successful channel?


Asking the user how they heard about you is useless.

It slows down completion of forms.

They give incorrect information or their choices are misleading.

Ask the audience

View traffic metrics by source


And segment traffic by device


Sales can come from multiple sources

PPC Organic Direct Referral


Attributing sales to a specific source may provide incorrect conclusions


Browsers have evolved so that the way we search has now changed.

Type a phrase in the address bar of a browser and it triggers a search result –both PPC and organic.

Browser evolution


Browser evolution

While you type, the browser suggests URLs.

If you go straight to these URLs, traffic is counted as direct rather than organic search.


Let’s pretend this is you


• You run a website that is a directory of venues

• You earn money from affiliate fees and advertising

• You rely on event organisers using your site to enquire about venues

Meet Iris – event organiser


• 28 years old, IT literate• Iris uses LinkedIn, Twitter,

Facebook, Pinterest• Subscriber to several marketing

newsletters• Attends most marketing trade

shows in London• Keeps own database of London

business venues

Iris enquired on your website


• Conversion recorded by Google Analytics

• Recorded as organic search traffic

• Iris landed on home page after searching for your brand name

• SEO team: “See, SEO works”

Who is responsible?


This SEO traffic is all thanks to the social team.

Social starts the conversation

SEO is only the final step in a longer journey that started with a Twitter chat hosted by your social team.


Social referral

• Chat leads to a click on your website.

• Now Iris has a cookie on her computer.


Some time later

• Iris is reading an article on a travel website.

• She sees your advert offering a free ebook – “Guide to London business venues”.

• She downloads it and subscribes to your mailing list.


Next month

• While cooking a meal at home, Iris browses through her emails.

• She sees your newsletter with a review of a London venue that looks attractive, offering good rates. She clicks through.

• She has still earned you no money.


At a trade show

• Iris is at a trade show. She sees your company has a stand.

• She signs up for your prize draw.

• Sales team adds Iris to its list of “trade show leads”.

• But she has been a lead for some time.


Iris connects on LinkedIn

• Following trade show, Iris connects with you on LinkedIn.

• She sees a message inviting her to your G+ page.

• She clicks +1 on your Google+ My Business page.


An opportunity arises

• Iris has been asked to organise an event for a London business.

• She needs somewhere different.

• She remembers your brand name.

• She types the brand name into the Chrome address bar.

• The first result is your website.


Conversion paths

Google Analytics shows multi-channel paths.

In this case, many people start their journey via Google AdWords.


The journey of an eyeballTop Conversion Paths

The above journey path resulted in the highest

conversion value for one site.

Many conversions happen weeks or months

after the first visit.


Measure all visits from a user, not just last-click attribution

Integrated strategy

Data-led, content-fed

• Data sits at the core of our tactical decision-making.

• Content is your interface with the marketplace.


The journey of an eyeball

Brand recognition is important

Be recognisable at all touch points on the user journey


The journey of an eyeballDo you have a seller persona?

Consistent tone of voice, presentation, symbolism and messaging help

people recognise you


The journey of an eyeballSeller persona – Penguin icon

Uniform brand presence across multiple channels.


The journey of an eyeballMarket to the whole buyer cycle


The journey of an eyeball

Social outreach to influencers.Generate content with advice from specialists.

Publish ebook and promote socially and through other means (PR, email).

Users arrive to download ebook, setting cookie on their computer.

Remarketing ad appears to user a few weeks later to get them back into the site.

Three channels – one strategy


The journey of an eyeballEach channel feeds the others

Don’t measure each marketing channel in isolation –use them in combination to create a force multiplier.


The journey of an eyeball

The bottom line counts

Don’t just measure the ROI of each channel separately, consider the overall return from all channels combined.


The journey of an eyeball

Let’s start a new journey

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