journey through calvary to new life in christ · “christ my hope has arisen!” the easter season...

Journey through Calvary to New Life in Christ

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Page 1: Journey through Calvary to New Life in Christ · “Christ my hope has arisen!” The Easter Season is 50 days long and has special days. The first one is Divine Mercy Sunday. Although

Journey through Calvary

to New Life in Christ

Page 2: Journey through Calvary to New Life in Christ · “Christ my hope has arisen!” The Easter Season is 50 days long and has special days. The first one is Divine Mercy Sunday. Although

Pack your bags for a 90-day journey through the sea-

sons of Lent and Easter. Meet Jesus in the desert, in

the Temple, on Calvary, at the empty tomb, and on

the road to Emmaus. In this passport you have ideas

for prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Choose some

from each week, and create some of your own ways

to walk with Christ.

At the end of each week, if you have complet-

ed some of the week’s suggestions, get your passport

stamped in the narthex after weekend Masses.

Anything typed in bold is our Catholic obliga-

tion. Do those things, but go over and above those


You will find special pages for the most im-

portant days of the year: Holy Thursday, Good Fri-

day, and Holy Saturday with its Easter Vigil.

Keep on your journey through the Easter Sea-

son with its important feasts of Divine Mercy Sun-

day, Ascension, and Pentecost.

Page 3: Journey through Calvary to New Life in Christ · “Christ my hope has arisen!” The Easter Season is 50 days long and has special days. The first one is Divine Mercy Sunday. Although

Week 1

February 26 — March 7

“Your Father who sees in secret will repay you.”

Attend Mass February 20 or March 1

Fast between meals on February 26. Abstain from

meat February 26, 28 and March 6.

Receive ashes on February 26.

Pray the Way of the Cross with the school or parish

(1:30 or 7:00 p.m.) on March 6

Stop in chapel on Fridays for adoration before the Blessed


Read Sunday’s Gospel: Matthew 4:1-11. Spend time with

it before or after Mass.

Give an hour of service.

Thank persons who won’t expect it.

Be kind to your family members.

Offer to do an extra chore in

house or yard.

Help in the kitchen.

Avoid complaining.

Determine your own extra

prayer, service, almsgiving,

or fasting.

Page 4: Journey through Calvary to New Life in Christ · “Christ my hope has arisen!” The Easter Season is 50 days long and has special days. The first one is Divine Mercy Sunday. Although

Week 2

March 8-14 “This is my beloved Son. Listen to him.”

Abstain from meat on March 13. Attend Sunday Mass

March 7-8.

Fast from television one day.

Pray a decade of the rosary.

Enjoy the parish fish fry on March 13, and thank those who

provided it.

Read Matthew 17:1-8 before or after Sunday Mass, and apply

its message to your life.

Donate to the Food Pantry or another organization that helps

the poor.

Don’t turn on the radio when you drive. Pray instead.

Use your best manners. Compliment people. Say “thank you”

many times.

Surprise someone and do their chores.

Offer to do some spring cleaning for

someone not able to clean or do yard


Choose your own extra prayer, pen-

ance, almsgiving, or service.

Read with a child.

Make your bed every day this week.

Attend Stations of the Cross March 13 at 7:00 p.m.

Page 5: Journey through Calvary to New Life in Christ · “Christ my hope has arisen!” The Easter Season is 50 days long and has special days. The first one is Divine Mercy Sunday. Although

Week 3

March 15-21 “My food is to do the will of the one who sent me.”

Abstain from meat on March 20. Attend Sunday Mass

March 14-15.

Read John 4:5-42 before or after Sunday Mass. Reflect on

it. Perhaps discuss it.

Phone, visit, or send a card to a lonely person.

Pray for the unborn.

Ask children about Jesus; discuss a religious topic.

Pray to Saint Joseph on March 19.

Go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Celebrate one weekday Mass.

Do your very best on homework or a project.

Pray for those suffering from tragedies.

Pray an extra 10 minutes.

Obey rules or laws—both the letter

of the law and its spirit.

Tell your parents or grandparents

how much you love them and what

they mean to you.

Choose your own extra prayer,

penance, almsgiving, or service.

Cut shopping in half. Buy only necessities.

Page 6: Journey through Calvary to New Life in Christ · “Christ my hope has arisen!” The Easter Season is 50 days long and has special days. The first one is Divine Mercy Sunday. Although

Week 4

March 22-28 “I am the light of the world.”

Abstain from meat on March 27. Attend Sunday Mass

March 21-22.

Read John 4:1-42 before or after Mass. Apply it to your life.

Write a letter of welcome and congratulations to the RCIA can-


Express gratitude.

Join the parish or school praying the Way of the Cross March

27 at 1:30 and 7:00 p.m.

Invite someone to church.

View a religious video.

Pray for persons suffering from natural

disasters or other tragedies.

Receive the Sacrament of

Reconciliation and return to the Lord.

Honor Mary on the Solemnity of the

Annunciation March 25.

Play fair and not complain on the

playground or at home.

Discuss as a family how your Lenten journey is coming along.

Do a good deed – maybe for someone you dislike.

Choose your own penance, extra prayer, almsgiving, or service.

Page 7: Journey through Calvary to New Life in Christ · “Christ my hope has arisen!” The Easter Season is 50 days long and has special days. The first one is Divine Mercy Sunday. Although

Week 5

March 29– April 4

“I am the resurrection and the life.”

Abstain from meat on April 3. Attend Sunday Mass March


Listen to religious music or pray in the car.

Do something extra nice at work or at school.

Visit Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament April 3 during day or


Read John 11:1-45. Pretend you are Martha, Mary, or

Lazarus. Then talk to God.

Attend the talk on the Shroud of Turin, March 29, at 2:30 p.m.

Do something you don’t want to do but know you should.

Receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Choose your own penance — extra prayer or almsgiving.

Start spring cleaning

so you will have time

during Holy Week for

the services.

Straighten up a room

without being told.


Raise your hand often

in class.

Page 8: Journey through Calvary to New Life in Christ · “Christ my hope has arisen!” The Easter Season is 50 days long and has special days. The first one is Divine Mercy Sunday. Although

“Hail, King of the Jews!”

Attend Mass on Passion (Palm) Sunday. Fast and

abstain on Good Friday.

Be especially good at home and school.

Make a plan to attend all the liturgies of the Sacred


Write a note of congratulations to those being bap-

tized or received into the Church.

Read the Last Discourse in John chapters 14-17.

Plan a special family meal on Holy Thursday. Re-

member Jesus’ last meal.

Abstain from internet use.

Don’t look at your I-phone

for several hours.

Offer to take littles to the

Easter Egg hunt at church

April 11.

Clean up the yard for

yourself or a neighbor.

Holy Week

April 5-11

Page 9: Journey through Calvary to New Life in Christ · “Christ my hope has arisen!” The Easter Season is 50 days long and has special days. The first one is Divine Mercy Sunday. Although

Sacred Triduum April 9-11

7:00 p.m. - Mass of

12:00 Stations of the Cross

3:00 Good Friday Service

8:30 p.m. - Easter Vigil

Holy Thursday - April 9

Good Friday - April 10

Easter Vigil - April 11

“Do this in remembrance of me.”

“Now it is finished.”

“Jesus has been raised.”

Easter Sunday - April 12

7:30, 9:30 & 11:30 a.m. Masses

Page 10: Journey through Calvary to New Life in Christ · “Christ my hope has arisen!” The Easter Season is 50 days long and has special days. The first one is Divine Mercy Sunday. Although

Easter Season

“Christ my hope has arisen!”

The Easter Season is 50 days long and has special days.

The first one is Divine Mercy Sunday. Although every Sunday is

a celebration of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we will

stamp passports only on some days: Divine Mercy Sunday, As-

cension, and Pentecost. But come to Mass every weekend. We

don’t stop good deeds and prayer after Lent, so here are some

things to do during the Easter Season.

Ask parents and teachers for some work to do.

Play outside often, and include siblings.

Be saving with water and paper.

Clean your plate at every meal.

Pick up trash.

Study hard in school.

Pray for people who are suffering.

Read your Bible.

Make a sacrifice once a week.

Attend May Crowning.

Attend Mass every weekend.

Divine Mercy

April 19

Page 11: Journey through Calvary to New Life in Christ · “Christ my hope has arisen!” The Easter Season is 50 days long and has special days. The first one is Divine Mercy Sunday. Although


May 24

“I am with you always.”

Today we celebrate Jesus Christ as King of the Universe, the

head of all creation. We remember that He went to heaven,

but Jesus is always with us. The Trinity lives in you. As we

approach the end of the Easter Season, here are some things

to do.

Help clean the house and take care of the yard.

Do your best on the last days of school.

Thank your teachers.

Thank those who pro-

vide for your education.

With your family make

a plan on good ways to

spend summer vacation.

May is Mary’s month.

Pray a decade of the

rosary often.

Do chores without being

told or complaining.

Say only kind words.

Page 12: Journey through Calvary to New Life in Christ · “Christ my hope has arisen!” The Easter Season is 50 days long and has special days. The first one is Divine Mercy Sunday. Although


May 31


NAME: _________________________________________

DATE OF BIRTH __________________________________

PLACE OF BAPTISM _______________________________

DATE OF ISSUE: February 26, 2020

SIGNATURE _____________________________________

Congratulations! You’ve completed the 90 days of the Lent and Easter Seasons. God is so proud of you! God has

strengthened you with much grace. Thank God for your suc-cessful journey.

“Receive the Holy Spirit.”