jowen roche 2 d game workflow

Jowen Roche 2D game workflow 1. Creating a sprite To create a sprite I had to think of what game I was going to make, I decided on making a game that would be based on the moon with aliens to fight so I made a spaceman as the person you would play as. I made a few different sprites but I decided on this one as I thought it looked the best. Above is a screenshot of the sprite. 2. Modifying my sprite

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Jowen Roche 2D game workflow

1. Creating a sprite

To create a sprite I had to think of what game I was going to make, I decided on making a game that would be based on the moon with aliens to fight so I made a spaceman as the person you would play as. I made a few different sprites but I decided on this one as I thought it looked the best. Above is a screenshot of the sprite.

2. Modifying my sprite

Jowen Roche 2D game workflow

What I did to modify my spite is I added a collision mask on it and picked the rectangular collision mask as it fit on the sprite very nicely so I used it. I had to decide which out of precise, rectangle, circle and diamond I chose to use rectangle.

3. Creating objects

What I did is I made my sprite visible and solid I also added a step into the events meaning that my sprite could move around the screen, then I added a movement in the actions menu which I would have to code in to get my character to be able to move around the screen.

4. Coding my sprite

Jowen Roche 2D game workflow

To code my sprite I clicked on the action movement then this menu came up I had to add the commands that you see on the photo to make the sprite move left, right, up and down. After this I tested to see if my sprite worked and to fix it if it didn’t.

5. Creating a level and testing controls

Jowen Roche 2D game workflow

I made a level that would be behind my sprite that would scroll past as the level goes on.

6. Setting limits for my sprites movement

To make boundaries for my sprite I went on the action movement and I typed in the commands you can see on the top left and then tested it out making sure that it worked.

Jowen Roche 2D game workflow

7. Making a background for my game

To make background for my game I went into the background option and made a new background then I created this background to scroll behind in my game then I added it to the level.

8. Particle effect

Jowen Roche 2D game workflow

As you can see my sprite now has a particle effect behind it to do this I went onto objects and made a new action called jet particle system to add the particle effect on the back of my sprite

9. Player projectile and sound

As you can see my sprite can know shoot projectiles at the enemies and it has a sound for firing the projectiles these will hit the enemies and make them explode.

10. creating an enemy sprite

Jowen Roche 2D game workflow

As you can see I have created an enemy sprite that will come at my sprite and my spite would have to kill them.

11. Enemy movement and spawner

As you can see the enemies spawn in to the level now as well as move across the screen

Jowen Roche 2D game workflow

This is what spawns the waves of enemy’s into the level for you to shoot.

12. Enemy destroyed by laser

As you can see when my laser hits the enemy the enemy is destroyed by the laser.

Jowen Roche 2D game workflow

13.Enemy projectiles

As you can see the enemies are firing at me meaning that they can kill me.

14.Shield variable

As you can see in the top left the health bar is going down whenever I get hit by an enemy shot.

15.Player destroyed

Jowen Roche 2D game workflow

On the photo above you can see that my player has died and waiting to respawn.

16.Score system

As you can see on the top left there are numbers that is a score system which goes up by one each time you kill an enemy.

17. Second enemy

Jowen Roche 2D game workflow

As you can see on the bottom of the image there are a second enemy which will shoot at you.