jp 3 volume 3 nomor 12 agustus 2014

ISSN 2337-6384 JP3, Volume 3, No. 12, Agustus 2014 214

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JP 3 Volume 3 Nomor 12 Agustus 2014


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ISSN 2337-6384 JP3, Volume 3, No. 12, Agustus 2014


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ISSN 2337-6384 JP3, Volume 3, No. 12, Agustus 2014




Muhammad Zainullah

(Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FKIP Unisma)

e-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. The purpose of this research is to implement how the reading

comprehension of the tenth grade students of SMA Darul Qur’an Watugede

Singosari can be improved by using jigsaw technique. This research was conducted

using a classroom action research design through one cycle; consist of four stages:

planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The subject of this research was the tenth

grade students of SMA Darul Qur’an Watugede Singosari which consist of 32

students. Jigsaw technique could improve the students’ achievement. It was shown

by the score from preliminary study, the students’ mean score was 60 and in the final

test, the students’ mean score was 78.85. In addition, the percentage of students who

could reach SKM (score 75) increased too, which 85% students had to get score ≥75.

Finally, it can be concluded that the strategy of jigsaw could improve the reading

comprehension of the tent grade students of SMA Darul Qur’an Watugede Singosari.

Key words: Jigsaw technique, Reading Comprehension, Classroom Action Research


English as a foreign language in

Indonesia has important function in aspects of

our life, such as developing in education even

in science and technology. Language is a tool

of communication to make human interaction.

People communicate and interact with others

using language. In some community English

has become an international language. Most

of the community in the whole world use

English to communicate with others who have

different languages. Because of that English is

very important to be taught and learned by the


To learn English is not easy, we have

to be patient, hard work. But, to be patient

and hard work is not guarantee that the

learning will be successful. We also need

some more important aspect such as

motivation and good strategies. Generally, the

skills for mastering English are speaking,

reading, listening, writing. Reading is one of

the important factor skill to support the

process other skill and improving knowledge.

Even reading is importance, but not every

individual can learn it well. Nunan (1999)

states that unlike speaking, reading are not

something that every individual learn to do.

The purpose of teaching reading is to

develop student skill of reading so they can

figure out the text well. But in fact, there are

many students hard to comprehend the text.

They need a lot of time to read and

understand the text. Sometime teacher get

some problem in teaching reading such as

inability and low interest of the learners on

reading, the students consider that English is a

subject that very difficult, bored and scares

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because meaning and letters are different, lack

of vocabulary. So, the teacher should give

them motivation to engage students to open

and read their book for increasing their ability

on reading. Kweldju (2008) stated that

motivation is one such effective factor crucial

to successful textbook reading.

Nuttal (1996) stated that “defines

reading as a way to get meaning (message)

from the text” . It means that people read a

text to understand massage of the text, they

are able to understand and combine the

information from a text then they can be

called as the successful reader. It also

supported by Nunan (2003) that reading is the

most important skill to master in order to

ensure success not only in learning English,

but also in learning in my content class where

reading in English is required Therefore, it is

very important for all people to have a good

skill in reading.. At this juncture, Snow

(2002:11) defined that reading comprehension

as a process of simultaneously extracting and

constructing meaning through interaction and

involvement with written language. It means

to gain an understanding of a text, a reader

should not only be able to read the printed

words but also be able to build meaning by

relating the words.

Specifically, Mc Neil (1980)

explained that reading comprehension is the

search for meaning actively using the

knowledge of the words and of the text to

understand each new thing which has been

read. He also added that this statement

identifies three elements of reading

comprehension: A reader needs knowledge of

the world to understand new things; and a

reader needs to be familiar with the Variety of

the text structure he/she is likely to counter

and a reader needs to seek meaning not

passively for seeking meaning to rise up from

the page. In a short, to understand a text, a

reader should not only read the written or

printed verbal symbol but they also have to

build the meaning actively by linking the

words; combining information from a text and

their own background knowledge; and having

interaction and involvement with written

language. “reading comprehension, therefore,

is process of getting information from context

of combining disparate elements into new

whole” (Cahyono & Mukminin, 2011). In

comprehending a context, the readers should

take some information by processing the

disparate elements into their own


Based on the students’ problem, to

improve the activeness of students reading

comprehension on narrative text, teacher

should use appropriate techniques to make the

reading activities much meaningful. Jigsaw

technique is an appropriate way to solve the

problem because it can manage the task and

activities in teaching reading process much

proper and effective by learning in peers. It is

not necessary for the teacher to explain the

whole theory about type of the text. It is

enough to explain the social function, then to

ask the students to find themselves for further

information. Through this technique, students

work in heterogeneous group or team. Each

student is given the task to read some of part

of the text given sheets consisting of different

topics that become the focus of attention for

each member when they read.


The research design employ in this

research is CAR (Classroom Action

Research). According to Latief (2012:144)

Classroom Action Research is an effective

media in improving the quality of English

teachers’ performance in instruction as well

as students achievement in learning English

classroom. CAR is a reflective process which

helps a teacher to explore and examine

aspects of teaching and learning and to take

action to change and improve his teaching

practice. In this research the researcher will

involve in the action teaching and learning

process, collecting and analyzing data, also

making a conclusion and report. The result of

this research is the description of the process

in teaching reading to the students by using

jigsaw technique. However if the result of the

research fails, the researcher has to revise the

plan of the action.

This research will be conducted at

SMA Darul Qur’an Watugede Singosari, The

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research is addressed for first year students.

There are two classes for first grade at SMA

Darul Qur’an Watugede Singosari, but the

researcher takes one of those classes

especially X A which consist of 32 students.

In this study, the researcher used test

as instrument and to obtain the data: (1)

observation, the purpose of his instrument is

to perceive the development of students

during the teaching and learning process. The

observation focused on the student and the

researcher activities during the use of jigsaw

technique in the classroom. The observation

sheet of the researcher activities include pre-

activities, whilst activities, and post reading

activities. (2) Field note, Field note is

designed to figure out the progress and record

activities, or events in the teaching and

learning process. Field note focused on the

students’ activities in the classroom. It used to

observe the process of teaching and learning

English using jigsaw and record the activities

or something may occur in the teaching and

learning process such as students’ response,

behavior, interaction in doing group

discussion, activeness, etc. (3) Test Items, the

researcher provide test of reading

comprehension to the student to obtain

students’ scores and to measure the students’

result in comprehending the material. There

are 25 questions form of multiple choice

asked about main idea, implicit, explicit,

information, language, objective, and details

information, which were made by the

researcher. Related to the content validity is a

matter of determining whether the sample is

representative of the larger domain it is

supposed to represent.

FINDING AND DISCUSSION There were several things to be

discussed based on this classroom action

research including some problem that found

by researcher during implementing the

technique. The matters that should be

considered before doing classroom action

research to improve reading comprehension in

learning English. In correlation with research

problem, this research found that one of

cooperative learning, jigsaw technique could

improve students’ reading comprehension.

Because this technique made the students

learn each other cooperatively, actively and

effectively. Jigsaw technique is learning

strategy to help the students to be more active

and responsible to their duties, because it was

only work if each students understand on their

own. Meng (2010) stated that jigsaw

cooperative learning approach is one of the

effective ways to teaching reading. In

teaching reading comprehension using jigsaw

technique need well preparation to reach a

good result. Before the researcher conducted

research classroom, the implementation

should be considered well. It was the main

thing to be thought. The teacher should

consider the way to present the strategy. The

text would be learned, the groups member, the

students’ problem and also possible problem

would happen in teaching learning process. It

is important as a teacher to indicate both

teachers’ and students’ problem. Besides that,

both teacher and students must work together

to get a good result. By indicating problems,

the researcher can conduct classroom action

research to improve the quality of teaching

and learning process. Therefore, this is the

opportunity, the researcher, using jigsaw as

the technique in teaching learning. According

to Mengduo & Xiaoling (2010) “jigsaw is a

cooperative learning technique that requires

everyone’s cooperative effort to produce the

final product”. It means every the students

should be understand the text and cooperate

during implemented this technique to earn

maximum product.

The data taken during the teaching and

learning process above showed that teaching

jigsaw method had improved the students’

reading comprehension. It was proven by the

students’ mean score of reading

comprehension improved from 60 in the

preliminary study becoming 77.85 after the

researcher implementing the technique to the

students. In other words, the test result

showed that the technique had helped the

English teacher in optimizing the teaching

and learning process. The researcher also

assumes that the students’ can improve their

activeness, enthusiasm, and also their low

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proficiency of reading comprehension by

using jigsaw technique. The data obtained

from observation checklist and field note

analyzes also support the researcher


From the data that had been collected

by using the instrument above, the researcher

drew a conclusion that jigsaw technique could

improve the students’ enthusiasm, activeness,

and reading comprehension score. With the

average score of the best 77.85, the researcher

may say that he had met the criteria of

success. So, the researcher did not need to

continue the next cycle.


Based on the finding research of this

research, the research concluded that jigsaw

technique could improve the students’ reading

comprehension of text, particularly in

narrative text. Jigsaw technique can organize

the students’ thought concerning the text they

read. Moreover, jigsaw technique makes the

students more cooperative in learning


The suggestion for the teacher,

regarding reading comprehension, this

research has proved that the using of jigsaw

technique can improve students reading

comprehension. This method provides

collaborate learning that help students to

grasp the information of the text easily and

find the connection every sentences or

paragraph in order to comprehend content of

the text. Moreover, this method also helps the

students enrich their vocabulary and makes

students to be active in the teaching and

learning process.

It is suggested to further researchers to

conduct researchers in teaching English in

different skill for this technique still has a

probability to be applied in other skills,

writing and speaking with various amount of

students. It is also suggested further

researcher also uses questioner will be also

beneficial in collecting data students’

perception of this method, whether they joy

this technique and learning process or not.


Latief, M, A. 2012. Research Methods on

Language Learning An Introduction.

Malang: UM Press.

Nunan, D. 1999. Second Language Teaching

and Learning. Boston: Heinle

Cengage Learning Publisher.

Kemmis, S & R, Mc, Taggart. 1992. The

Action Research Planner. Victoria:

Deakin University.

Nuttal, C. (1996). Teaching Reading Skill in a

Foreign Language. Oxford:


Meng, J. (2010). Jigsaw Cooperative

Learning in English Reading.

Qingdao: Qingdao University of

Science and technology.

John D. McNiel. (1980) How to teach

Reading Successfully

Mengduo, Q & Xiaoling, J. (2010) Jigsaw

Strategy as a Cooperative Learning

Technique: Focusing on the

Language Learners. Harbin: Institute

of Technology

Cahyono, B. Y, & Mukminatien, N. (2011)

Technique and Strategies to Enhance

English language Learning

Jacobs, M. G., Lee, S. G., & Ball, J. 1997.

Learning Cooperative Learning Via

Cooperative Learning. San Clemente:

Kagan Cooperative Learning.

Kweldju, S. (2008) Reading in an Extensive

Breading Course

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Naily Inayatul Mahfirah

(Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FKIP Unisma)

e-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. Little attention has been paid to the problems about understanding an English

text keeping in reading comprehension. This study aims at investigating the problems

occurred to the second language class of MAN II Batu. Reading is one of the most

important aspects to show the understanding of a text and the meaning of the word,

sentence and paragraph. Reading comprehension is an activity which can improve

critical thinking. Because, reading a text need to think critically to get the idea of a text.

So the researcher chooses Think-Pair-Share (TPS) as the technique. She believes that

TPS technique could improve students’ mastery in reading comprehension at the second

language class. Then the researcher tried to give students a new thing to make them

comprehend and get the idea of a text as well as possible. The class consists for about

26 students. This study uses collaborative action research design which consists of four

main steps: planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The data is taken from

quiz, observation checklist and reading comprehension test. The findings indicate that

using TPS method can improve the students’ reading comprehension. The students’

average score improve from 66, become 82. The data are obtained from the

implementation of TPS method in improving students’ reading comprehension of a text.

Key words: Reading Comprehension, Think-Pair-Share (TPS) technique.


In the practice of teaching and learning

English, however, the ability to comprehend

English texts seems to be a hard or difficult

work for students. And it’s fact that teaching

reading sometimes not easy especially in

EFL/ESL context. According to Harmer

(2007: 57) many students seem to learn better

if they are asked to think about the language

they are coming into contact with. However,

the reading comprehension problem

especially for teaching EFL/ESL students is a

serious problem that cannot be ignored.

Reading becomes the essences learning

language, because it is an activity which need

to think critically, and it is one of the most

important aspects to show the understanding

and the meaning of the words or sentence.

How can understand a text, find the idea and

share to other people. Based on those

statements above, the researcher wants to

know deeply about students’ motivation in

learning English. The second language class

had less motivation in learning English,

especially in reading. It might be seen in

students’ interaction while they are

responding the teacher’s explanation and

follow the instruction that given by the

teacher. It can be known that students were

not interesting in teacher’s method. So they

would feel bored and not enjoy in learning

Reading. However, the problem that

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researcher found was students had low

motivation to understand the reading text, it

made the quality of students’ reading English

performance was not satisfactory.

In this study, the researcher interested in

using Think-Pair-Share (TPS) as a technique.

This technique introduced by Frank Lyman

and Spencer Kagan in 1985, which invites

students how to think, how they share, how

they deliver their opinion and how they

appreciate to others’ opinion. This method has

good superiority, it is a simple way but it has

much more meaningful to be used. Because

by using this technique, the learners will be

able to think critically, doing in a pair and

team then share to other friends.


The design of this research is Classroom

Action Research (CAR) since this research

was focused on the teaching and learning

activities in the classroom. This action is

designed to improve the students’ reading

comprehension through TPS technique.

Before carrying out some steps in finding the

solution, the researcher then determine the

steps in solving the problems.

According to Pelton (2010:3) in the

school site, classroom action research is a

systematic approach which is used to improve

teaching practice. Furthermore, Latif

(2012:143) stated that for English learning,

classroom action research (CAR) has purpose

to improve a certain instructional strategy to

solve problems in the instructional strategy to

solve the problems in the instructional

practice in English classroom.

This study use Think-Pair-Share teaching

as the technique. Firstly the researcher gave

some kinds of text which are prepared by the

researcher. Then the students were asked to

comprehend the text individually. Then, some

of them had to present about the text given.

After presenting, the researcher asked some

questions related to the text given. The

purpose of this activity was to measure

students’ mastery in reading comprehension

before the treatment given, a text was given to

the individual student at the beginning of this

study, then continued to the discussion of the

text given, while using Thing-Pair-Share

(TPS) technique.

There are many things available to the

researcher interested in think-pair-share

(TPS). Individual thinking could provide a

detailed analysis of a single person or event,

while pair or group discussion can aggregate

students’ motivation in learning English.

The subject of this study was the

second language class of MAN II Batu, which

was consists for about 26 students. The

researcher begun this research by conducting

preliminary study. The study was completed

in March-April. In this study, the researcher

who is helped by the English teacher as the

collaborator gather all relevant data during

teaching and learning process.


The data was collected by using two

instruments. Those are observation checklist

and reading comprehension test. The result of

the analysis showed that the students’

activeness, interest, and attention in reading

activities relatively improved. And they could

follow the classroom activity based ofThree

steps (Think-Pair-Share) which is instructed

by the researcher.

The findings of this research showed

that the implementation of TPS technique in

teaching reading has definitely improved the

students’ reading comprehension ability.

Moreover, TPS is a reading comprehension

technique that can be used when the students

are expected to read and remember the

content of the text.

Then the students’ reading

comprehension score were improved from the

average score 66 up to 82, and 88% of the

students got the score more than standard

minimum. Then the lowest score after

implementing TPS technique was 72. All in

all the researcher believe that the

implementation of using TPS technique could

improve the students’ enjoyment,

understanding the text and also improve the

score of Reading Comprehension test at the

Second Language of MAN II Batu. The data

obtain from the observation checklist also

support the research data. Moreover, the

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researcher didn’t need to continue to the next

cycle. Because the criteria of success was

completed and absolutely it was succeed.

While the use of TPS technique was

successful for reading comprehension


According to Baier (2011:21) sai that

the reader ought to begin surveying or

browsing from the title and maind heading of

the selection to forms ideas as to the main

points of the materoal.


Based on research findings, this research

has successful target on improving students’

reading comprehension through Think-Pair-

Share technique. The students’ mean score of

second language class in learning reading

comprehension improved from 66 to be more

than 80 of standard minimum. It was done

with a good result. It stated from the result of

the test that the average score was 82. So,

88% of the students passed the minimum

score which was 78. Started from the first

meeting up to the last (test). It was showed

that the students were active, enjoy, and

enthusiastic in the process of learning

English, Reading. They shared their idea in

pair, continued to the group discussion, then

present to the whole class.

Furthermore, in the process of teaching

and learning of English in those activities, the

students of second language class felt

interested and enthusiastic when learning

English, Reading while using Think-Pair-

Share technique. They were not afraid to

share to their partner, group and to the whole

class. Because they had discussed with their

partner and group. TPS technique was

interesting and matched with the material that

they had to learn at that time. All in all the

activities could raise the students’ enthusiasm

in learning English, reading.


The researcher provides suggestions to

the teacher and for the next researcher. For

the teacher, he/she should think about using

TPS method. In order to make the students

enjoy and enthusiasm in learning English.

Then the teacher should choose the

appropriate supplementary materials related

to the topic want to be learnt. Then for the

next researcher, considering the TPS

technique, it was a good way to be used to

teach students. It had successfully improved

reading comprehension of the eleventh

language class of MAN II Batu.


Copper. 1986. Improving Reading

Comprehension. England: Houghton

Mifflin Company

Harmer, Jeremy. 2007. The Practice of

English Teaching Language. Fourth

Edition England: Liz Robert

Lyman, F. T. (1981). The responsive

classroom discussion: the inclusion of all

student. In A. Anderson (Ed.),

Mainstreaming Digest (pp. 109-113).

College Park: university of Maryland


Baier, K. 2011. The Effect of Think-Pair-Share

on Fifth Grade Students’ Comprehension

Levels.Thesis. Ohio: Bowling Green State


Latif, M. Adnan. 2012. Research Method on

Language Learning: An Introduction

Malang. UM Press.

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Nely Roidatul Islamiyah

(Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FKIP Unisma)

e-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. This study is aimed at improving students reading comprehension by using

small group work technique. Small group work is the process of gathering four

students to make the small discussion through guidance from the teacher. This study

used Classroom Action Research as the research design. The subject of this study was

one class of the first grade students of MTs. Al Maarif 01 Singosari that consisted of

45 students. The procedure of the research consisted of four main steps: planning an

action, implementation, observation and reflection. The instruments used to collect

the data were observation sheets, field note and reading comprehension test. The

result of the research showed that the use of small group work technique can improve

the students reading comprehension. From the test, 70% of students got score ≥ 75 in

which the mean score was 79.00. Finally, considering that this study had produced

the expected outcome and the criteria of success had achieved, thus the study was

only conducted in one cycle.

Key words: Reading Comprehension and Small Group Work Technique


It has already noted that English is used

by at least a quarter of the population in this

world (Harmer, 2004). It gives the evidence that

English is the universal language that need to be

mastered by the people who want to go abroad

or others want. In Indonesia, English stands as

the foreign language (EFL) and it has very

important function in aspect of life. Harmer

(2004) say that as already seen, a lot of students

of EFL apply English in universal context. The

English also chosen as the required subject in

schools by the government. Indonesia as a

developing country is aware that English very

crucial role in its development. However, in the

globalization era, education has a great function

to make effort for creating delightful studying

and teaching atmosphere to build students

potential to have better personality, great

intelligence, good attitude and skills that useful

for themselves and society.

In learning English, generally, there

are four skills that need to be mastered well.

Those are reading, speaking, writing and

listening. It is known that those four skills are

having correlation each other and it cannot be

separated. The reading and listening refer to

the receptive skills, while speaking and

writing refer to productive skills.

Healy (2002) defines reading as the

skill that most critical in reaching the school

success as well as life passing. It is clear that

when the students want to be success in

school, the main key to open the success is by

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reading. The position of reading can be seen

from much view.

Alyousef (2005) mentions that reading

can be viewed as a process interactively

between both the reader and a text that lead to

reading fluency or automaticity. In other

word, the interactive process that occur in

reading would involve the reader and the text

that written by the author.

According to Smith (2004) reading is

depend on several information which is gotten

from the eyes to the brain. It means that the

two items that mostly used in reading the text

is eyes which function is to receive the

message, then it will be transferred to the

brain and the brain has to work out the

significance of these messages.

Astutik (2011) states that reading is

the first most important factor that can

support the processing of mastering the other

skills and improving knowledge. But the fact

shows that not every student learns it well,

especially in reading comprehension. Reading

comprehension problem is a serious problem

especially for English foreign language or

English second language and it must be found

the solution.

Based on the observation at the first

grade students of MTs Al Maarif 01

Singosari, especially on seventh F class (VII

F). The researcher found in the teaching and

learning process especially in reading skills,

the teacher only gives the explanation and

never makes the students get involved in

learning process of reading (teacher-

centered). The way how the teachers teach

also the same in every meeting, the teacher

just asked the students read and answered the

question. So, it makes the students haven’t

progress at all.

This situation is showed when the

researcher did the practice teaching in that

school last month. The researcher found that

almost the students got low in the English

subject especially in reading skill. The

reasons that make the students got low in

reading because they are less enthusiastic in

reading books. The students’ score of reading

was very low when the teachers give the

reading task for them. The mean score of the

First Grade students of MTs Al Maarif 01

Singosari is under the school standard. The

mean score is 54.20, while the expected score

according the school standard is 75.00.

The way in solving those problems,

indeed the teacher must have the best method

in teaching reading. In this research, the small

group work technique is used in developing

the low scores of MTs Al Maarif 01


Small group work contains four

students that work together in doing the task.

Meador (2013) in his online article argues that

the small group is the teacher work with the

students in small group on learning objection

specifically. It can be proved that small group

work technique is the best way in helping the

students to develop their ability in

comprehending the text. Accordingly, in

groups, the students tend to be more

enthusiastic than work in individual. They

have high degree of interaction with their

members that make the learning process is

interesting, and they enjoy to do all activities.


The design of this research is

classroom action research (CAR). Accor-ding

to Latief (2011), the objection of Classroom

Action Research is to discover the strategies

in teaching and learning that appropriate with

the learners’ want and the way in learning

English. In the Classroom Action Research

impact the two things that are the problems to

be solved and the ways to be developed in

solving the problems. In the Classroom

Action Research, there are four steps which

are planning, acting, observing, and

reflecting. Each of those cycles is repeated on

the following cycle if the result is not

satisfactory yet.

This research was conducted at the

MTs Al Maarif 01 Singosari especially at the

first grade. The location is at Jl. Masjid no. 33

Singosari Malang. The class will be in VII F

and the amount of the students is 45 students,

24 male students and 21 female students. The

instruments used to collect the data were

observation sheets, field note and reading

comprehension test.

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The researcher also prepared the criteria of

success are: 70 % of the students are able to

reach the minimum standard of the school and

the mean of students’ score ≥ 75.

The implementation of this strategy

will be stopped if the criterion of success is

reached, as mentioning above the criteria of

success are: 70 % of the students are able to

reach the minimum standard of the school and

the mean of students’ score ≥ 75 that it

indicates the expected score based on the

school standard is reached, but if it didn’t

meet the criteria of success so the next cycle

will be continued.


The research findings present about

the data that the researcher found during the

implementing the strategy in the teaching and

learning process.

The implementation of the action was

done in four meetings. The three meetings

were used to teach reading comprehension by

using small group work technique and one

meeting was to administering the reading

comprehension test. All of the data taken

from the observation sheet, field notes, and

reading test, were analyzed and reflected.

The result of the observation sheet

showed that the student attention was

increasing since the first meeting of small

group work technique implemented. The

students’ quality of learning activity in this

class was improved day by day. They have

positive attitude toward the implementation of

the researcher strategy, such as the

improvement of the students’ activity to ask

and answer the question toward both the

researcher and their friends, and they enjoyed

to do all activities of the small group work


According to Armenth (2009) Small-

group learning is active learning; it

significantly increases a class’s energy level

in a way that traditional lecturing does not. It

is clear that the use of Small Group Work

technique will be more active in the

classroom than the use of traditional teaching

because this strategy involves high degree of

interaction among the members of the small

group work.

McKimm (2009) argued that the role

of the teacher in small group work technique

is only as the facilitator who guides the

teaching process in the classroom. It tends to

be focused on the students activeness

(students centered). The role of the teacher is

typically that of facilitator of learning: leading

discussions, asking open-ended questions,

guiding process and task, and enabling active

participation of learners and engagement with

ideas. Thus, in the implementation of small

group work technique, the students were more

active involved in the classroom activities

especially in reading.

From the statement above, it could be

concluded that the use of small group work

technique not only improved reading

comprehension skill of the first grade

students’ of MTs Al Ma’arif 01 Singosari but

also enhance actively their involvement in the

teaching and learning process.

From the positive improvement above,

it could be concluded that all of the criteria of

the study had been achieved that were: 70 %

of the students are able to reach the minimum

standard of the school, and the mean score of

the students’ ≥ 75. Therefore, the researcher

did not need to continue the next cycle

because the steps were done successfully. The

steps included some points, they were:

Leading questions related to the topic as the

brain storming, grouping the students into

small group that consist of four members,

giving the material or a text, then the teacher

is giving explanation about the material

generally, asking the students to discuss the

material with their groups and giving the task

for the students individually.

Based on the findings, it was proven

that teaching reading using small group work

technique improved students’ reading

comprehension which one the mean of the

score is 79.00. The improvement of the

students’ reading comprehension by using

small group work technique has been

successful at the first grade students’ of MTs

Al Ma’arif 01 Singosari. Therefore, the next

cycle is not necessary.

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Based on the result of this research, it

can be concluded that the implementation of

small group work technique in this research

was success. The implementation of small

group work technique manages to the

students’ low motivation of the first grade of

MTs Al Maarif 01 Singosari. The students’

low motivation, the lack of self-confidence

and the feeling bored in learning is caused by

teacher centered technique of teaching. By

applying small group work technique it make

the students’ centered, so the student more

active in learning in the classroom.

The implementation of small group

work managed to improve the students’

reading achievement. It can be seen from the

improvement score achievement from the test

of the cycle. After the treatment the students’

mean score improved to 79.00. As the result

of the small group work technique was the

best cooperative strategy. The strategy that

make the students feel free and enjoyed when

they learning the materials. Based on the

finding, some suggestion is necessary to be

put in order to improve the quality of teaching

and learning process.

The teachers are recommended to use

small group work technique to teach reading

skill. Here the teachers are suggested to more

selective in choosing the topic that will be

used in teaching and learning process. By

selecting the appropriate topic the teaching

and learning process will be more interesting.

In addition, the teacher also suggested when

organize the students into group it is better to

grouping students into heterogeneous group.

It makes the low students learn to the smart

students and motivated the low students to

become smart students. The teacher should

monitor the group discussion whether they

work and learning together. The teacher also

should give chance to the students to share

about the difficulty when they learning then

gave feedback at the end of the lesson. It is

very useful to solve the problem occur in the

teaching learning process.

The implementation of the small

group work technique improved the students’

reading comprehension of first grade of MTs

Al Maarif 01 Singosari. It is clear that the

small group work technique is one of the best

cooperative strategies that can be used in the

teaching and learning process. The future

researcher may conduct the same procedure

of small group work technique that used in

this research. The future researchers can make

any improvement in order to make the better

research. The future researchers are also

suggested to conduct a similar study on other

skills like listening, writing, and speaking at

other level of students for the improvement

quality of teaching English.


Armenth, Francine. 2009. A Teaching for

Success Win-Win Quick Study. How to

Make Small Group Learning Work.

Harmer, Jeremy. 2004. The practice of

English Language Teaching (fourth

Edition). UK: Longman

Latif, Muhammad Adnan. 2012. Research

Method on Language Learning: An

Introduction. Malang: UM Press

Mckimm, Judy. 2009. Clinical Teaching

Made Easy. Small Group Teaching, vol.

70, no 11.

Alyousef, Hesham Suleiman. 2005. Teaching

Reading Comprehension to ESL/EFL

Learners. Vol. 5, No. 2, 143-154,

September 2005.

Armenth, Francine. 2009. A Teaching for

Success Win-Win Quick Study. How to

Make Small Group Learning Work.

Healy, Cathy. 2002. Reading: What the

Expert Say.Springfield, VA 22150:


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Noris Ardianto

(Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FKIP Unisma)

e-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. The aim of this study is to find out the improvement on the ability of the

second grade students of SMAN 1 Malang in speaking by the use of picture series.

The subjects were 34 students of the second grade, particularly XI-IPA 2. Classroom

Action Research was used in order to attempt to solve the problems faced by the

students in the classroom. The procedure of the research consisted of four main

stages: planning of the action, implementation, observation, and reflection. The study

was done only in one cycle that consists of four meetings. The data in observation

was obtained from observation checklist, field note, and test. The data analysis found

that the implementation could reach the improvement of the students’ speaking

performance. The finding of the research showed that the use of picture series could

improve the students’ speaking performance. The students’ average score improved

from 72.76 to 81.62. In addition, there were 25 students (73.53%) could pass the

minimum learning mastery of English subject in speaking which is 78. Finally,

considering that this study had produced the expected outcome and the criteria of

success had been achieved, thus the study was only conducted on one cycle.

Key words: Improve, Picture Series, Speaking Performance


Nowadays, English is one of

international language that should be

mastered by everyone if they do not want to

be left behind. English is a language that is

mostly used in all aspects of daily life such as

in technology and education. English is also

as communication tool that can be a connector

among people in the world. Most people in

this world use English when they would like

to talk to another people from different

country. Nunan (1991) explained that

“mastering the art of the speaking is the most

important aspect of learning a second or

foreign language and success is measured in

term of the ability to carry out a conversation

in language”.

In some countries, English has become

a second language and it is usually called

English as Second Language (ESL). While in

Indonesia, English becomes a foreign

language (EFL). Even though English is a

foreign language, it has been spread out in

many aspects in Indonesia, and one of those

aspects is Education. English, as a

compulsory subject, is taught in every level of

education in Indonesia. Every student should

learn all English skills such as receptive skills

and productive skills. Receptive skills involve

listening and reading, while productive skills

involve writing and speaking. Brown and

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Yule (1983) stated that “learning to talk in the

foreign language is often considered being

one of the most difficult aspects of language

learning for the teacher to help the students”.

It implies that teaching and learning process

does not seem happen simply in speaking

class. The teacher should have a good way

and a good media to help students improve

their speaking.

When the researcher gave the spoken

test to the students as the preliminary study,

the researcher found that the students of

SMAN 1 Malang, particularly at the second

grade of science 2, were still deficient in

speaking performance point of view. The

students’ average score was 72.76. This score

didn’t meet the minimum learning mastery

which is 78. They have to achieve at least 78

if they want to pass the minimum learning

mastery. It was very hard for them to speak

up because they did not have any ideas to

speak. They got difficulty in getting the ideas.

Besides, the students were still confused

in using correct grammar in their speaking

performance. They often used inappropriate

tenses, for example they often used present

tense to express their past activities.

In addition, the students were lack of

motivation in joining speaking activities.

They were not interested in doing such kind

of speaking activities. It was very difficult to

get them to speak in class. They were not

confident enough to speak in front of the

class. It happened because they were not

accustomed to practice speaking with their

friend. Therefore, the students made less

contribution in speaking activities.

Due to this case, the researcher believed

that using picture, especially picture series,

can be a solution to stimulate the students and

to improve the students’ speaking


Underhill (1987) argued that a good

picture is able to encourage the students to be

more confident and easier in speaking. It

shows that picture series is able to make

contribution in solving the students’ problem

related to their confidence in speaking.

Picture series can build their confidence to

speak in front of the class. Picture series also

can be a media that can make the students

easier to get the ideas and feel interested in

speaking activities.


The design of this study was Classroom

Action Research (CAR). McNiff &

Whitehead (2006) explained that action

research is seen as practitioner’s way that is

designed to improve the quality of education

by using new technique or method on

teaching. Tomal (2010) also said that action

research is a kind of systematic process which

aims to solve the problems and to improve

everything related to the education.

According to Latief (2012), Classroom Action

Research for English subject is to develop a

strategy or English learning technique in the

learning and teaching process in order to help

the students get success in learning English.

Therefore, the procedure of classroom

action research applied in this study was a

cyclical process adapted from the model

proposed by Kemis and Taggart in Latief

(2012). It covers four steps – first, planning

was made before the teaching and learning

process was conducted. In this stage, the

researcher planned the research focusing on

the use of Picture Series to improve students’

speaking performance. The researcher

prepared the lesson plan, the picture series,

the material, and the criteria of success.

Before attending the class, the

researcher made a lesson plan for each

meeting in order to make the teaching and

learning speaking process can be performed

effectively and efficiently. The lesson plan

contains of several points, such as the

material, time allotment, teaching goals,

technique of teaching, the procedure of

teaching, sources, and evaluation. In the

lesson plan, the procedure of teaching is

divided into three parts, which consist of pre-

activities, whilst-activities and post-activities.

After designing the lesson plan, the

researcher prepared the picture series for

teaching and learning process. The picture

series can stimulate and encourage students to

be interested in teaching and learning process.

It is important to establish a good atmosphere

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in the classroom. There are procedures to

teach English by using picture series: a) the

researcher introduces the picture series to the

students and then explains to the students the

use of picture series, b) the students are

divided into groups and discuss what story the

picture is telling, c) when the students have

discussed about the picture in their own

group, they have to share to another group

about the information they get.

Next, the researcher took the material

based on the program of the second semester

of the second grade students of SMAN 1

Malang. The material given was narrative

text. In this study, the researcher used

handbook from the school, another source,

and the picture series in teaching and learning

process that can support the material.

In addition, the criterion of success was

prepared. The criterion of success is the point

that the researcher must achieve in conducting

a Classroom Action Research. The criterion

of success determines whether the research is

successful or not in English learning process,

especially in teaching speaking performance

using picture series. The criteria of success in

this study are the students’ average score

should be ≥ 80, and 70 % of the students

could pass the minimum learning mastery

which is 78.

Second, the researcher implemented the

actions in the class. The researcher taught

speaking by using picture series for the

students of SMAN 1 Malang. In the first

cycle, there were 4 meetings; 3 meetings for

research implementation in teaching and

learning English speaking by using picture

series, and the last meeting was only for test.

In the first meeting, the researcher

taught about narrative text and gave an

example of the text. The students worked in

group to identify the generic structure of the

text and the language feature. After discussing

about the text, the students were asked to

retell the story by using picture series in front

of their classmates. In the second meeting, the

researcher showed the picture series in the

form of video. Then, they were asked to

answer the question and retell the story by

using picture series with their group. In the

next meeting, the students were divided into

five groups. Each group has different picture

series. Then, they were asked to discuss what

information that was in the pictures with their

own group. After that, every member of the

group should tell to the other groups about the

information they got. In the last meeting, the

researcher took the score of the students’

speaking performance. Before the researcher

took the score of each student, the researcher

gave the students fifteen minutes to prepare.

Finally, they should speak one by one based

on the picture series given.

Third, the researcher used the

instruments to evaluate the process of

teaching and learning and to collect the data

that consist of observation checklist, field

note, and test. The aim of using observation

checklist is to know the strength and the

weakness about the activities during the

teaching and learning process. Besides, field

note is used to record any important data and

the neccessary information during teaching

and learning process. It focuses on students’

progress in teaching and learning process. The

researcher prepares a field note to know how

the use of picture series works in the subject.

Then, the researcher used test to measure the

students speaking performance and to get the

score. The researcher gives test to the students

in preliminary study and in the end of the

cycle. The students should speak up based on

the picture series. The test is appropriate with

the material that has been taught to the

students. It is conducted in the end of cycle.

Fourth, reflection is effort to appraise

whether action of teaching and learning

process has already been successful or not. If

it is still not successful, reflection is the way

to develop the next cycle. If the result of the

study meets the criteria of success then the

classroom action research will be stopped. If

it does not work, the researcher will revise the

strategy, go to the next cycle, and do the same

order until the action meets the criteria of


In this study, the criteria of success are

the students’ average score is 80, and 70 % of

the students can pass the minimum learning

mastery which is 78. When these criteria can

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be reached, it means that the study is

successful. Otherwise, if the students cannot

get 80 for the average score, and 70 % of

them cannot pass the minimum learning

mastery, the researcher should revise the

strategy. New strategy should be used in the

next cycle to achieve the criteria of success.


The preliminary study was done by

giving a test to the students. In the test, the

students were asked to speak by telling the

story legend they had already known. They

had to speak one by one in front of the class.

In this case, the researcher focused on

students’ oral production using the target


In this section, the researcher found

some problems dealing with the students’

speaking performance. The problems faced

were the students still found difficulties in

expressing the idea, they sometimes forgot

what to speak so they were silence in a

moment to think, and they were also confused

in speaking by using correct grammatical.

They often used inappropriate tenses in their

speaking. They were not confident enough to

speak in front of their friend. Sometimes it

was difficult to get them to speak in front of

the class.

In this test, the students’ speaking

performance was assessed by using analytic

scoring rubric by Hughes which consisted of

five aspects: pronunciation, grammar,

vocabulary, fluency, and comprehensibility in

a 1-10 scale.

The result of the test in preliminary

study showed that the students’ speaking

performance still needed to be improved

because not all of the students could pass the

minimum learning mastery. The average

score of the students’ speaking performance

was 72.76, while the minimum learning

mastery is 78. Only 35.29% (12 students)

could pass the minimum learning mastery.

After doing test in preliminary study,

the researcher implemented the action. In the

first meeting, the researcher found that most

of the students had already known about

narrative text but only some of them who

knew the generic structure of narrative text.

Most of them said that narrative text is talking

about fable or story legend. The students

looked serious to identify the text and answer

the questions. Most of them were able to

answer the questions correctly. In retelling the

story, the students still used inappropriate

tenses. In the second meeting, the students

were enthusiastic in discussing the topic and

retelling the story with their own group. In the

third meeting, the students looked very

interested in the activities provided by the

researcher. In the last meeting, the students

did spoken test. None of them were absent.

In addition, the observation checklist

was filled by the collaborator. The first

observation was conducted on Saturday, 5th


April 2014. The collaborator found that the

researcher still needed to improve in

reviewing the previous material, involving a

variety of students, and also demonstrating

awareness of individual student learning

needs. Otherwise, the points such as

overviewing the course content, employing

non-learning activities, soliciting the students

input, and explaining concept clearly were

good enough. The second observation

checklist result showed that the researcher

was still lack of demonstrating awareness of

individual student learning needs. In addition,

the points related to the class structure, the

methods, and the content were good enough.

In the third observation, the collaborator

observed that the researcher was getting

worse in directing student preparation for next

class and employing other tools or

instructional aids (i.e. technology, computer,

video, overheads). On the contrary, the

collaborator observed that the researcher was

good in the case of content and teacher-

student interaction.

While, field note result showed that the

students, in the first meeting, did not answer

completely the teacher’s leading questions,

lack of time in discussing, the students could

use picture series at sudden, the class’

atmosphere was a little bit noisy, the students

were more responsive in using picture series

as stimulus, and the students’ speaking was

better. The collaborator also noted that the

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methodology aids was better than classical

way. In the next meeting, the result of field

note showed that the students were very

responsive when the teacher explained the

material, they discussed the topic

interactively, they had good response when

the teacher used picture series in teaching

speaking, they also sometimes used

inappropriate tenses in their speaking, but

they spoke with varying interpretation. In

addition, the class’ atmosphere was good

enough and the picture series made students

easier in speaking. In the third meeting, the

class’ atmosphere was very interesting. The

students gave very good response when the

teacher explained about narrative text and

when the teacher used picture series in

teaching speaking. They also discussed the

topic enthusiastically and their speaking

performance was getting better. The

collaborator suggested that the researcher

should give more attention to each student.

After implementing the actions, the

researcher gave the test to the students. The

students were given the picture series which

told about “The Frog Prince”. In the test, the

student spoke one by one in front of the class.

The researcher was helped by the collaborator

to assess the students’ speaking performance.

So, there were two raters in the test: the first

rater was the researcher and the second rater

was the collaborator.

The criteria of success of the students’

speaking performance are the students’

average score should be ≥ 80, and 70% of the

students could pass the minimum learning

mastery which is 78.

The result of the test showed that

picture series had improved the students’

speaking performance. It could be seen from

the result of the test that 73.53% of 34

students got score above the minimum

learning mastery, 78. The mean score of the

test was 81.62 with the lowest score 65 and

the highest score was 91.5. Thus, the

students’ speaking performance had met the

criteria of success. Considering that this study

had produced the expected outcome and the

criteria of success had been achieved,

therefore the next cycle was not necessary. In

other word, this action was stopped because

all the criteria of success had been fulfilled.

In this study, the students were

stimulated by using picture series to make

them easier in exploring the ideas orally.

Asnawir & Usman (2002) stated that media

can be stimulus and give information to the

students so that it is really helpful in teaching

and learning process.

According to Bailey (2005), pictures

can give some information to discuss and can

be used in various lesson. It meant that

pictures can provide any information such as

someone’s activities, stories or processes of

making something. It also implied that

pictures can be used in various activities. In

teaching and learning process, it also can be

applied in pair or group.

Finally, the use of picture series had

successfully improved students’ speaking

performance. The improvement could be

examined from the result of students’

speaking performance in the end of the cycle.


Based on the findings of this research,

the researcher sum up that picture series was

an effective way in improving students’

speaking of the second grade at SMAN 1

Malang. The students could handle their

difficulties in exploring the ideas. The

students could express the ideas in many

ways. They could make some variation stories

by using picture series.

In this research, the researcher applied

the procedures to teach English speaking by

using picture series as follows: 1) The

researcher introduced the picture series to the

students and then explained to the students

the use of picture series, 2) The students were

divided into groups and discussed what story

the picture was telling, and 3) When the

students had discussed about the picture in

their own group, they had to share to another

group about the information they got.

Meanwhile, the researcher used various

teaching procedures for each meeting. In the

first meeting, the researcher gave the text to

the students and asked them to identify both

the generic structure and language feature of

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the text. Then, they were asked to retell the

story based on the text given by using picture

series. In the second meeting, the researcher

gave the picture series to each group which

consisted of three students. They had to make

such kind of story circle with their own group

and perform in front of the class. In the third

meeting, group discussion was applied to

teach speaking by using picture series. The

various teaching procedures were used to

create good class’ atmosphere and make the

students feel interesting.

In short, this study was carried out in

one cycle because it could be said that picture

series had successfully improved the students’

speaking performance of second grade of

SMAN 1 Malang, especially second grade of

science 2. In preliminary study, the students’

average score was 72.76 and 35.29% of the

students could not pass the minimum learning

mastery which is 78. It improved since the

picture series was used in teaching speaking.

The result of spoken test showed that the

students’ average score was 81.62 and

73.53% of the students could pass the

minimum learning mastery. Based on the

result of the study, it could be concluded that

the use of picture series could improve the

students’ speaking performance of second

grade of SMAN 1 Malang.

Since the picture series could improve

the students’ speaking performance, it is

highly recommended that the English teacher

should use this visual media to stimulate the

students in speaking and to help them in order

to be easier in expressing the ideas. It is also

possible to use picture series in other English

skills such as writing and listening.

Related to future research concerning

with the use of picture series as visual media,

it is recommended that the future researchers

are able to explore this research in order to be

more useful both for students

and teachers in teaching and learning process

by using picture series. The future researchers

are also suggested to conduct a similar study

on other English skills such as writing and

listening at any level of education.


Asnawir & Usman, B. 2002. Media

Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Ciputat Press.

Bailey, K. M. 2005. Practical English

Language Teaching: Speaking. New

York: McGraw-Hill.

Brown, G. & Yule G. 1983. Teaching the

Spoken Language: An Approach Based

on the Analysis of Conversational

English. Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press.

Hamalik, O. 1986. Media Pendidikan.

Bandung: Alumni.

Harmer, J. 2001. The Practice of English

Language Teaching (3rd

ed). Cambridge:

Pearson Education Limited.

Latief, M. A. 2012. Research Methods on

Language Learning. Malang: UM Press.

McNiff, J. & Whitehead, J. 2006. All You

Need to Know about Action Research.

London: SAGE Publications Ltd.

Nunan, D. 1991. Language Teaching

Methodology. Hemel Hempstead:

Prentice Hall.

Tomal, D. R. 2010. Action Research for

Educators. Plymouth: Rowman &

Littlefield Education.

Umbarawati, R. 2013. Improving the

Speaking Skill of Seventh Grade Students

at SMPN 2 Gemarang Using Series of

Pictures. Malang: Universitas Islam


Underhill, N. 1987. Testing Spoken

Language. Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press.

Ur, P. 1991. A Course in Language Teaching:

Practice and Theory. Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press.

Yuliana. 2011. Improving Students’ Speaking

Skill by Using Pictures as Instructional

Media of Eighth Grade Students at SMP

Negeri 1 Karangploso Malang. Malang:

Universitas Islam Malang.

Zulaikah. 2012. Improving the Students’

Speaking Ability of the Tenth Grade

Students of SMAN 2 Genteng through

Picture Series. Malang: Universitas Islam


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ISSN 2337-6384 JP3, Volume 3, No. 12, Agustus 2014




Noviana Amiati

(Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FKIP Unisma)

Abstract: Reading is one of the prime modes of receipting learning but it will only be

functional learning, tool if readers are both critical and discriminating. The sample of this

study was thirty two students of grade eleven at SMA Islam Al Maarif Singosari . To

achieve the purpose, one shoot experimental design was suitable to be used in this research

because the data was taken by using post test only. Thirty two students divided into two

groups which use lottery. Sixteen students got a text with Indonesia glossary, and sixteen

students got a text with English glossary. The data was tested by Independent t-test.The

result of the analysis indicated that there was significant effect Indonesia glossary group

than English glossary. The t critical was 2.25 and the t table in 0.05 level was 1.697. It mean

that the t critical was higher than t table. The result shows that the Indonesia glossary is

helper students in comprehends the text than English glossary. To sum up, the researcher

concluded that there was significant different effect of Indonesia glossary and English

glossary on reading comprehension. It means that, an Indonesia glossary is more needed

than English glossaries. It showed that glossary can reduce students’ difficulties in

understanding the text.

Key word: Indonesian Glossary, English Glossary and Reading Comprehension.


Learning English as foreign language

is very important. Since English is the key to

the international currencies of technology and

commerce (Hutchinson & Waters, 1989). In

this case, the researcher focuses in education,

in common knowledge there are four skills in

English, there are: listening, reading, speaking

and listening. In this case, the researcher only

focused on reading.. In this case the

researcher would like to observe the

relationship between increasing vocabularies

in reading comprehensions by using glossary.

Basically, teaching reading should also

cover vocabulary building because vocabulary

is the important part to mastering English.

Block et al. (2002) stated that to comprehend

written text a reader need to be able to decode

accurately and fluently and to have a wide and

appropriate vocabulary.

Learning vocabulary is not easy because

learner has to memorize. So teacher must be

more creative when in the leaning process.

“Teaching English vocabulary for Indonesia

students to understand the concept of

unfamiliar words, gain a greater number of

words, and use words successfully for

communicative purposes” (Cahyono,


Moreover Ko (2005:125) said that

“Glosses have various functions in helping to

decode the text by providing additional

knowledge in specific content, skill,

strategies, and definitions of difficult words”.

Based on the explanation above, the research

problem is do the students who are getting

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Indonesia glossary have better score than the

students who are getting English glossary to

reading comprehension in students grade XI

XI SMA Islam Al Maarif Singosari.?


To conduct research, many research

designs can be used. The researcher was

selecting experimental research design. One

shoot experiment was suitable for this study.

This study involved experiment group where

the group was divided into two groups which

give post test to measure the effect of

independent variable on dependent variable.

Since it was applied on single group, there

was no c ontrol group in this study.In this

research the population was students grade XI

in SMA Islam Al Maarif Singosari

The researcher got one class as the

sample, that is XI IPS 2 because the English

teacher already choose grade XI IPS 2 for the

researcher done the research. The researcher

applied random assignment from the sample.

In that class there are 32 students which

consists of 10 male students and 22 female

students. The researcher did lottery for

applying the test. There were 16 students who

had the test with Indonesia glossary and there

were 16 students who had doing the test with

English glossary.


After analyzing the data, it was found that

the average score of each group was different.

The mean score of Indonesia Glossary group

was 15.5 and the mean score of English

Glossary group was 12.0 (see table 4.1)

The finding reported in this chapter was

based on the analysis of data and the

procedures of data collection described in the

previous chapter. Means and standard

deviation of the correct answers. The

independent t- test was used to analyze the

data collected with a significant level set at

.05. The calculations of the data were

calculated by manual computation below:

Table 4.1 summary of means and standard

deviation of the test.

N Mean Standard


XI (Indonesia


16 15.5 1.51

X2 (English


16 12.0 2.45

Total 32 27.5 3.96

The result of the analysis indicated

that there was significant effect Indonesia

glossary group than English glossary. The t

critical was 2.25 and the t table in 0.05 level

was 1.697. It mean that the t critical was

higher than t table. The result showed that the

Indonesia glossary is helper students in

comprehends the text than English glossary.

To sum up, the researcher concluded

that there was significant different effect of

Indonesia glossary and English glossary on

reading comprehension. It means that, an

Indonesia glossary is more needed than

English glossaries. It is proved that glossary

can reduce students’ difficulties in

understanding the text.


As stated in research problem that

researcher wanted to investigate that was the

difference in the effectiveness of Indonesia

glossary and English glossary on the score in

the reading comprehension. The researcher

presented the result of the finding in this

study by answering the research problem

stated in the chapter 1. After analyzing the

data, the researcher found the result as


First, the mean of the students’ score who

got Indonesia glossary was 15.5. Second, the

mean of the students’ score who got English

glossary was 12.0. From the result above, it

showed that the mean score was different. The

students who read with Indonesia glossary

answered more corrects questions. Than the

students who read the text with English

glossary answered less corrects questions.

The data were analyzed by using

dependent t test which showed that in point

.05 levels. From that computation, it was

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known that the value of the observed t critical

was 2. 25 and the critical value was 1.697 it

could be said that the observed t critical was

higher than the critical value.

Based on the explanation above it can be

concluded that there is significant different

effect of Indonesia glossary and English

glossary on reading comprehension. It means

that, Indonesia glossaries is more needed than

English glossaries.

Therefore, the researcher has some

suggestion for the teachers in senior high

school who is teaching grade XI and for

further researchers. For the teachers, it should

make or show the glossary when in reading

section because the students can comprehend

the text better. For further researchers, it is

suggested to give different test but the level of

the test is the same. It is also hoped that the

further researchers add more research

problem. It is also recommended to carry out

a research by differentiating subject based on

their English proficiency.


Cheng at al. 2009. L1 glosses: Effect on EFL

learners’ reading comprehension and

vocabulary retention, (online),


ticles/cheng.pdf, accessed in May 5,


Cahyono, at all. 2011. Theqniques and

Strategies to Enhance English Language

Learning. Malang State University of

Malang Press.

Cahyono, B. Y. 2009. Teaching English with

sight from Linguistics. Malang State

University of Malang Press

Cruse, Alan. 2006. Glossary of Semantic and

Pragmatic. Finland. Edinburgh.

University Press.

Ko, M. H. (2005). Glosses, comprehension,

and strategies use. Reading in Foreign

Language, (online),


ticles/ko/ko.pdf, accessed in May 5,


Nunan, D. (1999). Second Language

Teaching and Learning. Australia:

Cambridge University.

Walter, C. (2001). Transfer of Reading

Comprehension Skill to L2 is Linked to

Mental Representation of text. London:

Oxford University Press.

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Nur Hayati

(Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FKIP Unisma)

e-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. This article presents the result of a correlation between students’ interest

in watching English movie and listening achievement. The subjects for this study

were 51 students of second semester of English department of UNISMA. The

instrument in this study was questionnaire to measure students’ interest in watching

English movie. The data of the students’ listening score in midterm test were also

collected asa documentation. The two set of data were analyzed by using the

formula of Pearson Product Moment in order to know the correlation between

interest in watching English movie and students’ listening achievement.The result

of this study indicates that there is a significant correlation between students

interest in watching English movie and listening achievement. Finally, it can be

concluded that there is significant correlation between watching English movie and

listening achievement. It means that the students interest in watching English movie

give possitive effect on the student listening achievement. It is then suggested that

students’ use English movie is one way to increase and support to learning English.

Key word: correlation, students’ interest, students’ achievement.


The success of learning English is not

only determined by one skill but all of the

four skill. From all the four skill, listening

was a skill that difficult to be mastered

because it needs more concentration to

comprehend the sounds and to understand the

message. Listening was a receptive skill of

language and it was important element in the

language performance. And it categorized as

an active process because it took attention or

requires concentration to the problem.

According to Turner (1995:2),“listening was

not acquired like speech through social

interaction nor was it learned through formal

instruction like reading and writing, it appears

to be something everyone can do right from

birth. ”It can says listening was much more

than hearing. It involved both physical and

mental processes, hearing and interpreting.

There are some problems faced by the

students in listening. Usually the teacher uses

tape recorder as a media for the material

which read by the native speaker and it is

difficult for the students to understand the

native speaker. Last, the contents of the

material are not familiar with the students. So

they cannot understand the material or they

may misunderstand the meaning.

Kartikawati (1995:1) stated that

interest is an attitude that makes people feels

good to the object or situation that the

individual trying to obtain a favored object

and draw attention. Interest is one of factors

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that will influence students’ English

achievements or performance.

Based on the definitions, the teacher

should be creative using the media and the

way to teach to make the students interest in

learning process, especially in listening skill.

One of them is by using movie as a media.

Yusoep (2011:2) stated that the purpose of

using film as a media of learning that must be

achieved is to make the students familiar with

the English language.

Based on the statement above, the

researcher is interested in knowing the

correlation between interest in watching

English movie and students listening



The researcher used correlation

research as a research design. In this study,

the subject is the students of second semester

of English Department of UNISMA. The

researcher used cluster random as a sampling

technique. In this case, the researcher took

two classes randomly and got class A and B

to be selected as a sample. The number of the

students of second semester of English

department of UNISMA is 51 students.

In this study, the researcher used

questionnaire and documentation as

instruments and to collect the data. The

questionnaire used to measure the students’

interest in watching English movie. The

questionnaire divided into three types, the

students’ interest in watching English movies,

the perception of advantages of watching

English movies, and the frequency in

watching English movies. Second, the

documentation was used to know the students

listening achievement. In this research, the

documentation was taken from the result of

mid-term test of listening.

This kind of analysis is to know

significant correlation between students’

interest in watching English movie and

students’ listening achievement, so the

researcher analyzed the data by using the

formula of Pearson Product Moment.


Based on the objective of the study,

the researcher wanted to find out the

relationship between interest in watching

English movie and listening achievement.

Two variables mentioned above are the

students’ interest in watching English movie

as variable X and listening achievement as

variable Y. After calculated the data, the score

of students’ interest in watching English

movie was 3721. And the mean of students

interest was 72.96.

Based on the result of the computing

correlation between students’ interest in

watching English movie and listening

achievement by using Pearson Product

Moment formula above, it was found that the

coefficient correlation between students’

interesting watching English movie and

listening achievement of second semester

students at English department of FKIP

UNISMA is 0.64. According to the table of

significance, the coefficient of correlation

obtained from the computation is significant,

because the r is higher than r critical value

both 0.1 and 0.5, so the alternative hypothesis

is accepted.

Based on the result of the finding, the

null hypothesis (H0) which states that there is

no significant correlation between the

students’ interest in watching English movie

and listening achievement of second semester

students at English department of FKIP

UNISMA is rejected. While the alternative

hypothesis (H1) stated that there is a

significant correlation between the students’

interest in watching English movie and

listening achievement of second semester

students at English department of FKIP

UNISMA is accepted, because r-observed

was higher than r-critical.

After conducting a process of

computation on the influence of students’

interest in watching English movie (X) and

students’ listening achievement (Y), the

researcher found that the value of r is 0.64. It

is, then, compared with the value of r in the

table with N=51, either at 5% or 1% level of

significant. While it is checked with the value

of r at the table with N=51, it was found that

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the value of the computed r was greater than

the value of r at the table either at 5% level of

significant (0.273) or 1% level of significant


The fact that the value of coefficient

of the correlation (r) is greater than that of the

table means that there is high correlation

between students’ interest in watching

English movie and students’ listening

achievement. It can be said that students’

interest in watching English movie influences

the students’ listening achievement.

After conducting this research, it was

found that most of the students have high

interest in watching English movie. It has

shown from the result of the questionnaire

that the mean was 72.96. Most of the students

like and enjoyed watching movie especially

English movie because it could increase the

interest and motivation in learning English

and also it didn’t make the students bored.


From this study, the writer can conclude

that there is significant correlation between

interest in watching English movie and

listening achievement. It showed from the

result of the computation between interest in

watching English movie and listening

achievement was 0.64. Motivation, aptitude

and desire to learn are part of interest and the

three of them have different purpose that

influence the students’ achievement but it also

have the same purpose to influence the

achievement of the students.

During teaching learning process the

teacher should keep the students’ interest by

presenting interesting materials as much as

possible. The teacher is expected to be more

creative and to create a good atmosphere in

the class by applying appropriate method in

teaching learning process which causes the

students’ have high motivation and interest in

English subject especially listening skill. The

teacher give stimulus to the students in order

to be more active in studying English

especially listening skill by giving an

enjoyable material, for instance watching

English movie.

The students have to use the interest and

develop it for the use of English learning.

They should keep or increase their English

ability so they can reach the good

achievement. It is also expected that the

students are more active in listening while

they are watching movie so they can improve

their listening ability.

It is recommended that they conduct

further research by implementing and relevant

teaching and learning strategies to involve the

existing problems revealed in this study.

Therefore, this study will contribute

reasonable background of the further studies.


Burnett, Mark. 2004. Learn English With

Movies.Retrieved December 22, 2008,



Harmer, Jeremy. 2007. The Practice of

English Language Teaching. Fourth

Edition. England. Ashford Colour Press.

Moses, Dian Claudia. (2008) Porfolio artikel

bahasa inggris tentang Tv dan Film.

From http://dianclaudiamoses.


Turner, Karen. 1995. Listening in a Foreign

Language. Centre for Information on

Language Teaching and Research, 20

Bedfordbury, Covent Garden, London


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Nur Islami

(Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FKIP Unisma)

e-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. This research aims at knowing the effect of using mind mapping technique

to improve students’ writing hortatory essay. The population of this research was the

eleventh (XI) social science grade of MAN Malang 1 that consisted of 28 students

with difference level categories low achiever, middle achiever, and high achiever.

The research design in this study is classroom action research.Mind mapping is

regarded as the most appropriate one since it can train the students to produce more

ideas in pre writing stage. The researcher and the collaborator worked together in

planning the strategy, implementing the action, observing the implementation. The

implementation of mind mapping technique was started by reading and discussing

the issue that will be written, drawing a mind mapping, making an essay, and

comparing to writing checklist. The results of this research shows that mind mapping

can improve students’ writing ability specifically hortatory exposition text.

Key Words: Classroom Action Research, Mind Mapping, Writing Hortatory Essay.


Among the four skills to be taught,

writing is regarding to be the most difficult

subject to learn. As Arini (2012:1) noted that

students need to have a certain amount of L2

background knowledge about the rhetorical

organizations, appropriate language use or

specific lexicon with which they want to

communicate to their readers. Kendall

(2006:37) also stated that writing is all about

making meaning. Teaching writing to English

language learners can be a challenge because

they frequently get confused about what they

want to say as they work.

Handini and Amrin (2013:2) stated

that there are some factors why students

thought that writing seems more difficult than

other skills. First, they find difficulties in

gathering and organizing ideas. Second, they

have no idea what to write and how to start

writing. Third, they are afraid of making

errors. As a matter of fact they waste too

much time thinking about what they are going

to write instead of freewriting. Then, Quinley

(2005:6) stated that every pieces of writing

from a short to a long essay is written for a

reason. Perhaps, the writer’s aim is to tell a

story or to describe a person or a place. Or, it

may be explain why an event happened, or to

urge the reader to take action. So that students

need to think accurately before starting to


Regarding problems mentioned

above, the researcher choose concept

mapping, also called mind mapping, semantic

mapping, webbing or clustering, to solve

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those problems. Mind mapping can be applied

by the teacher in teaching writing. There are

some reasons why these method should be

tried by the teacher. (1) mind mapping

succeed improving students writing

achievement in many countries, (2) mind

mapping is creative tool and flexible to be

applied for different level of age, theme,

subject, group and individual, (3) in foreign

language teaching and learning, mind

mapping can improve memory recall of facts,

words or images, (4) mind mapping is

creative note taking method, which ease

students to remember much information. It is

also colorful, use pictures, symbols that lead

students interesting in subject (Deporter,

Readon, and Nourie, 1997:175). Mapping

involve making a visual record of invention

and inquiry. It helps writer think and explore

about topic and its details. It also shows the

relationship between ideas and allow the

students develop them into passage more


Gould (in Handini, 2013:4) stated that

mind mapping is a method of teaching basic

writing that applicable across grade levels and

curriculum areas and can be applied for

writing narrative, descriptive, expository and

persuasive text. This technique is expected to

help the students in generating ideas before

writing. So that, they can write smoothly

based on the mapping that they made.

Therefore, the researcher wants to

conduct classroom action research to improve

students’ writing ability in hortatory essay.

And the statement of the problem is: “How

can mind mapping improve writing ability of

XI Social Science 2 of MAN Malang 1?”


The research design was a Classroom

Action Research for improving the

instructional practice in the classroom.

Classroom Action Research (CAR) is

research that held by teacher to repair

students’ obstacle in specific subject the class

and school where he or she taught. Kemmis

and Mc Taggart (2000) proposed CAR as the

spiral of self-contained cycles consisting of

four independent steps; Planning,

Implementing, Observing and Reflecting.

Those stages were preceded by preliminary

study as a means of identifying the problem.

This classroom action research was

conducted at MAN Malang 1. The subject of

study were 28 of Eleventh grade students of

MAN Malang 1 majoring Social science. The

class was made up of 17 girls student and 11

boys student. They were formed into different

English proficiency group whereas low

achiever, middle achiever and high achiever.

The lower achiever group were 24 students.

Then, the middle achievers were 2 students.

And the rest of students were high achievers

that consisted of solely 2 students.

The procedure of the research include

preliminary study reconnaissance prior to

analyzing and identifying problem as the

preparation, followed by action planning,

implementing, observing, and reflecting as a

real cycling action. The preliminary study was

conducted prior to real classroom action

research in order to obtain data about

students’ problem in writing achievement. It

was done by giving writing test to the

students. Besides, the researcher also

interviewed the English teacher activities

employed in teaching writing.

The researcher made a careful

preparation prior to the implementation of the

action based on the result of the preliminary

study. The activities in this stage included: (a)

preparing the lesson plan, (b) preparing the

instructional media, (c) preparing the

instrument, (d) preparing the criteria of


In this study, the researcher prepared

the example of mind mapping picture which

used as the media in teaching learning

process. Then, researcher used textbook to

complete the material, LCD projector, video,

power point and quiz.

The researcher used some instruments

to collect the data to obtain further

information. Observation checklist was used

to monitor the students’ performance and

participation during the implementation of

mind mapping technique. Field notes was

used to record what the observer heard and

saw of the stage in collecting and reflecting

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the data. It dealt with performance of both

students observation toward teacher and

students activities in the classroom. It covered

strengths, weaknesses and classroom

atmosphere descriptively. The researcher gave

the written test to measure students’ writing

achievement in the end of research cycle. The

theme had been told in previous meeting so

that, students had background knowledge of

what should they write on the test day. They

need to write an argumentative essay which

was starting by made a mind mapping. After

that, they went on to write some paragraphs

that consisted of thesis, arguments and

recommendation. The writing checklist was

used as an instruction of writing step in order

to easier students in writing process. The last

was questionnaire which is used to get

information about students’ response or

opinion about learning teaching process by

implementing mind mapping.

The criteria of success was that 75%

of students are expected to be successful by

achieving 70 as the passing grade with the

different levels preferences: high achiever

should achieve 85, middle achiever achieve

80, and low achiever achieve 70. The score of

product based on writing scoring rubric.


In the preliminary study, the

researcher gave writing test to measure up the

ability students in writing argumentative

essay. The numbers of students in the class

were 28, only 26 of them did the test. The rest

of them were absent. The result showed that,

the mean score were 59,66 while the standard

minimum is 70. Students who reached

standard minimum score were only 15,3% of

26 students. Then 84,6% of them reach score

≤ 70.

Based on the observation in cycle 1, it

was revealed that 69,85% of students were

actively participated during the teaching and

learning process by using mind mapping

technique. The rest of the research subjects

(30,15%) were categorized as passive

students in joining the lesson. Some students

were still unexcited doing the assignment

given. Based on the observation results by

using field notes, it was found some strength

and weakness when the researcher

implemented the actions. The strengths of the

researcher were the used of slide to explain

the material, beside it save the time, it also

made students interest. Then, the researcher

could manage the class well. However, the

weakness of the researcher was in providing

the material. The researcher should find more

sources for developing students’ background

knowledge. Based on the analytic scoring

result in the first cycle, it was found that there

were 15 students or 60,71% of the students

achieved the criteria. It was known that the

students’ ability in writing argumentative text

could not be improved by using mind

mapping technique. The students’ lacked of

background knowledge and were afraid of

making mistakes. There were also found some

error in their writing. They did not write

based on the generic structure of

argumentative text. Then, they forgot to put

the punctuation in the sentences. This can be

concluded that the results of students’ writing

had not achieved the criteria of success.

The results of observation in the cycle

2 showed significant improvement. Students

actively involved in learning process. Most of

them (80,33%) participated in learning

activity by using mind mapping technique.

They had fulfilled the indicators being

observed. It means that the second cycle

observation classroom results achieved the

expected target. The results of writing test

also showed the improvement. It increased

from 60,71% in the first cycle up to 78,57%

in the second cycle. This means that the

results of writing test in cycle 2 had fulfilled

the criteria of success that was 79% of the

students joined the test got expected score. It

also followed by the improvement of the

observation result. In cycle 1, there were

69,85% students who were actively involved

in teaching learning process. While in cycle 2

were 80,33% students were motivated in

teaching learning activities. It showed that

this research had successfully achieved the

criteria of success. Due to the research were

regarding as successfully as expected, the

action was not continued to the next cycle.

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From the explanation above,

De porter and Hermacki (2008:172) argued

that there were some advantages of using

mind mapping technique: (1) flexible, (2)

concentrate on topic, (3) increasing

comprehension and (4) enjoyable. Mind

mapping could be an alternative technique in

teaching writing. Due to the fact that mind

mapping technique could improve students’

ability in writing argumentative essay.

Furthermore, Mind map is an

important media to: (1) note, (2) recall, (3)

encourage creativity, (4) solve problems, (5)

planning something and (6) presenting

something (Warseno and Kumorojati,

2011:83). It could assist students to overcome

their obstacles in writing that dealt with

generating and organizing ideas.

Dealing with previous studies that was

conducted by Musafik (2011), the research

finding showed that the implementation of

mind mapping strategy enhanced students’

argumentative writing. The average score

before the implementation of technique was

58,94. After the implementation of technique,

the score became 68,16. Then the second

cycle, the score became 74,34. Then,

Soemantri (2012) that study purposed to find

how effective mind mapping strategy to

improve students in writing recount text. The

result showed that, the percentage of students’

writing test score in the first cycle was

73,08% of the students who got score 77 or

more. In the second cycle, the result of

students’ writing test increased to 80.77%.

Mind mapping used as prewriting

activity not only assisted students to emerge

more ideas but also improved their

vocabulary. Before the writing started,

students should draw a creative mind

mapping that consisted of topic or title on the

center, circles, arrows, boxes and related ideas

as supporting details. Then, they put some

arguments as much as possible. Those

arguments should be shaped into three parts

of paragraph; thesis, arguments, and

recommendation in the next step of writing. It

could be stated that the mind mapping

technique not only focused on generating

ideas but also enriched the students’



Based on the finding of study, it is

concluded that the implementation of mind

mapping technique as a part of process

writing improved the students’ writing ability

in writing argumentative essay. The technique

is effective in helping the students to produce

more ideas through writing essay. It also

successfully encourages them to actively take

part in teaching and learning process.

Furthermore, it helps students to think more

critically in delivering and developing

arguments. The students’ writing achievement

had met the criteria of success that low

achievers got above 70 score, middle

achievers got above 80 score, and high

achievers above 85 score. The percentage of

students’ writing score in the first cycle was

60,71%. Then, in the second cycle the

percentage of students’ writing achievement

improved become 78,75% based on their

ability. In addition, in terms of the students’

involvement in teaching and learning process,

participation, interest and enthusiasm in

overall activities of the teaching and learning

process were very good.

It will be much better if the teachers

have a discussion session before writing. So

that, students could share their arguments

about the issue and they could write smoothly

due to they have much ideas.

The future researchers are

recommended to carry out the technique of

mind mapping by employing more interesting

follow up activities so that the students can

improve their ability in attractive ways. It also

can be conducted at the same or higher level

of education to verify the advantages of this

strategy in teaching of writing with other text

types such as descriptive, narrative or

example essay.


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Nur Kamila

(Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FKIP Unisma)

[email protected]

Abstract. This article aims to improve students’ listening skill at tenth grade of

MAN SOOKO Mojokerto through video of English song. It used Classroom Action

Research (CAR) which consisted of planning, implementing, observing, and

reflecting. The subject of this study was26 studentsof class IX IPA 3of MAN

SOOKO Mojokerto.The data were collected using Listening test, observation

checklist and field notes.The research was implemented in one cycle that consisted of

four meetings. The findings of this study indicated that implementation of using

video of English song improved the students’ listening skill. The result of the test

showed that the students’ mean score was 87 and 96.2% of the students achieved the

school standard minimum learning mastery after the implementation using video of

English song. The students also showed their activeness and enthusiasm toward the

implementation of video of English song.

Key Words: Classroom Action Research, Listening skill, and video of English song.


Every country has their own mother

tongue to communicate among people

including Indonesia. Obviously, every

country has different language. Therefore, it

needs an international language which can be

used in every country. It means that, the

world need one language to be used as a

means of communication among people from

different country.

As we know that English is already

become an international language. English

can be the first, second or foreign language in

its use (Harmer, 2007:13). In Indonesia,

English is considered as the foreign language

and is taught formally start from the young

learners until the high level of learners.

English has four skills to be mastered:

Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. In

language learning, listening is believed as the

first skill to be mastered. As the language

learned, it is also English start from ‘listen’.

Even a baby learns his/her mother language

for the first time start from listening sound

around them.

Vandergrift (2014) stated that

listening is an active skill that the process is

complex. In the process, the listeners need

actively pay attention and concentrate to

understand and interpret what they hear and

match it with what they already know.

Therefore, listening is a difficult skill to be


In teaching and learning listening,

teachers and students often face many

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problems. Students often face some problems

such as difficulty of understanding the

material and lack of vocabulary. Teachers

also often face some problems in choosing

media or strategies to be used in the class.

Some teachers still teach with the

conventional method or even without any

strategies in their teaching.

Hamouda (2012:4) stated that it is

natural when students listen a foreign

language, they will face some problems.

Therefore, English teachers should understand

students’ problems and find an effective

strategy to solve the problems. The teacher

also should look for some activities to

increase students’ interest in learning English

especially listening.

After observing and giving a listening

test to the students at XI grade of class IPA 3

of MAN SOOKO Mojokerto, the researcher

found that in mastering listening skill,

sometimes, students found it difficult to

understand listening materials. They also

often confused with the sentences or

unfamiliar words. Usually, the English

teacher give them songs as the listening

material. The teacher means to make the

students understand the meaning of the song

and introduce them the way to pronounce

word in English. However, it caused on the

problem that the students get bored and less

interest in learning English since the songs

were not popular and too slow. Therefore, it

influences their score. The researcher found

that the students’ listening score is still low. It

was showed by their score in listening skill.

The mean of their listening score is 62. 88.5%

of the students get score below 78 (based on

the school minimum learning mastery).

For the problem above, the researcher

is interested in the implementation of video of

English song to teach Listening. Harmer

stated that “we can also have students listen

while they watch film clips on video, DVD or

online” (2007:308). In this case, the

researcher uses video of English song in

teaching listening skill in hope students not

only hear the song but also understand what

the meaning of the song by seeing the plot of

the story or people expression in the video of

English song.

Potosí, Loaiza and Garcia stated that

“Using television or videos in the classroom

allows the learners to access to more

information when listening. That is, the

learners can listen and see what is happening

at the same time” (2009:12). While listening

to the song, the students also can get more

information about the story when they also

wacth the video (clip). Even the students can

understand more about kind of the story in the

song such as sad, happy, etc.

In order to this case, the researcher

concerns on improving students’ listening

skill by using video of English song at XI

grade of class IPA 3 of MAN SOOKO-


METHOD The design of this research is

Classroom Action Research. According to

Latief (2012:143) statement that the major

aim of Classroom Action Research is to solve

practical instructional problems in English

classrooms through the development of a

certain instructional strategy.In this study, the

researcher found out the classroom problems

at MAN SOOKO-Mojokerto on listening skill

so that it is useful to solve the problem with a

certain research methodology that fits with

the students’ need in learning English.

The research was conducted at MAN

SOOKO-Mojokerto which located on Jl. RA.

Basuni no. 306 Mojokerto.The subjects of this

study were the students of XI grade of class

IPA 3 of MAN SOOKO-Mojokerto that

consisted of 26 students.

The first thing that the researcher did was

conducting a preliminary study. The

researcher conducted a test and observed the

class. The researcher found some problems as

explained in introduction before.

This study was conducted in the form of

cycles using the research design proposed by

Kemmis & McTaggart (1988) in Latief

(2012:146).It covered planning,

implementation, observation, and reflection.

The first stage is planning. In this stage, the

researcher planned lesson plan, instructional

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media (video of English songs) and criteria of

success. The criteria of success in this study is

80% of the students in the class got score at

least 78.

The second stage was implementation.

In this study, one cycle consisted of four

meetings. First, second and third meeting

were the action to implement video of English

song. The last meeting was used to conduct

the test. In the three meetings of the

implementation, the researcher taught in the

three stages of teaching listening such as pre-

Listening, while-Listening and follow up

stage. In pre-Listening activity, the students

were given brainstorming and some

vocabulary in order to introduce them the

video of English song. In the while-Listening

activity, the students watched the video three

times and completed the task given. After

that, they swapped their works and discussed

it together. In the follow up stage, the students

were divided into pairs/groups to discuss the

story in the video and chose one of the

member to retell in front of the class.

The next stage was observing. In this

stage, the researcher used some instruments as

follows: (1) Observation sheet to observe and

record the implementation of the video of

English song. It was filled by the English

teacher as the observer. (2) Field notes to

complement the record of teaching and

learning activities. (3) Listening test, the

score indicated whether or not the students

made improvement in their listening skill.

The worksheet was the lyric of the song in the

video. The lyric has three forms task. The first

was filling the blank (8 numbers), second was

choose the right word (8 numbers) and the

last was true-false questions (4 numbers) and

the total was 20 numbers.

The last stage was reflection which

related to evaluation of the data collection

after the observation. This action research

stops when the criteria of success are fulfilled.

In the contrary, next cycle will be continued if

the result does not meet the criteria success.


The students’ listening score at the last

meeting was the main indicator of the success

of the employment of video of English song.

The result of the test showed that 7.7% of the

students (2 students) got score 78, 88.5% of

the students got score above 78 and the total

was 96.2% of the students achieved the

standard minimum score. It increased from

the result of the preliminary study that 88.5%

of the students got score below 78. Thus, the

researcher concluded that the study had

reached the criteria of success. Therefore, the

researcher did not need to continue to the next


The result also came from observation

sheet and field notes that the students

interested in the media used. That was good

enough to be a motivation to actively

involved in teaching and learning process.

Since the students could watch while listen,

they were easier in understanding the story of

the song. The expression and gestures of the

singers in the video also helped the students

to understand the theme of the story and the

vocabulary in the lyric. Therefore, most of

students were actively involved in the

discussion, and they were interested and

enthusiastic in teaching learning process.

They also actively gave various answer and

statement for the teacher’s questions.

Moreover, the students actively worked the

assignment and cooperatively did their group


The result of this study was supported

by Andrade’s (2006:12) statement that video

is better than audio material since the students

can see people speak and through their

expressions, gestures and content. The use of

video of English song gave chances to the

students to watch and listen at the same time

to a better understanding of the content.

After all, the researcher concluded that

using media video of English song in teaching

and learning process was successfully

improved students’ listening skill at class XI

IPA 3 of MAN SOOKO Mojokerto


After discussing findings of this study,

it is concluded that the use of video of

English song can improve students’ listening

skill. It is also motivates the students to attend

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the lesson and pay much attention during the

lesson. After the implementation of teaching

listening using in one cycle, it is concluded

that the appropriate strategy of teaching

listening skill by using video of English songs

comprised of three process steps and

procedures, namely: (1) pre-Listening

activity, the students were given

brainstorming and some vocabulary in order

to introduce them the video of English song.

(2) while-Listening activity, the students

watched the video three times and completed

the task given. After that, they swapped their

works and discussed it together. (3) follow up

stage, the students were divided into

pairs/groups to discuss the story in the video

and chose one of the member tore tell in front

of the class.

Based on the result of analyzed data, it

is concluded that teaching listening by using

video of English songs improves students

listening skill. It was signed that there are

7.7% of the students (2 students) got score 78,

88.5% of the students got score above 78 and

the total was 96.2% of the students achieved

the standard minimum score.

Another conclusions that can be drawn

in this study that this media video of English

song can increase students’ activeness and

enthusiasm. It proved by the researcher’s

observation during teaching and learning

process that they interested in the media used.

That was good enough to be a motivation to

actively involved in teaching and learning


To follow up the findings, some

suggestions are proposed that probably can

help the English teachers and further

researchers since the research has proven that

the use of video of English songs in teaching

listening can improve the students’ listening

skill and create their positive attitudes toward

classroom activity.

The suggestion for the teacher, it is

suggested to uses more video of English

songs because it has the possibility to create

enjoyable learning experience for the students

and to keep the classroom alive. Besides, it is

also can create students’ internal and external

motivation by watching certain video of

English song.

For further researcher, it is suggested

that the next researchers can improve the

quality of teaching English using video of

English songs for different language skills as

speaking, writing, and reading. The researcher

also expects that the further researchers can

find another possible effective teaching

strategy that can be applied with video of

English song to improve students’ listening

skill in teaching and learning activity.


Andrade, M. E. A. D. 2006. Improving How

Listening Skills Are Taught in the EFL

Classroom, (Online),




accessed on 19th

June 2014).

Hamouda, A. 2012. Listening Comprehension

Problems – Voices from the Classroom.

Language In India, (Online), Vol 12,

ISSN 1930-2940, August 2012.



accessed on 11st June 2014).

Harmer, J. 2007. The Practice of English

Language Teaching. Fourth Edition. UK:

Pearson Longman.

Latief, M. S. 2012. Research Methods on

Language Learning An Introduction.

Malang: UM Press.

Oxford, R. L. 1993. Research Update on

Teaching L2 Listening. System, Vol 21

(2), 205-211.

Potosí, L. J. A, Loaiza, E. A. G. and Garcia A.

C. L. 2009. Using Video Materials as a

Teaching Strategy for Listening

Comprehension, (Online),



accessed on 14th January 2014).

Stiviani, R. and Hayati, N. 2011. Using

Animation Clips to Improve the Listening

Ability of the Eighth Graders of SMP

NEGERI 21 Malang, (Online),



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C8.pdf, accessed on 07th November


Vandergrift, L. 2004. Listening: Theory and

Practice in Modern Foreign Language

Competence, (Online),


accessed on 19th

June 2014).

Villada, C. I. C. 2009. The Use of Music

Videos for the Development of EFL Pre-

service Teachers’ Listening Skills at a

Columbian University, (Online),



accessed on 18th

June 2014).

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Nur Luli Chusnaini

(Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FKIP Unisma)

Abstract. The primary focus of this study is to improve students’ vocabulary mastery

by using make a match game in the seventh grade at Mts. Nurun Nabawi Sukorejo

Bululawang. Hamid (as cited in Pratiwiningsih, 2013) says “Make a Match technique

is interesting technique which used to review the material given before. But, the new

material can also be taught in this strategy with note, the students given exercise to

study the topic that be taught first, so when enter the class they had knowledge”. In

addition, Make a Match is an effective way for teacher to teach vocabulary. Make a

Match technique that could be used by teacher to improve their teaching vocabulary in

teaching English to the students. And the steps of implementation were; first, the

researcher prepares some card, one about question cards and one about answer cards to

the students related the topic. Second, each student gets cards. Third, the students who

got the question must describe three or two sentences. Fourth, each student holds

answer and question cards. Fifth, each student matched the card with their partner.

Sixth, if the students are able to match the cards before the deadline should be given

points until the game is complete. The design of this study is Classroom Action

Research. The subject of this study is seventh grade students that consist of 7 students.

The finding of this study showed that the use of make a match game as the teaching

technique could enhance the students’ vocabulary mastery. The score of the students’

vocabulary test showed that the mean score of the students was 96.28 while in the

preliminary study get the mean score of the students was 61.24. And the students

could follow the teaching and learning well. Considering that this study had produced

expected result and the criteria of success had achieved, thus this study was only

administered in one cycle.

Key words: Vocabulary Mastery, Make a Match


One important aspects in learning

English is mastering the English language

skills that are listening, speaking, reading,

writing. Yet, to communicate in English,

people should have enough vocabulary.

Schmitt (as cited in Wardani, 2000) says,

“One of the key element in learning a foreign

language is mastering the L2 vocabulary”. It

means that if people want to improve their

foreign language, they should master the

vocabulary of the language. Learning

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vocabulary can help the learners to master the

four language skills. Thus, the learners should

learn the vocabulary as one part of language

components. In communication, students need

vocabulary which can support them to

produce and use meaningful sentences

because vocabulary provides organ of

sentence. That is why vocabulary is very

important to be mastered. Harmer (as cited in

Wardani, 2011) says, ” then it is vocabulary

that provides the vital organs and flesh”. For

that reason the students have to develop their

vocabulary and master it in order to be able to

communicate with other well.

According to the concept and function

of English states in 2006 curriculum the

teaching English aims to develop the four

skills, they are, listening, reading, speaking

and writing. To support the developing of

four language skills, English language

component, vocabulary, grammar and

pronunciation or spellings are also taught.

Besides that in constructing a sentence, we do

not need just grammar and pronunciation

correctly but also the appropriateness of

choosing vocabulary.

The problems arise in teaching

vocabulary in the classroom especially in

junior high school that caused by many

factors. First, the vocabulary of the students

still low. Second, the students are difficult to

remember the vocabularies. Thirdly, the

students have low motivation and they feel

bored. Fourth, the students feel difficult when

they want to make a sentence. Next, they

could not speak English. The researcher

conducts the study at the seventh grade of

Mts. Nurun Nabawi Sukorejo Bululawang

because the students of that class have low

scores in vocabulary 30 % of the students get

score < 60 whereas the minimum standard of

the school (SKM) is 70 and the mean score of

the students is 61.42.

A teacher should be creative in

choosing media to teach the students in order

to make the students are motivated to learn

English especially in vocabulary game.

According to Curran (1994) there are some

advantages of Make a Match Technique, they


1. Students are directly involved in

answering questions submitted to him

through the card.

2. Increase creativity in student performance.

3. Avoid saturation of the students in the

following teaching and learning activities.

4. Learning more fun because it involves

learning media created by teacher.

Moreover, make a match game are very

useful for the students especially to improve

vocabulary by descriptive text. So, the

researcher use make a match technique as the

teaching and learning media to help the

students to remember some new vocabulary

and to create new atmosphere and situation in

order to make the students more interested in

vocabulary game. Besides, the researcher

believes that this technique will increase

vocabulary of the students and also to create a

new variation of teaching and learning

activity in the classroom.

Based on the explanation above, the

researcher conducts an action research in

improving students’ vocabulary mastery by

using make a match game in the seventh

grade at Mts. Nurun Nabawi Sukorejo



The researcher used Classroom Action

Research (CAR). According to Wallace

“Action Research as one of the way in which

teacher can solve professional problems and

improve their practice through reflection-on-

action. In action research this reflection is

done through the systematic collection and

analysis or relevant data and by applying the

result of these investigations of classroom


The subject of the study is the students

at class VIII. There are 7 students in the class

that consist of 4 male students and 3 female

students. Class VIII becomes the subject of

this study because the students in that class

have problem in vocabulary mastery.

The researcher conducted the study

that consists of only one cycle. The cycle

consist of four meetings, three meeting for

research implementation and the last meeting

was for conducting vocabulary test. The

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researcher used three instruments those are

observation sheet, field note, and vocabulary

test to obtain the data.

The data analysis in this observation

used quantitative data. The quantitative data

was obtained from vocabulary test that

conducted in the fourth meeting (las meeting).


The findings of this study showed that

the implementation of make a match as the

teaching technique had enhanced the students’

achievement. Hamid (2011) says “Make a

Match technique is interesting technique

which used to review the material given

before. But, the new material can also be

taught in this strategy with note, the students

given exercise to study the topic that be

taught first, so when enter the class they had

knowledge”. In addition, Make a Match is an

effective way for teacher to teach vocabulary.

Make a Match technique that could be used

by teacher to improve their teaching

vocabulary in teaching English to the

students. Furthermore, according to Curran

(1994) there are some advantages of Make a

Match Technique, they are:

1. Students are directly involved in

answering questions submitted to him

through the card.

2. Increase creativity in student performance.

3. Avoid saturation of the students in the

following teaching and learning activities.

4. Learning more fun because it involves

learning media created by teacher.

All the data were taken from

observation sheet, field notes, and vocabulary

test were analyzed and evaluated, reflected,

and compared. The result of the observation

sheet shows that the students’ attention in the

classroom activities of vocabulary was

relatively increasing, and the researcher’s

activities during the implementation of Make

a Match were relatively good because the

students could follow it. The result of the field

notes shows that there were no problems

occurred during the teaching and learning

process by using Make a Match Method

because the most of the students actively

involved in the classroom activities. The

result of the vocabulary test shows that 96.28

of the students got score ≥70.00, and the

average score of this class increased from

61.42 to 96.28. It means that after the

implementation of Make a Match Method in

teaching vocabulary, the students’ score were

improved and most of them could reach the

standard minimum of the school, and the

average score of this class also increased. It

indicated that the cycle was success.

The score of the students’ vocabulary

test showed that the mean score of the

students was 96.28 while in the preliminary

study get the mean score of the students was

61.24. It indicated that the criteria of success

had been reached.

Based on the improvement of the

students’ vocabulary score, it indicated that

make a match game as the teaching techinique

could help the seventh grade students at Mts.

Nurun Nabawi enhanced their vocabulary to

remember new vocabulary.


Based on the result of the research that

was conducted in the seventh grade of Mts.

Nurun Nabawi. This study was classroom

action research design. In general, the

researcher successfully achieved the criteria

of success of the research. The criteria of

success were achieved when 70% of the

students of this class get score in vocabulary

achievement are equal to or above 61.42 and

when the average score of this class in

vocabulary achievement is equal to or above

61.42. This study was completed in one cycle,

the criteria of success had been achieved. It

was clear that the cycle was success.

Suggestion for the teacher, by using

cooperative learning especially Make a

Match, teacher has effort to motivate the

students interest in English especially in

vocabulary mastery. It is suggested that the

English teacher use Make a Match as a

method of teaching material. Besides, make

sure students enjoy with the lesson and they

are able to be active in the classroom activity.

Hopefully, the teacher has to be able to get

involve more in teaching and learning

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activity, especially in implementing Make a

Match Method, and the teacher has to always

keep monitoring the students in order to

create successful teaching and learning


Suggested to the future researcher, this

classroom action research managed improves

the students’ vocabulary achievement.

However, the result of this study cannot be

able to generalize because it may only happen

in this class. This study is benefit to other

researcher and it can be continued for the next

research because this method make students

enjoy when study English especially in

vocabulary. Further researcher, should make

similar studies. It could be better to use

different instruments and different subject

from other junior high school. They should

conduct the research in a longer span of time

and enrich the treatments for the subject of the



Brown, H.,Douglas. 2003. Language

Assessment: Principles and Classroom.

San Fracisco State University

Curran, Lorna. 1994. Model Pembelajaran

Make a Match, (Online),



lorna-curran-1994/, accessed in 06 June


Deesri, Angkana. 2002. Games in the ESL

and EFL Class, (Online), Vol VIII, No.

9, September 2002.


Games.html, accessed in 18 May 2014)

Delmayanti. 2013. Teaching Vocabulary to

Junor High school Students Through

Snake-Word Game. Unpublished Thesis.


Fadillah, Misrah. 2011. The Effectiveness of

Teaching Vocabulary Through Physical

response Method. Unpublished Thesis.


Lely, Irma. 2013. Improving Students’

Vocabulary Achievement in Writing

Descriptive Text Through Make a Match

Method. Unpublished Thesis. Medan.

Setianingsih, Arisa. 2010. The Use of

Matching Game To Improve Students’

Understanding on Irregular Verb Of

Simple Past Tense. Unpublished Thesis.


Pratiwiningsih, Asri. 2013. Make a Match

Technique in Teaching Reading

Comprehension Report Text.

Unpublished Thesis. Jombang

Wulandini, Inten. 2013. Pengertian dan

Sejarah Perkembangan Game.


Accessed in 06 June 2014.

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Nuril Milla

(Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FKIP Unisma)

email: [email protected]

Abstract. The aim of this study was to improve the students’ speaking ability by using

Information Gap technique. The result of preliminary showed that the students of tenth

grade of MAN Malang I, especially X-G, had some problems with speaking ability — had

lack vocabulary and the students’ score of reading comprehension was 63.33 which was

below minimum mastery learning standard, 75. This study employed Classroom Action

Research (CAR) as the research design. The criteria of success was 75% students got score

75. The result of the students’ score of speaking ability improved from 63.33 in the

preliminary study and 71.67 in cycle I to 76.67 in average in cycle II after implementing the

information gap technique. The percentage of students who got above criteria of success, 75,

improved from 38.15% in cycle I to 76.19% in cycle II. Moreover, the students showed

positive attitude during teaching and learning process. Thus, the result of the cycle had been

fulfilled the criteria of this study. As the rule, the research was carried out on two cycles.

Since PQ4R strategy improved the students’ speaking ability, it was suggested to be applied.

Key words: Classroom Action Research, Information Gap and Speaking Ability


Language is the system of human

communication which consists of the

structured arrangement of sound, means that

people normally use it to exchange their

ideas, news and information (Richards and

Schmidt, 2002;283). In Indonesia, English is

foreign language. Thus, English becomes one

of the important subjects taught in any level

of education field in Indonesia. It is starting

from beginning level (elementary school)

until highest level (senior high school) of

education in Indonesia.

In fact that speaking is very useful and

helpful in communicating ideas. In Indonesia,

it is rarely happening that students are able to

communicate their ideas orally through

dialogue, discussion, interview, and even

monologue. Therefore, the researcher has

turned to increase the speaking ability to

understand spoken language.

Based on preliminary study,

researcher found problem of the students at

the tenth grade of MAN 1 Malang, especially

X-G (religion class). When the teacher asked

them to speak in front of the class they refuse

it. There was no practice in the class; it can

make students be passive. Students easily got

bored in English learning process; they were

not enthusiastic to learn English. The

difficulties of the students can be seen in their

result of the preliminary speaking test. The

score does not reach KKM 75 and the average

of the students score in MAN Malang I in the

first semester is 63.33.

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The research design of this study is

Classroom Action Research (CAR).

According to Latief (2012: 144) stated that

Classroom Action Research is an effective

media in improving the quality of English

teacher’s performance in instruction as well

as students’ achievement in learning English

in classroom. The researcher conducted the

research in term of cycle which each cycle

consist of three meetings. This study was

conducted at MAN Malang I. It is located in

Jl. Baiduri No. 40, Malang. Of tenth class of

MAN Malang I, the researcher took one class,

X-G. The subject of class X-G is 21 students.

The number of male students is 5, and the

number of female students is 16.

The class was chosen because the

students had difficulty in speaking ability.

The students had lack vocabularies which

made them difficult in understanding the

meaning and how to pronoun. The research

concerns in teaching students by using

information gap technique in order to solve

the problem.

After identifying the problem, the

process of action procedure followed those

steps. In the planning stage, the concern of

this step was designing lesson plan, the

criteria of success and research instruments.

Lesson plan was design in order to make

teaching and learning process run well

consisted of the objective of teaching and

learning process, instructional media and

material, learning activities, and evaluation.

Meanwhile, the criteria of success were used

to determine whether the cycle is stopped or

continued. In this study, the criteria of success

is 75% of students can get score 75 during

teaching and learning process.

The goal of the action is to improve

the students’ speaking skill using Information

Gap technique. In the implementation, the

researcher teaches the subject using

Information Gap technique at MAN Malang I.

In this activity the researcher need the

teacher’s hand to be collaborator in order this

process run well. There were three meetings

in one cycle. From the first to the second

meeting, the researcher implementation in

teaching learning process by using

Information Gap for the activity. The last

meeting was for taking score or test. The test

was used to know whether the students

improve their speaking skill or not.

Information Gap technique was

conducted in three steps:

Stage Procedure



1. The researcher opened the lesson

by explaining the objective of the


2. The researcher gave brainstorming

to the students.



1. The leader of the students divided

the students into some group or


2. The leader of the students gave

some news item text that missing

information to the students.

3. The students found the missing

information in a group or pair by

asking some question to their pair

related to the pictures.



1. The researcher asked the students

one by one to present their

information that they get.

2. Other students must pay attention to

the presenter

Collect the data for analysis in the

observation stage. All information during

teaching and learning process was collected

by using field note, observation checklist and

test. A field note is an instrument to record

activities and event during teaching and

learning process in order to check.

Observation checklist was to know the

improvement of the students’ speaking skill

during teaching learning process and know

the improvement of the research while the test

is to measure students’ achievement in

speaking test in third meeting.

In the last stage, the reflection stage

makes a sense of the data and judge whether

the study is successful or not. If 75% of

students can get score 75 the research was

stopped. In contrast, if the students’ score

doesn’t increase from 63.33 to 75 and

research was continued to the next cycle until

meet the criteria of success.

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The data was analyzed used by

qualitative and quantitative data. Qualitative

data was derived from field note whereas

quantitative data is derived from the reading

comprehension test. The data from the test

was analyzed by using mean. To get the mean

score (�̅�), the researcher divides the summing

up all the score (∑ 𝑥 ) with the number of

subject or student (N).


Cycle I was conducted on April 22nd


2014. The researcher implemented the

information gap technique to improve

speaking ability of tenth grade, X-G, of MAN

Malang I. The material was a text of news

item entitled “Man Jailed for striking RI

maid” which was taken from look ahead for

senior high school student year X book,

written by Eudia Grace and M. Sudawarti.

The researcher conducted the research based

on the lesson plan that had planned which had

90 minutes for teaching and began at 08.30


For the first, the researcher grated and

checked the student attendance. There were

two students who were absent. After that, the

researcher asked the leader of the class to

divide the students into A-B pair. The class

was consisted of 21 students. They were

divided into 10 groups to implement

information gap activities. One group

consisted of two students. In the process,

there was one students remain who had to

practice it with student that had practiced

before. There was one student who practiced

twice. However, the researcher just took the

first score. After giving some instruction

divided into 10 groups, and each group

consisted of two students, then the researcher

gave the material in text form to the students ,

in each group gave different text between

student A and B, but in content had similar.

After giving the text, the researcher

that given time to construct the questions or

clue how to ask some information and give

information in simple past tense of news item

text. Then, the researcher ordered students to

come forward group by group. Every student

got some opportunity to practice..

All students had practiced speaking

through information gap in front of the class

in their each group. The researcher had given

feedback about the correct pronoun about the

word or phrase from the students mistake that

happen if their doing conversation. The

researcher closed the class and hopes them

practicing their speaking with their friends.

During the implementation, the observer

filled the field note and observation checklist

to know the classroom activity and the

weakness that found in meeting I.

The second meeting was conducted on

April 26th

, 2014 at 07.00 o’clock. The

researcher found a problem in the meeting I

that they got difficulty in say the new

vocabulary, so they were given the clue with

body movement or gesture. To overcome this

problem, the researcher gave explanation

which had explained in meeting I. Thus, the

researcher reviewed it and continued about

the new text of news item entitled “seven

killed in accident on Jalan Sultan”. The next

activity was continuing the steps of

implementation of information gap technique.

The third meeting was conducted the

speaking test. It was conducted on April 29th


2014 at 08.30 a.m. It consisted of speaking

test that scoring rubric namely; delivery,

comprehension, content, fluency, and


The students’ responses were good.

The students paid attention and did the

teacher’s instruction and explanation. Beside

the students got difficulty in giving

instruction to their partner. It showed students

that 25% of the student good interaction of

their partner. Some of the students complete

the missing information, but there is peep

each other. All students involve the activity

and come forward to speak English with his

or her friend. They were very busy to prepare

of their clue and questions using information

gap. They almost of the students asked

questions if they had a problem of the text.

Almost the students response the teacher


The researcher used test to assess the

students’ speaking ability. The test was

conducted on April 29th

, 2014 (3rd

meeting). It

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consisted of scoring rubric of speaking test,

namely; delivery, content, fluency, accuracy,

and comprehension. The teacher asked the

students to answer and give questions to

complete of their missing information. From

the result of the test, the researcher found that

the number of students who get score above

75 was 8 students. It meant that only 38.16%

of 21 students who passed the test.

Unfortunately, this score did not reach the

criteria of success that was 75% students got

score 75. Thus, this research was continued to

the next cycle.

The first meeting of cycle II was

conducted on May 3th

, 2014. The material

was a text of news item entitled “Tornado

Wreaks Havoc in Semarang”. The researcher

conducted the researcher based on the lesson

plan that had planned which had 90 minutes

for teaching and began at 08.30 a.m. For the

first, the researcher grated and checked the

students’ attendance. The students made a

group by themselves to implement

information gap. The implementation of

information gap technique started by asking

the students about what they thought about

the news today in Jakarta Post. The next step,

the students was given time by teacher to

found the phrase in randomly. After that, the

students come forward to share the

information each other. Then, each group

must know about the differences and the

similar of the text of their partner.

The second meeting was conducted on

May 6th

, 2014 at 07.00 a.m. The material was

text of news item entitled “Earthquake”. The

second meeting focused on share the different

and the similar of the text. The third meeting

was the last of the researcher which was used

to conduct the test. It was conducted on April


, 2014 at 08.30 a.m. It consisted of

speaking test that scoring rubric namely;

delivery, comprehension, content, fluency,

and accuracy.

The students’ responses were very

good. There was no peep between their

partners. The students looked braver and more

confident to speak up. They were very

enthusiastic to follow the teaching learning

process. When the researcher gave worksheet,

the students were full concentration, so the

material could be absorbed optimally.

The test was conducted on May 10th


2014 (3rd

meeting). It consisted of scoring

rubric of speaking test, namely; delivery,

content, fluency, accuracy, and

comprehension. The teacher asked the

students to answer and give questions to

complete of their missing information.

The indicators of successful

implementation that the researcher had

determined in advanced stated that 75%

students’ speaking ability reached score 75 or

more. Based on the indicators of successful

implementation above, the second cycle

carried out undoubtedly matched with that of

mentioned above. It was reflected through the

score of the students’ achievement after being

implemented by information gap activities,

the average score on speaking ability in the

second cycle was 76.67. Students who got

target was 76.19% (16 students out of 21


Most of the students involved the

discussion actively, shared their missing

information and looked interested to speak up

or answer the questions of their partner. The

students’ score of speaking ability improved

from 63.33 in the preliminary study and 71.67

in cycle I to 76.67 in average in cycle II after

implementing the information gap technique.

The percentage of students who got above

criteria of success, 75, improved from 38.15%

in cycle I to 76.19% in cycle II.

Based on the result of the observation,

the researcher evaluated the students’

speaking ability as well as the action

procedures of teaching and learning process

that was carried out. The result implied that

the students got more significant progress in

teaching speaking using information gap.

They were braver, easy to understand, easy to

memorize, full of concentration and

confident. So in this case researcher

concluded that by using information gap

activities could improve students’ speaking


The result of this study are in line with

Ur (1996) statement that information gap is a

particularly interesting type of task which is

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based on the need to understand or transmit

information finding out what is in a partner.

Furthermore, Son (2009) argued that “the

benefit of using information gap such as the

students talk a lot or produce more speech,

give students reason to talk, gathering

information and build students’ confidence”.

According Abbas, et al (2014) revealed that

information gap is highly recommended as

effective technique in the improvement of

students’ speaking proficiency.


Based on the research findings the

researcher concluded that the use Information

Gap technique could improve the students’

speaking ability in news item text. The

Information gap technique could help

students’ confident gathering information,

give students reason to talk, and produce talk

a lot for students. During teaching speaking

by using Information Gap technique, most of

the students involved the actively, shared their

information and looked interested speak in


The result showed that ability of the

students’ speaking ability was improved. It

was proved by the students’ average score of

speaking improved from 63.33 in preliminary

study and 71.67 in cycle I to 76.67 in average

cycle II after implementing the Information

Gap technique. The percentage of students

who got above the criteria of success, 75,

improved from 38.15% in cycle I to 76.195 in

cycle II.

The steps of this were follows. The

researcher explained about Information Gap

technique to the students. After that, the

researcher asked students to divide into 10

groups; each group consisted of student A and

B. Then, researcher gave different missing

text of student A and B. Next step, the

researcher gave time about 5 minutes to

construct the questions or clue. The last step,

the students come forward to share the

information that they had with their group.

Some suggestions are proposed to the

teacher and further researcher in improving

students’ speaking ability through

Information Gap technique.

Regarding the result of speaking test,

the researcher recommend to English teacher

to implement Information Gap technique in

teaching speaking ability by following the

procedure in this study. Information Gap is

suggested to be applied since it involves

activities which improve the students’

speaking through the sharing the information.

Moreover, Information Gap technique also

help students’ confident gathering

information, give students reason to talk, and

produce talk a lot for students. It has proved

that use of Information Gap technique can

improved the students’ speaking ability.

For the future researcher suggested to

conduct the researcher in different subject or

chapter of book and age due to this technique

has a probably to be applied in all different

age, one subject or many subjects and either

whole book or a chapter. It is also suggested

to future researcher to make better research

and use the best instrument for measuring

speaking ability which high validity. The

researcher suggested for the future researcher

is suggested to implement to validate the test

to get the valid score.


Azeem, M., et al. 2001. Factor effecting

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Harmer, J. 2007. The Practice English

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Latief, Moh. Adnan. 2012. Research Methods

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activity to improve the speaking ability of

the second year students of MtsN

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Sa’diyah, Hanifatus. 2011. Improving

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(Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FKIP Unisma)

e-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. The objective of this study was to improve listening skill by using English

song of the first grade students of MA Al Ittihad Tawangsari Mojokerto. This study

deals with the presence of the researcher who brought new technique in improving

listening. Based on the preliminary study observation, some problems were found on

the teaching and listening process in the classroom of the first grade students at MA

Al Ittihad Tawangsari Mojokerto. The students got the difficulties in listening

materials which were given by the teacher. It made the students feel difficult and

bored in listening activities. This condition influenced their score. The mean of

students’ score was 51.27, whereas the minimum standard of school for listening was

78. Therefore the researcher needed to implement this method to improve their

listening skill. The criteria of success had been fulfilled in Cycle I. It meant that the

students’ listening skill improved by using songs. It was related to the students’

active participation, their motivation and enjoyment during the English teaching and

learning process by using songs. The result showed that in pre-test, the students’

mean score was 51.27. This score was categorized as low achievement. In post-test,

the students’ mean score 80.

Key Words: English Song, Listening skill


Teaching English at senior high

school is not easy to think and also to do.

Teachers need to be creative thinking in

teaching the students in senior high school

and they have to be more spirit when they

give the material to the students. But in this

case, many teachers think that it is a challenge

to teach in senior high school.

Generally, teaching English has five

skills of learning, such as Speaking,

Listening, Reading, Writing, and also

Grammar or Structure. Here, the researcher

wants to discuss about Listening skill.

According to Hoppe (2006:5), there are

several Traditional Chinese Character

Symbols for Listening:

Ear = what you use to listen

King = Pay attention as if the

other person were king

Ten and Eye = be observant as if you had

ten eyes

One = Listen with individual


Heart = Listen also with your heart

(in addition to ear and eye)

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From the five characters above, we

can see that listening is not only listening by

our ear, but also use such words as “king” to

pay attention,” ten and eye” that have a

meaning of deep concentration of what we

look or we listen to, then “one” that have

meaning attention with yourself or individual,

and the last is “heart”, it means that we also

use heart to listen to the voices or recording,

because by using heart we like use our deep

concentration with ear and eye.

According to Brown (1994: 235)

listening is not one way street, it is not merely

the process of a unidirectional receiving of

audible symbols. One facet – the first step –

of listening comprehensions is the physic

motor process of receiving sound waves

through the ear and transmitting nerve

impulses to the brain. In this discussion, the

researcher wants to improve students’

listening skill in the first grade students of

senior high school through English songs. As

Harmer (2007: 320) states that one of the

most useful kinds of text for students to work

with is song lyric, especially where the song

in question is one which the students are very

keen on.

According to Arévalo (2010:5), there

are various ways of using songs in the

classroom. The level of the students, the

interests and the age of the learners, the

grammar point to be studied, and the song

itself have determinant roles on the procedure.

Apart from them, it mainly depends on the

creativity of the teacher. From this opinion, it

can be summarized that the teacher needs to

be creative when using songs in the

classroom. She/he also needs to be pay

attention to the students’ level or age and their

need in the classroom.

There are two reasons why the

researcher wanted to improve the students’

listening skill; first, the students difficult to

understand about the native speakers of

English say on the recorder, second, the

students feel bored for listening to recorder

that they think is difficult to get the meaning.

Then they also loose of motivation listening

on the recorder. So they were not relaxed and

lose the opportunity to fulfill their

assignment. It can be seen from their scores.

Most of them get lower scores in the listening

subject; the mean score of the students was

51.27. But by implementing songs the

students easier to fulfill their assignment,

because song is an interesting media that can

make them interest and relax on it.

According to Lopera (2003:136), there

are different reasons why teachers should take

a song in teaching context. First, music has to

do with social context. Second, it may change

students’ mood. Third, it provides stimulation

and entertainment as well as challenge and

pleasure. Fourth, music may be associated

with happiness because it brings people’s

remembrances and dreams. Finally, most

teachers agree that music is a powerful tool to

learn English.

Form the statement above, it can be

concluded that using songs is very helpful for

teacher and also the students who often get

the difficulties or problems while listening to

the recording such as conversations or

monolog. Thus, most teachers use music as

the media or tool to teach English, especially

in listening skill.

This researcher focused on teaching

listening by using English songs, which was

used to improve the students’ listening skill.

Thus the students’ have to fill in the missing

words, and then they have to understand

about the words of the song lyrics. This study

was a classroom action research; it was

conducted at the first grade students of class

X of MA Al Ittihad Tawangsari-Mojokerto in

academic year of 2013/2014.

Due to of limited time, the researcher

did not make the lyrics by herself, because if

she makes it by herself, it would make

misunderstanding of the song. So the lyrics

were taken from the internet which has the

right in that writing. In addition, this study is

concerned primarily on developing English

songs to improve the students’ listening skill

at the first grade students of class X of MA Al

Ittihad Tawangsari-Mojokerto.

Listening skill is the students’ ability

to understand the words meaning of English


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The mean score of students’ listening

skill was very law, and the researcher

improved their mean score up to minimum

standard of the school. The score was from

51.27 to 80.

English song is a media for teaching English

to the students listening skill. In this case, the

popular English song was used by the

researcher in order students easier to

understand about the meaning of the words.


The research design for this research

was Classroom Action Research. It was aimed

to improve listening skill by using English

song of the first grade students of MA Al

Ittihad Tawangsari-Mojokerto. According to

Latief (2013: 143) Classroom Action

Research for English learning aims at

developing a certain instructional strategy to

solve practical instructional problems in

English classrooms. That’s statement showed

that the classroom action research can help

the teacher to solve the problem that he/she

got while teaching and learning process in the

classroom. The description of the process of

teaching listening to the students by using

songs was the result of this research.

However, if the researcher faced the fails of

his/her action, she/he has to revise the plan

and the action of this study, in order to get the

proper solution for the problem that the

students faced in the classroom.

This study was conducted at MA Al

Ittihad Tawangsari Mojokerto. This is located

in Tawangsari-Mojokerto. In MA Al Ittihad

has two classes, it was in first grade. But in

this study, the researcher only chose one class

that was containing 33 students, that was class


Using song was the strategy of the

teacher to teach the students, especially in

listening skill. Thus, the researcher conducted

the study to solve the problem in the

classroom, and the subject was the first grade

students of MA Al Ittihad Tawangsari-


The activities in teaching and learning

process were observed systematically. The

researcher and collaborator gathered all

relevant data during the teaching and learning

process. All the information was collected by

using observation sheet, field notes, and test

of listening skill.

Observation and reflection are also

important to do when we implement the

technique in teaching and learning process.

Thus, if are success in the first cycle, we can

stop the research. Because it means that the

technique is able to improve the students

listening skills. But if the implementation is

failed, the research will be conducted in next

cycle until the implementation of the

technique succeed.

The indicator of success was a sign

that the use of songs technique has already

successful in solving the problems in the first

year students of MA Al Ittihad. There is one

important indicator of success in this strategy

during the teaching and learning process. The

criterion of success of this study was the

improvement of the student’s mean score

from 51.27 to 78, on the basis of the school

standard of learning mastery. But the mean

score of students was up to 78, it was 80, so it

more than the target of the researcher. In

addition, the students have to understand, be

active in listening activity and not feeling

bored and they would be relaxed in teaching

and learning process.


Based on the observation and

evaluation, the researcher reflected the

implementation of teaching by using songs.

The students were interested and enthusiastic

in teaching learning process by using English

song. The students also were active asked

about the words or the meanings that they did

not know. It was proven that most of them

were very enthusiastic asked about the

meaning of the song. Even there were

students asked about the purpose of the song,

then for whom that song. They also have the

motivation to be expert in understanding the

meaning of the song. Furthermore, the

students’ listening score had met the target

success. It was proven that the average score

of their listening test was 80. It was clear that

teaching English by using English songs can

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improve students listening skill and they were

motivated and more relaxed in listening

process. Considering the data presented and

the research finding, the researcher had met

the criteria of success. First, the mean score of

students listening test was 80 based on the

standard minimum was 78, but the result was

more than the standard minimum. Next, the

students were motivated and interested in

listening process. Beside that, the students

also more active and relaxed in teaching and

learning process. This means that the

researcher did not revise the plan and stopped

the research because the criterion of success

has been fulfilled.

The findings of this research were

presented based on the data found in cycle 1.

From cycle 1, the data were obtained from the

test, observation, and field notes during the

action in the classroom.

Teaching English by using songs can

also help students easier to understand the

meaning of the recorder says. As Harmer

(2007: 320) states that one of the most useful

kinds of text for students to work with is a

song lyric, especially where the song in

question is one which the students are very

keen on.

Music is a great motivator: songs

enable learners to actively participate in the

learning experience. Because music helps to

enhance learner involvement, they therefore

develop improved attitudes toward class

itself. This also improves their overall view of

the language and their feelings about learning

English, as they are more willing and able to

take in new information.

From the statements above, teaching

by using song can help students easier to

understand what the speaker said in the

recorder. Song is also a great motivator for

the students, because their feelings are

happier and relax to listen to the song as the

material in teaching and learning process.

Thus, from the good feelings and

moods of the students, they easier to do the

test with the right answer. The findings of the

research showed that the strength of the

application of teaching listening by using

songs was that it could improve the students

listening skill.

Before the action was implemented,

the students’ average score was 51.27.

However, when the action was implemented,

the students score started to improve. The

mean score of students was 80. It means that

the students score had fulfilled the school



Based on the result of analyzed data, it

is concluded that teaching listening by using

songs increased the students listening skill. It

was signed that more than 80% students

actively participate during the lesson and

students’ mean score of the first grade in

listening skill was 80. It indicated that the

students’ listening skill was improved through

the use of English songs. In other words, it

can be said that such method was successfully

applied at MA Al Ittihad Tawangsari

Mojokerto because the students’ score

reached above the target score 78.

Finally, this technique implied that it

can be used to teach listening skill to develop

and the students listening ability with the help

other activities and learning style based on the

student’s interest. The use of English songs in

teaching and learning process was considered

to be effective ways of improving students

listening ability.

The suggestion for the teacher, It is

better for the teacher to implement the method

as one of the alternative that can be used in

teaching and learning process because song

have powerful stimulus for student

engagement directly to emotions and can

create students’ motivation. The teachers are

suggested to invite and encourage the students

to do the activities as: getting involved in the

class discussion, reporting the result of their

works to the class, giving a comment and

response that report. It is suggested to uses

more English songs, because it has the

possibility to create enjoyable learning

experience for the students and to keep the

classroom alive.

The suggestion for further research, it

is suggested that the next researcher can

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improve the quality of teaching English using

English songs for different language skills as

speaking, writing, and reading. The researcher

expected that the next researcher can find

another possible effective teaching strategy

that can be applied for the students’ skill in

teaching and learning activity. Thus, the

strategy can improve the listening skill of the

students that have the difficulties in the

listening process.


Arévalo, E. A. R. 2010. The use of songs as a

tool to work on listening and culture in

EFL classes. (online),


673475.pdf, accessed on November 11


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ISSN 2337-6384 JP3, Volume 3, No. 12, Agustus 2014