jpt presentation questions

INSTITUT PENDIDIKAN GURU KAMPUS PULAU PINANG PROGRAM PENSISWAZAHAN GURU (PPG) AMBILAN KHAS FEB 2103 TAHUN 2, SEMESTER 1 (Kulaih Jun- Nov 2013) GROUP PRESENTATIONS (30%) Each group consists of 2-3 presenters who share the same topic. Choose ONE of these topics: Topic 1 ( 3 Aug 2013): Retrrieve information about cultural practices of any one indigenous group in Malaysia from numerous online sources. i) How do these practices affect the teaching and learning process of an indigenous child in school. ii) If you were a teacher teaching in the interior school, what teaching and learning strategies would you suggest to create a culturally-responsive learning environment Topic 2 (24 Aug 2013): Show reliable and current data concerning the distribution of students for any one education course in any/all IPTA’s. i) How equal is the distribution according to male/female student ratio? ii) Discuss the impact of this trend in gender distribution from a macro point of view. Topic 3 (21 Sept 2013): Extract an article from any recent source concerning issues in unequal distribution of educational opportunities. i) Analyse the factors that contribute to that situation. ii) As an educator, what would you suggest to the Ministry of Education to address such inequality? Topic 4 (12 Oct 2013): A conducive learning environment requires a teacher to understand and practise culturally-responsive assessment.

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INSTITUT PENDIDIKAN GURU KAMPUS PULAU PINANGPROGRAM PENSISWAZAHAN GURU (PPG) AMBILAN KHAS FEB 2103TAHUN 2, SEMESTER 1 (Kulaih Jun- Nov 2013)GROUP PRESENTATIONS (30%)Each group consists of 2-3 presenters who share the same topic. Choose ONE of these topics:Topic 1( 3 Aug 2013): Retrrieve information about cultural practices of any one indigenous group in Malaysia from numerous online sources. i)How do these practices affect the teaching and learning process of an indigenous child in school.ii)If you were a teacher teaching in the interior school, what teaching and learning strategies would you suggest to create a culturally-responsive learning environmentTopic 2 (24 Aug 2013): Show reliable and current data concerning the distribution of students for any one education course in any/all IPTAs. i)How equal is the distribution according to male/female student ratio?ii)Discuss the impact of this trend in gender distribution from a macro point of view.Topic 3 (21 Sept 2013): Extract an article from any recent source concerning issues in unequal distribution of educational opportunities.i)Analyse the factors that contribute to that situation.ii)As an educator, what would you suggest to the Ministry of Education to address such inequality?Topic 4 (12 Oct 2013): A conducive learning environment requires a teacher to understand and practise culturally-responsive assessment.i)Choose ONE form of assessment that you practise in your school. Show a sample of an assessment done by you. Explain how you assess your pupils performance.ii)What setback that you encounter when applying that form of assessment?ii)Suggest how you can make that form of assessment better in the future.Pn Soo Hoo (Lecturer) EDU3106 Culture and Learning, PPG19/7/2013