jpt. stocks and bonds hw.poor realbdousrin · from july 1, lwtv. \ mortgage for jl-t.730. wtth...

finrrogau's Notices. Q»URROGATEy COURT, NEW- YORK rorv k " TV. -In rh* Matt*r of th» applicatiOTj at HoKaaaa Rosera. as administrator of the gocd*. -a-tels and eraaMa of Ijary D. ItOßerff. dfcnwwl, r«r leave to ***II aw»aW» real property to pay her d»btst. NOTICE 13 IIEREBT GIVKN that In pursuan- of ai onier of MSurrwcate*' Court of N»** Tort County, mai!' an>l --.t»red on th« 2Sth day of February. V**\ th» process of sa:- of th« r"al "•:\u25a0. of Luvy !>, K< nrT». i!«-jH lat# of the City of New Tork. which «aie was lafly made pursuant to aa oniT of sal-1 aurr->iratea' '"nurt of the Oiunty of JCrwr T'>rk by John Vbjecßk, E»q.. rh» fr«*eSolder appointed therein to sell th» same, willby .i'strtbuted by the i. : Surrogate at the Surr">«-at«*s- OJT.c* In <h# County Court Hoosa. in the Cc.rcuati cf Xlar.hattan. of ta« City of New Tork. on th-> day of April. 1300 i at 10:3* o'clock In th* fi i»r.™n of that dar. Dated. March 12. WCO. HOFFMAN ROGERS. AdmlnlstrstOr. EDWARD W. PHEI.r>ON. Attorney fnr Adminintmtcr. 4.'. " Eorouih of Manhattan. \u25a0 \u25a0 v - n. i T\ FT [;sr\\i 1of an order of Hon. Frank T. FltzK**raM. a ftiroirat* <>f tho Conrty Bf New York. NnTI \n h#T»hr trlv»n to a".! per-mc* har*.t!*r <*l«lra» acriin«it Henry MaUlarfi. late, ".f the Crt-mrr of New y rk . il^o'asoii. to pr»!»«»nt th*» >»»• wi*h v>och*r» rtipreof t.> rhe •u»>*»ori»>«>d. nr his plar* nt frnr.rv—'.nx on«!Tl*»». at •'-• otTir- of Davis & Kmutuimim, S». *S*> Broa<t!ray. In Th« city of Now T^rk. on < r before the 23th (Jay of October. V.'»- n*xt. V*te<i Now V,rk. the l«th day of April. »•••> HENRY MAILL.ARD, Executor. WTS * KAT-FMANN. r-:-v. f-->r KxtH-utor. •J*> Broadway. R^r u*h of Manhattan. N«-w Ytrk '"ltv. /orcctosnre salf9 HW.Poor Ba ers iff ii UU! and &p Dealers IraLf 18 Wall St, j Investment New York. Securities. Members New York Stock Exchange. —-^ _ , Transact a general I |/>/| t-m-m r*.+*m 4 bankin-r bumness. l\ ni'Ofl fl Receive deposits I\VUIIIUIIU| fubject to draft. Dlvl- * dends and Interest col- ¥/" c* sv lected and remitted. IV Pl* l* <V* I ra Act aB Fiscal Agent l\Vl I V*. VUI for an<l negotiate and Issue loans of rall- BA!VKKRS , roads, street railways, tiWill kt v t 6ab companies. etc. •l wall hT.. >. Y. Securities bought and. Members \ «\u25a0. Id on commission. N. T 6tock Exchange. DEAL IN HiKh-'irs<l<> tnTeatnient Secnrttlea. Uitß of current offerings sent on application. PHILADELPHIA CORRESPONDENTS. GRAHAM. KKllll <& CO. Kountze Brothers, bankers, Broadway Jt Cedar St.. NEW YORK. ISSUE LETTERS OF CREDIT available in all parts of the world- for use of Travelers, Tourists and those intending to visit the Paris Exposition. Foreign Exchange. Cable Transfers. Ana P. Potter. S. E. Klrkhnm. Potter & Kirkham. HANKERS A BROKERS, IVT BEOADWAT, NEW YORK. Membern X. Y. Cook. Stoi'k Kxrhnnffp. BLY & SELL ALL STOCKS & BONDS FOR CASH OR ON MARGIN. National City Bank, Trnst Co. of America, Morton Trust Co., State Trust Co. BOCGHT AND BOLD. CLIItfTOHT GILBERT 2 WALL ST. Seymour Johnson & Co, Jlember-s of '>; N. T. Stock Exchang*. Members of the N. Y. Cotton Exchange. Empire Building, N. Y. Weekly market .eiter on application. Antrnntna 9. Gnrhnm. Trlrphnnr I-O Uroail. John 11. Van Beamiest. Cable Tarpulram. VAN SCHAICK & CO. X. Y. Stock Rxchunsre. SIB.UBERS OFFrmlui-r Kxchnnee, und Chicatro Board of Trude. 35 BROAD STREET. Baltimore, Ut East Gerninn St. DE HAVEN & TOWNSEND 40 Wall Street 428 Chestnut Street, NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA, Member** of the >en--York nntl IMiilutlelpliin Btook I^xcliaiii(c<>N. Oxir ofll«>»*« li«-iii« con- nected liy private telet-rrnpli, orilpm In «*lther market will be promptly executed. ] Unction Saice— i'lnancial \ LOCII MK-IFR. Auctioneer. REGI'LAR \r»Tllt\ SALES OF ! STOCKS AND BONDS jßjr ADRIAN H. MULLER & SON v i:i)\K>n . «prii. INTII, l<MMi. M 12S o'clock, at the N. T. Real-Estate Salesroom. No. 11l Brosdway. (By o^ier of .Tohn M. Bowers, Receiver nf the Mercantile >. A _ Credit Quanntec Co. of N. T.) *10.(K»t Wheeling. Lake Erie & Pltti Coal Co. Ist ft p c. Bdß.. lt>itt. $5,000 chic, Indapl'3 & Louisville R'way ob. Refunding « p. c. Bds., 1»47. 2 shs. Chic. Indapls & laalallTill R'way Pfd. ; ''-'\u25a0'.' (Kor accoun* of whom it may concern.) 8 Bhs. National i'ark Bank. 15 ahs. United Statea aUntaaa)sj & Trust Co. lo Bh*. Title Guarantee g Tnifrt Co. 10 she. Natl. city Bank. »•»**> Chic., Indapro .v Louisville Rv Refunding 5 p c. Bdc. \u25a0 she. German-American Bank. 133 eh». Chatham Natl. Bank. 11 Bhs. 4th Natl. Dank. $I.oui New York City «T, Dock Bds.. Reg.. 100S J-».u>K> Chicago & Northwest Skg. Fd. Regst. «s. S»8 shß. Molilie Birmingham H way Pfd. Guar Xi shs. Trust Co. of New Y.""k. j 23 Bhs. American Exch. Natl. Bank. Vi hlik. Natl. city Bank. .'• «hs. Western Natl. Bank. I 4 shH. Gallatin Nntl. Hank | 0 Bha. Leather Manfrs Nnt!. Bank, i li« Ehs. Mechanics' Natl. Bank. ! 25 Bhs. Natl. City Bank. Jin <kh- gouthern R"y Con. 8 r c. Reg. Bds.. lfift* I $3,0«<0 chic. Mil. * Kt. Paul R. R. (Dub. Div Ist ap. c. Bds., 1920. j $10,000 Carbon Iron Co. 2<l « p. c. Bdß., 1912. 1 4(i slih Natl. Bank of Commerce. , 21 Bhs. 4th National Hank. I I'"' aha. Natl. City Bank. 11 shs. Natl. Park Hank. '.' shs. Union Truet Co. '•<< aha Natl. City Bank. j tC.WM Council Btafla Water Co. 6p c. Bds I I .'"«>.. Rhs Red River Valley 00. (Hypd ). I "fi sha Natl. city Bank. \ l.«!2Ti ehs. Ensley Land Co. 5 s)i!«. reflleraon Hotel and Land Co.. White Mts j *::.(hhi Omaha Water Co. Con. 5 p. c. Bdß., IS4B 40 i"lia. -nmhti Water Co. lft Pfd. S3 shs. Omtiha Water Co. 2.i Pfd. . 2Ti shs. Natl. City Hank. ' 2"> sh*. Natl. City Hunk, j i.Hn.iMN. N V.. l.Hck. * «T«at. R. R. Term. Impf 4e 1023 25 shs. OerrnHn Am. R. K. Title Ins. Co »• she. Nat;. City BanK. i 5«l fha. City Trust Co. j I Bha. 'entral Trust Co. ; -.'• Pha. Morton Trust Co. i *.-><«i«i I.unß 1.-lan.l H. R. Cnllled 4p. c Bda ! I"<> aha. John B Stetson Co. common. 1 I<H) Shu. i^"ii^r;i; Liquid Air and R/fri Berating Co. j '" on- North American Trust io. i ll>t ehs. Mahoning Coal R. R. Co. common. "2 sh« sfahonlnK Coal R. R. Guar. Pfd. I In shs. Natl. City Bank. \u25a0 l«t nlis.. North American Trupt Co. i 10 aha TniM Co. of America. ; livt »hs. Havana Elec. R'way Co. Pf-1. j 201 shs. Atlantic Coast Elec." R. R. Co. $7.(»K» Atlantk: Coast R. k. c,e n Mtge. 5 p. c. Bds.. 1840. I IS Bhs. Reading Co. l«t PM. j «7 shs. R««ndln*r Co. 2d Pfd. I 2T> shs. Western Natl. Bnnk. | 80 ahs and .v Mtg. Guar. Co. .financial. VtW YORK SUPREME COURT. COUNTY "*" OF NKW YOP.lC— Ptncna Vmmmlt and William Prag#r. plamtlff.«. aralnst Jacob Soirmur and others, 4»- fendanra In rsuance <f a Ju<!sr*n»nt of forwlosure and sate, duly made and entered In th* above eTittt!»rl action, ..... date the twenty sixth day of March. IW'O. I. tne -nideT- slgr.ed. the r »feree In said Judgment named, willsell at public auction, at the New York Real Estate Salesroom. No. 11l Hroadway. In the Borough «f Manhattan. City or New York, on the 2,' th day of April. lUOO. at 12 o'clock noon on that day. by William K»*nn«»ily. auctioneer. ti«» pr-mlse* dtrect^i by i*aW JtidgmeTit ••> b*> soid. and --•—- des<Ti!\e<l as follown: All those two rert.iin lots of lar.d. wtth, the- ItMBBBa) therein, situate In 'he Nineteenth War!, m Ha B.'rottß* cf Manhattan In th» iity o? New York, and In Block 1831. «e,ftf>n .">. on the Land Map Of the CTtj of New Yor*. and toK»*her aaaaa - and described as follows: -<"nn at a, point In the east-rly lin" of Third avenue, distant seventy- six f««t \u25a0«\u25a0«! ;n<-*>es and one half of an inch rtherty fr»wn the point cf !n"erseo»lon rf the ensteriy line of Third av»-nt>e wtth the northerly line of Klwhtyfifth street: and r-innm« thente northerly, along the easterly line of ThlnJ aveniM*. fifty-one feet one Inch; theti<-«» easterly, Mai Par- al!*-l with Klghty-rtfTh street and purtiy through » parry wall •"•arjdlng partly r>n the premis**s hereby ronv«ye«l ard pa»tlv on the pr-misef- adjoining on th<» north., one hun- dro,! f^^t : theme urmtherly. and para'lH wirri Thlrt ave- nue tifty-flne f-«»t one in«-h: and thence westerly, ard par,l>: with Eighty-fifth str»*t. one- hundred f»«t to) Uj» easterly line of Third avenue at the oolnt or plaoa cf b<^- Kinnlnir. Sanl prenjfHM beine knr.w?i oy tn« -itr-?et Xa3»— bers 1.'.1T and tst9 Th:rd avert'i^. l>are.l New York. Uarcb •- VM*>. rTM \u25a0\u25a0 V!"EI. BLrMBNSTTEL. Refeiaa. EMANUEL ARNSTKIN. Attomev for Plaint 11T«. No. .11 Nas«n". atraal JI, T.. Bommrh of Minhattaa. The following is .1 diasntn of the property •o b* sold desTtbert above, the street numbers being 1317 and 1315> Third \u25a0 -mie The approximate amount of the lien or charge, to satisfy which the above described property Is to be sold. Is *13, - S3.V3S. wtth Interest thereon from the 13th aay of stii i 19*"* together with costs and allowances amounting to< »r??>4 9)< T'». with interest 'r- m Mat- r. 29. lW»t>. together with the expenses of the sale. T*--* aTJpmximate amonnt of tax»s. assessments or other Mena whirti are to al— Tow»-1 to the purchaser oct of the purchase money, or paid by the refer»«. Is. Croton water. J,-,.t an {nrer^t. The Tremtse* will be pold In r.e parr-1 subject to thf» fWlowln* crio- mortgages and ineumb ranees: A morrjracs for *24.f»n». with interest at fonr per cent. per annum from July 1, lWtv. \ mortgage for Jl-t.730. wtth UlfaW at \u25a0•• per ee«t per ann<im from Novemi*r 25. l a W. A morrjrage for J9.450, with *-r»9t at six per cent, per annum from 3«prember 1. ssaa Party wall agreement dated Jnlv 'Sf, ISSS, made hetwaen Eugene D. Ba*t»n and James ('an!*» »r'i r^ithertna h's wtfe, ntui In the otnee of tha Rear!<«ter of the County of New York in Liber l-<»i»i of i ymveranrea, page 3T». and to a claim for $230 and interest for the use of said party W!ill purs'iant to the terms of said party wall agreement, Dated New York. March 30th. IS***. EMANUELBLUMENSTTEI* Co tXJhom Jt illan Concern. rpHE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED A STATES OF AMERICA. To the Marshal of the South- ern li'«trtct of New York. Grwtinir: WHERBAB. a libel and petition has be*n ftted m the Deatrlot Ctmrtot the Inlt-d Stnr-« for -he Southern Dis- trict of New Tork on the 20th c!ay of March ISOO. by I^i Compairnie Generale Transatlantique. as i.«r>r of thY» MeamFhtp La &iura;r;s;n». praylne for a limitation of its liability far the loss, damage or injury cau»«- by the col- llston between -he said st-amehlp La Bounc ifn«- arM th» British ship Cromartyshire, on the 4th day of July l«*l»>t for the reasons and a'ltes tn »a!'l llb-1 »nd petltlo'n mi - tioned, and praying- that a monition of the mul Court la thnt behalf may be Issued, and 'hat ail person* rlnln-.1.-u damages for any such Iisa, danmne or Injury may thereby cited to appear bafon the suM Court and m«ke u e proof of their r**spec:l\-»- ... all proi-Hejin-rs being had, that if It snail appear that the said petitioner Is not liable for any such loaa, ilamaw or injury, tf may be so finally decreed by the Coart; and WHEREAS, the said petitioner has duly surrendered Interest In the said steamship La Boonrncna and her pend- Ing freight to a trustee duly appointed pursuant to th« order of the said <*ourt; TOTJ ARE THEREFORE COMMANDED to cite all por- sens claimlnK damages for any such lot*, darcace .r tn- Jury saUinftl by said collision. t,> appear before said Court and n:.\k>- due proof nf their respective claims be- fore Thomas Alexander. Esq., a Commissioner of the said United States Dltilcl Court, at his office in tha U S Court House and P>*t Office Bulldlnic, In the Borough of Manhattan. City of New y.>rk. at or before the 17th day of July. HtOO. at 11 o'clock in th- foren.«on. and you are also commanded t-> ,-ife such claimants ta app«^ir and answer th« alletfatton* of the llhel and petition beretn on or before the said last-named date, at -.vithin such further time as thf» C orl may grant, an.l t.j have and receive such re'.ief as may lie due. And what yon have rione In the premises do you then make return ta hm Court, together with this writ. WITNESS, the Honorable Addlson Brown. Judt;e of tn* District Court of the I'nlted States for the Southern t>i» trict of New York, at the City of New York, this SMh day of March, in 'he year of ssar l»ra nineteen Iraadred and of the Independence uf the United States the one fcun- dretl and twenty-fourth. JONE^ft GOVTN. SAM ' UH - L AN - Prod for Petitioner. No. 43 Cedar street. New Tork. JAMES EDWARD HIOGINS otnerwtae GEORGE n\Kt:n 'ITTHEREA'fI ptOtCMHssSi hay»» b»*en coninipnfftl in the (Tiasjiaij Division of the Hi^h [STAMP 1031 Court of Justice .in Entt'andi in the Mat- ter of William Hisjclna, deceased < Young v. Hiifs;lns. 1!»m>. H. No. 51>. tc. tetermlne whether the funds now representing the legacy of £B.«»xi be- queathed by the Testator, William Hlpcins. 'l-.e:i!i-i late rjf Harcourt Terrace. Flsherton Anger, In the County of WIltH. gentleman fwhi dle.l on the iNfh August. lSsi'i', for the benefit cf James Edward Hlgg!n». his wife «n>l children, and the accumulations" arising therefrom, or any anil what part thereof .ire now dlvt-'bte. or whether the income Of the said funds or any and what p.irt thereof should continue to be nccumulatnt for any an>\ wha* period. The said James Edwardl ßlncttt* was a nsptieii nf the Saiil T-fitator, and formerr) rest.-Jeii il FVet. Hampxhlre, Eni?!and. with hin wife. eorgil by whom It Ls stated lie hud six r-hlldren. On or about August. lfO.». th" *a!<i im>-- Edward Hli;gi-is wenl to New York, America, where he ls said to have passed under the na* of George Baker. 11» Is stated to have gone to New Jero>»y, Amer - lea. In 1-mi. and to have returned the same year to New York, from which last mentioned 'rv he wa.t last h^ard of In l"«.*4l. The said James E twart Hicr»'n-s Georc= Baker) ir living, or. If dead, any person •\u25a0tatming through him to be Interested in the said funds, is. or n r». tn per- son or by their solicitor, on or l»-fcr« the -^nd <iay of May. tinHt. to entar his or their claim In a book k^rt for that purpose at the chambers of Mr. Jostle* Stirling, it th«- Royal Courts of Justice, Strand. Knir!irni. ard also to come tn and prove his or their vlaim at the said -h(»rr> bera, or '.n il»-f:iult thereof he nr they will I* -• optortly excluded from the benefit of any order to be made In the said proceedings. Thnrsd the 31st day of May. l!*M\ It! o'clock at noon nt the said chambers, is appointed for hearing and aiHudicatine upon the claims. Pnted this "J7th 3ay of Marrh. VK»\ PAMTEL A. M. SATOW. Master. JANSON rOBB PEARSON * CO., \u25a0li Final Circus, London. England 1 . Plaintiffs Soßel tors. NEXT OP KIN of John Cdmimaoß late ol 2M Drmaasfli R'>a,l BELFAST COUNTY ANTRIM HL-VfKSMITH .•^-ea?'"!. pURSUAXT t.) an .>n!.-r of the dunetrj Di- of the High C.Hirt nf Inatli s In Irelnn.i made In the matter <if the Estate of the sai<l John Eilm. nsmn an.l in a cause E*imun»rn v. Edmonson il***i» No. 31S> the per- sons clatm!n(? tn be next of kin accnnltnij to the statute for the distribution of Intestates E?tares. of salil John E- - mormon llvlnic at the time of his .ieath oa the «th day of February ls*is or to be the lepal personal representative of such aext of kin as are now oVceaaed are by their So- Ucltirs on or hefcre the l.'.ih .lay of May lilOO to come tn tnd prove theti claims at the <*hami>er>* of the Rl»h1 H- n orable the vice Chancellor of Irejaad at the F->ur Courts DuMln In Ir-iani! or In lefault -h.-r-r they will b«. per- emptorily excluded from the berietU of the said order. Friday, the Ist day of June liXK> at Eleven loca In the boob at the said Chambers Is appointed for hearing and adjudlcatinaj up-'n the claims. Dateti this .list day of March I{**>. H. A. COSGRAVB WM. E. ARMSTRONG Chief Clerk. Solicitor for Plaint!;? 3 Palace Street Dublin. Corn wiis tirrn wjihin «ie rang-e. finally closir.-r % to s !«e over Saturday. May soid at 3J«<,c and at *s>c, and cosed at SS-Stc: July closed at +-> :l » to 40*£ c. The rains West and Southwest, favorable to the growing wheat, were the bull factor in corn, as they willdelay movement and \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0• There was a large increase jn the visible. 1,770, Oftij bushels; sea- board clearances were 419.'* X) bushels. The local s*r»k. :_.^7?.*»V« bushels, showed an increase for the veeek of L2SJMO bushels. There was \u25a0 decrease on passage of U8.009 bushels. The world's peaenta were ::. ""•••' bushels. The local eetton was 4:2 cur?, with •"^" for to-morrow. Direct export sales tn the Ccntinf-nt were about iTo.nm* bushels. The *;•• ii:nv<- trude wa? Irregular, buying- by Cudahy, <" mM \u25a0< k and others of the talent, with selling- by Rol^on and others. I-ake navigation is practically ,i\u25a0 \u25a0 . the first of the fl.-et (starting to-night, car- r -- P ._ \u0084-..- 5.009.000 bushels of corn. *•>»•? tv. r- weak, closing 3-kC .\u25a0\u25a0:• - Saturday, the Slay :"•\u25a0-•. J-ilv. 2Hc There was heavy llquidat- lne l.y longs, l«-<i !>y Nort.m-Switzer and by Bartlett- FraziW. The Inspection was 212 cars, with 2CO for Tuesday] The visible increased S3.<«»» bushels. The lo— -.' s;'»k. huslie!?. Temmt 64.'PT>) iab< la Fiaxseed was weak, with the new crop futures oS -- to "••"• s'" v closed at Jl 72: September- Jl 20; October, *1 13%. There were 31 cars of seed, agnlnst h_" tost year. Provisions were irre-mlar, pork off a little, lard anu ribs finally closing- over Saturday. There wera •*-\u0084'«« «oe?. with prices at the yards 2 1 to 5c lower. Tha irbo'e provision list ned weak on the hos? receipu. There wan considerable selllni? by Patten. by Swift and by the Cudaby Packing- Company. The crowd thought •—-.- was the best buyer. The feeling Just now is a rather timid one, thp ad- vance having been extraordinary, but the cash de- mr.n'l kefirs: pood and product \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0;". under the hop. The tV*-:.. which starts to-nisrht, carries S.lTO.ft"*) bu&h«4e nf corn, K.orio bushels of wheat and 549 bushels r,f oats. THE TRADE IX CHICAGO. Chicago. April16 (Special). Wheat prices a little toettt-r than heM their own. to-night's close being j. c t0 .^c ovor Saturday. May sold at «s«4fi«6V'. a^d :i: i^^i^vc and closed at M%e; July riosi»«', a , ggijj^. The early d!;> in prices \u25a0 is because the %r<-"'.t^ ! " ro :i P showed heavy rains West and Bouth- west, a very favorable condition at thla time The final rally was mi'hily on Russian crop damaK'- E p W! ; Cables declared that from Kief. Southwestern RuF^i*. came Hie claim Uiat half the wheat crop there had been lose The crowd wa« affected, too. by cold weather in the extreme Xorth and the prOFpec' of colder to-morrow. It snui a stand- off po t.'.r as the statistic-* were concerned. The yjsfble -supply decreased 139.i V*> bushels; there was a aermi;-''- on passaiW! of •_\u25a0 \u25a0•• bushel?. Worlds efefinnenta w^re 6.384,000 bushels. Western ami 2JOTth*jrfst«*rn receipts w*re larger than last year's; <9t car." :n Minneapolis and Ouluth, apalnst 360, aail SSS.WO bushels at primary points, ng-ainst 356.000 bnshels. Clearances w.-re 219.<Kw bushels. Shipping sales here were al>out 150.000 bushels. There were B0 for> i:r:i quotations, and both the speculative jad cn?h markets were rowed by the foreign jj O lj,]3v. There was some rather important com- j-j??ior. lious.- sellin-r, led by Raymond-Pynehon tad Bartlett-Frazler. The buying was scattered. •The mood here is bullish, with the inclination to aavame prices on any excuse. financial Xlleriings. vfrnst (Companies I <ilunihus A- Hufklng Coal <& Iron Co. New York, April 7. 1900. >OTICE. •pHE vWTAI. ICEETING of the stockhold- ers of the Columbus & nocking Coal & Iror, Cotn- pa*:v fur the election of dlj^crors and for such other busi- B>fs if may come before the meeting, will r* heM In the <"::•- .• Columbus. Ohio, on "Ve<!:iesday May 10 1900, at 1 P. M. Transfer books willbe closed on April 18 and reopens i il<iy 17 JOHN C. KNAPP. Secretary m'PREME COURT. COUNTY OF NEW h YORK.— JOSEPH B. HOTT. plaintiff, against WILI*- IAMa. MASH A RENE and others, def-ndants. In pursuance nf a Judgment of for»c!oi"ire and sa!e ma>te and entered in th» abovo entitled action, beartnsr date the nineteenth Jay of March, one thousand nine hundred I. the 'inder«l«rr.e,l. the Referee appotnieti there- in, wi''. seTl at Pnbllc auction on Wednesday, th* eigh- teenth rhiy of April. 19«iO. at twelve o'clock noon, at the laVaj York Real Estate nWaaroflsn, Number 111 Broad- way, in the Borough of Manhattan of, the City of New York, by P»ter F. Meyer, auctioneer, the pr^misea de- scribed In said Judgment as follows: ALL that plot of laml in the city and county if New York, with the bullil- ings thaiaoß. boas] and lawrfbed as follows: BE- GINNING at a point in the southerly side of One hun- dred and fi:ir--. street, distant four h-m'lr»d and atxty feet and one-half of an Inch westerly from th» Intersection of the southerly side of One hundred and fourth street and the westerly side of Columbus avenue: running thenc* southerly parallel with Columbus avenue one huuJtad fc-et eleven inches; thence westerly parallel with One hundred and fourrh street thirty-four feet six inches- thence northerly again parallel with Columbus av»nue and part cf the wnv through a party wall, one hundred feet eleven Inches to the southerly side of One hundred and fourth street; and thence easterly along the southerly side of One hundred an.l fourth street thirty-four f*et six Inches to the point of begirmln*. Dated New York. March »th. 1300. THOMAS F. DONNELLY. re Ornr» A Riirer Maaffwaw* fr»r Plaint!!?. No. 145 Nassau Srr»et. New York City The following is a HISIIBI of the premise* referred to tn the foregoing notice of «a!e- 104th s=?r~>t, Street number 144. The approximate amount of -he Ren jr charge to satisfy which the above described prr»r- la to ha sold is Ftfty- twa thousand fry- hundred and firty eight aas] BS-100 ioiiars. with Intelsat thereon '.- the tw/atfUi lay of March. 1900. together with -.ha costs irfi allowances amounting to the sum of Three hundred and forty—a!x anil fls-l(>0 dollars, with Interest from th# nineteenth etar of March. 1900. and the expenses of this sale, and tha approximate amount of the charges cr Basal for taxes, assessments a.rvi water rates upon the sail property la One thousan' . five hundred and fcrty-se-»en 92-100 dollars, withInterest thereon to be Med. THOMA3 F. DONNELLY. BaaajHaa TJXITED STATES OF AMERICA. Southern ' District of New York. m: WHEREAS, a libel %nd petition wi- tt'eU tn the District Court of the United Stai*. for the Souther* District of N".->w York on the 20th day of Jantiary. IW*>. by th» Ocean Steamahip mpany of Savannah, owner of the steamship '"it-.- of Augusta.'" ier engines, boiler*, apparel, tackle, rurntrare, A^.. for a limitation of its liabilityupon all loss, destruction, iamage and Injury caused by a collision between said vessel and the steam ferryboat "Chicago" in the North or llndson River. New York, on Cetober 31st, 1SO»; and WUEREAS. said Petitioner and Übellant has given a stipulation to abitjx by and pay the moneys awarded by the flnal decr-?e rendered by the District Court, or by the Appellate Court, if any appeal Intervene, to th» amount of $210,225.33 and interefti. the appraised value uf said ferry- boat and her pemltnjf "relght: >'O\V. THEREFORE. 1n pursuance of the monition 1»- \u25a0ue.i by the Baiu Crurt to me directed and delivered. r 1o hereby cite al. per*>na claiming damages for loaa. de- struction, damage cr Injury occasioned by the said col- lision, *<> file and mak' due proof of their respective claims before Thomas Alegskndac. Fsq.. T'nlted states Comtnl*- -Icner. at his office In the Post OfHce Building In the City of New Tork on or before the Ist day of May. 1900. al 11 A. M.. and also to appear before said Court m said build- ing on the Ist lay of May. 1900. at 11 A. M , and answer said petition and llb«-i otherwise, they will be defaulted ar...! barred fru:i. partlcipatkn in this auit. Dated New York. January 30. 19<10. WILLIAM HEXKEL, United States Marshal for the Southern District of V-w York. MESSRS. DA VIES. STONE * AUERBACH. Froct.irs for Petltli n«r and Llhellant. No. 32 Vaaaan Street. % Borough of Manhattan. I tv of New York. sarrogatc'6 Notices To the \u25a0>t(M l kholdeni of THE THIRD AVEXIE RAILROAD CO. Static! L= hereby given that a epeclal meeting of the t:.. k::< i >rs of Tlie Third Avenue Railroad Company will be b«-!d a; the office if the Coenpailjr, at Third Avenue and Street, in the city of New York, on Friday. tne 11th <!ay of May. 1300. at 3 o'clock P. iL, for the r^-^ t^r -i securing the consent of stockholders owning at Ip^>-: two-thirds of the stock of the Corporation to the lefje cf a mcrrsraee upon \u25a0 ne property and franchises of the *cud The Third Avenue Railroad Company, la th« Morton Trust Company, as Trustee, to secure an lpsue of bonds to the amrunt of F?f"y Million Dollars, of tha face-veUve cf One Thousand Dollars each, to become due in the ynur 2CMI, and to r*ar tereM at *'-' rate of four per cent, per •nnuai f.-ora May first. IWjo. Refcpectf-llly voure, W. N. AMORY. Secretary. New York. April 16, ISOO. To the Holders of Voting Trust Certifi- cates for Common Stock of THE BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAIL- ROAD COMPANY: Referring to the foregoing notice of The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, the undersigned Trustees under the Voting Trust Agreement of June 22. IS9B, hereby give notice to holders of the Voting Trust certlflcate« Issued thereunder for common stock of The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company that the transfer books of the Voting Trustees willbe closed at three o'clock P. M. on the 21st day of April, 1900. and will remain closed until ten o'clock A. M.. on the Bth day of May, 1000. WILLIAM SALOMOX, ABRAHAM WOLFF, J. KES'XEDT TOD. LOt'IS FITZGEHALD, CHAHLES STEELE, VntlnK Trnnteei. Dated New Tork. April 11, 1900. I!*V>; and no aubscrlptkjn for a fraction of a share can be received. The purchase price willbe payable $10. upon the making of a subscription and the balance of $70 on October 1, 1900. All cash paj-ments accompanvlTig sub- scriptions will be forfeited If the balance of the pur- chase price is not paid on or before October 1. 11KK); but such forfeiture will not, at the option of the Company, release subscribers from liability for the balance of the purchase price. The Voting Trust certificates for com- mon stock bo tc, be sold are not tc be entitled to divi- dends. If any. declared upon the common stock for the fiscal year ending June 30, 190*1. Interim receipts will be delivered upon receipt and acceptance of subscriptions. Dated, April 11, 1000. THE BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD CO. By .1. V. MfNEAL.. Treasnrer. To Holders of Voting; Trust Certificates for the Common Stock of THE BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAIL- ROAD COMPANY: Notice la hereby -riven that the holders of the outstand- ing Voting Trust Certificates for common stock of The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, registered as such on the bouks of the Voting Trustees at the closing thereof on April 21. 1000, may purchase at the price of $HO. per share New Voting Trust certificates for common stock to the par amount of $6,39Vi,1t00, In proportion to their pr»«ent holdings of such outstanding Voting Trust certifi- cates for common stock, that Is to say: at the rate of one chare of new Voting Trust certificates for common stock for every six chares of outstanding Voting Trust certificates for common stock. Subscriptions miißt be made at the office of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Com- pany In the aty of New Tork ON OR BEFORE MAY 7. RONALD K. BROWN. Plaintiffs Attorney. Office Address and Post See Ad- dress. XuraluT .'i2(> Broadway, New V.irk City. The ob.frrt ot this action Is to make partition according to the rights of the respective parties, and If it aP'xsur t'iu.l. partition cannot be made without great prejudice tj the owners, then for a sal..-, of the following described premises: A lot of land on tiie northerly slii.-of One hun- dred and fifteenth Street, In the County of Stew Y-'rk, c»mmen ."ii'i feet westerly ....... cor- ner of rtdid Street and Lenox Avenue, rind lining -" feet In width front and rear, and half the block in depth t:i each RONALD K. BROWN. Pl;-lnt!ft"3 Attorney, Office Address and I'oet Office Ad- dress. Numb-r 3211 Broadway. \--w York City. gUPREME iurm, COUNT! OF M:\V- I^i^° R^^ T 'li m W "" <1 - PUlntUf, against M. Lockw.HHl. Ron-,rt Broad. John L. Lockwood ant] Mary lam h v 'i'*^ his wif " : B ««lamla F. Lockwood, Wiii- m2th« -T" ''\u25a0 kw " tMl - '-''"••> Ann Martin and John J \l;.r- •:...... huaband; Jamea M. Lockwood .nephew of J^TTieK M Lw-kwood tirst above mentioned). Loulsluna VTI *l^? n ;v / - ail ''° E - Baiter, her hmiband; Joseph K. Mai- If. L Mfi T H. Mam hi" wife; Marj- U Botmai and -U»,:n.t Rounds, her husband; Martha U H.unds. Anna K. Simple Inn and William D. stmpKln- h< hus- oona; Augusta G Martin GMorf* W, Martin. John A. Mar- ti... ••\u25a0'"i P. Martin. Mar] L, Martin. Ada M. Blmpklna. *car M. Blmpklna, PJorenoa K. Mmpklns. M»r-. K. Seel •nd Marion. W. Neel, her hoaband Marion K. Sml tJarah a. sou and riaye E. St>lr v her htMband; IJiura 1.. [•:. (or Laura M . \\ m.ley and H-nrv O. \v.,o| her husband: Mat.lda Isabella Wooley (formerly known ,- r.^lle Salter) and Au-rtutus N Wo,,ley. her; Uarrla Man-fel- Daum an.l Ma it .Mendelbauin. his wifi-; Fisher Lswlne un.i Annie Lewlne, aIS wtf« rthe wild Mary und Annie rw-inir sued by thos« iMmea, their tmp rtam.-s belnc un- known to the iwJnttfl Mar] J. Vandoren, Peter H. 1/vk- wood iind rfusan Lockwood, his Wife) William W. U>ck- wood •id nartaaa, his wife; Nathaniel Lockwood knd Ellen Lockwood, l.l« wife: Lulu Lafferty, John ''\u0084>uld Jumes A. "wood and Arloa. his wife; Frances Mann; th« unknown persons .othei than tba defendants herein) who are or may be the .levlHee*. iifir=! desoondanta admlntetrators, husliandn or wtvtea of James M LockwoooV •'""", L. l.ich»w,f. Henjamln F. LockwootL \\ B. I! Lockwood, Laors Ann Martin. J-imes M LockwrM>d (nephew rtf fames M. Lockwood tirs-t above mentioned), l*,ulslarm Salter, loaeph K. M.-irtin. Mary L. 1V.un.1.1. Martha U LSoumis. Anna K. Sln.i4iln9. AB u-mf-Ji'V M Un \ °';i; i : r ' ?e Wl «"«'\u25a0•• John •*\u25a0 M«'tin. Uillmm h Martin. Mary L. Martin. Ada M. Simpklna. Omar M S.mpkins. BTorene* E. Slmpktos, Mary E. Seel Marlon E. N«-J . - 'rah A. S»elf, Laura U E.Hor Uiur k M. Wooley, Matilda Isabella \v,, f ,1.-y Cformerly known a.s Belle Saltert, Peter K. Lockwood. William W. Lockwood. Nathaniel Lpckwood. Lulu U.tT-rtv. rohn rjould James A. Lockwood, Pran \u25a0 i Mann. Nancy G. P.ussing <-ift.-!- w:ir.i Um.wn iis Nancy Bron.T>; and the unknown i,,-r- B"iis mther tlian the rJefendt* g named h«n h who are or may be the devisees, h.--lrs, d«soHndanti«. executors, administrators, husbanJa or wives of any of the .lecpase.l heirs nr descendants of thu said James •\u25a0 Lockwood, •'•' L. Lockwood, Henjamln F. Lockwood. William H H. Lockwood, r^iiura Ann Martin, .Tam.-s M. Lockwood '"'•l'll'---- of Jamea M. Lockv first above mentioned., i*iuislana Salter. Joseph K. Martin. Mary L. Bounds Martha L. Bonn - Anna K. EMmpfctna, Augusta •; Mir- tin. O-orCT \V. Martin, i hn A. Martin, William F Mur tin. Mary L. Martin. Ada M. Slmpklns Oscar M .«itnii- kins. Florence E Slmpkins, Mary K. Xe»-i. Marion E >enl, Sarah A. Self. La ira U K. (or Laura M.) Wooley Matilda Isabella Wooley (formerly known at Belle Sattcr) Peter U. Lockwoo,l, Willium \V. Lnckw..»l. Nathaniel Lockw 1. Lulu I^fferty. John Qould. jHm^s A. I»>ck- Wfiod. Francs Mann, Nancy \u25a0;. Bussing lafterwnid known as Nancy Hroad). Ijefendants, 3ummona. T.. the nlxv.-r. named defeudanta: YOU AHR HEREBY SI lIMONBD tn answer th complaint in this nrtion and tj serve a copy of your inawor on the plaintiffs atT-..mev within twenty duys aft.-r the service, o? 'ins summon* exclusive of the day of service, and In ea»e .->f your fall 'ire to appear, or iwer Judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief \u25a0•\u25a0!tmn.i.'l In th« comi.laint. Liated Xew York. July l.Vh. lsult. RONALD K. BROWN. PlalntlfTs Attorney, Office a.Tdr<?ss and Post-cffli*- tress Number \u25a0-\u25a0 Broad - way. v...v York City. To the above, named .i^f^nriants: James M. L.ickwo«d. Robert fohn L. Lockwood and Mary A. N Lock- wood, hi« wife; lienjamln F. Lookwood, William H H. Lockwood, Ifeura Ann Martin and John .1 M:irtin. li»-r husband: James M. Lockwood ephew of J imes M. U>ck- wood tirst nl«n-e mentioned). Lotitamna Walter and Zadoc E. ,S<Ut..r, h*-r husband ; Joseph K. Mir'ir, and Mary B, Martin, his wife; Mary U Hounds and Alexandria Hounds, ht-r husband; Martha L. Bounds, Anna K. Slmpklns und William D. Slmpkins, her husband: Augusta G. Martin, George W. Martin.- J.ihn A. Martin. William 1-" Mirtl Mary I«. Martin. ... M. Sirni!k:!is Oscar M. Slmpkins. Florence E. Stmpkin-«, Mary K. X-el and Marion W. Neel, lier husband; Marion E. Neel. Sarah A. Si-if and Clave E Self, her husband; Laura L. K. (or I^ura M.) Wooley and Henry G, Wooley, hei hushnnd; Matilda rsobella Wooley (formerly known as Bvlle Baltei and Augustus N. Wooley, h.-r husband; Peter n. L.><-kwoo<] and Susan Lorkw.od. his wife: Wllllnm W. Lockwood and Clarissa, his wife; Nathaniel Lockwood and Ellen I^ekwooU. his Wife; Lulu LiUYerty. John Gould, James A. Lockwood and ArU a. hla wife. Prances Mann; thi unknown persons (other than the defendants hert-ln) rho are or may be the devisees, holrs. descendants*, executors, administrators. husbands or wives of James M. I.»>ckwood, John L. Lock- wood. Benjamin F. Lockwood, William H. H. Lockwood.' I^iurj. Ann Mirtin. James M. ckwond (nephew of Jatn«!< M. Lockwood fir«t above mentioned) Louisiana Salter, Joseph K. Martin. otary L. Bounds. Martha L. Bounds. Anna^S. Blmpkins, Augusta \u25a0',!.-\u25a0 '}*-or?e w. Martin John A. Martin. William F Martin. Mary 1.. Martin. Ada M. Slmpkins, Oscar M. Btmpkina, Florence E. Slmpktns. Mary K. N-nl. Marlon E. NY.-l. Sarah A. Self. Laun L. E. (or Laura M.. Wooley, Matilda IsaU-lla Wooley (former \ known as Delle Salter). I'ett-r U. rkwood, William W. Lockwood. Nathaniel Lockwood, ilu Laf ferty. Fohn Gould, James A. Lockwood, Prances Mann Nancy ti. H'i«-ins; (afterward known as \u25a0\u25a0 Broad); and the unknown persons (other than the defendants named herein), who are or may be the devisees, heirs. des<-end- ants, executors, admlniatratora, husbands or wives of any of the deceased hWrs or escendanti of the said James M. Lookwood John 1.. Lockwood, H>'nmmin F. L>rkwood. William H. H. Lockwood, Li\ura Ann Martin. J unaa M. Lockwood (nephew of Jnmes M. Lockw od first above mt-n tlonedi. Ijnuislana Salter. Joseph K. Martin, \i .\u25a0• L. Hmindi- Martini L. Bound*, Anna K. Simpkins, Augusta G. Martin, George W. Martin. John A. Martin William F. Man ... Mary L Martin. Ada M. Slmpklns. Oncar M Simpkins. Florence Fl Slmpkins, Mary E. Neid. Marion E Neel, Parah A. S«-lf. Laura L. E. >><r Liturn. M.) W •\u25a0! ey Matilda IsaL»-lla Wool< (formerly known as Belle Salter eter B. Loekwood, William W. Lockwood, Nathaniel Lockwoo-1, l.ul\i l^affertv. John Uould, James A. Lockwood, Frances Mann. Haacy G-. Buaving (after- ward known as Nancy, Br»jad«. Tho fi.regolns lutnmoßi is served ipon you by publica- tion, jiun-uunt to an order of Hon. James Fitzgerald, * Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of New York. da!*-d the sixth .Jay of April. 19<>(>. and tiled with the coin- plaint in tlie office of th'; erk of the County of New- York, at the County l.Vurt House, in the BorouKti of Man- hattan. New York. Dated New York. Auril 9th. li*"). Proposals. pOVERNOR'S ISLAND, N. Y. EC., March 20, 1000. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, for furnishing Fuel required In Dept. of the East, during OacaJ year end- ing June 30, 11*01, willbe received here and at poata and stations indicated n Instructions Issued h»reumier, until 12 M.. April 19. 11XK). U. B, reserves right to reject or accept any or all propoaal* or any part thereof. Informa- tion furnished on application. Envelopes containing pro- posals will be endorsed "Proposals for Fuel at ." JAS M. MOORE. A Q. \u25a0 G. BRANCHES: LONDON, SANTIAGO DE CUBA, HAVANA, CIENFLEGOS, MATANZAS. JlariJfAmniraff (&vusi(£mnpanv 100 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Capital & Surplus. $3,000,000. Fiscal Agent of the United States for Cuba. INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. DIRECTORS: Charitor. T. Lewis, Henry F. Shoemaker, John G. Carlisle, Roland R. Conklin, Hugh Kelly, Wager Swayne, Samuel M. Jarvts, James S. Knhn, James B. Dill, Stanley L. Conklin, Alvah Trowbridge, Heman Dowd. Luis Suarez Galban. Archer Brawn, Fletcher S. Heath, John C. Tomlinson,, William H. Taylor, Johne Hone, Frank H. Ray, Benjamin F. Tracy, Oakieigh Thome, E. W. Scott, H. B. Hollins, Leopoldo Carbajal. yiarqui* it Pinar 1-1 Rio, Public Xoticfs. CITY TRUST CO rpilE PEOPLE OF THE BTATE OP NEW York, by the «irac> of G>>d Fr»» «r..i Independent, To .Torrra L-iurie Ciimraimt. 3 Bays Hill Term'-. Chelten- hum. England, the widow of R'ber- L "limming. de- ceased. sio.Nl> GREETING: WTIEREAS. Allan P Oummtng. of The City of New York, has lately illad to tile Surrogate's Court of our County of New York, to bare a certain Instrument in wri'lng. bearing ijate the 22ni day of September, 1868, re- lattnaj to frith real and personal propWrty. duly proved as the last Will and Testament •>( Robert I. ("nmtning. late of the County of Xew York, deceased. THEREFORE, you and each of you ir» i-..' to appear he-fun- the siirrogHte of -i- fvmnty of New York, at his office tn the County af New York, on the £2d day ot May. one thousand nine hundred, at half-past ten o'clock tn the forenoon of that day then ami there •\u25a0 attend the probate the said last Will and Testament. And surh of you aa are aassjl cite*!, as are under the age of twenty-one yeara, are r^uired to appear by your guardian, If you have one. or if you have none-, to appear and apply fT one to be appointed, rr in the event of your neglect or failure to ilo so. a guardian will be appointed by the Surrogate to represent and act for you in the pr .- ceeding. In Testimony Wh«reof, We have caused the Seal of the Surrogate's Court of the said Ctranty of Xew York to hereunto afflxe-i. Witness. Hon. AhtifT C. Thorna*-. a Purrn- : Surrogate's : gate of our «al«l County of New York, at : Seal. : said County, the 27th day of Marrh. in : : the year uf our Lord one thousand nine hundred. J. FAIRFAX McLAI'GHLIN. Clerk of the Surrogate's Court. $400,000 OF THESE BONDS AT PAR AND ACCRUED INTEREST. Descriftivt circular and opy ofmortgmge on application. PEMBERTON & McADOO, 15 artil. BTRIEBT, N"EW TOBK 'ITT This Company owtih and operates, under a Special Act of the Virginia Legislature, the Street Railway. Eleetrlo Light and Power Plants In the C.ty of Norfolk, Virginia, and suburbs population. IOO.OOiV The earnings of the Cnmt*r.y for the laat 6 months prior to consolidation «how a nurplun of ,Vl per cent, ovtr and" above all flsed charges. We offer: The Norfolk Railway & Light Company OP NORFOLK. A-IRGIHIIA. First Consolidated mortgage Fifty Year Five Per Cent. Sinking Fund Gold Bonds. Interest May Ist and Novem- ber Ist. PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN BUPFLJEB.— Department of tha Interior. Office of Indian Affairs. Washington, D. C, March -«' l»"o. «*aled proposals, in- d'»n>ed "Proposal!* for blankets, woolen an«l cotton goo<ls. ciothlm?, etc.." as the case may be. and directed to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. Noa, 77 and 71) ->*tf.- street Xew V i-k City, will be raeatrad until 1o'clock p. in., of Tuesday. May 15, lfiOOd for furnishing the Indian Sen-ice, blankets, woolen and cotton goods, clothing, notions, hats and caps. Btda must ba maile out on Givern- ment blanks. Schedules -:nit all f naaaiy information for bidders willbe furnlsh«fl on application to the In.llan tifßce. Washington. L>. C. ; Xo*. 77 and 79 Wooster stTaat, Xew York City; or 2.i"i lohnaea straat, Chicago. 111.; the (Ymiml«Kar!es of Bubsintence. V, S. A., st Cheyenne. Leav- enworth. Omaha. St. Louis, St. Paul, and San Francisco; the postmasters at Sioux City. Y&nlcton, Arkansas City, Caldwell, Topeka. Wichita, »nd . aon. Bids will be opened at the hour ami days above, stated, and bidders are invited to be rresent at tlie opening. Th»- Department re- serves the _..: to determine the point of delivery and to reject any and all btda, or any part of any W. A. Ji >XES. '\u25a0"ommlsßti T EBERMUTH, ABRAHAM.— In pursnance of an order of Hon. Abner C Thomas, a Surrogate of the County of New Trek. Notice is hereby given to ail persons having claims against Abraham Lebermmh, late of the County of Xew y ,rk deceased, to present the same with vouchers thereof to the subscriber, at his place of transacting buslneM. at the offlee of rtlaeai BtKfM, No. 10 Wall St., la the Borough of Manhattan, in tba City of N.'.v York, on or berore the - day of Auarvst next. Dated New Y(jck. the sth day of February. .\u25a0«"> DAVID I£BEBML"TH, MORTTMEH STIEFEL. Administrator. Attorney for Administrator, 10 Wall »t.. Borough of Man- hattan, Ne.v York City. Bankers anO Srokirs. To the kholdrr* of 11,1. IHIHi> AVE\CE RAILROAD CO. Katioe hereby ylven that a sr*cla. meeung >t the BTTkhclJers of The Third Avenue Railroad Company will t* heM at the office of tba Company, at Thira Avenue •ad r .Vh Street. In the city of New Tork. on Thursday, th*'.T;h day of May. 19<"«». at 3 o'clock In tha afternoon. for ttaa porpoee of appi»>vlnir and authorlElnK the leae« of the Ftr^'-surface railroads of The Third Avenue Ral!- nci Company and the appurtpranees connected therewith, to the Metrooolltma Street Railway '>mpany, and the con- tract «-mfv>dylni? such lease and providltif f'-r the iruarar': <>f r»!raln bfinfis of this i.'cmpany by said Metropolitan etr»« Railway Company. By order of' the Board cf Directors. W. N AMORT, Secretary. Xew York. April 36. 1900. To ill.- «iiM'kh>ililfrk«f *'••* ' Itot'oi.l'l %> -TRKKT R'"W".4.Y CO. N>t:-.c la hereby Riven that a special me' of th« atockholJ^rs ol the Metropolitan Street Railway Company *1U be htid at the oSce of the Company, in the Cable BuMing No. tCI Broadway. New York City, on Thurs- oay, the wvent«-ntn iiav of May. If*) l *, .11 o'clock In tie forenoon, for *ne purp-u»e of approving- and authorizing I lease of The street surface railroads of The Third Avenue Kaiiroad Company, and the trtenaccea connected ncre ~ \u25a0tth. to Th« 51e:r»polltan Street Railway Company, and tie contract emi«niying such leas*- and the gnaranty by trit i;- irpany of certain bonds of The Third Av«-nu« Rall- »ad company. By t»der of the Board of Directors. CHARLES B. WARREN Secretarj-. Daf^i New York. AprilIfllh. 1»H»>. To the <i|«rkh<ildcrii uf the METKOI'OLITAX ITEKET IVWAY CO. A .-ciai rr.»-»'.'r.g of the gt-xkholders of the ltetr'>- politan Street Railway Company hereby called and will b* h«-id at i-.s office. No. *iUI Broadway, in the City of N«« Tort, en the IT'h day cf May, iuoi». at half-pa« eleven e'etock in the Cortooon. for the purpose of voting on the proposition totßcivaae the capital sto<-k Ot the mpanv ty the amount of, that Is ro say, tr-.m *4f.,»««i m. divided ir.t> *M.*)>*>bhare* of thi par value of *I<H) •ten. to $i2.<W».«»IU, divided into .-. 2'< .•«•> shares of the par value of *K»» each. THOMAS F. f{\ *N. I H. A. H. \VIIJK\KK, \V. L. ELJUXS, | A majority H. E. VRKI;LA.\B. - Of the II EMI V v. ltOni.\*O.\. Directors. U 11. liA*DltOt < Iv. ti\HI.I,-K. VHHi:\. . _ N"w YorK. A^rtl 11th. iftQq. pibi.l' .\OTICE. STATE OF NEW YORK. BOARD OF RAILROAD COMMISSIONERS. Albany. April 3. 1300. APPLICATION bavin* be«a made to the * Board of Rnilr Commissioners of the Srate ->f New T 'rk by th« Fort Georae and Eleventh Avenue RatlroaJ Company, of New York City, under section lf»> of, t!i» Railroad Law. for aprroval of the use of an under jrronaA current of electricity In the rperatlon at Its -*:'.rna«i upva trie fcillii-vtnjf streets and avenues n Sew V rk -itv town: Commencing at the Intersection of One Hundred tai Thirtieth Prreet and the Boulevard, or Eleventh Arenue. now kaowTi is Broadway, rajßaaaaj thenca northerly alas^ said Booierard. or Eleventh Avenue, now known as Broadway, to the intersection cf One Hundred and Sev- enty-fifth Street and Eleventh Avenue, including that portion of the Boulevard, or Eleventh Avenue., now known, as Hmadway. wht-h is situated between One Hundrad and Flfty-arth ---• and --- Hundred and Flfty-seveatn Street, which waa also known «s the Boulevard Lafay- ett«. an.i also from the junction of -<aifl Boulevard, cr Eleventh Avenue, now known as Bmadwav. wtth On» Hundred and Forty-fifth 3uaai nannliisj thenc* aaatarty through, upon and along One Hundred and Forty-firtA Srr»e» to the Harlem River; all !n the Por->ua<j of Man- hattan. City of New ToTk, to«et!wT with the miiis—ij eonnaeti switches, nm, and turnouts required for the ao-ommoc.v and operation of said r%Uro*d. N'OTIiE is hereby v»n that a puru- hearing oa said application wil be held by said Bo«.rrl at Parlor D. R_ Firth Avenue Hotel. New V t* City, on Wedr.eaday. Anrti 18. 1600. at - o'clock P. 11. By the Board. JOHN a KENTOX. S-oretary. Dixribcnfc Xoiicrs, ?itn {jcttls. BOODY.McLELLAN&CO., BANKERS. No. 57 Broadway, New York City. MEMBERS KBW TORK STOCK EXCHANOB. STOCKS, BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. Orders Executed For Investment or on Margin. inlEiiffilAi ©lyJiilaiffifi eiIBjTEIL, OF NEW YORK. 36 WALLSTREET. CHPITHL $1,000,000 (Entirely Invested In City of New York Bonds.) SURPLUS $1,000,000 lJ»*iil({iiatKiL't-iM.sit.'ry for .Sta'.". CltJ and < ourt Km-.ils. and for Lawful iiane] H.-^. rm of tlie Uuuks of the Btate Acts sa Bxt*rator, Adminlstrntor. Guurdlun. Trus- tee, omittee, Receiver, Asslfnee, . tc Opens Accounts subject to <-h.--k parable at slgbt or thn uifh the New York Clwiririir House, ami al- lows Interest on imlr balances. Issue* Certltlcatea of Deposit, bearing Interest, payable \u25a0\u25a0:] iiemauu '>r at tixi^d dat"'e. Furnluhei* Letters of Credit and Drafts nn all parts of the wnrl.l. Acts as Klh. al and Transfer Agent, Registrar <>f Btncks and BoniU, and Trustee for Corporation Mortgage". Loans Money on Bond rod MorTjrnge. OFFICERS. Jns, Rom I nrran. Prrnlflvnt. John IJ. rlnimiiiH. V'lcf-I'renitlmt. (,mrß<' R. Sheldon. -<l Ylce-Prrnitlent. Arthnr Terry, Sfrrrt«r>. Walter W. Lee, Ikmmt '•ecretary. DIRECTORS. John D. Crlminlns. Cbnrl>'S W. Morse. Frank H. I'latt, Henry 0. Iluvemeyer, •»e«nre R. Sheldon, Hoemer B. Parsona, R>lward Erre. Albert G. Jennings, Peter I>«Hl(frr. .... 11. (Jelshenen. William Halls. Jr.. KtyrAj- Kelly, Jiimes D. Layng, Ktlwin WartU i.i. William U. Gra« ElTPrtnn B Chapman. JameH Roosevelt. Charles V. Forn«-s. E.iw»ir<i N. Gltihs. Fran* R. Lawrence, .In*. Rom Cnrran. BOULEVARD. COR. WEST 713T ST. AMERICAN PLAN. Stn. t!y family hotel: choice suites, f-.::r.;sh«d or OMjBBw nished, to r»nt by ih^> season or year. Cuisine aa<2 sernc* of the highest order. Rates rauonable. 'vocation aoa>- venient to all parts of the city WALTER LAWTIEXCS. T' S. CUSTOM HOUSE, Xew York, X. V., * Collector 1 !! Office. April Kith. IP<»>. Sealed proposals furnishing, in such quantities as may be desired, miscellaneous supplies for Ma of the Customs Service at this i»>rt during the Ba aj yaar ending June 30. 1901, the expense thereof payable from tha appropriation for "Col- lecting tne Revenue from Customs, IB01," Including gae, water, le», \u25a0-} and electric arrajßl for Illuminating pur- riost-a in rented premises, will be received at this ottlce until 2 o'clock P. at. Maj U. ItM .S#al-d proposals will also be reealved until the day an<l liour named for the performance of the <oliowli»l service* during the fiscal y»ar aforesaid: Laundering towels for rented premise*, repairing and maintaining fpaclaJ fire-alarm box at th« U. g Appraisers! Warehouse: maintaining wire an«l bat- tarlea for special fire-alarm b>>x connecting safe at th» L". S. Appraiser's Waiahouaa with Fifth Prfdnct Station; , ivldti coupe service for carrying mall >i^<w..^n t»« I.'. 8. Appraiser's Wareb mm Post Ofilca Building and Custom House Builulng. and for uce of the Collector, Surveyor, Appraiser and I'cymaater rtstttssj docks and different offlfrß where Cu.stoms offii-ers are statU.n^i In New York. Brook! ami Jersey City; for carting sugar bamples from waarraa. bondad warehouai and other places to the U. 5. Appraiser's War-houw;. Th«. power to ralaci any or all bids or parti of bids an.l to wru"» \u25a0:* fects Is reserved. A BChrtlule of tha artlOlaa anil service* retjuir. and other Information concerning th«* same can be had upon application to the < \u25a0..ll»<-toi \u25a0 Office. G. R. BIDWELL, Collector. TX PURSUAXCE of an order of Hon. Jamea M. Varnum, a SurroKMe of- the County of Sew Tork. NOTICE Is hereby given to all persona having claims against Hannah Duane. late of the County of New York, deceased, to present the ume with vouchers thereof to the subscriber, at his place of transacting; business at the fflce of W'tilUm P. Williams. No. 141 Broadway. Borough of Manhattan. City of New York, on or before the 10th day of me next. Dated New York. the 27t& day of November, 1S»». WILLIAM J. DUANE. Admin- 'strator. William P. Williams. A:torney for Adminlstra' tor. 141 Broadway. Manhattan. New York City. TN PURSUAXCE of an order of Hon. Abner C. Tkaaaaa a Surmicate of the Co-mty of New-Yort. notice la hereby a;tven to all p»r*'i>s hav.n* claims aKalnat Ann EX Lee. tati of the Bnty of New- York. iln-niknl. \u25a0\u25a0 pr»««"nt the nm« with vouchers thereof t.j the subscriber, at Its place of transacting aawsßa No 43 Wall Street, iVr'm«-h of Manhattan. In the City of New-York, on -r before th« eleventh iay of September next. Dated New-York, the 24th day of r»ai 111 f 19On. UNITED STATK< TRCBT COMPANY OF NEW-YORK. Administrator nlth nit? will annexed. EDWARD W. bHBUH Attorney for administrator, c. t. a.. 45 Wall Street. Manhattan. N»-w Y»rk. 4MI.RH «\\ll A I<M MJK\ CO. , *t. Lcuis. Mw.. April | 1901 I'fffrr-^l ( niiital >t.».k. Dhlitrnd Vo. 4. J^T A MEETING of the li.uird of Directors beM this ay ft wu resolved that a dividend of 1% PER CEJfX. an the prr-f<-rr»-<1 <-airttui str«-k of the cora- T*ny b»- detlar«-d and paid on Tuf»lay. May let, l»o<J. at tee cSct cf the Guaranty Trust Ccmpiiny of New York. jwt <i. Oater Btrert, New Yurk Oty, to stuckhoiders of Jeoort at the etoae of buslnrsti on April 10. JW««ii Trans- «t books will rlose Tuesday, April lit. U«Xj, and reopen Wednesdey, May 2, 1800. WILLIAMM.MILLAN. Treasurer. »I*»%M\ COXSOLinATED COAL AM> IliO.V < O*fl*.%M . _\u0084__ 27 William St . New York. April 12th. 1900. BOARD OF DIRECTORS have this day l ie'-!are4 a quarterly dividend Of One and thre«— juarera jj«-r ctrt. on '.he'l-Yeft-rred Stock of the Oomi>any of RHt-oro April 24ttj. II* ». payable May o'^!ifL traasfer t>lMik » wi: » rio**April 24th. ISOO, at three °c.ocfc P. M.. and »tH r-cpen Slay Ist. l!<o<>. JNO. E. -.. \u25a0 -. i.lCr, Treasurer. TyEST POIXT, N. V.. March 20, 11)00. Sealed propopitle In trtplleat*, wtll be recalTed h*r«> until 13 M.. Ayril 20. IJXXt, for surplylr«i? Fuel. Gas fonl. Char- [•,al ( ami Gas Oil. during fiscal ' lir -n-ilnir JTO« 9". 1901. y S. re«erve« rtsrht to teeapt or r»'--T any or all pro- or any bMrt thereof. Information furnished upon implication. Envelopes eontainlnif proposals should l><» mnrked I»ropoa«ta f r F>i-1. «r " addressed MAI.VERN- HILL BARJTOIt Q \u25a0 T ' .B. M A Brook! m. EB^iGSSDGDQcI OOOGDSIE- BROOKLYX HEIGHTS fSlrectly oppost:* Wall st.. New YjraJ- T»ll»« minutes from New York City Hall: select *xmi:/ transient hotel: larz*. light Rooms. stngla and «a \u25a0uttc. with piirmta bath; rvaa^nabl* rates. SO rocma; U- htxtrated booklet. Dooks and pnbhcaticna. TX PURSUANCE of an order of Hon. Abner C. Thomas, a Surrogate cf the County >f New Turk, Notice i* hereby given to all i>«n»ma hartng claims against Cornelius V. Stdell. late of the County of New V rk in—nil to present the same with vouchers thereof to 'h- subscriber, at her place of transacting business, at tlm otftcw of CtaaHaa D. Innersoll. No. 1T») Broadway. : oroucti of Manha:;itn, In the Cttjf of New York, on ur before the 26th day of \u25a0 r 'Bi^r next. . .. Dated New York, ttM 14th iay of March. 1000. PHEBE A. 9IDELL. Executrix. CHARLES D. INGERSOLU Attorney fbr Gxecutrts. 170 Uroadway. Boromrh >f Manhattan. New York City. Ccgal Notices HOVBSTAJKB mi\:n». COMI'AXV, UILLa IiU'ILDLVG 15 BROAD i-'ThKET NEW rORK, April l«. l«»0. T.,,. I»IVI1 1-iNI v, 287. . HI- regular mouthly divid^ud of TWEXTi- .._ mIVKm IVK (^> CENTS ' EH SHARE ha» b»>en d«clared *jt aiarr-h. p«yabl« U t»:e trunafvr atrency In \«w york S^.'lf 55" " J)!t A1 *iX.TRA DIVIDEND <N<>. aM) of ££er.t>_{jv«. «asj Ceota. paj-abU at tn« same time and Traaaff-r books cio»e on rhie m»t. LOCMBBE3IT & <Xj . Trannfer Agent*. DOUGLAS & JONES, Members New York Stock Exchange. ESTABLISHED 1886. 24 Broad St., New York City. STOCKS AN! BONDS HOI'GHT AND SOLD ON COM MISSION AT THE NE^V VOHK STOCK EUtCHANGiS AND CARRIED ON MARGIN. Daily Market Letter on Application. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. Frederic H. Hatch, .NO 3O BIIOAD STREET. DEALER XIST American Writing Paper Stock. American Book Co. stock, Cooke Locomotive and riachine Stock, Carpenter Steel Stock, National Wall Paper Stock, Rotary Ring Spinning Stock. IIE\nY MORCETTHAU, Prosl.lPnt. Illlill j. GRANT, T. "TALLKJIECHT, riMPin -'i Vlce-Prea. W. J. B. MILLS, EnXEST EHHMAIS, Treasorpr. •"•\u25a0T.irj. PIltK "T"ItS Fr<^i»rle P. Olrott Antmtnt D. Jntntard James Htlllman Hi-nry 0. Havemeyer Antbanv N. Brady William A Naah Alwyn Bail, Jr. Jmuet N. Jurvt* John D. Crtmmtiut Ju.ii.s 11. Pout IIich«!>l Colemaa lr.-Hpr!-k Hnuthark Era**t Eftraann HuKh J. Uraut lifUTf iiui-,'KUtb»u. Central Realty Bond and Trust Company, 5» TO «tS I.IDERTY ST. XKW 1 ORlv. Capital Hint Siirplux, »i..vio.noo. Allows Interest on deposits subject to check arid tra Tru*t Com- pany businesH. I, F. Mead & Co., BANKERS & BROKERS. 44 And 4.1 BROADWAY. A. Y. TWSNTT-KIVB HIM ÜBMBEmSHII* I\ >TB)W ' YORK «T.>-K EXtHAKUI. g tT - -- n.ijf Boads '-""|i" Mad *o>4 tw <m •» «a \u25a0*•*)*,, National salt comhaav, '\u25a0Hi Jlrumiway. Jlew V.jrk N. V mtjr- . ' April I**. W">- , Tlll^T 111^ BOAED OP DIRECTORS of National twiv *^ !t . <: " rn t Uir -y ha* this day declare! « rer-iUr <JU«"- "\u25a0'» diviaend of one and one-JuUf p*r «jt (IS P*r cenO. "? ' " e ruu I'rtdend of one-fcalf (*) P«r c^nt. to the Ba-ll °J •"' Common Stock of Record July 25th. »•«\u2666. H* A , u<ru« I". DM. Tran*fer Book* of the (Common "x* willrjow: at ;{; { M j u!y 2Sth, and reopen at a •• »•. AUBu«t i.,. JUivtdend check* willmailed. &v^- \u25a0\u25a0•-:\u25a0 \u25a0^.\u25a0\u25a0-"--\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0••^/.\u25a0•.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.'.\u25a0.\u25a0^\u25a0'\u25a0:"' -::\u25a0. ..\u25a0;••."•\u25a0 : v \u25a0.:\u25a0\u25a0' J7»OR SALT.. A fll^ of New-York I»ii;ly Trib- unn from Jul\. 1<>!». tt> 1*77. nearly complete. CEO. I > r*TERS< N «C3 Marltet at. Phtlattelphta. P*. illiscrllanrons. - VRE TOC I'SIMJ Violette Kxauisla r»rftuae*T TVs keep rheir unl>tu* p*rhim»» in Extract*, sinj'.* or d>'uhle; Toilet Water. Soaps. Haoriem, etc. Ca» ao otae-s. JAMMED. 4 W-«t 37th-M.. near sth Aye, QJTATB OP NEW YOHK, < >Tfu>- of th»» Seeiw- •"^ tary of Stat*. *s. THIS CKKTIFIi'ATE. Insued In dupltcato. hereby Mrtt- ft>» that ADAMS .v HOPKINS, a .l«irn«-»ii. »t<x:k cor- pnratli.n. luik Jllwl tn this nitiee on thiM twelfth i y of April \u25a0««i papers fir a vnluniarv illanolutlnn or such corporation under Section 57 of the rttock Corporation [Jtvr. and Ihnt it ..... therefrom ilmt auca cfirptirotlon haa compiled with sal«l uectten In hrder tr. be dtßMolvwt. WITNEBH my hand and the leul of o(!]i*« of the Rerr»- tan" of Htate at the City of Albany. [Sea! of Secretary Ihl^ * we lfth :iv of April, 'nt- thou- of Utate. I sand nine ininJmJ [loe Bevenua Stamp JOHN T M'DONOIOH. cancelled. J Secretary Ol State. oeu. <;AiuirNE)i rRT, COUNUCL. FOB DISBOI-VINO BTOCKIIOUDERB. v \u25a0 11- \u25a0 Miraat. N»w York C:u. VCTOCCn EM ENT.— Nursa mmm \u25a0• : ->>• physicians - V rec«lT»* ladle* to oiwint *n.« nurw. TII3L TTTT!K.\-T Naai lok*v<L, Jum.iiia, T. I— i T.iini ' * * QUKROGATE'S COURT. COU!fTI OF NEW V"XX the Matter of the ap»)llc-at!.>n for letter* of admtnUtratton un the gorxK -hatt-m ami •\u25a0r».«.its of Marxaretha .uli«i Known as Margaretta and Manrar«*t> Sehaefiler. cl»e«aM>d \V>i«T«t». tfca underatKnwl lntvmia t,» apply for letter* of aatnlntstratifla on th« snoda. chattels an.l cmllta of the above named deceased, and -mis t, jrtve h bond In the penalty not to exrceil double tht» amount of the clalma >l tha creditor** of said <l«cr«a«J crpnentnl to the Hurro*ote in pursuar. >f tiua notice; N.iw. therefor* n.-tl.e hereby «i»en '" all .•r"rtlt..r* of aaUt (MMMI H E>rr»«nt thrir .-lairns Co a Surrnaja.l* of Che County of N«-w 'rti ai the S»rr«tf« otflce In the Count) Court Hou»« In said County on or b«fora tha Brat day of May. li*». Crnct Companies. REALBDOUSrin NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. TUESDAY. APRIL 17. 1900 S Bankers aniJ Brokers. OF NEW YORK. NO. 30 NASSAU STREET. CAPITAL. SURPLUS AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS. $930,000. All^« SI ?\ ated LEGAL depository. \u25a0J",'" v " Intercut on deponita. APt« ua hxecntor, Trustee. KeclMrnr, Ac. f TT i-.™™ -\u0084 HENRY C. BWOKDS, President. 1-- H. Cammann. V.-Pres. H. W. Retghley. Sec. Summons QTAF.TERI.T STATEMENTS. Quarter «ndln* December 31—Yonkers: I«fl9. land. ..»*V7W $34,144 JPT. 11.740 £.434 B \u25a0 3 IT4 IUWJ E^irc? $37.. "WU *30<K« I o£n««* T'-".. 7.47S rcnrit \u25a0•--•• -.. i::.**> 2.110 •i.iuthfrr. Boulevard: *£» \u25a0 ««.»» «*«2 ?T;rr«i ila 8.M9 '_• •>•.< 1.533 T«Trt»»B. Whit* Plain* and Mamnront-ck: .. -.:::. . *^J &irZv. 2-SM «\u25a0<»•- •Pt-t'tjs. trvftot. O-j-.^weadlnir Msrrh 81—Ftaten Iriitnd Mi.Jiand: ' l'.XK* 1S«» •*--\u0084.\u25a0«» . $20,151 $I«.<BS fct ... MM 3.771 X.V »« ra a.™ V3T - rB « ... U.W Ni.OHU IIS •\u25a0<>«* Other Income 3 1»« «*l j B.KI 4-s Ohows City: Earr-in** W-jgJ *«.,lf,.T LMt 71,. Deficiency **• M 2.3.-8 g^^^fe^.f^-l $s".:tM |a*.7M . M.IM I] :«»i Incom* l.l» 7.454 122 -*• 7.4 M 44,IHKJ

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Page 1: JPT. STOCKS AND BONDS HW.Poor REALBDOUSrin · from July 1, lWtv. \ mortgage for Jl-t.730. wtth UlfaW at \u25a0•• per ee«t per ann

finrrogau's Notices.Q»URROGATEy COURT, NEW-YORK rorvk" TV. -In rh* Matt*r of th» applicatiOTj at HoKaaaaRosera. as administrator of the gocd*. -a-tels and eraaMaof Ijary D. ItOßerff. dfcnwwl, r«r leave to ***IIaw»aW»real property to pay her d»btst.


GIVKN that In pursuan-•

of ai onier of MSurrwcate*'Court of N»** Tort County, mai!' an>l --.t»red on th«2Sth day of February. V**\ th» process of sa:- of th«r"al "•:\u25a0. of Luvy !>, K<nrT». i!«-jHlat# of the Cityof New Tork. which «aie was lafly made pursuant to aaoniT of sal-1 aurr->iratea' '"nurt of the Oiunty of JCrwrT'>rk by John Vbjecßk, E»q.. rh» fr«*eSolder appointedtherein to sell th» same, willby .i'strtbuted by the •

i.:Surrogate at the Surr">«-at«*s- OJT.c* In <h# County CourtHoosa. in the Cc.rcuati cf Xlar.hattan. of ta« City ofNew Tork. on th-> day of April. 1300 iat 10:3*o'clock In th* fii»r.™n of that dar.

Dated. March 12. WCO.HOFFMAN ROGERS. AdmlnlstrstOr.

EDWARD W. PHEI.r>ON.Attorney fnr Adminintmtcr.

4.'."Eorouih of Manhattan.

\u25a0 \u25a0 v-

n.iT\ FT [;sr\\i1of an order of Hon. Frank

T. FltzK**raM. a ftiroirat* <>f tho Conrty Bf NewYork.

NnTI \n h#T»hr trlv»n to a".! per-mc* har*.t!*r <*l«lra»acriin«it Henry MaUlarfi. late, ".f the Crt-mrr of Newy rk. il^o'asoii. to pr»!»«»nt th*» >»»• wi*hv>och*r» rtipreoft.> rhe •u»>*»ori»>«>d. nr his plar* nt frnr.rv—'.nx on«!Tl*»».at

•'-• otTir- of Davis & Kmutuimim, S». *S*> Broa<t!ray.In Th« city of Now T^rk. on < r before the 23th (Jay ofOctober. V.'»- n*xt.

V*te<i Now V,rk. the l«th day of April. »•••>HENRY MAILL.ARD,Executor.

WTS * KAT-FMANN.r-:-v. f-->r KxtH-utor.

•J*> Broadway. R^r u*h of Manhattan.N«-w Ytrk '"ltv.

/orcctosnre salf9

HW.Poor Ba ersiffiiUU! and

&p DealersIraLf

18 Wall St, jInvestmentNew York. Securities.Members New York Stock Exchange.

—-^ _ , Transact a generalI|/>/| t-m-m r*.+*m 4 bankin-r bumness.l\ ni'Oflfl Receive depositsI\VUIIIUIIU| fubject to draft. Dlvl-*

dends and Interest col-¥/" c* sv lected and remitted.

IVPl*l*<V* Ira Act aB Fiscal Agentl\VlIV*. VUI for an<l negotiate and

Issue loans of rall-BA!VKKRS , roads, street railways,

tiWillkt v t 6ab companies. etc.•lwallhT.. >. Y. Securities bought and.

Members \ «\u25a0. Id on commission.N. T 6tock Exchange. DEAL IN

HiKh-'irs<l<> tnTeatnient Secnrttlea.Uitß of current offerings sent on application.


Kountze Brothers,bankers,

Broadway Jt Cedar St.. NEW YORK.ISSUE

LETTERS OF CREDITavailable in all parts of the world-

for use of Travelers, Tourists and thoseintending to visit the Paris Exposition.

Foreign Exchange. Cable Transfers.

Ana P. Potter. S. E. Klrkhnm.


Membern X. Y. Cook. Stoi'k Kxrhnnffp.


National City Bank,Trnst Co. of America,Morton Trust Co.,State Trust Co.



Seymour Johnson & Co,Jlember-s of '>; N. T. Stock Exchang*.

Members of the N. Y. Cotton Exchange.

Empire Building, N. Y.Weekly market .eiter on application.

Antrnntna 9. Gnrhnm. Trlrphnnr I-O Uroail.John 11. Van Beamiest. Cable Tarpulram.

VAN SCHAICK & CO.X. Y. Stock Rxchunsre.

SIB.UBERS OFFrmlui-r Kxchnnee, undChicatro Board of Trude.

35 BROAD STREET.Baltimore, Ut East Gerninn St.

DE HAVEN & TOWNSEND40 Wall Street 428 Chestnut Street,

NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA,Member** of the >en--York nntl IMiilutlelpliinBtook I^xcliaiii(c<>N. Oxir ofll«>»*« li«-iii« con-nected liyprivate telet-rrnpli, orilpm In«*lthermarket willbe promptly executed.

] Unction Saice— i'lnancial\ LOCII MK-IFR. Auctioneer.



v i:i)\K>n . «prii. INTII, l<MMi.M 12S o'clock, at the N. T. Real-Estate Salesroom.

No. 11l Brosdway.(By o^ier of .Tohn M. Bowers, Receiver nf the Mercantile>. A

_ Credit Quanntec Co. of N. T.)*10.(K»t Wheeling. Lake Erie & Pltti Coal Co. Ist ft p c.

Bdß.. lt>itt.$5,000 chic, Indapl'3 & Louisville R'way ob. Refunding« p. c. Bds., 1»47.2 shs. Chic. Indapls & laalallTill R'way Pfd.

; ''-'\u25a0'.' (Kor accoun* of whom it may concern.)8 Bhs. National i'ark Bank.

15 ahs. United Statea aUntaaa)sj & Trust Co.lo Bh*. Title Guarantee g Tnifrt Co.10 she. Natl. city Bank.»•»**> Chic., Indapro .v Louisville Rv Refunding 5 p c.

Bdc.\u25a0 she. German-American Bank.

133 eh». Chatham Natl. Bank.11 Bhs. 4th Natl. Dank.$I.oui New York City «T, Dock Bds.. Reg.. 100SJ-».u>K> Chicago & Northwest Skg. Fd. Regst. «s.

S»8 shß. Molilie Birmingham H way Pfd. GuarXi shs. Trust Co. of New Y.""k.j 23 Bhs. American Exch. Natl. Bank.

Vi hlik. Natl. city Bank..'• «hs. Western Natl. Bank.

I 4 shH. Gallatin Nntl. Hank| 0 Bha. Leather Manfrs Nnt!. Bank,ili«Ehs. Mechanics' Natl. Bank.! 25 Bhs. Natl. City Bank.• Jin <kh- gouthern R"y Con. 8 r c. Reg. Bds.. lfift*I $3,0«<0 chic. Mil. *Kt. Paul R. R. (Dub. Div Ist ap.

c. Bds., 1920.j $10,000 Carbon Iron Co. 2<l « p. c. Bdß., 1912.1 4(i slih Natl. Bank of Commerce., 21 Bhs. 4th National Hank.I I'"' aha. Natl. City Bank.

11 shs. Natl. Park Hank.'.' shs. Union Truet Co.'•<< aha Natl. City Bank.

j tC.WM Council Btafla Water Co. 6 p c. BdsII.'"«>.. Rhs Red River Valley 00. (Hypd ).I "fi sha Natl. city Bank.

\ l.«!2Ti ehs. Ensley Land Co.5 s)i!«. reflleraon Hotel and Land Co.. White Mtsj *::.(hhiOmaha Water Co. Con. 5 p. c. Bdß., IS4B

40 i"lia. -nmhti Water Co. lft Pfd.S3 shs. Omtiha Water Co. 2.i Pfd. .2Ti shs. Natl. City Hank.' 2"> sh*. Natl. City Hunk,

j i.Hn.iMN. N V.. l.Hck. * «T«at. R. R. Term. Impf 4e 102325 shs. OerrnHn Am. R. K. Title Ins. Co»• she. Nat;. City BanK.

i 5«l fha. City Trust Co.j IBha. 'entral Trust Co.; -.'• Pha. Morton Trust Co.i *.-><«i«i I.unß 1.-lan.l H. R. Cnllled 4p. c Bda! I"<> aha. John B Stetson Co. common.1 I<H) Shu. i^"ii^r;i;Liquid Air and R/friBerating Co.j

'"on- North American Trust io.

i ll>t ehs. Mahoning Coal R. R. Co. common."2 sh« sfahonlnK Coal R. R. Guar. Pfd.

I In shs. Natl. City Bank.\u25a0 l«t nlis.. North American Trupt Co.i 10 aha TniMCo. of America.; livt »hs. Havana Elec. R'way Co. Pf-1.j 201 shs. Atlantic Coast Elec." R. R. Co.

$7.(»K» Atlantk: Coast R. k. c,e n Mtge. 5 p. c. Bds..1840.

I IS Bhs. Reading Co. l«t PM.j «7 shs. R««ndln*r Co. 2d Pfd.I 2T> shs. Western Natl. Bnnk.| 80 ahs and .v Mtg. Guar. Co.



and WilliamPrag#r. plamtlff.«. aralnst Jacob Soirmur and others, 4»-fendanra

In rsuance <f a Ju<!sr*n»nt of forwlosure and sate, dulymade and entered In th* above eTittt!»rl action, the twenty sixth day of March. IW'O. I. tne -nideT-slgr.ed. the r»feree In said Judgment named, willsell atpublic auction, at the New York Real Estate Salesroom.No. 11l Hroadway. In the Borough «f Manhattan. City orNew York, on the 2,'th day of April. lUOO. at 12 o'clocknoon on that day. by William K»*nn«»ily. auctioneer. ti«»pr-mlse* dtrect^i by i*aW JtidgmeTit ••> b*> soid. and --•—•

-des<Ti!\e<l as follown:

All those two rert.iin lots of lar.d. wtth, the- ItMBBBa)therein, situate In 'he Nineteenth War!, m Ha B.'rottß* cfManhattan In th» iity o? New York, and In Block 1831.«e,ftf>n .">. on the Land Map Of the CTtj of New Yor*. andtoK»*her aaaaa

-and described as follows: -<"nn at a,

point In the east-rly lin"of Third avenue, distant seventy-six f««t \u25a0«\u25a0«! ;n<-*>es and one half of an inch rthertyfr»wn the point cf !n"erseo»lon rf the ensteriy line of Thirdav»-nt>e wtth the northerly line of Klwhtyfifth street: andr-innm« thente northerly, along the easterly line of ThlnJaveniM*. fifty-one feet one Inch; theti<-«» easterly, Mai Par-al!*-l with Klghty-rtfTh street and purtiy through » parrywall •"•arjdlng partly r>n the premis**s hereby ronv«ye«l ardpa»tlv on the pr-misef- adjoining on th<» north., one hun-dro,! f^^t: theme urmtherly. and para'lH wirri Thlrt ave-nue tifty-flne f-«»t one in«-h: and thence westerly, ardpar,l>: with Eighty-fifth str»*t. one- hundred f»«t to) Uj»easterly line of Third avenue at the oolnt or plaoa cf b<^-Kinnlnir. Sanl prenjfHM beine knr.w?i oy tn« -itr-?et Xa3»—bers 1.'.1T and tst9 Th:rd avert'i^.

l>are.l New York. Uarcb •- VM*>.rTM \u25a0\u25a0 V!"EI. BLrMBNSTTEL. Refeiaa.

EMANUEL ARNSTKIN.Attomev for Plaint 11T«.

No. .11 Nas«n". atraal JI, T.. Bommrh of Minhattaa.The following is .1diasntn of the property •o b*sold a»

desTtbert above, the street numbers being 1317 and 1315>Third \u25a0 -mie

The approximate amount of the lien or charge, to satisfywhich the above described property Is to be sold. Is *13,

-S3.V3S. wtth Interest thereon from the 13th aay of stiii19*"* together with costs and allowances amounting to<»r??>4 9)< T'». with interest 'r- m Mat- r. 29. lW»t>. togetherwith the expenses of the sale. T*--* aTJpmximate amonntof tax»s. assessments or other Mena whirti are to b« al—Tow»-1 to the purchaser oct of the purchase money, orpaid by the refer»«. Is. Croton water. J,-,.t an {nrer^t.

The Tremtse* will be pold In r.e parr-1 subject to thf»fWlowln* crio- mortgages and ineumb ranees: A morrjracsfor *24.f»n». with interest at fonr per cent. per annumfrom July 1, lWtv.\ mortgage for Jl-t.730. wtth UlfaW at \u25a0•• per ee«t

per ann<im from Novemi*r 25. laW.A morrjrage for J9.450, with *-r»9t at six per cent, per

annum from 3«prember 1. ssaaParty wallagreement dated Jnlv 'Sf, ISSS, made hetwaen

Eugene D. Ba*t»n and James ('an!*» »r'i r^ithertna h'swtfe, ntui In the otnee of tha Rear!<«ter of the Countyof New York in Liber l-<»i»i of iymveranrea, page 3T». andto a claim for $230 and interest for the use of said partyW!ill purs'iant to the terms of said party wall agreement,

Dated New York. March 30th. IS***.EMANUELBLUMENSTTEI*

Co tXJhom Jt illan Concern.rpHE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITEDA

STATES OF AMERICA. To the Marshal of the South-ern li'«trtct of New York. Grwtinir:

WHERBAB. a libel and petition has be*n ftted m theDeatrlot Ctmrtot the Inlt-d Stnr-« for -he Southern Dis-trict of New Tork on the 20th c!ay of March ISOO. byI^iCompairnie Generale Transatlantique. as i.«r>r of thY»MeamFhtp La &iura;r;s;n». praylne for a limitation of itsliability far the loss, damage or injury cau»«- by the col-llston between -he said st-amehlp La Bounc ifn«- arM th»British ship Cromartyshire, on the 4th day of July l«*l»>tfor the reasons and a'ltes tn »a!'l llb-1 »nd petltlo'n mi

-tioned, and praying- that a monition of the mul Court lathnt behalf may be Issued, and 'hat ail person* rlnln-.1.-udamages for any such Iisa, danmne or Injury may therebyb« cited to appear bafon the suM Court and m«ke ue

proof of their r**spec:l\-»- ... allproi-Hejin-rs beinghad, that if It snail appear that the said petitioner Is notliable for any such loaa, ilamaw or injury, tf may be sofinally decreed by the Coart; and

WHEREAS, the said petitioner has duly surrendered t»Interest In the said steamship La Boonrncna and her pend-Ing freight to a trustee duly appointed pursuant to th«order of the said <*ourt;

TOTJ ARE THEREFORE COMMANDED to cite all por-sens claimlnK damages for any such lot*, darcace .r tn-Jury saUinftl by said collision. t,> appear before saidCourt and n:.\k>- due proof nf their respective claims be-fore Thomas Alexander. Esq., a Commissioner of the saidUnited States Dltilcl Court, at his office in tha U SCourt House and P>*t Office Bulldlnic, In the Borough ofManhattan. City of New y.>rk. at or before the 17th dayof July. HtOO. at 11 o'clock in th- foren.«on. and you arealso commanded t-> ,-ife such claimants ta app«^ir andanswer th« alletfatton* of the llhel and petition beretn onor before the said last-named date, at -.vithin such furthertime as thf» C orl may grant, an.l t.j have and receivesuch re'.ief as may lie due.

And what yon have rione In the premises do you thenmake return ta hm Court, together with this writ.WITNESS, the Honorable Addlson Brown. Judt;e of tn*District Court of the I'nlted States for the Southern t>i»trict of New York, at the City of New York, this SMhday of March, in 'he year of ssar l»ra nineteen Iraadredand of the Independence uf the United States the one fcun-dretl and twenty-fourth.


Prod for Petitioner.No. 43 Cedar street. New Tork.

JAMES EDWARD HIOGINSotnerwtae GEORGE n\Kt:n'ITTHEREA'fI ptOtCMHssSi hay»» b»*en coninipnfftl

in the (Tiasjiaij Division of the Hi^h[STAMP 1031 Court of Justice .in Entt'andi in the Mat-ter of William Hisjclna, deceased < Young

v. Hiifs;lns. 1!»m>. H. No. 51>. tc. tetermlne whetherthe funds now representing the legacy of £B.«»xi be-queathed by the Testator, William Hlpcins. 'l-.e:i!i-ilate rjf Harcourt Terrace. Flsherton Anger, In the Countyof WIltH. gentleman fwhi dle.l on the iNfh August. lSsi'i',for the benefit cf James Edward Hlgg!n». his wife «n>lchildren, and the accumulations" arising therefrom, or anyanil what part thereof .ire now dlvt-'bte. or whetherthe income Of the said funds or any and what p.irt thereofshould continue to be nccumulatnt for any an>\ wha*period.

The said James Edwardl ßlncttt* was a nsptieii nf theSaiil T-fitator, and formerr) rest.-Jeii il FVet. Hampxhlre,Eni?!and. with hin wife. eorgil by whom It Ls statedlie hud six r-hlldren. On or about August. lfO.». th" *a!<i

im>-- Edward Hli;gi-is wenl to New York, America, wherehe ls said to have passed under the na* of GeorgeBaker. 11» Is stated to have gone to New Jero>»y, Amer

-lea. In 1-mi. and to have returned the same year to NewYork, from which last mentioned 'rv he wa.t last h^ardof In l"«.*4l.

The said James E twart Hicr»'n-s Georc=Baker) ir living, or. Ifdead, any person •\u25a0tatming throughhim to be Interested in the said funds, is. or nr». tn per-son or by their solicitor, on or l»-fcr« the -^nd <iay of May.tinHt. to entar his or their claim In a book k^rt for thatpurpose at the chambers of Mr. Jostle* Stirling, it th«-Royal Courts of Justice, Strand. Knir!irni. ard also tocome tn and prove his or their vlaim at the said -h(»rr>bera, or '.n il»-f:iult thereof he nr they willI* -• optortlyexcluded from the benefit of any order to be made In thesaid proceedings.

Thnrsd the 31st day of May. l!*M\ It!o'clock atnoon nt the said chambers, is appointed for hearing andaiHudicatine upon the claims.

Pnted this "J7th 3ay of Marrh. VK»\PAMTEL A. M. SATOW. Master.

JANSON rOBB PEARSON * CO.,\u25a0li Final Circus, London. England1. Plaintiffs Soßel



John Cdmimaoß late ol 2M Drmaasfli R'>a,lBELFAST COUNTY ANTRIM HL-VfKSMITH .•^-ea?'"!.

pURSUAXT t.) an .>n!.-r of the dunetrj of the High C.Hirt nf Inatli s InIrelnn.i made In

the matter <if the Estate of the sai<l John Eilm.nsmn an.lin a cause E*imun»rn v. Edmonson il***i»No. 31S> the per-sons clatm!n(? tn be next of kin accnnltnij to the statutefor the distribution of Intestates E?tares. of salil John E-

-mormon llvlnic at the time of his .ieath oa the «th day ofFebruary ls*is or to be the lepal personal representative ofsuch aext of kin as are now oVceaaed are by their So-Ucltirs on or hefcre the l.'.ih .lay of May lilOO to come tntnd prove theti claims at the <*hami>er>* of the Rl»h1 H-n

orable the vice Chancellor of Irejaad at the F->ur CourtsDuMln In Ir-iani!or In lefault -h.-r-r they will b«. per-emptorily excluded from the berietU of the said order.

Friday, the Ist day of June liXK> at Eleven loca Inthe boob at the said Chambers Is appointed for hearingand adjudlcatinaj up-'n the claims.

Dateti this .list day of March I{**>.H. A. COSGRAVB

WM. E. ARMSTRONG Chief Clerk.Solicitor for Plaint!;?

3 Palace StreetDublin.

Corn wiis tirrn wjihin «ie rang-e. finally closir.-r %to s!«e over Saturday. May soid at 3J«<,c and at*s>c, and cosed at SS-Stc: July closed at +->:l» to 40*£c.The rains West and Southwest, favorable to thegrowing wheat, were the bull factor in corn, asthey willdelay movement and \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0• There wasa large increase jn the visible. 1,770,Oftij bushels; sea-board clearances were 419.'*X) bushels. The locals*r»k. :_.^7?.*»V« bushels, showed an increase for theveeek of L2SJMO bushels. There was \u25a0 decrease onpassage of U8.009 bushels. The world's peaentawere ::.""•••'bushels. The local eetton was 4:2cur?, with •"^" for to-morrow. Direct export salestn the Ccntinf-nt were about iTo.nm* bushels. The*;•• ii:nv<- trude wa? Irregular, buying- by Cudahy,

<" mM \u25a0< k and others of the talent, with selling- byRol^on and others. I-ake navigation is practically,i \u25a0

\u25a0 . the first of the fl.-et (starting to-night, car-r--


\u0084-..- 5.009.000 bushels of corn.*•>»•? tv.r- weak, closing 3-kC .\u25a0\u25a0:•

-Saturday, the

Slay :"•\u25a0-•. J-ilv. 2Hc There was heavy llquidat-lne l.y longs, l«-<i !>y Nort.m-Switzer and by Bartlett-FraziW. The Inspection was 212 cars, with 2CO forTuesday] The visible increased S3.<«»» bushels. Thelo—-.' s;'»k. huslie!?. Temmt 64.'PT>) iab< la

Fiaxseed was weak, with the new crop futuresoS

--to "••"• s'" v closed at Jl 72: September- Jl 20;

October, *113%. There were 31 cars of seed, agnlnsth_" tost year.

Provisions were irre-mlar, pork off a little, lardanu ribs finally closing- over Saturday. There wera•*-\u0084'«« «oe?. with prices at the yards 21 to 5c lower.Tha irbo'e provision list • ned weak on the hos?receipu. There wan considerable selllni? by Swift and by the Cudaby Packing- Company.The crowd thought • •—-.- was the best buyer.The feeling Just now is a rather timid one, thp ad-vance having been extraordinary, but the cash de-mr.n'l kefirs: pood and product \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0;". under the hop.

The tV*-:.. which starts to-nisrht, carries S.lTO.ft"*)bu&h«4e nf corn, K.orio bushels of wheat and 549 K»bushels r,f oats.

THE TRADE IX CHICAGO.Chicago. April16 (Special).

—Wheat prices a little

toettt-r than heM their own. to-night's close beingj.c t0 .^c ovor Saturday. May sold at «s«4fi«6V'.a^d :i: i^^i^vc and closed at M%e; July riosi»«',

a, ggijj^. The early d!;> in prices \u25a0 is because the

%r<-"'.t !̂"ro:iP showed heavy rains West and Bouth-

west, a very favorable condition at thla time The

final rally was mi'hily on Russian crop damaK'-

EpW!;Cables declared that from Kief. Southwestern

RuF^i*. came Hie claim Uiat half the wheat crop

there had been lose The crowd wa« affected, too.

by cold weather in the extreme Xorth and the

prOFpec' of colder to-morrow. It snui a stand-off po t.'.r as the statistic-* were concerned. Theyjsfble -supply decreased 139.iV*>bushels; there was aaermi;-''- on passaiW! of •_\u25a0 \u25a0•• bushel?. Worlds

efefinnenta w^re 6.384,000 bushels. Western ami2JOTth*jrfst«*rn receipts w*re larger than last year's;

<9t car." :n Minneapolis and Ouluth, apalnst 360,

aail SSS.WO bushels at primary points, ng-ainst 356.000bnshels. Clearances w.-re 219.<Kw bushels. Shipping

sales here were al>out 150.000 bushels. There wereB0 for> i:r:i quotations, and both the speculativejad cn?h markets were rowed by the foreign

jjOlj,]3v. There was some rather important com-j-j??ior. lious.- sellin-r, led by Raymond-Pynehon

tad Bartlett-Frazler. The buying was scattered.

•The mood here is bullish, with the inclination to

aavame prices on any excuse.

financial Xlleriings.

vfrnst (CompaniesI<ilunihus A- Hufklng Coal <& Iron Co.

New York, April 7. 1900.>OTICE.

•pHE vWTAI. ICEETING of the stockhold-ers of the Columbus & nocking Coal & Iror, Cotn-

pa*:v fur the election of dlj^crors and for such other busi-B>fs ifmay come before the meeting, willr* heM In the<"::•- .• Columbus. Ohio, on "Ve<!:iesday May 10 1900, at1 P. M. Transfer books willbe closed on April 18 andreopens iil<iy 17

JOHN C. KNAPP. Secretary


YORK.—JOSEPH B. HOTT. plaintiff, against WILI*-IAMa. MASHARENE and others, def-ndants.

In pursuance nf a Judgment of for»c!oi"ire and sa!ema>te and entered in th» abovo entitled action, beartnsrdate the nineteenth Jay of March, one thousand ninehundred I.the 'inder«l«rr.e,l. the Referee appotnieti there-in, wi''. seTl at Pnbllc auction on Wednesday, th* eigh-teenth rhiy of April. 19«iO. at twelve o'clock noon, at thelaVaj York Real Estate nWaaroflsn, Number 111 Broad-way, in the Borough of Manhattan of, the City of NewYork, by P»ter F. Meyer, auctioneer, the pr^misea de-scribed In said Judgment as follows: ALL that plot oflaml in the city and county if New York, with the bullil-ings thaiaoß. boas] and lawrfbed as follows: BE-GINNING at a point in the southerly side of One hun-dred and fi:ir--. street, distant four h-m'lr»d and atxtyfeet and one-half of an Inch westerly from th» Intersectionof the southerly side of One hundred and fourth street andthe westerly side of Columbus avenue: running thenc*southerly parallel with Columbus avenue one huuJtadfc-et eleven inches; thence westerly parallel with Onehundred and fourrh street thirty-four feet six inches-thence northerly again parallel with Columbus av»nueand part cf the wnv through a party wall, one hundredfeet eleven Inches to the southerly side of One hundredand fourth street; and thence easterly along the southerlyside of One hundred an.l fourth street thirty-four f*etsix Inches to the point of begirmln*.

Dated New York. March »th. 1300.THOMAS F. DONNELLY.

re Ornr» A Riirer Maaffwaw* fr»r Plaint!!?.No. 145 Nassau Srr»et. New York City

The following is a HISIIBI of the premise* referred totn the foregoing notice of «a!e-104th s=?r~>t,

Street number 144.

The approximate amount of -he Ren jr charge to satisfywhich the above described prr»r- la to ha sold is Ftfty-twa thousand fry- hundred and firty eight aas] BS-100ioiiars. with Intelsat thereon '.-

—the tw/atfUi lay of

March. 1900. together with -.ha costs irfi allowancesamounting to the sum of Three hundred and forty—a!xanil fls-l(>0 dollars, with Interest from th# nineteenth etarof March. 1900. and the expenses of this sale, and thaapproximate amount of the charges cr Basal for taxes,assessments a.rvi water rates upon the sail property laOne thousan'. five hundred and fcrty-se-»en 92-100 dollars,withInterest thereon to be Med.


TJXITED STATES OF AMERICA. Southern'District of New York. m: WHEREAS, a libel %nd

petition wi- tt'eU tn the District Court of the United Stai*.for the Souther* District of N".->w York on the 20th day ofJantiary. IW*>. by th» Ocean Steamahip mpany ofSavannah, owner of the steamship '"it-.-of Augusta.'" ierengines, boiler*, apparel, tackle, rurntrare, A^.. for alimitationof its liabilityupon all loss, destruction, iamageand Injury caused by a collision between said vessel andthe steam ferryboat "Chicago" in the North or llndsonRiver. New York, on Cetober 31st, 1SO»; and

WUEREAS. said Petitioner and Übellant has given astipulation to abitjx by and pay the moneys awarded bythe flnal decr-?e rendered by the District Court, or by theAppellate Court, if any appeal Intervene, to th» amount of$210,225.33 and interefti. the appraised value uf said ferry-boat and her pemltnjf "relght:

>'O\V. THEREFORE. 1n pursuance of the monition 1»-\u25a0ue.i by the Baiu Crurt to me directed and delivered. r 1ohereby cite al. per*>na claiming damages for loaa. de-struction, damage cr Injury occasioned by the said col-lision, *<> file and mak' due proof of their respective claimsbefore Thomas Alegskndac. Fsq.. T'nlted states Comtnl*--Icner. at his office In the Post OfHce Building In the Cityof New Tork on or before the Ist day of May. 1900. al 11A. M.. and also to appear before said Court m said build-ing on the Ist lay of May. 1900. at 11 A. M,and answersaid petition and llb«-i otherwise, they willbe defaultedar...! barred fru:i. partlcipatkn in this auit.

Dated New York. January 30. 19<10.WILLIAM HEXKEL,

United States Marshal for the Southern District of V-wYork.

MESSRS. DAVIES. STONE * AUERBACH.Froct.irs for Petltli n«r and Llhellant. No. 32 Vaaaan Street.

% Borough of Manhattan. I tv of New York.

sarrogatc'6 Notices

To the \u25a0>t(Mlkholdeni ofTHE THIRD AVEXIE RAILROAD CO.

Static! L= hereby given that a epeclal meeting of thet:.. k::<i>rs of Tlie Third Avenue Railroad Company willbe b«-!d a; the office if the Coenpailjr, at Third Avenueand Street, in the city of New York, on Friday.tne 11th <!ay of May. 1300. at 3 o'clock P. iL, for ther^-^ t^r -i securing the consent of stockholders owning atIp^>-: two-thirds of the stock of the Corporation to thelefjecf a mcrrsraee upon \u25a0 ne property and franchises of the*cud The Third Avenue Railroad Company, la th« MortonTrust Company, as Trustee, to secure an lpsue of bondsto the amrunt of F?f"y MillionDollars, of tha face-veUvecf One Thousand Dollars each, to become due in the ynur2CMI, and to r*ar tereM at

*'-' rate of four per cent, per•nnuai f.-ora May first. IWjo. Refcpectf-llly voure,

W. N. AMORY. Secretary.New York. April 16, ISOO.

To the Holders of Voting Trust Certifi-cates for Common Stock of


Referring to the foregoing notice of The Baltimore andOhio Railroad Company, the undersigned Trustees underthe Voting Trust Agreement of June 22. IS9B, hereby givenotice to holders of the Voting Trust certlflcate« Issuedthereunder for common stock of The Baltimore and OhioRailroad Company that the transfer books of the Voting

Trustees willbe closed at three o'clock P. M. on the 21st

day of April, 1900. and will remain closed until teno'clock A. M.. on the Bth day of May, 1000.


VntlnK Trnnteei.Dated New Tork. April 11, 1900.

I!*V>; and no aubscrlptkjn for a fraction of a share canbe received. The purchase price willbe payable $10. upon

the making of a subscription and the balance of $70 on

October 1, 1900. All cash paj-ments accompanvlTig sub-scriptions will be forfeited If the balance of the pur-chase price is not paid on or before October 1. 11KK); butsuch forfeiture will not, at the option of the Company,release subscribers from liability for the balance of the

purchase price. The Voting Trust certificates for com-mon stock bo tc, be sold are not tc be entitled to divi-

dends. If any. declared upon the common stock for thefiscal year ending June 30, 190*1.

Interim receipts will be delivered upon receipt and

acceptance of subscriptions.Dated, April 11, 1000.


To Holders of Voting; Trust Certificatesfor the Common Stock of


Notice la hereby -riven that the holders of the outstand-ing Voting Trust Certificates for common stock of The

Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, registered as suchon the bouks of the Voting Trustees at the closing thereofon April 21. 1000, may purchase at the price of $HO. per

share New Voting Trust certificates for common stock to

the par amount of $6,39Vi,1t00, In proportion to theirpr»«ent holdings of such outstanding Voting Trust certifi-cates for common stock, that Is to say: at the rate of

one chare of new Voting Trust certificates for commonstock for every six chares of outstanding Voting Trust

certificates for common stock. Subscriptions miißt be madeat the office of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Com-pany In the aty of New Tork ON OR BEFORE MAY 7.

RONALD K. BROWN.Plaintiffs Attorney. Office Address and Post See Ad-

dress. XuraluT .'i2(> Broadway, New V.irk City.The ob.frrt ot this action Is to make partition according

to the rights of the respective parties, and If it aP'xsurt'iu.l. partition cannot be made without great prejudice tj

the owners, then for a sal..-, of the following describedpremises: A lot of land on tiie northerly slii.-of One hun-dred and fifteenth Street, In the County of Stew Y-'rk,c»mmen ."ii'i feet westerly ....... cor-ner of rtdid Street and Lenox Avenue, rind lining -" feet Inwidth front and rear, and half the block in depth t:i each

RONALD K. BROWN.Pl;-lnt!ft"3 Attorney, Office Address and I'oet Office Ad-

dress. Numb-r 3211 Broadway. \--w York City.

gUPREME iurm, COUNT! OF M:\V-I^i^°R^^T'lim W""<1

-PUlntUf, against M.

Lockw.HHl. Ron-,rt Broad. John L. Lockwood ant] Marylam h v 'i'*^ his wif":B««lamla F. Lockwood, Wiii-m2th« -T" ''\u25a0 kw"tMl- '-''"••> Ann Martin and John J\l;.r-•:...... huaband; Jamea M. Lockwood .nephew ofJ^TTieK M Lw-kwood tirst above mentioned). Loulsluna

VTI *l^?n;v /-ail''° E - Baiter, her hmiband; Joseph K. Mai-

If. LMfiT H. Mam hi" wife; Marj-U Botmai and-U»,:n.t Rounds, her husband; Martha U H.unds.Anna K. SimpleInn and William D. stmpKln- h< hus-oona; Augusta G Martin GMorf* W, Martin. John A. Mar-ti... ••\u25a0'"i P. Martin. Mar] L, Martin. Ada M.Blmpklna.*car M. Blmpklna, PJorenoa K. Mmpklns. M»r-. K. Seel•nd Marion.W. Neel, her hoaband Marion K. Sml tJaraha. sou and riaye E. St>lrv her htMband; IJiura 1.. [•:. (orLaura M. \\ m.ley and H-nrv O. \v.,o| her husband:Mat.lda Isabella Wooley (formerly known ,- r.^lle Salter)

and Au-rtutus N Wo,,ley. her; Uarrla Man-fel-Daum an.l Mait .Mendelbauin. his wifi-; Fisher Lswlneun.i Annie Lewlne, aIS wtf« rthe wild Mary und Annierw-inir sued by thos« iMmea, their tmp rtam.-s belnc un-known to the iwJnttfl Mar] J. Vandoren, Peter H. 1/vk-wood iind rfusan Lockwood, his Wife) William W. U>ck-wood •id nartaaa, his wife; Nathaniel Lockwood kndEllen Lockwood, l.l« wife: Lulu Lafferty, John ''\u0084>uldJumes A. "wood and Arloa. his wife; Frances Mann;th« unknown persons .othei than tba defendants herein)who are or may be the .levlHee*. iifir=! admlntetrators, husliandn or wtvtea of James MLockwoooV •'""",L. l.ich»w,f. Henjamln F. LockwootL\\ B. I! Lockwood, Laors Ann Martin. J-imes MLockwrM>d (nephew rtf fames M. Lockwood tirs-t abovementioned), l*,ulslarm Salter, loaeph K. M.-irtin. MaryL. 1V.un.1.1. Martha U LSoumis. Anna K. Sln.i4iln9. ABu-mf-Ji'V M

Un\ °';i;i:r'?e Wl «"«'\u25a0•• John •*\u25a0 M«'tin.Uillmm h Martin. Mary L. Martin. Ada M. Simpklna.Omar M S.mpkins. BTorene* E. Slmpktos, Mary E. SeelMarlon E. N«-J. -

'rah A. S»elf, Laura U E.Hor UiurkM. Wooley, Matilda Isabella \v,,f,1.-y Cformerly known a.sBelle Saltert, Peter K. Lockwood. William W. Lockwood.Nathaniel Lpckwood. Lulu U.tT-rtv. rohn rjould JamesA. Lockwood, Pran \u25a0 iMann. Nancy G. P.ussing <-ift.-!-w:ir.i Um.wn iis Nancy Bron.T>; and the unknown i,,-r-B"iis mther tlian the rJefendt* g named h«n h who areor may be the devisees, h.--lrs, d«soHndanti«. executors,administrators, husbanJa or wives of any of the .lecpase.lheirs nr descendants of thu said James •\u25a0 Lockwood,•'•' L. Lockwood, Henjamln F. Lockwood. William HH. Lockwood, r^iiura Ann Martin, .Tam.-s M. Lockwood'"'•l'll'---- of Jamea M. Lockv first above mentioned.,i*iuislana Salter. Joseph K. Martin. Mary L. BoundsMartha L. Bonn -

Anna K. EMmpfctna, Augusta •; Mir-tin. O-orCT \V. Martin, i hn A. Martin, William F Murtin. Mary L. Martin. Ada M. Slmpklns Oscar M .«itnii-kins. Florence E Slmpkins, Mary K. Xe»-i. Marion E>enl, Sarah A. Self. La ira U K. (or Laura M.) WooleyMatilda Isabella Wooley (formerly known at Belle Sattcr)Peter U. Lockwoo,l, Willium \V. Lnckw..»l. NathanielLockw 1. Lulu I^fferty. John Qould. jHm^s A. I»>ck-Wfiod. Francs Mann, Nancy \u25a0;. Bussing lafterwnidknown as Nancy Hroad). Ijefendants, 3ummona.

T.. the nlxv.-r. named defeudanta: YOU AHR HEREBYSI lIMONBD tn answer th complaint in this nrtion and tjserve a copy of your inawor on the plaintiffs atT-..mevwithin twenty duys aft.-r the service, o? 'ins summon*exclusive of the day of service, and In ea»e .->f your fall'ire to appear, or iwer Judgment will be taken againstyou by default for the relief \u25a0•\u25a0!tmn.i.'l In th« comi.laint.Liated Xew York. July l.Vh. lsult.

RONALD K. BROWN. PlalntlfTs Attorney,Office a.Tdr<?ss and Post-cffli*- tress Number \u25a0-\u25a0 Broad

-way. v...v York City.

To the above, named .i^f^nriants: James M. L.ickwo«d.Robert fohn L. Lockwood and Mary A. N Lock-wood, hi« wife; lienjamln F. Lookwood, William H H.Lockwood, Ifeura Ann Martin and John .1 M:irtin. li»-rhusband: James M. Lockwood ephew of J imes M. U>ck-wood tirst nl«n-e mentioned). Lotitamna Walter and ZadocE. ,S<Ut..r, h*-r husband ; Joseph K. Mir'ir, and Mary B,Martin, his wife; Mary U Hounds and Alexandria Hounds,ht-r husband; Martha L. Bounds, Anna K. Slmpklns undWilliam D. Slmpkins, her husband: Augusta G. Martin,George W. Martin.- J.ihn A. Martin. William 1-" MirtlMary I«. Martin. ... M. Sirni!k:!is Oscar M. Slmpkins.Florence E. Stmpkin-«, Mary K. X-el and Marion W. Neel,lier husband; Marion E. Neel. Sarah A. Si-if and Clave ESelf, her husband; Laura L. K. (or I^ura M.) Wooleyand Henry G, Wooley, hei hushnnd; Matilda rsobellaWooley (formerly known as Bvlle Baltei and AugustusN. Wooley, h.-r husband; Peter n. L.><-kwoo<] and SusanLorkw.od. his wife: Wllllnm W. Lockwood and Clarissa,his wife; Nathaniel Lockwood and Ellen I^ekwooU. hisWife; Lulu LiUYerty. John Gould, James A. Lockwood andArUa. hla wife. Prances Mann; thi unknown persons(other than the defendants hert-ln) rho are or may be thedevisees, holrs. descendants*, executors, administrators.husbands or wives of James M. I.»>ckwood, John L. Lock-wood. Benjamin F. Lockwood, William H. H. Lockwood.'I^iurj.Ann Mirtin. James M. ckwond (nephew of Jatn«!<M. Lockwood fir«t above mentioned) Louisiana Salter,

Joseph K. Martin. otary L. Bounds. Martha L. Bounds.Anna^S. Blmpkins, Augusta \u25a0',!.-\u25a0 '}*-or?e w. MartinJohn A. Martin. William F Martin. Mary 1.. Martin. AdaM. Slmpkins, Oscar M. Btmpkina, Florence E. Slmpktns.Mary K. N-nl. Marlon E. NY.-l. Sarah A. Self. LaunL. E. (or Laura M.. Wooley, Matilda IsaU-lla Wooley(former \ known as Delle Salter). I'ett-r U. rkwood,

William W. Lockwood. Nathaniel Lockwood, ilu Lafferty. Fohn Gould, James A. Lockwood, Prances MannNancy ti. H'i«-ins; (afterward known as \u25a0\u25a0 Broad);and the unknown persons (other than the defendants namedherein), who are or may be the devisees, heirs. des<-end-ants, executors, admlniatratora, husbands or wives of anyof the deceased hWrs or escendanti of the said James M.Lookwood John 1.. Lockwood, H>'nmmin F. L>rkwood.William H. H. Lockwood, Li\ura Ann Martin. J unaa M.Lockwood (nephew of Jnmes M. Lockw od first above mt-ntlonedi. Ijnuislana Salter. Joseph K. Martin, \i .\u25a0• L.Hmindi- Martini L. Bound*, Anna K. Simpkins, AugustaG. Martin, George W. Martin. John A. Martin WilliamF. Man ... Mary L Martin. Ada M. Slmpklns. Oncar MSimpkins. Florence Fl Slmpkins, Mary E. Neid. MarionE Neel, Parah A. S«-lf. Laura L. E. >><r Liturn.M.) W •\u25a0!ey Matilda IsaL»-lla Wool< (formerly known as BelleSalter eter B. Loekwood, William W. Lockwood,Nathaniel Lockwoo-1, l.ul\i l^affertv. John Uould, JamesA. Lockwood, Frances Mann. Haacy G-. Buaving (after-ward known as Nancy, Br»jad«.

Tho fi.regolns lutnmoßi is served ipon you by publica-tion, jiun-uunt to an order of Hon. James Fitzgerald, *Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of New York.da!*-d the sixth .Jay of April. 19<>(>. and tiled with the coin-plaint in tlie office of th'; erk of the County of New-York, at the County l.Vurt House, in the BorouKti of Man-hattan. New York.

Dated New York. Auril 9th. li*").


pOVERNOR'S ISLAND, N. Y. EC., March 20,


Sealed proposals, in triplicate, for furnishingFuel required In Dept. of the East, during OacaJ year end-ing June 30, 11*01, willbe received here and at poata andstations indicated n Instructions Issued h»reumier, until12 M.. April 19. 11XK). U. B, reserves right to reject oraccept any or all propoaal* or any part thereof. Informa-tion furnished on application. Envelopes containing pro-posals will be endorsed "Proposals for Fuel at ."JAS M. MOORE. A Q. \u25a0 G.





100 BROADWAY, NEW YORK.Capital & Surplus. $3,000,000.

Fiscal Agent of the


DIRECTORS:Charitor. T. Lewis, Henry F. Shoemaker,John G. Carlisle, Roland R. Conklin,Hugh Kelly, Wager Swayne,Samuel M.Jarvts, James S. Knhn,

James B. Dill, Stanley L. Conklin,Alvah Trowbridge, Heman Dowd.Luis Suarez Galban. Archer Brawn,Fletcher S. Heath, John C. Tomlinson,,William H. Taylor, Johne Hone,Frank H. Ray, Benjamin F. Tracy,Oakieigh Thome, E. W. Scott,H. B. Hollins, Leopoldo Carbajal.

yiarqui*it Pinar 1-1 Rio,

Public Xoticfs.


rpilE PEOPLE OF THE BTATE OP NEWYork, by the «irac> of G>>d Fr»» «r..i Independent, To

.Torrra L-iurie Ciimraimt. 3 Bays HillTerm'-. Chelten-hum. England, the widow of R'ber- L "limming. de-ceased. sio.Nl> GREETING:

WTIEREAS. Allan P Oummtng. of The City of NewYork, has lately illad to tile Surrogate's Court of ourCounty of New York, to bare a certain Instrument inwri'lng. bearing ijate the 22ni day of September, 1868, re-lattnaj to frith real and personal propWrty. duly proved asthe last Will and Testament •>( Robert I. ("nmtning. lateof the County of Xew York, deceased. THEREFORE, youand each of you ir» i-..' to appear he-fun- the siirrogHteof -i- fvmnty of New York, at his office tn the County afNew York, on the £2d day ot May. one thousand ninehundred, at half-past ten o'clock tn the forenoon of thatday then ami there •\u25a0 attend the probate the said lastWill and Testament.

And surh of you aa are aassjl cite*!, as are under theage of twenty-one yeara, are r^uired to appear by yourguardian, If you have one. or if you have none-, to appearand apply fT one to be appointed, rr in the event of yourneglect or failure to ilo so. a guardian willbe appointedby the Surrogate to represent and act for you in the pr .-ceeding.

In Testimony Wh«reof, We have caused the Seal of theSurrogate's Court of the said Ctranty of Xew York to b«

hereunto afflxe-i.Witness. Hon. AhtifTC. Thorna*-. a Purrn-

:Surrogate's : gate of our «al«l County of New York, at: Seal. : said County, the 27th day of Marrh. in: : the year uf our Lord one thousand nine


Clerk of the Surrogate's Court.


Descriftivt circular and • opy ofmortgmge on application.


This Company owtih and operates, under a Special Act

of the Virginia Legislature, the Street Railway. Eleetrlo

Light and Power Plants In the C.ty of Norfolk, Virginia,

and suburbs—

population. IOO.OOiV The earnings of the

Cnmt*r.y for the laat 6 months prior to consolidation «how

a nurplun of ,Vlper cent, ovtr and" above all flsed charges.

We offer:

The Norfolk Railway &Light Company


First Consolidated mortgage Fifty YearFive Per Cent. Sinking Fund GoldBonds. Interest May Ist and Novem-

ber Ist.

PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN BUPFLJEB.—Department of tha Interior. Office of Indian Affairs.

Washington, D. C, March -«' l»"o.—

«*aled proposals, in-d'»n>ed "Proposal!* for blankets, woolen an«l cotton goo<ls.ciothlm?, etc.." as the case may be. and directed to theCommissioner of Indian Affairs. Noa, 77 and 71) ->*tf.-

street Xew V i-k City, will be raeatrad until 1o'clockp. in., of Tuesday. May 15, lfiOOd for furnishing theIndian Sen-ice, blankets, woolen and cotton goods, clothing,notions, hats and caps. Btda must ba maile outon Givern-ment blanks. Schedules -:nit all fnaaaiy informationfor bidders willbe furnlsh«fl on application to the In.llan

tifßce. Washington. L>. C. ; Xo*. 77 and 79 Wooster stTaat,Xew York City; or 2.i"i lohnaea straat, Chicago. 111.; the(Ymiml«Kar!es of Bubsintence. V, S. A., st Cheyenne. Leav-

enworth. Omaha. St. Louis, St. Paul, and San Francisco;the postmasters at Sioux City. Y&nlcton, Arkansas City,Caldwell, Topeka. Wichita, »nd . aon. Bids will beopened at the hour ami days above, stated, and bidders areinvited to be rresent at tlie opening. Th»- Department re-

serves the _..: to determine the point of delivery and toreject any and all btda, or any part of any

W. A. Ji >XES. '\u25a0"ommlsßti

T EBERMUTH, ABRAHAM.—In pursnance ofan order of Hon. Abner C Thomas, a Surrogate of

the County of New Trek. Notice is hereby given to ailpersons having claims against Abraham Lebermmh, lateof the County of Xew y ,rk deceased, to present the samewith vouchers thereof to the subscriber, at his place oftransacting buslneM. at the offlee of rtlaeai BtKfM, No.10 Wall St., la the Borough of Manhattan, in tba City ofN.'.v York, on or berore the - day of Auarvst next.

Dated New Y(jck. the sth day of February. .\u25a0«">DAVID I£BEBML"TH,

MORTTMEH STIEFEL. Administrator.Attorney for Administrator, 10 Wall »t.. Borough of Man-

hattan, Ne.v York City.

Bankers anO Srokirs.

To the kholdrr* of11,1. IHIHi> AVE\CE RAILROAD CO.

Katioe i» hereby ylven that a sr*cla. meeung >t theBTTkhclJers of The Third Avenue Railroad Company willt* heM at the office of tba Company, at Thira Avenue•ad r.Vh Street. In the city of New Tork. on Thursday,th*'.T;h day of May. 19<"«». at 3 o'clock In tha afternoon.for ttaa porpoee of appi»>vlnir and authorlElnK the leae«of the Ftr^'-surface railroads of The Third Avenue Ral!-nci Company and the appurtpranees connected therewith,to the Metrooolltma Street Railway '>mpany, and the con-tract «-mfv>dylni? such lease and providltif f'-r the iruarar':<>f r»!raln bfinfis of this i.'cmpany by said Metropolitanetr»« Railway Company.

By order of' the Board cf Directors.W. N AMORT, Secretary.

Xew York. April 36. 1900.

To ill.-«iiM'kh>ililfrk«f *'••*'Itot'oi.l'l %> -TRKKT R'"W".4.Y CO.

N>t:-.c la hereby Riven that a special me' of th«atockholJ^rs ol the Metropolitan Street Railway Company*1U be htid at the oSce of the Company, in the CableBuMing No. tCI Broadway. New York City, on Thurs-oay, the wvent«-ntn iiav of May. If*)l*, .11 o'clock Intie forenoon, for *ne purp-u»e of approving- and authorizingIlease of The street surface railroads of The Third AvenueKaiiroad Company, and the trtenaccea connected ncre~

\u25a0tth. to Th« 51e:r»polltan Street Railway Company, andtie contract emi«niying such leas*- and the gnaranty bytrit i;-irpany of certain bonds of The Third Av«-nu« Rall-»ad company.

By t»der of the Board of Directors.CHARLES B. WARREN Secretarj-.

Daf^i New York. AprilIfllh. 1»H»>.

To the <i|«rkh<ildcrii uf theMETKOI'OLITAX ITEKET IVWAY CO.

A .-ciai rr.»-»'.'r.g of the gt-xkholders of the ltetr'>-politan Street Railway Company i» hereby called and willb*h«-id at i-.s office. No. *iUI Broadway, in the City of N««Tort, en the IT'h day cf May, iuoi». at half-pa« elevene'etock in the Cortooon. for the purpose of voting on theproposition totßcivaae the capital sto<-k Ot the mpanvty the amount of, that Is ro say, tr-.m *4f.,»««i

m. divided ir.t> *M.*)>*>bhare* of thi par value of *I<H)•ten. to $i2.<W».«»IU, divided into .-.2'< .•«•> shares of the parvalue of *K»» each.

THOMAS F. f{\ *N. IH. A. H. \VIIJK\KK,\V. L. ELJUXS, | A majorityH. E. VRKI;LA.\B.

-Of the

IIEMIV v. ltOni.\*O.\. Directors.U 11. liA*DltOt< Iv.

ti\HI.I,-K. VHHi:\. ._ N"w YorK. A^rtl 11th. iftQq.



APPLICATION bavin* be«a made to the*Board of Rnilr Commissioners of the Srate ->f New

T'rk by th« Fort Georae and Eleventh Avenue RatlroaJCompany, of New York City, under section lf»> of, t!i»Railroad Law. for aprroval of the use of an under jrronaAcurrent of electricity In the rperatlon at Its -*:'.rna«i upvatrie fcillii-vtnjfstreets and avenues n Sew V rk -itv town:

Commencing at the Intersection of One Hundred taiThirtieth Prreet and the Boulevard, or Eleventh kaowTi is Broadway, rajßaaaaj thenca northerly alas^said Booierard. or Eleventh Avenue, now known asBroadway, to the intersection cf One Hundred and Sev-enty-fifth Street and Eleventh Avenue, including thatportion of the Boulevard, or Eleventh Avenue., now known,as Hmadway. wht-h is situated between One Hundrad andFlfty-arth ---• and

---Hundred and Flfty-seveatn

Street, which waa also known «s the Boulevard Lafay-ett«. an.i also from the junction of -<aifl Boulevard, crEleventh Avenue, now known as Bmadwav. wtth On»Hundred and Forty-fifth 3uaai nannliisj thenc* aaatartythrough, upon and along One Hundred and Forty-firtASrr»e» to the Harlem River; all !n the Por->ua<j of Man-hattan. City of New ToTk, to«et!wT with the miiis—ijeonnaeti switches, nm, and turnouts required forthe ao-ommoc.v and operation of said r%Uro*d.

N'OTIiE is hereby v»n that a puru- hearing oa saidapplication wil be held by said Bo«.rrl at Parlor D. R_Firth Avenue Hotel. New V t*City, on Wedr.eaday. Anrti18. 1600. at - o'clock P. 11.

By the Board. JOHN a KENTOX.S-oretary.

Dixribcnfc Xoiicrs,

?itn {jcttls.




For Investment or on Margin.



CHPITHL $1,000,000(Entirely Invested In City of New York Bonds.)

SURPLUS $1,000,000lJ»*iil({iiatKiL't-iM.sit.'ry for .Sta'.". CltJ and < ourtKm-.ils. and for Lawful iiane] H.-^.rm of tlie Uuuks

of the BtateActs sa Bxt*rator, Adminlstrntor. Guurdlun. Trus-

tee, omittee, Receiver, Asslfnee, . tcOpens Accounts subject to <-h.--k parable at slgbt

or thnuifh the New York Clwiririir House, ami al-lows Interest on imlr balances. Issue* Certltlcateaof Deposit, bearing Interest, payable \u25a0\u25a0:] iiemauu '>r

at tixi^d dat"'e.Furnluhei* Letters of Credit and Drafts nn all

parts of the wnrl.l.Acts as Klh. al and Transfer Agent, Registrar <>f

Btncks and BoniU, and Trustee for CorporationMortgage".

Loans Money on Bond rod MorTjrnge.OFFICERS.

Jns, Rom Inrran. Prrnlflvnt.John IJ. rlnimiiiH. V'lcf-I'renitlmt.(,mrß<' R. Sheldon. -<l Ylce-Prrnitlent.Arthnr Terry, Sfrrrt«r>.Walter W. Lee, Ikmmt '•ecretary.

DIRECTORS.John D. Crlminlns. Cbnrl>'S W. Morse.Frank H. I'latt, Henry 0. Iluvemeyer,•»e«nre R. Sheldon, Hoemer B. Parsona,R>lward Erre. Albert G. Jennings,Peter I>«Hl(frr. .... 11. (Jelshenen.William Halls. Jr.. KtyrAj- Kelly,Jiimes D. Layng, Ktlwin WartU i.i.William U. Gra« ElTPrtnn B Chapman.JameH Roosevelt. Charles V. Forn«-s.E.iw»ir<i N. Gltihs. Fran* R. Lawrence,

.In*. Rom Cnrran.


Stn. t!y family hotel: choice suites, f-.::r.;sh«d or OMjBBwnished, to r»nt by ih^>season or year. Cuisine aa<2 sernc*of the highest order. Rates rauonable. 'vocation aoa>-venient to all parts of the city


T' S. CUSTOM HOUSE, Xew York, X. V.,*

Collector 1!! Office. April Kith. IP<»>. Sealed furnishing, in such quantities as may be desired,miscellaneous supplies for Ma of the Customs Service atthis i»>rt during the Ba aj yaar ending June 30. 1901, theexpense thereof payable from tha appropriation for "Col-lecting tne Revenue from Customs, IB01," Including gae,water, le», \u25a0-} and electric arrajßl for Illuminating pur-riost-a in rented premises, will be received at this ottlce

until 2 o'clock P. at. Maj U. ItM .S#al-d proposals willalso be reealved until the day an<l liour named for theperformance of the <oliowli»l service* during the fiscaly»ar aforesaid: Laundering towels for rented premise*,repairing and maintaining fpaclaJ fire-alarm box at th«U. g Appraisers! Warehouse: maintaining wire an«l bat-tarlea for special fire-alarm b>>x connecting safe at th»

L". S. Appraiser's Waiahouaa withFifth Prfdnct Station;, ivldti coupe service for carrying mall >i^<w..^n t»«

I.'. 8. Appraiser's Wareb mm Post Ofilca Building andCustom House Builulng. and for uce of the Collector,Surveyor, Appraiser and I'cymaater rtstttssj docks anddifferent offlfrß where Cu.stoms offii-ers are statU.n^i InNew York. Brook! ami Jersey City; for carting sugarbamples from waarraa. bondad warehouai and otherplaces to the U. 5. Appraiser's War-houw;. Th«. power toralaci any or all bids or parti of bids an.l to wru"» \u25a0:*fects Is reserved.

A BChrtlule of tha artlOlaa anil service* retjuir. andother Information concerning th«* same can be had uponapplication to the < \u25a0..ll»<-toi \u25a0 Office.

G. R. BIDWELL, Collector.

TX PURSUAXCE of an order of Hon. JameaM. Varnum, a SurroKMe of- the County of Sew

Tork. NOTICE Is hereby given to all persona havingclaims against Hannah Duane. late of the County of NewYork, deceased, to present the ume with vouchers thereofto the subscriber, at his place of transacting; business atthe fflce of W'tilUm P. Williams. No. 141 Broadway.Borough of Manhattan. City of New York, on or beforethe 10th day of me next. Dated New York. the 27t&day of November, 1S»». WILLIAMJ. DUANE. Admin-'strator. William P. Williams. A:torney for Adminlstra'tor. 141 Broadway. Manhattan. New York City.

TN PURSUAXCE of an order of Hon. AbnerC. Tkaaaaa a Surmicate of the Co-mty of New-Yort.

notice la hereby a;tven to all p»r*'i>s hav.n* claimsaKalnat Ann EX Lee. tati of the Bnty of New-York.iln-niknl. \u25a0\u25a0 pr»««"nt the nm« with vouchers thereof t.jthe subscriber, at Its place of transacting aawsßa No43 Wall Street, iVr'm«-h of Manhattan. In the City ofNew-York, on -r before th« eleventh iay of Septembernext.

Dated New-York, the 24th day of r»ai111f 19On.UNITED STATK< TRCBT COMPANY OF NEW-YORK.• Administrator nlth nit? willannexed.EDWARD W. bHBUH

Attorney for administrator, c. t. a..45 Wall Street.

Manhattan. N»-w Y»rk.

4MI.RH «\\ll A I<M MJK\ CO., *t. Lcuis. Mw.. April| 1901I'fffrr-^l (niiital >t.».k. Dhlitrnd Vo. 4.

J^T A MEETING of the li.uird of DirectorsbeM this ay ft wu resolved that a dividend of 1%

PER CEJfX. an the prr-f<-rr»-<1 <-airttui str«-k of the cora-T*ny b»- detlar«-d and paid on Tuf»lay. May let, l»o<J. attee cSct cf the Guaranty Trust Ccmpiiny of New York.jwt <i. Oater Btrert, New Yurk Oty, to stuckhoiders ofJeoort at the etoae of buslnrsti on April 10. JW««ii Trans-«t books will rlose Tuesday, April lit. U«Xj, and reopenWednesdey, May 2, 1800.


»I*»%M\ COXSOLinATED COAL AM> IliO.V< O*fl*.%M._\u0084__

27 William St. New York. April 12th. 1900.BOARD OF DIRECTORS have this day

lie'-!are4 a quarterly dividend Of One and thre«—juarera jj«-r ctrt. on '.he'l-Yeft-rred Stock of the Oomi>any

of RHt-oro April 24ttj. II*». payable May

o'^!ifLtraasfer t>lMik» wi:» rio**April 24th. ISOO, at three°c.ocfc P. M.. and »tH r-cpen Slay Ist. l!<o<>.

JNO. E. -.. \u25a0 -.i.lCr, Treasurer.

TyEST POIXT, N. V.. March 20, 11)00. Sealedpropopitle In trtplleat*, wtll be recalTed h*r«> until 13

M.. Ayril20. IJXXt, for surplylr«i? Fuel. Gas fonl. Char-[•,al( ami Gas Oil. during fiscal '

lir -n-ilnir JTO« 9". 1901.y S. re«erve« rtsrht to teeapt or r»'--T any or all or any bMrt thereof. Information furnished uponimplication. Envelopes eontainlnif proposals should l><»mnrked I»ropoa«ta f r F>i-1. «r

"addressed MAI.VERN-




fSlrectly oppost:* Wall st.. New YjraJ-T»ll»« minutes from New York City Hall: select *xmi:/ transient hotel: larz*. light Rooms. stngla and «a\u25a0uttc. with piirmta bath; rvaa^nabl* rates. SO rocma; U-htxtrated booklet.

Dooks and pnbhcaticna.

TX PURSUANCE of an order of Hon. AbnerC. Thomas, a Surrogate cf the County >f New Turk,

Notice i* hereby given to all i>«n»ma hartng claimsagainst Cornelius V. Stdell. late of the County of NewV rk in—nil to present the same withvouchers thereofto 'h- subscriber, at her place of transacting business, attlm otftcw of CtaaHaa D. Innersoll. No. 1T») Broadway.:oroucti of Manha:;itn, In the Cttjf of New York, on ur

before the 26th day of \u25a0 r'Bi^rnext. . ..Dated New York, ttM 14th iay of March. 1000.


Attorney fbr Gxecutrts. •170 Uroadway. Boromrh >f Manhattan. New York City.

Ccgal Notices


NEW rORK, April l«. l«»0.

T.,,. I»IVI11-iNI v, 287. „.HI- regular mouthly divid^ud of TWEXTi-.._mIVKm

IVK (^> CENTS 'EH SHARE ha» b»>en d«clared

*jt aiarr-h. p«yabl« U t»:e trunafvr atrency In \«w york

S^.'lf 55" "J)!t A1"°

*iX.TRA DIVIDEND <N<>. aM) of££er.t>_{jv«. «asj Ceota. paj-abU at tn« same time and

Traaaff-r books cio»e on rhie m»t.LOCMBBE3IT & <Xj. Trannfer Agent*.

DOUGLAS &JONES,Members New York Stock Exchange.




Daily Market Letter on Application.CORRESPONDENCE INVITED.


American Writing Paper Stock.American Book Co. stock,

Cooke Locomotive and riachine Stock,Carpenter Steel Stock,National Wall Paper Stock,Rotary Ring Spinning Stock.


riMPin -'i Vlce-Prea.W. J. B.MILLS, EnXEST EHHMAIS,

Treasorpr. •"•\u25a0T.irj.

PIltK "T"ItSFr<^i»rle P. Olrott Antmtnt D. JntntardJames Htlllman Hi-nry 0. HavemeyerAntbanv N. Brady William A NaahAlwyn Bail, Jr. Jmuet N. Jurvt*

John D. Crtmmtiut Ju.ii.s 11. PoutIIich«!>l Colemaa lr.-Hpr!-k HnutharkEra**t Eftraann HuKh J. Uraut

lifUTf iiui-,'KUtb»u.

Central Realty Bond andTrust Company,


Capital Hint Siirplux, »i..vio.noo.

Allows Interest on deposits subjectto check arid tra Tru*t Com-pany businesH.

I, F. Mead & Co.,BANKERS & BROKERS.44 And 4.1 BROADWAY. A. Y.


g tT- --

n.ijf Boads '-""|i"Mad *o>4 tw <m •» «a \u25a0*•*)*,,

National salt comhaav,'\u25a0Hi Jlrumiway. Jlew V.jrk N. V

mtjr- . 'April I**. W">- ,

Tlll^T111^ BOAED OP DIRECTORS of Nationaltwiv

* !̂t. <:"rntUir-y ha* this day declare! « rer-iUr <JU«"-"\u25a0'» diviaend of one and one-JuUf p*r «jt (IS P*r cenO.

"?' "eruu I'rtdend of one-fcalf (*) P«r c^nt. to the

Ba-ll °J•"' Common Stock of Record July 25th. »•«\u2666.H*A,u<ru« I".DM. Tran*fer Book* of the (Common"x* willrjow: at ;{;{ i» M ju!y 2Sth, and reopen at a••»•. AUBu«t i.,. JUivtdend check* willb« mailed.

&v^- \u25a0\u25a0•-:\u25a0 \u25a0^.\u25a0\u25a0-"--\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0••^/.\u25a0•.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.'.\u25a0.\u25a0^\u25a0'\u25a0:"' -::\u25a0. ..\u25a0;••."•\u25a0 :v \u25a0.:\u25a0\u25a0'

J7»OR SALT.. A fll^ of New-York I»ii;ly Trib-unn from Jul\. 1<>!». tt> 1*77. nearly complete. CEO.

I > r*TERS< N «C3Marltet at. Phtlattelphta. P*.

illiscrllanrons.-VRE TOC I'SIMJ Violette Kxauisla r»rftuae*T TVs

keep rheir unl>tu* p*rhim»» in Extract*, sinj'.* ord>'uhle; Toilet Water. Soaps. Haoriem, etc. Ca» ao otae-s.JAMMED. 4 W-«t 37th-M.. near sth Aye,

QJTATB OP NEW YOHK, < >Tfu>- of th»» Seeiw-•"^tary of Stat*. *s.

THIS CKKTIFIi'ATE.Insued In dupltcato. hereby Mrtt-ft>» that ADAMS .v HOPKINS, a .l«irn«-»ii. »t<x:k cor-pnratli.n. luik Jllwl tn this nitiee on thiM twelfth iy ofApril \u25a0««i papers fir a vnluniarv illanolutlnn or suchcorporation under Section 57 of the rttock Corporation [Jtvr.

and Ihnt it ..... therefrom ilmt auca cfirptirotlon haacompiled with sal«l uectten In hrder tr. be dtßMolvwt.

WITNEBH my hand and the leul of o(!]i*« of the Rerr»-tan" of Htate at the City of Albany.

[Sea! of Secretary Ihl^ *welfth :iv of April, 'nt- thou-of Utate.I sand nine ininJmJ

[loe Bevenua Stamp JOHN T M'DONOIOH.cancelled. J Secretary Ol State.oeu. <;AiuirNE)i rRT,


11- \u25a0 Miraat. N»w York C:u.VCTOCCnEMENT.— Nursa mmm \u25a0• :->>• physicians-V rec«lT»* ladle* to oiwint *n.« nurw. TII3L TTTT!K.\-T

Naai lok*v<L,Jum.iiia, T. I—iT.iini' * *

QUKROGATE'S COURT. COU!fTI OF NEWV"XX the Matter of the ap»)llc-at!.>n for letter*

of admtnUtratton un the gorxK -hatt-m ami •\u25a0r».«.its ofMarxaretha .uli«i Known as Margaretta and Manrar«*t>Sehaefiler. cl»e«aM>d \V>i«T«t». tfca underatKnwl lntvmia t,»

apply for letter* of aatnlntstratifla on th« snoda. chattelsan.l cmllta of the above named deceased, and -mis t,

jrtve h bond In the penalty not to exrceil double tht»amount of the clalma >l tha creditor** of said <l«cr«a«Jcrpnentnl to the Hurro*ote in pursuar. >f tiua notice;N.iw. therefor* n.-tl.e 1» hereby «i»en

'" all .•r"rtlt..r*of aaUt (MMMIH E>rr»«nt thrir .-lairns Co a Surrnaja.l*of Che County of N«-w 'rti ai the S»rr«tf« otflce Inthe Count) Court Hou»« In said County on or b«fora thaBrat day of May. li*».

Crnct Companies.


NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. TUESDAY. APRIL 17. 1900 SBankers aniJ Brokers.



All^«SI?\ated LEGAL depository.\u25a0J",'"v" Intercut on deponita.APt« ua hxecntor, Trustee. KeclMrnr, Ac.

f TT i-.™™ -\u0084 HENRY C. BWOKDS, President.1-- H. Cammann. V.-Pres. H. W. Retghley. Sec.


QTAF.TERI.T STATEMENTS.Quarter «ndln* December 31—Yonkers: I«fl9. land.

..»*V7W $34,144JPT. 11.740 £.434B \u25a0 3 IT4 IUWJ

E^irc? $37.."WU *30<K«I

o£n««* T'-".. 7.47Srcnrit \u25a0•--•• -.. i::.**> 2.110

•i.iuthfrr. Boulevard:*£» \u25a0 ««.»» «*«2

?T;rr«i • ila 8.M9'_• •>•.< 1.533

T«Trt»»B. Whit*Plain* and Mamnront-ck:.. -.:::. . *^J&irZv. 2-SM «\u25a0<»•-

•Pt-t'tjs. trvftot.O-j-.^weadlnir Msrrh 81—Ftaten Iriitnd Mi.Jiand:'

l'.XK* 1S«»•*--\u0084.\u25a0«» . $20,151 $I«.<BSfct ... MM 3.771X.V • »«ra a.™


rB« ... U.W Ni.OHUIIS •\u25a0<>«*

Other Income3

1»« «*lj B.KI 4-s

Ohows City:Earr-in** W-jgJ *«.,lf,.T

LMt 71,.

Deficiency**•M 2.3.-8

g^^^fe^.f^-l $s".:tM |a*.7M. M.IM I] :«»iIncom* l.l» 7.454122 -*• 7.4 M 44,IHKJ