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Jr. KG Sr. KG Grade I Grade II Grade III Grade IV Project Day Edition

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Post on 10-Apr-2022




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Grade VII
History Math
EVS English
Grade X
History Math EVS Geography English Hindi Science
The pandemic pushed the educators as well as the learners to
adapt to the concept of remote learning as well as use of
technology. Shishuvan teachers have made all possible
attempts to make the learning experience fun and engaging.
Events are an integral part of the teaching-learning process in
Shishuvan. A plethora of skills and immense knowledge is
gained by engaging in activities during an event. Outcomes of
these events demonstrate learning and skills imbibed by
students through the process of planning, execution and
presentation. Last year we had a great educational fair and we
were looking forward to having a project day this year. The
pandemic could not dampen the spirits of Shishuvanites who
took up the challenge to do an e-project across all classes from
Std I to X. Not only we could execute the activities related to
the project of UN Sustainable development goals but we also
could connect, communicate and collaborate with many other
school teachers and students!
developing social and communication skills and higher order
thinking. It helps to understand diverse perspectives. Working
in collaboration is the future and ability to have this skill will
determine success in both personal as well as professional life.
The vision ahead is to continue giving exposure to
collaboration within and outside the school and to promote
inquiry based learning. Students must be actively involved in
identifying what to learn and how to learn and need to be
aware of why to learn. I am sure that with support of all
stakeholders, we will be able to adopt and adapt to the new
technologies and ideologies and upgrade the quality of
education offered.
Collaborative session Sekolah
Interactive session Resource person: Puja Mahajan - People from Ethical Treatment
Of Animals(PETA) Topic: Right way to
treat all the animals
Interactive session Resource person: Mr. Hemant Karkhanis (M.Sc. in Entomology and Biotechnology) Topic: Insects and safety measures to be followed at home
Collaborative session
Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Reliance Foundation School (Jamnagar ) Topic: -Listing practices done by people having a negative impact and suggesting solutions to reduce this impact. -Creating posters on Sustainable Cities and Communities -Designing and presenting a Sustainable town - Drawings and Models
Collaborative session Delhi Public School, Maruti Kunj -Poster making on save plant life. -T- shirt painting with a pledge created by them written on it to save plant life . - Journal making- Details about plant, life cycle of a plant, facts on it and documentation of different activities done by other students -Seed germination- Observing the growth of seed and noting down the observation on a chart with pics
Collaborative session UNRWA School, Gaza
Topic: Demonstrated few math games and our students shared
their research about Happy Planet Index.
Interactive session Resource person: -Ms Ekta Mehta ((A horticulturist, landscape designer and Greenhouse technician) shared ways in which we can utilize the spaces available in and outside our house to grow indoor plants and the benefits of having indoor plants
Interactive session Resource person: Ms. Karuna Kaza ( She took a session on few yoga poses for a healthy Respiratory system) Topic: Ways to keep a healthy respiratory system
Interactive session Resource person: Nitya Agarwal, Naman Khilji and Sachin Rane Renewable and Non- renewable Energy resources
Math SDG UN Goal 3 – Good Health and Well- being
Over the last 15 years, the number of mortality rate has been cut in half. This
proves that it is possible to win the fight against almost every disease. Still, we are
spending an astonishing amount of money and resources on treating illnesses that
are surprisingly easy to prevent. The new goal for worldwide Good Health
promotes healthy lifestyles, preventive measures and modern, efficient healthcare
for everyone.
The curious batch of STD V analysed the data and plotted it on graph for visual
representation. They answered the questions based on two goals of the goal 3. The
work done by the students is shown below.
Topic- Data handling
Session 1: Sub Goal - By 2030, reduce the global maternal mortality ratio to
less than 70 per 100,000 live births
1) Plotting the Graph.
2) Answering the Questions.
Plot the same graph shown above in your graph paper. Observe the above graph
carefully and answer the questions given below.
a) How many maternal deaths took place in the age group below 20 years?
b) What is the difference in the maternal death that took place between the age
group of 35-39 and 40?
c) In which age group the maximum maternal deaths took place?
d) Now frame two questions of your own and ask an adult to answer to solve it
for you.
Session 2:
Sub Goal- By 2030, end the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and
neglected tropical diseases and combat hepatitis, water-borne diseases and
other communicable diseases.
Observe the graph carefully and answer the following questions in your notebook.
a) In which cohort did men experience the maximum strokes?
b) In which cohort did women experience the maximum coronary heart
c) What is the incidence rate of men in the 3rd cohort for the stroke?
d) What is the difference in the first and third cohort for men in the coronary
heart disease?
e) What is the total incidence rate of women in all the three cohorts for stroke?
Students are shown a bar graph of the diseases prevalent in US, India and Europe.
They observe the same and answer the questions that follow:
• Which country had the highest rate of heart diseases?
• Which country had the lowest rate of heart diseases?
• What was the % of cancer related diseases in the US?
• Which country was comparatively low on stress?
• Analyse the graph and interpret the most and the least healthy countries.
History SDG UN Goal 11 – Sustainable cities and communities Sustainable Development Goal 11
is focused on cities, as more than
half of the world's population lives
in them. Cities are hubs for ideas,
commerce, culture, science,
productivity, social development
people to advance socially and
economically. However, many
create jobs and prosperity without
straining land and resources. Seeds
of having a comfortable life with
amenities and taking care of
Mother Nature was sown in the hearts and minds of our future nation builders.
Look, Relook and Reflect…..
students of grade V helped each other to create
awareness about the UN goals. They watched
several videos and had lively discussions. This
collective brainstorming helped them realize the
importance of
reflection of their understanding the students
created a mind map on sustainability.
comparative study leading to insightful
discussions and sharing loads of information.
The current topic on Stone Ages helped them
to understand sustainability in the past.
Equipped with information like use of
renewable energy, reducing pollution, using
sustainable materials and the importance of
greenery; the students listed sustainable living
in the past, present and future in tabular form
considering various parameters like food,
clothing, housing and surroundings.
understanding on SDG goals
The students listed down any
five things that have a negative
impact on the environment and
ways in which this impact can
be reduced by everyone.
sustainable city, the students
take up the challenge and to
help build future sustainable
We should use the resources in a way that we keep things for future generations.
Plant more trees
Use renewable energy
Place: Jamnagar, Gujrat.
Topic: Sustainable Cities and communities- An inspiration from the Stone Ages.
Activities Done:
1. Listing practices done by people having a negative impact and suggesting
solutions to reduce this impact.
2. Creating posters on Sustainable Cities and Communities
3. Designing and presenting a Sustainable town - Drawings and Models
English SDG UN Goal 13 – Climate Action
Climate change and Global Warming is the most relevant topic which everyone
should be conscious of. It has a great impact on Mother Earth. Imbalance in the
Environment is due to Global warming. Some of the causes of global
warming are industrialisation, urbanisation, and deforestation. Also, human life
style with increasing use of plastic and non-degradable items have led to the
increased high emission of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, methane,
nitrous oxide, etc. This has also caused various natural calamities like flood,
famine , increase in sea level, glacier melting, unseasonal rains and extreme heat
waves. On an average the earth’s surface temperature has increased the last 20 –
30 years. Hence this is one of the reason the UN has taken Climate and
Environment Change as a sustainable goal.
Here are some insights given by our young turks from Std 5 Neeti. They have
expressed their concern and pain through poems and posters.
Geography SDG UN Goal 13 – Climate Action
Climate change is affecting every country on every continent. It is disrupting
national economies and affecting lives. Weather patterns are changing, sea levels
are rising, and weather events are becoming more extreme.
Although greenhouse gas emissions are projected to drop about 6 per cent in 2020
due to travel bans and economic slowdowns resulting from the COVID-19
pandemic, this improvement is only temporary. Climate change is not on
pause. Once the global economy begins to recover from the pandemic, emissions
are expected to return to higher levels.
Saving lives and livelihoods requires urgent action to address both the pandemic
and the climate emergency.
Students of grade 5th collected articles from newspaper and internet on climate
change all across the world.
Students came up with articles related on the following topic:
1. Wild fire in California
2. Global warming
4. Rise in the level of carbon emission
5. Melting ice in Antarctica and Arctic circle
6. Increase in the temperature over last decade.
Students presented the poster and explained the cause of climate change, the impact
on the environment caused due to climate change and the preventive measures we
as humans could take to preserve and conserve our Earth.
Students presented the data in the form of mind map, flow chart, encouraged using
renewable source of energy over nonrenewable source of energy and some students
also recited poem on energy.
Here is some insight by our grade 5th students. They have explained the content
through posters and poem.
EVS SDG UN Goal 13 – Climate Action
Goal number 13 – Climate action was chosen for the students of grade 5 for EVS.
The students became little environmentalists. They made posters and banners either
on deforestation or on water conservation; showcasing the importance of forests,
water and its conservation. The students gave inspiring speeches and shouted out
Some chose to enact the Chipko movement and some used puppets to highlight the
plight of the depletion of forests. We had a few mono acts throwing light on the
need for conservation and a few mono-acts on the Forest man of India – Jadev
Payeng as well. Overall, an impressive attempt by the students.
Some sharing’s by the students:
I learnt about the difficulties of environmentalists, like the forest man of India –
Jadev Payeng and Rajendra Singh - the water man of India. I got to know about the
hardships that they have to go through in the work they do. –Samruddhi Gada
I got an opportunity to give a speech, call out slogans and see mono-acts. It helped
me to be more open-minded and creative and understand about forest conservation
– Aryan Shah
I learnt new aspects about forest conservation and water harvesting. I realised I
have to save nature and by doing this activity, I felt like an environmentalist. –
Deshna Nagda
I realized how important it is to save forests and save water. If we do not
conserve, many species of trees can go extinct. – Meher Sanghavi
We got an opportunity to speak, we got to see our class mates act and perform
and we had a lot of fun. – Vivaan Visaria
Goal 15 – Life on Land
A flourishing life on land is the foundation for our life on this planet.
We are all part of the planet’s ecosystem and we have caused severe damage to it
through deforestation, loss of natural habitats and land degradation. Promoting a
sustainable use of our ecosystems and preserving biodiversity is not a cause. It is
the key to our own survival.
SDG no. 15, Life on Land aim to conserve and restore the use of terrestrial
ecosystems such as forests, wetlands, dry lands and mountains by 2020. Without
plants, we could not survive. Plants provide humans and animals with air, shelter,
food, and more. We can protect the biodiversity of our planet by taking care of
the plants around us. Plant life constitutes the most important part of our
As per the SGD 11- Sustainable Cities and Communities – As our world’s
population is constantly increasing to accommodate everyone, we need to build
modern, sustainable cities. For all of us to survive and prosper, we need new,
intelligent urban planning that creates safe, affordable and resilient cities with
green and culturally inspiring living conditions.
As a part of SDG, certain activities were conducted to make students aware about
the importance of these goals and how they can help to build a sustainable future.
1- Watching a documentary on the importance of plant life. Biodiversity on our
planet and ways to protect it.
2- A survey form prepared by teachers were sent to students to check their
attitude and knowledge about plant life.
3- Observing the process of seed germination and collecting pictures of the
same (Day wise)
4- Session by a resource person (Ekta Mehta- A greenhouse technician, a
landscape designer and a horticulturist) on ways to keep plants as a part of
our lives. Sustainable ways to grow indoor plants and their benefits.
5- Awareness creating activities to protect plant life on Earth:
• Poster making- Save plant life
• T-shirt painting- Taking a pledge to save plant life
• Compiling a Plant journal- Facts about plant life, life cycle of a plant,
conditions required for a plant to grow.
6- Collaborating with Delhi Public School, Maruti Kunj (Delhi)-
Std 5 students from both the schools were allotted various activities like T-shirt
painting (pledge taking activity), Poster making (creating awareness), Plant
journal (Knowledge about plants), seed germination activity (to observe the
growth of a plant). Students completed their activities and presented the same
during the collaboration session held on 5th Nov, 2020.
7- Creating a website- Creating and maintaining the website by putting up all the
activities done by the students with the help of their teachers.
8- Also students learnt ways to grow plant by using other parts like stem, roots,
buds, etc.
Given below is the image of the website maintained by the students of both the
schools. (Ctrl+Click to follow link for website)
Hindi SDG UN Goal 15 – Life on Land
(life on land) | – | “ ” | | | : - , – | |
Grade VI
Math SDG UN Goal 4 – Quality Education Goal 5 – Gender Equality
Gender Equality is defined as providing equal opportunity to both men and women
in various field like education, health , economic, political and socio cultural
activity. Every person in the society looks forward equl status , opportunity and
rights. However in reality there exists discrimination because of cultural ,
geographical and gender.
The gender aspect of education is a direct link betweent illiteracy and women
security. The education of girls and women can lead to wide range of benefits from
improved health aspects. It is possible to achieve gender equality only with quality
educationAlso expanding education opportunities for all can help stimulate
productivity and there by improve the economic status of poor income groups.
Our junior research team from std. 6th conducted a comparative study on literacy
and gender equality in diferent states of India. They have visually represented the
same through bar graphs.
Literacy rate in Kerala
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as
the Global Goals, were adopted by all United Nations Member
States in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty,
protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and
prosperity by 2030.We at Shishuvan have adopted some of the
goals in our lessons to familiarize our students with them as
well as making them conscious citizens of the world who can
contribute positively towards achievement of these goals.
Standard VI students, for History, had taken up the goal of creating
‘Gender Equality’. They read articles, watched videos, and had intense discussions on
the position of Women in the Vedic Period.
They had been studying the position of women in the Later Vedic Period. They did a
comparative study of the position of women in today’s age with that of the Later Vedic
period with the help of a Venn diagram. They also wrote slogans and made posters to
depict their thoughts on the topic.
Topic- Natural Resources
Renewable and non-renewable.
Non-renewable energy resources are available in limited supplies, usually because
they take a long time to replenish. The advantage of these non-renewable resources
is that power plants that use them are able to produce more power on demand. The
non-renewable energy resources are:
• Natural gas
Renewable resources, on the other hand, replenish themselves. The five major
renewable energy resources are:
• Geothermal, which is naturally occurring heat from the earth.
While renewable energy resources have the advantage of unlimited supply over the
long haul, they are limited in their availability at any given moment.
For example, the sun rises each day, but its ability to generate power is limited
when its cloudy. Another disadvantage is that power plant operators can’t crank up
renewable energy production when people are consuming more power, such as on
a hot day when many people are running air conditioners at the same time.
STD VI did hands on activity whereby they prepared a headgear on any one renewable
or non-renewable energy. They prepared a speech, poem or a jingle to present their
headgear. This activity helped the students to study the minute details of the energy
and also enhanced their creative side of presenting the activity.
STD VI also had an interactive session with the organization Wildnest which looks
after the issues concerning the environment and wildlife. STD VI is currently
studying the topic ‘Natural Resources and its importance.’ The resource people Nitya
Agarwal, Naman Khilji and Sachin Rane threw light on how important it is to
conserve the fast depleting resources which will be beneficial for the future
Feedback from Jenisha Trevedia (STD VI- Dhyaan)
It was an exceptionally wonderful time to have you, Wildnest , share the knowledge
on Resources. Our knowledge got enhanced on types of Resources. We got aware
about the limited resources we have on Earth which has to be used wisely. The
explanation given by the resource people was comprehensive and got into our minds
immediately. We came to know that Solar energy is the best energy to use. The
environment doesn't get affected by installing it. So, thanks alot Wildnest for all the
efforts you have taken for sharing this information to us in this wonderful hour. We
would look forward to have more sessions with you in the future.
Feedback from Manasvi Dhadhawala (STD VI- Karma)
The session was nice, but in the beginning it was about things we had already
discussed in class earlier. Later it was interesting, especially how some renewable
resources too harm the environment. I like how we learnt about how building dams
affects sea life, and windmills can only be built in open spaces and cannot be used in
In keeping with goal number 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production -
Reuse and Recycle of resources like paper, glass, aluminium etc; the students of
grade 6 used the waste resources at home to create something out of it.
They used old newspapers, cds, cardboard boxes, coconut shells, bottle caps,
bottles and other such discarded items to make something of tility to them or
something that could serve as a decorative art piece. The students came up with
creative ideas, implemented it beautifully and had a lot of fun doing it.
Some sharing by students:
I realized how useful even waste items can be, instead of buying so many new
things; we can make some of them ourselves. – Namra
We use and throw a lot of things, this activity made me think about how we can
reuse it. – Mishti
Even out of waste, something useful and beautiful can be created. – Dhanvi
We must reuse and recycle the resources so that they remain for the future
generations. – Jenisha
I realized the value of resources. They are all got from the environment. We must
reduce our dependence on all resources and we must conserve. – Jiyaan
English SDG UN Goal 15 – Life on Land
As part of the English Literature curriculum the students of Grade VI – presented a
project on the topic – WILD CATS.
The Subtopics chosen were:
End deforestation and restore degraded forests
To protect endangered species, Eliminate poaching (Cats in Captivity / Cats and
their coats)
They were asked to relate it to the theme of “Sustainable development”
The theme chosen was Goal -15 of the U.N “LIFE ON LAND”
The students presented a plethora of activities through Power Point Presentation, Role
Play, Slogan writing, creating videos, Writing Poems and articles etc.
A flourishing life on land is the substance for our life on this planet. Ending
deforestation is our best chance to conserve wildlife and defend the rights of forest
communities. On top of that, it’s one of the quickest and most cost-effective ways to
curb global warming. That’s why we are campaigning for a deforestation-free future.
M O R E O V E R , W I L D A N I M A L S A R E poached on a massive scale, with
millions of different species killed worldwide or captured from their native habitats.
Poaching is a growing threat to white Lions, Tigers and several other animals.
So, friends let us join hands together and put a stop to this heinous action . Save the
tigers before they are silenced forever.
Hindi SDG UN Goal 16 – Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
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socially, emotionally, and academically.
wholeheartedly for our students to go far with
a range of enriching experiences.
Forthcoming Newsletter