jsph jodhpur school · portfolio. he is committed to set a roadmap for the implementation of the...

NEWSLETTER December 2017 Issue 14 PUBLIC HEALTH HAPPENINGS Regd. Office : 131, II Polo Ground, Paota Jodhpur - 342006 (Rajasthan) - India Email :- [email protected], 88751-71400 (M) Jodhpur School Jodhpur School Public Health of Research Consultancy Education Research Training Education JSPH *Parts of artwork / news content have been borrowed from internet with due thanks to the owner of the content /photograph/art.

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Page 1: JSPH Jodhpur School · portfolio. He is committed to set a roadmap for the implementation of the “Make in India” programme by building a robust R&D infrastructure and promoting

NEWSLETTER December 2017Issue 14


Regd. Office : 131, II Polo Ground, Paota Jodhpur - 342006 (Rajasthan) - India Email :- [email protected], 88751-71400 (M)

Jodhpur School Jodhpur School Public Healthof

Research ConsultancyEducation Research Training Education


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Page 2: JSPH Jodhpur School · portfolio. He is committed to set a roadmap for the implementation of the “Make in India” programme by building a robust R&D infrastructure and promoting

Dr. Harsh Vardhan, at present Minister of Science & Technology and Earth Sciences, Government of India, was a practicing ENT surgeon before entering public life in 1993. He was elected to the Delhi Assembly that year from Krishna Nagar constituency in east Delhi and went on to retain that seat in all ve elections in 1993, 1998, 2003, 2008 and 2013. In 2014, he contested the Lok Sabha election for the rst time and was elected from Chandni Chowk, Delhi.

Fondly ca l led “Doctor Saab” by supporters and opponents alike, Dr Harsh Vardhan is known for disarming simplicity in his personal life and transparency at the work place. When he was Minister in the Delhi government (1993-98), the people found him remarkably accessible and ofcials respected him for his hands-on style of functioning. Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee once said of Dr Harsh Vardhan: “He joined politics with the l audab le ob j ec t i v e o f u s ing h i s considerable medical knowledge and experience for serving the common man”.

As Health Minister in the Hon’ble PM Narendra Modi government , he initiated many reforms in the public health system of the country. He took over as Minister for Science &Technology and Earth Sciences in November 2014 with the condence of the Prime Minister who earlier held this portfolio. He is committed to set a roadmap for the implementation of the “Make in India” programme by building a robust R&D infrastructure and promoting synergies between industry and scientic research institutions.

Polio Eradication

The journey of Polio eradication started

with the birth of a dream following a

chance meeting with few pediatricians in

December 1993. The pulse polio drop

administration strategy was developed,

adopted and implemented by making it a

massive social movement in Delhi.

Multipronged strategy and tools were

adopted to involve cross sections of the

society including children, women,

sportsmen, religious organizations,

po l i t i c a l l e ade r s e t c . l e ad ing t o

immunization of 12 lakhs children on a

single day in 1994 which went up to 23

lakhs in 1995. Upon success of Delhi

model , pulse pol io immunizat ion

programme was adopted at national level

and later by SAARC countries. India now

is a polio free nation, as certied by WHO

since 2014. (the last case of polio was

reported in India on 13th January 2011 in

West Bengal)

Public Health Challenges

Major challenges of public health experts

in my opinion should be-

- Control of non-communicable diseases

–Cancer, cardio vascular diseases,

diabetes, blood pressure, mental health etc

- Management of maternal and child health

- Management of TB should be given top


Challenges and efforts made to improve

environmental & occupational health

The challenges of occupational and

environmental health have increased

manifolds on account of increase in

pollution, rapid urbanization, lack of civic

amenities, exposure to hazardous work

places, poor quality of sanitation and

hygiene and most importantly lack of

awareness and proper knowledge.

Although lot of efforts are being made, for

example use of incinerator in hospital for

disposal of bio-medical waste, waste to

energy technology, imparting of proper

knowledge especially to those engaged in

potential hazardous occupations needs

more attention. The protection from

occupational and environmental hazards

needs to be made a public and social

movement in terms of public awareness

involving anticipation, prevention,

protection, promotion and rehabilitation as

majority of present society is exposed to

environmental and occupational hazard in

one form or other.

Role of modern technology in public

health in terms of opportunities and


The modern technology has

unveiled several new products like

efcient diagnost ic ki t , fas t data

processing and analysis tools, quick

transmission of information, coordination

with large number of trained health

workers like ASHA and effective use of

communication technologies like mobile

telephony, social networking sites etc.

The major challenge is effective use

oftechnology to maximize the outreach of

information. One of the major challenge is

acceptance of problem by socially

vulnerable groups like those exposed to

potential infections, nutrition deciency,

hazardous chemical emission etc. I a m

sure that public health experts must be

using the above tools along with

conventional tools to overcome these


Attributes of Public Health Professional

The public health professional should be

able to create teams according to specic

requirement of problem of particular

locality. They should not only be able to

identify the potential hazards, but also the

suitably trained persons to be able to

discharge their assigned roles. The effort

should beto sensitise the people towards

problem and motivating them to adopt

suggested remedial measures.

Message for JSPH

I would like Jodhpur School of Public

Health to use the opportunity to create a

pool of highly skilled and trained

manpower who should be motivated

enough to effectively communicate in the

society. Such manpower should be skilled

enough to adoptto the circumstances and

requirement of different social groups.

Each of such trained workers should be

able to create a team of volunteers around

them who are able to penetrate in society

with useful information and should be able

to break the social inhibitions involving

unhealthy social practices hurting their

sentiments and religious beliefs.

Dr. Harsh Vardhan


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Page 3: JSPH Jodhpur School · portfolio. He is committed to set a roadmap for the implementation of the “Make in India” programme by building a robust R&D infrastructure and promoting

14 November 2017 - Jodhpur Since last 2 years Jodhpur School of Public Health (JSPH) h a s ta ke n t h i s i n i � a� ve i n c o l l a b o r a � o n w i t h Meharangarh Museum Trust to commemorated the World Diabetes at the Mehrangarh Fort.Since 2007, iconic buildings and sites all over the world have been ligh�ng up in blue - the colour of the blue circle for diabetes - to mark World Diabetes Day on November 14 and raise awareness about diabetes. The ligh�ng of Mehrangarh Fort reflected

India’s par�cipa�on in the Blue Monument Ligh�ng Ac�vity, a call to illuminate iconic landmarks, monuments and buildings all over the world in the official blue colour on the eve of World Diabetes Day, thus suppor�ng the global campaign of diabetes awareness. The blue circle logo symbolizes ''the circle of life and health reflec�ng the sky that unites all na�ons'' as part of the campaign by the Interna�onal Diabetes Founda�on.

Mehrangarh Fort illuminates with Blue Lights

JSPH & Mehrangarh FORT Commemorates the World Diabetes Day

14 November 2017 (Jodhpur) - Ac�vi�es included presenta�ons by clinicians and nutri�onists towards increasing

awareness of diabetes preven�on and management. A health camp for the staff of the Mehrangarh Fort was held that

included dental check up , diabetes screening, nutri�onal counselling and emphasis on adop�ng healthy lifestyles.

Health Camp at Mehrangarh Fort by JSPH


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Page 4: JSPH Jodhpur School · portfolio. He is committed to set a roadmap for the implementation of the “Make in India” programme by building a robust R&D infrastructure and promoting


Health Camp at Mehrangarh Fort by JSPH


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14 November 2017

Page 5: JSPH Jodhpur School · portfolio. He is committed to set a roadmap for the implementation of the “Make in India” programme by building a robust R&D infrastructure and promoting






For details & registrations contact Dr. Abhishek Lohra on 9828579274

in Colaboration with

Jodhpur School Jodhpur School Public Healthof

Research ConsultancyEducation Research Training Education

JSPHFirst Time in Jodhpur

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Page 6: JSPH Jodhpur School · portfolio. He is committed to set a roadmap for the implementation of the “Make in India” programme by building a robust R&D infrastructure and promoting

A Health Educa�on Programe was organized at JSPH to Commemorate United Na�on Day and World Polio Day on 24th October. Special session was conducted on ini�a�ves of WHO and Govt. of India by Dr. Kri� Patel ( WHO representa�ve at Jodhpur ) for Polio Eradica�on and strengthening of rou�ne immunisa�on through intensified mission Indradhanush. B.Sc. Public Health students delivered a comprehensive presenta�on on Preven�on of Vector borne diseases and Swine flu preven�on.

JSPH to Commemorated United Na�on Day and World Polio Day

Dr. Praveen Suthar (MPH Student at JSPH ) Won the award for Audience Quiz on Infec�ous Diseases at 12th annual conference of ISMOCD & IAE 2017 at Armed forces Medical College, Pune in the presence of Director of NCDC Dr. Dhariwal.


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Page 7: JSPH Jodhpur School · portfolio. He is committed to set a roadmap for the implementation of the “Make in India” programme by building a robust R&D infrastructure and promoting

Team JSPH feels pride to offer their services in a special health camp organised on birthday of Li�le Prince Bhanwarlal Siraj Deo .

T h i s M e d i c a l C a m p w a s organised for assoc iates ’ families at Umaid Bhawan Palace. Services offered by JSPH

included dental check up , diabetes screening, nutri�onal counselling and emphasis on adop�ng healthy lifestyles.


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JSPH @ Health Check Up - Umaid Bhawan Palace

Page 8: JSPH Jodhpur School · portfolio. He is committed to set a roadmap for the implementation of the “Make in India” programme by building a robust R&D infrastructure and promoting

A School Dental Health Program was

organised by JSPH and Raj Dadiji

Hospital at Saint Patricks Senior

Secondary School, Jodhpur. Total

1000 girls benefi�ed from oral

h e a l t h c h e c k u p a l o n g w i t h

i n f o r m a � o n a n d e d u c a � o n

regarding latest treatment available

for oral health problems. Principal

Sister Gail appreciated the joint

efforts of JSPH and RajDaiji Hospital.Dr.Abhishek Lohra with his team of 8 den�sts fol lowed an effec�ve

procedure. The team informed students about s�gmas related with daily dental health and helped them understand oral health be�er.

The check up process included a small general check up for making an es�ma�on of the candidate's oral health condi�on.

Dr. La�ka Nath sinha (HOD-JSPH) said, “We provide a comprehensive oral health service to a child and his parents. We want to educate students about oral health problems

and will con�nue these kind of camps in order to aware the community for oral health issues and challenges.”

JSPH contributes in spreading the a w a r e n e s s , p r e v e n � o n a n d screening the rapidly spreading disease of Oral cancer.

Dr. Abhishek Lohra concluded by stressing that they are working for a cause and intend to keep visi�ng schools consecu�vely.


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1000 Girls Benefited by Oral Health Check Up