judge georgelis s-158-06 transcript oct 22 2007 important

1 1 IN JUDGE GEORGELIS OF COMMON PLEAS LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 2 CRIMINAL 3 4 _______________________________ : 5 COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA : : 6 VS. : NO. 36 SA-0000158-07 : 7 STANLEY J. CATERBONE : _______________________________: 8 9 10 SUMMARY APPEAL HEARING 11 12 Before: HONORABLE MICHAEL A. GEORGELIS, S.J. 13 Date : October 22, 2007 14 Place : Courtroom No. 4 Lancaster County Courthouse 15 50 North Duke Street Lancaster, Pennsylvania 16 17 18 APPEARANCES: 19 ANTHONY J. GONZALEZ, ESQUIRE Assistant District Attorney 20 For - Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 21 STANELY J. CATERBONE, Pro Se 22 23 24 25 ORDERED: 10-22-07 LODGED:_________ FILED:________ 2 1 EXAMINATION INDEX 2 OFF. THOMAS GJURICH

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Judge Georgelis S-158-06 Transcript Oct 22 2007 Important


  • 1



    4 _______________________________ : 5 COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA :

    : 6 VS. : NO. 36 SA-0000158-07 : 7 STANLEY J. CATERBONE :

    _______________________________: 8 9


    12 Before: HONORABLE MICHAEL A. GEORGELIS, S.J. 13 Date : October 22, 2007

    14 Place : Courtroom No. 4 Lancaster County Courthouse15 50 North Duke Street

    Lancaster, Pennsylvania16 17


    Assistant District Attorney20 For - Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 21


    24 25 ORDERED: 10-22-07 LODGED:_________ FILED:________




  • 3 DIRECT BY MR. GONZALEZ . . . . . . . . 3 CROSS BY MR. CATERBONE . . . . . . . . 5 4 REDIRECT BY MR. GONZALEZ . . . . . . . 16

    5 STANLEY CATERBONE BY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 6





















    1 P R O C E E D I N G S 9:25 a.m.

    2 3 MR. GONZALEZ: Your Honor, docket number 158 of

    4 2007.

    5 Commonwealth calls Officer Gjurich to the stand.

  • 6 OFF. THOMAS GJURICH, called as a witness, having been duly sworn or affirmed, 7 was examined and testified as follows:


    10 Q. Good morning.

    11 A. Good morning.

    12 Q. Please tell us your name and spell your last name

    13 for JUDGE GEORGELIS reporter.

    14 A. My name is Officer Thomas Gjurich, G-J-U-R-I-C-H.

    15 Q. Officer Gjurich, how are you currently employed?

    16 A. I'm a police officer with the City of Lancaster.

    17 Q. Were you so employed and on duty August 4th of

    18 2006 around 3:00 in the afternoon?

    19 A. Yes, sir, I was.

    20 Q. What were your duties that day?

    21 A. That day I was attending a summary parking ticket

    22 hearing at Judge Simms' office at 301 North Queen Street.

    23 Q. Is that within your area of primary jurisdiction?

    24 A. It is.

    25 Q. And could you tell us what, if anything, out of


    1 the ordinary occurred during those hearings?

    2 A. Generally with the parking ticket hearings, I

    3 generally deal with the defendant and make an effort to

    4 remedy the situation, so to speak, prior to having a

    5 hearing.

    6 The Judge is also in the courtroom at that time.

    7 The defendant, Mr. Caterbone, sitting there at the defense

    8 table in the suit --

  • 9 MR. GONZALEZ: Your Honor, if the record could

    10 reflect he has identified the defendant?

    11 JUDGE GEORGELIS: It may.

    12 THE WITNESS (GJURICH): He had a summary appeals -- or

    13 summary hearing for parking ticket violations.

    14 Prior to even the hearing getting started,

    15 Mr. Caterbone was argumentative with the Judge to the

    16 point that Judge Simms requested that Mr. Caterbone be

    17 taken into custody and removed from JUDGE GEORGELISroom.


    19 Q. When you say argumentative, how was the defendant

    20 acting?

    21 A. Judge Simms began to explain to Mr. Caterbone

    22 about the hearing process and Mr. Caterbone began to argue

    23 points of law with the judge. And according to

    24 Mr. Caterbone it was over pretty much the Rules of

    25 Criminal Procedure, if I remember the argument correctly.


    1 Mr. Caterbone became very argumentative and loud,

    2 debating the Rules of Criminal Procedure with Judge

    3 Simms. At one point he did, in fact, tell the Judge he

    4 was stupid.

    5 Q. Now, when you say he became loud, argumentative,

    6 was he yelling, was this --

    7 A. Yes, sir. He was becoming very loud,

    8 argumentative.

    9 Q. Did this cause a response -- were there other

    10 people in JUDGE GEORGELISroom at this time?

    11 A. There were other people in JUDGE GEORGELISroom. There

  • 12 were other people outside of JUDGE GEORGELISroom who could hear

    13 the disturbance as well.

    14 Q. And as a result of this, did you file a charge

    15 against the defendant?

    16 A. I did. I filed a charge of misdemeanor of the

    17 third degree, disorderly conduct, a summons to be sent to

    18 Mr. Caterbone.

    19 Q. At some point that was reduced to a summary?

    20 A. To my knowledge, yes, sir, it was.

    21 MR. GONZALEZ: No other questions, Your Honor.

    22 JUDGE GEORGELIS: All right. You may cross examine.



    25 Q. Mr. Gjurich, would you please provide the docket


    1 number for the parking ticket charge that you say there

    2 was a hearing for that day?

    3 A. I don't have that information here with me,

    4 Mr. Caterbone.

    5 Q. It is not true, there was no parking ticket

    6 hearing that day.

    7 A. That's because you interrupted the Judge prior to

    8 the hearing starting, Mr. Caterbone.

    9 Q. Excuse me. Was there a hearing scheduled for

    10 parking tickets on the day of the incident?

    11 A. Yes, sir.

    12 Q. Would you please provide the docket number and

    13 proof?

    14 A. I don't have that information with me today,

  • 15 Mr. Caterbone.

    16 Q. Isn't it true there was another officer in that

    17 court with you?

    18 A. Yes, sir.

    19 Q. And what was his name?

    20 A. That would have been Officer Hershiser.

    21 Q. What was he there for?

    22 A. That -- I have no idea. He had a separate case.

    23 Q. Isn't it true you weren't even on the docket?

    24 A. No, sir, I was.

    25 Q. Would you please provide proof to JUDGE GEORGELIS?


    1 MR. GONZALEZ: Your Honor, that's been asked

    2 multiple times. And, frankly, it's irrelevant that there

    3 was proof --

    4 JUDGE GEORGELIS: Wait a minute. You're asking if he

    5 was there?

    6 MR. CATERBONE: No, Your Honor. I was not

    7 scheduled for --

    8 JUDGE GEORGELIS: Stand when you're addressing the

    9 Court, please.

    10 MR. CATERBONE: Your Honor, I was scheduled for a

    11 hearing --

    12 JUDGE GEORGELIS: Don't testify. You'll be able to do

    13 that on your own.

    14 What was the question you just asked him?

    15 MR. CATERBONE: There was no hearing that day

    16 scheduled for parking ticket violations.

    17 JUDGE GEORGELIS: Well, he has just said that there

  • 18 was. So you may not -- that may not be the answer you

    19 want, but that's his testimony under oath.

    20 If you want to provide evidence to rebut that,

    21 JUDGE GEORGELIS will have to consider it. But this officer has

    22 said there was, you disagree. JUDGE GEORGELIS will have to

    23 decide who's credible.

    24 So ask the next question.



    1 Q. What was the other officer's name? I'm sorry.

    2 A. Officer Hershiser.

    3 Q. Was Officer Hershiser your witness?

    4 A. He was listed as a witness, yes, sir.

    5 Q. For a parking ticket violation?

    6 A. No, sir.

    7 Q. What was he a witness for?

    8 A. Are we back to the parking ticket?

    9 Q. I'm trying to ascertain what that other officer

    10 was doing in that courtroom.

    11 MR. GONZALEZ: Your Honor --

    12 JUDGE GEORGELIS: Hold on a second. He's already

    13 answered that. He's told you that he doesn't know why

    14 Officer Hershiser was there. So ask another question.


    16 Q. Isn't it true that Officer Hershiser was there

    17 because he was scheduled for that hearing?

    18 MR. GONZALEZ: Objection, Your Honor. Again,

    19 we're going over the same thing that has been asked and

    20 answered.

  • 21 JUDGE GEORGELIS: Sit down. Go ahead and answer the

    22 question one more time, Officer.

    23 THE WITNESS (GJURICH): I have no idea why Officer

    24 Hershiser was there. His case was separate from mine.



    1 Q. Isn't it true that I had made phone calls to you

    2 prior to that hearing regarding parking ticket violations?

    3 A. You may have, sir.

    4 Q. Didn't you testify on that day in front of Simms

    5 before we started the hearing that I called you?

    6 A. Okay. I don't have any recollection of that,

    7 Mr. Caterbone.

    8 Q. Is it true that we had a conference in District

    9 Justice Simms' office, in his conference room, prior to

    10 entering that courtroom?

    11 A. Yes, sir, we did.

    12 Q. Would you please go over that conference? Would

    13 you please describe what we talked about?

    14 A. Okay. Basically what had happened, sir, you had

    15 outstanding parking tickets. What I suggested to you in a

    16 way to solve the situation, or prior to having a hearing

    17 is, I would be willing to knock them down to the original

    18 cost in exchange for withdrawing the prosecutions from the

    19 Judge's office.

    20 At that point he related, no, he would rather

    21 have the hearing before the Judge, which is what we

    22 proceeded to attempt to do.

    23 Q. Are you telling the truth?

  • 24 A. Yes, sir. And I take that as a personal insult

    25 for you to question my integrity at this point, sir.


    1 Q. Isn't it true that the conversation that I had

    2 with Detective Simms -- with District Justice Simms had to

    3 do with whether I was in Chapter 11 bankruptcy or not?

    4 Had nothing to do with criminal procedure.

    5 A. I can't -- I have no recollection as to --

    6 Mr. Caterbone, you were all over the board when you were

    7 arguing with Mr. -- or Judge Simms.

    8 Q. Would you please describe some of the arguments?

    9 A. You brought up a point of criminal procedure,

    10 sir.

    11 Q. Regarding what?

    12 A. As one of the things -- I can't remember what you

    13 were arguing about at that point.

    14 Q. So you don't remember anything regarding the

    15 argument?

    16 A. Other than the fact of being loud, argumentative

    17 and not letting the Judge proceed within his own

    18 courtroom, sir, no.

    19 Q. Were you under oath?

    20 A. I'm sorry?

    21 Q. Were you sworn in?

    22 A. At which point?

    23 JUDGE GEORGELIS: Are you asking him here or there?


    25 Q. At the District Justice level.


  • 1 A. No, sir.

    2 Q. Did the hearing start?

    3 A. We didn't have a chance to get started, sir,

    4 before you started to argue with the Judge.

    5 Q. Are you a member of the Fraternal Order of

    6 Police?

    7 MR. GONZALEZ: Objection, Your Honor. What

    8 relevance --

    9 JUDGE GEORGELIS: I'm going to permit it. The

    10 objection is overruled.

    11 THE WITNESS (GJURICH): Yes, I am.


    13 Q. Is Chief Fiorill president of the Red Rose

    14 chapter?

    15 A. Yes, he is.

    16 Q. Have you ever had discussions with Chief Fiorill

    17 regarding myself, my situation, my lawsuits, my

    18 litigation?

    19 A. No, sir, I have not.

    20 Q. Do you know when the last time you spoke to Chief

    21 Fiorill is?

    22 A. I haven't seen Chief Fiorill in months, if not

    23 close to a year.

    24 Q. Could you please tell JUDGE GEORGELIS how many parking

    25 ticket violations you've dismissed --


    1 JUDGE GEORGELIS: Wait a minute. Yes, what?

    2 MR. GONZALEZ: It's irrelevant, Your Honor.

    3 JUDGE GEORGELIS: How is this relevant, Mr. Caterbone?

  • 4 MR. CATERBONE: Because --

    5 JUDGE GEORGELIS: You should stand when addressing the

    6 Court.

    7 MR. CATERBONE: I'm sorry. There was no hearing

    8 for parking tickets that day.

    9 JUDGE GEORGELIS: He -- Mr. Caterbone, he is testifying

    10 there was.

    11 Now, if you disagree with that, obviously you can

    12 testify or you can call witnesses to rebut it.

    13 JUDGE GEORGELIS will deal and decide which is credible

    14 testimony. But he's already answered that.

    15 MR. CATERBONE: I can't ask him how many parking

    16 ticket violations he's dismissed?

    17 JUDGE GEORGELIS: How is that relevant to this case?

    18 MR. CATERBONE: Because I'm trying to -- I'm

    19 trying to provide proof that there was no hearing

    20 scheduled for any parking --

    21 JUDGE GEORGELIS: How does that tend to prove that

    22 there was no hearing? You're talking about parking

    23 tickets against you that were dismissed or against

    24 everybody?

    25 MR. CATERBONE: No, myself.


    1 JUDGE GEORGELIS: You're asking how many tickets were

    2 dismissed against you when?

    3 MR. CATERBONE: He's dismissed --

    4 JUDGE GEORGELIS: I'm asking you what you're asking.

    5 MR. CATERBONE: They were dismissed this past

    6 spring.

  • 7 JUDGE GEORGELIS: How is that relevant to this case?

    8 MR. CATERBONE: Because I'm trying to provide

    9 proof that there was no hearing scheduled that day.

    10 JUDGE GEORGELIS: And how does that question or its

    11 potential answer tend to prove that there was no hearing?

    12 MR. CATERBONE: I guess JUDGE GEORGELIS is putting me

    13 in a position of proving a negative.

    14 JUDGE GEORGELIS: No. No, I'm not putting you in any

    15 position, Mr. Caterbone. The test for relevance is tends

    16 to prove something.

    17 Let's say, for example, he dismissed a hundred

    18 parking tickets against you in the spring, as you're

    19 saying he may have.

    20 How is that relevant to whether or not there was

    21 a hearing that day for tickets?

    22 MR. CATERBONE: Because I'm trying to determine

    23 what docket number --

    24 JUDGE GEORGELIS: He's told you he doesn't know the

    25 docket numbers.


    1 MR. CATERBONE: Okay. Thank you.

    2 JUDGE GEORGELIS: So the objection is sustained.

    3 Ask another question.


    5 Q. Is it common for another police officer to be

    6 present at the prosecution table that has nothing to do

    7 with the case?

    8 A. I'm not sure --

    9 Q. You testified that Officer Hershberger [sic]?

  • 10 A. Hershiser.

    11 Q. Hershiser was at the prosecution table with you?

    12 A. That's true.

    13 Q. And you don't know why he was there?

    14 A. I would imagine he also had a separate case with

    15 you, Mr. Caterbone. At times a lot of the District

    16 Justices, in an effort to save time, will piggyback, if

    17 you will, my hearings along with the regular officer.

    18 JUDGE GEORGELIS: Mr. Caterbone, you asked him a

    19 question, let him finish the answer.

    20 Go ahead, Officer.

    21 THE WITNESS (GJURICH): As far as I know, Officer Hershiser

    22 may have had a hearing with you. I don't know. A lot of

    23 the times some of the judges' offices schedule regular

    24 hearings, along with my parking hearings. I have to

    25 testify to my part of it when it comes to the parking


    1 violations.

    2 I don't know why Officer Hershiser was there. He

    3 may have been dealing with you, but I don't know that.

    4 Q. Isn't it courtroom procedure to sit in the back

    5 like this officer is to await his hearing?

    6 A. Entirely possible. I don't know what you're

    7 getting at with JUDGE GEORGELISroom procedure, sir. He can sit

    8 at the prosecution table as long as he has a hearing to

    9 testify to at the District Justice level. He would not

    10 have had any relevance on my hearing.

    11 Q. Then why was he at the prosecution table if he's

    12 not prosecuting the case and he's not a witness?

  • 13 MR. GONZALEZ: Objection, Your Honor. I think he

    14 answered that about three times now.

    15 JUDGE GEORGELIS: Sustained.

    16 MR. CATERBONE: I ask JUDGE GEORGELIS to bear with me.

    17 I'm reviewing notes, Your Honor.

    18 JUDGE GEORGELIS: Of course.


    20 Q. Isn't it true that Officer Hershiser and District

    21 Justice Simms testified at the lower court level?

    22 A. I don't believe Officer Hershiser did. I believe

    23 Judge Simms did.

    24 Q. What other officer testified?

    25 A. Myself.


    1 Q. And no one else?

    2 A. No, sir.

    3 Q. Isn't it true that you were a defendant on a

    4 federal lawsuit of mine?

    5 MR. GONZALEZ: Objection, Your Honor. The

    6 relevance?

    7 JUDGE GEORGELIS: He's, I think, trying to establish

    8 credibility, so I'm going to permit it.

    9 The objection is overruled.

    10 THE WITNESS (GJURICH): Yes, I was.


    12 Q. And we had discussions about that?

    13 A. Yes, we did.

    14 Q. And I removed you from the defendants' list?

    15 A. Yes, you did.

  • 16 Q. Were you ever served that complaint?

    17 A. I believe I was, yes, sir.

    18 MR. CATERBONE: No further questions, Your Honor.

    19 JUDGE GEORGELIS: All right. Redirect?

    20 MR. GONZALEZ: Just one, Your Honor. Thank you.


    23 Q. Officer, the fact that you were named in a suit

    24 by Mr. Caterbone, did that affect your decision on this

    25 date and time about whether or not to charge him?


    1 A. No, sir, it did not.

    2 MR. GONZALEZ: Thank you. No other questions.

    3 JUDGE GEORGELIS: All right. Recross?

    4 MR. CATERBONE: No questions, Your Honor.

    5 JUDGE GEORGELIS: All right. Officer, you may step

    6 down.

    7 (Witness excused.)

    8 MR. GONZALEZ: No further testimony from the

    9 Commonwealth, Your Honor.

    10 The Commonwealth rests.

    11 JUDGE GEORGELIS: All right. Mr. Caterbone?

    12 MR. CATERBONE: Your Honor, I have a question.


    14 MR. CATERBONE: Isn't JUDGE GEORGELIS supposed to

    15 provide WiFi internet access?

    16 JUDGE GEORGELIS: Not that I'm aware of. For what

    17 purpose?

    18 MR. CATERBONE: Well, I wanted to get the docket

  • 19 to prove that there was no hearing for parking tickets

    20 that day.


    22 responsibility, Mr. Caterbone. If you want to present

    23 that as evidence, it's your responsibility to bring your

    24 evidence to court.

    25 JUDGE GEORGELIS doesn't have -- JUDGE GEORGELIS's impartial.


    1 I can't provide you with evidence and not provide the

    2 Commonwealth.

    3 MR. CATERBONE: No, I thought it was court

    4 procedure. In every other case that I've had when I was

    5 pro se, I've had internet access, so I could access court

    6 records during the trial.

    7 JUDGE GEORGELIS: Well, you have your computer with

    8 you.

    9 MR. CATERBONE: It's turned off. The WiFi is

    10 turned off in this courtroom. I just want that on the

    11 record.

    12 JUDGE GEORGELIS: Very well. You may testify, if you

    13 wish to.

    14 STANLEY CATERBONE, called as a witness, having been previously 15 duly sworn or affirmed, was questioned

    and testified as follows:16 17 JUDGE GEORGELIS: Mr. Caterbone, you remain under oath

    18 from the one that was administered in the previous case.

    19 THE WITNESS (MR. CATERBONE): Thank you, Your Honor. I do.

    20 JUDGE GEORGELIS: All right. You may present your

    21 testimony in narrative-style.

  • 22 THE WITNESS (MR. CATERBONE): Just bear with me one moment, Your

    23 Honor.

    24 JUDGE GEORGELIS: Of course.



    1 THE WITNESS(MR. CATERBONE): Your Honor, on the day in question,

    2 I had a hearing scheduled for a rubbish -- a scatter

    3 rubbish upon land and stream citation issued by the

    4 Officer -- I believe it was Hershiser. I'm not sure. It

    5 wasn't Officer Gjurich.

    6 When I arrived at the district magistrate's

    7 office, Officer Gjurich wanted to have a conference with

    8 me in the conference room about my outstanding parking

    9 tickets and I told him that I tried to call him on two or

    10 three occasions and left messages.

    11 I had seen in the newspaper that anyone that had

    12 outstanding parking tickets were supposed to call a phone

    13 number. I guess the city police department was trying to

    14 serve warrants on people or get people to pay up on their

    15 parking tickets.

    16 So I made -- I left two or three messages on the

    17 voice mail of the phone number that was listed in the

    18 newspaper and Officer Gjurich said he got my messages.

    19 At that time I had no money. I was in Chapter

    20 11. I was indigent. I had been granted informa pauperis

    21 by this Court, Superior Court, Supreme Court of

    22 Pennsylvania, the U.S. District courts and several courts

    23 and I explained to him that I had no money available. I

    24 only had, I think, 30 or $40 in my pocket, which was for

  • 25 food. And I said, we can discuss this matter at a later


    1 time. I had a hearing to prepare for. And we ended the

    2 discussion in the conference room.

    3 The constable -- I went and sat down. Then the

    4 constable called me in. He said the hearing was about to

    5 start.

    6 So I went into the hearing room and District

    7 Magistrate Simms was at his desk -- or his bench and at

    8 the prosecution table was Officer Gjurich and Officer

    9 Hershiser, if that was his name. I can't identify him who

    10 it was.

    11 I was explaining to District Magistrate Simms

    12 that I was in U.S. District -- U.S. Bankruptcy Court for

    13 the Eastern District of Pennsylvania and I provided him

    14 with my case number.

    15 District Magistrate Simms wanted me to prove --

    16 wanted me to provide a certificate of bankruptcy and I

    17 kept telling District Magistrate Simms that there was no

    18 certificate of bankruptcy. And he kept telling me there

    19 was and I kept telling him, I've been pro se in bankruptcy

    20 for a year and a half and there's no such thing as a

    21 certificate of bankruptcy.

    22 I said, I can provide you with case files, with

    23 orders from the bankruptcy court regarding my Chapter 11

    24 bankruptcy. And I stood up and I said, I'll go out and

    25 get them.


  • 1 Officer Simms [sic] looked at me and he looked at

    2 Officer Gjurich and he said, isn't he -- how did he say

    3 it -- isn't he out of order. It had nothing to do with

    4 criminal procedure.

    5 I was not loud. I was not, so to speak, all over

    6 the board as Officer Gjurich testified.

    7 District Magistrate Simms disputed a federal

    8 bankruptcy rule, which he had no knowledge of, and I stood

    9 up and asked him if I could go out to my vehicle and

    10 provide him with the documentation that I had regarding my

    11 Chapter 11 bankruptcy, which he disputed.

    12 He did not believe that I was in Chapter 11

    13 bankruptcy. He looked at Officer Gjurich and he said, I

    14 think he is out of order, isn't he. And Officer Gjurich

    15 said, yes, I think he is, and he cited me with disorderly

    16 conduct and he took me to Lancaster City Police station,

    17 had me in a holding cell for three or four hours and

    18 released me.

    19 I didn't know what they were taking me in for or

    20 anything.

    21 Two or three weeks later I get a disorderly

    22 conduct citation.

    23 Again, on that day, there was no hearing

    24 scheduled for any parking ticket violations. Officer

    25 Gjurich took it upon himself to come to see me about


    1 previous parking ticket violations.

    2 The hearing that was scheduled for that day

    3 before Detective Simms [sic] was on a rubbish charge and I

  • 4 have it here, Section -- Title 18, Section 6501,

    5 subsection A (1), scatter rubbish upon land, stream, et

    6 cetera. And it was dismissed on January 23rd.

    7 Again, there was no hearing scheduled for a

    8 parking violation.

    9 And that is my testimony.

    10 JUDGE GEORGELIS: All right. You may cross examine.

    11 MR. GONZALEZ: No, thank you, Your Honor.

    12 JUDGE GEORGELIS: All right, Mr. Caterbone, you may

    13 step down.

    14 (Witness excused.)

    15 JUDGE GEORGELIS: Anything further you wish to present?

    16 MR. CATERBONE: I present the entire criminal

    17 court docket of my case that proves that there was no

    18 parking ticket violation hearing scheduled on that date,

    19 but I can't access it here.

    20 JUDGE GEORGELIS: Mr. Caterbone, whether or not you

    21 were there for a rubbish violation or the parking tickets

    22 is really irrelevant.

    23 You aren't being cited for parking or the

    24 rubbish. You're here today because you have been cited

    25 for disorderly conduct.


    1 So The Court understands what you're saying and

    2 I've heard the officer's testimony, but The Court doesn't

    3 consider whatever it was you were there for important in

    4 its decision.

    5 You've been cited for the conduct after you and

    6 the magisterial district judge began to discuss.

  • 7 I find the officer's testimony to be credible and

    8 I find you guilty. And I will impose a $100 fine and

    9 costs and I will tell you for this case, as I did for the

    10 other, that appeals for this decision must be to the

    11 Superior Court. They must be in writing and they must be

    12 within 30 days of today. They can be filed in the Clerk

    13 of Court's Office.

    14 MR. CATERBONE: Your Honor, may I speak?

    15 JUDGE GEORGELIS: Of course.

    16 MR. CATERBONE: The lower court had granted me

    17 time served with no fines and costs for this charge.

    18 JUDGE GEORGELIS: Well, this is a de novo hearing and

    19 whatever the lower court did is not before this Court.

    20 This Court is free to impose any sentence.

    21 This is a summary offense for which the penalty

    22 is up to $300 and up to 90 days in prison. I am not

    23 imposing a prison sentence, but I am imposing a $100 fine

    24 and costs.

    25 MR. CATERBONE: I understand. The only reason I


    1 question that is because on the previous sentence, you had

    2 referred to the lower court --

    3 JUDGE GEORGELIS: I reinstated, in essence, the lower

    4 court's sentence there, but in this case JUDGE GEORGELIS is

    5 imposing a $100 fine and costs.

    6 This hearing is concluded.

    7 MR. CATERBONE: I understand. Thank you, Your

    8 Honor.

    9 (The proceedings concluded at 9:40 a.m.)

  • 10




















    4 I HEREBY CERTIFY that I was present upon the

    5 hearing of the above-entitled matter and there reported

    6 stenographically the proceedings had and the testimony

    7 produced; and I further certify that the foregoing is a

    8 true and correct transcript of my said stenographic notes.

    9 In testimony whereof, I have hereunto subscribed

    10 my hand this 29th day of October 2007.



  • 13 _______________________ JOYCE A. WISE, RMR14 Official Court Reporter

    15 16 AND NOW, _________________,____________, this

    17 transcript is approved and ordered to be filed. 18

    19 _______________________ MICHAEL A. GEORGELIS, S.J.20




